Closing the Gap between Carbon Neutrality Targets and Action: Technology Solutions for China’s Key Energy-Intensive SectorsClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Jinchi DongJinchi DongState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, ChinaMore by Jinchi Dong
- Bofeng CaiBofeng CaiCenter for Carbon Neutrality, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, ChinaMore by Bofeng Cai
- Shaohui Zhang*Shaohui Zhang*Shaohui Zhang Email: [email protected]. Corresponding author address: School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China.School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, ChinaInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, AustriaMore by Shaohui Zhang
- Jinnan Wang*Jinnan Wang*Jinnan Wang Email: [email protected]. Tel.: +86 10 84910681. Fax: +86 10 84918581. Corresponding author address: Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, China; School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210023, China.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, ChinaCenter for Carbon Neutrality, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, ChinaMore by Jinnan Wang
- Hui YueHui YueCenter for Energy, Environment & Economy Research, School of Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, ChinaCopernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht, NetherlandsMore by Hui Yue
- Can WangCan WangState Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control (SKLESPC), School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, ChinaMore by Can Wang
- Xianqiang MaoXianqiang MaoSchool of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, ChinaMore by Xianqiang Mao
- Jianhui CongJianhui CongSchool of Economics and Management, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030000, ChinaMore by Jianhui Cong
- Fei GuoFei GuoInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, AustriaMore by Fei Guo
Facing significant carbon emissions annually, China requires a clear decarbonization strategy to meet its climate targets. This study presents a MESSAGEix-CAEP model to explore Chinese decarbonization pathways and their cost-benefit under two mitigation scenarios by establishing connections between five energy-intensive sectors based on energy and material flows. The results indicated the following: 1) Interaction and feedback between sectors should not be disregarded. The electrification process of the other four sectors was projected to increase electricity production by 206%, resulting in a higher power demand than current forecasts. 2) The marginal abatement cost to achieve carbon neutrality across all five sectors was 2189 CNY/tCO2, notably higher than current Chinese carbon emission trading prices. 3) The cost-benefit analysis indicates that a more ambitious abatement strategy would decrease the marginal abatement cost and result in a higher net carbon abatement benefit. The cumulative net benefit of carbon reduction was 7.8 trillion CNY under ambitious mitigation scenario, 1.3 trillion CNY higher than that under current Chinese mitigation scenario. These findings suggest that policy-makers should focus on the interaction effects of decarbonization pathways between sectors and strengthen their decarbonization efforts to motivate early carbon reduction.
This publication is licensed for personal use by The American Chemical Society.
Pathways to achieve Chinese carbon reduction targets remain ambiguous. This study reveals clear decarbonization strategies for industries and their cost-benefits based on the MESSAGEix-CAEP model.
1. Introduction
2. Methods and Data
2.1. China Carbon Neutrality Technology Database
2.2. Modeling Framework
2.3. Projection of Future “Product” Demand for the Road Traffic and Building Sector
2.3.1. Projection of Chinese Future Vehicle Ownership
2.3.2. Projection of Chinese Future Housing Demand
2.4. Scenario Design
2.5. Marginal Abatement Cost
3. Results
3.1. CO2 Emissions
3.2. Energy Consumption
3.3. Industry Technology Adoptions and Interactions
3.4. Marginal Abatement Cost
3.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis
4. Policy Implication
1. | When formulating decarbonization strategies for individual industries, it is essential to comprehensively consider the interaction impacts of multiple industries. This study revealed a significant connection and feedback mechanism between multiple sectors, with the electrification process of other sectors increasing the electricity demand by 206%, indicating a higher decarbonization pressure for the power industry. Therefore, we recommend integrating each sector’s solutions and considering the interaction impacts of each sector when formulating the “1+N” policy framework. | ||||
2. | Decarbonization strategies consistent with the Chinese reality should be developed. Natural gas has been regarded as the transitional energy to replace coal in meeting carbon reduction targets. However, the Chinese energy endowment is notable as “rich in coal but short of oil and gas”, and more than 40% of natural gas used by China comes from imports in recent years. The decarbonization pathways projected by this study revealed that coal-based DRI production had a lower carbon abatement cost than gas-based DRI production and can account for 45% of the iron and steel’s total carbon reduction under the HCN scenario. Therefore, China could adapt its resource endowment, taking coal as the foundation of economic development and developing coal-based technologies with CCS. | ||||
3. | China could consider using the price floor for the Chinese national emissions trading market when expanding it to include more industries. The average carbon trading price in the national carbon trading market (power industry only) was approximately 55 CNY in 2020. According to our projections, the marginal abatement cost to achieve carbon neutrality for the power industry is 159 CNY/tCO2 and 2189 CNY/tCO2 for all five sectors, significantly higher than the current trading price. Thus, a price floor for the Chinese national emission trading market may be necessary to maximize its effectiveness and achieve the carbon neutrality target. | ||||
4. | More ambitious decarbonization strategies may contribute to more benefits. Applying a more ambitious decarbonization pathway intuitively may increase the abatement cost. However, the projections suggested that a more ambitious decarbonization could result in a lower marginal abatement cost and higher net carbon abatement benefit. Therefore, China could consider strengthening its carbon reduction efforts and enforcing a more ambitious carbon mitigation strategy to achieve its carbon reduction goals. |
5. Discussion
Supporting Information
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Details description of the CNTD platform, the database for each sector, supplemental methods for marginal abatement cost, sensitive analysis for different vehicle ownership saturation levels, and additional results regarding the decarbonization pathways, energy consumption, interaction between sectors, and marginal abatement cost under HCN scenario (PDF)
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This work was supported by the China Scholarship Council (202206190157), Central University Excellent Youth Team Project, the Fine Particle Research Initiative in East Asia Considering National Differences (FRIEND) Project through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (Project No. 2020M3G1A1114622), the Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through the Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime, funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2022003560007), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71904007, 72140004, 72074154).
This article references 45 other publications.
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- 29Huo, T.; Xu, L.; Feng, W.; Cai, W.; Liu, B. Dynamic scenario simulations of carbon emission peak in China’s city-scale urban residential building sector through 2050. Energy Policy 2021, 159, 112612 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112612Google Scholar29 scenario simulations of carbon emission peak in China's city-scale urban residential building sector through 2050Huo, Tengfei; Xu, Linbo; Feng, Wei; Cai, Weiguang; Liu, BingshengEnergy Policy (2021), 159 (), 112612CODEN: ENPYAC; ISSN:0301-4215. (Elsevier Ltd.)Understanding future trajectory of urban residential building carbon emissions (URBCE) is essential to seeking effective carbon-abatement pathways to combat climate change. However, future evolutionary trajectory, possible emission peaks and peaking times in this sector are still unclear. This study innovatively develops an integrated dynamic simulation model by embedding a bottom-up building end-use energy model into the system dynamics model. Based on this, scenario anal. approach is combined with Monte Carlo simulation method to explore the possible emission peaks and peaking times considering the uncertainties of impact factors. We apply the integrated SD-LEAP model to Chongqing, a typical city in Chinas hot-summer and cold-winter zone. Results show that URBCE will probably peak at 22.8 (±8.0) Mt CO2 in 2042 (±3.4)-well beyond Chinas 2030 target. Different building end-uses present substantial disparities. The contribution of combined heating and cooling to URBCE mitigation will be over 60% between business-as-usual and low-carbon scenarios. Dynamic sensitivity anal. reveals that per capita gross domestic product, carbon emission factor, and residential floor space per capita can boost emission peaks and peaking time. This study can not only boost the theory and model development for carbon emission prediction, but also assist governments to set effective carbon-redn. targets and policies.
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- 40Cai, W.; He, N.; Li, M.; Xu, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, J.; Zeng, N.; Yan, P.; Si, G.; Zhang, X.; Cen, X.; Yu, G.; Sun, O. J. Carbon sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010 to 2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategies. Science Bulletin 2022, 67 (8), 836– 843, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2021.12.012Google Scholar40 sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010 to 2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategiesCai, Weixiang; He, Nianpeng; Li, Mingxu; Xu, Li; Wang, Longzhu; Zhu, Jianhua; Zeng, Nan; Yan, Pu; Si, Guoxin; Zhang, Xiaoquan; Cen, Xiaoyu; Yu, Guirui; Sun, Osbert JianxinScience Bulletin (2022), 67 (8), 836-843CODEN: SBCUA5; ISSN:2095-9281. (Elsevier B.V.)Forestation is important for sequestering atm. carbon, and it is a cost-effective and nature-based soln. (NBS) for mitigating global climate change. Here, under the assumption of forestation in the potential plantable lands, we used the forest carbon sequestration (FCS) model and field survey involving 3365 forest plots to assess the carbon sequestration rate (CSR) of Chinese existing and new forestation forests from 2010 to 2060 under three forestation and three climate scenarios. Without considering the influence of extreme events and human disturbance, the estd. av. CSR in Chinese forests was 0.358 ± 0.016 Pg C a-1, with partitioning to biomass (0.211 ± 0.016 Pg C a-1) and soil (0.147 ± 0.005 Pg C a-1), resp. The existing forests account for approx. 93.5% of the CSR, which will peak near 2035, and decreasing trend was present overall after 2035. After 2035, effective tending management is required to maintain the high CSR level, such as selective cutting, thinning, and approx. disturbance. However, new forestation from 2015 in the potential plantable lands would play a minimal role in addnl. CSR increases. In China, the CSR is generally higher in the Northeast, Southwest, and Central-South, and lower in the Northwest. Considering the potential losses through deforestation and logging, it is realistically estd. that CSR in Chinese forests would remain in the range of 0.161-0.358 Pg C a-1 from 2010 to 2060. Overall, forests have the potential to offset 14.1% of the national anthropogenic carbon emissions in China over the period of 2010-2060, significantly contributing to the carbon neutrality target of 2060 with the implementation of effective management strategies for existing forests and expansion of forestation.
- 41Huang, Y.; Sun, W.; Qin, Z.; Zhang, W.; Yu, Y.; Li, T.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, G.; Yu, L.; Wang, Y.; Ding, F.; Zhang, P. The role of China’s terrestrial carbon sequestration 2010–2060 in offsetting energy-related CO2 emissions. National Science Review 2022, 9 (8), nwac057 DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwac057Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Zhuo, Z.; Du, E.; Zhang, N.; Nielsen, C. P.; Lu, X.; Xiao, J.; Wu, J.; Kang, C. Cost increase in the electricity supply to achieve carbon neutrality in China. Nature. Communications 2022, 13 (1), 3172, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30747-0Google Scholar42 increase in the electricity supply to achieve carbon neutrality in ChinaZhuo, Zhenyu; Du, Ershun; Zhang, Ning; Nielsen, Chris P.; Lu, Xi; Xiao, Jinyu; Wu, Jiawei; Kang, ChongqingNature Communications (2022), 13 (1), 3172CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Portfolio)Abstr.: The Chinese government has set long-term carbon neutrality and renewable energy (RE) development goals for the power sector. Despite a precipitous decline in the costs of RE technologies, the external costs of renewable intermittency and the massive investments in new RE capacities would increase electricity costs. Here, we develop a power system expansion model to comprehensively evaluate changes in the electricity supply costs over a 30-yr transition to carbon neutrality. RE supply curves, operating security constraints, and the characteristics of various generation units are modelled in detail to assess the cost variations accurately. According to our results, approx. 5.8 TW of wind and solar photovoltaic capacity would be required to achieve carbon neutrality in the power system by 2050. The electricity supply costs would increase by 9.6 CNY¢/kWh. The major cost shift would result from the substantial investments in RE capacities, flexible generation resources, and network expansion.
- 43Wu, G.; Niu, D. A study of carbon peaking and carbon neutral pathways in China’s power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control target. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29 (56), 85062– 85080, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21594-zGoogle Scholar43 study of carbon peaking and carbon neutral pathways in China's power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control targetWu Gengqi; Niu Dongxiao; Wu Gengqi; Niu DongxiaoEnvironmental science and pollution research international (2022), 29 (56), 85062-85080 ISSN:.The clean and low-carbon transition of China's power sector is of great importance to the achievement of dual carbon targets and the control of global warming. This paper first estimates the remaining carbon budget of the power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control target and on this basis constructs 1.5 °C and 2 °C power transition scenarios, examining key boundary conditions such as economic development and changes in the cost of power generation technologies. Second, the Genetic Algorithm-Extreme Learning Machine (GA-ELM) model is used to forecast the electricity demand for the next forty years. Finally, with the objective of minimising the total planning cost, a pathway optimisation model of the power system is constructed to explore the optimal transition path for the power system using the dual carbon target, carbon budget and electricity demand as the main constraints. The results of the study show that the carbon budget of the Chinese power sector is approximately 7.1 × 10(10) t CO2 for a 1.5 °C temperature control target. The electricity demand tends to saturate after 2050 and reaches 1.58 × 10(13) kWh in 2060. The time of the carbon peak and carbon neutralisation in the power sector is 5 years ahead of the double carbon target. By 2060, the power system will be dominated by new energy sources, with the proportion of installed non-fossil energy capacity at over 90% and the proportion of non-fossil energy generation at over 85%. Compared to that under the 2 °C temperature control target, the power sector under the 1.5 °C temperature control target needs to accelerate the pace of the low-carbon transition of electricity and deal with key issues such as the orderly withdrawal of coal power, the construction of a diversified clean energy system and the application of carbon capture devices. This study recommends that the process of building a zero-emissions power sector requires a good pace of the construction of new power systems at a suitable pace, increased efforts to tackle key technologies and improved relevant market mechanisms. China's carbon-neutral pathway in the power sector also has implications for other countries' clean, low-carbon transitions of their power systems.
- 44Luo, S.; Hu, W.; Liu, W.; Zhang, Z.; Bai, C.; Huang, Q.; Chen, Z. Study on the decarbonization in China’s power sector under the background of carbon neutrality by 2060. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022, 166, 112618 DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112618Google Scholar44 on the decarbonization in China's power sector under the background of carbon neutrality by 2060Luo, Shihua; Hu, Weihao; Liu, Wen; Zhang, Zhenyuan; Bai, Chunguang; Huang, Qi; Chen, ZheRenewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022), 166 (), 112618CODEN: RSERFH; ISSN:1364-0321. (Elsevier Ltd.)The power sector in China, which is the main CO2 emission contributor in the country, plays an essential role in achieving the 2060 carbon neutrality goal. Notably, there are scientific gaps regarding the decarbonization plan to achieve this goal and the future power supply structure. The objective of this study is to systematically explore and evaluate the feasibility of constructing a carbon-neutral power sector. Considering the power source potential, power supply characteristics, and advanced technologies, methodol. steps were developed for the design and assessment of China's power sector. In particular, an evaluation indicator system was included to assess the decarbonization of the power sector and make it comparable in the international context. The results indicated that it is possible for the country's power sector to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, using available domestic energy resources. The total cost of the 100% non-fossil power sector was the lowest, accounting for 87.3% of that of the business-as-usual (BAU) power sector. Compared with the BAU power sector, the renewable power sectors had abatement costs of -0.12-0.43 kCNY/t. The neg. abatement cost indicated that power sector decarbonization could be cost-effective in China. In the international context, the cost of electricity of the future China power sector (∼0.42 CNY/kWh) was comparable to that in other regions, while the CO2 abatement cost was lower than that in most regions. The proposed methodol. steps can be beneficial for CO2 emissions redn. and energy structure conversion in the power sector of any region.
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This article references 45 other publications.
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- 2Shan, Y.; Guan, D.; Zheng, H.; Ou, J.; Li, Y.; Meng, J.; Mi, Z.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, Q. China CO2 emission accounts 1997–2015. Scientific Data 2018, 5 (1), 170201, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.2012 CO2 emission accounts 1997-2015Shan, Yuli; Guan, Dabo; Zheng, Heran; Ou, Jiamin; Li, Yuan; Meng, Jing; Mi, Zhifu; Liu, Zhu; Zhang, QiangScientific Data (2018), 5 (1), 170201CODEN: SDCABS; ISSN:2052-4463. (Nature Research)China is the world's top energy consumer and CO2 emitter, accounting for 30% of global emissions. Compiling an accurate accounting of China's CO2 emissions is the first step in implementing redn. policies. However, no annual, officially published emissions data exist for China. The current emissions estd. by academic institutes and scholars exhibit great discrepancies. The gap between the different emissions ests. is approx. equal to the total emissions of the Russian Federation (the 4th highest emitter globally) in 2011. In this study, we constructed the time-series of CO2 emission inventories for China and its 30 provinces. We followed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emissions accounting method with a territorial administrative scope. The inventories include energy-related emissions (17 fossil fuels in 47 sectors) and process-related emissions (cement prodn.). The first version of our dataset presents emission inventories from 1997 to 2015. We will update the dataset annually. The uniformly formatted emission inventories provide data support for further emission-related research as well as emissions redn. policy-making in China.
- 3Zheng, X.; Lu, Y.; Yuan, J.; Baninla, Y.; Zhang, S.; Stenseth, N. C.; Hessen, D. O.; Tian, H.; Obersteiner, M.; Chen, D. Drivers of change in China’s energy-related CO2 emissions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2020, 117 (1), 29– 36, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.19085131173 of change in China's energy-related CO2 emissionsZheng, Xiaoqi; Lu, Yonglong; Yuan, Jingjing; Baninla, Yvette; Zhang, Sheng; Stenseth, Nils Chr.; Hessen, Dag O.; Tian, Hanqin; Obersteiner, Michael; Chen, DeliangProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2020), 117 (1), 29-36CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)A review. CO2 emissions are of global concern because of climate change. China has become the largest CO2 emitter in the world and presently accounts for 30% of global emissions. Here, we analyze the major drivers of energy-related CO2 emissions in China from 1978 when the reform and opening-up policy was launched. We find that (1) there was a 6-fold increase in energy-related CO2 emissions, which was driven primarily (176%) by economic growth followed by population growth (16%), while the effects of energy intensity (-79%) and carbon intensity (-13%) slowed the growth of carbon emissions over most of this period; (2) energy-related CO2 emissions are pos. related to per capita gross domestic product (GDP), population growth rate, carbon intensity, and energy intensity; and (3) a portfolio of command-and-control policies affecting the drivers has altered the total emission trend. However, given the major role of China in global climate change mitigation, significant future redns. in China's CO2 emissions will require transformation toward low-carbon energy systems.
- 4Guan, D.; Meng, J.; Reiner, D. M.; Zhang, N.; Shan, Y.; Mi, Z.; Shao, S.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Davis, S. J. Structural decline in China’s CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems. Nature Geoscience 2018, 11 (8), 551– 555, DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0161-14 decline in China's CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systemsGuan, Dabo; Meng, Jing; Reiner, David M.; Zhang, Ning; Shan, Yuli; Mi, Zhifu; Shao, Shuai; Liu, Zhu; Zhang, Qiang; Davis, Steven J.Nature Geoscience (2018), 11 (8), 551-555CODEN: NGAEBU; ISSN:1752-0894. (Nature Research)As part of the Paris Agreement, China pledged to peak its CO2 emissions by 2030. In retrospect, the commitment may have been fulfilled as it was being made-China's emissions peaked in 2013 at a level of 9.53 gigatons of CO2, and have declined in each year from 2014 to 2016. However, the prospect of maintaining the continuance of these redns. depends on the relative contributions of different changes in China. Here, we quant. evaluate the drivers of the peak and decline of China's CO2 emissions between 2007 and 2016 using the latest available energy, economic and industry data. We find that slowing economic growth in China has made it easier to reduce emissions. Nevertheless, the decline is largely assocd. with changes in industrial structure and a decline in the share of coal used for energy. Decreasing energy intensity (energy per unit gross domestic product) and emissions intensity (emissions per unit energy) also contributed to the decline. Based on an econometric (cumulative sum) test, we confirm that there is a clear structural break in China's emission pattern around 2015. We conclude that the decline of Chinese emissions is structural and is likely to be sustained if the nascent industrial and energy system transitions continue.
- 5Rosa, E. A.; Dietz, T. Human drivers of national greenhouse-gas emissions. Nature Climate Change 2012, 2 (8), 581– 586, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate15065 drivers of national greenhouse-gas emissionsRosa, Eugene A.; Dietz, Thomas T.Nature Climate Change (2012), 2 (8), 581-586CODEN: NCCACZ; ISSN:1758-6798. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. Centuries of speculation about the causes of human stress on the environment is now being disciplined with empirical evidence, including analyses of differences in greenhouse-gas emissions across contemporary nation states. The cumulative results can provide useful guidance for both climate projections and for policy design. Growing human population and affluence clearly contribute to enhanced environmental stress. Evidence does not support the argument for amelioration of greenhouse-gas emissions at the highest levels of affluence. However, the role of other factors, such as urbanization, trade, culture and institutions remains ambiguous.
- 6Cai, B.; Cao, L.; Lei, Y.; Wang, C.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, J.; Li, M.; Du, M.; Lv, C.; Jiang, H.; Ning, M.; Wang, J. China’s carbon emission pathway under the carbon neutrality target. China Population,Resources and Environment 2021, 31 (01), 7– 14There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 7Li, W.; Zhang, S.; Lu, C. Research on the driving factors and carbon emission reduction pathways of China’s iron and steel industry under the vision of carbon neutrality. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 361, 132237 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.1322377 on the driving factors and carbon emission reduction pathways of China's iron and steel industry under the vision of carbon neutralityLi, Wei; Zhang, Shuohua; Lu, CanJournal of Cleaner Production (2022), 361 (), 132237CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)Under the vision of carbon neutrality, China's iron and steel industry (CISI) urgently needs to achieve low-carbon development. To formulate effective and targeted emission redn. policies for CISI, the driving forces of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and future emission redn. pathways in CISI are explored in this paper. The Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method and the Mean Impact Value (MIV) technique are adopted to analyze the driving factors of CO2 emissions in CISI at historical and prospective dimensions, resp. Furthermore, the extreme learning machine (ELM) model optimized by the bat algorithm (BA) is established to project the carbon emission redn. pathways of CISI during 2020-2050 under the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, the low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed development scenarios considering the constraint of the carbon neutrality target. The results reveal that prodn. capacity and energy efficiency are essential drivers of CO2 emissions in CISI. Consequently, aimed at achieving carbon neutrality, CISI should focus on eliminating backward capacity and simultaneously accelerating the deployment of advanced technologies. Addnl., it is difficult to accomplish the carbon neutrality goal by 2060 under the BAU scenario. Conversely, under the optimal emission redn. pathway detd. by the high-speed development scenario, CISI will reach its peak in 2022 with a peak value of 2143.42 million tons of CO2 (MtCO2). The av. annual emission abatement rate during 2022-2050 is maintained at approx. 4.47% and the cumulative redn. rate in 2050 will exceed 70% compared to the base year 2019. CISI is required to develop more stringent emission redn. measures to achieve significant emission abatement. The crude steel prodn. capacity should be reduced to 533 Mt in 2050 and the capacity utilization rate should be maintained beyond 80%. The energy consumption per ton of steel must be decreased to 264 Kg of coal equiv. (Kgce) in 2050.
- 8Wang, H.; Lu, X.; Deng, Y.; Sun, Y.; Nielsen, C. P.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, G.; Bu, M.; Bi, J.; McElroy, M. B. China’s CO2 peak before 2030 implied from characteristics and growth of cities. Nature Sustainability 2019, 2 (8), 748– 754, DOI: 10.1038/s41893-019-0339-6There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Zhang, S.; Chen, W. Assessing the energy transition in China towards carbon neutrality with a probabilistic framework. Nature. Communications 2022, 13 (1), 87, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27671-09 the energy transition in China towards carbon neutrality with a probabilistic frameworkZhang, Shu; Chen, WenyingNature Communications (2022), 13 (1), 87CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Portfolio)A profound transformation of China's energy system is required to achieve carbon neutrality. Here, we couple Monte Carlo anal. with a bottom-up energy-environment-economy model to generate 3,000 cases with different carbon peak times, technol. evolution pathways and cumulative carbon budgets. The results show that if emissions peak in 2025, the carbon neutrality goal calls for a 45-62% electrification rate, 47-78% renewable energy in primary energy supply, 5.2-7.9 TW of solar and wind power, 1.5-2.7 PWh of energy storage usage and 64-1,649 MtCO2 of neg. emissions, and synergistically reducing approx. 80% of local air pollutants compared to the present level in 2050. The emission peak time and cumulative carbon budget have significant impacts on the decarbonization pathways, technol. choices, and transition costs. Early peaking reduces welfare losses and prevents overreliance on carbon removal technologies. Technol. breakthroughs, prodn. and consumption pattern changes, and policy enhancement are urgently required to achieve carbon neutrality.
- 10Langevin, J.; Harris, C. B.; Reyna, J. L. Assessing the Potential to Reduce U.S. Building CO2 Emissions 80% by 2050. Joule 2019, 3 (10), 2403– 2424, DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.07.013There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 11Zhou, S.; Tong, Q.; Pan, X.; Cao, M.; Wang, H.; Gao, J.; Ou, X. Research on low-carbon energy transformation of China necessary to achieve the Paris agreement goals: A global perspective. Energy Economics 2021, 95, 105137 DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105137There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12van Sluisveld, M. A. E.; de Boer, H. S.; Daioglou, V.; Hof, A. F.; van Vuuren, D. P. A race to zero - Assessing the position of heavy industry in a global net-zero CO2 emissions context. Energy and Climate Change 2021, 2, 100051 DOI: 10.1016/j.egycc.2021.10005112 race to zero - Assessing the position of heavy industry in a global net-zero CO2 emissions contextvan Sluisveld, Mariesse A. E.; de Boer, Harmen Sytze; Daioglou, Vassilis; Hof, Andries F.; van Vuuren, Detlef P.Energy and Climate Change (2021), 2 (), 100051CODEN: ECCNA7; ISSN:2666-2787. (Elsevier B.V.)In this study, we explore the decarbonisation pathways of four carbon and energy-intensive industries (resp. iron & steel, clinker & cement, chems. and pulp & paper) in the context of a global 2050 net-zero carbon emissions objective using the IMAGE integrated assessment model. We systematically test the robustness of the model by studying its responses to four different decarbonisation narratives and across six different world regions. The study underpins earlier conclusions in the literature on 'residual emissions' and 'hard-to-abate sectors', such as the persistence of residual emissions and the overall continued use of fossil fuels by heavy industries within the global 2050 net-zero context (with the pulp & paper sector as an exception). However, under the condition that net-neg. emissions are achieved in the power and energy conversion sectors prior to the 2050 landmark, the indirect emission removals can compensate for the residual emissions left in the industry sectors, rendering these sectors 'net-zero' as early as the 2040s. Full decarbonisation of industrial (sub)sector(s) is found to be possible, but only under very specific narratives and likely outside of the 2050 timeline for the iron & steel, clinker & cement and the chem. sector. Subsequently, we find that the decarbonisation patterns in IMAGE are industry and regionally specific, though, different strategic considerations (narratives) did not substantially change the models' decarbonisation response before or after 2050. Important aspects of the decarbonisation responses are the (direct and indirect) electrification of the iron & steel sector, a full dependency on carbon removal technologies in the clinker & cement sector, the closing of carbon and material loops in the chem. sector and zero-carbon heating for the pulp & paper sector. However, further research and modeling efforts are needed to study a broader palette of conceivable decarbonisation pathways and implications for industry within a global 2050 net-zero economy context.
- 13Duan, H.; Zhou, S.; Jiang, K.; Bertram, C.; Harmsen, M.; Kriegler, E.; van Vuuren, D. P.; Wang, S.; Fujimori, S.; Tavoni, M.; Ming, X.; Keramidas, K.; Iyer, G.; Edmonds, J. Assessing China’s efforts to pursue the 1.5°C warming limit. Science 2021, 372 (6540), 378– 385, DOI: 10.1126/science.aba876713 China's efforts to pursue the 1.5°C warming limitDuan, Hongbo; Zhou, Sheng; Jiang, Kejun; Bertram, Christoph; Harmsen, Mathijs; Kriegler, Elmar; van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Wang, Shouyang; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Tavoni, Massimo; Ming, Xi; Keramidas, Kimon; Iyer, Gokul; Edmonds, JamesScience (Washington, DC, United States) (2021), 372 (6540), 378-385CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:1095-9203. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Given the increasing interest in keeping global warming below 1.5°C, a key question is what this would mean for China's emission pathway, energy restructuring, and decarbonization. By conducting a multimodel study, we find that the 1.5°C-consistent goal would require China to reduce its carbon emissions and energy consumption by more than 90 and 39%, resp., compared with the "no policy" case. Neg. emission technologies play an important role in achieving near-zero emissions, with captured carbon accounting on av. for 20% of the total redns. in 2050. Our multimodel comparisons reveal large differences in necessary emission redns. across sectors, whereas what is consistent is that the power sector is required to achieve full decarbonization by 2050. The cross-model avs. indicate that China's accumulated policy costs may amt. to 2.8 to 5.7% of its gross domestic product by 2050, given the 1.5°C warming limit.
- 14Cao, J.; Dai, H.; Li, S.; Guo, C.; Ho, M.; Cai, W.; He, J.; Huang, H.; Li, J.; Liu, Y.; Qian, H.; Wang, C.; Wu, L.; Zhang, X. The general equilibrium impacts of carbon tax policy in China: A multi-model comparison. Energy Economics 2021, 99, 105284 DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105284There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 15Zhao, X.-g.; Jiang, G.-w.; Nie, D.; Chen, H. How to improve the market efficiency of carbon trading: A perspective of China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016, 59, 1229– 1245, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.01.052There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 16McPhearson, T.; M. Raymond, C.; Gulsrud, N.; Albert, C.; Coles, N.; Fagerholm, N.; Nagatsu, M.; Olafsson, A. S.; Soininen, N.; Vierikko, K. Radical changes are needed for transformations to a good Anthropocene. npj Urban Sustainability 2021, 1 (1), 5, DOI: 10.1038/s42949-021-00017-xThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17IEA. Going carbon negative: What are the technology options? ; 2020. (accessed 2023-02-25).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 18IPCC WGI AR6. Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Shukla, P. R., Skea, J., Slade, R., Al Khourdajie, A., van Diemen, R., McCollum, D., Pathak, M., Some, S., Vyas, P., Fradera, R., Belkacemi, M.; Hasija, A., Lisboa, G., Luz, S., Malley, J., Eds.; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 2022. (accessed 2023-02-25).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19IEA. Net Zero by 2050; IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0; 2021. (accessed 2023-02-25).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 20Huppmann, D.; Gidden, M.; Fricko, O.; Kolp, P.; Orthofer, C.; Pimmer, M.; Kushin, N.; Vinca, A.; Mastrucci, A.; Riahi, K.; Krey, V. The MESSAGEix Integrated Assessment Model and the ix modeling platform (ixmp): An open framework for integrated and cross-cutting analysis of energy, climate, the environment, and sustainable development. Environmental Modelling & Software 2019, 112, 143– 156, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.11.012There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 21Zhang, S.; Yi, B.; Guo, F.; Zhu, P. Exploring selected pathways to low and zero CO2 emissions in China’s iron and steel industry and their impacts on resources and energy. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 340, 130813 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.13081321 selected pathways to low and zero CO2 emissions in China's iron and steel industry and their impacts on resources and energyZhang, Shaohui; Yi, Bowen; Guo, Fei; Zhu, PengyuJournal of Cleaner Production (2022), 340 (), 130813CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The increasing energy and material consumption assocd. with global economic growth has resulted in the need for more severe efforts at mitigating global climate change. The iron and steel industry consumes 8% of energy and emits 7% of total CO2 globally. China's iron and steel industry contributes to 15% of that country's total CO2 emissions. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore the possibility of net zero emissions in the iron and steel industry in China to meet China's goal of carbon neutrality before 2060. In the study presented in this paper, the MESSAGEix-China iron and steel model was developed by integrating the process-based technol. of the sector into the IIASA's MESSAGEix framework to explore zero CO2 emission pathways and their assocd. impacts on resources, energy, and water in China's iron and steel industry up to 2100. We found that there are multiple pathways to achieving zero CO2 emissions in the Chinese iron and steel industry by the end of the 21st century. More specifically, in all the pathways developed in this study, CO2emissions decreased significantly between 2030 and 2060 due to the rapid application of 100% scrap-based Elec. Arc Furnaces (EAFs) and hydrogen-based Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)-EAFs steel-making technologies. However, by 2060, there will still be 70-360 Mt of CO2 emissions from China's iron and steel industry; consequently, carbon sink or neg. emission technologies are required to offset this and achieve the country's carbon neutrality goal. Furthermore, technologies for achieving zero emissions differ widely in terms of their impacts on the consumption of materials and energy. Compared to the elec. (ELE) scenarios, 25-40% of extra iron ore is consumed in the current and new national policy (NPS) scenarios and the DRI scenarios, but 25-220% of scrap is required. At the same time, 20-150% more energy will be saved in the ELE scenarios than in the NPS and DRI scenarios. Finally, we recommend that policy makers design a cross-cutting strategy to achieve zero CO2 emissions and enhance efforts for material recycling and the provision of clean energy and water.
- 22Dargay, J.; Gately, D.; Sommer, M. Vehicle ownership and income growth, worldwide: 1960–2030. energy journal 2007, 28 (4), 143, DOI: 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol28-No4-7There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Medlock, K. B.; Soligo, R. Car ownership and economic development with forecasts to the year 2015. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2002, 36 (2), 163– 188There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Wu, T.; Zhao, H.; Ou, X. Vehicle Ownership Analysis Based on GDP per Capita in China: 1963–2050. Sustainability 2014, 6 (8), 4877– 4899, DOI: 10.3390/su6084877There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 25Dargay, J.; Gately, D. Income’s effect on car and vehicle ownership, worldwide: 1960–2015. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 1999, 33 (2), 101– 138, DOI: 10.1016/S0965-8564(98)00026-3There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Huo, H.; Wang, M. Modeling future vehicle sales and stock in China. Energy Policy 2012, 43, 17– 29, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.09.063There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Tan, M.; Li, X.; Xie, H.; Lu, C. Urban land expansion and arable land loss in China─a case study of Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region. Land Use Policy 2005, 22 (3), 187– 196, DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2004.03.003There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Gong, T.; Zhang, W.; Liang, J.; Lin, C.; Mao, K. Forecast and Analysis of the Total Amount of Civil Buildings in China in the Future Based on Population Driven. Sustainability 2021, 13 (24), 14051, DOI: 10.3390/su132414051There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Huo, T.; Xu, L.; Feng, W.; Cai, W.; Liu, B. Dynamic scenario simulations of carbon emission peak in China’s city-scale urban residential building sector through 2050. Energy Policy 2021, 159, 112612 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.11261229 scenario simulations of carbon emission peak in China's city-scale urban residential building sector through 2050Huo, Tengfei; Xu, Linbo; Feng, Wei; Cai, Weiguang; Liu, BingshengEnergy Policy (2021), 159 (), 112612CODEN: ENPYAC; ISSN:0301-4215. (Elsevier Ltd.)Understanding future trajectory of urban residential building carbon emissions (URBCE) is essential to seeking effective carbon-abatement pathways to combat climate change. However, future evolutionary trajectory, possible emission peaks and peaking times in this sector are still unclear. This study innovatively develops an integrated dynamic simulation model by embedding a bottom-up building end-use energy model into the system dynamics model. Based on this, scenario anal. approach is combined with Monte Carlo simulation method to explore the possible emission peaks and peaking times considering the uncertainties of impact factors. We apply the integrated SD-LEAP model to Chongqing, a typical city in Chinas hot-summer and cold-winter zone. Results show that URBCE will probably peak at 22.8 (±8.0) Mt CO2 in 2042 (±3.4)-well beyond Chinas 2030 target. Different building end-uses present substantial disparities. The contribution of combined heating and cooling to URBCE mitigation will be over 60% between business-as-usual and low-carbon scenarios. Dynamic sensitivity anal. reveals that per capita gross domestic product, carbon emission factor, and residential floor space per capita can boost emission peaks and peaking time. This study can not only boost the theory and model development for carbon emission prediction, but also assist governments to set effective carbon-redn. targets and policies.
- 30O’Neill, B. C.; Carter, T. R.; Ebi, K.; Harrison, P. A.; Kemp-Benedict, E.; Kok, K.; Kriegler, E.; Preston, B. L.; Riahi, K.; Sillmann, J.; van Ruijven, B. J.; van Vuuren, D.; Carlisle, D.; Conde, C.; Fuglestvedt, J.; Green, C.; Hasegawa, T.; Leininger, J.; Monteith, S.; Pichs-Madruga, R. Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework. Nature Climate Change 2020, 10 (12), 1074– 1084, DOI: 10.1038/s41558-020-00952-030 and needs for the climate change scenario frameworkO'Neill Brian C; Carlisle David; Green Carole; O'Neill Brian C; Carter Timothy R; Ebi Kristie; Harrison Paula A; Kemp-Benedict Eric; Kok Kasper; Kriegler Elmar; Preston Benjamin L; Riahi Keywan; van Ruijven Bas J; Sillmann Jana; Fuglestvedt Jan; van Vuuren Detlef; van Vuuren Detlef; Conde Cecilia; Hasegawa Tomoko; Leininger Julia; Monteith Seth; Pichs-Madruga RamonNature climate change (2020), 10 (12), 1074-1084 ISSN:1758-678X.Long-term global scenarios have underpinned research and assessment of global environmental change for four decades. Over the past ten years, the climate change research community has developed a scenario framework combining alternative futures of climate and society to facilitate integrated research and consistent assessment to inform policy. Here we assess how well this framework is working and what challenges it faces. We synthesize insights from scenario-based literature, community discussions and recent experience in assessments, concluding that the framework has been widely adopted across research communities and is largely meeting immediate needs. However, some mixed successes and a changing policy and research landscape present key challenges, and we recommend several new directions for the development and use of this framework.
- 31O’Neill, B. C.; Kriegler, E.; Ebi, K. L.; Kemp-Benedict, E.; Riahi, K.; Rothman, D. S.; van Ruijven, B. J.; van Vuuren, D. P.; Birkmann, J.; Kok, K. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global environmental change 2017, 42, 169– 180, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.01.004There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Chen, Y.; Guo, F.; Wang, J.; Cai, W.; Wang, C.; Wang, K. Provincial and gridded population projection for China under shared socioeconomic pathways from 2010 to 2100. Scientific Data 2020, 7 (1), 1– 13, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-0421-yThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 33McKitrick, R. A Derivation of the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1999, 37 (3), 306– 314, DOI: 10.1006/jeem.1999.1065There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Kesicki, F.; Strachan, N. Marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves: confronting theory and practice. Environmental Science & Policy 2011, 14 (8), 1195– 1204, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2011.08.004There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 35DECC, D. f. E. a. C. C. Carbon Valuation in UK Policy Appraisal: A Revised Approach ; 2009.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Kesicki, F. Marginal abatement cost curves for policy making–expert-based vs. model-derived curves ; 2010. (accessed 2023-02-25).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Du, L.; Hanley, A.; Wei, C. Estimating the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve of CO2 Emissions in China: Provincial Panel Data Analysis. Energy Economics 2015, 48, 217– 229, DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2015.01.007There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 38Ma, C.; Hailu, A.; You, C. A critical review of distance function based economic research on China’s marginal abatement cost of carbon dioxide emissions. Energy Economics 2019, 84, 104533 DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104533There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 39Xiao, H.; Wei, Q.; Wang, H. Marginal abatement cost and carbon reduction potential outlook of key energy efficiency technologies in China′s building sector to 2030. Energy Policy 2014, 69, 92– 105, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.02.021There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 40Cai, W.; He, N.; Li, M.; Xu, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, J.; Zeng, N.; Yan, P.; Si, G.; Zhang, X.; Cen, X.; Yu, G.; Sun, O. J. Carbon sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010 to 2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategies. Science Bulletin 2022, 67 (8), 836– 843, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2021.12.01240 sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010 to 2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategiesCai, Weixiang; He, Nianpeng; Li, Mingxu; Xu, Li; Wang, Longzhu; Zhu, Jianhua; Zeng, Nan; Yan, Pu; Si, Guoxin; Zhang, Xiaoquan; Cen, Xiaoyu; Yu, Guirui; Sun, Osbert JianxinScience Bulletin (2022), 67 (8), 836-843CODEN: SBCUA5; ISSN:2095-9281. (Elsevier B.V.)Forestation is important for sequestering atm. carbon, and it is a cost-effective and nature-based soln. (NBS) for mitigating global climate change. Here, under the assumption of forestation in the potential plantable lands, we used the forest carbon sequestration (FCS) model and field survey involving 3365 forest plots to assess the carbon sequestration rate (CSR) of Chinese existing and new forestation forests from 2010 to 2060 under three forestation and three climate scenarios. Without considering the influence of extreme events and human disturbance, the estd. av. CSR in Chinese forests was 0.358 ± 0.016 Pg C a-1, with partitioning to biomass (0.211 ± 0.016 Pg C a-1) and soil (0.147 ± 0.005 Pg C a-1), resp. The existing forests account for approx. 93.5% of the CSR, which will peak near 2035, and decreasing trend was present overall after 2035. After 2035, effective tending management is required to maintain the high CSR level, such as selective cutting, thinning, and approx. disturbance. However, new forestation from 2015 in the potential plantable lands would play a minimal role in addnl. CSR increases. In China, the CSR is generally higher in the Northeast, Southwest, and Central-South, and lower in the Northwest. Considering the potential losses through deforestation and logging, it is realistically estd. that CSR in Chinese forests would remain in the range of 0.161-0.358 Pg C a-1 from 2010 to 2060. Overall, forests have the potential to offset 14.1% of the national anthropogenic carbon emissions in China over the period of 2010-2060, significantly contributing to the carbon neutrality target of 2060 with the implementation of effective management strategies for existing forests and expansion of forestation.
- 41Huang, Y.; Sun, W.; Qin, Z.; Zhang, W.; Yu, Y.; Li, T.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, G.; Yu, L.; Wang, Y.; Ding, F.; Zhang, P. The role of China’s terrestrial carbon sequestration 2010–2060 in offsetting energy-related CO2 emissions. National Science Review 2022, 9 (8), nwac057 DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwac057There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Zhuo, Z.; Du, E.; Zhang, N.; Nielsen, C. P.; Lu, X.; Xiao, J.; Wu, J.; Kang, C. Cost increase in the electricity supply to achieve carbon neutrality in China. Nature. Communications 2022, 13 (1), 3172, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30747-042 increase in the electricity supply to achieve carbon neutrality in ChinaZhuo, Zhenyu; Du, Ershun; Zhang, Ning; Nielsen, Chris P.; Lu, Xi; Xiao, Jinyu; Wu, Jiawei; Kang, ChongqingNature Communications (2022), 13 (1), 3172CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Portfolio)Abstr.: The Chinese government has set long-term carbon neutrality and renewable energy (RE) development goals for the power sector. Despite a precipitous decline in the costs of RE technologies, the external costs of renewable intermittency and the massive investments in new RE capacities would increase electricity costs. Here, we develop a power system expansion model to comprehensively evaluate changes in the electricity supply costs over a 30-yr transition to carbon neutrality. RE supply curves, operating security constraints, and the characteristics of various generation units are modelled in detail to assess the cost variations accurately. According to our results, approx. 5.8 TW of wind and solar photovoltaic capacity would be required to achieve carbon neutrality in the power system by 2050. The electricity supply costs would increase by 9.6 CNY¢/kWh. The major cost shift would result from the substantial investments in RE capacities, flexible generation resources, and network expansion.
- 43Wu, G.; Niu, D. A study of carbon peaking and carbon neutral pathways in China’s power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control target. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29 (56), 85062– 85080, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21594-z43 study of carbon peaking and carbon neutral pathways in China's power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control targetWu Gengqi; Niu Dongxiao; Wu Gengqi; Niu DongxiaoEnvironmental science and pollution research international (2022), 29 (56), 85062-85080 ISSN:.The clean and low-carbon transition of China's power sector is of great importance to the achievement of dual carbon targets and the control of global warming. This paper first estimates the remaining carbon budget of the power sector under a 1.5 °C temperature control target and on this basis constructs 1.5 °C and 2 °C power transition scenarios, examining key boundary conditions such as economic development and changes in the cost of power generation technologies. Second, the Genetic Algorithm-Extreme Learning Machine (GA-ELM) model is used to forecast the electricity demand for the next forty years. Finally, with the objective of minimising the total planning cost, a pathway optimisation model of the power system is constructed to explore the optimal transition path for the power system using the dual carbon target, carbon budget and electricity demand as the main constraints. The results of the study show that the carbon budget of the Chinese power sector is approximately 7.1 × 10(10) t CO2 for a 1.5 °C temperature control target. The electricity demand tends to saturate after 2050 and reaches 1.58 × 10(13) kWh in 2060. The time of the carbon peak and carbon neutralisation in the power sector is 5 years ahead of the double carbon target. By 2060, the power system will be dominated by new energy sources, with the proportion of installed non-fossil energy capacity at over 90% and the proportion of non-fossil energy generation at over 85%. Compared to that under the 2 °C temperature control target, the power sector under the 1.5 °C temperature control target needs to accelerate the pace of the low-carbon transition of electricity and deal with key issues such as the orderly withdrawal of coal power, the construction of a diversified clean energy system and the application of carbon capture devices. This study recommends that the process of building a zero-emissions power sector requires a good pace of the construction of new power systems at a suitable pace, increased efforts to tackle key technologies and improved relevant market mechanisms. China's carbon-neutral pathway in the power sector also has implications for other countries' clean, low-carbon transitions of their power systems.
- 44Luo, S.; Hu, W.; Liu, W.; Zhang, Z.; Bai, C.; Huang, Q.; Chen, Z. Study on the decarbonization in China’s power sector under the background of carbon neutrality by 2060. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022, 166, 112618 DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.11261844 on the decarbonization in China's power sector under the background of carbon neutrality by 2060Luo, Shihua; Hu, Weihao; Liu, Wen; Zhang, Zhenyuan; Bai, Chunguang; Huang, Qi; Chen, ZheRenewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022), 166 (), 112618CODEN: RSERFH; ISSN:1364-0321. (Elsevier Ltd.)The power sector in China, which is the main CO2 emission contributor in the country, plays an essential role in achieving the 2060 carbon neutrality goal. Notably, there are scientific gaps regarding the decarbonization plan to achieve this goal and the future power supply structure. The objective of this study is to systematically explore and evaluate the feasibility of constructing a carbon-neutral power sector. Considering the power source potential, power supply characteristics, and advanced technologies, methodol. steps were developed for the design and assessment of China's power sector. In particular, an evaluation indicator system was included to assess the decarbonization of the power sector and make it comparable in the international context. The results indicated that it is possible for the country's power sector to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, using available domestic energy resources. The total cost of the 100% non-fossil power sector was the lowest, accounting for 87.3% of that of the business-as-usual (BAU) power sector. Compared with the BAU power sector, the renewable power sectors had abatement costs of -0.12-0.43 kCNY/t. The neg. abatement cost indicated that power sector decarbonization could be cost-effective in China. In the international context, the cost of electricity of the future China power sector (∼0.42 CNY/kWh) was comparable to that in other regions, while the CO2 abatement cost was lower than that in most regions. The proposed methodol. steps can be beneficial for CO2 emissions redn. and energy structure conversion in the power sector of any region.
- 45National Academies of Sciences, E.; Medicine Valuing climate damages: updating estimation of the social cost of carbon dioxide; National Academies Press: 2017; DOI: 10.17226/24651 .There is no corresponding record for this reference.
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Details description of the CNTD platform, the database for each sector, supplemental methods for marginal abatement cost, sensitive analysis for different vehicle ownership saturation levels, and additional results regarding the decarbonization pathways, energy consumption, interaction between sectors, and marginal abatement cost under HCN scenario (PDF)
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