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Possibilities and Challenges of Using Educational Cheminformatics for STEM Education: A SWOT Analysis of a Molecular Visualization Engineering Project
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Possibilities and Challenges of Using Educational Cheminformatics for STEM Education: A SWOT Analysis of a Molecular Visualization Engineering Project
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Journal of Chemical Education

Cite this: J. Chem. Educ. 2022, 99, 3, 1190–1200
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Published February 3, 2022

Copyright © 2022 The Author. Published by American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. This publication is licensed under

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This perspective paper analyses the possibilities and challenges of using cheminformatics as a context for STEM education. The objective is to produce theoretical insights through a SWOT analysis of an authentic educational cheminformatics project where future chemistry teachers engineered a physical 3D model using cheminformatics software and a 3D printer. In this article, engineering is considered as the connective STEM component binding technology (cheminformatics software and databases), science (molecular visualizations), and mathematics (graph theory) together in a pedagogically meaningful whole. The main conclusion of the analysis is that cheminformatics offers great possibilities for STEM education. It is a solution-centered research field that produces concrete artifacts such as visualizations, software, and databases. This is well-suited to STEM education, enabling an engineering-based approach that ensures students’ active and creative roles. The main challenge is a high content knowledge demand, derived from the multidisciplinary nature of cheminformatics. This challenge can be solved via training and collaborative learning environment design. Although the work with educational cheminformatics is still in its infancy, it seems a highly promising context for supporting chemistry learning via STEM education.

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Copyright © 2022 The Author. Published by American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.


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Cheminformatics is an applied field of chemistry that blends theoretical chemistry, molecular modeling, computer sciences, and statistical methods to address chemistry-related information science questions. (1,2) Cheminformatics research requires multidisciplinary knowledge, which strongly suggests that it can offer many possibilities for STEM learning. STEM is an acronym referring to the STEM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM learning is a pedagogical approach aimed at supporting the understanding of systems and connections. (3,4) It has spread widely across the world, and many scholars suggest that it has great pedagogical potential to support learners’ interest in STEM subjects. (5,6) From the chemistry education perspective, this is important because, according to many authors, young people often do not find chemistry interesting or relevant. (7−12) This leads to major challenges, such as the small number of applicants to study the field and significant dropout rates even among those who do start their studies. (13−16)
The STEM approach has been applied in chemistry education for over a decade. Chemistry educators and researchers have been developing learning materials, pedagogical models, and contexts that offer possibilities to engage and inspire students to learn chemistry through multidisciplinary STEM projects. (17−25) However, there has been no STEM research carried out in the context of cheminformatics. This is the knowledge gap that this perspective paper aims to address.
In the STEM model, chemistry is placed under the science component, and cheminformatics applies chemical knowledge in a diverse technological context, utilizing mathematics and engineering expertise. Therefore, the aim of this article is to produce theoretical insights into the possibilities and challenges that cheminformatics can offer for STEM education. The evaluation is carried out via the SWOT analysis of an example molecular visualization engineering project designed for chemistry teacher training purposes.
To fulfill the aim outlined above, I will first review the earlier STEM research conducted in the field of chemistry education research (CER). The purpose of this section is to explore what kind of outcomes CER scholars have tried to achieve via STEM learning. After establishing an understanding of the earlier research, I will build new insights for chemistry-educational STEM learning by introducing cheminformatics as a field and analyzing its possibilities and challenges using a SWOT analysis.

STEM Learning in Chemistry Education

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There are several models for defining STEM education. (26) The traditional approach emphasizes all of the STEM subjects as individual fields. Critical opinions claim that this traditional approach is a disconnected model not supporting multidisciplinary collaboration. (3,5) More recent developments in STEM education encourage educators to design learning environments that integrate different STEM components, for example, implementing project-oriented integrated learning models but at the same time concentrating purposefully on teaching a few specific science or mathematics topics. (5) Studies show that such integration can provide more relevant and less fragmented learning experiences, but the challenge is that the integrated approach can be expensive and time-consuming to implement. Integrated STEM implementation requires materials (e.g., wood, plastic, metals, etc.) and other resources (e.g., tools, software, devices, etc.), and teachers need time to design well-structured projects. (27) In addition, the content knowledge demand for teachers is extensive; they have to master all of the subject aspects of the project to some extent. (28)
Taken together, these matters make the designing of integrated STEM learning a challenging task. A recent review (27) has contributed to decreasing this complexity by presenting a framework of instructional practices suitable for integrated STEM projects. According to this systematic literature analysis, integrated STEM learning is often a student-centered process that offers hands-on experiences. STEM learning environments can include features such as

integration of STEM contents


problem-based learning (PBL) approaches


inquiry-based learning (IBL) approaches


cooperative learning (CL) processes


the designing of artifacts (27)

When the earlier STEM research conducted in the CER field is viewed through these design principles, it can be seen that many projects have engaged them in a comprehensive manner (see Table 1). For example, a learning environment can be constructed to encompass a vertical integration of subjects and include cooperative group work conducted in a PBL context. Projects that engage learners with inquiry-based processes often result in the creation of a concrete artifact. However, in many cases, the artifacts are built by the instructor, and the learners use it solely for learning purposes. As mentioned in the introduction, one important objective for STEM education is to support learners’ interests. This is clearly seen in the CER STEM projects, as most of the earlier research built their rationale around supporting learners’ interest in and attitudes toward science.
Table 1. Overview of STEM Projects in the CER Field
topic/themeintegrationaim/rationalepedagogical approachesoutcome/artifact
authentic research and quantitative analysis (23)chemistry and nanotechnologyincrease the relevance via linking topics to students’ personal livesIBL, CLincreased enjoyment
biodisel (17)chemistry and biologysupport meaningful learning and attitudesPBL, IBL, CLinterest in science increased
determining mole ratios (18)chemistry and engineeringdeveloping students’ interest and engage with higher-order thinkingIBLa small lab kit
modular science kit (24)chemistry and engineeringengage young kids with scientific thinking via a safe hands-on environmentIBL3D printed science kit
polymer semiconductors (20)chemistry, technology, and engineeringto improve polymer education via bridging the gap between 9–12 education and university-level chemistry research and educationIBL, interaction with researcherspolymeric semiconductor education kit
STEM gender gap (22) addressing the STEM gender gap via “chemistry camps” for girlsIBL, role modelsinterest in science and science careers increased
STEM summer camp (19)chemistry and biologydeepen the chemistry knowledge gained in high-schools and become familiar with study and career opportunitiesIBL, role modelsincreased content knowledge and interested in a science career
S-STEM program (21) To increase the number of students completing a major in chemistry via authentic research experiencesPBL, intensive courses, mentoringa model for supporting early professional development

Introducing Cheminformatics through the STEM Framework

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The primary goal of cheminformatics is to produce solutions for handling chemical information with computers, for example, mining, processing, storing, searching, and visualizing chemical information in 2D and 3D formats from/in databases, documents, patents, web sites, etc. The amount of data involved varies from small to massive, and the type of information required ranges from the specific to the abstract. Examples of active cheminformatics research topics are the development of chemical information systems, algorithms, software, databases, file formats, and all kinds of other applications derived from those (e.g., molecular visualizations, machine learning, etc.). (29,30) A more detailed description of cheminformatics research can be found in any of the cheminformatics specific journals (e.g., Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (31) or Journal of Cheminformatics (32)). For those interested in learning cheminformatics through detailed handbooks, there are at least two options: An Introduction to Chemoinformatics (33) from 2007 or Chemoinformatics: A Textbook (34) published in 2003.
The history of cheminformatics dates to the 1950s, when chemists started to apply computers in their research. (1) The first cheminformatics publication was a description of a chemical substructure algorithm by Ray and Kirsch in 1957. (35) The development of statistical methods such as quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) started a few years later. (36) QSAR is a widely applied cheminformatics method that enables exploring the relation of observed activities and molecular structures. (33)
In the 1970s, the pharmaceutical industry became interested in cheminformatics, as it needed more efficient methods to apply to computational drug discovery research. This interest provided more resources, and the field started to develop rapidly. (1) Pharmaceutical companies are interested in cheminformatics because the discovery of new drugs is expensive and time-consuming. Cheminformatics offers tools and methods that enable shortening this timeline. The approaches have evolved from library design to methods enabling the prediction of complex biological activities and structure relationships. (37) In addition, industries are interested in cheminformatics advances in the patent field. (33)
Even though cheminformatics has a decades-long history of being an integral part of chemistry, it has only been recognized as an independent research field since the late 1990s. (2,29) A recent review shows that cheminformatics-related articles have been published for decades but that the number of papers using the term “cheminformatics” or “chemoinformatics” started to grow steadily from the year 2001. (30)
The field of cheminformatics is currently developing quickly, but at the same time, it is a relatively young field and still not widely known. (30,38) In addition, there is only a small amount of earlier research on the role of cheminformatics in education. Although it is integrated into most CER focusing on chemistry software through the data processing and visualizations, (39−42) there are only a few articles focusing directly on cheminformatics. Jirat et al. (43) developed a cheminformatics curriculum for bachelor and master’s level chemistry studies, a pioneering work that integrates various cheminformatics skills into basic chemistry studies. Kamijo et al. (44) developed an adaptive cheminformatics system to read aloud chemical compound names, in order to support students with visual disabilities. Lohning et al. (45) studied students’ perceptions of using cheminformatics software and 3D printing in order to support biochemistry learning. According to their study, the use of cheminformatics software increased learning results related to molecular interactions.
This article seeks to contribute to the same domain as the work of Lohning et al. (45) by expanding earlier knowledge through an exploration of the role of cheminformatics in the STEM framework. For this purpose, an example cheminformatics-based learning module was designed. According to the mentioned recent review, cheminformatics research has a very strong focus on databases, web sites, and software. (30) In this regard, pedagogical activity involving the use of software and databases would represent a general example of cheminformatics research (technology). Reflecting on the earlier educational cheminformatics research done by Lohning et al., (45) 3D printing was selected to represent the aspect of engineering. Other authors have also used 3D printing as a practical context for chemistry-educational STEM learning. An example chemistry education topic that combines cheminformatics software and 3D printing is molecular visualizations. (46) In this article, molecular visualizations represent the science component. Finally, an example of a mathematics topic related to all the above is graph theory. Rationale for selecting the graph theory is that it is widely applied in cheminformatics; for example, according to Rassokhin, (47) practically all cheminformatics software support computer-based 2D and 3D visualizations based on graph theory.

Mathematics: Graph Theory

The objective of this section is to provide background information on graph theory and explain its crucial role in cheminformatics. Even though future chemistry teachers do not use graph theory on a hands-on level in the designed project, it is useful to understand that mathematics has a central role in the development of cheminformatics solutions. Graph theory is an example of this.
Chemical information is communicated through an expression of chemical language (e.g., trivial name, chemical formula, systematic name, or 2D structure diagram). For computers, the best data type would be a text string, which is easy to convert to a “0” and “1” string. This need inspired cheminformatics to develop canonical line notations such as Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) and International Chemical Identifier (InChI). The use of graph theory in cheminformatics stems from the same tradition. Cheminformatics applies mathematical graph theory to represent molecules. The atoms are considered nodes, and the bonds are the edges linking atoms to together. This enables the processing of chemical structures as mathematical graphs (see Figure 1). (1)

Figure 1

Figure 1. Molecular graph corresponding to the carbon skeleton of 2,3,4-trimethylhexane (the graph is redrawn from ref (48)).

In addition to atoms and bonds, nodes can represent electrons, molecules, molecular fragments, intermediates, etc., and the edges can represent reaction steps, van der Waals forces, etc. This versatility allows for the use of graphs to represent a wide range of chemical objects, such as molecules, reactions, crystals, polymers, and clusters. (48−52)
Another important use case for graph theory is chemical similarity analysis. (53) Graph-based similarity analysis is based on a graph-isomorphism procedure, which takes a lot computational resources. (54) The graph-based approach is under active development, and researchers have developed efficient algorithms that enable the virtual screening of structures from very large high-dimensional data sets. (51)
From the education perspective, however, graph theory knowledge is not common for chemists. It is a mathematical concept that is not taught in university-level chemistry programs but is a central concept in mathematics and computer sciences studies. Mathematics studies focus on the theoretical aspect of graphs, while computer scientists approach the topic through their algorithmic nature. If one wishes to implement graph theory on a more practical level to chemistry teaching, it is important to know that the graph theory has been found to be an abstract concept to learn. Fortunately, there are some studies on how to reduce this abstraction. For example, it can be reduced by thinking of graphs as processes rather than objects. (55)

Technology: Cheminformatics Software and Databases

The implementation of graph theory has led to the development of many applications, of which one concrete example is cheminformatics software. As mentioned, according to Rassokhin, (47) all cheminformatics toolkits support chemical structure representations based on graph theory. Software are written via programming languages such as C++, (47) JavaScript, (56) and Java. (57) Toolkits can be standalone software packages (e.g., Avogadro (58)) or frameworks that can be used to develop other software (e.g., JSmol (59) or ChemDoodle Web Components (60)). Many of the frameworks and software are licensed under open source licenses, allowing anyone to extend them or build chemistry software with ready-made cheminformatics tools. (58,61,62) Cheminformatics toolkits implement various types of chemical knowledge and cheminformatics applications, such as databases, molecular graphics, and data processing (e.g., retrieval, converting, storing, etc.). In addition, many of them support computational chemistry features like molecular calculations.
In the cheminformatics research field, software development is a highly published and cited topic. The most cited software development project is Open Babel, with over 1500 citations. (30) Open Babel is an open chemical toolkit that allows users to search, convert, analyze, or store data from different chemistry areas. The data can be imported into Open Babel, where it can be processed and finally exported in the required format (see an example workflow in Figure 2). The software reads, converts, and writes over 110 chemical file formats, which makes it extremely flexible from a data perspective. Open Babel is an open software package and has been integrated into dozens of other software systems, for example, Avogadro. (63)

Figure 2

Figure 2. Example of an interconversion of 0D, 2D, and 3D structures using Open Babel. All these data types can be converted to each other, exported, and finally imported into another software package for calculations or visualizations. For example, the 0D notation was retrieved from a database, converted, and exported into a 2D coordinate file for ChemDraw editing. Then, the 2D file was converted into 3D coordinates and exported to a mol2 format, which was imported to Avogadro for geometrical optimization and 3D image production.

According to many CER scholars, molecular modeling software have an integrated role in chemistry education. Software often include both computational and cheminformatical features, and they can be of use in many ways, e.g., data gathering, extracting relevant data from large data sets, visualizing data, and applying computational methods. (64,65) The challenge is how to choose the most suitable software from the dozens of available options. For example, in a real-world computational chemistry-based PBL module developed by Rodríguez-Becerra et al., (64) pre-service chemistry teachers studied intermolecular forces in protein–ligand context by evaluating different molecular conformations of β-carboline derivatives into the Trypanothione Reductase active-site. This PBL project is an example of an authentic chemistry research problem that requires the use of multiple software solutions. In this case, Avogadro was used to build and visualize molecules, Autogrid to generate grid maps from lattice data, AutoDock to explore conformational states in the docking process, Discovery Studio to analyze the protein–ligand complexes, and finally Excel for the data processing and plotting. To support this decision making process, Rodríguez-Becerra et al. (64) assembled a comprehensive overview of available software packages and their primary use cases.
The use of databases is also central to cheminformatics, and they are the subject of the most active research in the field. (30) Content specific, systematically organized databases are important because the amount of available information is growing exponentially. There are both free and commercial database systems well-suited to use in chemistry. The most frequently used free structural databases are PubChem (, Crystallography Open Database (, ZINC (, ChemSpider (, and Protein Data Bank (PDB) ( Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and SciFinder are examples of popular literature databases and information software. (66)

Science: Molecular Visualizations

Molecular visualizations support the understanding of macroscopic level materials and processes via molecular level explanations. In this paper, molecular visualizations are viewed as the science component binding mathematics and technology together. Molecular visualizations can be physical (e.g., plastic model or 3D print), verbal, symbolic, gestural, or visual. If they are produced via computers, they are called computer-based molecular visualizations (CBMVs). (67) All CBMVs are produced with tools based on cheminformatics research. This is a great achievement, and the cheminformatics field can cite the work done on 2D and 3D molecular visualizations as one of its success stories. (1) In general, molecular visualizations are considered highly important for both chemistry as a science (68) and chemical education. (67,69,70) For example, they support learning by enabling the illustration of the submicroscopic world of chemistry, (71) which in turn supports understanding (72) and facilitates meaningful communication. (73)
In the CER field, the justifications for using CBMVs have remained the same for the last 30 years. Already in the 1990s, Aduldecha et al. (74) reported that university students appreciated the ability to produce professional-level molecular graphics via computers for their reports and essays. A few years later, Barnea and Dori (75) wrote that the use of plastic molecular models was a widespread method in chemistry education but that the challenge was the limited number of ball sizes and colors and the inaccuracies in portraying bond lengths and angles. They saw a great advantage in using molecular modeling software, where learners can build any size of molecules, switch to different representational types, and use visualizations that better support understanding (e.g., atom labels, name generation).
If CBMV are looked at from the chemistry learning perspective, many authors have constructed rationales for their research papers using the Johnstone’s triangle model. (71,76) The central idea behind Johnstone’s work is that chemistry is a difficult science for novices, because learners encounter strange new terms all the time and the knowledge structure of chemistry is complex in general. Chemical information can be represented simultaneously at multiple levels, i.e., the visible macro level (description), the unseen submicro level (explanation), and the abstract symbolic level (representation). For an expert (chemistry teacher), it is easy to work inside of this perceptual triangle and change between levels. For a novice (student), the level change can be much harder. As a solution, Johnstone suggested that teachers work on one level at the time in order to avoid the possible cognitive overload of a learner’s working memory, which could in turn hinder the systematic information storage to long-term memory. (77) In the context of the perceptual triangle, CBMV especially benefits learning at the submicro level, which is the most important because it explains at the molecular level why some chemical phenomena occur. In other words, previously, the CBMM submicrolevel was illustrated through written text, verbal explanations, and static images. Through CBMM, the submicrolevel can be explored actively through translating and manipulating molecules and molecular simulations, and the dynamic nature of chemical phenomena is thus made easier to grasp. CBMV effectively added a representational layer to the submicro level that was previously more of a symbolic level feature (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Figure 3. Possibilities that CBMV offers for teaching and learning submicrolevel chemistry.

There is some evidence that strengthening submicro level visualizations using interactive 3D molecular models, simulations, and animations helps students to better navigate the perceptual triangle. But, even when using carefully designed visualizations, the danger of overloading the working memory is present, and the effective use of these visualizations in education still requires detailed instructions. (78−80) According to Kozma and Russell, (81) developing visualization skills is extremely important for vocational relevance, as representational competence is essential to a chemist’s work. All types of visualizations have their own strengths and limitations. Justi and Gilbert (82) state that it is important for teachers to discuss the nature of these models, in order to allow learners to build their own models and to compare them to other scientific models. This process would give them an understanding of how chemical models are produced and how chemistry as a science progress. In addition, analyzing, evaluating, and creating visualizations would develop higher-order thinking skills. (83)
Cheminformatics toolkits described earlier make the production of 3D molecular visualizations available to all learners, so that drawing skills do not limit the learning process. According to chemistry teachers, working with CBMV is motivating for students. In the research conducted by Aksela and Lundell, (65) teachers felt that CBMVs helped to illustrate difficult concepts, developed students’ visualization skills, and aroused students’ interest in chemistry. CBMVs were also experienced as a modern chemistry tool that students would find interesting, and teachers thought it could encourage them to study chemistry further.
The data from students backs up the teachers’ beliefs. For example, Dori and Barnea (75) reported that the majority of the high school students enjoyed working with CBMVs. Students felt that it developed their spatial skills and content knowledge. Similar observations were made by Rodríguez-Becerra et al. (64) when they investigated pre-service chemistry teachers’ perceptions of educational computational chemistry (the cheminformatics workflow of Rodríguez-Becerra et al. was described in the previous section). According to Barnea, (84) graduate students liked combining computers and chemistry because it developed their chemistry and computer skills at the same time. There is also pre- and post-test data that supports the teachers’ perceptions. Dori and Kaberman (85) studied quantitatively how molecular modeling affected high school chemistry students visualization skills. They reported seeing statistically significant improvements in their comprehensive 600-student data set, but their research design did not include test/control groups and therefore gives no indication of the efficiency of CBMV compared to learning without CBMVs. Savec et al. (69) tested the efficiency of CBMV in solving spatial chemistry tasks compared to the use of plastic models. According to their research, CBMVs were as effective as plastic models, but using plastic models and CBMVs together was less effective than using the methods separately because the combined use may split students’ attention. This observation should be considered in designing pedagogical modules including models. Lastly, Barnea and Dori (86) determined that gender does not affect learning outcomes when CBMV is implemented.
Nowadays, there is no need for comparing CBMV supported learning to learning without it. Through modern web visualization technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript, the field of cheminformatics has managed to transform CBMV activities from separate learnings tasks to an integral part of modern learning materials, textbooks, and mobile applications. (59,62,87,88) Textbooks can be made in HTML5 format, and molecular models can then be embedded inside the web pages. These models can be used on all types of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. For basic features such as molecular visualizations or energy minimization calculations, there is no need to use commercial software or install special products. Such HTML5/JavaScript technologies suitable for chemistry have been reviewed extensively by Theisen. (56)

Engineering: 3D-Printing

3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology where objects are built by adding material layer by layer. It is a growing industrial field. Earlier 3D printing was used more for prototyping, but currently, it is developing into a common manufacturing method. (89) This growth has created a demand for more experts in the field, a fact which is recognized in education contexts, and many schools are adding 3D printing to their curricula. (90) The use of 3D printing in schools requires technology (3D printers) and its mastery, but in addition, 3D printing requires knowledge of the printing context. Depending on the context, this knowledge can be based on science or mathematics. In this research, the context is molecular visualizations, which emphasizes the science knowledge aspect. From the STEM perspective, engineering can be considered a connective domain that offers science, mathematics, and technology, a meaningful learning context. Engineering can be viewed as the process used for creating new and improved artifacts. (91) The relation of engineering and 3D printing is that in STEM education 3D printing is often used as the engineering component. (92)
3D printing offers many possibilities for chemistry education. However, the implementation of new technology can involve many challenges and requires careful research-based development. This has inspired dozens of CER scholars to develop pedagogical models for using 3D printing in chemistry education. (93) The 3D printing focus in this article is printing physical molecular visualizations, which is the most common 3D printing activity in chemistry education. The reasons for printing molecular visualizations include the lack or high cost of suitable molecular models, the limitations of current models, and the possibilities that concrete models offer for chemistry learning. (46,93) There is clear evidence that such concrete models support chemistry learning. They enable physical hands-on experience in rotating and translating the structures, (94) but according to pre-/post-data, concrete models are not significantly more efficient than virtual models. (69,95) 3D printing combines virtual and physical visualization, which strengthens the illustration of the submicroscopic level (see Figure 3). For example, traditional plastic model kits do not enable the building of complex compounds or larger structures, which can however be easily visualized via cheminformatics software and 3D printed. (96,97)
Even though the price of 3D printers is constantly decreasing, making it possible for more and more schools to purchase them, it is still a rare technology for schools. It is also noteworthy that 3D printing may take several hours (45,98) and includes many safety issues to consider. (99) These concerns may be the reason most 3D printing-related CER do not engage students actively in the printing process; instead, they usually work with the already printed models. However, there have been some attempts to utilize makerspace facilities (an open collaborative work space including tools and technology) in large-scale chemistry courses, in order to provide all students with a 3D printing experience. (98)

SWOT Analysis

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The challenges and possibilities of using cheminformatics for STEM education will be analyzed via a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an analytical framework focusing on exploring internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is often used in strategic planning and is therefore well-suited to mapping the possibilities (strengths and opportunities) and challenges (weaknesses and threats) of the selected context. (100)
The analysis will be carried out by first presenting an example cheminformatics-based engineering activity, on the basis of the perspectives introduced in the theoretical framework. Then, the example will be used in conducting the analysis. The exact research question guiding the analysis was: What kind of possibilities and challenges does educational cheminformatics, applied in the context of 3D printing, offer to STEM education?

Educational Cheminformatics Engineering Project

On the basis of the literature review, an example cheminformatics engineering activity for future chemistry teachers has been designed. The activity consists of three parts:

First, students read a research article addressing 3D printing in chemistry education. (93) This phase ensures a research-based approach.


After reading the theory, they carry out a hands-on experiment by selecting a molecule they want to print and print it using the department’s 3D printers or devices found in public libraries. The goal is to design a model that improves the available physical models. This phase ensures that the students will have an active role in the printing process. The engineering aspect is to solve a challenge of not having suitable physical models available.


After printing they will: (1) write a short essay where they reflect on how 3D printing or printed models could be used to support chemistry teaching and learning and (2) post an image of the printed model on a discussion forum, along with a short description, for peer commentary.

This activity has been part of master’s level chemistry education course called Models and Visualization in Chemistry Education (5 ECTS) since 2017 in the University of Helsinki, Finland. It is a mandatory course for the chemistry education majors, and in the past five years, altogether 30 future chemistry teachers have carried out the activity. The course is held once a year, and the cheminformatics module is developed on a yearly basis after student feedback and the latest CER are reviewed.
From the STEM perspective, the activity applies science, mathematics, and technology in a chemistry educational engineering context based on applications produced by cheminformatics (see Figure 4). The hands-on phase starts by designing a molecular context, which will be retrieved from a database or build via freely selectable software. Students usually choose to use Avogadro with Open Babel or JSmol-based web applications. Using the software, the model is manipulated and visualized in the needed form and exported or converted to a 3D printable STL format. Therefore, the cheminformatics software is used as a tool in processing the chemical structure from line notation to a CBMV and finally to a printed file format, using algorithms based on the graph theory (see Figure 2). Next, the resolution and size will be adjusted according the available printing time. The final product is a printed physical molecular visualization.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Overview of the designed cheminformatics activity and its relation to the STEM framework.

It is noteworthy that the students’ perceptions are not the focus of this analysis. The goal is to analyze the possibilities and challenges of cheminformatics as a context for STEM education. The designed activity is used as a practical case for conducting the analysis. The strategy is to use a real pedagogical model as an example and then to generate theoretical insights into the possibilities and challenges of implementing cheminformatics as a context for STEM education. Thus, the goal of using the real pedagogical model is to increase the credibility of the theoretical analysis.

Results and Discussion

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The SWOT analysis will be reported by first writing an overview covering all SWOT components and then looking the individual components. The goal is to focus first on the possibilities, then introduce the challenges, and lastly the potential solutions. The reason for this structure is that the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are often connected. To improve the overall clarity, the results are summarized in Table 2, at the end of this section.
Table 2. Summary of the SWOT Analysis
 - Multidisciplinary field offers many possibilities for subject level integration of chemistry and mathematics.- High content knowledge demand. For example, the connection of graph theory and cheminformatics software is clear but abstract for the user at the same time.
 - The engineering approach supports multiple pedagogical models stimulating higher-order thinking skills.- Addressing the diverse content knowledge is a time-consuming and challenging learning environment design task.
 - The visualization perspective can be used in improving chemistry learning (e.g., submicrolevel understanding and knowledge of models).- Need for collaborative learning environment design. This takes time but can also be an opportunity.
  - A long printing time. Can be supported by reducing the resolution or size.
  - Possible work safety hazards. (99)
 - Emerging field could inspire young people to follow science careers. For example, this article can be offered for students as an inspiration. (103)- Lack of printers and software. This can be aided by collaboration with public libraries.
 - Enables engaging leaners with makerspace culture, which supports interest, networking, engagement, and career choices.- Oversized curriculum, (101) no time for projects.
 - Enables introducing open-source culture and open science. 
Cheminformatics is a multidisciplinary field of chemistry. This multidisciplinary nature offers versatile internal possibilities for STEM education, viewed from the subject integration perspective. (27) For example, it incorporates a mathematical base through graph theory, (47) which is used to produce a wide range of technological solutions such as software and databases. (30) These solutions offer great value to both chemistry research and education. (67,68) Software packages are used to produce molecular visualizations that, in general, are needed in all chemistry learning. Such visualizations facilitate communication in general and enable the integration of different science subjects (e.g., physics, biology, geography, etc.) and mathematics (e.g., geometry, shapes, etc.). (73) This also shows learners how mathematical knowledge is applied in cheminformatics software design and how cheminformatics tools are used to support scientific communication.
However, even though the connection between graph theory and software is clearly present, it can also be experienced abstract. The software user seldom looks at the algorithmic level documentation of how the graph theory is used inside the software code. In this sense, the implementation of graph theory is an extra-situational mathematical background information for the whole project. (101) Cheminformatics context also includes mathematics that can be applied on a practical level in education, for example, comparing Tanimoto similarity of two or more molecules, working with QSAR models, or performing geometrical measurements for a molecule. These examples could be an interesting pedagogical development focus for future research.
As the literature suggests, engineering can be used as the connective STEM component that enables the design of pedagogically meaningful learning environments. (91) In this article, the example case was an educational cheminformatics engineering project that resulted in an improved physical model. From the chemistry learning perspective, this can be used in strengthening the submicrolevel visualizations (71,76) and supporting model- and modeling-based chemistry learning. (82) The process produces both computer-based and physical artifacts. Looking at it from a pedagogical perspective, an engineering-based activity supports multiple approaches used in STEM education. For example, it is constructed around a design problem, and solving the design challenge requires an inquiry-based approach, which activates higher-order thinking skills. If needed, students have the option of performing the activity in teams and using external experts in problem solving, which would emphasize collaborative learning. (27,83)
The design context can also be something other than an improved physical model. For example, the chemistry topic could be almost anything, because information retrieval from databases, data processing, and molecular visualizations are used widely in all chemistry studies. From the 3D printing perspective, there are dozens of examples found from the literature. (93) The cheminformatics engineering challenge could also be a software development project, because many cheminformatics solutions are published under an open source license. (58,59,63) This would introduce learners to both open source culture and open science thinking.
The primary challenge to this approach is that designing a holistic cheminformatics learning environment demands advanced level content knowledge, technical knowledge, and basic level programming skills. Individual teachers do not usually have the competences to cover all of these aspects, especially because cheminformatics is not formally taught in chemistry or chemistry teacher training programs. (43) A potential solution to this challenge is to use a collaborative learning environment design approach. (102) When teachers and researchers plan learning environments together, they support each other’s strengths and weaknesses. However, collaborative design can be time-consuming and requires careful planning. Another potential solution is to use makerspaces with external mentors from academia or the chemical industry who have an in-depth understanding of cheminformatics. (98) Such mentors could also inspire the students as role models and discuss their daily work in order to strengthen their professional relevance. (20−22) This could help address the interest challenge faced by science studies. (7−12) Another content challenge is a possible oversized curriculum, where there are so much concepts to teach that it takes all the teaching time. At the same time, conducting STEM projects can also require a large amount of teaching time, which might not encourage teachers to design and implement larger projects. (27)
Time-related challenges can be both internal and external. An oversized curriculum is an external threat that derives from the national level curriculum instructions. A long printing time is an internal weakness, which can be reduced by downgrading the print resolution. (98) Safety hazards related to 3D printing are another internal weakness that requires careful attention from the teachers, (99) however safety planning challenges can be addressed via training. The lack of printers and software is an external threat.
Even though cheminformatics has a long history, it is still considered a young field. It has its own research tradition for basic research on databases, algorithms, software etc., but at the same time, it produces solutions for other fields of chemistry to use. This project example works on the traditional cheminformatics related to structural data retrieving and file conversion technology. But, examples could also be taken from the current research that focuses on machine learning and deep learning neurons. (30) The field is advancing quickly and could offer interesting examples for students to see how chemistry as a science progresses, as well as promoting students’ scientific and technologic literacy. In addition, cheminformatics employs people with different backgrounds, offering alternative examples of possible chemistry related careers. (19)


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This perspective paper introduced cheminformatics using the STEM framework and analyzed its educational possibilities and challenges through a SWOT analysis. The objective was to produce theoretical insights for STEM education through the analysis of an authentic educational cheminformatics project. The main conclusion is that cheminformatics offers significant possibilities for STEM education, which are due to its multidisciplinary nature. Cheminformatics can be used in teaching many central chemistry topics like functional groups, structure–property relationships, reactions, or creating new artifacts such as molecular visualizations and software packages supporting multiple pedagogical approaches. If the required devices and software are available, the main challenges are the high content knowledge demand and the fact that schools may not have time for larger projects. (27) This challenge can be solved via a collaborative learning environment design. It is noteworthy that earlier STEM literature in CER do not emphasize the students’ active role in creating artifacts (see Table 1). The solution is to emphasize the engineering component and engage learners throughout the whole design process, (91) as was implemented in the example project.
There are multiple possible research questions to address in the future. For example: Is cheminformatics experienced as a relevant context by learners and teachers? (8,10) What kind of learning materials are suitable for using cheminformatics in different levels of education, from lower-secondary level to higher education, and in different subjects? (9) Which topics from different subjects can be taught via educational cheminformatics engineering STEM projects? How can the role of mathematics in cheminformatics-based STEM education made clearer? Answering these questions will require collaborative design-based research methods for learning environment design. (102) In conclusion, even though educational cheminformatics is still in its beginning stages, it seems to be a highly promising context for supporting chemistry learning via STEM education.

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    Journal of Chemical Education

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    • Abstract

      Figure 1

      Figure 1. Molecular graph corresponding to the carbon skeleton of 2,3,4-trimethylhexane (the graph is redrawn from ref (48)).

      Figure 2

      Figure 2. Example of an interconversion of 0D, 2D, and 3D structures using Open Babel. All these data types can be converted to each other, exported, and finally imported into another software package for calculations or visualizations. For example, the 0D notation was retrieved from a database, converted, and exported into a 2D coordinate file for ChemDraw editing. Then, the 2D file was converted into 3D coordinates and exported to a mol2 format, which was imported to Avogadro for geometrical optimization and 3D image production.

      Figure 3

      Figure 3. Possibilities that CBMV offers for teaching and learning submicrolevel chemistry.

      Figure 4

      Figure 4. Overview of the designed cheminformatics activity and its relation to the STEM framework.

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