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Reaction Mechanism Generator v3.0: Advances in Automatic Mechanism Generation
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    Reaction Mechanism Generator v3.0: Advances in Automatic Mechanism Generation
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    Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

    Cite this: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 6, 2686–2696
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    Published May 28, 2021
    Copyright © 2021 American Chemical Society


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    In chemical kinetics research, kinetic models containing hundreds of species and tens of thousands of elementary reactions are commonly used to understand and predict the behavior of reactive chemical systems. Reaction Mechanism Generator (RMG) is a software suite developed to automatically generate such models by incorporating and extrapolating from a database of known thermochemical and kinetic parameters. Here, we present the recent version 3 release of RMG and highlight improvements since the previously published description of RMG v1.0. Most notably, RMG can now generate heterogeneous catalysis models in addition to the previously available gas- and liquid-phase capabilities. For model analysis, new methods for local and global uncertainty analysis have been implemented to supplement first-order sensitivity analysis. The RMG database of thermochemical and kinetic parameters has been significantly expanded to cover more types of chemistry. The present release includes parallelization for faster model generation and a new molecule isomorphism approach to improve computational performance. RMG has also been updated to use Python 3, ensuring compatibility with the latest cheminformatics and machine learning packages. Overall, RMG v3.0 includes many changes which improve the accuracy of the generated chemical mechanisms and allow for exploration of a wider range of chemical systems.

    Copyright © 2021 American Chemical Society

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    • Names and reaction recipes of all reaction families which are included in RMG 3.0 and available for use for model generation (PDF)

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    97. William H. Green. Perspective on automated predictive kinetics using estimates derived from large datasets. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2024, 35
    98. Matthew S. Johnson, William H. Green. A machine learning based approach to reaction rate estimation. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2024, 9 (6) , 1364-1380.
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    Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

    Cite this: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 6, 2686–2696
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    Published May 28, 2021
    Copyright © 2021 American Chemical Society

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