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Systems Thinking and Educating the Heads, Hands, and Hearts of Chemistry Majors
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Systems Thinking and Educating the Heads, Hands, and Hearts of Chemistry Majors
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Journal of Chemical Education

Cite this: J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96, 12, 2715–2719
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Published November 8, 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. This publication is available under these Terms of Use.


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The recent calls to reorient chemistry education so that it explicitly incorporates a systems perspective offer the potential for learning environments where students not only learn how chemists think and do various tasks in the lab, but also learn about the relationship between chemistry and the larger society. This reorientation will more fully engage students in the three complementary dimensions central to their preparation to become members of a profession like chemistry. The pedagogical approach developed by SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) is one way that faculty could reorient chemistry courses toward a systems perspective and provide increased emphasis on the ethical nature of chemistry’s impact on society. An undergraduate chemistry curriculum that educates “head, hands, and heart” offers great potential to prepare students to become chemists that are fully committed to the ACS vision of “improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry”.

This publication is licensed for personal use by The American Chemical Society.

Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
The traditional approach to learning chemistry focuses on starting with the lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, knowledge and comprehension, with the goal of working toward application and analysis. In this approach, connections to real-world issues are incorporated only to the extent that time allows, which often results in those connections being presented in a cursory manner if at all. A big problem with the traditional approach is the extent to which it leads to one or more of the three different pathologies of learning described by Shulman: (1)
  • amnesia, forgetting by students of what they have learned

  • fantasia, illusionary understandings or persistent misconceptions that students retain over an extended period of time

  • inertia, ideas learned in a way where students are unable to use these ideas in thinking or to apply them to new situations

In the past 10–15 years, there have been many proposals for redesigning chemistry courses in ways that address one or more of these pathologies. Most recently, several papers have been published that call for a transformation in chemistry education so that student learning of chemical concepts and processes is embedded in a systems perspective. (2,3) A system is “any group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent parts that form a complex and unified whole that has a specific purpose”. (4) This definition makes clear the distinction between a system and a collection; the systems that authors like Matlin and Mahaffy point to as important in chemistry education include social and environmental systems. The call to transform chemistry education to a systems approach is rooted in the concern that students learn chemistry in a way which makes clear its relevance to the diverse challenges of the 21st century, including various challenges related to sustainability. In this context, the pathology of inert knowledge is particularly problematic. The calls for a systems approach to chemistry education parallel calls for the chemistry community to reconceptualize how chemistry is structured and presents itself as a discipline to other groups. (5−7) A common thread in these essays has been the wide range of challenges in the 21st century where chemistry can make a significant contribution but where traditional perspectives interfere with seeing those contributions. In this commentary, I want to explore how the call to ground undergraduate chemistry education in a systems approach also provides new and powerful opportunities for the ethical education of chemistry majors. To better understand the nature of these opportunities, I will start by looking at chemistry as a profession and its relationship to society. In addition, I also want to advocate for the potential utility of the pedagogy developed by the SENCER community in this context.

Chemistry and Society

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Chemistry as a Profession

Shulman and Gardner described a profession as consisting of a group of individuals who are given by society “a certain amount of prestige and autonomy in return for performing for society a set of services in a disinterested way”. (8) In their model, professions share several characteristics:
  • A commitment to serving others, either individual clients or society in general

  • A body of special knowledge that contains principles supportive of the ongoing development of the profession

  • A specialized set of skills and practices that are unique to that profession

  • The ability to render judgments characterized by integrity under conditions characterized by uncertainty (either technical or ethical)

  • The ability to learn from experience (individually or collectively) so that new knowledge is obtained in the context of professional practice

  • A professional community that provides oversight and monitoring of professional practice and education in the profession

These characteristics clearly apply to chemistry. Building on this description of professions, Sullivan and colleagues described three distinct dimensions that characterize professional education. (9,10) The first is a cognitive dimension (“head”) where an individual learns to think like members of the profession. The second is a skills dimension (“hand”) where an individual learns the specific skills that members of the profession use on a regular basis (such as running an instrument or carrying out a reaction). The third is an ethical dimension (“heart”) where an individual develops an understanding of the ethical responsibilities that accompany becoming a member of the profession. This last element of professional education serves to, in the words of Colby and Sullivan (ref (10), p 410):

capture students’ induction into the field’s ethical standards and practices, professional sensibilities, appreciation for and commitment to the field’s essential social purposes, and sense of professional identity in which those purposes and standards are experienced as core features of what it means to practice that profession.

What Colby and Sullivan describe is particularly relevant in the context of the calls for a systems approach to chemistry education. The three dimensions function together as a system, where the outcome, education and professional identity formation of undergraduate students, is greater when we pay attention to the process as a whole than it would be from focusing on the individual components in isolation. The ethical dimension, often overlooked in STEM education, (11) serves as a way of integrating the other dimensions into a holistic view by the individual of what constitutes good work as a member of a profession.

Chemistry and Society

In her presidential address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Jane Lubchenco stated “Society supports science because doing so in the past has brought benefits and doing so now is expected to provide more.” (12) She went on to point out that society expects two outcomes from the resources it invests in science, production of the best possible knowledge/understanding and the production of something useful that will contribute to the achievement of important goals such as conquering diseases or improving the economy. Along the same lines, The World Congress on Science held in 1999 in Budapest issued a “Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge” that stated (ref (13), p 466):

The practice of scientific research and the use of knowledge from that research should always aim at the welfare of humankind, including the reduction of poverty, be respectful of the dignity and rights of human beings, and of the global environment, and take fully into account our responsibility towards present and future generations.

These statements, while framed in the context of science broadly construed, are clearly applicable to chemistry. We only need to look at several examples to see how the responsibility of chemistry to society is framed in very similar ways:
  • The American Chemical Society’s statements of vision, “Improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry”, and mission, “Advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people” (14)

  • The Chemical Professional’s Code of Conduct, (15) established in its earliest form in 1965 by the ACS Board of Directors

  • The Hague Ethical Guidelines, (16) developed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  • The recently developed Global Chemists Code of Ethics, (17) developed in 2016 and guided by The Hague Ethical Guidelines

These documents, as well as others, articulate an understanding of how chemistry benefits society that should be an important part of the ethical dimension of professional education that undergraduate chemistry majors experience.
At the same time, there has been a reluctance within scientific communities to wrestle with the full implications of the above statements. Joseph Rotblat described this reluctance in his comments to the World Congress of Science where he pointed out the problems with precepts such as “science for its own sake”, “science is neutral”, “science has nothing to do with politics”, or “science cannot be blamed for its misapplication”. (18) The historical development of these precepts is complex and beyond the scope of this commentary. However, Sullivan clearly summarized the change needed in the current perspective of professions when he wrote (ref (19)):

The idea of the professional as neutral problem solver, above the fray, which was launched with great expectations a century ago, is now obsolete. A new ideal of a more engaged, civic professionalism must take its place.

Undergraduate Chemistry Education and the Dimensions of Professional Education

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The Association of American Colleges and Universities describes the essential learning outcomes of a liberal education (20) as
  • Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world

  • Intellectual and practical skills such as analysis, written/oral communication, teamwork, and problem solving

  • Personal and social responsibility

  • Integrative learning

The first two learning outcomes have been, to varying degrees of success, the focus of undergraduate chemistry education for many years. However, the last two learning outcomes, personal and social responsibility, and integrative learning, have received much less attention. Ethics has gradually become a more important part of the Guidelines for Undergraduate Professional Education issued by the ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) to the point where the most recent version of the Guidelines states that “Ethics should be an intentional part of the instruction in a chemistry program.” (21) As part of the ethics component of the undergraduate chemistry curriculum, CPT goes on to state that the curriculum “should expose students to the role of chemistry in contemporary societal and global issues, including areas such as sustainability and green chemistry.”
While several papers have been published in this Journal on the ethical education of undergraduates, (22−25) almost all have focused entirely on preparing students to understand and follow the norms that characterize the responsible conduct of research. While a critically important part of the ethical relationships between chemists (and other scientists), this aspect is internally oriented and does not have the external orientation required to understand the relationship between chemistry and society. As the National Academies document On Being a Scientist stated (ref (26), p 48):

The standards of science extend beyond responsibilities that are internal to the scientific community. Researchers also have a responsibility to reflect on how their work and the knowledge they are generating might be used in the broader society.

Both orientations, internal and external, need to be included if chemistry education is to encompass fully the third dimension of Sullivan’s model that is centered on an ethical perspective. What he describes includes not only relationships between members of the profession but also the relationship between members of the profession and the larger society where it functions. Simply exposing “students to the role of chemistry in contemporary societal and global issues” does not automatically rise to the level of what Sullivan was calling for. As Colby et al. (ref (27), p 185), wrote:

It is equally important to weave moral and civic learning into the disciplines and into the majors... Disciplines and majors are the primary focus of undergraduate education. Students define themselves to a great extent through their majors... moral and civic learning can be integrated into every discipline in a way that will strengthen rather than distort disciplinary learning.

The combination of Sullivan’s approach to professional education and the call for reorienting chemistry education to a systems perspective provide a powerful opportunity to accomplish what Colby et al. describe.

A Systems Perspective in Chemistry Education and the SENCER Approach

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How might we incorporate earth and societal systems into chemistry courses so that we “orient chemistry education toward meeting societal and environmental needs”? (3) How might chemistry courses engage “diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work”? (28) How might chemistry education more fully reflect the ethical/“heart” dimension of professional education? This is different than asking how we can help students learn chemical concepts better or develop the range of skills needed in chemical research. These two questions are clearly connected to the first and second dimensions of professional education, and numerous papers have been published in this Journal that provide a range of ideas and suggestions. However, in terms of bringing other perspectives (societal and/or environmental) into chemistry courses, the challenge is that the undergraduate chemistry curriculum is already too crowded with concepts. One possible answer may be in the pedagogical approach developed by the SENCER community. (29) SENCER, Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities, is a STEM education reform community started in 2001 with funding from the National Science Foundation. Rather than starting with scientific concepts that are “decontextualized”, the SENCER approach to course design starts with a complex civic issue and teaches “through” that issue to the important underlying science concepts. (30−32) In terms of context and content, rather than privileging one over the other, the SENCER approach explicitly takes both into account in the design of the course and intentionally seeks to foster deep connections between the two. While much of the initial work in SENCER focused on courses for nonscience majors, there are some examples of this approach being used in chemistry courses for majors. (33) In this commentary, I will use one example for majors clearly connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (34) Over a decade ago I redesigned the two-semester biochemistry sequence at Saint Vincent College taken by various STEM majors (biochemistry, biology, chemistry) so that all concepts in the course are encountered by students in the context of public health issues. Figure 1 gives a visual representation of one section of the course, where the complex civic issue of HIV and AIDS is the context for learning about enzyme function.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Visual representation of the various concepts that link the civic issue of global AIDS infections to underlying canonical biochemistry concepts related to enzyme function. This representation is patterned after the ones used by Middlecamp et al. (30)

Public health issues were incorporated into the two courses in several ways; readers interested in more detail of how the courses were redesigned, what students learned in these courses, and where students struggled are encouraged to look at previous publications on this work including the description of the course as a SENCER model course. (35−37) Here I will focus on aspects that are particularly relevant to the ethical dimension of professional education. When starting a new section, students were provided with initial material related to the specific public health topic being used for context. Those materials, sometimes videos from programs like NOVA, sometimes readings from sources like The New Yorker or The Atlantic or selections from relevant books, were chosen to provide students with an introduction to the broader contexts and different perspectives important to the issue being examined. Each assignment also included prompts for a writing assignment that guided students in reflecting on different perspectives represented in the materials and how those perspectives connected to what students had encountered in other courses as well as personal and institutional (Saint Vincent College) values. Students completed three of these assignments each semester. A second element of the course was a “public health project”, due at the end of the semester and completed by small groups of students, that required bringing together both biochemistry concepts and ideas from other disciplines to create a web-based product with Google Sites. Like the reflective reading/writing assignments, the public health project also provided students with experience working with diverse perspectives. Both assignments are designed to help students look beyond the science at the same time they are working to understand and use biochemical concepts. While the reflective reading/writing assignments are more structured by materials and prompts selected by me, the public health project is different in that students now have more responsibility for identifying relevant perspectives outside of science and connecting those perspectives to the chosen topic. The Supporting Information for this commentary includes both several examples of the reflective reading/writing assignments as well as the information given to students for the public health project.
It is important to note that the SENCER approach is not simply another version of teaching course concepts “in context”. The SENCER approach involves bringing context and content together through a complex civic issue where multiple perspectives are important. As a result, students are engaged in a learning environment that, as Mahaffy et al. wrote (ref (3), p 2), engages them in

analysing the linkages between chemical systems and physical, biological, ecological and human systems (the latter include legal and regulatory systems, social and behavioural systems, and economic and political systems).

As Mahaffy et al. (3) point out, learning chemical concepts through engagement with rich contexts (such as public health issues) and examining the linkages between the various systems present in the contexts is one way to incorporate systems thinking into chemistry education. The SENCER approach also offers opportunities to engage students in what Colby and Sullivan have described as “deep engagement with the profession’s public purposes”. (10) I see this deep engagement in a civic/public context as lining up very effectively with the earth/societal component of the framework for analysis proposed by Mahaffy et al. (3) as well as being consistent with the points made by Colby et al. (27,28) described earlier in this essay.

Course vs Curriculum

I have described using the SENCER approach in the context of a two-semester biochemistry sequence. However, the call for chemistry education to be reoriented to a systems thinking approach requires that students encounter such learning environments in multiple courses throughout the curriculum so that they have several opportunities to “look beyond the science” at the same time they are learning chemical principles. Consider for a moment how a student’s understanding of chemistry and its impact on society would change if, while completing his or her undergraduate chemistry degree over a period of four years or more, the student experienced:
  • using some of the Sustainable Development Goals as contexts in general chemistry to learn principles of chemical bonding, stoichiometry, types of reactions, or properties of solutions

  • using the challenge of discovering and developing new antibiotics as the context in organic chemistry to learn stereochemistry, nucleophilic substitution, or the reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives

  • using the issue of critical materials such as “endangered elements” so central to modern technology as the context to learn transition metal chemistry or solid-state materials

  • using atmospheric chemistry or energy issues like fuel cells as a context to learn kinetics and thermodynamics

  • using the challenge of detecting low levels of endocrine disruptors, which show effects that are nonlinear and can occur at low doses in a way not predictable by experimental results at higher doses, (38,39) as the context to learn about the selection of an analytical method and sample preparation

Mahaffy and colleagues have described specific ideas for the first bullet point, (40,41) but the others remain, to my knowledge, largely unexplored. These are offered as illustrative examples; there are a number of other complex civic issues that could be effectively used as the context for teaching “through” to the underlying chemical concepts. Using the SENCER approach to put more attention on the ethical dimension of professional education provides opportunities to reorient undergraduate chemistry education to a systems perspective and take advantage of the synergistic characteristics of systems. The learning environment created by this would not only engage students in learning chemical concepts, but also in developing other aspects of learning such as engagement, commitment, understanding, judgment, reflection, and action. (42) Doing so will bring chemistry education even closer to reflecting the ACS mission to “advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people”.

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The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00346.

  • Example reflective reading/writing assignments from both semesters as well as the guidelines given to students for the public health project (PDF, DOCX)

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      The author declares no competing financial interest.


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    3. Susan M. Schelble . History of Ethics in the American Chemical Society. , 237-256.
    4. Manoj Ravi, Allen Puente-Urbina, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven. Identifying Opportunities to Promote Systems Thinking in Catalysis Education. Journal of Chemical Education 2021, 98 (5) , 1583-1593.
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    7. Laura Rowe. Ethics and Systems Thinking in Biochemistry: A CRISPR-Based Activity for Undergraduate Students. Journal of Chemical Education 2020, 97 (7) , 1944-1950.
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    9. Kyla Bruce, Kyle M.D. Reyes, Shegufta Shetranjiwalla. Connecting the periodic table to the planet with systems, life cycle and circularity thinking. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2023, 32 , 101018.
    10. Madeleine Schultz, Drew Chan, Andrew C. Eaton, Joseph P. Ferguson, Rebecca Houghton, Adlin Ramdzan, Oliver Taylor, Hanh H. Vu, Seamus Delaney. Using Systems Maps to Visualize Chemistry Processes: Practitioner and Student Insights. Education Sciences 2022, 12 (9) , 596.
    11. Seamus Delaney, Joseph Paul Ferguson, Madeleine Schultz. Exploring opportunities to incorporate systems thinking into secondary and tertiary chemistry education through practitioner perspectives. International Journal of Science Education 2021, 43 (16) , 2618-2639.

    Journal of Chemical Education

    Cite this: J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96, 12, 2715–2719
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    Published November 8, 2019

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    • Figure 1

      Figure 1. Visual representation of the various concepts that link the civic issue of global AIDS infections to underlying canonical biochemistry concepts related to enzyme function. This representation is patterned after the ones used by Middlecamp et al. (30)

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    • Supporting Information

      Supporting Information

      The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00346.

      • Example reflective reading/writing assignments from both semesters as well as the guidelines given to students for the public health project (PDF, DOCX)

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