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Graduate Students’ Tolerance of Habitual Risk-Taking Behaviors in Chemical-Related Majors: A Case Study
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Graduate Students’ Tolerance of Habitual Risk-Taking Behaviors in Chemical-Related Majors: A Case Study
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  • Haiqing Zhang
    Haiqing Zhang
    School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
  • Xiaoyan Wang*
    Xiaoyan Wang
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    *Email: [email protected]
    More by Xiaoyan Wang
  • Xiaoyi Zhai
    Xiaoyi Zhai
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    More by Xiaoyi Zhai
  • Yong Liu
    Yong Liu
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    More by Yong Liu
  • Xinglong Jin
    Xinglong Jin
    School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    More by Xinglong Jin
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ACS Chemical Health & Safety

Cite this: ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2024, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
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Published December 6, 2024

© 2024 American Chemical Society. This publication is available under these Terms of Use.


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Considering the pivotal role of graduate students in laboratory safety, this work investigates the tolerance of habitual risk-taking behaviors among first-year graduate students. The results showed that the risk tolerance of graduate students in laboratory living habits is higher than that in personal protective equipment, safety operation regulations, and occupational exposure. In addition, there is a significant positive correlation between personal safety-related risk tolerance and laboratory-related risk tolerance. This work pays attention to some habitual behaviors of graduate students in academic laboratories that can lead to near-misses, incidents, and accidents. It reminds us to strengthen risk education concerning occupational exposure during regular and daily safety education and management.

This publication is licensed for personal use by The American Chemical Society.

© 2024 American Chemical Society


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In recent years, the quantity and variety of academic laboratories in Chinese universities have significantly increased due to the rapid development of disciplines and research such as in materials, environment, and energy. (1) It is worth noting that compared with other laboratories, chemical laboratories have various flammable and explosive materials and equipment with high temperature or pressure etc. In addition, laboratory research is dynamic and exploratory. Academic laboratories are subject to turnover by design, as experienced students graduate and new students join research groups. All of these have brought challenges to laboratory safety management. (2,3)
Many efforts have endeavored toward laboratory safety management worldwide, as shown in Table 1. The environmental health and safety (EH&S) system is the basis for the management of American university laboratories, and different management models have been developed on this basis. (4) Australian universities have adopted a similar management model. For example, Western Sydney University has established the Work Health and Safety Unit (WHSU), which employs a professional team responsible for the university’s work health, safety, and incident management. (5) Universities in Japan have safety and environmental protection management institutions suitable for their specific characteristics. (6) In China, each university has a department in charge of laboratory safety, similar to EH&S. In addition, much effort has been provided for safety regulation, safety education, and training. There are many specific standards developed for university laboratories in recent years, such as “Safety Standards for Higher Education Laboratory” and “Classification and Management Measures for the Safety of Higher Education Laboratories”. Besides, regular safety inspections are mandated.
Table 1. Laboratory Safety Management in Various Countries
CountryLaboratory managementExample
AmericaOffice of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)Columbia University
AustraliaWork Health and Safety Unit (WHSU)Western Sydney University
JapanEnvironmental Safety Department, Health Promotion Department, Experimental CommitteeUniversity of Tokyo
ChinaOffice of Laboratory ManagementTsinghua University
But accidents still occasionally occur. For example, a student at Yale University died during the experiment in 2012. (7) In 2018, an explosion of a hydrogen gas cylinder at the Indian Institute of Science resulted in the death of one researcher and severe injuries to three others. (3) In 2018, an explosion at Beijing Jiaotong University resulted in the death of three students. (8) The causes of some accidents were related to the violation of experimental procedures, risky operation, improper storage of hazardous chemicals, etc.
According to the statistics of all the causes of laboratory incidents, human is the most important factor in Chinese university laboratories. (9) The individual tends to overestimate their ability to control or prevent incidents, thus leading to an underestimation of risks and the occurrence of unsafe behaviors. From the perspective of risk behavior and risk-taking decisions, the degree of risk that an individual is willing to take in the pursuit of a certain goal is defined by Hunter as risk tolerance, which is the degree of willingness of the individual to accept and engage in risks. (10) Risk tolerance has been proven to be an important factor affecting unsafe behavior. For example, Bhandari et al. pointed out that there is a direct relationship between personal risk tolerance and work-related risk tolerance, and both are positively correlated with the risk-taking behaviors of construction workers. (11) Ji et al. studied pilots’ risk tolerance, risk perception, risk attitude, and safety operation behavior and found that risk tolerance would indirectly affect pilots’ safety operation behavior through risk attitude. (12) Pauley et al. also confirmed the relationship between risk tolerance and risk-taking behavior and that risk tolerance can effectively predict the potential incidents for aviation pilots. (13) Previous literature has shown a significant correlation between risk tolerance and individual unsafe behavior, and individuals with higher levels of risk tolerance are more likely to engage in unsafe behavior. (14) However, although there is an increasing amount of research on risk tolerance among practitioners in the construction industry and aviation systems, little attention has been paid to the risk tolerance of graduate students in the academic laboratory.
As the novices in the laboratory, the first-year graduate students’ tolerance toward habitual risk behaviors will have an impact on laboratory safety. A higher risk tolerance will subtly affect graduate students’ risk habits, resulting in unsafe behavior, which may lead to dangerous situations. Especially for the basic rules such as personal protective equipment (e.g., lab coats, goggles) in laboratories, some graduate students cannot achieve surface compliance, let alone proactive engagement in safety activities. (15)
Therefore, this work investigates the tolerance of habitual risk-taking behaviors by graduate students. It is expected to provide basic data support for the effective implementation of safety management in university academic laboratories. The specific research contents in this study can be summarized as follows:
  • Investigate the risk tolerance of first-year graduate students concerning personal safety-related risk behaviors and laboratory-related habitual risk behaviors.

  • Determine whether differences exist between subgroups among graduate students.

  • Clarify the correlation between personal safety-related risk tolerance and laboratory-related risk tolerance of graduate students.


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Considering the unique cultural context of this study and the specific characteristics of academic laboratories, the questionnaire was adapted from Bhandari’s research to gauge the risk tolerance of graduate students, particularly in relation to habitual risk-taking behaviors. (14) The revised instrument is composed of two distinct components: personal safety-related risk tolerance (PRT) and laboratory-related risk tolerance (LRT). As shown in Table S1, personal safety-related risk tolerance includes 5 items related to personal safety. The scale of laboratory-related risk tolerance is designed to measure graduate students’ tolerance to habitual risk-taking behaviors based on a wide range of unsafe behaviors, including 19 items about graduate students’ habitual risk-taking behaviors in academic laboratories. It involves four dimensions: personal protective equipment (LRT-PPE, 5 items), laboratory living habits (LRT-LLH, 4 items), safety operation regulations (LRT-SOR, 5 items), and occupational exposure (LRT-OE, 5 items). The Likert scale was used to quantify these items and had the range 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, which correspondingly represents respondents’ acceptance level from (1) = totally unacceptable to (7) = totally acceptable (the degree of acceptance grows with the increase ofnumber).
This study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the local Academic Ethics Committee (Approval No. TJUE-2022-044). In December 2023, a survey questionnaire was released to first-year graduate students through the MyCOS teaching quality management platform. In the cover letter of the survey, graduate students were informed that participation in this survey is voluntary, and all information collected is confidential and would be used only for this study. If students were interested, they could voluntarily and anonymously join the survey. A total of 146 graduate students participated in the survey. Among them, 69 (47.26%) were male, and 77 (52.74%) were female; 95 (65.07%) were from applied chemical engineering, 47 (32.19%) from biomedicine, and 4 (2.74%) from other research fields.

Statistical Data Analysis

The questionnaire results were analyzed using SPSS 27.0, Amos 24.0, and Origin 2018 software to establish a database, including descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation), normality tests, difference analyses, and correlation analysis.
It is worth noting the Spearman correlation analysis was used to test whether there is a correlation and the degree of closeness between different dimensions, with the Spearman correlation coefficient being a statistic used to measure the strength of the relationship between two variables. It is similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient but can be used for variables of nonlinear relationships. (16) The Spearman correlation coefficient is calculated as follows:
where di represents the difference in rank of the corresponding variable and n represents the number of samples. A positive ρ-value indicates a positive correlation between the two variables, while a negative ρ-value suggests a negative correlation.


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Normality Test

Before further analysis, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to determine whether the data of each dimension were consistent with or were approximately consistent with the normal distribution. The results show that although the p-value of personal safety-related risk tolerance is significant, the LRT-PPE, LRT-LLH, LRT-SOR, and LRT-OE do not conform to the normal distribution. In order to obtain more accurate measurement results, the Mann–Whitney-U test was used for difference analysis and Spearman correlation was used for correlation analysis.

Reliability and Validity Analysis

Cronbach’s α is a widely recognized measure of internal consistency or reliability for a set of items within a scale. The KMO test is used to assess the suitability of the data for factor analysis. (17) The reliability and validity of personal safety-related risk tolerance and laboratory-related risk tolerance were tested using Cronbach’s α and KMO, respectively. Table S3 shows the Cronbach’s α and KMO test results for the variables. Cronbach’s α of all dimensions was above 0.6, indicating that the questionnaire had good reliability. (18) The KMO test coefficients of the scale were above 0.6, which indicates that it is suitable for factor analysis. (19)
Amos 24.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis. The Bollen–Stine bootstrap was used to correct the standard error and fit statistic bias due to non-normal data. (20) As shown in Table S4, RMSEA of the scale was <0.080, χ2/df <3, and each fitting index (CFI, IFI, NFI, RFI) was >0.8. The fit index of the scale met relevant measurement standards, connoting that the scale exhibited a sound fit.

Descriptive Analysis

Figure 1 shows the descriptive statistical results. The mean value of personal safety-related risk tolerance is 3.075, which is significantly higher than that of laboratory-related risk tolerance (1.586), indicating that graduate students showed a higher risk-taking behavior in their personal lives. The detailed analyses of each item are as follows.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Descriptive statistics.

As far as the specific items of personal safety-related risk tolerance were concerned, the PRT5 item (I enjoy outdoor activities such as bungee jumping, mountaineering, skiing, and so on) has the highest mean (3.438), with 30.13% of respondents choosing “a little acceptable” or “acceptable”, or “totally acceptable”; Then next (3.164) is the PRT1 item (It is very comfortable to walk alone at night in an unfamiliar environment.), for which 24.65% of graduate students choose “a little acceptable” or “acceptable” or “totally acceptable”.
As for laboratory-related risk tolerance, the mean value of laboratory living habits (1.856) is higher than those of personal protective equipment (1.629), safety operation regulations (1.574), and occupational exposure (1.340). Among them, the item with the highest mean (2.274) is LRT9 (Play mobile phones in the laboratory during the experiment), and 13.01% of respondents hold an acceptance attitude. Similarly, the mean of the LRT6 item (It is advantageous to play mobile phones during the experiment because it relieves the pressure) is 2.048, with 8.90% of respondents with an attitude of acceptance. These indicate that although most respondents can control themselves from playing mobile phones during experiments, there are still a small number of graduate students who depend too much on mobile phones, which is in accordance with the actual situation in laboratory inspection.
The item with the highest mean (1.836) in the personal protective equipment dimension is LRT1 (Lab coats were not worn in absence of laboratory inspection), for which 3.41% of graduate students chose “a little acceptable” or “acceptable”, or “totally acceptable”. The item with the lowest mean (1.521) was LRT5 (Conduct experiments without the protective gloves), and there are still 2.05% of graduate students with an attitude of acceptance. However, it is worth noting that the compliance with regulations such as personal protective equipment only provides a foundational level of safety, but laboratories are encouraged to exceed these standards, adopting best practices that elevate their safety protocols. (21)
The item with the highest mean (1.849) in the safety operation regulations is LRT13 (Place the experimental sample in the unattended oven (under continuous heating) overnight), and 3.42% of graduate students choose “a little acceptable”, “acceptable”, or “totally acceptable”, which inevitably brings certain risks. This item originated from two near-misses in the academic laboratories, which remind us to strengthen instrument usage understanding in the future.
The item with the highest mean (1.486) in the occupational exposure dimension is LRT16 (Conduct experiments related to nanomaterials only with a mask), and 1.37% of graduate students have an attitude of acceptance. However, the health and safety data of most nanomaterials are largely unknown or incomplete; in some cases, nanomaterials may have unknown risks, and although their volume is small, they are potentially more toxic than their bulk counterparts. (22,23)

Difference Analysis

Figure 2 shows the difference in gender. There was a significant gender difference in personal safety-related risk tolerance (p = 0.017) among graduate students. Specifically, the male students’ acceptance of risk-taking in daily life was significantly higher than that of the female. There is no significant gender difference in terms of laboratory-related risk tolerance. The specific data trends of each subgroup are shown in Table S5. Among them, the median and quartile of the male group were 3.40 and [2.60, 3.80]. For the female group, the median was 2.80 and the quartile was [2.00, 3.70]. This finding indicates that the male graduate students’ acceptance of risk is slightly higher than that of the female graduate students in their personal life, which may be related to the female students’ higher risk perception and more concern about laboratory safety, which is consistent with previous studies. (24)

Figure 2

Figure 2. Difference in gender. Note: *Significantly correlated at the 0.05 level (two-sided).

Due to the small sample size of only 4 graduate students in “other” research directions, the Mann–Whitney-U test was only conducted for the difference in risk tolerance between graduate students in chemical engineering and biomedicine. The specific data trends of each subgroup are shown in Table S6. Figure 3 shows the difference in the research direction. Although chemical engineering (e.g., synthesis and engineering of functional polymers, catalysts, and fine chemicals) and biomedicine (e.g., identification and exploration of active pharmaceutical ingredients from natural sources, the innovation of novel drugs, and the process of drug synthesis) students conducted different experiments in the academic laboratory, there is no significant difference between the two subgroups in personal-related and laboratory-related risk tolerance. This demonstrates the participants are relatively homogeneous.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Difference in research direction.

Spearman Correlation

Table 2 shows the results of the Spearman correlation analysis. The results indicate a positive correlation (ρ = 0.370) between personal safety-related risk tolerance and laboratory-related risk tolerance. Among them, there is a positive correlation between personal safety-related risk tolerance and personal protective equipment (ρ = 0.361), but also a correlation with safety operation regulations (ρ = 0.335), laboratory living habits (ρ = 0.278), and occupational exposure (ρ = 0.258). All correlations were statistically significant (p < 0.01). This finding indicates that the feeling seeking tendency of graduate students in their personal lives can affect their willingness to accept risks in academic laboratories. That is, students who have a higher acceptance degree of risk-taking and stimulating behaviors in their daily lives are inclined to have a higher willingness to accept risks in research work. Therefore, future targeted laboratory risk-taking behavior interventions should focus on individual difference in risk-taking tendencies in their daily lives.
Table 2. Results of Spearman Correlation Analysisa
1. PRT1    
2. LRT-PPE0.3618**1   
3. LRT-LLH0.278**0.683**1  
4. LRT-SOR0.335**0.550**0.692**1 
5. LRT-OE0.258**0.524**0.558**0.698**1

Note: **Significantly correlated at the 0.01 level (two-sided). RPT (personal safety-related risk tolerance); LRT-PPE (laboratory-related risk tolerance - personal protective equipment); LRT-LLH (laboratory-related risk tolerance - laboratory living habits); LRT-SOR (laboratory-related risk tolerance - safety operation regulations); LRT-OE (laboratory-related risk tolerance - occupational exposure).

In addition, there are varying degrees of correlation between the subdimensions of laboratory-related risk tolerance. As shown in Table 2, there is a strong positive correlation between safety operation regulations and occupational exposure (ρ = 0.698), laboratory habits and safety operation regulations (ρ = 0.692), and personal protective equipment and laboratory living habits (ρ = 0.683). There is also a positive correlation between laboratory living habits and occupational exposure (ρ = 0.558), personal protective equipment and safety operation regulations (r = 0.550), and personal protective equipment and occupational exposure (ρ = 0.524), all of which are statistically significant (p < 0.01). These findings indicate that students with higher risk acceptance in personal protection also have a higher risk acceptance in laboratory life, experimental operations, and chemical exposure.


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Habitual Behavior and Unsafe Behavior

The study found that most of the respondents had a low acceptance of laboratory-related habitual risk-taking behaviors, but there are still some graduate students who have poor laboratory behavior habits. However, in existing research, the unsafe behavior of students is widely regarded as the direct cause of accidents in university laboratories. (9) It is worth noting that unsafe behavior cannot be separated from the accumulation of poor habits among the experimental operators.
The research on unsafe behavior can be traced back to the 1970s. In 1978, Komaki et al. proposed the concept of behavior-based safety (BBS). (25) Subsequently, scholars in the safety science community have explored the concept, factors, and mechanisms of unsafe behavior. (26) For example, Heinrich first proposed that accidents are caused by a combination of unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions. (27) The Swiss Cheese Model also highlights the key role of human factors in causing accidents to occur. (28) Although current scholars have different understandings of unsafe behavior, the definition of unsafe behavior is not uniform. (29) The behavioral safety “24 Model” built on the Accident-Causing Theory points out that the development of accidents can be divided into individual behavior and organizational behavior and four stages of guiding behavior, operational behavior, habitual behavior, one-time acts, and conditions. (30)
Habitual behavior is an indirect factor accounting for accidents in university laboratories. The indirect causes of accidents have existed in the laboratory management process for a long time. (31) Once the site conditions change, the situation deviates from the safety state. The hidden danger evolves into the “trigger point” of unsafe behavior and unsafe state, thus causing the accident. (30) As mentioned earlier, if graduate students cannot comply with basic laboratory safety regulations such as wearing lab coats, protective gloves, and goggles when conducting experiments, they will gradually develop poor behavior habits and be unable to proactively engage in laboratory safety activities. For example, “play mobile phones during the experiment”, “flush the unknown white solid waste with water”, “conduct experiments related to nanomaterials only with a mask”, and “wear glasses but no protective goggles when transferring concentrated sulfuric acid” are all poor habits. This habitual noncompliance with laboratory safety regulations is often driven by fluke psychology, stemming from graduate students’ underestimation of potential risks and overconfidence in their ability. They may believe they can control or avoid accidents due to previous successful experiences, thus overlooking the importance of complying with safety regulations. However, near-misses due to habitual behavior are likely to be more frequent than actual accidents.
And many near-misses might not have been documented. An undocumented near miss or an incident that is not reviewed or communicated represents a missed opportunity to help others avoid similar situations. In this survey, 2.74% of graduate students chose a little acceptable for the item “when conducting active experiments all day and having lunch without turning off the equipment such as stirrer, heater, etc.”. While timely maintenance of equipment typically prevents serious incidents during normal operation, the risk of accidents cannot be entirely ruled out. This was illustrated in an incident at a laboratory at the Beijing Institute of Technology, where five persons were injured in an explosion during the commissioning of experimental equipment. (32) Furthermore, 2.73% of graduate students accept “conduct experiments without the lab coat”. However, if corrosive chemicals such as concentrated sulfuric acid are accidentally leaking, it is easy to cause harm. An example is the tert-butyllithium accident that occurred at UCLA on December 29, 2008. It is heartbreaking that during the 14 months prior to this accident, UCLA had failed to report to the relevant department two other similar, but nonfatal, incidents from other research groups involving burns and facial lacerations to students not wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. (33) Because personal protective equipment includes a variety of accessories, it has been specifically designed to reduce contact with hazardous chemicals, and other factors associated with the potential risk of health and safety hazards in the laboratory, (34,35) when personal protective equipment is used in accordance with established recommendations, it can serve as a basic protective measure for laboratory personnel, thereby minimizing injury. (36,37) For example, protective goggles are essential for not only blocking hazardous materials from reaching the eyes but also diminishing the irritation and potential harm caused by exposure to highly concentrated dangerous substances. As mentioned in Heinrich’s Law, behind every major safety accident, there are inevitably 29 minor injury incidents and 300 no injury near-misses. (38) In other words, the occurrence of incidents is often inseparable from a series of hidden dangers and poor habits. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of personal protective equipment such as protective goggles at safety meetings, seminars, and regular safety training, by discussing the risk of these exposures. It is imperative not only to ensure that graduate students comply with security protocols and regulations but also to cultivate a proactive and continuous safety mindset to improve safety performance. (39)
However, it is worth noting that it is difficult to obtain information related to the behavioral habits or psychological states of the experimental operators in incident investigation reports; therefore, such habitual behaviors are difficult to identify in incident analysis. Investigating risk tolerance can provide insights into the risk habits of graduate students, reveal the extent to which they accept habitual risk-taking behaviors, and assist laboratory managers in devising targeted intervention strategies. These strategies can subtly encourage the development of good laboratory practices among graduate students and help to appropriately lower their tolerance for risk. With the improvement of students’ responsibility and the continuous construction of laboratory safety culture, students’ acceptance of habitual risk-taking behavior in academic laboratories may change. This habitual behavior may be affected by individual and external factors and can be well explained by the Theory of Planning Behavior (TPB). That is, individual behavior is directly guided by behavioral intention, which is in turn influenced by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. (40) With this in mind, the review and assessment of safety behaviors regularly and the inclusion of RAMP (recognize hazards, assess risk, minimize risk, and prepare for emergencies) in risk guidance for chemical health and safety can be used as ways to increase safety awareness among graduate students. (41) It establishes a foundation for the secure progression of laboratory-based scientific research in the coming years, and this is also the rationale behind selecting first-year graduate students as our subjects of study. As newcomers to the scientific community, effective intervention in this formative period is critical for shaping their laboratory behavior habits.

Occupational Exposure

It has been proved that one’s subjective perception of risk can affect his or her risk tolerance. (42) Basically, individuals with more sensitivity to potential danger are more likely to behave carefully and take more active attitudes toward identifying and handling confronted safety risks, rather than “just do it” without taking the potential outcomes into consideration. Based on this, another important finding of this study is that first-year graduate students do not have a deep understanding of the risks of nanomaterials and have a high level of acceptance of related risks. As shown in Figure 1, only 63.01% of the participants did not totally accept “conduct experiments related to nanomaterials only with a mask”. However, as mentioned earlier, the health and safety data of most engineered nanomaterials are still largely unknown or incomplete, and due to the extremely small size of nanomaterials, dermal, inhalation, oral, and ocular exposures are all potential pathways through which they are ingested by the human body. The uptake can specifically occur through the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, nasal cavity, and skin, after which these materials can enter the circulatory system and translocate to distal sites in the body affecting the physical health of experimental operators. (43,44) In addition, it is worth noting that many laboratories involve nanomaterials. Therefore, the comprehension of nanomaterial-related risks by graduate students, who are the primary conductors of such experiments, is pivotal to determining the safety risk within the laboratory environment. The increasing number of engineering nanomaterials research has brought many unknown hazards and exposure scenarios to operators. Currently, there are many literature reports on risk assessment and risk control measures for nanomaterials. Ahmad et al. proposed a safety risk assessment method for nanomaterials that combines integrated omics with machine learning. (45) Oksel et al. evaluated the existing control measures for risks related to nanomaterials, providing guidance for further improvement of their risk management strategies. (46) It is hopeful that in the future, the risk control of nanomaterials may no longer be an insurmountable challenge. However, in today’s world where risks are still unknown and control strategies are still incomplete, it is particularly important to improve the risk awareness of nanomaterial experimenters and minimize their exposure to protect themselves from potential hazards caused by nanomaterials.
It should be underscored that researchers, in their quest for new knowledge, will invariably encounter unknowns. In addition to nanomaterials, the sensitization to a specific hazard is also unclear. Other exposures, such as chemical vapors, incompatibility of solutions, and other toxic hazards, also need further study. University laboratories involve a wide variety of hazardous chemicals with complex properties. Particularly, it is important to note that exploratory experiments in academic laboratories frequently proceed without comprehensive risk assessments, potentially overlooking unidentified safety hazards. Although many practices in universities seek to achieve high levels of safety, the inherent nature of academic laboratories precludes the absolute elimination of hazards. (47) It is crucial to enhance risk education on occupational exposure in academic laboratories and maintain an awesome attitude toward unknown chemicals and chemical reactions. This type of education should not only cover basic knowledge of risk identification, assessment, and control but also include preventive measures and strategies for responding to emergency situations. By implementing a systematic training program, it is possible to ensure that all laboratory personnel possess the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage potential health and safety risks, promote a safety-oriented culture, and minimize the likelihood of near-misses, incidents, and accidents.

Limitations and Future Directions

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There are several limitations in this study as follows. First, due to the inherent characteristics of self-reported data, research results depend on the authenticity and accuracy of participant responses, which may lead to biases between research results and actual situations. In other words, influenced by social desirability bias, participants may be inclined to respond with behaviors that appear to entail less obvious risk, leading to data we collected on graduate students’ tolerance for habitual risk-taking behaviors being slightly lower than the actual situation. Future research can increase methods such as more observer-based data or professional interviews to obtain more objective measurement results. Second, as a horizontal study, this study collected data on the risk tolerance of graduate students at specific time points. However, academic laboratory personnel and research is dynamic. Horizontal studies cannot explain the change of risk acceptance of graduate students toward poor habits. Therefore, future longitudinal studies should be conducted to explore whether the willingness of graduate students to accept risks will ideally change. Furthermore, the scale’s items may not comprehensively reflect the safety protocols and controls of different laboratories, nor do they account for the diverse operational modes of the equipment employed. In subsequent research endeavors, it would be beneficial to delve into a clearer measurement of the safe operational requirements of specific types of laboratory equipment. Finally, this study was conducted only on graduate students in chemistry-related majors at a university, and the generalizability of the research results is limited. Therefore, in the future, the sample size can be expanded or repeated surveys can be conducted in different backgrounds to obtain research results with wider applicability and higher reliability.

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Author Information

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  • Corresponding Author
  • Authors
    • Haiqing Zhang - School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    • Xiaoyi Zhai - School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    • Yong Liu - School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
    • Xinglong Jin - School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, ChinaOrcid
  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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The authors acknowledge the Tianjin University of Technology Graduate Teaching Reform Project (ZYSZ2302, YBXM2212), Chinese Association of Higher Education “Higher Science Education Reform Practice Research Project” (22LK0404), and all participants in this study.


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    Pauley, K.; O’Hare, D.; Wiggins, M. Risk Tolerance and pilot involvement in hazardous events and flight into adverse weather. J. Saf. Res. 2008, 39 (4), 403411,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2008.05.009
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    Bhandari, S.; Hallowell, M. R. Influence of safety climate on risk tolerance and risk-taking behavior: A cross-cultural examination. Saf. Sci. 2022, 146, 105559  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105559
  15. 15
    Gao, D. F.; Wang, X. Y.; Jin, X. L. Study on the influencing factors of deep compliance and surface compliance in scientific research laboratories. J. Tianjin Univ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 38 (4), 5964, (in Chinese)
  16. 16
    Artusi, R.; Verderio, P.; Marubini, E. Bravais-Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients: Meaning, test of hypothesis and confidence Interval. Int. J. Biol. Markers. 2002, 17 (2), 148151,  DOI: 10.1177/172460080201700213
  17. 17
    Chen, X. Z. Theory and application of modern statistical analysis methods. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing, 2016. (in Chinese).
  18. 18
    Hair, J. F.; Anderson, R. E.; Tatham, R. L.; Black, W. C. Multivariate data analysis, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998.
  19. 19
    Kaiser, H. F. An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika. 1974, 39 (1), 3136,  DOI: 10.1007/BF02291575
  20. 20
    Enders, C. K. An SAS macro for implementing the modified Bollen-Stine bootstrap for missing data: Implementing the bootstrap using existing structural equation modeling software. Struct. Equ. Modeling. 2005, 12 (4), 620641,  DOI: 10.1207/s15328007sem1204_6
  21. 21
    Abedsoltan, H.; Shiflett, M. B. Mitigation of potential risks in chemical laboratories: A focused review. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2024, 31 (2), 104120,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.chas.3c00097
  22. 22
    Schulte, P. A.; Geraci, C. L.; Murashov, V.; Kuempel, E. D.; Zumwalde, R. D.; Castranova, V.; Hoover, M. D.; Hodson, L.; Martinez, K. F. Occupational safety and health criteria for responsible development of nanotechnology. J. Nanopart. Res. 2014, 16 (1), 2153,  DOI: 10.1007/s11051-013-2153-9
  23. 23
    Pietroiusti, A.; Stockmann-Juvala, H.; Lucaroni, F.; Savolainen, K. Nanomaterial exposure, toxicity, and impact on human health. Wiley. Interdiscip. Rev. Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 2018, 10 (5), e1513,  DOI: 10.1002/wnan.1513
  24. 24
    Wang, J.; Liu, X. Q.; Wang, X. Y.; Jin, X. L.; Wu, X. S.; Xue, S. Measuring university students’ safety perception, awareness and attitude in chemical teaching laboratory. J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100 (7), 25582563,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00445
  25. 25
    Komaki, J.; Barwick, K. D.; Scott, L. R. A behavioural approach to occupational safety: pinpointing and reinforcing safe performance in a food manufacturing plant. J. Appl. Psychol. 1978, 63 (4), 434445,  DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.63.4.434
  26. 26
    Yu, K.; Cao, Q.; Xie, C.; Qu, N.; Zhou, L. Analysis of intervention strategies for coal miners’ unsafe behaviors based on analytic network process and system dynamics. Saf. Sci. 2019, 118, 145157,  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.002
  27. 27
    Heinrich, H. W. Industrial accident prevention. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 1979.
  28. 28
    Reason, J. A systems approach to organizational error. Ergonomics 1995, 38 (8), 17081721,  DOI: 10.1080/00140139508925221
  29. 29
    An, Y.; Wang, H.; Yang, X.; Zhang, J.; Tong, R. Using the tpb and 24model to understand workers’ unintentional and intentional unsafe behaviour: A case study. Saf. Sci. 2023, 163, 106099  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106099
  30. 30
    Wu, Y. L.; Fu, G.; Wu, Z. R.; Wang, Y. X.; Xie, X. C.; Han, M.; Lyu, Q. A popular systemic accident model in China: Theory and applications of 24 model. Saf. Sci. 2023, 159, 106013  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.106013
  31. 31
    Xu, C.; Guo, L.; Wang, K.; Yang, T.; Feng, Y.; Wang, H.; Li, D.; Fu, G. Current challenges of university laboratory: Characteristics of human factors and safety management system deficiencies based on accident statistics. J. Saf. Res. 2023, 86, 318335,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2023.07.010
  32. 32
    Li, Z. H. Research on statistical analysis and countermeasures of 100 laboratory accidents. Exp. Technol. Manage. 2014, 31 (04), 210, (in Chinese)
  33. 33
    Baudendistel, B. Investigation report University of California, Los Angeles. Report No. S1110-003-09, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Los Angeles, 2009.
  34. 34
    Ayi, H. R.; Hon, C. Y. Safety culture and safety compliance in academic laboratories: A Canadian perspective. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2018, 25 (6), 612,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jchas.2018.05.002
  35. 35
    Gibson, J. H.; Schröder, I.; Wayne, N. L. A research university’s rapid response to a fatal chemistry accident: Safety changes and outcomes. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2014, 21 (4), 1826,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jchas.2014.01.003
  36. 36
    Jin, X. Y.; Gao, F.; Qin, M. X.; Yu, Y. P.; Zhao, Y.; Shao, T. Y.; Chen, C.; Zhang, W. H.; Xie, B.; Xiong, Y. J.; Yang, L. H.; Wu, Y. How to make personal protective equipment spontaneously and continuously antimicrobial (incorporating oxidase-like catalysts). ACS Nano 2022, 16 (5), 77557771,  DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c11647
  37. 37
    Chen, M. M.; Wu, Y. Q.; Wang, K.; Guo, H. J.; Ke, W. An explosion accident analysis of the laboratory in university. Process. Saf. Prog. 2020, 39 (4), e12150,  DOI: 10.1002/prs.12150
  38. 38
    Marshall, P.; Hirmas, A.; Singer, M. Heinrich’s pyramid and occupational safety: A statistical validation methodology. Saf. Sci. 2018, 101, 180189,  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2017.09.005
  39. 39
    Sarvari, H.; Edwards, D. J.; Rillie, I.; Posillico, J. J. Building a safer future: Analysis of studies on safety I and safety II in the construction industry. Saf. Sci. 2024, 178, 106621  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106621
  40. 40
    Ajzen, I. Action control: From cognition to behavior; Kuhl, J., Beckmann, J., Eds.; SSSP Springer Series in Social Psychology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1985; pp 1139.
  41. 41
    Finster, D. C. RAMP: A safety tool for chemists and chemistry students. J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98 (1), 1924,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00142
  42. 42
    Wang, J.; Zou, P. X. W.; Li, P. P. Critical factors and paths influencing construction workers’ safety risk tolerances. Accid. Anal. Prev. 2016, 93, 267279,  DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.11.027
  43. 43
    Yokel, R. A.; MacPhail, R. C. Engineered nanomaterials: exposures, hazards, and risk prevention. J. Occup. Med. Toxicol 2011, 6, 7,  DOI: 10.1186/1745-6673-6-7
  44. 44
    Cadieux, K. E. C.; Zhou, J. H. W.; Gates, B. D. Signage to indicate the presence of engineered nanomaterials in the workplace: Lessons from a trial study that led to implementation in a worksite. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2024, 31 (1), 7784,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.chas.3c00072
  45. 45
    Ahmad, F.; Mahmood, A.; Muhmood, T. Machine learning-integrated omics for the risk and safety assessment of nanomaterials. Biomater. Sci. 2021, 9 (5), 15981608,  DOI: 10.1039/D0BM01672A
  46. 46
    Oksel, C.; Subramanian, V.; Semenzin, E.; Ma, C. Y.; Hristozov, D.; Wang, X. Z.; Hunt, N.; Costa, A.; Fransman, W.; Marcomini, A.; Wilkins, T. Evaluation of existing control measures in reducing health and safety risks of engineered nanomaterials. Environ. Sci. Nano 2016, 3 (4), 869882,  DOI: 10.1039/C6EN00122J
  47. 47
    Zhao, J. L.; Cui, H. Y.; Wang, G. R.; Zhang, J. P.; Yang, R. Risk assessment of safety level in university laboratories using questionnaire and Bayesian network. J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 2023, 83, 105054  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105054

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Descriptive statistics.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. Difference in gender. Note: *Significantly correlated at the 0.05 level (two-sided).

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. Difference in research direction.

  • References

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      Komaki, J.; Barwick, K. D.; Scott, L. R. A behavioural approach to occupational safety: pinpointing and reinforcing safe performance in a food manufacturing plant. J. Appl. Psychol. 1978, 63 (4), 434445,  DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.63.4.434
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      Yu, K.; Cao, Q.; Xie, C.; Qu, N.; Zhou, L. Analysis of intervention strategies for coal miners’ unsafe behaviors based on analytic network process and system dynamics. Saf. Sci. 2019, 118, 145157,  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.002
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      An, Y.; Wang, H.; Yang, X.; Zhang, J.; Tong, R. Using the tpb and 24model to understand workers’ unintentional and intentional unsafe behaviour: A case study. Saf. Sci. 2023, 163, 106099  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106099
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      Wu, Y. L.; Fu, G.; Wu, Z. R.; Wang, Y. X.; Xie, X. C.; Han, M.; Lyu, Q. A popular systemic accident model in China: Theory and applications of 24 model. Saf. Sci. 2023, 159, 106013  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2022.106013
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      Xu, C.; Guo, L.; Wang, K.; Yang, T.; Feng, Y.; Wang, H.; Li, D.; Fu, G. Current challenges of university laboratory: Characteristics of human factors and safety management system deficiencies based on accident statistics. J. Saf. Res. 2023, 86, 318335,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2023.07.010
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      Li, Z. H. Research on statistical analysis and countermeasures of 100 laboratory accidents. Exp. Technol. Manage. 2014, 31 (04), 210, (in Chinese)
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      Baudendistel, B. Investigation report University of California, Los Angeles. Report No. S1110-003-09, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Los Angeles, 2009.
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      Ayi, H. R.; Hon, C. Y. Safety culture and safety compliance in academic laboratories: A Canadian perspective. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2018, 25 (6), 612,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jchas.2018.05.002
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      Gibson, J. H.; Schröder, I.; Wayne, N. L. A research university’s rapid response to a fatal chemistry accident: Safety changes and outcomes. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2014, 21 (4), 1826,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jchas.2014.01.003
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      Jin, X. Y.; Gao, F.; Qin, M. X.; Yu, Y. P.; Zhao, Y.; Shao, T. Y.; Chen, C.; Zhang, W. H.; Xie, B.; Xiong, Y. J.; Yang, L. H.; Wu, Y. How to make personal protective equipment spontaneously and continuously antimicrobial (incorporating oxidase-like catalysts). ACS Nano 2022, 16 (5), 77557771,  DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c11647
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      Chen, M. M.; Wu, Y. Q.; Wang, K.; Guo, H. J.; Ke, W. An explosion accident analysis of the laboratory in university. Process. Saf. Prog. 2020, 39 (4), e12150,  DOI: 10.1002/prs.12150
    38. 38
      Marshall, P.; Hirmas, A.; Singer, M. Heinrich’s pyramid and occupational safety: A statistical validation methodology. Saf. Sci. 2018, 101, 180189,  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2017.09.005
    39. 39
      Sarvari, H.; Edwards, D. J.; Rillie, I.; Posillico, J. J. Building a safer future: Analysis of studies on safety I and safety II in the construction industry. Saf. Sci. 2024, 178, 106621  DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106621
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      Ajzen, I. Action control: From cognition to behavior; Kuhl, J., Beckmann, J., Eds.; SSSP Springer Series in Social Psychology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1985; pp 1139.
    41. 41
      Finster, D. C. RAMP: A safety tool for chemists and chemistry students. J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98 (1), 1924,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00142
    42. 42
      Wang, J.; Zou, P. X. W.; Li, P. P. Critical factors and paths influencing construction workers’ safety risk tolerances. Accid. Anal. Prev. 2016, 93, 267279,  DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.11.027
    43. 43
      Yokel, R. A.; MacPhail, R. C. Engineered nanomaterials: exposures, hazards, and risk prevention. J. Occup. Med. Toxicol 2011, 6, 7,  DOI: 10.1186/1745-6673-6-7
    44. 44
      Cadieux, K. E. C.; Zhou, J. H. W.; Gates, B. D. Signage to indicate the presence of engineered nanomaterials in the workplace: Lessons from a trial study that led to implementation in a worksite. ACS Chem. Health Saf. 2024, 31 (1), 7784,  DOI: 10.1021/acs.chas.3c00072
    45. 45
      Ahmad, F.; Mahmood, A.; Muhmood, T. Machine learning-integrated omics for the risk and safety assessment of nanomaterials. Biomater. Sci. 2021, 9 (5), 15981608,  DOI: 10.1039/D0BM01672A
    46. 46
      Oksel, C.; Subramanian, V.; Semenzin, E.; Ma, C. Y.; Hristozov, D.; Wang, X. Z.; Hunt, N.; Costa, A.; Fransman, W.; Marcomini, A.; Wilkins, T. Evaluation of existing control measures in reducing health and safety risks of engineered nanomaterials. Environ. Sci. Nano 2016, 3 (4), 869882,  DOI: 10.1039/C6EN00122J
    47. 47
      Zhao, J. L.; Cui, H. Y.; Wang, G. R.; Zhang, J. P.; Yang, R. Risk assessment of safety level in university laboratories using questionnaire and Bayesian network. J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 2023, 83, 105054  DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105054
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