Spatially and Temporally Explicit Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Soybean Production in the U.S. MidwestClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Xiaobo Xue Romeiko*Xiaobo Xue Romeiko*Email: [email protected]Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, One University Place, Rensselaer, New York 12144, United StatesMore by Xiaobo Xue Romeiko
- Eun Kyung LeeEun Kyung LeeDepartment of Environmental Health Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, One University Place, Rensselaer, New York 12144, United StatesMore by Eun Kyung Lee
- Yetunde SorunmuYetunde SorunmuDepartment of Environmental Health Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, One University Place, Rensselaer, New York 12144, United StatesMore by Yetunde Sorunmu
- Xuesong ZhangXuesong ZhangJoint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 5825 University Research Court, College Park, Maryland 20740, United StatesEarth System Sciences Interdisciplinary Center, 5825 University Research Court, Suite 4001 College Park, Maryland 20740, United StatesMore by Xuesong Zhang
Understanding spatially and temporally explicit life cycle environmental impacts is critical for designing sustainable supply chains for biofuel and animal sectors. However, annual life cycle environmental impacts of crop production at county scale across mutiple years are lacking. To address this knowledge gap, this study used a combination of Environmental Policy Integrated Climate and process-based life cycle assessment models to quantify life cycle global warming (GWP), eutrophication (EU) and acidification (AD) impacts of soybean production in nearly 1000 Midwest counties yr–1 over 9 years. Sequentially, a machine learning approach was applied to identify the top influential factors among soil, climate, and farming practices, which drive the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of life cycle environmental impacts. The results indicated that significant variations existed in life cycle GWP, EU, and AD among counties and across years. Life cycle GWP impacts ranged from −11.4 to 22.0 kg CO2-eq kg soybean–1, whereas life cycle EU and AD impacts varied by factors of 302 and 44, respectively. Nitrogen application rates, temperature in March and soil texture were the top influencing factors for life cycle GWP impacts. In contrast, soil organic content and nitrogen application rate were the top influencing factors for life cycle EU and AD impacts.
This publication is licensed for personal use by The American Chemical Society.
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Goal and Scope Definition
2.2. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)
2.2.1. On-Farm LCI from Foreground Subsystem
2.2.2. Supply Chain LCI from Background Subsystem
2.3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)
2.4. Life Cycle Interpretation
predictor variables | data description | data sources | spatial resolution | time resolution |
nitrogen fertilizer application rate | soybean fertilizer application rate (lbs acre–1) | USDA NASS (44) | state | annual |
soil organic content (%) | percentage of soil organic content measured in soil depth up to 6 m | USDA SSURGO (50) | county | multiyear average |
soil type: clay, sand, silt (%) | percentage of soil types | USDA SSURGO (50) | county | multiyear average |
temperature (°C) | monthly mean temperature | NOAA (49) | county | monthly |
precipitation (mm) | monthly mean precipitation | NOAA (49) | county | monthly |
farming practices (NT and CT) | farming practices in fractions | USDA (44) | county | annual |
Response Variables | ||||
life cycle GWP, EU, and AD values | life cycle GWP (kg CO2-eq kg soybean–1), EU (g N-eq kg soybean–1), AD (g SO2-eq kg soybean–1) | estimated in this study (2.2 and 2.3) | county | annual |
Abbreviations: CT, conventional tillage; NT, no tillage.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Magnitudes of Soybean’S Life Cycle Impacts in the Midwest Counties for Nine Years
3.2. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Life Cycle Impacts of Soybean Production among States Across 9 Years
3.3. The Relative Influences of Weather, Soil and Farming Practices on Life Cycle Impacts
3.4. Comparison of Existing Soybean LCA Literature
3.5. Implication for Biophysical Accounting and Supply Chain Management
Supporting Information
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Figures showing the system boundary, EPIC/LCA/BRT model integration, life cycle environmental impacts of soybean for Midwest counties over nine years, stage contributions at county and state scales, statistical distributions of life cycle GWP with/out net carbon exchange, the improvements on biophysical accounting with county scale estimates, and sensitivity analyses; Tables showing the detailed data sources for EPIC, impact intensities for supply chain LCI, characterization factors for LCIA, and highest/lowest values of life cycle impacts of soybean in the Midwest; Equations utilized to estimate life cycle impacts (PDF)
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We acknowledge the Presidential Innovation Fund for Research and Scholarship Award and the Faculty Research Award from the State University of New York at Albany for sponsoring this work. X.Z. gratefully acknowledges support from NASA (NNH13ZDA001N, NNX17AE66G, and 18-CMS18-0052) and NSF (1639327). We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments that improved the quality of the manuscript.
This article references 91 other publications.
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- 4Maciel, V. G.; Zortea, R. B.; Grillo, I. B.; Ugaya, C. M. L.; Einloft, S.; Seferin, M. Greenhouse gases assessment of soybean cultivation steps in southern Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2016, 131, 747– 753, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.100Google Scholar4 gases assessment of soybean cultivation steps in southern BrazilMaciel, Vinicius Goncalves; Zortea, Rafael Batista; Grillo, Igor Barden; Lie Ugaya, Cassia Maria; Einloft, Sandra; Seferin, MarcusJournal of Cleaner Production (2016), 131 (), 747-753CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)This study presents a greenhouse gases emissions assessment of soybean cultivation in southern Brazil based on life cycle inventory. Although there are currently some studies on this topic, it is focused in the country level. Nevertheless, there are differences among the producing regions and it's estd. that for each 20 kg of soybeans produced in Brazil, one is produced in Rio Grande do Sul state. In a previous study, a life cycle inventory of soybean cultivated in this Brazilian state was developed, nevertheless, the influence of land use change along the life cycle was not taken into account. Therefore, the current study discusses the influence of direct land use change over the greenhouse gas emissions. The functional unit (FU) employed was 1 kg of soybean harvested for a cradle to gate study. For the soybean cultivation, in the scenario related to no land use change (scenario 1), 0.352 kg CO2/FU was emitted. This value increases up to 205% in scenario 2 (in this case, the actual scenario was that 15.4% of soybean cropland area replaced grassland) and 892% in scenario 3 (all land transformation was over forest). In scenario 1, soybean cultivation was responsible for the higher share of the greenhouse gases emissions (42%). The highest contributions in soybean cultivation for greenhouse gases emissions were: liming (37%), fertilization (19%) and seeding (9%).
- 5Dalgaard, R.; Schmidt, J.; Halberg, N.; Christensen, P.; Thrane, M.; Pengue, W. A. LCA of soybean meal. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2008, 13 (3), 240, DOI: 10.1065/lca2007.06.342Google Scholar5 of soybean mealDalgaard, Randi; Schmidt, Jannick; Halberg, Niels; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel; Pengue, Walter A.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2008), 13 (3), 240-254CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Ecomed Publishers)Soybean meal is an important protein input to the European livestock prodn., with Argentina being an important supplier. The area cultivated with soybeans is still increasing globally, and so are the no. of LCAs where the prodn. of soybean meal forms part of the product chain. In recent years there has been increasing focus on how soybean prodn. affects the environment. The purpose of the study was to est. the environmental consequences of soybean meal consumption using a consequential LCA approach. The functional unit is 'one kg of soybean meal produced in Argentina and delivered to Rotterdam Harbor'. Soybean meal has the co-product soybean oil. In this study, the consequential LCA method was applied, and co-product allocation was thereby avoided through system expansion. In this context, system expansion implies that the inputs and outputs are entirely ascribed to soybean meal, and the product system is subsequently expanded to include the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Presently, the marginal vegetable oil on the world market is palm oil but, to be prepd. for fluctuations in market demands, an alternative product system with rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil has been established. EDIP97 (updated version 2.3) was used for LCIA and the following impact categories were included: Global warming, eutrophication, acidification, ozone depletion and photochem. smog. Two soybean loops were established to demonstrate how an increased demand for soybean meal affects the palm oil and rapeseed oil prodn., resp. The characterized results from LCA on soybean meal (with palm oil as marginal oil) were 721 g CO2 eq. for global warming potential, 0.3 mg CFC11 equiv. for ozone depletion potential, 3.1 g SO2 eq. for acidification potential, -2 g NO3 eq. for eutrophication potential and 0.4 g ethene eq. for photochem. smog potential per kg soybean meal. The av. area per kg soybean meal consumed was 3.6 m2year. Attributional results, calcd. by economic and mass allocation, are also presented. Normalized results show that the most dominating impact categories were: global warming, eutrophication and acidification. The 'hot spot' in relation to global warming, was 'soybean cultivation', dominated by N2O emissions from degrdn. of crop residues (e.g., straw) and during biol. nitrogen fixation. In relation to eutrophication and acidification, the transport of soybeans by truck is important, and sensitivity analyses showed that the acidification potential is very sensitive to the increased transport distance by truck. The potential environmental impacts (except photochem. smog) were lower when using rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil, because the avoided prodn. of rapeseed contributes more neg. compared with the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Identification of the marginal vegetable oil (palm oil or rapeseed oil) turned out to be important for the result, and this shows how crucial it is in consequential LCA to identify the right marginal product system (e.g., marginal vegetable oil). Consequential LCAs were successfully performed on soybean meal and LCA data on soybean meal are now available for consequential (or attributional) LCAs on livestock products. The study clearly shows that consequential LCAs are quite easy to handle, even though it has been necessary to include prodn. of palm oil, rapeseed and spring barley, as these prodn. systems are affected by the soybean oil co-product. We would appreciate it if the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment had articles on the developments on, for example, marginal protein, marginal vegetable oil, marginal electricity (related to relevant markets), marginal heat, marginal cereals and, likewise, on metals and other basic commodities. This will not only facilitate the work with consequential LCAs, but will also increase the quality of LCAs.
- 6Lehuger, S.; Gabrielle, B.; Gagnaire, N. Environmental impact of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in dairy cow feed. J. Cleaner Prod. 2009, 17 (6), 616– 624, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.10.005Google Scholar6 impact of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in dairy cow feedLehuger, Simon; Gabrielle, Benoit; Gagnaire, NathalieJournal of Cleaner Production (2009), 17 (6), 616-624CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)Growing public concerns about the traceability, safety and environmental-friendliness of food products provide an incentive for shorter supply chains in agricultural prodn. Here, we assessed the environmental impacts of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in French dairy prodn. systems, using a life-cycle approach. Two feeding rations based on either French-produced rapeseed meal or Brazilian-produced soy meal as concs., were compared for nine impact categories, including global warming, ecotoxicity and eutrophication. Crop prodn. was the main contributor to most impacts, while overseas transport of soy meal only had a marginal effect. The soybean ration appeared more environmentally-efficient than the rapeseed ration because it involved less intensive management practices, in particular regarding synthetic fertilizers consumption. However, land use changes brought about by soybean cultivation should also be examd.
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- 8Panichelli, L.; Dauriat, A.; Gnansounou, E. Life cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina for export. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14 (2), 144– 159, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-008-0050-8Google Scholar8 cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina for exportPanichelli, Luis; Dauriat, Arnaud; Gnansounou, EdgardInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (2), 144-159CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Regional specificities are a key factor when analyzing the environmental impact of a biofuel pathway through a life cycle assessment (LCA). Due to different energy mixes, transport distances, agricultural practices and land use changes, results can significantly vary from one country to another. The Republic of Argentina is the first exporter of soybean oil and meal and the third largest soybean producer in the world, and therefore, soybean-based biodiesel prodn. is expected to significantly increase in the near future, mostly for exportation. Moreover, Argentinean biodiesel producers will need to evaluate the environmental performances of their product in order to comply with sustainability criteria being developed. However, because of regional specificities, the environmental performances of this biofuel pathway can be expected to be different from those obtained for other countries and feedstocks previously studied. This work aims at analyzing the environmental impact of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Argentina for export. The relevant impact categories account for the primary non-renewable energy consumption (CED), the global warming potential (GWP), the eutrophication potential (EP), the acidification potential (AP), the terrestrial ecotoxicity (TE), the aquatic ecotoxicity (AE), the human toxicity (HT) and land use competition (LU). The paper tackles the feedstock and country specificities in biodiesel prodn. by comparing the results of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina with other ref. cases. Emphasis is put on explaining the factors that contribute most to the final results and the regional specificities that lead to different results for each biodiesel pathway. The Argentinean (AR) biodiesel pathway was modelled through an LCA and was compared with ref. cases available in the ecoinvent 2.01 database, namely, soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Brazil (BR) and the United States (US), rapeseed-based biodiesel prodn. in the European Union (EU) and Switzerland (CH) and palm-oil-based biodiesel prodn. in Malaysia (MY). In all cases, the systems were modelled from feedstock prodn. to biodiesel use as B100 in a 28 t truck in CH. Furthermore, biodiesel pathways were compared with fossil low-sulfur diesel produced and used in CH. The LCA was performed according to the ISO stds. The life cycle inventory and the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) were performed in Excel spreadsheets using the ecoinvent 2.01 database. The cumulative energy demand (CED) and the GWP were estd. through the CED for fossil and nuclear energy and the IPCC 2001 (climate change) LCIA methods, resp. Other impact categories were assessed according to CML 2001, as implemented in ecoinvent. As the product is a fuel for transportation (service), the system was defined for one vehicle kilometer (functional unit) and was divided into seven unit processes, namely, agricultural phase, soybean oil extn. and refining, transesterification, transport to port, transport to the destination country border, distribution and utilization. The Argentinean pathway results in the highest GWP, CED, AE and HT compared with the ref. biofuel pathways. Compared with the fossil ref., all impact categories are higher for the AR case, except for the CED. The most significant factor that contributes to the environmental impact in the Argentinean case varies depending on the evaluated category. Land provision through deforestation for soybean cultivation is the most impacting factor of the AR biodiesel pathway for the GWP, the CED and the HT categories. While nitrogen oxide emissions during the fuel use are the main cause of acidification, nitrate leaching during soybean cultivation is the main factor of eutrophication. LU is almost totally affected by arable land occupation for soybean cultivation. Cypermethrin used as pesticide in feedstock prodn. accounts for almost the total impact on TE and AE. Discussion The sensitivity anal. shows that an increase of 10% in the soybean yield, while keeping the same inputs, will reduce the total impact of the system. Avoiding deforestation is the main challenge to improve the environmental performances of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in AR. If the soybean expansion can be done on marginal and set-aside agricultural land, the neg. impact of the system will be significantly reduced. Further implementation of crops' successions, soybean inoculation, reduced tillage and less toxic pesticides will also improve the environmental performances. Using ethanol as alc. in the transesterification process could significantly improve the energy balance of the Argentinean pathway. The main explaining factors depend on regional specificities of the system that lead to different results from those obtained in the ref. cases. Significantly different results can be obtained depending on the level of detail of the input data, the use of punctual or av. data and the assumptions made to build up the LCA inventory. Further improvement of the AR biodiesel pathways should be done in order to comply with international sustainability criteria on biofuel prodn. Due to the influence of land use changes in the final results, more efforts should be made to account for land use changes others than deforestation. More data are needed to det. the part of deforestation attributable to soybean cultivation. More efforts should be done to improve modeling of interaction between variables and previous crops in the agricultural phase, future transesterification technologies and market prices evolution. In order to assess more accurately the environmental impact of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Argentina, further considerations should be made to account for indirect land use changes, domestic biodiesel consumption and exportation to other regions, prodn. scale and regional georeferenced differentiation of prodn. systems.
- 9Landis, A. E.; Miller, S. A.; Theis, T. L. Life Cycle of the Corn-Soybean Agroecosystem for Biobased Production. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 1457– 1464, DOI: 10.1021/es0606125Google Scholar9 Cycle of the Corn-Soybean Agroecosystem for Biobased ProductionLandis, Amy E.; Miller, Shelie A.; Theis, Thomas L.Environmental Science & Technology (2007), 41 (4), 1457-1464CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Bio-based product life cycle assessments (LCA) have largely focused on energy (fossil fuel) use and greenhouse gas emissions during agriculture and prodn. stages. This work compiled a more comprehensive life cycle inventory (LCI) for use in future bio-product LCA which rely on corn or soybean crops as feedstocks. The inventory includes energy, C, N, P, major pesticides, and USEPA criteria air pollutants resulting from processes such as fertilizer prodn., energy prodn., and on-farm chem. and equipment use. Agro-ecosystem material flows were modeled using a combination of GREET (Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation model), a linear fractionation model which describes P biogeochem. cycling, and Monte Carlo anal. Results showed that dominant air emissions resulted from crop farming, fertilizers, and on-farm N flows (e.g., N2O and NO). Seed prodn. and irrigation provided ≤0.002% to any inventory emission or energy flow and may be neglected in future LCA of corn or soybeans as feedstocks from the US corn belt. Lime contributed significantly (17% of total emissions) to air emissions and should not be neglected in bio-product LCA.
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- 12Kim, S.; Dale, B. E.; Jenkins, R. Life cycle assessment of corn grain and corn stover in the United States. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14 (2), 160– 174, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-008-0054-4Google Scholar12 cycle assessment of corn grain and corn stover in the United StatesKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.; Jenkins, RobinInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (2), 160-174CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)The goal of this study is to est. the county-level environmental performance for continuous corn cultivation of corn grain and corn stover grown under the current tillage practices for various corn-growing locations in the US Corn Belt. The environmental performance of corn grain varies with its farming location because of climate, soil properties, cropping management, etc. Corn stover, all of the above ground parts of the corn plant except the grain, would be used as a feedstock for cellulosic ethanol. Two cropping systems are under investigation: corn produced for grain only without collecting corn stover (referred to as CRN) and corn produced for grain and stover harvest (referred to as CSR). The functional unit in this study is defined as dry biomass, and the ref. flow is 1 kg of dry biomass. The system boundary includes processes from cradle to farm gate. The default allocation procedure between corn grain and stover in the CSR system is the system expansion approach. County-level soil org. carbon dynamics, nitrate losses due to leaching, and nitrogen oxide and nitrous oxide emissions are simulated by the DAYCENT model. Life cycle environmental impact categories considered in this study are total fossil energy use, climate change (referred to as greenhouse gas emissions), acidification, and eutrophication. Sensitivities on farming practices and allocation are included. Simulations from the DAYCENT model predict that removing corn stover from soil could decrease nitrogen-related emissions from soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , and NO3 - leaching). DAYCENT also predicts a redn. in the annual accumulation rates of soil org. carbon (SOC) with corn stover removal. Corn stover has a better environmental performance than corn grain according to all life cycle environmental impacts considered. This is due to lower consumption of agrochems. and fuel used in the field operations and lower nitrogen-related emissions from the soil. Discussion The primary source of total fossil energy assocd. with biomass prodn. is nitrogen fertilizer, accounting for over 30% of the total fossil energy. Nitrogen-related emissions from soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , and NO3 - leaching) are the primary contributors to all other life cycle environmental impacts considered in this study. The environmental performance of corn grain and corn stover varies with the farming location due to crop management, soil properties, and climate conditions. Several general trends were identified from this study. Corn stover has a lower impact than corn grain in terms of total fossil energy, greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication. Harvesting corn stover reduces nitrogen-related emissions from the soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , NO3 -). The accumulation rate of soil org. carbon is reduced when corn stover is removed, and in some cases, the soil org. carbon level decreases. Harvesting only the cob portion of the stover would reduce the neg. impact of stover removal on soil org. carbon sequestration rate while still bringing the benefit of lower nitrogen-related emissions from the soil. No-tillage practices offer higher accumulation rates of soil org. carbon, lower fuel consumption, and lower nitrogen emissions from the soil than the current or conventional tillage practices. Planting winter cover crops could be a way to reduce nitrogen losses from soil and to increase soil org. carbon levels. County-level modeling is more accurate in estg. the local environmental burdens assocd. with biomass prodn. than national- or regional-level modeling. When possible, site-specific exptl. information on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics should be obtained to reflect the system more accurately. The allocation approach between corn grain and stover significantly affects the environmental performance of each. The preferred allocation method is the system expansion approach where incremental fuel usage, addnl. nutrients in the subsequent growing season, and changes in soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics due to removing corn stover are assigned to only the collected corn stover.
- 13Tabatabaie, S. M. H.; Bolte, J. P.; Murthy, G. S. A regional scale modeling framework combining biogeochemical model with life cycle and economic analysis for integrated assessment of cropping systems. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 625, 428– 439, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.208Google Scholar13 regional scale modeling framework combining biogeochemical model with life cycle and economic analysis for integrated assessment of cropping systemsTabatabaie, Seyed Mohammad Hossein; Bolte, John P.; Murthy, Ganti S.Science of the Total Environment (2018), 625 (), 428-439CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)The goal of this study was to integrate a crop model, DNDC (DeNitrification-Decompn.), with life cycle assessment (LCA) and economic anal. models using a GIS-based integrated platform, ENVISION. The integrated model enables LCA practitioners to conduct integrated economic anal. and LCA on a regional scale while capturing the variability of soil emissions due to variation in regional factors during prodn. of crops and biofuel feedstocks. In order to evaluate the integrated model, the corn-soybean cropping system in Eagle Creek Watershed, Indiana was studied and the integrated model was used to first model the soil emissions and then conduct the LCA as well as economic anal. The results showed that the variation in soil emissions due to variation in weather is high causing some locations to be carbon sink in some years and source of CO2 in other years. In order to test the model under different scenarios, two tillage scenarios were defined: (1) conventional tillage (CT) and (2) no tillage (NT) and analyzed with the model. The overall GHG emissions for the corn-soybean cropping system was simulated and results showed that the NT scenario resulted in lower soil GHG emissions compared to CT scenario. Moreover, global warming potential (GWP) of corn ethanol from well to pump varied between 57 and 92 g CO2-eq./MJ while GWP under the NT system was lower than that of the CT system. The cost break-even point was calcd. as $3612.5/ha in a two year corn-soybean cropping system and the results showed that under low and medium prices for corn and soybean most of the farms did not meet the break-even point.
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- 15Brentrup, F.; Küsters, J.; Kuhlmann, H.; Lammel, J. Environmental impact assessment of agricultural production systems using the life cycle assessment methodology: I. Theoretical concept of a LCA method tailored to crop production. Eur. J. Agron. 2004, 20 (3), 247– 264, DOI: 10.1016/S1161-0301(03)00024-8Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 16Mohammadi, A.; Rafiee, S.; Jafari, A.; Keyhani, A.; Dalgaard, T.; Knudsen, M. T.; Nguyen, T. L. T.; Borek, R.; Hermansen, J. E. Joint Life Cycle Assessment and Data Envelopment Analysis for the benchmarking of environmental impacts in rice paddy production. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 106, 521– 532, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.05.008Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Noya, I.; González-García, S.; Bacenetti, J.; Arroja, L.; Moreira, M. T. Comparative life cycle assessment of three representative feed cereals production in the Po Valley (Italy). J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 99, 250– 265, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.001Google Scholar17 life cycle assessment of three representative feed cereals production in the Po Valley (Italy)Noya, Isabel; Gonzalez-Garcia, Sara; Bacenetti, Jacopo; Arroja, Luis; Moreira, Maria TeresaJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 99 (), 250-265CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The cultivation of three different cereals - wheat, triticale and maize (five classes: 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700) - dedicated to grain prodn. for feed purposes was assessed to quantify their environmental profiles and identify the most sustainable crop from an environmental perspective. The most crit. processes throughout the life cycle of the cropping systems were also identified. These cereals were chosen because they are the most widespread cereal crops in the Po Valley (Lombardy region), the most important agricultural area in Italy.The std. framework of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was followed to assess the environmental performance of the different cropping systems. Several impact categories were evaluated, including climate change (CC), ozone depletion (OD), terrestrial acidification (TA), freshwater eutrophication (FE), marine eutrophication (ME), human toxicity (HT), photochem. oxidant formation (POF), terrestrial ecotoxicity (TEC), freshwater ecotoxicity (FEC), marine ecotoxicity (MEC), water depletion (WD), fossil depletion (FD) as well as land use as an indicator.The results showed that the maize class 300 was the cereal with the worst environmental profile in the base case, considering economic allocation and no environmental burdens related with digestate prodn. This scenario presented the most intensive agricultural practices and the lowest biomass yield in comparison with the other crops. In contrast, the maize classes 600 and 700 were the cereal crops with the best environmental profiles in most impact categories. The lower requirements of fertilizer (and thus, fertilization activities) as well as the higher biomass yield were responsible of these favorable results.However, according to the environmental results, the selection of the best biomass source depends on several methodol. assumptions such as the functional unit and the allocation criteria considered (between the grain and the straw) as base for the calcns. Thus, the results of a sensitivity anal. showed that the choice of a mass allocation instead of economic one caused lower environmental impacts in all the categories. Moreover, the consideration or not of the environmental burdens related to the digestate prodn. (the main org. fertilizer used) was also a crit. step in the environmental evaluations. The inclusion of environmental loads related to digestate prodn. caused a notable increase in the impact of all the cropping systems regardless the cereal and the impact category. This conclusion could be extrapolated to other systems that exclude the addnl. burdens allocated to the prodn. of org. fertilizers.
- 18Jekayinfa, S. O.; Olaniran, J. A.; Sasanya, B. F. Life cycle assessment of soybeans production and processing system into soy oil using solvent extraction process. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 2013, 6 (4), 311– 321, DOI: 10.1504/IJPLM.2013.063203Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19Kim, S.; Dale, B. Regional variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States—corn-based ethanol and soybean oil. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14, 540– 546, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-009-0106-4Google Scholar19 variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States-corn-based ethanol and soybean oilKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (6), 540-546CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Background, aim, and scope Regional variations in the environmental impacts of plant biomass prodn. are significant, and the environmental impacts assocd. with feedstock supply also contribute substantially to the environmental performance of biobased products. Thus, the regional variations in the environmental performance of biobased products are also significant. This study scrutinizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assocd. with two biobased products (i.e., ethanol and soybean oil) whose feedstocks (i.e., corn and soybean) are produced in different farming locations. Methods We chose 40 counties in Corn Belt States in the United States as biorefinery locations (i.e., corn dry milling, soybean crushing) and farming sites, and estd. cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of ethanol and of soybean oil, resp. The ests. are based on 1 kg of each biobased product (i.e., ethanol or soybean oil). The system boundary includes biomass prodn., the biorefinery, and upstream processes. Effects of direct land use change are included in the greenhouse gas anal. and measured as changes in soil org. carbon level, while the effects of indirect land use change are not considered in the baseline calcns. Those indirect effects however are scrutinized in a sensitivity anal. Results GHG emissions of corn-based ethanol range from 1.1 to 2.0 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of ethanol, while GHG emissions of soybean oil are 0.4-2.5 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of soybean oil. Thus, the regional variations due to farming locations are significant (by factors of 2-7). The largest GHG emission sources in ethanol prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during corn cultivation and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in corn dry milling. The second largest GHG emission source groups in the ethanol prodn. system are nitrogen fertilizer (8-12%), carbon sequestration by soil (-15-2%), and electricity used in corn dry milling (7-16%). The largest GHG emission sources in soybean oil prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during soybean cultivation (13-57%) and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in soybean crushing (21-47%). The second largest GHG emission source groups in soybean oil prodn. are carbon sequestration by soil (-29-24%), diesel used in soybean cultivation (4-24%), and electricity used in the soybean crushing process (10-21%). The indirect land use changes increase GHG emissions of ethanol by 7-38%, depending on the fraction of forest converted when newly converted croplands maintain crop cultivation for 100 years. Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives Farming sites with higher biomass yields, lower nitrogen fertilizer application rates, and less tillage are favorable to future biorefinery locations in terms of global warming. For existing biorefineries, farmers are encouraged to apply a site-specific optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate, to convert to no-tillage practices and also to adopt winter cover practices whenever possible to reduce the GHG emissions of their biobased products. Current practices for estg. the effects of indirect land use changes suffer from large uncertainties. More research and consensus about system boundaries and allocation issues are needed to reduce uncertainties related to the effects of indirect land use changes.
- 20Moeller, D.; Sieverding, H.; Stone, J. Comparative Farm-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Oilseed Feedstocks in the Northern Great Plains. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality 2017, 2, 2, DOI: 10.1007/s41247-017-0030-3Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 21Reijnders, L.; Huijbregts, M. Biogenic greenhouse gas emissions linked to the life cycles of biodiesel derived from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeans. J. Cleaner Prod. 2008, 16, 1943– 1948, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.01.012Google Scholar21 greenhouse gas emissions linked to the life cycles of biodiesel derived from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeansReijnders, L.; Huijbregts, M. A. J.Journal of Cleaner Production (2008), 16 (18), 1943-1948CODEN: JCROE8 ISSN:. (Elsevier Ltd.)Biogenic emissions of carbonaceous greenhouse gases and N2O turn out to be important determinants of life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases linked to the life cycle of biodiesel from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeans. For biodiesel from European rapeseed and for biodiesel from Brazilian soybeans grown for up to 25 years with no tillage on arable soil for which tropical rainforest or Cerrado (savannah) have been cleared, the life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases are estd. to be worse than for conventional diesel. Improving agricultural practices should be an important focus for cleaner prodn. of biodiesel. These may include increasing soil carbon stocks by, e.g., conservation tillage and return of harvest residues and improving N-efficiency by precision agriculture and/or improved irrigation practices.
- 22United Soybean Board. Life cycle impact of soybean production and soy industrial products. 2013.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Xue, X.; Collinge, W. O.; Shrake, S. O.; Bilec, M. M.; Landis, A. E. Regional life cycle assessment of soybean derived biodiesel for transportation fleets. Energy Policy 2012, 48, 295– 303, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.025Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Zortea, R. B.; Maciel, V. G.; Passuello, A. Sustainability assessment of soybean production in Southern Brazil: A life cycle approach. Sustainable Production and Consumption 2018, 13, 102– 112, DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2017.11.002Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 25Dalgaard, R.; Schmidt, J.; Halberg, N.; Christensen, P.; Thrane, M.; Pengue, W. A. LCA of soybean meal. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2008, 13 (3), 240, DOI: 10.1065/lca2007.06.342Google Scholar25 of soybean mealDalgaard, Randi; Schmidt, Jannick; Halberg, Niels; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel; Pengue, Walter A.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2008), 13 (3), 240-254CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Ecomed Publishers)Soybean meal is an important protein input to the European livestock prodn., with Argentina being an important supplier. The area cultivated with soybeans is still increasing globally, and so are the no. of LCAs where the prodn. of soybean meal forms part of the product chain. In recent years there has been increasing focus on how soybean prodn. affects the environment. The purpose of the study was to est. the environmental consequences of soybean meal consumption using a consequential LCA approach. The functional unit is 'one kg of soybean meal produced in Argentina and delivered to Rotterdam Harbor'. Soybean meal has the co-product soybean oil. In this study, the consequential LCA method was applied, and co-product allocation was thereby avoided through system expansion. In this context, system expansion implies that the inputs and outputs are entirely ascribed to soybean meal, and the product system is subsequently expanded to include the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Presently, the marginal vegetable oil on the world market is palm oil but, to be prepd. for fluctuations in market demands, an alternative product system with rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil has been established. EDIP97 (updated version 2.3) was used for LCIA and the following impact categories were included: Global warming, eutrophication, acidification, ozone depletion and photochem. smog. Two soybean loops were established to demonstrate how an increased demand for soybean meal affects the palm oil and rapeseed oil prodn., resp. The characterized results from LCA on soybean meal (with palm oil as marginal oil) were 721 g CO2 eq. for global warming potential, 0.3 mg CFC11 equiv. for ozone depletion potential, 3.1 g SO2 eq. for acidification potential, -2 g NO3 eq. for eutrophication potential and 0.4 g ethene eq. for photochem. smog potential per kg soybean meal. The av. area per kg soybean meal consumed was 3.6 m2year. Attributional results, calcd. by economic and mass allocation, are also presented. Normalized results show that the most dominating impact categories were: global warming, eutrophication and acidification. The 'hot spot' in relation to global warming, was 'soybean cultivation', dominated by N2O emissions from degrdn. of crop residues (e.g., straw) and during biol. nitrogen fixation. In relation to eutrophication and acidification, the transport of soybeans by truck is important, and sensitivity analyses showed that the acidification potential is very sensitive to the increased transport distance by truck. The potential environmental impacts (except photochem. smog) were lower when using rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil, because the avoided prodn. of rapeseed contributes more neg. compared with the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Identification of the marginal vegetable oil (palm oil or rapeseed oil) turned out to be important for the result, and this shows how crucial it is in consequential LCA to identify the right marginal product system (e.g., marginal vegetable oil). Consequential LCAs were successfully performed on soybean meal and LCA data on soybean meal are now available for consequential (or attributional) LCAs on livestock products. The study clearly shows that consequential LCAs are quite easy to handle, even though it has been necessary to include prodn. of palm oil, rapeseed and spring barley, as these prodn. systems are affected by the soybean oil co-product. We would appreciate it if the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment had articles on the developments on, for example, marginal protein, marginal vegetable oil, marginal electricity (related to relevant markets), marginal heat, marginal cereals and, likewise, on metals and other basic commodities. This will not only facilitate the work with consequential LCAs, but will also increase the quality of LCAs.
- 26Godde, C. M.; Thorburn, P. J.; Biggs, J. S.; Meier, E. A. Understanding the Impacts of Soil, Climate, and Farming Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: A Simulation Study in Australia. Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7, 661, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00661Google Scholar26 the Impacts of Soil, Climate, and Farming Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: A Simulation Study in AustraliaGodde Cecile M; Thorburn Peter J; Biggs Jody S; Meier Elizabeth AFrontiers in plant science (2016), 7 (), 661 ISSN:1664-462X.Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils has the capacity to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to improve soil biological, physical, and chemical properties. The review of literature pertaining to soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics within Australian grain farming systems does not enable us to conclude on the best farming practices to increase or maintain SOC for a specific combination of soil and climate. This study aimed to further explore the complex interactions of soil, climate, and farming practices on SOC. We undertook a modeling study with the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator modeling framework, by combining contrasting Australian soils, climates, and farming practices (crop rotations, and management within rotations, such as fertilization, tillage, and residue management) in a factorial design. This design resulted in the transposition of contrasting soils and climates in our simulations, giving soil-climate combinations that do not occur in the study area to help provide insights into the importance of the climate constraints on SOC. We statistically analyzed the model's outputs to determinate the relative contributions of soil parameters, climate, and farming practices on SOC. The initial SOC content had the largest impact on the value of SOC, followed by the climate and the fertilization practices. These factors explained 66, 18, and 15% of SOC variations, respectively, after 80 years of constant farming practices in the simulation. Tillage and stubble management had the lowest impacts on SOC. This study highlighted the possible negative impact on SOC of a chickpea phase in a wheat-chickpea rotation and the potential positive impact of a cover crop in a sub-tropical climate (QLD, Australia) on SOC. It also showed the complexities in managing to achieve increased SOC, while simultaneously aiming to minimize nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and nitrate leaching in farming systems. The transposition of contrasting soils and climates in our simulations revealed the importance of the climate constraints on SOC.
- 27Kim, S.; Dale, B. Regional variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States—corn-based ethanol and soybean oil. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14, 540– 546, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-009-0106-4Google Scholar27 variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States-corn-based ethanol and soybean oilKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (6), 540-546CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Background, aim, and scope Regional variations in the environmental impacts of plant biomass prodn. are significant, and the environmental impacts assocd. with feedstock supply also contribute substantially to the environmental performance of biobased products. Thus, the regional variations in the environmental performance of biobased products are also significant. This study scrutinizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assocd. with two biobased products (i.e., ethanol and soybean oil) whose feedstocks (i.e., corn and soybean) are produced in different farming locations. Methods We chose 40 counties in Corn Belt States in the United States as biorefinery locations (i.e., corn dry milling, soybean crushing) and farming sites, and estd. cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of ethanol and of soybean oil, resp. The ests. are based on 1 kg of each biobased product (i.e., ethanol or soybean oil). The system boundary includes biomass prodn., the biorefinery, and upstream processes. Effects of direct land use change are included in the greenhouse gas anal. and measured as changes in soil org. carbon level, while the effects of indirect land use change are not considered in the baseline calcns. Those indirect effects however are scrutinized in a sensitivity anal. Results GHG emissions of corn-based ethanol range from 1.1 to 2.0 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of ethanol, while GHG emissions of soybean oil are 0.4-2.5 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of soybean oil. Thus, the regional variations due to farming locations are significant (by factors of 2-7). The largest GHG emission sources in ethanol prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during corn cultivation and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in corn dry milling. The second largest GHG emission source groups in the ethanol prodn. system are nitrogen fertilizer (8-12%), carbon sequestration by soil (-15-2%), and electricity used in corn dry milling (7-16%). The largest GHG emission sources in soybean oil prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during soybean cultivation (13-57%) and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in soybean crushing (21-47%). The second largest GHG emission source groups in soybean oil prodn. are carbon sequestration by soil (-29-24%), diesel used in soybean cultivation (4-24%), and electricity used in the soybean crushing process (10-21%). The indirect land use changes increase GHG emissions of ethanol by 7-38%, depending on the fraction of forest converted when newly converted croplands maintain crop cultivation for 100 years. Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives Farming sites with higher biomass yields, lower nitrogen fertilizer application rates, and less tillage are favorable to future biorefinery locations in terms of global warming. For existing biorefineries, farmers are encouraged to apply a site-specific optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate, to convert to no-tillage practices and also to adopt winter cover practices whenever possible to reduce the GHG emissions of their biobased products. Current practices for estg. the effects of indirect land use changes suffer from large uncertainties. More research and consensus about system boundaries and allocation issues are needed to reduce uncertainties related to the effects of indirect land use changes.
- 28Castanheira, É. G.; Grisoli, R.; Coelho, S.; Anderi da Silva, G.; Freire, F. Life-cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 102, 188– 201, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.036Google Scholar28 assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from BrazilCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Grisoli, Renata; Coelho, Suani; Anderi da Silva, Gil; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 102 (), 188-201CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The purpose of this article is to present a life-cycle assessment of soybean Me ester addressing three alternative pathways: biodiesel totally produced in Brazil and exported to Portugal; biodiesel produced in Portugal using soybean oil and soybean imported from Brazil. Soybean cultivation was assessed for four states in Brazil: Mato Grosso; Goi´as; Paran´a and Rio Grande do Sul. A life-cycle inventory and model of biodiesel was implemented, including land-use change, soybean cultivation, oil extn. and refining, transesterification and biodiesel transport. A sensitivity anal. of alternative multifunctionality procedures for dealing with co-products was performed. The lowest environmental impacts were calcd. for mass allocation and the highest for price or energy allocation. Biodiesel produced in Portugal with imported soybean grain had the lowest impacts for all categories and soybean cultivation locations for mass allocation. For price or energy allocation, the pathway with the lowest environmental impacts was detd. by the cultivation location. Land-use change had a high influence on the greenhouse gas intensity of biodiesel, while soybean cultivation and transport contributed most to the remaining impact categories. Soybean Me ester (SME) used in Portugal has the lowest impacts when produced with oil or grain imported from Brazil, instead of importing directly SME. The environmental impacts of biodiesel can be reduced by avoiding land-use change, improving soybean yield and optimizing soybean transportation routes in Brazil.
- 29Lan, K.; Yao, Y. Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Agent-Based Modeling: A Dynamic Modeling Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Systems. J. Cleaner Prod. 2019, 238, 117853, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117853Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Navarrete Gutiérrez, T.; Rege, S.; Marvuglia, A.; Benetto, E., Sustainable Farming Behaviours: An Agent Based Modelling and LCA Perspective. In Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Polhill, J. G.; Craig, T.; Bajo, J.; Corchado, J. M., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2017; pp 187– 206.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Prudêncio da Silva, V.; van der Werf, H. M. G.; Spies, A.; Soares, S. R. Variability in environmental impacts of Brazilian soybean according to crop production and transport scenarios. J. Environ. Manage. 2010, 91 (9), 1831– 1839, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.04.001Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Xue, X.; Pang, Y.; Landis, A. E. Evaluating agricultural management practices to improve the environmental footprint of corn-derived ethanol. Renewable Energy 2014, 66, 454– 460, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2013.12.026Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 33Liakos, K.; Busato, P.; Moshou, D.; Pearson, S.; Bochtis, D. Machine learning in agriculture: A review. Sensors 2018, 18 (8), 2674, DOI: 10.3390/s18082674Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Elith, J.; Leathwick, J. Boosted Regression Trees for Ecological Modeling, 2013.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 35Zhang, W.; Du, Z.; Zhang, D.; Yu, S.; Hao, Y. Boosted regression tree model-based assessment of the impacts of meteorological drivers of hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangdong, China. Sci. Total Environ. 2016, 553, 366– 371, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.023Google Scholar35 regression tree model-based assessment of the impacts of meteorological drivers of hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangdong, ChinaZhang, Wangjian; Du, Zhicheng; Zhang, Dingmei; Yu, Shicheng; Hao, YuantaoScience of the Total Environment (2016), 553 (), 366-371CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common childhood infection and has become a major public health issue in China. Considerable research has focused on the role of meteorol. factors in HFMD development. Nonlinear relationship, delayed effects and collinearity problems are key issues for achieving robust and accurate estns. in this kind of weather-health relationship explorations. The current study was designed to address these issues and assess the impact of meteorol. factors on HFMD in Guangdong, China. Case-based HFMD surveillance data and daily meteorol. data collected between 2010 and 2012 was obtained from China CDC and the National Meteorol. Information Center, resp. After a preliminary variable selection, for each dataset boosted regression tree (BRT) models were applied to det. the optimal lag for meteorol. factors at which the variance of HFMD cases was most explained, and to assess the impacts of these meteorol. factors at the optimal lag. Variance of HFMD cases was explained most by meteorol. factors about 1 wk ago. Younger children and those from the Pearl-River Delta Region were more sensitive to weather changes. Temp. had the largest contribution to HFMD epidemics (28.99-71.93%), followed by pptn. (6.52-16.11%), humidity (3.92-17.66%), wind speed (3.84-11.37%) and sunshine (6.21-10.36%). Temp. between 10 °C and 25 °C, as well as humidity between 70% and 90%, had a facilitating effect on the epidemic of HFMD. Sunshine duration above 9 h and wind speed below 2.5 m/s also contributed to an elevated risk of HFMD. The pos. relationship between HFMD and pptn. reversed when the daily amt. of rainfall exceeded 25 mm. This study indicated significantly facilitating effects of five meteorol. factors within some range on the epidemic of HFMD. Results from the current study were particularly important for developing early warning and response system on HFMD in the context of global climate change.
- 36Bhavsar, P.; Safro, I.; Bouaynaya, N.; Polikar, R.; Dera, D. Chapter 12 - Machine Learning in Transportation Data Analytics. In Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation Systems; Chowdhury, M.; Apon, A.; Dey, K., Eds.; Elsevier, 2017; pp 283– 307.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Cashman, S. A.; Meyer, D. E.; Edelen, A. N.; Ingwersen, W. W.; Abraham, J. P.; Barrett, W. M.; Gonzalez, M. A.; Randall, P. M.; Ruiz-Mercado, G.; Smith, R. L. Mining Available Data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Support Rapid Life Cycle Inventory Modeling of Chemical Manufacturing. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (17), 9013– 9025, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02160Google Scholar37 Available Data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Support Rapid Life Cycle Inventory Modeling of Chemical ManufacturingCashman, Sarah A.; Meyer, David E.; Edelen, Ashley N.; Ingwersen, Wesley W.; Abraham, John P.; Barrett, William M.; Gonzalez, Michael A.; Randall, Paul M.; Ruiz-Mercado, Gerardo; Smith, Raymond L.Environmental Science & Technology (2016), 50 (17), 9013-9025CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Demands for quick, accurate life cycle assessments create a need for methods to rapidly generate reliable life cycle inventories (LCI). Data mining is a suitable tool for this purpose, particularly given the large amt. of available governmental data. These data are typically applied to LCI on a case-by-case basis. As linked open data becomes more prevalent, it may be possible to automate LCI using data mining by establishing a reproducible approach to identify, ext., and process the data. This paper discusses a method to standardize and eventually automate discovery and use of publicly available data at the USEPA for chem. manufg. LCI. The method was developed using acetic acid as a case study. Data quality and gap analyses for the generated inventory detd. that selected data sources can provide information with equal or better reliability and representativeness on air, water, hazardous waste, on-site energy use, and prodn. vols., but with key data gaps: material inputs, water use, purchased electricity, and transportation requirements. A comparison of the generated LCI with existing data showed the data mining inventory agreed reasonably well with existing data and may provide a more comprehensive inventory of air emissions and water discharges. The case study highlighted challenges for current data management practices which must be overcome to successfully automate the method using semantic technol. Method benefits are that openly available data can be compiled in a standardized, transparent approach which supports potential automation with flexibility to incorporate new data sources as needed.
- 38Wernet, G.; Hellweg, S.; Fischer, U.; Papadokonstantakis, S.; Hungerbühler, K. Molecular-Structure-Based Models of Chemical Inventories using Neural Networks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42 (17), 6717– 6722, DOI: 10.1021/es7022362Google Scholar38 Models of Chemical Inventories using Neural NetworksWernet, Gregor; Hellweg, Stefanie; Fischer, Ulrich; Papadokonstantakis, Stavros; Hungerbuhler, KonradEnvironmental Science & Technology (2008), 42 (17), 6717-6722CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Chem. synthesis is a complex and diverse procedure, and prodn. data are often scarce or incomplete. A detailed inventory anal. of all mass and energy flows necessary for the prodn. of chems. is often costly and time-intensive. Therefore only few chem. inventories exist, even though they are essential for process optimization and the environmental assessment of many products. This paper introduces a new type of model to provide ests. for inventory data and environmental impacts of chem. prodn. based on the mol. structure of a chem. and without a priori knowledge of the prodn. process. These mol.-structure-based models offer inventory data for users in process design and optimization, screening life cycle assessment (LCA), and supply chain management. They can be applied even if the producer is unknown or the prodn. process is not documented. We assessed the capabilities of linear regression and neural network models for this purpose. All models were generated with a data set of inventory data on 103 chems. Different input sets were chosen as ways to transform the chem. structure into a numerical vector of descriptors and the effectiveness of the different input sets was analyzed. The results show that a correctly developed neural network model can perform on an acceptable level for many purposes. The models can assist process developers to improve energy efficiency in all design stages and aid in LCA and supply chain management by filling data gaps.
- 39Mittal, V. K.; Bailin, S. C.; Gonzalez, M. A.; Meyer, D. E.; Barrett, W. M.; Smith, R. L. Toward Automated Inventory Modeling in Life Cycle Assessment: The Utility of Semantic Data Modeling to Predict Real-World Chemical Production. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (2), 1961– 1976, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b03379Google Scholar39 Automated Inventory Modeling in Life Cycle Assessment: The Utility of Semantic Data Modeling to Predict Real-World Chemical ProductionMittal, Vinit K.; Bailin, Sidney C.; Gonzalez, Michael A.; Meyer, David E.; Barrett, William M.; Smith, Raymond L.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2018), 6 (2), 1961-1976CODEN: ASCECG; ISSN:2168-0485. (American Chemical Society)A set of coupled semantic data models, i.e., ontologies, are presented to advance a methodol. toward automated inventory modeling of chem. manufg. in life cycle assessment. The cradle-to-gate life cycle inventory for chem. manufg. is a detailed collection of the material and energy flows assocd. with a chem.'s supply chain. Thus, there is a need to manage data describing both the lineage (or synthesis pathway) and processing conditions for a chem. To this end, a Lineage ontol. is proposed to reveal all the synthesis steps required to produce a chem. from raw materials, such as crude oil or biomaterials, while a Process ontol. is developed to manage data describing the various unit processes assocd. with each synthesis step. The two ontologies are coupled such that process data, which is the basis for inventory modeling, is linked to lineage data through key concepts like the chem. reaction and reaction participants. To facilitate automated inventory modeling, a series of SPARQL queries, based on the concepts of ancestor and parent, are presented to generate a lineage for a chem. of interest from a set of reaction data. The proposed ontologies and SPARQL queries are evaluated and tested using a case study of nylon-6 prodn. Once a lineage is established, the process ontol. can be used to guide inventory modeling based on both data mining (top-down) and simulation (bottom-up) approaches. The ability to generate a cradle-to-gate life cycle for a chem. represents a key achievement toward the ultimate goal of automated life cycle inventory modeling.
- 40Nabavi-Pelesaraei, A.; Rafiee, S.; Mohtasebi, S. S.; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, H.; Chau, K.-w. Integration of artificial intelligence methods and life cycle assessment to predict energy output and environmental impacts of paddy production. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 631, 1279– 1294, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.088Google Scholar40 of artificial intelligence methods and life cycle assessment to predict energy output and environmental impacts of paddy productionNabavi-Pelesaraei, Ashkan; Rafiee, Shahin; Mohtasebi, Seyed Saeid; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, Homa; Chau, Kwok-wingScience of the Total Environment (2018), 631-632 (), 1279-1294CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)Prediction of agricultural energy output and environmental impacts play important role in energy management and conservation of environment as it can help us to evaluate agricultural energy efficiency, conduct crops prodn. system commissioning, and detect and diagnose faults of crop prodn. system. Agricultural energy output and environmental impacts can be readily predicted by artificial intelligence (AI), owing to the ease of use and adaptability to seek optimal solns. in a rapid manner as well as the use of historical data to predict future agricultural energy use pattern under constraints. This paper conducts energy output and environmental impact prediction of paddy prodn. in Guilan province, Iran based on two AI methods, artificial neural networks (ANNs), and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The amts. of energy input and output are 51,585.61 MJ kg-1 and 66,112.94 MJ kg-1, resp., in paddy prodn. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate environmental impacts of paddy prodn. Results show that, in paddy prodn., in-farm emission is a hotspot in global warming, acidification and eutrophication impact categories. ANN model with 12-6-8-1 structure is selected as the best one for predicting energy output. The correlation coeff. (R) varies from 0.524 to 0.999 in training for energy input and environmental impacts in ANN models. ANFIS model is developed based on a hybrid learning algorithm, with R for predicting output energy being 0.860 and, for environmental impacts, varying from 0.944 to 0.997. Results indicate that the multi-level ANFIS is a useful tool to managers for large-scale planning in forecasting energy output and environmental indexes of agricultural prodn. systems owing to its higher speed of computation processes compared to ANN model, despite ANN's higher accuracy.
- 41Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. Estimate ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using machine learning models. Environ. Int. 2020, 135, 105393, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105393Google Scholar41 ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using machine learning modelsHou, Ping; Jolliet, Olivier; Zhu, Ji; Xu, MingEnvironment International (2020), 135 (), 105393CODEN: ENVIDV; ISSN:0160-4120. (Elsevier Ltd.)In life cycle assessment, characterization factors are used to convert the amt. of the chems. and other pollutants generated in a product's life cycle to the std. unit of an impact category, such as ecotoxicity. However, as a widely used impact assessment method, USEtox (version 2.11) only has ecotoxicity characterization factors for a small portion of chems. due to the lack of lab. expt. data. Here we develop machine learning models to est. ecotoxicity hazardous concns. 50% (HC50) in USEtox to calc. characterization factors for chems. based on their phys.-chem. properties in EPA's CompTox Chem. Dashborad and the classification of their mode of action. The model is validated by ten randomly selected test sets that are not used for training. The results show that the random forest model has the best predictive performance. The av. root mean squared error of the estd. HC50 on the test sets is 0.761. The av. coeff. of detn. (R2) on the test set is 0.630, meaning 63% of the variability of HC50 in USEtox can be explained by the predicted HC50 from the random forest model. Our model outperforms a traditional quant. structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model (ECOSAR) and linear regression models. We also provide ests. of missing ecotoxicity characterization factors for 552 chems. in USEtox using the validated random forest model.
- 42Marvuglia, A.; Kanevski, M.; Benetto, E. Machine learning for toxicity characterization of organic chemical emissions using USEtox database: Learning the structure of the input space. Environ. Int. 2015, 83, 72– 85, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.05.011Google Scholar42 learning for toxicity characterization of organic chemical emissions using USEtox database: Learning the structure of the input spaceMarvuglia, Antonino; Kanevski, Mikhail; Benetto, EnricoEnvironment International (2015), 83 (), 72-85CODEN: ENVIDV; ISSN:0160-4120. (Elsevier Ltd.)Toxicity characterization of chem. emissions in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a complex task which usually proceeds via multimedia (fate, exposure and effect) models attached to models of dose-response relationships to assess the effects on target. Different models and approaches do exist, but all require a vast amt. of data on the properties of the chem. compds. being assessed, which are hard to collect or hardly publicly available (esp. for thousands of less common or newly developed chems.), therefore hampering in practice the assessment in LCA. An example is USEtox, a consensual model for the characterization of human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity. This paper places itself in a line of research aiming at providing a methodol. to reduce the no. of input parameters necessary to run multimedia fate models, focusing in particular to the application of the USEtox toxicity model. By focusing on USEtox, in this paper two main goals are pursued: 1) performing an extensive exploratory anal. (using dimensionality redn. techniques) of the input space constituted by the substance-specific properties at the aim of detecting particular patterns in the data manifold and estg. the dimension of the subspace in which the data manifold actually lies; and 2) exploring the application of a set of linear models, based on partial least squares (PLS) regression, as well as a nonlinear model (general regression neural network - GRNN) in the seek for an automatic selection strategy of the most informative variables according to the modelled output (USEtox factor). After extensive anal., the intrinsic dimension of the input manifold has been identified between three and four. The variables selected as most informative may vary according to the output modelled and the model used, but for the toxicity factors modelled in this paper the input variables selected as most informative are coherent with prior expectations based on scientific knowledge of toxicity factors modeling. Thus the outcomes of the anal. are promising for the future application of the approach to other portions of the model, affected by important data gaps, e.g., to the calcn. of human health effect factors.
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- 46Castanheira, É. G.; Grisoli, R.; Coelho, S.; da Silva, G. A.; Freire, F. Life-cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 102, 188– 201, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.036Google Scholar46 assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from BrazilCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Grisoli, Renata; Coelho, Suani; Anderi da Silva, Gil; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 102 (), 188-201CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The purpose of this article is to present a life-cycle assessment of soybean Me ester addressing three alternative pathways: biodiesel totally produced in Brazil and exported to Portugal; biodiesel produced in Portugal using soybean oil and soybean imported from Brazil. Soybean cultivation was assessed for four states in Brazil: Mato Grosso; Goi´as; Paran´a and Rio Grande do Sul. A life-cycle inventory and model of biodiesel was implemented, including land-use change, soybean cultivation, oil extn. and refining, transesterification and biodiesel transport. A sensitivity anal. of alternative multifunctionality procedures for dealing with co-products was performed. The lowest environmental impacts were calcd. for mass allocation and the highest for price or energy allocation. Biodiesel produced in Portugal with imported soybean grain had the lowest impacts for all categories and soybean cultivation locations for mass allocation. For price or energy allocation, the pathway with the lowest environmental impacts was detd. by the cultivation location. Land-use change had a high influence on the greenhouse gas intensity of biodiesel, while soybean cultivation and transport contributed most to the remaining impact categories. Soybean Me ester (SME) used in Portugal has the lowest impacts when produced with oil or grain imported from Brazil, instead of importing directly SME. The environmental impacts of biodiesel can be reduced by avoiding land-use change, improving soybean yield and optimizing soybean transportation routes in Brazil.
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- 61Huang, T.; Gao, B.; Christie, P.; Ju, X. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in a double-cropping cereal rotation as affected by nitrogen and straw management. Biogeosciences 2013, 10 (12), 7897– 7911, DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7897-2013Google Scholar61 global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in a double-cropping cereal rotation as affected by nitrogen and straw managementHuang, T.; Gao, B.; Christie, P.; Ju, X.Biogeosciences (2013), 10 (12), 7897-7911, 15 pp.CODEN: BIOGGR; ISSN:1726-4189. (Copernicus Publications)The effects of nitrogen and straw management on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) in a winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system on the North China Plain were investigated. We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and studied net GWP (NGWP) and GHGI by calcg. the net exchange of CO2 equiv (CO2-equiv) from greenhouse gas emissions, agricultural inputs and management practices, as well as changes in soil org. carbon (SOC), based on a long-term field expt. established in 2006. The field expt. includes six treatments with three fertilizer N levels (zero N (control), optimum and conventional N) and straw removal (i.e. N0, Nopt and Ncon) or return (i.e. SN0, SNopt and SNcon). Optimum N management (Nopt, SNopt) saved roughly half of the fertilizer N compared to conventional agricultural practice (Ncon, SNcon), with no significant effect on grain yields. Annual mean N2O emissions reached 3.90 kg N2O-N ha-1 in Ncon and SNcon, and N2O emissions were reduced by 46.9% by optimizing N management of Nopt and SNopt. Straw return increased annual mean N2O emissions by 27.9%. Annual SOC sequestration was 0.40-1.44 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 in plots with N application and/or straw return. Compared to the conventional N treatments the optimum N treatments reduced NGWP by 51%, comprising 25% from decreasing N2O emissions and 75% from reducing N fertilizer application rates. Straw return treatments reduced NGWP by 30% compared to no straw return because the GWP from increments of SOC offset the GWP from higher emissions of N2O, N fertilizer and fuel after straw return. The GHGI trends from the different nitrogen and straw management practices were similar to the NGWP. In conclusion, optimum N and straw return significantly reduced NGWP and GHGI and concomitantly achieved relatively high grain yields in this important winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system.
- 62Kim, S.; Dale, B. E. Cumulative Energy and Global Warming Impact from the Production of Biomass for Biobased Products. J. Ind. Ecol. 2003, 7 (3–4), 147– 162, DOI: 10.1162/108819803323059442Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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- 64Williams, G. J.; Aeby, G. S.; Cowie, R. O.; Davy, S. K. Predictive modeling of coral disease distribution within a reef system. PLoS One 2010, 5 (2), e9264 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009264Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 65Elith, J.; Leathwick, J. R.; Hastie, T. A working guide to boosted regression trees. J. Anim. Ecol. 2008, 77 (4), 802– 13, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01390.xGoogle Scholar65 working guide to boosted regression treesElith J; Leathwick J R; Hastie TThe Journal of animal ecology (2008), 77 (4), 802-13 ISSN:.1. Ecologists use statistical models for both explanation and prediction, and need techniques that are flexible enough to express typical features of their data, such as nonlinearities and interactions. 2. This study provides a working guide to boosted regression trees (BRT), an ensemble method for fitting statistical models that differs fundamentally from conventional techniques that aim to fit a single parsimonious model. Boosted regression trees combine the strengths of two algorithms: regression trees (models that relate a response to their predictors by recursive binary splits) and boosting (an adaptive method for combining many simple models to give improved predictive performance). The final BRT model can be understood as an additive regression model in which individual terms are simple trees, fitted in a forward, stagewise fashion. 3. Boosted regression trees incorporate important advantages of tree-based methods, handling different types of predictor variables and accommodating missing data. They have no need for prior data transformation or elimination of outliers, can fit complex nonlinear relationships, and automatically handle interaction effects between predictors. Fitting multiple trees in BRT overcomes the biggest drawback of single tree models: their relatively poor predictive performance. Although BRT models are complex, they can be summarized in ways that give powerful ecological insight, and their predictive performance is superior to most traditional modelling methods. 4. The unique features of BRT raise a number of practical issues in model fitting. We demonstrate the practicalities and advantages of using BRT through a distributional analysis of the short-finned eel (Anguilla australis Richardson), a native freshwater fish of New Zealand. We use a data set of over 13 000 sites to illustrate effects of several settings, and then fit and interpret a model using a subset of the data. We provide code and a tutorial to enable the wider use of BRT by ecologists.
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- 67Khoshnevisan, B.; Rafiee, S.; Omid, M.; Yousefi, M.; Movahedi, M. Modeling of energy consumption and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in wheat production in Esfahan province of Iran using artificial neural networks. Energy (Oxford, U. K.) 2013, 52, 333– 338, DOI: 10.1016/ ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 68Nabavi-Pelesaraei, A.; Rafiee, S.; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, H.; Shamshirband, S. Modeling energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for kiwifruit production using artificial neural networks. J. Cleaner Prod. 2016, 133, 924– 931, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.05.188Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 69Pahlavan, R.; Omid, M.; Akram, A. Energy input-output analysis and application of artificial neural networks for predicting greenhouse basil production. Energy 2012, 37 (1), 171– 176, DOI: 10.1016/ Scholar69 input-output analysis and application of artificial neural networks for predicting greenhouse basil productionPahlavan, Reza; Omid, Mahmoud; Akram, AsadollahEnergy (Oxford, United Kingdom) (2012), 37 (1), 171-176CODEN: ENEYDS; ISSN:0360-5442. (Elsevier Ltd.)Various Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were developed to est. the prodn. yield of greenhouse basil in Iran. For this purpose, the data collected by random method from 26 greenhouses in the region during 4 periods of plant cultivation in 2009-2010. The total input energy and energy ratio for basil prodn. were 14,308,998 MJ ha-1 and 0.02, resp. The developed ANN was a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with 7 neurons in the input layer, one, 2 and 3 hidden layer(s) of various nos. of neurons and one neuron (basil yield) in the output layer. The input energies were human labor, diesel fuel, chem. fertilizers, farm yard manure, chems., electricity and transportation. Results showed, the ANN model having 7-20-20-1 topol. can predict the yield value with higher accuracy. So, this 2 hidden layer topol. was selected as the best model for estg. basil prodn. of regional greenhouses with similar conditions. For the optimal model, the values of the models outputs correlated well with actual outputs, with coeff. of detn. (R2) of 0.976. For this configuration, RMSE and MAE values were 0.046 and 0.035, resp. Sensitivity anal. revealed that chem. fertilizers are the most significant parameter in the basil prodn.
- 70Perlman, J.; Hijmans, R. J.; Horwath, W. R. A metamodelling approach to estimate global N2O emissions from agricultural soils. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2014, 23 (8), 912– 924, DOI: 10.1111/geb.12166Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 71Lee, E. K.; Zhang, X.; Adler, P. R.; Kleppel, G. S.; Romeiko, X. X. Spatially and temporally explicit life cycle global warming, eutrophication, and acidification impacts from corn production in the U.S. Midwest. J. Cleaner Prod. 2020, 242, 118465, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118465Google Scholar71 and temporally explicit life cycle global warming, eutrophication, and acidification impacts from corn production in the U.S. MidwestLee, Eun Kyung; Zhang, Xuesong; Adler, Paul R.; Kleppel, Gary S.; Romeiko, Xiaobo XueJournal of Cleaner Production (2020), 242 (), 118465CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The demand for biobased products, such as food, fuel, and chems., has been continuously increasing. Meanwhile, agricultural prodn., serving as the primary stage of biobased products, is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient releases. Environmental impacts of agricultural prodn. influenced by farming practices, soil properties, and climate conditions, are often site-specific and time dependent. Although assessing spatially and temporally explicit environmental releases and impacts are required to inform a sustainable trajectory for agricultural prodn., such analyses are largely lacking. This study provides site-specific anal. of on-farm and supply chain emissions from corn prodn. to demonstrate the spatio-temporal variability of environmental impacts in the U. S. Midwest states. Using process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) and the phys.-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) agroecosystem model, we estd. county-level life cycle environmental release inventories from corn prodn. in 12 U. S. Midwest states for the period of 2000-2008. Based on the Tool for Redn. and Assessment of Chems. and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) impact assessment model, we quantified the corresponding life cycle global warming (GW), eutrophication (EU) and acidification (AD) impacts of corn. The results show that life cycle GW, EU and AD of corn prodn. varied by factors of 4.2, 83.7 and 10.6, resp., across the Midwest counties over the nine-year span (2000-2008). Life cycle GW impacts of producing 1 kg of corn ranged from -6.4 in Franklin County, Illinois to 20.2 kg CO2-eq. in Perkins County, South Dakota. The life cycle EU impacts also spanned over a wide range of 0.99 g in Morton County, Kansas to 82.9 g N-eq. in Leelanau County, Michigan, whereas life cycle AD impacts ranged from 1.3 in Clermont County, Ohio to 100.7 g SO2-eq. in Perkins County, South Dakota. Moreover, trade-offs existed among life cycle GW, EU and AD impact categories for corn prodn. The spatial variation analyses showed that key contributors were the different soil types, pptn., elevation and the amts. of fertilizers applied. These findings provided crit. insight into spatio-temporal variations of life cycle environmental impacts of corn prodn. and identified spatial hotspots and top contributors for improving environmental performances of corn prodn.
- 72Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Dannenmann, M. Denitrification and associated soil N2O emissions due to agricultural activities in a changing climate. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2011, 3 (5), 389– 395, DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2011.08.004Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 73Congreves, K. A.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Si, B. C.; Clough, T. J. Nitrous oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wetting. Soil Biol. Biochem. 2018, 117, 5– 15, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.10.040Google Scholar73 oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wettingCongreves, K. A.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Si, B. C.; Clough, T. J.Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2018), 117 (), 5-15CODEN: SBIOAH; ISSN:0038-0717. (Elsevier B.V.)A review concerning the systematic identification of similarities and differences in soil freeze/thaw (FT) and dry/wet (DW) cycles and their effect on timing and magnitude of N2O emissions from agricultural systems, including strategic research areas required to improve understanding of FT and DW processes leading to N2O emissions, are discussed. Topics covered include: introduction; soil physics behind soil FT and DW cycles; transport processes involved in N2O prodn. and emissions (gas soly., gas transport, phys. trapping); microbial and biogeochem. processes involved in N2O prodn. and emissions (anaerobic and redox conditions and substrate for, microbial C use and community compn.); and conclusions.
- 74Parton, W. J.; Gutmann, M. P.; Merchant, E. R.; Hartman, M. D.; Adler, P. R.; McNeal, F. M.; Lutz, S. M. Measuring and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas production in the US Great Plains, 1870–2000. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2015, 112 (34), E4681– E4688, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1416499112Google Scholar74 and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas production in the US Great Plains, 1870-2000Parton, William J.; Gutmann, Myron P.; Merchant, Emily R.; Hartman, Melannie D.; Adler, Paul R.; McNeal, Frederick M.; Lutz, Susan M.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2015), 112 (34), E4681-E4688CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)The US Great Plains region is an agricultural prodn. center for the global market and, as such, an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper uses historical agricultural census data and ecosystem models to est. the magnitude of annual GHG fluxes from all agricultural sources (e.g., cropping, livestock raising, irrigation, fertilizer prodn., tractor use) in the Great Plains from 1870 to 2000. It showed that C released during native grassland plow-out was the largest source of GHG emissions before 1930; livestock prodn., direct energy use, and soil N2O emissions are currently the largest sources. Climate factors mediate these emissions: cool, wet weather promotes C sequestration; hot, dry weather increase GHG release. This anal. demonstrated long-term ecosystem consequences of historical and current agricultural activities, indicating adoption of available alternative management practices could substantially mitigate agricultural GHG fluxes, from a 34% redn. with a 25% adoption rate to as much as complete elimination with possible net C sequestration when a greater proportion of farmers adopt new agricultural practices.
- 75Adler, P.; Del Grosso, S.; Inman, D.; Jenkins, R. E.; Spatari, S.; Zhang, Y. Mitigation Opportunities for Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Feedstock Production across Heterogeneous Landscapes. Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases 2012, 203– 219, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386897-8.00012-7Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 76Kopáček, J.; Hejzlar, J.; Posch, M. Factors Controlling the Export of Nitrogen from Agricultural Land in a Large Central European Catchment during 1900–2010. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (12), 6400– 6407, DOI: 10.1021/es400181mGoogle Scholar76 Controlling the Export of Nitrogen from Agricultural Land in a Large Central European Catchment during 1900-2010Kopacek, Jiri; Hejzlar, Josef; Posch, MaximilianEnvironmental Science & Technology (2013), 47 (12), 6400-6407CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Using an empirical model, we quantified the N export from agricultural land in a large central European catchment (upper Vltava River, Czech Republic, ∼13,000 Km2) over the 1959-2010 period. The catchment witnessed a rapid socio-economic shift from a planned to a market economy in the 1990s, resulting in an abrupt (∼50%) redn. in N fertilization rates at otherwise relatively stable land-use practices. This large-scale expt. enabled disentangling and quantification of individual effects of N fertilization and drainage on N leaching. The model is based on a 2-step regression between annual N export and 3 independent variables: (1) annual av. discharge in the 1st step and (2) net anthropogenic N inputs (NANI) and proportion of drained agricultural land in the 2nd step. Results show that N export was more related to mineralization of soil org. N pools due to drainage and tillage than to external N sources (NANI). The model, together with other reconstructed N sources in the catchment (leaching from forests, wastewaters, and atm. deposition) and extrapolated back to 1900, explained 77% of the obsd. variability in N concns. in the Vltava River during the 1900-2010 period.
- 77Vagstad, N.; Eggestad, H. O.; Hoyas, T. R. Mineral nitrogen in agricultural soils and nitrogen losses: relation to soil properties, weather conditions, and farm practices. Ambio 1997, 26 (5), 266– 272Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 78SARE Organic Matter: Organic Matter and Natural Cycles. (accessed 2019/5/18).Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 79Howarth, R. W.; Marino, R. Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Evolving views over three decades. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2006, 51 (1part2), 364– 376, DOI: 10.4319/lo.2006.51.1_part_2.0364Google Scholar79 as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: evolving views over three decadesHowarth, Robert W.; Marino, RoxanneLimnology and Oceanography (2006), 51 (1, Pt. 2), 364-376CODEN: LIOCAH; ISSN:0024-3590. (American Society of Limnology and Oceanography)A review. The first special vol. of Limnol. and Oceanog., published in 1972, focused on whether phosphorus (P) or carbon (C) is the major agent causing eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Only slight mention was made that estuaries may behave differently from lakes and that nitrogen (N) may cause eutrophication in estuaries. In the following decade, an understanding of eutrophication in estuaries proceeded in relative isolation from the community of scientists studying lakes. National water quality policy in the United States was directed almost solely toward P control for both lakes and estuaries, and similarly, European nations tended to focus on P control in lakes. Although bioassay data indicated N control of eutrophication in estuaries as early as the 1970s, this body of knowledge was treated with skepticism by many freshwater scientists and water-quality managers, because bioassay data in lakes often did not properly indicate the importance of P relative to C in those ecosystems. Hence, the bioassay data in estuaries had little influence on water-quality management. Over the past two decades, a strong consensus has evolved among the scientific community that N is the primary cause of eutrophication in many coastal ecosystems. The development of this consensus was based in part on data from whole-ecosystem studies and on a growing body of evidence that presented convincing mechanistic reasons why the controls of eutrophication in lakes and coastal marine ecosystems may differ. Even though N is probably the major cause of eutrophication in most coastal systems in the temperate zone, optimal management of coastal eutrophication suggests controlling both N and P, in part because P can limit primary prodn. in some systems. In addn., excess P in estuaries can interact with the availability of N and silica (Si) to adversely affect ecol. structure. Redn. of P to upstream freshwater ecosystems can also benefit coastal marine ecosystems through mechanisms such as increased Si fluxes.
- 80Yang, X.-e.; Wu, X.; Hao, H.-l.; He, Z.-l. Mechanisms and assessment of water eutrophication. J. Zhejiang Univ., Sci., B 2008, 9 (3), 197– 209, DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B0710626Google Scholar80 and assessment of water eutrophicationYang, Xiao-e; Wu, Xiang; Hao, Hu-lin; He, Zhen-liJournal of Zhejiang University, Science, B (2008), 9 (3), 197-209CODEN: JZUSAM; ISSN:1673-1581. (Zhejiang University Press)A review is given. Water eutrophication has become a worldwide environmental problem in recent years, and understanding the mechanisms of water eutrophication will help for prevention and remediation of water eutrophication. Recent advances in current status and major mechanisms of water eutrophication, assessment and evaluation criteria, and the influencing factors are presented. Water eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and rivers is widespread all over the world and the severity is increasing, esp. in the developing countries like China. The assessment of water eutrophication has been advanced from simple individual parameters like total P, total N, etc., to comprehensive indexes like total nutrient status index. The major influencing factors on water eutrophication include nutrient enrichment, hydrodynamics, environmental factors such as temp., salinity, CO2, element balance, etc., and microbial and biodiversity. The occurrence of water eutrophication is actually a complex function of all the possible influencing factors. The mechanisms of algal blooming are not fully understood and need to be further investigated.
- 81Guntiñas, M. E.; Leirós, M. C.; Trasar-Cepeda, C.; Gil-Sotres, F. Effects of moisture and temperature on net soil nitrogen mineralization: A laboratory study. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 2012, 48, 73– 80, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.07.015Google Scholar81 of moisture and temperature on net soil nitrogen mineralization: A laboratory studyGuntinas, M. E.; Leiros, M. C.; Trasar-Cepeda, C.; Gil-Sotres, F.European Journal of Soil Biology (2012), 48 (), 73-80CODEN: EJSBE2; ISSN:1164-5563. (Elsevier Masson SAS)Climate change will lead to changes in soil moisture and temp., thereby affecting org. matter mineralization and the cycling of biophilic elements such as nitrogen. However, very few studies have considered how the sensitivity of the rate of net nitrogen mineralization to temp. and/or moisture content may be modified by changes in these parameters. To investigate how changes in temp. and moisture content affect net nitrogen mineralization (as regards both the mineralization rate and the sensitivity of the mineralization rate to changes in temp. and moisture content), a lab. expt. was carried out in which three soils under different types of use (Forest, Grassland, Cropland) were incubated for 42 days under different moisture conditions (between 40 and 100% field capacity) and temps. (between 10 and 35 °C); total inorg. nitrogen levels were detd. at different times throughout the expt. The rate of mineralization was detd. at each temp. and moisture level considered, by use of the mono-compartmental model developed by Stanford and Smith (1972). For all soils, changes in the rate of mineralization with temp. followed the pattern described by the Q 10 model, while the models used to det. the effect of moisture content on the net rate of mineralization (linear, semilogarithmic, partial parabolic and complete parabolic) were only verified for the Forest soil. In general, the sensitivity to temp. was maximal at 25 °C, and the optimal moisture content for nitrogen mineralization was between 80% and 100% of field capacity. A relatively simple model that included the temp.-moisture-time interaction was also tested. This model provided a significant fit for the three soils under study, in contrast with the other models tested. In any case, further studies are necessary in order to address the extent to which changes in the quality of org. matter, caused by land use, affect any modifications to soil nitrogen that may be generated by climate change.
- 82Bouwman, A. F.; Boumans, L. J. M.; Batjes, N. H. Estimation of global NH3 volatilization loss from synthetic fertilizers and animal manure applied to arable lands and grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2002, 16 (2), 8.1– 8.14, DOI: 10.1029/2000GB001389Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 83Kissel, D. E.; Cabrera, M. L., Factors affecting urea hydrolysis. 87-98-J. In Ammonia Volatilization from Urea Fertilizers. Bulletin Y-206. Tennessee Valley Authority; Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Dept. of Agronomy. Kansas State University: Muscle Shoals, Alabama., 1988.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 84Torello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J. Urease activity in a Kentucky bluegrass turf. Agron. J. 1983, 75, 654– 656, DOI: 10.2134/agronj1983.00021962007500040018xGoogle Scholar84 activity in a Kentucky bluegrass turfTorello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J.Agronomy Journal (1983), 75 (4), 654-6CODEN: AGJOAT; ISSN:0002-1962.The extent of urease [9002-13-5] activity assocd. with turfgrass tissue, thatch, and the underlying soil was detd. Because a turfgrass stand frequently possesses an extensive thatch layer that may serve as the primary plant growth medium, addnl. objectives included: detg. the effects of air-drying and seasonal variation on the activity of ureases in thatch; detg. the variability in thatch urease activity by analyzing multiple field samples; and detg. the variation of urease activity within a thatch profile. Turfgrass clippings, thatch, and underlying Flanagan silt loam soil (Aquic Arguidoll) samples were taken from a field-grown Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf in either Sept. 1980 or Mar. 1981. On a dry wt. basis, urease activity was 18-30 times higher from turfgrass clippings and thatch than from soil. Air-drying thatch increased urease activity by 20% over moist samples, whereas air-drying soil samples had no apparent effect. Greenhouse incubation of winter-dormant thatch samples increased urease activity by 40%, presumably in response to the duration of increased temp. Thatch urease activity varied between sampling sites but still remained extremely high compared to soil activity. Within each thatch sample (1 × 1 × 2 cm), urease activity was highest in the upper 1.0 cm of the profile. Thus, thatch urease activity was variable in nature depending on seasonal conditions, in sharp contrast with extremely stable soil urease activities. These findings suggest that, because of the high level of urease in thatch, NH3 volatilization will occur from most urea-treated turfgrass stands, regardless of the type of underlying soil, unless the urea is thoroughly washed into the soil.
- 85Acres Soil organic matter: Tips for responsible nitrogen management. (accessed 2018/4/30).Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 86Adler, P. R.; Hums, M. E.; McNeal, F. M.; Spatari, S. Evaluation of environmental and cost tradeoffs of producing energy from soybeans for on-farm use. J. Cleaner Prod. 2019, 210, 1635– 1649, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.019Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 87Huo, H.; Wang, M.; Bloyd, C.; Putsche, V. Life-cycle assessment of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of soybean-derived biodiesel and renewable fuels. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (3), 750– 6, DOI: 10.1021/es8011436Google Scholar87 Assessment of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Soybean-Derived Biodiesel and Renewable FuelsHuo, Hong; Wang, Michael; Bloyd, Cary; Putsche, VickyEnvironmental Science & Technology (2009), 43 (3), 750-756CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)The authors used Argonne National Lab.'s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model to assess the life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission impacts of 4 soybean-derived fuels: biodiesel fuel produced via transesterification, 2 renewable diesel fuels (I and II) produced from different hydrogenation processes, and renewable gasoline produced from catalytic cracking. Five approaches were employed to allocate the coproducts: a displacement approach; 2 allocation approaches, one based on the energy value and the other based on the market value; and 2 hybrid approaches that integrated the displacement and allocation methods. The relative rankings of soybean-based fuels in terms of energy and environmental impacts were different under the different approaches, and the reasons were analyzed. Results from the 5 allocation approaches showed that although the prodn. and combustion of soybean-based fuels might increase total energy use, they could have significant benefits in reducing fossil energy use (>52%), petroleum use (>88%), and GHG emissions (>57%) relative to petroleum fuels. This study emphasized the importance of the methods used to deal with coproduct issues and provide a comprehensive soln. for conducting a life-cycle assessment of fuel pathways with multiple coproducts.
- 88Rajaeifar, M. A.; Ghobadian, B.; Safa, M.; Heidari, M. D. Energy life-cycle assessment and CO2 emissions analysis of soybean-based biodiesel: a case study. J. Cleaner Prod. 2014, 66, 233– 241, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.10.041Google Scholar88 life-cycle assessment and CO2 emissions analysis of soybean-based biodiesel: a case studyRajaeifar, Mohammad Ali; Ghobadian, Barat; Safa, Majeed; Heidari, Mohammad DavoudJournal of Cleaner Production (2014), 66 (), 233-241CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)In this study the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of biodiesel prodn. from soybean in Golestan province of Iran were studied. For this purpose, the life-cycle process of biodiesel was considered as five stages of agricultural soybean prodn., soybean transportation, soybean crushing, biodiesel conversion, and its transportation. The results indicated that the total fossil energy consumption with coproduct allocation was 8617.7 MJ ha-1 and the renewable energy output content (biodiesel as the final outcome) was estd. as 16,991.4 MJ ha-1. The net energy gain (NEG) and the fossil energy ratio (FER) were calcd. as 8373.7 MJ ha-1 and 1.97, resp., which show soybean is a suitable energy crop for biodiesel prodn. Agricultural soybean prodn. stage ranked the first in energy consumption among the five main stages where it consumed 50.56% of total fossil energy consumption in the biodiesel life-cycle process. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data anal. revealed that the total GHG emission was 1710.3 kg CO2eq ha-1 which biodiesel prodn. life-cycle was only account for 311.96 kg CO2eq ha-1 if the mass allocation is considered. Overall, biodiesel prodn. from soybean in Iran can be considered as a way to increase energy security in the near future. Also, soybean cultivation must be considered along with other common oilseeds cultivation in order to prevent food competition between biodiesel feedstocks and food prodn. in Iran.
- 89Castanheira, É. G.; Freire, F. Greenhouse gas assessment of soybean production: implications of land use change and different cultivation systems. J. Cleaner Prod. 2013, 54, 49– 60, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.05.026Google Scholar89 gas assessment of soybean production: implications of land use change and different cultivation systemsCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2013), 54 (), 49-60CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The increase in soybean prodn. as a source of protein and oil is being stimulated by the growing demand for livestock feed, food and numerous other applications. Significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can result from land use change due to the expansion and cultivation of soybean. However, this is complex to assess and the results can vary widely. The main goal of this article is to investigate the life-cycle GHG balance for soybean produced in Latin America, assessing the implications of direct land use change emissions and different cultivation systems. A life-cycle model, including inventories for soybean produced in three different climate regions, was developed, addressing land use change, cultivation and transport to Europe. A comprehensive evaluation of alternative land use change scenarios (conversion of tropical forest, forest plantations, perennial crop plantations, savannah and grasslands), cultivation (tillage, reduced tillage and no-tillage) and soybean transportation systems was undertaken. The main results show the importance of land use change in soybean GHG emissions, but significant differences were obsd. for the alternative scenarios, namely 0.1-17.8 kg CO2eq kg-1 soybean. The original land choice is a crit. issue in ensuring the lowest soybean GHG balance and degraded grassland should preferably be used for soybean cultivation. The highest GHG emissions were calcd. for tropical moist regions when rainforest is converted into soybean plantations (tillage system). When land use change is not considered, the GHG intensity varies from 0.3 to 0.6 kg CO2eq kg-1 soybean. It was calcd. that all tillage systems have higher GHG emissions than the corresponding no-tillage and reduced tillage systems. The results also show that N2O emissions play a major role in the GHG emissions from cultivation, although N2O emission calcns. are very sensitive to the parameters and emission factors adopted.
- 90Costello, C.; Griffin, W. M.; Landis, A. E.; Matthews, H. S. Impact of biofuel crop production on the formation of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 7985– 7991, DOI: 10.1021/es9011433Google Scholar90 of Biofuel Crop Production on the Formation of Hypoxia in the Gulf of MexicoCostello, Christine; Griffin, W. Michael; Landis, Amy E.; Matthews, H. ScottEnvironmental Science & Technology (2009), 43 (20), 7985-7991CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Many studies have compared corn-based ethanol to cellulosic ethanol on a per unit basis and have generally concluded that cellulosic ethanol will result in fewer environmental consequences, including NO3- output. This study takes a system-wide approach in considering the NO3- output and the relative areal extent of hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) due to the introduction of addnl. crops for biofuel prodn. We stochastically est. NO3- loading to the NGOM and use these results to approx. the areal extent of hypoxia for scenarios that meet the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007's biofuel goals for 2015 and 2022. Crops for ethanol include corn, corn stover, and switchgrass; all biodiesel is assumed to be from soybeans. Our results indicate that moving from corn to cellulosics for ethanol prodn. may result in a 20% decrease (based on mean values) in NO3- output from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB). This decrease will not meet the EPA target for hypoxic zone redn. An aggressive nutrient management strategy will be needed to reach the 5000-Km2 areal extent of hypoxia in the NGOM goal set forth by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force even in the absence of biofuels, given current prodn. to meet food, feed, and other industrial needs.
- 91Dosskey, M. G. Toward quantifying water pollution abatement in response to installing buffers on crop land. Environ. Manage. 2001, 28 (5), 577– 98, DOI: 10.1007/s002670010245Google Scholar91 quantifying water pollution abatement in response to installing buffers on crop landDosskey M GEnvironmental management (2001), 28 (5), 577-98 ISSN:0364-152X.The scientific research literature is reviewed (i) for evidence of how much reduction in nonpoint source pollution can be achieved by installing buffers on crop land, (ii) to summarize important factors that can affect this response, and (iii) to identify remaining major information gaps that limit our ability to make probable estimates. This review is intended to clarify the current scientific foundation of the USDA and similar buffer programs designed in part for water pollution abatement and to highlight important research needs. At this time, research reports are lacking that quantify a change in pollutant amounts (concentration and/or load) in streams or lakes in response to converting portions of cropped land to buffers. Most evidence that such a change should occur is indirect, coming from site-scale studies of individual functions of buffers that act to retain pollutants from runoff: (1) reduce surface runoff from fields, (2) filter surface runoff from fields, (3) filter groundwater runoff from fields, (4) reduce bank erosion, and (5) filter stream water. The term filter is used here to encompass the range of specific processes that act to reduce pollutant amounts in runoff flow. A consensus of experimental research on functions of buffers clearly shows that they can substantially limit sediment runoff from fields, retain sediment and sediment-bound pollutants from surface runoff, and remove nitrate N from groundwater runoff. Less certain is the magnitude of these functions compared to the cultivated crop condition that buffers would replace within the context of buffer installation programs. Other evidence suggests that buffer installation can substantially reduce bank erosion sources of sediment under certain circumstances. Studies have yet to address the degree to which buffer installation can enhance channel processes that remove pollutants from stream flow. Mathematical models offer an alternative way to develop estimates for water quality changes in response to buffer installation. Numerous site conditions and buffer design factors have been identified that can determine the magnitude of each buffer function. Accurate models must be able to account for and integrate these functions and factors over whole watersheds. At this time, only pollutant runoff and surface filtration functions have been modeled to this extent. Capability is increasing as research data is produced, models become more comprehensive, and new techniques provide means to describe variable conditions across watersheds. A great deal of professional judgment is still required to extrapolate current knowledge of buffer functions into broadly accurate estimates of water pollution abatement in response to buffer installation on crop land. Much important research remains to be done to improve this capability. The greatest need is to produce direct quantitative evidence of this response. Such data would confirm the hypothesis and enable direct testing of watershed-scale prediction models as they become available. Further study of individual pollution control functions is also needed, particularly to generate comparative evidence for how much they can be manipulated through buffer installation and management.
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- L. Reijnders. Life Cycle Assessment of Biofuels. 2021, 53-67.
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This article references 91 other publications.
- 1USDA Soybeans & Oil Crops. (2019/10//1).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 2Webster, J. C. Forecast for U.S. Soybean Demand: Strong and Stronger; American Soybean Magazine Jan 30, 2018, 2018.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 3Cavalett, O.; Ortega, E. Integrated environmental assessment of biodiesel production f rom soybean in Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2010, 18 (1), 55– 70, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2009.09.008There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 4Maciel, V. G.; Zortea, R. B.; Grillo, I. B.; Ugaya, C. M. L.; Einloft, S.; Seferin, M. Greenhouse gases assessment of soybean cultivation steps in southern Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2016, 131, 747– 753, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.1004 gases assessment of soybean cultivation steps in southern BrazilMaciel, Vinicius Goncalves; Zortea, Rafael Batista; Grillo, Igor Barden; Lie Ugaya, Cassia Maria; Einloft, Sandra; Seferin, MarcusJournal of Cleaner Production (2016), 131 (), 747-753CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)This study presents a greenhouse gases emissions assessment of soybean cultivation in southern Brazil based on life cycle inventory. Although there are currently some studies on this topic, it is focused in the country level. Nevertheless, there are differences among the producing regions and it's estd. that for each 20 kg of soybeans produced in Brazil, one is produced in Rio Grande do Sul state. In a previous study, a life cycle inventory of soybean cultivated in this Brazilian state was developed, nevertheless, the influence of land use change along the life cycle was not taken into account. Therefore, the current study discusses the influence of direct land use change over the greenhouse gas emissions. The functional unit (FU) employed was 1 kg of soybean harvested for a cradle to gate study. For the soybean cultivation, in the scenario related to no land use change (scenario 1), 0.352 kg CO2/FU was emitted. This value increases up to 205% in scenario 2 (in this case, the actual scenario was that 15.4% of soybean cropland area replaced grassland) and 892% in scenario 3 (all land transformation was over forest). In scenario 1, soybean cultivation was responsible for the higher share of the greenhouse gases emissions (42%). The highest contributions in soybean cultivation for greenhouse gases emissions were: liming (37%), fertilization (19%) and seeding (9%).
- 5Dalgaard, R.; Schmidt, J.; Halberg, N.; Christensen, P.; Thrane, M.; Pengue, W. A. LCA of soybean meal. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2008, 13 (3), 240, DOI: 10.1065/lca2007.06.3425 of soybean mealDalgaard, Randi; Schmidt, Jannick; Halberg, Niels; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel; Pengue, Walter A.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2008), 13 (3), 240-254CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Ecomed Publishers)Soybean meal is an important protein input to the European livestock prodn., with Argentina being an important supplier. The area cultivated with soybeans is still increasing globally, and so are the no. of LCAs where the prodn. of soybean meal forms part of the product chain. In recent years there has been increasing focus on how soybean prodn. affects the environment. The purpose of the study was to est. the environmental consequences of soybean meal consumption using a consequential LCA approach. The functional unit is 'one kg of soybean meal produced in Argentina and delivered to Rotterdam Harbor'. Soybean meal has the co-product soybean oil. In this study, the consequential LCA method was applied, and co-product allocation was thereby avoided through system expansion. In this context, system expansion implies that the inputs and outputs are entirely ascribed to soybean meal, and the product system is subsequently expanded to include the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Presently, the marginal vegetable oil on the world market is palm oil but, to be prepd. for fluctuations in market demands, an alternative product system with rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil has been established. EDIP97 (updated version 2.3) was used for LCIA and the following impact categories were included: Global warming, eutrophication, acidification, ozone depletion and photochem. smog. Two soybean loops were established to demonstrate how an increased demand for soybean meal affects the palm oil and rapeseed oil prodn., resp. The characterized results from LCA on soybean meal (with palm oil as marginal oil) were 721 g CO2 eq. for global warming potential, 0.3 mg CFC11 equiv. for ozone depletion potential, 3.1 g SO2 eq. for acidification potential, -2 g NO3 eq. for eutrophication potential and 0.4 g ethene eq. for photochem. smog potential per kg soybean meal. The av. area per kg soybean meal consumed was 3.6 m2year. Attributional results, calcd. by economic and mass allocation, are also presented. Normalized results show that the most dominating impact categories were: global warming, eutrophication and acidification. The 'hot spot' in relation to global warming, was 'soybean cultivation', dominated by N2O emissions from degrdn. of crop residues (e.g., straw) and during biol. nitrogen fixation. In relation to eutrophication and acidification, the transport of soybeans by truck is important, and sensitivity analyses showed that the acidification potential is very sensitive to the increased transport distance by truck. The potential environmental impacts (except photochem. smog) were lower when using rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil, because the avoided prodn. of rapeseed contributes more neg. compared with the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Identification of the marginal vegetable oil (palm oil or rapeseed oil) turned out to be important for the result, and this shows how crucial it is in consequential LCA to identify the right marginal product system (e.g., marginal vegetable oil). Consequential LCAs were successfully performed on soybean meal and LCA data on soybean meal are now available for consequential (or attributional) LCAs on livestock products. The study clearly shows that consequential LCAs are quite easy to handle, even though it has been necessary to include prodn. of palm oil, rapeseed and spring barley, as these prodn. systems are affected by the soybean oil co-product. We would appreciate it if the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment had articles on the developments on, for example, marginal protein, marginal vegetable oil, marginal electricity (related to relevant markets), marginal heat, marginal cereals and, likewise, on metals and other basic commodities. This will not only facilitate the work with consequential LCAs, but will also increase the quality of LCAs.
- 6Lehuger, S.; Gabrielle, B.; Gagnaire, N. Environmental impact of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in dairy cow feed. J. Cleaner Prod. 2009, 17 (6), 616– 624, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.10.0056 impact of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in dairy cow feedLehuger, Simon; Gabrielle, Benoit; Gagnaire, NathalieJournal of Cleaner Production (2009), 17 (6), 616-624CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)Growing public concerns about the traceability, safety and environmental-friendliness of food products provide an incentive for shorter supply chains in agricultural prodn. Here, we assessed the environmental impacts of the substitution of imported soybean meal with locally-produced rapeseed meal in French dairy prodn. systems, using a life-cycle approach. Two feeding rations based on either French-produced rapeseed meal or Brazilian-produced soy meal as concs., were compared for nine impact categories, including global warming, ecotoxicity and eutrophication. Crop prodn. was the main contributor to most impacts, while overseas transport of soy meal only had a marginal effect. The soybean ration appeared more environmentally-efficient than the rapeseed ration because it involved less intensive management practices, in particular regarding synthetic fertilizers consumption. However, land use changes brought about by soybean cultivation should also be examd.
- 7Özilgen, M.; Sorgüven, E. Energy and exergy utilization, and carbon dioxide emission in vegetable oil production. Energy 2011, 36 (10), 5954– 5967, DOI: 10.1016/ is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 8Panichelli, L.; Dauriat, A.; Gnansounou, E. Life cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina for export. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14 (2), 144– 159, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-008-0050-88 cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina for exportPanichelli, Luis; Dauriat, Arnaud; Gnansounou, EdgardInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (2), 144-159CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Regional specificities are a key factor when analyzing the environmental impact of a biofuel pathway through a life cycle assessment (LCA). Due to different energy mixes, transport distances, agricultural practices and land use changes, results can significantly vary from one country to another. The Republic of Argentina is the first exporter of soybean oil and meal and the third largest soybean producer in the world, and therefore, soybean-based biodiesel prodn. is expected to significantly increase in the near future, mostly for exportation. Moreover, Argentinean biodiesel producers will need to evaluate the environmental performances of their product in order to comply with sustainability criteria being developed. However, because of regional specificities, the environmental performances of this biofuel pathway can be expected to be different from those obtained for other countries and feedstocks previously studied. This work aims at analyzing the environmental impact of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Argentina for export. The relevant impact categories account for the primary non-renewable energy consumption (CED), the global warming potential (GWP), the eutrophication potential (EP), the acidification potential (AP), the terrestrial ecotoxicity (TE), the aquatic ecotoxicity (AE), the human toxicity (HT) and land use competition (LU). The paper tackles the feedstock and country specificities in biodiesel prodn. by comparing the results of soybean-based biodiesel in Argentina with other ref. cases. Emphasis is put on explaining the factors that contribute most to the final results and the regional specificities that lead to different results for each biodiesel pathway. The Argentinean (AR) biodiesel pathway was modelled through an LCA and was compared with ref. cases available in the ecoinvent 2.01 database, namely, soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Brazil (BR) and the United States (US), rapeseed-based biodiesel prodn. in the European Union (EU) and Switzerland (CH) and palm-oil-based biodiesel prodn. in Malaysia (MY). In all cases, the systems were modelled from feedstock prodn. to biodiesel use as B100 in a 28 t truck in CH. Furthermore, biodiesel pathways were compared with fossil low-sulfur diesel produced and used in CH. The LCA was performed according to the ISO stds. The life cycle inventory and the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) were performed in Excel spreadsheets using the ecoinvent 2.01 database. The cumulative energy demand (CED) and the GWP were estd. through the CED for fossil and nuclear energy and the IPCC 2001 (climate change) LCIA methods, resp. Other impact categories were assessed according to CML 2001, as implemented in ecoinvent. As the product is a fuel for transportation (service), the system was defined for one vehicle kilometer (functional unit) and was divided into seven unit processes, namely, agricultural phase, soybean oil extn. and refining, transesterification, transport to port, transport to the destination country border, distribution and utilization. The Argentinean pathway results in the highest GWP, CED, AE and HT compared with the ref. biofuel pathways. Compared with the fossil ref., all impact categories are higher for the AR case, except for the CED. The most significant factor that contributes to the environmental impact in the Argentinean case varies depending on the evaluated category. Land provision through deforestation for soybean cultivation is the most impacting factor of the AR biodiesel pathway for the GWP, the CED and the HT categories. While nitrogen oxide emissions during the fuel use are the main cause of acidification, nitrate leaching during soybean cultivation is the main factor of eutrophication. LU is almost totally affected by arable land occupation for soybean cultivation. Cypermethrin used as pesticide in feedstock prodn. accounts for almost the total impact on TE and AE. Discussion The sensitivity anal. shows that an increase of 10% in the soybean yield, while keeping the same inputs, will reduce the total impact of the system. Avoiding deforestation is the main challenge to improve the environmental performances of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in AR. If the soybean expansion can be done on marginal and set-aside agricultural land, the neg. impact of the system will be significantly reduced. Further implementation of crops' successions, soybean inoculation, reduced tillage and less toxic pesticides will also improve the environmental performances. Using ethanol as alc. in the transesterification process could significantly improve the energy balance of the Argentinean pathway. The main explaining factors depend on regional specificities of the system that lead to different results from those obtained in the ref. cases. Significantly different results can be obtained depending on the level of detail of the input data, the use of punctual or av. data and the assumptions made to build up the LCA inventory. Further improvement of the AR biodiesel pathways should be done in order to comply with international sustainability criteria on biofuel prodn. Due to the influence of land use changes in the final results, more efforts should be made to account for land use changes others than deforestation. More data are needed to det. the part of deforestation attributable to soybean cultivation. More efforts should be done to improve modeling of interaction between variables and previous crops in the agricultural phase, future transesterification technologies and market prices evolution. In order to assess more accurately the environmental impact of soybean-based biodiesel prodn. in Argentina, further considerations should be made to account for indirect land use changes, domestic biodiesel consumption and exportation to other regions, prodn. scale and regional georeferenced differentiation of prodn. systems.
- 9Landis, A. E.; Miller, S. A.; Theis, T. L. Life Cycle of the Corn-Soybean Agroecosystem for Biobased Production. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 1457– 1464, DOI: 10.1021/es06061259 Cycle of the Corn-Soybean Agroecosystem for Biobased ProductionLandis, Amy E.; Miller, Shelie A.; Theis, Thomas L.Environmental Science & Technology (2007), 41 (4), 1457-1464CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Bio-based product life cycle assessments (LCA) have largely focused on energy (fossil fuel) use and greenhouse gas emissions during agriculture and prodn. stages. This work compiled a more comprehensive life cycle inventory (LCI) for use in future bio-product LCA which rely on corn or soybean crops as feedstocks. The inventory includes energy, C, N, P, major pesticides, and USEPA criteria air pollutants resulting from processes such as fertilizer prodn., energy prodn., and on-farm chem. and equipment use. Agro-ecosystem material flows were modeled using a combination of GREET (Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation model), a linear fractionation model which describes P biogeochem. cycling, and Monte Carlo anal. Results showed that dominant air emissions resulted from crop farming, fertilizers, and on-farm N flows (e.g., N2O and NO). Seed prodn. and irrigation provided ≤0.002% to any inventory emission or energy flow and may be neglected in future LCA of corn or soybeans as feedstocks from the US corn belt. Lime contributed significantly (17% of total emissions) to air emissions and should not be neglected in bio-product LCA.
- 10Smil, V. Phosphorus in the environment: Natural Flows and Human Interferences. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ. 2000, 25, 53– 88, DOI: 10.1146/ is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 11ISO. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards 14044: Environmental management and Life cycle assessment: Requirements and guidelines. 2006.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Kim, S.; Dale, B. E.; Jenkins, R. Life cycle assessment of corn grain and corn stover in the United States. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14 (2), 160– 174, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-008-0054-412 cycle assessment of corn grain and corn stover in the United StatesKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.; Jenkins, RobinInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (2), 160-174CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)The goal of this study is to est. the county-level environmental performance for continuous corn cultivation of corn grain and corn stover grown under the current tillage practices for various corn-growing locations in the US Corn Belt. The environmental performance of corn grain varies with its farming location because of climate, soil properties, cropping management, etc. Corn stover, all of the above ground parts of the corn plant except the grain, would be used as a feedstock for cellulosic ethanol. Two cropping systems are under investigation: corn produced for grain only without collecting corn stover (referred to as CRN) and corn produced for grain and stover harvest (referred to as CSR). The functional unit in this study is defined as dry biomass, and the ref. flow is 1 kg of dry biomass. The system boundary includes processes from cradle to farm gate. The default allocation procedure between corn grain and stover in the CSR system is the system expansion approach. County-level soil org. carbon dynamics, nitrate losses due to leaching, and nitrogen oxide and nitrous oxide emissions are simulated by the DAYCENT model. Life cycle environmental impact categories considered in this study are total fossil energy use, climate change (referred to as greenhouse gas emissions), acidification, and eutrophication. Sensitivities on farming practices and allocation are included. Simulations from the DAYCENT model predict that removing corn stover from soil could decrease nitrogen-related emissions from soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , and NO3 - leaching). DAYCENT also predicts a redn. in the annual accumulation rates of soil org. carbon (SOC) with corn stover removal. Corn stover has a better environmental performance than corn grain according to all life cycle environmental impacts considered. This is due to lower consumption of agrochems. and fuel used in the field operations and lower nitrogen-related emissions from the soil. Discussion The primary source of total fossil energy assocd. with biomass prodn. is nitrogen fertilizer, accounting for over 30% of the total fossil energy. Nitrogen-related emissions from soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , and NO3 - leaching) are the primary contributors to all other life cycle environmental impacts considered in this study. The environmental performance of corn grain and corn stover varies with the farming location due to crop management, soil properties, and climate conditions. Several general trends were identified from this study. Corn stover has a lower impact than corn grain in terms of total fossil energy, greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication. Harvesting corn stover reduces nitrogen-related emissions from the soil (i.e., N2O, NO x , NO3 -). The accumulation rate of soil org. carbon is reduced when corn stover is removed, and in some cases, the soil org. carbon level decreases. Harvesting only the cob portion of the stover would reduce the neg. impact of stover removal on soil org. carbon sequestration rate while still bringing the benefit of lower nitrogen-related emissions from the soil. No-tillage practices offer higher accumulation rates of soil org. carbon, lower fuel consumption, and lower nitrogen emissions from the soil than the current or conventional tillage practices. Planting winter cover crops could be a way to reduce nitrogen losses from soil and to increase soil org. carbon levels. County-level modeling is more accurate in estg. the local environmental burdens assocd. with biomass prodn. than national- or regional-level modeling. When possible, site-specific exptl. information on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics should be obtained to reflect the system more accurately. The allocation approach between corn grain and stover significantly affects the environmental performance of each. The preferred allocation method is the system expansion approach where incremental fuel usage, addnl. nutrients in the subsequent growing season, and changes in soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics due to removing corn stover are assigned to only the collected corn stover.
- 13Tabatabaie, S. M. H.; Bolte, J. P.; Murthy, G. S. A regional scale modeling framework combining biogeochemical model with life cycle and economic analysis for integrated assessment of cropping systems. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 625, 428– 439, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.20813 regional scale modeling framework combining biogeochemical model with life cycle and economic analysis for integrated assessment of cropping systemsTabatabaie, Seyed Mohammad Hossein; Bolte, John P.; Murthy, Ganti S.Science of the Total Environment (2018), 625 (), 428-439CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)The goal of this study was to integrate a crop model, DNDC (DeNitrification-Decompn.), with life cycle assessment (LCA) and economic anal. models using a GIS-based integrated platform, ENVISION. The integrated model enables LCA practitioners to conduct integrated economic anal. and LCA on a regional scale while capturing the variability of soil emissions due to variation in regional factors during prodn. of crops and biofuel feedstocks. In order to evaluate the integrated model, the corn-soybean cropping system in Eagle Creek Watershed, Indiana was studied and the integrated model was used to first model the soil emissions and then conduct the LCA as well as economic anal. The results showed that the variation in soil emissions due to variation in weather is high causing some locations to be carbon sink in some years and source of CO2 in other years. In order to test the model under different scenarios, two tillage scenarios were defined: (1) conventional tillage (CT) and (2) no tillage (NT) and analyzed with the model. The overall GHG emissions for the corn-soybean cropping system was simulated and results showed that the NT scenario resulted in lower soil GHG emissions compared to CT scenario. Moreover, global warming potential (GWP) of corn ethanol from well to pump varied between 57 and 92 g CO2-eq./MJ while GWP under the NT system was lower than that of the CT system. The cost break-even point was calcd. as $3612.5/ha in a two year corn-soybean cropping system and the results showed that under low and medium prices for corn and soybean most of the farms did not meet the break-even point.
- 14Brentrup, F., Life cycle assessment of crop production. In Green Technologies in Food Production and Processing; Boye, J. I., Arcand, Y., Eds.; Springer US: Boston, MA, 2012; pp 61– 82.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 15Brentrup, F.; Küsters, J.; Kuhlmann, H.; Lammel, J. Environmental impact assessment of agricultural production systems using the life cycle assessment methodology: I. Theoretical concept of a LCA method tailored to crop production. Eur. J. Agron. 2004, 20 (3), 247– 264, DOI: 10.1016/S1161-0301(03)00024-8There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 16Mohammadi, A.; Rafiee, S.; Jafari, A.; Keyhani, A.; Dalgaard, T.; Knudsen, M. T.; Nguyen, T. L. T.; Borek, R.; Hermansen, J. E. Joint Life Cycle Assessment and Data Envelopment Analysis for the benchmarking of environmental impacts in rice paddy production. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 106, 521– 532, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.05.008There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Noya, I.; González-García, S.; Bacenetti, J.; Arroja, L.; Moreira, M. T. Comparative life cycle assessment of three representative feed cereals production in the Po Valley (Italy). J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 99, 250– 265, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03.00117 life cycle assessment of three representative feed cereals production in the Po Valley (Italy)Noya, Isabel; Gonzalez-Garcia, Sara; Bacenetti, Jacopo; Arroja, Luis; Moreira, Maria TeresaJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 99 (), 250-265CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The cultivation of three different cereals - wheat, triticale and maize (five classes: 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700) - dedicated to grain prodn. for feed purposes was assessed to quantify their environmental profiles and identify the most sustainable crop from an environmental perspective. The most crit. processes throughout the life cycle of the cropping systems were also identified. These cereals were chosen because they are the most widespread cereal crops in the Po Valley (Lombardy region), the most important agricultural area in Italy.The std. framework of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was followed to assess the environmental performance of the different cropping systems. Several impact categories were evaluated, including climate change (CC), ozone depletion (OD), terrestrial acidification (TA), freshwater eutrophication (FE), marine eutrophication (ME), human toxicity (HT), photochem. oxidant formation (POF), terrestrial ecotoxicity (TEC), freshwater ecotoxicity (FEC), marine ecotoxicity (MEC), water depletion (WD), fossil depletion (FD) as well as land use as an indicator.The results showed that the maize class 300 was the cereal with the worst environmental profile in the base case, considering economic allocation and no environmental burdens related with digestate prodn. This scenario presented the most intensive agricultural practices and the lowest biomass yield in comparison with the other crops. In contrast, the maize classes 600 and 700 were the cereal crops with the best environmental profiles in most impact categories. The lower requirements of fertilizer (and thus, fertilization activities) as well as the higher biomass yield were responsible of these favorable results.However, according to the environmental results, the selection of the best biomass source depends on several methodol. assumptions such as the functional unit and the allocation criteria considered (between the grain and the straw) as base for the calcns. Thus, the results of a sensitivity anal. showed that the choice of a mass allocation instead of economic one caused lower environmental impacts in all the categories. Moreover, the consideration or not of the environmental burdens related to the digestate prodn. (the main org. fertilizer used) was also a crit. step in the environmental evaluations. The inclusion of environmental loads related to digestate prodn. caused a notable increase in the impact of all the cropping systems regardless the cereal and the impact category. This conclusion could be extrapolated to other systems that exclude the addnl. burdens allocated to the prodn. of org. fertilizers.
- 18Jekayinfa, S. O.; Olaniran, J. A.; Sasanya, B. F. Life cycle assessment of soybeans production and processing system into soy oil using solvent extraction process. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 2013, 6 (4), 311– 321, DOI: 10.1504/IJPLM.2013.063203There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19Kim, S.; Dale, B. Regional variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States—corn-based ethanol and soybean oil. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14, 540– 546, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-009-0106-419 variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States-corn-based ethanol and soybean oilKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (6), 540-546CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Background, aim, and scope Regional variations in the environmental impacts of plant biomass prodn. are significant, and the environmental impacts assocd. with feedstock supply also contribute substantially to the environmental performance of biobased products. Thus, the regional variations in the environmental performance of biobased products are also significant. This study scrutinizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assocd. with two biobased products (i.e., ethanol and soybean oil) whose feedstocks (i.e., corn and soybean) are produced in different farming locations. Methods We chose 40 counties in Corn Belt States in the United States as biorefinery locations (i.e., corn dry milling, soybean crushing) and farming sites, and estd. cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of ethanol and of soybean oil, resp. The ests. are based on 1 kg of each biobased product (i.e., ethanol or soybean oil). The system boundary includes biomass prodn., the biorefinery, and upstream processes. Effects of direct land use change are included in the greenhouse gas anal. and measured as changes in soil org. carbon level, while the effects of indirect land use change are not considered in the baseline calcns. Those indirect effects however are scrutinized in a sensitivity anal. Results GHG emissions of corn-based ethanol range from 1.1 to 2.0 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of ethanol, while GHG emissions of soybean oil are 0.4-2.5 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of soybean oil. Thus, the regional variations due to farming locations are significant (by factors of 2-7). The largest GHG emission sources in ethanol prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during corn cultivation and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in corn dry milling. The second largest GHG emission source groups in the ethanol prodn. system are nitrogen fertilizer (8-12%), carbon sequestration by soil (-15-2%), and electricity used in corn dry milling (7-16%). The largest GHG emission sources in soybean oil prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during soybean cultivation (13-57%) and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in soybean crushing (21-47%). The second largest GHG emission source groups in soybean oil prodn. are carbon sequestration by soil (-29-24%), diesel used in soybean cultivation (4-24%), and electricity used in the soybean crushing process (10-21%). The indirect land use changes increase GHG emissions of ethanol by 7-38%, depending on the fraction of forest converted when newly converted croplands maintain crop cultivation for 100 years. Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives Farming sites with higher biomass yields, lower nitrogen fertilizer application rates, and less tillage are favorable to future biorefinery locations in terms of global warming. For existing biorefineries, farmers are encouraged to apply a site-specific optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate, to convert to no-tillage practices and also to adopt winter cover practices whenever possible to reduce the GHG emissions of their biobased products. Current practices for estg. the effects of indirect land use changes suffer from large uncertainties. More research and consensus about system boundaries and allocation issues are needed to reduce uncertainties related to the effects of indirect land use changes.
- 20Moeller, D.; Sieverding, H.; Stone, J. Comparative Farm-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Oilseed Feedstocks in the Northern Great Plains. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality 2017, 2, 2, DOI: 10.1007/s41247-017-0030-3There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 21Reijnders, L.; Huijbregts, M. Biogenic greenhouse gas emissions linked to the life cycles of biodiesel derived from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeans. J. Cleaner Prod. 2008, 16, 1943– 1948, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.01.01221 greenhouse gas emissions linked to the life cycles of biodiesel derived from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeansReijnders, L.; Huijbregts, M. A. J.Journal of Cleaner Production (2008), 16 (18), 1943-1948CODEN: JCROE8 ISSN:. (Elsevier Ltd.)Biogenic emissions of carbonaceous greenhouse gases and N2O turn out to be important determinants of life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases linked to the life cycle of biodiesel from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeans. For biodiesel from European rapeseed and for biodiesel from Brazilian soybeans grown for up to 25 years with no tillage on arable soil for which tropical rainforest or Cerrado (savannah) have been cleared, the life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases are estd. to be worse than for conventional diesel. Improving agricultural practices should be an important focus for cleaner prodn. of biodiesel. These may include increasing soil carbon stocks by, e.g., conservation tillage and return of harvest residues and improving N-efficiency by precision agriculture and/or improved irrigation practices.
- 22United Soybean Board. Life cycle impact of soybean production and soy industrial products. 2013.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Xue, X.; Collinge, W. O.; Shrake, S. O.; Bilec, M. M.; Landis, A. E. Regional life cycle assessment of soybean derived biodiesel for transportation fleets. Energy Policy 2012, 48, 295– 303, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.025There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Zortea, R. B.; Maciel, V. G.; Passuello, A. Sustainability assessment of soybean production in Southern Brazil: A life cycle approach. Sustainable Production and Consumption 2018, 13, 102– 112, DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2017.11.002There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 25Dalgaard, R.; Schmidt, J.; Halberg, N.; Christensen, P.; Thrane, M.; Pengue, W. A. LCA of soybean meal. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2008, 13 (3), 240, DOI: 10.1065/lca2007.06.34225 of soybean mealDalgaard, Randi; Schmidt, Jannick; Halberg, Niels; Christensen, Per; Thrane, Mikkel; Pengue, Walter A.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2008), 13 (3), 240-254CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Ecomed Publishers)Soybean meal is an important protein input to the European livestock prodn., with Argentina being an important supplier. The area cultivated with soybeans is still increasing globally, and so are the no. of LCAs where the prodn. of soybean meal forms part of the product chain. In recent years there has been increasing focus on how soybean prodn. affects the environment. The purpose of the study was to est. the environmental consequences of soybean meal consumption using a consequential LCA approach. The functional unit is 'one kg of soybean meal produced in Argentina and delivered to Rotterdam Harbor'. Soybean meal has the co-product soybean oil. In this study, the consequential LCA method was applied, and co-product allocation was thereby avoided through system expansion. In this context, system expansion implies that the inputs and outputs are entirely ascribed to soybean meal, and the product system is subsequently expanded to include the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Presently, the marginal vegetable oil on the world market is palm oil but, to be prepd. for fluctuations in market demands, an alternative product system with rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil has been established. EDIP97 (updated version 2.3) was used for LCIA and the following impact categories were included: Global warming, eutrophication, acidification, ozone depletion and photochem. smog. Two soybean loops were established to demonstrate how an increased demand for soybean meal affects the palm oil and rapeseed oil prodn., resp. The characterized results from LCA on soybean meal (with palm oil as marginal oil) were 721 g CO2 eq. for global warming potential, 0.3 mg CFC11 equiv. for ozone depletion potential, 3.1 g SO2 eq. for acidification potential, -2 g NO3 eq. for eutrophication potential and 0.4 g ethene eq. for photochem. smog potential per kg soybean meal. The av. area per kg soybean meal consumed was 3.6 m2year. Attributional results, calcd. by economic and mass allocation, are also presented. Normalized results show that the most dominating impact categories were: global warming, eutrophication and acidification. The 'hot spot' in relation to global warming, was 'soybean cultivation', dominated by N2O emissions from degrdn. of crop residues (e.g., straw) and during biol. nitrogen fixation. In relation to eutrophication and acidification, the transport of soybeans by truck is important, and sensitivity analyses showed that the acidification potential is very sensitive to the increased transport distance by truck. The potential environmental impacts (except photochem. smog) were lower when using rapeseed oil as the marginal vegetable oil, because the avoided prodn. of rapeseed contributes more neg. compared with the avoided prodn. of palm oil. Identification of the marginal vegetable oil (palm oil or rapeseed oil) turned out to be important for the result, and this shows how crucial it is in consequential LCA to identify the right marginal product system (e.g., marginal vegetable oil). Consequential LCAs were successfully performed on soybean meal and LCA data on soybean meal are now available for consequential (or attributional) LCAs on livestock products. The study clearly shows that consequential LCAs are quite easy to handle, even though it has been necessary to include prodn. of palm oil, rapeseed and spring barley, as these prodn. systems are affected by the soybean oil co-product. We would appreciate it if the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment had articles on the developments on, for example, marginal protein, marginal vegetable oil, marginal electricity (related to relevant markets), marginal heat, marginal cereals and, likewise, on metals and other basic commodities. This will not only facilitate the work with consequential LCAs, but will also increase the quality of LCAs.
- 26Godde, C. M.; Thorburn, P. J.; Biggs, J. S.; Meier, E. A. Understanding the Impacts of Soil, Climate, and Farming Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: A Simulation Study in Australia. Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7, 661, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.0066126 the Impacts of Soil, Climate, and Farming Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: A Simulation Study in AustraliaGodde Cecile M; Thorburn Peter J; Biggs Jody S; Meier Elizabeth AFrontiers in plant science (2016), 7 (), 661 ISSN:1664-462X.Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils has the capacity to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to improve soil biological, physical, and chemical properties. The review of literature pertaining to soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics within Australian grain farming systems does not enable us to conclude on the best farming practices to increase or maintain SOC for a specific combination of soil and climate. This study aimed to further explore the complex interactions of soil, climate, and farming practices on SOC. We undertook a modeling study with the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator modeling framework, by combining contrasting Australian soils, climates, and farming practices (crop rotations, and management within rotations, such as fertilization, tillage, and residue management) in a factorial design. This design resulted in the transposition of contrasting soils and climates in our simulations, giving soil-climate combinations that do not occur in the study area to help provide insights into the importance of the climate constraints on SOC. We statistically analyzed the model's outputs to determinate the relative contributions of soil parameters, climate, and farming practices on SOC. The initial SOC content had the largest impact on the value of SOC, followed by the climate and the fertilization practices. These factors explained 66, 18, and 15% of SOC variations, respectively, after 80 years of constant farming practices in the simulation. Tillage and stubble management had the lowest impacts on SOC. This study highlighted the possible negative impact on SOC of a chickpea phase in a wheat-chickpea rotation and the potential positive impact of a cover crop in a sub-tropical climate (QLD, Australia) on SOC. It also showed the complexities in managing to achieve increased SOC, while simultaneously aiming to minimize nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and nitrate leaching in farming systems. The transposition of contrasting soils and climates in our simulations revealed the importance of the climate constraints on SOC.
- 27Kim, S.; Dale, B. Regional variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States—corn-based ethanol and soybean oil. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2009, 14, 540– 546, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-009-0106-427 variations in greenhouse gas emissions of biobased products in the United States-corn-based ethanol and soybean oilKim, Seungdo; Dale, Bruce E.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2009), 14 (6), 540-546CODEN: IJLCFF; ISSN:0948-3349. (Springer)Background, aim, and scope Regional variations in the environmental impacts of plant biomass prodn. are significant, and the environmental impacts assocd. with feedstock supply also contribute substantially to the environmental performance of biobased products. Thus, the regional variations in the environmental performance of biobased products are also significant. This study scrutinizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assocd. with two biobased products (i.e., ethanol and soybean oil) whose feedstocks (i.e., corn and soybean) are produced in different farming locations. Methods We chose 40 counties in Corn Belt States in the United States as biorefinery locations (i.e., corn dry milling, soybean crushing) and farming sites, and estd. cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of ethanol and of soybean oil, resp. The ests. are based on 1 kg of each biobased product (i.e., ethanol or soybean oil). The system boundary includes biomass prodn., the biorefinery, and upstream processes. Effects of direct land use change are included in the greenhouse gas anal. and measured as changes in soil org. carbon level, while the effects of indirect land use change are not considered in the baseline calcns. Those indirect effects however are scrutinized in a sensitivity anal. Results GHG emissions of corn-based ethanol range from 1.1 to 2.0 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of ethanol, while GHG emissions of soybean oil are 0.4-2.5 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of soybean oil. Thus, the regional variations due to farming locations are significant (by factors of 2-7). The largest GHG emission sources in ethanol prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during corn cultivation and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in corn dry milling. The second largest GHG emission source groups in the ethanol prodn. system are nitrogen fertilizer (8-12%), carbon sequestration by soil (-15-2%), and electricity used in corn dry milling (7-16%). The largest GHG emission sources in soybean oil prodn. are N2O emissions from soil during soybean cultivation (13-57%) and carbon dioxide from burning the natural gas used in soybean crushing (21-47%). The second largest GHG emission source groups in soybean oil prodn. are carbon sequestration by soil (-29-24%), diesel used in soybean cultivation (4-24%), and electricity used in the soybean crushing process (10-21%). The indirect land use changes increase GHG emissions of ethanol by 7-38%, depending on the fraction of forest converted when newly converted croplands maintain crop cultivation for 100 years. Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives Farming sites with higher biomass yields, lower nitrogen fertilizer application rates, and less tillage are favorable to future biorefinery locations in terms of global warming. For existing biorefineries, farmers are encouraged to apply a site-specific optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate, to convert to no-tillage practices and also to adopt winter cover practices whenever possible to reduce the GHG emissions of their biobased products. Current practices for estg. the effects of indirect land use changes suffer from large uncertainties. More research and consensus about system boundaries and allocation issues are needed to reduce uncertainties related to the effects of indirect land use changes.
- 28Castanheira, É. G.; Grisoli, R.; Coelho, S.; Anderi da Silva, G.; Freire, F. Life-cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 102, 188– 201, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.03628 assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from BrazilCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Grisoli, Renata; Coelho, Suani; Anderi da Silva, Gil; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 102 (), 188-201CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The purpose of this article is to present a life-cycle assessment of soybean Me ester addressing three alternative pathways: biodiesel totally produced in Brazil and exported to Portugal; biodiesel produced in Portugal using soybean oil and soybean imported from Brazil. Soybean cultivation was assessed for four states in Brazil: Mato Grosso; Goi´as; Paran´a and Rio Grande do Sul. A life-cycle inventory and model of biodiesel was implemented, including land-use change, soybean cultivation, oil extn. and refining, transesterification and biodiesel transport. A sensitivity anal. of alternative multifunctionality procedures for dealing with co-products was performed. The lowest environmental impacts were calcd. for mass allocation and the highest for price or energy allocation. Biodiesel produced in Portugal with imported soybean grain had the lowest impacts for all categories and soybean cultivation locations for mass allocation. For price or energy allocation, the pathway with the lowest environmental impacts was detd. by the cultivation location. Land-use change had a high influence on the greenhouse gas intensity of biodiesel, while soybean cultivation and transport contributed most to the remaining impact categories. Soybean Me ester (SME) used in Portugal has the lowest impacts when produced with oil or grain imported from Brazil, instead of importing directly SME. The environmental impacts of biodiesel can be reduced by avoiding land-use change, improving soybean yield and optimizing soybean transportation routes in Brazil.
- 29Lan, K.; Yao, Y. Integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Agent-Based Modeling: A Dynamic Modeling Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Systems. J. Cleaner Prod. 2019, 238, 117853, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117853There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Navarrete Gutiérrez, T.; Rege, S.; Marvuglia, A.; Benetto, E., Sustainable Farming Behaviours: An Agent Based Modelling and LCA Perspective. In Agent-Based Modeling of Sustainable Behaviors; Alonso-Betanzos, A.; Sánchez-Maroño, N.; Fontenla-Romero, O.; Polhill, J. G.; Craig, T.; Bajo, J.; Corchado, J. M., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2017; pp 187– 206.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Prudêncio da Silva, V.; van der Werf, H. M. G.; Spies, A.; Soares, S. R. Variability in environmental impacts of Brazilian soybean according to crop production and transport scenarios. J. Environ. Manage. 2010, 91 (9), 1831– 1839, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.04.001There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Xue, X.; Pang, Y.; Landis, A. E. Evaluating agricultural management practices to improve the environmental footprint of corn-derived ethanol. Renewable Energy 2014, 66, 454– 460, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2013.12.026There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 33Liakos, K.; Busato, P.; Moshou, D.; Pearson, S.; Bochtis, D. Machine learning in agriculture: A review. Sensors 2018, 18 (8), 2674, DOI: 10.3390/s18082674There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Elith, J.; Leathwick, J. Boosted Regression Trees for Ecological Modeling, 2013.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 35Zhang, W.; Du, Z.; Zhang, D.; Yu, S.; Hao, Y. Boosted regression tree model-based assessment of the impacts of meteorological drivers of hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangdong, China. Sci. Total Environ. 2016, 553, 366– 371, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.02335 regression tree model-based assessment of the impacts of meteorological drivers of hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangdong, ChinaZhang, Wangjian; Du, Zhicheng; Zhang, Dingmei; Yu, Shicheng; Hao, YuantaoScience of the Total Environment (2016), 553 (), 366-371CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common childhood infection and has become a major public health issue in China. Considerable research has focused on the role of meteorol. factors in HFMD development. Nonlinear relationship, delayed effects and collinearity problems are key issues for achieving robust and accurate estns. in this kind of weather-health relationship explorations. The current study was designed to address these issues and assess the impact of meteorol. factors on HFMD in Guangdong, China. Case-based HFMD surveillance data and daily meteorol. data collected between 2010 and 2012 was obtained from China CDC and the National Meteorol. Information Center, resp. After a preliminary variable selection, for each dataset boosted regression tree (BRT) models were applied to det. the optimal lag for meteorol. factors at which the variance of HFMD cases was most explained, and to assess the impacts of these meteorol. factors at the optimal lag. Variance of HFMD cases was explained most by meteorol. factors about 1 wk ago. Younger children and those from the Pearl-River Delta Region were more sensitive to weather changes. Temp. had the largest contribution to HFMD epidemics (28.99-71.93%), followed by pptn. (6.52-16.11%), humidity (3.92-17.66%), wind speed (3.84-11.37%) and sunshine (6.21-10.36%). Temp. between 10 °C and 25 °C, as well as humidity between 70% and 90%, had a facilitating effect on the epidemic of HFMD. Sunshine duration above 9 h and wind speed below 2.5 m/s also contributed to an elevated risk of HFMD. The pos. relationship between HFMD and pptn. reversed when the daily amt. of rainfall exceeded 25 mm. This study indicated significantly facilitating effects of five meteorol. factors within some range on the epidemic of HFMD. Results from the current study were particularly important for developing early warning and response system on HFMD in the context of global climate change.
- 36Bhavsar, P.; Safro, I.; Bouaynaya, N.; Polikar, R.; Dera, D. Chapter 12 - Machine Learning in Transportation Data Analytics. In Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation Systems; Chowdhury, M.; Apon, A.; Dey, K., Eds.; Elsevier, 2017; pp 283– 307.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Cashman, S. A.; Meyer, D. E.; Edelen, A. N.; Ingwersen, W. W.; Abraham, J. P.; Barrett, W. M.; Gonzalez, M. A.; Randall, P. M.; Ruiz-Mercado, G.; Smith, R. L. Mining Available Data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Support Rapid Life Cycle Inventory Modeling of Chemical Manufacturing. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (17), 9013– 9025, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b0216037 Available Data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Support Rapid Life Cycle Inventory Modeling of Chemical ManufacturingCashman, Sarah A.; Meyer, David E.; Edelen, Ashley N.; Ingwersen, Wesley W.; Abraham, John P.; Barrett, William M.; Gonzalez, Michael A.; Randall, Paul M.; Ruiz-Mercado, Gerardo; Smith, Raymond L.Environmental Science & Technology (2016), 50 (17), 9013-9025CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Demands for quick, accurate life cycle assessments create a need for methods to rapidly generate reliable life cycle inventories (LCI). Data mining is a suitable tool for this purpose, particularly given the large amt. of available governmental data. These data are typically applied to LCI on a case-by-case basis. As linked open data becomes more prevalent, it may be possible to automate LCI using data mining by establishing a reproducible approach to identify, ext., and process the data. This paper discusses a method to standardize and eventually automate discovery and use of publicly available data at the USEPA for chem. manufg. LCI. The method was developed using acetic acid as a case study. Data quality and gap analyses for the generated inventory detd. that selected data sources can provide information with equal or better reliability and representativeness on air, water, hazardous waste, on-site energy use, and prodn. vols., but with key data gaps: material inputs, water use, purchased electricity, and transportation requirements. A comparison of the generated LCI with existing data showed the data mining inventory agreed reasonably well with existing data and may provide a more comprehensive inventory of air emissions and water discharges. The case study highlighted challenges for current data management practices which must be overcome to successfully automate the method using semantic technol. Method benefits are that openly available data can be compiled in a standardized, transparent approach which supports potential automation with flexibility to incorporate new data sources as needed.
- 38Wernet, G.; Hellweg, S.; Fischer, U.; Papadokonstantakis, S.; Hungerbühler, K. Molecular-Structure-Based Models of Chemical Inventories using Neural Networks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42 (17), 6717– 6722, DOI: 10.1021/es702236238 Models of Chemical Inventories using Neural NetworksWernet, Gregor; Hellweg, Stefanie; Fischer, Ulrich; Papadokonstantakis, Stavros; Hungerbuhler, KonradEnvironmental Science & Technology (2008), 42 (17), 6717-6722CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Chem. synthesis is a complex and diverse procedure, and prodn. data are often scarce or incomplete. A detailed inventory anal. of all mass and energy flows necessary for the prodn. of chems. is often costly and time-intensive. Therefore only few chem. inventories exist, even though they are essential for process optimization and the environmental assessment of many products. This paper introduces a new type of model to provide ests. for inventory data and environmental impacts of chem. prodn. based on the mol. structure of a chem. and without a priori knowledge of the prodn. process. These mol.-structure-based models offer inventory data for users in process design and optimization, screening life cycle assessment (LCA), and supply chain management. They can be applied even if the producer is unknown or the prodn. process is not documented. We assessed the capabilities of linear regression and neural network models for this purpose. All models were generated with a data set of inventory data on 103 chems. Different input sets were chosen as ways to transform the chem. structure into a numerical vector of descriptors and the effectiveness of the different input sets was analyzed. The results show that a correctly developed neural network model can perform on an acceptable level for many purposes. The models can assist process developers to improve energy efficiency in all design stages and aid in LCA and supply chain management by filling data gaps.
- 39Mittal, V. K.; Bailin, S. C.; Gonzalez, M. A.; Meyer, D. E.; Barrett, W. M.; Smith, R. L. Toward Automated Inventory Modeling in Life Cycle Assessment: The Utility of Semantic Data Modeling to Predict Real-World Chemical Production. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (2), 1961– 1976, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b0337939 Automated Inventory Modeling in Life Cycle Assessment: The Utility of Semantic Data Modeling to Predict Real-World Chemical ProductionMittal, Vinit K.; Bailin, Sidney C.; Gonzalez, Michael A.; Meyer, David E.; Barrett, William M.; Smith, Raymond L.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2018), 6 (2), 1961-1976CODEN: ASCECG; ISSN:2168-0485. (American Chemical Society)A set of coupled semantic data models, i.e., ontologies, are presented to advance a methodol. toward automated inventory modeling of chem. manufg. in life cycle assessment. The cradle-to-gate life cycle inventory for chem. manufg. is a detailed collection of the material and energy flows assocd. with a chem.'s supply chain. Thus, there is a need to manage data describing both the lineage (or synthesis pathway) and processing conditions for a chem. To this end, a Lineage ontol. is proposed to reveal all the synthesis steps required to produce a chem. from raw materials, such as crude oil or biomaterials, while a Process ontol. is developed to manage data describing the various unit processes assocd. with each synthesis step. The two ontologies are coupled such that process data, which is the basis for inventory modeling, is linked to lineage data through key concepts like the chem. reaction and reaction participants. To facilitate automated inventory modeling, a series of SPARQL queries, based on the concepts of ancestor and parent, are presented to generate a lineage for a chem. of interest from a set of reaction data. The proposed ontologies and SPARQL queries are evaluated and tested using a case study of nylon-6 prodn. Once a lineage is established, the process ontol. can be used to guide inventory modeling based on both data mining (top-down) and simulation (bottom-up) approaches. The ability to generate a cradle-to-gate life cycle for a chem. represents a key achievement toward the ultimate goal of automated life cycle inventory modeling.
- 40Nabavi-Pelesaraei, A.; Rafiee, S.; Mohtasebi, S. S.; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, H.; Chau, K.-w. Integration of artificial intelligence methods and life cycle assessment to predict energy output and environmental impacts of paddy production. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 631, 1279– 1294, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.08840 of artificial intelligence methods and life cycle assessment to predict energy output and environmental impacts of paddy productionNabavi-Pelesaraei, Ashkan; Rafiee, Shahin; Mohtasebi, Seyed Saeid; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, Homa; Chau, Kwok-wingScience of the Total Environment (2018), 631-632 (), 1279-1294CODEN: STENDL; ISSN:0048-9697. (Elsevier B.V.)Prediction of agricultural energy output and environmental impacts play important role in energy management and conservation of environment as it can help us to evaluate agricultural energy efficiency, conduct crops prodn. system commissioning, and detect and diagnose faults of crop prodn. system. Agricultural energy output and environmental impacts can be readily predicted by artificial intelligence (AI), owing to the ease of use and adaptability to seek optimal solns. in a rapid manner as well as the use of historical data to predict future agricultural energy use pattern under constraints. This paper conducts energy output and environmental impact prediction of paddy prodn. in Guilan province, Iran based on two AI methods, artificial neural networks (ANNs), and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The amts. of energy input and output are 51,585.61 MJ kg-1 and 66,112.94 MJ kg-1, resp., in paddy prodn. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate environmental impacts of paddy prodn. Results show that, in paddy prodn., in-farm emission is a hotspot in global warming, acidification and eutrophication impact categories. ANN model with 12-6-8-1 structure is selected as the best one for predicting energy output. The correlation coeff. (R) varies from 0.524 to 0.999 in training for energy input and environmental impacts in ANN models. ANFIS model is developed based on a hybrid learning algorithm, with R for predicting output energy being 0.860 and, for environmental impacts, varying from 0.944 to 0.997. Results indicate that the multi-level ANFIS is a useful tool to managers for large-scale planning in forecasting energy output and environmental indexes of agricultural prodn. systems owing to its higher speed of computation processes compared to ANN model, despite ANN's higher accuracy.
- 41Hou, P.; Jolliet, O.; Zhu, J.; Xu, M. Estimate ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using machine learning models. Environ. Int. 2020, 135, 105393, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.10539341 ecotoxicity characterization factors for chemicals in life cycle assessment using machine learning modelsHou, Ping; Jolliet, Olivier; Zhu, Ji; Xu, MingEnvironment International (2020), 135 (), 105393CODEN: ENVIDV; ISSN:0160-4120. (Elsevier Ltd.)In life cycle assessment, characterization factors are used to convert the amt. of the chems. and other pollutants generated in a product's life cycle to the std. unit of an impact category, such as ecotoxicity. However, as a widely used impact assessment method, USEtox (version 2.11) only has ecotoxicity characterization factors for a small portion of chems. due to the lack of lab. expt. data. Here we develop machine learning models to est. ecotoxicity hazardous concns. 50% (HC50) in USEtox to calc. characterization factors for chems. based on their phys.-chem. properties in EPA's CompTox Chem. Dashborad and the classification of their mode of action. The model is validated by ten randomly selected test sets that are not used for training. The results show that the random forest model has the best predictive performance. The av. root mean squared error of the estd. HC50 on the test sets is 0.761. The av. coeff. of detn. (R2) on the test set is 0.630, meaning 63% of the variability of HC50 in USEtox can be explained by the predicted HC50 from the random forest model. Our model outperforms a traditional quant. structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model (ECOSAR) and linear regression models. We also provide ests. of missing ecotoxicity characterization factors for 552 chems. in USEtox using the validated random forest model.
- 42Marvuglia, A.; Kanevski, M.; Benetto, E. Machine learning for toxicity characterization of organic chemical emissions using USEtox database: Learning the structure of the input space. Environ. Int. 2015, 83, 72– 85, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.05.01142 learning for toxicity characterization of organic chemical emissions using USEtox database: Learning the structure of the input spaceMarvuglia, Antonino; Kanevski, Mikhail; Benetto, EnricoEnvironment International (2015), 83 (), 72-85CODEN: ENVIDV; ISSN:0160-4120. (Elsevier Ltd.)Toxicity characterization of chem. emissions in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a complex task which usually proceeds via multimedia (fate, exposure and effect) models attached to models of dose-response relationships to assess the effects on target. Different models and approaches do exist, but all require a vast amt. of data on the properties of the chem. compds. being assessed, which are hard to collect or hardly publicly available (esp. for thousands of less common or newly developed chems.), therefore hampering in practice the assessment in LCA. An example is USEtox, a consensual model for the characterization of human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity. This paper places itself in a line of research aiming at providing a methodol. to reduce the no. of input parameters necessary to run multimedia fate models, focusing in particular to the application of the USEtox toxicity model. By focusing on USEtox, in this paper two main goals are pursued: 1) performing an extensive exploratory anal. (using dimensionality redn. techniques) of the input space constituted by the substance-specific properties at the aim of detecting particular patterns in the data manifold and estg. the dimension of the subspace in which the data manifold actually lies; and 2) exploring the application of a set of linear models, based on partial least squares (PLS) regression, as well as a nonlinear model (general regression neural network - GRNN) in the seek for an automatic selection strategy of the most informative variables according to the modelled output (USEtox factor). After extensive anal., the intrinsic dimension of the input manifold has been identified between three and four. The variables selected as most informative may vary according to the output modelled and the model used, but for the toxicity factors modelled in this paper the input variables selected as most informative are coherent with prior expectations based on scientific knowledge of toxicity factors modeling. Thus the outcomes of the anal. are promising for the future application of the approach to other portions of the model, affected by important data gaps, e.g., to the calcn. of human health effect factors.
- 43ISO International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards 14040: Environmental management and Life cycle assessment: Principles and framework. is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 44USDA Statistics by subject: crop & plants - field crops - corn field. (2017/10/10).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 45Kim, S.; Dale, B. E. Life cycle assessment of various cropping systems utilized for producing biofuels: Bioethanol and biodiesel. Biomass Bioenergy 2005, 29 (6), 426– 439, DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2005.06.004There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 46Castanheira, É. G.; Grisoli, R.; Coelho, S.; da Silva, G. A.; Freire, F. Life-cycle assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from Brazil. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 102, 188– 201, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.03646 assessment of soybean-based biodiesel in Europe: comparing grain, oil and biodiesel import from BrazilCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Grisoli, Renata; Coelho, Suani; Anderi da Silva, Gil; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2015), 102 (), 188-201CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The purpose of this article is to present a life-cycle assessment of soybean Me ester addressing three alternative pathways: biodiesel totally produced in Brazil and exported to Portugal; biodiesel produced in Portugal using soybean oil and soybean imported from Brazil. Soybean cultivation was assessed for four states in Brazil: Mato Grosso; Goi´as; Paran´a and Rio Grande do Sul. A life-cycle inventory and model of biodiesel was implemented, including land-use change, soybean cultivation, oil extn. and refining, transesterification and biodiesel transport. A sensitivity anal. of alternative multifunctionality procedures for dealing with co-products was performed. The lowest environmental impacts were calcd. for mass allocation and the highest for price or energy allocation. Biodiesel produced in Portugal with imported soybean grain had the lowest impacts for all categories and soybean cultivation locations for mass allocation. For price or energy allocation, the pathway with the lowest environmental impacts was detd. by the cultivation location. Land-use change had a high influence on the greenhouse gas intensity of biodiesel, while soybean cultivation and transport contributed most to the remaining impact categories. Soybean Me ester (SME) used in Portugal has the lowest impacts when produced with oil or grain imported from Brazil, instead of importing directly SME. The environmental impacts of biodiesel can be reduced by avoiding land-use change, improving soybean yield and optimizing soybean transportation routes in Brazil.
- 47Williams, J.; Dagitz, S.; Magre, M.; Meinardus, A.; Steglich, E.; Taylor, R. The EPIC model. In Computer Models of Watershed HydrologySingh, V. P., Ed.; Water Resources Publications: Highlands Ranch, CO, pp 909– 1000. In 1995.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 48Izaurralde, R. C.; Williams, J. R.; McGill, W. B.; Rosenberg, N. J.; Jakas, M. C. Q. Simulating soil C dynamics with EPIC: Model description and testing against long-term data. Ecol. Modell. 2006, 192 (3), 362– 384, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.07.010There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 49NOAA National Climatic Data Center. (2017/11/1).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 50USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service: Web Soil Survey. (2017/10/10).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 51USGS. County-level estimates of nutrient inputs to the land surface of the conterminous United States, 1982–2001. In Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5012 , 2006.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 52USDA USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service: Quick Stats- Crop yield data. (2017/10/10).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 53Zhang, X.; Izaurralde, R. C.; Manowitz, D.; West, T. O.; Post, W. M.; Thomas, A. M.; Bandaru, V. P.; Nichols, J.; Williams, J. R. An integrative modeling framework to evaluate the productivity and sustainability of biofuel crop production systems. GCB Bioenergy 2010, 2, 258– 277, DOI: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01046.xThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 54Zhang, X.; Izaurralde, R. C.; Manowitz, D. H.; Sahajpal, R.; West, T. O.; Thomson, A. M.; Xu, M.; Zhao, K.; LeDuc, S. D.; Williams, J. R. Regional scale cropland carbon budgets: evaluating a geospatial agricultural modeling system using inventory data Ecological Modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software 2015, 63, 199– 216, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.10.005There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 55Taghavifar, H.; Mardani, A. Prognostication of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis of apple production in West Azarbayjan of Iran using Artificial Neural Network Ecological Modelling. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 87, 159– 167, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.10.054There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 56Pradhan, A., Energy Life-Cycle Assessment of Soybean Biodiesel Revisited. Transactions of the ASABE 2011, 54 (3), 1031–1039.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 57USGS Water use in the United States: Estimated use of water in the United States county-level data for 2005. (October 18, 2017).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 58USDA USDA Economic Research Service: Irrigation & Water Use. (2017/10/17).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 59Wernet, G.; Bauer, C.; Steubing, B.; Reinhard, J.; Moreno-Ruiz, E.; Weidema, B. The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 2016, 21 (9), 1218– 1230, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-016-1087-8There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 60Bare, J. C., The Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other environmental Impacts. In Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy; Springer-Verlag: New York, NY, 2011; Vol. 13 (5), pp 687– 696.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 61Huang, T.; Gao, B.; Christie, P.; Ju, X. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in a double-cropping cereal rotation as affected by nitrogen and straw management. Biogeosciences 2013, 10 (12), 7897– 7911, DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7897-201361 global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in a double-cropping cereal rotation as affected by nitrogen and straw managementHuang, T.; Gao, B.; Christie, P.; Ju, X.Biogeosciences (2013), 10 (12), 7897-7911, 15 pp.CODEN: BIOGGR; ISSN:1726-4189. (Copernicus Publications)The effects of nitrogen and straw management on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) in a winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system on the North China Plain were investigated. We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and studied net GWP (NGWP) and GHGI by calcg. the net exchange of CO2 equiv (CO2-equiv) from greenhouse gas emissions, agricultural inputs and management practices, as well as changes in soil org. carbon (SOC), based on a long-term field expt. established in 2006. The field expt. includes six treatments with three fertilizer N levels (zero N (control), optimum and conventional N) and straw removal (i.e. N0, Nopt and Ncon) or return (i.e. SN0, SNopt and SNcon). Optimum N management (Nopt, SNopt) saved roughly half of the fertilizer N compared to conventional agricultural practice (Ncon, SNcon), with no significant effect on grain yields. Annual mean N2O emissions reached 3.90 kg N2O-N ha-1 in Ncon and SNcon, and N2O emissions were reduced by 46.9% by optimizing N management of Nopt and SNopt. Straw return increased annual mean N2O emissions by 27.9%. Annual SOC sequestration was 0.40-1.44 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 in plots with N application and/or straw return. Compared to the conventional N treatments the optimum N treatments reduced NGWP by 51%, comprising 25% from decreasing N2O emissions and 75% from reducing N fertilizer application rates. Straw return treatments reduced NGWP by 30% compared to no straw return because the GWP from increments of SOC offset the GWP from higher emissions of N2O, N fertilizer and fuel after straw return. The GHGI trends from the different nitrogen and straw management practices were similar to the NGWP. In conclusion, optimum N and straw return significantly reduced NGWP and GHGI and concomitantly achieved relatively high grain yields in this important winter wheat-summer maize double-cropping system.
- 62Kim, S.; Dale, B. E. Cumulative Energy and Global Warming Impact from the Production of Biomass for Biobased Products. J. Ind. Ecol. 2003, 7 (3–4), 147– 162, DOI: 10.1162/108819803323059442There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 63Friedman, J. H. Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. Ann. Statist. 2001, 29 (5), 1189– 1232, DOI: 10.1214/aos/1013203451There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 64Williams, G. J.; Aeby, G. S.; Cowie, R. O.; Davy, S. K. Predictive modeling of coral disease distribution within a reef system. PLoS One 2010, 5 (2), e9264 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009264There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 65Elith, J.; Leathwick, J. R.; Hastie, T. A working guide to boosted regression trees. J. Anim. Ecol. 2008, 77 (4), 802– 13, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01390.x65 working guide to boosted regression treesElith J; Leathwick J R; Hastie TThe Journal of animal ecology (2008), 77 (4), 802-13 ISSN:.1. Ecologists use statistical models for both explanation and prediction, and need techniques that are flexible enough to express typical features of their data, such as nonlinearities and interactions. 2. This study provides a working guide to boosted regression trees (BRT), an ensemble method for fitting statistical models that differs fundamentally from conventional techniques that aim to fit a single parsimonious model. Boosted regression trees combine the strengths of two algorithms: regression trees (models that relate a response to their predictors by recursive binary splits) and boosting (an adaptive method for combining many simple models to give improved predictive performance). The final BRT model can be understood as an additive regression model in which individual terms are simple trees, fitted in a forward, stagewise fashion. 3. Boosted regression trees incorporate important advantages of tree-based methods, handling different types of predictor variables and accommodating missing data. They have no need for prior data transformation or elimination of outliers, can fit complex nonlinear relationships, and automatically handle interaction effects between predictors. Fitting multiple trees in BRT overcomes the biggest drawback of single tree models: their relatively poor predictive performance. Although BRT models are complex, they can be summarized in ways that give powerful ecological insight, and their predictive performance is superior to most traditional modelling methods. 4. The unique features of BRT raise a number of practical issues in model fitting. We demonstrate the practicalities and advantages of using BRT through a distributional analysis of the short-finned eel (Anguilla australis Richardson), a native freshwater fish of New Zealand. We use a data set of over 13 000 sites to illustrate effects of several settings, and then fit and interpret a model using a subset of the data. We provide code and a tutorial to enable the wider use of BRT by ecologists.
- 66Hastie, T.; Tibshirani, R.; Friedman, J. H. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, And Prediction; New York, 2009; Vol. 2nd ed..There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 67Khoshnevisan, B.; Rafiee, S.; Omid, M.; Yousefi, M.; Movahedi, M. Modeling of energy consumption and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in wheat production in Esfahan province of Iran using artificial neural networks. Energy (Oxford, U. K.) 2013, 52, 333– 338, DOI: 10.1016/ is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 68Nabavi-Pelesaraei, A.; Rafiee, S.; Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha, H.; Shamshirband, S. Modeling energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for kiwifruit production using artificial neural networks. J. Cleaner Prod. 2016, 133, 924– 931, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.05.188There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 69Pahlavan, R.; Omid, M.; Akram, A. Energy input-output analysis and application of artificial neural networks for predicting greenhouse basil production. Energy 2012, 37 (1), 171– 176, DOI: 10.1016/ input-output analysis and application of artificial neural networks for predicting greenhouse basil productionPahlavan, Reza; Omid, Mahmoud; Akram, AsadollahEnergy (Oxford, United Kingdom) (2012), 37 (1), 171-176CODEN: ENEYDS; ISSN:0360-5442. (Elsevier Ltd.)Various Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were developed to est. the prodn. yield of greenhouse basil in Iran. For this purpose, the data collected by random method from 26 greenhouses in the region during 4 periods of plant cultivation in 2009-2010. The total input energy and energy ratio for basil prodn. were 14,308,998 MJ ha-1 and 0.02, resp. The developed ANN was a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with 7 neurons in the input layer, one, 2 and 3 hidden layer(s) of various nos. of neurons and one neuron (basil yield) in the output layer. The input energies were human labor, diesel fuel, chem. fertilizers, farm yard manure, chems., electricity and transportation. Results showed, the ANN model having 7-20-20-1 topol. can predict the yield value with higher accuracy. So, this 2 hidden layer topol. was selected as the best model for estg. basil prodn. of regional greenhouses with similar conditions. For the optimal model, the values of the models outputs correlated well with actual outputs, with coeff. of detn. (R2) of 0.976. For this configuration, RMSE and MAE values were 0.046 and 0.035, resp. Sensitivity anal. revealed that chem. fertilizers are the most significant parameter in the basil prodn.
- 70Perlman, J.; Hijmans, R. J.; Horwath, W. R. A metamodelling approach to estimate global N2O emissions from agricultural soils. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2014, 23 (8), 912– 924, DOI: 10.1111/geb.12166There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 71Lee, E. K.; Zhang, X.; Adler, P. R.; Kleppel, G. S.; Romeiko, X. X. Spatially and temporally explicit life cycle global warming, eutrophication, and acidification impacts from corn production in the U.S. Midwest. J. Cleaner Prod. 2020, 242, 118465, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.11846571 and temporally explicit life cycle global warming, eutrophication, and acidification impacts from corn production in the U.S. MidwestLee, Eun Kyung; Zhang, Xuesong; Adler, Paul R.; Kleppel, Gary S.; Romeiko, Xiaobo XueJournal of Cleaner Production (2020), 242 (), 118465CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The demand for biobased products, such as food, fuel, and chems., has been continuously increasing. Meanwhile, agricultural prodn., serving as the primary stage of biobased products, is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient releases. Environmental impacts of agricultural prodn. influenced by farming practices, soil properties, and climate conditions, are often site-specific and time dependent. Although assessing spatially and temporally explicit environmental releases and impacts are required to inform a sustainable trajectory for agricultural prodn., such analyses are largely lacking. This study provides site-specific anal. of on-farm and supply chain emissions from corn prodn. to demonstrate the spatio-temporal variability of environmental impacts in the U. S. Midwest states. Using process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) and the phys.-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) agroecosystem model, we estd. county-level life cycle environmental release inventories from corn prodn. in 12 U. S. Midwest states for the period of 2000-2008. Based on the Tool for Redn. and Assessment of Chems. and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) impact assessment model, we quantified the corresponding life cycle global warming (GW), eutrophication (EU) and acidification (AD) impacts of corn. The results show that life cycle GW, EU and AD of corn prodn. varied by factors of 4.2, 83.7 and 10.6, resp., across the Midwest counties over the nine-year span (2000-2008). Life cycle GW impacts of producing 1 kg of corn ranged from -6.4 in Franklin County, Illinois to 20.2 kg CO2-eq. in Perkins County, South Dakota. The life cycle EU impacts also spanned over a wide range of 0.99 g in Morton County, Kansas to 82.9 g N-eq. in Leelanau County, Michigan, whereas life cycle AD impacts ranged from 1.3 in Clermont County, Ohio to 100.7 g SO2-eq. in Perkins County, South Dakota. Moreover, trade-offs existed among life cycle GW, EU and AD impact categories for corn prodn. The spatial variation analyses showed that key contributors were the different soil types, pptn., elevation and the amts. of fertilizers applied. These findings provided crit. insight into spatio-temporal variations of life cycle environmental impacts of corn prodn. and identified spatial hotspots and top contributors for improving environmental performances of corn prodn.
- 72Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Dannenmann, M. Denitrification and associated soil N2O emissions due to agricultural activities in a changing climate. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2011, 3 (5), 389– 395, DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2011.08.004There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 73Congreves, K. A.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Si, B. C.; Clough, T. J. Nitrous oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wetting. Soil Biol. Biochem. 2018, 117, 5– 15, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.10.04073 oxide emissions and biogeochemical responses to soil freezing-thawing and drying-wettingCongreves, K. A.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Si, B. C.; Clough, T. J.Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2018), 117 (), 5-15CODEN: SBIOAH; ISSN:0038-0717. (Elsevier B.V.)A review concerning the systematic identification of similarities and differences in soil freeze/thaw (FT) and dry/wet (DW) cycles and their effect on timing and magnitude of N2O emissions from agricultural systems, including strategic research areas required to improve understanding of FT and DW processes leading to N2O emissions, are discussed. Topics covered include: introduction; soil physics behind soil FT and DW cycles; transport processes involved in N2O prodn. and emissions (gas soly., gas transport, phys. trapping); microbial and biogeochem. processes involved in N2O prodn. and emissions (anaerobic and redox conditions and substrate for, microbial C use and community compn.); and conclusions.
- 74Parton, W. J.; Gutmann, M. P.; Merchant, E. R.; Hartman, M. D.; Adler, P. R.; McNeal, F. M.; Lutz, S. M. Measuring and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas production in the US Great Plains, 1870–2000. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2015, 112 (34), E4681– E4688, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.141649911274 and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas production in the US Great Plains, 1870-2000Parton, William J.; Gutmann, Myron P.; Merchant, Emily R.; Hartman, Melannie D.; Adler, Paul R.; McNeal, Frederick M.; Lutz, Susan M.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2015), 112 (34), E4681-E4688CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)The US Great Plains region is an agricultural prodn. center for the global market and, as such, an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper uses historical agricultural census data and ecosystem models to est. the magnitude of annual GHG fluxes from all agricultural sources (e.g., cropping, livestock raising, irrigation, fertilizer prodn., tractor use) in the Great Plains from 1870 to 2000. It showed that C released during native grassland plow-out was the largest source of GHG emissions before 1930; livestock prodn., direct energy use, and soil N2O emissions are currently the largest sources. Climate factors mediate these emissions: cool, wet weather promotes C sequestration; hot, dry weather increase GHG release. This anal. demonstrated long-term ecosystem consequences of historical and current agricultural activities, indicating adoption of available alternative management practices could substantially mitigate agricultural GHG fluxes, from a 34% redn. with a 25% adoption rate to as much as complete elimination with possible net C sequestration when a greater proportion of farmers adopt new agricultural practices.
- 75Adler, P.; Del Grosso, S.; Inman, D.; Jenkins, R. E.; Spatari, S.; Zhang, Y. Mitigation Opportunities for Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Feedstock Production across Heterogeneous Landscapes. Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases 2012, 203– 219, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386897-8.00012-7There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 76Kopáček, J.; Hejzlar, J.; Posch, M. Factors Controlling the Export of Nitrogen from Agricultural Land in a Large Central European Catchment during 1900–2010. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47 (12), 6400– 6407, DOI: 10.1021/es400181m76 Controlling the Export of Nitrogen from Agricultural Land in a Large Central European Catchment during 1900-2010Kopacek, Jiri; Hejzlar, Josef; Posch, MaximilianEnvironmental Science & Technology (2013), 47 (12), 6400-6407CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Using an empirical model, we quantified the N export from agricultural land in a large central European catchment (upper Vltava River, Czech Republic, ∼13,000 Km2) over the 1959-2010 period. The catchment witnessed a rapid socio-economic shift from a planned to a market economy in the 1990s, resulting in an abrupt (∼50%) redn. in N fertilization rates at otherwise relatively stable land-use practices. This large-scale expt. enabled disentangling and quantification of individual effects of N fertilization and drainage on N leaching. The model is based on a 2-step regression between annual N export and 3 independent variables: (1) annual av. discharge in the 1st step and (2) net anthropogenic N inputs (NANI) and proportion of drained agricultural land in the 2nd step. Results show that N export was more related to mineralization of soil org. N pools due to drainage and tillage than to external N sources (NANI). The model, together with other reconstructed N sources in the catchment (leaching from forests, wastewaters, and atm. deposition) and extrapolated back to 1900, explained 77% of the obsd. variability in N concns. in the Vltava River during the 1900-2010 period.
- 77Vagstad, N.; Eggestad, H. O.; Hoyas, T. R. Mineral nitrogen in agricultural soils and nitrogen losses: relation to soil properties, weather conditions, and farm practices. Ambio 1997, 26 (5), 266– 272There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 78SARE Organic Matter: Organic Matter and Natural Cycles. (accessed 2019/5/18).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 79Howarth, R. W.; Marino, R. Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Evolving views over three decades. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2006, 51 (1part2), 364– 376, DOI: 10.4319/lo.2006.51.1_part_2.036479 as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: evolving views over three decadesHowarth, Robert W.; Marino, RoxanneLimnology and Oceanography (2006), 51 (1, Pt. 2), 364-376CODEN: LIOCAH; ISSN:0024-3590. (American Society of Limnology and Oceanography)A review. The first special vol. of Limnol. and Oceanog., published in 1972, focused on whether phosphorus (P) or carbon (C) is the major agent causing eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Only slight mention was made that estuaries may behave differently from lakes and that nitrogen (N) may cause eutrophication in estuaries. In the following decade, an understanding of eutrophication in estuaries proceeded in relative isolation from the community of scientists studying lakes. National water quality policy in the United States was directed almost solely toward P control for both lakes and estuaries, and similarly, European nations tended to focus on P control in lakes. Although bioassay data indicated N control of eutrophication in estuaries as early as the 1970s, this body of knowledge was treated with skepticism by many freshwater scientists and water-quality managers, because bioassay data in lakes often did not properly indicate the importance of P relative to C in those ecosystems. Hence, the bioassay data in estuaries had little influence on water-quality management. Over the past two decades, a strong consensus has evolved among the scientific community that N is the primary cause of eutrophication in many coastal ecosystems. The development of this consensus was based in part on data from whole-ecosystem studies and on a growing body of evidence that presented convincing mechanistic reasons why the controls of eutrophication in lakes and coastal marine ecosystems may differ. Even though N is probably the major cause of eutrophication in most coastal systems in the temperate zone, optimal management of coastal eutrophication suggests controlling both N and P, in part because P can limit primary prodn. in some systems. In addn., excess P in estuaries can interact with the availability of N and silica (Si) to adversely affect ecol. structure. Redn. of P to upstream freshwater ecosystems can also benefit coastal marine ecosystems through mechanisms such as increased Si fluxes.
- 80Yang, X.-e.; Wu, X.; Hao, H.-l.; He, Z.-l. Mechanisms and assessment of water eutrophication. J. Zhejiang Univ., Sci., B 2008, 9 (3), 197– 209, DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B071062680 and assessment of water eutrophicationYang, Xiao-e; Wu, Xiang; Hao, Hu-lin; He, Zhen-liJournal of Zhejiang University, Science, B (2008), 9 (3), 197-209CODEN: JZUSAM; ISSN:1673-1581. (Zhejiang University Press)A review is given. Water eutrophication has become a worldwide environmental problem in recent years, and understanding the mechanisms of water eutrophication will help for prevention and remediation of water eutrophication. Recent advances in current status and major mechanisms of water eutrophication, assessment and evaluation criteria, and the influencing factors are presented. Water eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and rivers is widespread all over the world and the severity is increasing, esp. in the developing countries like China. The assessment of water eutrophication has been advanced from simple individual parameters like total P, total N, etc., to comprehensive indexes like total nutrient status index. The major influencing factors on water eutrophication include nutrient enrichment, hydrodynamics, environmental factors such as temp., salinity, CO2, element balance, etc., and microbial and biodiversity. The occurrence of water eutrophication is actually a complex function of all the possible influencing factors. The mechanisms of algal blooming are not fully understood and need to be further investigated.
- 81Guntiñas, M. E.; Leirós, M. C.; Trasar-Cepeda, C.; Gil-Sotres, F. Effects of moisture and temperature on net soil nitrogen mineralization: A laboratory study. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 2012, 48, 73– 80, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.07.01581 of moisture and temperature on net soil nitrogen mineralization: A laboratory studyGuntinas, M. E.; Leiros, M. C.; Trasar-Cepeda, C.; Gil-Sotres, F.European Journal of Soil Biology (2012), 48 (), 73-80CODEN: EJSBE2; ISSN:1164-5563. (Elsevier Masson SAS)Climate change will lead to changes in soil moisture and temp., thereby affecting org. matter mineralization and the cycling of biophilic elements such as nitrogen. However, very few studies have considered how the sensitivity of the rate of net nitrogen mineralization to temp. and/or moisture content may be modified by changes in these parameters. To investigate how changes in temp. and moisture content affect net nitrogen mineralization (as regards both the mineralization rate and the sensitivity of the mineralization rate to changes in temp. and moisture content), a lab. expt. was carried out in which three soils under different types of use (Forest, Grassland, Cropland) were incubated for 42 days under different moisture conditions (between 40 and 100% field capacity) and temps. (between 10 and 35 °C); total inorg. nitrogen levels were detd. at different times throughout the expt. The rate of mineralization was detd. at each temp. and moisture level considered, by use of the mono-compartmental model developed by Stanford and Smith (1972). For all soils, changes in the rate of mineralization with temp. followed the pattern described by the Q 10 model, while the models used to det. the effect of moisture content on the net rate of mineralization (linear, semilogarithmic, partial parabolic and complete parabolic) were only verified for the Forest soil. In general, the sensitivity to temp. was maximal at 25 °C, and the optimal moisture content for nitrogen mineralization was between 80% and 100% of field capacity. A relatively simple model that included the temp.-moisture-time interaction was also tested. This model provided a significant fit for the three soils under study, in contrast with the other models tested. In any case, further studies are necessary in order to address the extent to which changes in the quality of org. matter, caused by land use, affect any modifications to soil nitrogen that may be generated by climate change.
- 82Bouwman, A. F.; Boumans, L. J. M.; Batjes, N. H. Estimation of global NH3 volatilization loss from synthetic fertilizers and animal manure applied to arable lands and grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2002, 16 (2), 8.1– 8.14, DOI: 10.1029/2000GB001389There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 83Kissel, D. E.; Cabrera, M. L., Factors affecting urea hydrolysis. 87-98-J. In Ammonia Volatilization from Urea Fertilizers. Bulletin Y-206. Tennessee Valley Authority; Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Dept. of Agronomy. Kansas State University: Muscle Shoals, Alabama., 1988.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 84Torello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J. Urease activity in a Kentucky bluegrass turf. Agron. J. 1983, 75, 654– 656, DOI: 10.2134/agronj1983.00021962007500040018x84 activity in a Kentucky bluegrass turfTorello, W. A.; Wehner, D. J.Agronomy Journal (1983), 75 (4), 654-6CODEN: AGJOAT; ISSN:0002-1962.The extent of urease [9002-13-5] activity assocd. with turfgrass tissue, thatch, and the underlying soil was detd. Because a turfgrass stand frequently possesses an extensive thatch layer that may serve as the primary plant growth medium, addnl. objectives included: detg. the effects of air-drying and seasonal variation on the activity of ureases in thatch; detg. the variability in thatch urease activity by analyzing multiple field samples; and detg. the variation of urease activity within a thatch profile. Turfgrass clippings, thatch, and underlying Flanagan silt loam soil (Aquic Arguidoll) samples were taken from a field-grown Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf in either Sept. 1980 or Mar. 1981. On a dry wt. basis, urease activity was 18-30 times higher from turfgrass clippings and thatch than from soil. Air-drying thatch increased urease activity by 20% over moist samples, whereas air-drying soil samples had no apparent effect. Greenhouse incubation of winter-dormant thatch samples increased urease activity by 40%, presumably in response to the duration of increased temp. Thatch urease activity varied between sampling sites but still remained extremely high compared to soil activity. Within each thatch sample (1 × 1 × 2 cm), urease activity was highest in the upper 1.0 cm of the profile. Thus, thatch urease activity was variable in nature depending on seasonal conditions, in sharp contrast with extremely stable soil urease activities. These findings suggest that, because of the high level of urease in thatch, NH3 volatilization will occur from most urea-treated turfgrass stands, regardless of the type of underlying soil, unless the urea is thoroughly washed into the soil.
- 85Acres Soil organic matter: Tips for responsible nitrogen management. (accessed 2018/4/30).There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 86Adler, P. R.; Hums, M. E.; McNeal, F. M.; Spatari, S. Evaluation of environmental and cost tradeoffs of producing energy from soybeans for on-farm use. J. Cleaner Prod. 2019, 210, 1635– 1649, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.019There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 87Huo, H.; Wang, M.; Bloyd, C.; Putsche, V. Life-cycle assessment of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of soybean-derived biodiesel and renewable fuels. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (3), 750– 6, DOI: 10.1021/es801143687 Assessment of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Soybean-Derived Biodiesel and Renewable FuelsHuo, Hong; Wang, Michael; Bloyd, Cary; Putsche, VickyEnvironmental Science & Technology (2009), 43 (3), 750-756CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)The authors used Argonne National Lab.'s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model to assess the life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission impacts of 4 soybean-derived fuels: biodiesel fuel produced via transesterification, 2 renewable diesel fuels (I and II) produced from different hydrogenation processes, and renewable gasoline produced from catalytic cracking. Five approaches were employed to allocate the coproducts: a displacement approach; 2 allocation approaches, one based on the energy value and the other based on the market value; and 2 hybrid approaches that integrated the displacement and allocation methods. The relative rankings of soybean-based fuels in terms of energy and environmental impacts were different under the different approaches, and the reasons were analyzed. Results from the 5 allocation approaches showed that although the prodn. and combustion of soybean-based fuels might increase total energy use, they could have significant benefits in reducing fossil energy use (>52%), petroleum use (>88%), and GHG emissions (>57%) relative to petroleum fuels. This study emphasized the importance of the methods used to deal with coproduct issues and provide a comprehensive soln. for conducting a life-cycle assessment of fuel pathways with multiple coproducts.
- 88Rajaeifar, M. A.; Ghobadian, B.; Safa, M.; Heidari, M. D. Energy life-cycle assessment and CO2 emissions analysis of soybean-based biodiesel: a case study. J. Cleaner Prod. 2014, 66, 233– 241, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.10.04188 life-cycle assessment and CO2 emissions analysis of soybean-based biodiesel: a case studyRajaeifar, Mohammad Ali; Ghobadian, Barat; Safa, Majeed; Heidari, Mohammad DavoudJournal of Cleaner Production (2014), 66 (), 233-241CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)In this study the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of biodiesel prodn. from soybean in Golestan province of Iran were studied. For this purpose, the life-cycle process of biodiesel was considered as five stages of agricultural soybean prodn., soybean transportation, soybean crushing, biodiesel conversion, and its transportation. The results indicated that the total fossil energy consumption with coproduct allocation was 8617.7 MJ ha-1 and the renewable energy output content (biodiesel as the final outcome) was estd. as 16,991.4 MJ ha-1. The net energy gain (NEG) and the fossil energy ratio (FER) were calcd. as 8373.7 MJ ha-1 and 1.97, resp., which show soybean is a suitable energy crop for biodiesel prodn. Agricultural soybean prodn. stage ranked the first in energy consumption among the five main stages where it consumed 50.56% of total fossil energy consumption in the biodiesel life-cycle process. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data anal. revealed that the total GHG emission was 1710.3 kg CO2eq ha-1 which biodiesel prodn. life-cycle was only account for 311.96 kg CO2eq ha-1 if the mass allocation is considered. Overall, biodiesel prodn. from soybean in Iran can be considered as a way to increase energy security in the near future. Also, soybean cultivation must be considered along with other common oilseeds cultivation in order to prevent food competition between biodiesel feedstocks and food prodn. in Iran.
- 89Castanheira, É. G.; Freire, F. Greenhouse gas assessment of soybean production: implications of land use change and different cultivation systems. J. Cleaner Prod. 2013, 54, 49– 60, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.05.02689 gas assessment of soybean production: implications of land use change and different cultivation systemsCastanheira, Erica Geraldes; Freire, FaustoJournal of Cleaner Production (2013), 54 (), 49-60CODEN: JCROE8; ISSN:0959-6526. (Elsevier Ltd.)The increase in soybean prodn. as a source of protein and oil is being stimulated by the growing demand for livestock feed, food and numerous other applications. Significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can result from land use change due to the expansion and cultivation of soybean. However, this is complex to assess and the results can vary widely. The main goal of this article is to investigate the life-cycle GHG balance for soybean produced in Latin America, assessing the implications of direct land use change emissions and different cultivation systems. A life-cycle model, including inventories for soybean produced in three different climate regions, was developed, addressing land use change, cultivation and transport to Europe. A comprehensive evaluation of alternative land use change scenarios (conversion of tropical forest, forest plantations, perennial crop plantations, savannah and grasslands), cultivation (tillage, reduced tillage and no-tillage) and soybean transportation systems was undertaken. The main results show the importance of land use change in soybean GHG emissions, but significant differences were obsd. for the alternative scenarios, namely 0.1-17.8 kg CO2eq kg-1 soybean. The original land choice is a crit. issue in ensuring the lowest soybean GHG balance and degraded grassland should preferably be used for soybean cultivation. The highest GHG emissions were calcd. for tropical moist regions when rainforest is converted into soybean plantations (tillage system). When land use change is not considered, the GHG intensity varies from 0.3 to 0.6 kg CO2eq kg-1 soybean. It was calcd. that all tillage systems have higher GHG emissions than the corresponding no-tillage and reduced tillage systems. The results also show that N2O emissions play a major role in the GHG emissions from cultivation, although N2O emission calcns. are very sensitive to the parameters and emission factors adopted.
- 90Costello, C.; Griffin, W. M.; Landis, A. E.; Matthews, H. S. Impact of biofuel crop production on the formation of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 7985– 7991, DOI: 10.1021/es901143390 of Biofuel Crop Production on the Formation of Hypoxia in the Gulf of MexicoCostello, Christine; Griffin, W. Michael; Landis, Amy E.; Matthews, H. ScottEnvironmental Science & Technology (2009), 43 (20), 7985-7991CODEN: ESTHAG; ISSN:0013-936X. (American Chemical Society)Many studies have compared corn-based ethanol to cellulosic ethanol on a per unit basis and have generally concluded that cellulosic ethanol will result in fewer environmental consequences, including NO3- output. This study takes a system-wide approach in considering the NO3- output and the relative areal extent of hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) due to the introduction of addnl. crops for biofuel prodn. We stochastically est. NO3- loading to the NGOM and use these results to approx. the areal extent of hypoxia for scenarios that meet the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007's biofuel goals for 2015 and 2022. Crops for ethanol include corn, corn stover, and switchgrass; all biodiesel is assumed to be from soybeans. Our results indicate that moving from corn to cellulosics for ethanol prodn. may result in a 20% decrease (based on mean values) in NO3- output from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB). This decrease will not meet the EPA target for hypoxic zone redn. An aggressive nutrient management strategy will be needed to reach the 5000-Km2 areal extent of hypoxia in the NGOM goal set forth by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force even in the absence of biofuels, given current prodn. to meet food, feed, and other industrial needs.
- 91Dosskey, M. G. Toward quantifying water pollution abatement in response to installing buffers on crop land. Environ. Manage. 2001, 28 (5), 577– 98, DOI: 10.1007/s00267001024591 quantifying water pollution abatement in response to installing buffers on crop landDosskey M GEnvironmental management (2001), 28 (5), 577-98 ISSN:0364-152X.The scientific research literature is reviewed (i) for evidence of how much reduction in nonpoint source pollution can be achieved by installing buffers on crop land, (ii) to summarize important factors that can affect this response, and (iii) to identify remaining major information gaps that limit our ability to make probable estimates. This review is intended to clarify the current scientific foundation of the USDA and similar buffer programs designed in part for water pollution abatement and to highlight important research needs. At this time, research reports are lacking that quantify a change in pollutant amounts (concentration and/or load) in streams or lakes in response to converting portions of cropped land to buffers. Most evidence that such a change should occur is indirect, coming from site-scale studies of individual functions of buffers that act to retain pollutants from runoff: (1) reduce surface runoff from fields, (2) filter surface runoff from fields, (3) filter groundwater runoff from fields, (4) reduce bank erosion, and (5) filter stream water. The term filter is used here to encompass the range of specific processes that act to reduce pollutant amounts in runoff flow. A consensus of experimental research on functions of buffers clearly shows that they can substantially limit sediment runoff from fields, retain sediment and sediment-bound pollutants from surface runoff, and remove nitrate N from groundwater runoff. Less certain is the magnitude of these functions compared to the cultivated crop condition that buffers would replace within the context of buffer installation programs. Other evidence suggests that buffer installation can substantially reduce bank erosion sources of sediment under certain circumstances. Studies have yet to address the degree to which buffer installation can enhance channel processes that remove pollutants from stream flow. Mathematical models offer an alternative way to develop estimates for water quality changes in response to buffer installation. Numerous site conditions and buffer design factors have been identified that can determine the magnitude of each buffer function. Accurate models must be able to account for and integrate these functions and factors over whole watersheds. At this time, only pollutant runoff and surface filtration functions have been modeled to this extent. Capability is increasing as research data is produced, models become more comprehensive, and new techniques provide means to describe variable conditions across watersheds. A great deal of professional judgment is still required to extrapolate current knowledge of buffer functions into broadly accurate estimates of water pollution abatement in response to buffer installation on crop land. Much important research remains to be done to improve this capability. The greatest need is to produce direct quantitative evidence of this response. Such data would confirm the hypothesis and enable direct testing of watershed-scale prediction models as they become available. Further study of individual pollution control functions is also needed, particularly to generate comparative evidence for how much they can be manipulated through buffer installation and management.
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Figures showing the system boundary, EPIC/LCA/BRT model integration, life cycle environmental impacts of soybean for Midwest counties over nine years, stage contributions at county and state scales, statistical distributions of life cycle GWP with/out net carbon exchange, the improvements on biophysical accounting with county scale estimates, and sensitivity analyses; Tables showing the detailed data sources for EPIC, impact intensities for supply chain LCI, characterization factors for LCIA, and highest/lowest values of life cycle impacts of soybean in the Midwest; Equations utilized to estimate life cycle impacts (PDF)
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