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Wearable Potentiometric Ion Patch for On-Body Electrolyte Monitoring in Sweat: Toward a Validation Strategy to Ensure Physiological Relevance
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Wearable Potentiometric Ion Patch for On-Body Electrolyte Monitoring in Sweat: Toward a Validation Strategy to Ensure Physiological Relevance
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  • Marc Parrilla
    Marc Parrilla
    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
  • Inmaculada Ortiz-Gómez
    Inmaculada Ortiz-Gómez
    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Campus Fuentenueva, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
  • Rocío Cánovas
    Rocío Cánovas
    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
  • Alfonso Salinas-Castillo
    Alfonso Salinas-Castillo
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Campus Fuentenueva, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
  • María Cuartero
    María Cuartero
    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
  • Gastón A. Crespo*
    Gastón A. Crespo
    Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
    *E-mail: [email protected]
Open PDFSupporting Information (1)

Analytical Chemistry

Cite this: Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 13, 8644–8651
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Published June 3, 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under these Terms of Use.


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Herein, the reproducibility and a double validation of on-body measurements provided by new wearable potentiometric ion sensors (WPISs) is presented. Sweat collected during sport practice was first analyzed using the developed device, the pH-meter, and ion chromatography (IC) prior to on-body measurements (off-site validation). Subsequently, the accuracy of on-body measurements accomplished by the WPISs was evaluated by comparison with pH-meter readings and IC after collecting sweat (every 10–12.5 min) during sport practice. The developed device contains sensors for pH, Cl, K+, and Na+ that are embedded in a flexible sampling cell for sweat analysis. The electrode array was fabricated employing MWCNTs (as an ion-to-electron transducer) and stretchable materials that have been exhaustively characterized in terms of analytical performance, presenting Nernstian slopes within the expected physiological range of each ion analyte (Cl, 10–100 mM; K+, 10–10 mM; and Na+, 10–100 mM and pH, 4.5–7.5), drift suitable for midterm exercise practice (0.3 ± 0.2 mV h–1), fast response time, adequate selectivity for sweat measurements, and excellent reversibility. Besides that, the designed sampling cell avoids any sweat contamination and evaporation issues while supplying a passive sweat flow encompassing specifically the individual’s perspiration. The interpretation of ion concentration profiles may permit the identification of personal dynamic patterns in sweat composition while practicing sport.

Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society
The ability to monitor chemical events in a continuous and periodic manner has become of general interest in many fields, especially in environmental sensing and healthcare. (1) Analytical devices that can be on-bodily worn without disturbing the individual’s status are key players as interfaces between vital chemical events and the digitalization of related observations. (2) Today, these gadgets are actively proposed in the literature in the form of wristbands, textiles and skin patches, among others, (3) giving rise to new opportunities for the digitalization of unique data that was inaccessible before this recent paradigm shift.
The growth experienced in the field of wearable chemical sensors over the past decade is undoubtedly connected to increasing market expectations. (5) Thus, market outlooks predict that the immediate revenue from electronic skin patches will reach $10bn by 2023 and $15bn by 2028. (6) However, these numbers are primarily based on the unquestionable success of physical sensors (i.e., temperature, pressure, and movement) over chemical ones. (6) Considering that the information provided by these two kind of sensors is different while complementary, it is absolutely necessary a breakthrough in wearable chemical sensors by demonstrating reliable operability in real scenarios.
Electrochemical sensors are the most convenient platform to develop wearable chemical sensors as inferred from the large number of scientific contributions. (7) These sensors allow for the monitoring of critical biomarkers, such as biomolecules (e.g., glucose, lactate, and drugs), through amperometric readout and ions (K+ and Na+) using potentiometry. (8) Indeed, the well-established all-solid-state technology offers a broad range of advantages in terms of technical specifications, such as simplicity, miniaturization, and low consumption of resources and power, that are essential toward a potential commercialization.
Regarding the value of the chemical information monitored by electrochemical devices, so-called wearable potentiometric ion sensors (WPISs) may particularly enable unique observations related to applied human physiology and health care by measuring ion levels in sweat (and other biological fluids). (9) From a medical perspective, WPISs are striving to supply data suitable for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and other diseases that involve electrolyte imbalance disorders. (10,11) These devices are also useful from a fitness perspective, permitting the monitoring of certain indicators of the dehydration status of the individual (through sodium and chloride concentrations), (12) muscle activity (potassium), (13) exercise intensity (ammonium), (14) acid–base equilibria (pH), (15) or muscle strength (magnesium). (16)
Recently, certain reviews in the field of WPISs have reported the key requirements for the development of WPISs toward a successful on-body application. (9) These include (i) fast response time to obtain real-time electrolyte dynamics; (ii) reversibility of the electrode response to detect any fluctuations of the ion analyte as a result of physiological events; (iii) resiliency and stability of the electrode response during the wearability; (17) (iv) appropriate calibration protocol to minimize any possible error in the calculation of the electrolyte concentration (number of points, comparison between pre- and postcalibration, concentration versus activity, possibility of calibration-free sensor, influence of the sweat rate, etc.); (18) (v) the noninvasive nature of the device and sampling strategy; (vi) the provision of a sampling approach (i.e., sampling cell) that allows for obtaining a constant sweat flow without the influence of any evaporation or contamination issue; (19−22) and (vii) proper validation of on-body measurements. Hence, the inappropriate fulfillment of any of the mentioned requirements may lead to important errors in the calculation of the concentration of the tested ions, therefore ending in a mistaken decision-making process by the physician (medical purpose) or coach (fitness perspective) (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1. Illustration of the research question in this article. Is the on-body data provided by WPISs reliable? What is the proper validation protocol to evaluate reliability of the real-time observations?.

Concerning the validation of on-body measurements, the collection of enough sample volume suitable for later analysis utilizing a standard technique (i.e., ion chromatography (IC) and others) justifies the validation of on-body measurements only at longer sampling times (1 h of monitoring). This has resulted in a lack of validation criteria of the reported data despite the developed devices being promising. (23,24)
We propose herein a new protocol to validate on-body measurements provided by any WPISs. Indeed, we have developed a novel design for pH, Cl, K+, and Na+ detection in sweat and use it as proof-of-concept. It is worth mentioning, that the developed wearable device incorporates a sampling cell for constant sweat flow specifically tailored for an individual’s perspiration while avoiding any evaporation and contamination issues. In the final part of the work, validated on-body data demonstrate the potential of the WPISs in supplying reproducible (n = 3) and reliable data during the monitoring of physical activity of different subjects in a total of 9 on-body tests (T1–T9). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such deep validation of on-body measurements provided by WPISs as well as its reproducibility is reported.

Experimental Section

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Fabrication of the Electrode Array

Figure 2a illustrates the procedure for the fabrication of the electrode array on a flexible polyurethane (PU) substrate. The electrodes consisted of five circular patterns prepared with stretchable carbon ink (CI-2051, Engineered Conductive Materials, Inc.) that were in turn connected to a serpentine track made of stretchable silver ink (CI-1036, Engineered Conductive Materials, Inc.). The electrodic path was fabricated on the PU substrate with the screen-printing technique (SPR-45 Automated SMT Stencil Printer, DDM Novastar, Inc., USA). Subsequently, the electrodes were modified first with a layer of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and thereafter with the selective membrane on top (see Table S1 for the compositions). For more details, the reader should refer to the Supporting Information.

Figure 2

Figure 2. (a) Electrodes before and after functionalization. (b) Images of the electrode array, the sampling cell, and entire wearable device. (c) Sweat flow in the sampling cell once it is attached to the skin. (d) WPISs attached to the skin. ISM = ion-selective membrane.

First, the analytical performances of the selective electrodes were characterized against a commercial Ag/AgCl reference electrode (6.0726.100, Metrohm Nordic, Sweden) when they were immersed in a beaker. The electrodes displayed a Nernstian slope as well as limits of detection (LODs) and linear ranges of responses (LRRs) suitable to detect the selected ions in sweat (Table S1). Interestingly, the expected physiological range for the tested ions during sport monitoring were for chloride 10–100 mM, potassium 3–10 mM, sodium 20–100 mM, and pH 4–7.5. (9) Between-electrode reproducibility (n = 3), response repeatability, medium-term drift, and selectivity were also adequate (Figures S1 and S2 and Tables S2 and S3). Indeed, other sensors already reported in the literature using conventional materials featured similar values (Table S3).
The reference electrode was prepared by modifying the method proposed by Bühlman et al. (25) in order to provide stretchability and durability by avoiding the use of a plasticizer (see the Supporting Information). Figure S3 displays the characterization of the analytical performances of this new reference electrode in terms of membrane composition (Table S4), interferences, medium-term stability, and the influence of light on the electrode response. The optimal condition obtained was the use of a PU without a plasticizer, which exhibits higher stability that is likely explained by the decrease of the leaching of the membrane components. (26)

Implementation of the Electrodes into the Sampling Cell for On-Body Measurements

The electrode array was then coupled to the sampling cell (Figure 2b). A circular collection zone allowed for the eccrine glands to collect sweat, which passively flows through the sensing channel up to the outlet of the sampling cell (Figure 2c) (see the Supporting Information for specific details). For example, as the total volume is 8.8 μL, the collected sweat will begin to flow through the sensing channel after 4.8 min of an individual sweating at a rate of 1 μL cm–2 min–1, which is a typical rate for a midintensity sport in several parts of the body. (27,28) All the zones and channels of the sampling cell have rounded shapes to enhance the homogenization of the sample. (29) The sampling cell is attached to the electrode array by adhesive transfer tape, thereby avoiding any possible leaking of sweat and allowing for an adequate pressure from the eccrine glands (14) (Figure 2d). Finally, the device (electrode array + sampling cell) is attached to the skin for on-body measurements through adhesive transfer tape.

Results and Discussion

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In Vitro Performance of the WPISs

The analytical performances of the electrode array incorporating all-solid-state sensors for Cl, K+, Na+, and pH, together with the reference electrode, were evaluated in water and artificial sweat before and after the implementation of the sampling cell. Figure S4 depicts the observed individual calibration graphs as well as the carry-over response, which is important for confirming the reversibility of the electrode response. The obtained calibration parameters (Tables S5 and S6) were similar to those displayed using the commercial reference electrode, pointing out the correct functioning of the reference electrode. Thus, the electrodes displayed a reproducible Nernstian slope (−63.0 ± 2.4 mV for Cl, 56.8 ± 2.5 mV for K+, 54.2 ± 1.3 mV for Na+, and 50.1 ± 0.5 mV for H+) within the same LRRs (1–100 mM, Cl; 0.1–100 mM, Na+; 0.1–100 mM, K+; and 4–7.5, pH), which include the physiological ranges expected for these ions in sweat. In addition, the electrodes showed robust response (reversibility) even under different types of mechanical stress. This latter is crucial as any change caused by the sensors’ portability during on-body measurements while practicing any sport activity may lead to important errors in the quantification of the analyte concentration. In this sense, the development of advanced materials with the ability to provide resiliency to the electrode response while maintaining the rest of the analytical performances is being actively explored by many authors. (30,31) In the present work, the entire WPIS device (electrodes + sampling cell) has been engineered with elastomeric materials that confer elasticity while maintaining the analytical characteristics of the potentiometric sensors.
Figure S5 portrays the calibration curves of the developed electrode array under linear stretching (up to 50% elongation) and during the bending effort (up to 80°). Importantly, these resiliency tests largely emulate the mechanical strain that the electrodes may experience during on-body measurements. Although, in some of the cases, it was found that the applied deformation modified the analytical behavior up to 30% (Table S7), this is unlikely to be experienced during on-body tests.

Off-Site Evaluation of the WPISs Performance

The strategy applied for sweat-sampling coupled to the WPISs is one of the major concerns when dealing with the accuracy of on-body sweat analysis. Accordingly, potentiometric sensors must be embedded in a gadget that offers (i) effective sweat renewal encompassed through the individual’s perspiration during sport practice in order to allow for the real-time monitoring of the ion analytes; (ii) no risk of sweat evaporation that leads to biased results towing to the analyte enrichment in the fluid; (iii) no risk of sample contamination; and (iv) compatibility with different sweating rates. (4,9) Regarding this latter requirement, elite athletes usually have high sweat rates (0.7–5.9 μL cm–2 min–1) (28) that may require a larger capacity of the sampling cell in order to negate excessive pressure from the eccrine sweat glands. This may lead to modifications of physiological sweating behavior in the skin zone (e.g., hydromeiosis events), therefore masking the on-body observations. (24,32) In contrast, WPISs for medical diagnostics should involve microfluidic cells with tiny sampling in order to be coupled to lower sweat rates provoked by iontophoresis approaches (198–354 nL cm–2 min–1). (11,33)
The design of the sampling cell (Figure 2b,c) was here conceived to fulfill all the aforementioned necessities. First, the microfluidic cell was 3D-printed with the PU substrate to confer conformability to the gadget for further attachment to the human body. The dimensions of the cell were engineered to provide a constant and passive flow of sweat through the sensing channel while the individual is sweating during sport practice. Hence, it is necessary that the sweat fills in first the collecting zone (volume of 8.8 μL), and then the sensing channel (volume of 12.6 μL) will be able to begin the potentiometric measurements.
The total time needed slightly depends on the sweating rate of the individual. For example, considering active perspiration of the back during midintensity physical activity, a sweating rate close to 1 μL cm–2 min–1 will occur. (24,27) This sweat flow would involve 4.8 min to fill the collection zone and 7 min more to completely fill the sensing zone. After ca. 12 min, a continuous sweat renewal takes place in a passive manner while the subject is sweating (see Figure 2c). This was experimentally confirmed by flowing artificial sweat at 4 μL min–1 by means of a peristaltic pump. This flow rate mimics the sweating rate of 2 μL cm–2 min–1 considering an area of 2 cm2, achieved under extreme conditions during on-body tests. (27)
The sampling cell was additionally designed to isolate the collected sweat from the environment, hence avoiding any evaporation or contamination of sweat during on-body tests. Moreover, the entire device was fixed onto a subject’s skin by means of adhesive transfer tape (3 M 9471LE), which is commonly used for the attachment of wearable sensors to the body. (19,21)
The analytical performance of the WPISs were also evaluated under flow conditions by means of a peristaltic pump. Figure 3a displays the potential response of three pH electrodes when the sample pH was increased by almost one pH unit to assess the response time of the device. A time of 5 min is necessary for the electrodes to sense this change in pH at a flow rate of 4 μL min–1. Indeed, each electrode starts to respond 30 s after the other according to its order along the sensing channel.

Figure 3

Figure 3. (a) Response of three pH electrodes for a pH change from 5.6 to 4.7. Flow rate = 4 μL min–1. Dotted lines indicate the response time. (b) Response of three pH electrodes in a solution of pH 5.6 at 4, 8, and 16 μL min–1. (c) pH calibrations at 4, 8, and 16 μL min–1. (d) WPISs under torsion deformation. Response of a K+ electrode after applying different torsion deformations. (e) Calibrations using WPISs for Cl, Na+, K+, and pH before and after the incorporation of the sampling cell and after on-body measurements. All the calibration curves were accomplished in artificial sweat.

The influence of the flow rate on electrode response was assessed, as sporadic changes in the sweating rate of the individual are expected during the workout. Moreover, the perspiration rate may substantially change with the region of the body. (28) This behavior was studied by measuring the potential of a solution at pH 5.6 while successively increasing and decreasing (4, 8, and 16 μL cm–2 min–1) the flow rate of the pump (Figure 3b). These flow rates were chosen to mimic high sweat rates that may exist in the body during sport practice, e.g., forehead sweat rate of 5.9 ± 3.0 μL cm–2 min–1, (28) which means a flow rate of 16.0 μL min–1 according to the area of the collection zone of the sampling cell developed herein. A negligible change was determined for the potentiometric response under these conditions, manifesting such that the WPISs could be used in any part of the body at any intensity of physical activity. No influence was found for the entire calibration graph (pH 7.5–4.7), maintaining even the response reversibility (Figure 3c). Therefore, the same calibration graph may be suitable for the calculation of pH in sweat despite any change on the perspiration rate.
In this sense, the average of the six calibration graphs presented in Figure 3c obtained at different flow rates and with a carry-over evaluation leads to a slope and intercept of 51.7 ± 0.6 mV pH–1 and 201.5 ± 4.4 mV, respectively. Considering the standard deviations for the calibration parameters, the maximum error expected in the pH calculation is 1–3% considering this curve as one that is universal. This level of error is generally considered acceptable in measurements involving the screening of the physiological status of an individual. (5) Notably, the errors in slope and E0 for the pH sensor were calculated under drastic changes of pH and flow rates. That is, the pH sensor will show uncertainty of 3% at much. But this level of uncertainty will be even lower for on-body measurements, as the sensors were calibrated before and after its portability, see below.
A similar behavior was observed for the Cl, K+, and Na+ electrodes, and therefore, no influence of the perspiration rate on the response of the entire electrode array was detected (as an example, the response of three K+ electrodes are shown in Figure S6). Indeed, even though any influence in the diffusion process of the ion analyte when its activity is changed in the bulk solution (such as solution stirring and flow rate) may affect the response of the potentiometric sensors, (34) this is here unnoticeable based on the very low flow rates.
Figure 3d presents a resiliency test of K+ sensors implemented with the sampling cell (i.e., WPISs only containing K+ sensors) based on applying different torsion strains to the device. The calibration graph did not change under these conditions (slope of 53.7 ± 1.4 mV with an intercept of 67.0 ± 4.9). Besides that, and to confirm that any corporal movement during on-body portability does not affect the electrode response, the electrode array was calibrated for every ion analyte before and after on-body measurements. No changes were observed in the calibration graphs (Figure 3e). Furthermore, the calibration graphs are the same as those obtained in the beaker before the implementation of the sampling cell, which were determined without stirring by immersing the electrodes in separate solutions (Figure 3e). As a result, either of these three calibration graphs (i.e., in the beaker, or in the WPISs before and after the test) can be used to calculate on-body electrolyte concentration.

Validation of the WPISs

As mentioned in the Introduction section, yet, there is not an established protocol for the validation of WPISs, and only some recent papers attempted to perform a few additional measurements to establish its accuracy. (35,36)
Current methods for sweat analysis performed in physiology laboratories related to sport performance consist of collecting sweat during the workout using either the regional absorbent patch method (REG) or whole-body washdown technique (WBW), (13,28) with the subsequent use of different analytical techniques, such as IC, (28) ion-selective electrodes (ISE), (37) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (36) to analyze electrolyte concentration. In principle, it is worthy to base the validation of the WPISs in these approaches. In this sense, we propose a double validation of the WPISs operating first out of the body by pumping the sweat toward the WPIS (off-body validation) and then during on-body measurements, comparing the results with IC and a pH meter.
The protocol employed to convert the profiles of the potentiometric signal observed with the WPISs into ion analyte concentrations is seen in Figure S7. Briefly, raw data (dynamic recording of the electrode potential) is converted into ion activity using the precalibration. Subsequently, the ion concentration is calculated from the activity coefficient, which is determined by the ionic strength of artificial sweat (see the Supporting Information). Importantly, while the direct use of ion concentration in the calibration graph shortens the practical calculations, it is not formally correct and may induce additional errors, as demonstrated in the following.
First, human sweat was collected at different times following the REG method from the back of a subject, as described in the Supporting Information, and the samples were analyzed by the WPISs operating by means of a peristaltic pump (i.e., off-site the body), IC, and the pH meter. Briefly, REG consists of attaching a cotton pad (oval-shaped pads of 85 × 70 mm and circular-shaped pads of 58 mm diameter) on the skin with hydrofilm tape, and after a certain length of time, the pad is detached from the skin, demounted from the tape, and finally centrifuged (5.000 rpm) to extract the sweat. The back of individuals participating in this study was chosen as the local region to fix the WPISs during all the on-body tests to maximize the collected volume (27,28) (10–80 μL, 100–700 μL, and 1–3 mL after 5, 10, and 60 min of sweating, respectively). These ranges may slightly vary between subjects, but still, this volume is enough for analysis with the pH meter or IC after dilution (1:100).
Figure S8 displays the correlation plots for all the tested ions using the off-body validation. As a general trend, samples collected over a short time (5–10 min) exhibited over concentrated values, i.e., concentrations outside of the physiological ranges of K+, Na+, and Cl (delimited with colored squares). However, samples collected over longer times (60 min) were within physiological ranges (see below). In addition, whatever the collection time was, excellent correlations were observed between WPISs and gold standard techniques (Figure S8, Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.97 for Cl, 0.89 for K+, 0.91 for Na+, and 0.94 for pH). This indicates that the overestimation issue is related to how the sample is collected in/from the pad, as the same samples were analyzed with different techniques obtaining similar values.
The second part of the validation comprised the comparison of on-body measurements with the gold standard techniques (IC and pH meter) along an 1-h workout. The WPISs and absorbent pads (3 pads of 85 × 70 mm and/or 58 mm diameter dimensions) were attached to the low and medium back of the subjects to collect enough sample volume during sport practice using a professional bike kept in a static trainer (Figure S9). Importantly, every ion was individually measured through a wearable device comprising three twin electrodes and two reference electrodes (one acting as a reference and the other a regular working electrode). This allowed for evaluating the reproducibility of the developed sensors for the first time, as far as we know, during on-body measurements.
Figure 4a depicts the on-body concentration profiles for Cl, K+, Na+, and pH obtained with independent devices for each ion during an 1-h workout. The reproducibility among the three replicates was additionally evaluated, exhibiting relative standard deviations of 12.5 ± 3.2% for Cl, 11.3 ± 6.1% for Na+, 11.5 ± 2.1 for K+n and 0.9 ± 0.4% for pH (see the dynamic profile of the RSD in Figure S10), which are really appropriate values considering possible variability implied in any kind of in situ measurements. Furthermore, as in the case of the previous off-site validation of the WPISs, the values yielded by IC every 5 or 10 min were always higher than those measured on the body (i.e., Cl > 100 mM, K+ > 8 mM, and Na+ > 100 mM) and rendered of nonphysiological meaning unless the subject experienced unhealthy conditions (see Table S8). Thus, we confirmed the incompatibility of the application of the REG method for short collection times of 5–10 min, as they gave rise to values very different between the IC and the WPISs (ca. 60–300% of difference), and because the values measured with IC were totally outside the ranges expected in healthy volunteers.

Figure 4

Figure 4. (a) Concentration profiles observed with the WPISs during 60 min of a cycling workout. The WPISs contained three twin electrodes for each ion. (b) Validation of K+ on-body measurements. Every ion was measured in a different on-body test (with n = 3). A total number of 5 tests were accomplished, labeled as T1–T5.

Therefore, we modified the REG method (m-REG) to minimize evaporation issues of the sample during its collection and manipulation, which may be the cause for an over concentration of the ion analytes (Figure S9). Briefly, (i) the period of sweat collection was increased to 10–12.5 min; (ii) the absorbent pad was squeezed by means of a syringe immediately after removal from the body rather than the traditional centrifugation process; and (iii) sample dilution (1:100) was then quickly accomplished, and the sample was immediately stored in the fridge (4 °C). This method permitted gathering from 100 to 500 μL of sweat depending on the perspiration rate.
Figure 4b portrays the on-body profile (n = 3) for K+ concentrations with the analysis of the samples obtained from the IC and WPISs additionally operating out of the body (in a flow mode with the peristaltic pump) after sweat sampling employing the new m-REG method (every 12.5 min), and one pad collecting sweat during the entire exercise. Now, all the measurements analyzed with the IC fit within the physiological range of ions and agreed with the on-body profiles. Indeed, this agreement was also observed with the WPISs coupled to the peristaltic pump (Pearson correlation of 0.99, Figure S11a). In addition, the sweat at the outlet of the sampling cell was collected during the on-body test and analyzed in the IC for comparative purposes (DROP). The results were also in line with the on-body profile, K+ concentration of 7.1 mM at 18 min, 4.0mM at 30 min, 5.0 mM at 36 min, 4.1 mM at 38 min, 4.3 mM at 46 min, 4.1 mM at 50 min, and 4.6 mM at 60 min, which correspond to the differences of 17.9, 6, 13.8, 3.7, 1.4, and 18.8%, respectively, calculated from the WPISs and collected drop. An analogous experiment was accomplished for on-body Na+ detection providing the same conclusions (Figure S11b, on-body test T6).
Conveniently, the assessment of the calibration graph in artificial sweat permits the use of coefficient activities for the formal construction of the potentiometric calibration graph used for the final calculation of the concentrations (see Figure S7). Otherwise, either the application of a calibration graph based on concentration rather than activity or the comparison of activity with the concentrations found with other gold standard techniques (i.e., IC) introduced greater error in the observed values (see Table S9 for a comparison between different tests).
Table 1 shows the calculated concentrations during the validation of on-body measurements by comparison with IC and the pH-meter. In addition, the same samples were measured by WPISs operating out of the body (Table S10). Whether the data from the gold standard techniques are considered as the true concentrations in sweat, these differences serve as accuracy in terms of error of the developed WPISs. The error across all the tests was below 16% with an average of 7.9 ± 4.7%, which is acceptable with respect to a reliable decision-making process based on real-time measurements assessed in real scenarios. A proper agreement with the WPISs operating out of the body was also observed (Table S10).
Table 1. Sweat Analysis during On-Body Tests
 period (min)WPISs (mM or pH)a,bIC (mM) or pH meterIC-WPISs difference (%)
K+10–22.56.3 ±
22.5–354.9 ±
35–47.54.5 ±
47.5–604.0 ±
10–604.7 ±
10–604.7 ±
Na+10–22.579.9 ±
22.5–3579.7 ± 5.983.74.9
35–47.577.8 ± 6.189.513.1
47.5–6072.4 ± 6.683.513.3
10–6076.9 ± 7.484.99.4
10–6076.9 ± 7.485.19.6
Cl20–3046.0 ± 3.954.615.8
30–4052.7 ± 1.756.26.1
40–5056.7 ± 2.961.98.4
50–6059.1 ± 1.951.614.6
pH20–308.0 ±
30–407.9 ±
40–507.7 ±
50–607.5 ±

The corresponding experiments are shown in Figure 4b (K+, T5), Figure S11b (Na+, T6), Figure 5b (Cl, subject 1, T8), and Figure 4a (pH, T4).


Average corresponding to the entire collection time.

Finally, the WPISs were evaluated under different conditions, (i) Na+ profile of one subject under high physical activity (constant workload at level 7–8 out of 10 exercise intensity) and without any water intake during the practice (on-body test T7), and (ii) Cl and pH profiles of 2 different individuals subjected to the same activity conditions but under hydration conditions (22 °C, 1 h cycling, medium intensity, on-body tests T8 and T9). In the case of the exercise practice without any water intake (Figure 5a), after 45 min of cycling, there was a gradual increase in Na+ concentration that may suggest a dehydration status of the subject, as previously reported. (8,12) However, this information may be carefully interpreted as the observed increase in Na+ may be a consequence of the local increase of skin temperature, change in the exercise intensity or other factors. Therefore, further on-body tests (i.e., massive validation) are needed to confirm this finding and others from a physiological point of view.

Figure 5

Figure 5. (a) Electrolyte dynamics observed during on-body tests. (a) Na+ concentration of an individual subjected to 1-h cycling at high intensity (on-body test T7). (b) Cl and pH monitoring in two different individuals subjected to the same physical activity (22 °C, relative humidity 70%, 1-h cycling, high intensity). The dots indicate the concentrations of sweat analyzed by IC after sweat collection by m-REG. On-body tests T8 and T9.

Regarding the second experiment (Figure 5b), subject 1 had more acidic pH levels, with Cl concentrations within the common healthy range (10–100 mM), while subject 2 showed more basic pH levels and lower Cl concentrations. These differences may be associated with the diet, the fitness condition of each subject, and hydration status. However, the interpretation of these results is far beyond the scope of this work. Overall, these observations encourage the further testing of WPISs in athletes at known physiological conditions to assess the differences in electrolyte dynamics.


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We have demonstrated, for the first time, the reproducibility and reliability of on-body measurements accomplished by new WPISs for pH, Cl, K+, and Na+ analysis in sweat. The validation of these measurements has been advantageously assessed through a two-step protocol, considering, first, the off-site performance of the WPISs and then on-body operation. All measurements were compared with the results from gold standard techniques, such as IC and a pH meter. The incorporation of an innovative sampling cell additionally permitted the realization of on-body measurements in real time through the provision of a continuous and passive sweat flow encompassing the subjects’ perspiration. Overall, it is here demonstrated, the potential of the developed WPISs for providing reliable physiological and personal data of body status during sports activity. It is expected, that the advances presented in this article will contribute to the appropriate validation of future wearable chemical sensors that will constitute the next generation of digital health solutions for personalized hydration and recovery strategies in sport performance and wellbeing.

Supporting Information

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The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02126.

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  • Corresponding Author
  • Authors
    • Marc Parrilla - Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
    • Inmaculada Ortiz-Gómez - Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, Campus Fuentenueva, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
    • Rocío Cánovas - Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
    • Alfonso Salinas-Castillo - Department of Analytical Chemistry, Campus Fuentenueva, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
    • María Cuartero - Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Science in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm, SwedenOrcid
  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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The authors acknowledge the financial support of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (K-2017-0371), Swedish Research Council (VR-2017-4887), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (GMT14-0071), WPCRN (K-2017-0804 and K-2017-0809), and Metrohm Nordic AB. M.C. is grateful for the financial support of the European Union (H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, Grant 792824). R.C. thanks the Alfonso Martin Escudero Foundation. I.O.G acknowledges the Spanish Research Council (CTQ2016-78754-C2-1-R). Alexander Wiorek and Kequan Xu are acknowledged for the help with the on-body tests.


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Analytical Chemistry

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Illustration of the research question in this article. Is the on-body data provided by WPISs reliable? What is the proper validation protocol to evaluate reliability of the real-time observations?.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. (a) Electrodes before and after functionalization. (b) Images of the electrode array, the sampling cell, and entire wearable device. (c) Sweat flow in the sampling cell once it is attached to the skin. (d) WPISs attached to the skin. ISM = ion-selective membrane.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. (a) Response of three pH electrodes for a pH change from 5.6 to 4.7. Flow rate = 4 μL min–1. Dotted lines indicate the response time. (b) Response of three pH electrodes in a solution of pH 5.6 at 4, 8, and 16 μL min–1. (c) pH calibrations at 4, 8, and 16 μL min–1. (d) WPISs under torsion deformation. Response of a K+ electrode after applying different torsion deformations. (e) Calibrations using WPISs for Cl, Na+, K+, and pH before and after the incorporation of the sampling cell and after on-body measurements. All the calibration curves were accomplished in artificial sweat.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. (a) Concentration profiles observed with the WPISs during 60 min of a cycling workout. The WPISs contained three twin electrodes for each ion. (b) Validation of K+ on-body measurements. Every ion was measured in a different on-body test (with n = 3). A total number of 5 tests were accomplished, labeled as T1–T5.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. (a) Electrolyte dynamics observed during on-body tests. (a) Na+ concentration of an individual subjected to 1-h cycling at high intensity (on-body test T7). (b) Cl and pH monitoring in two different individuals subjected to the same physical activity (22 °C, relative humidity 70%, 1-h cycling, high intensity). The dots indicate the concentrations of sweat analyzed by IC after sweat collection by m-REG. On-body tests T8 and T9.

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