DeePKS + ABACUS as a Bridge between Expensive Quantum Mechanical Models and Machine Learning PotentialsClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Wenfei Li
- Qi Ou
- Yixiao ChenYixiao ChenProgram in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey08544, United StatesMore by Yixiao Chen
- Yu CaoYu CaoHEDPS, CAPT, College of Engineering and School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing100871, P. R. ChinaMore by Yu Cao
- Renxi LiuRenxi LiuHEDPS, CAPT, College of Engineering and School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing100871, P. R. ChinaMore by Renxi Liu
- Chunyi ZhangChunyi ZhangDepartment of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19122, United StatesMore by Chunyi Zhang
- Daye Zheng
- Chun CaiChun CaiAI for Science Institute, Beijing100080, P. R. ChinaDP Technology, Beijing100080, P. R. ChinaMore by Chun Cai
- Xifan WuXifan WuDepartment of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19122, United StatesMore by Xifan Wu
- Han Wang*Han Wang*Email: [email protected]Laboratory of Computational Physics, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Huayuan Road 6, Beijing100088, P. R. ChinaMore by Han Wang
- Mohan Chen*Mohan Chen*Email: [email protected]HEDPS, CAPT, College of Engineering and School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing100871, P. R. ChinaMore by Mohan Chen
- Linfeng Zhang*Linfeng Zhang*Email: [email protected]AI for Science Institute, Beijing100080, P. R. ChinaDP Technology, Beijing100080, P. R. ChinaMore by Linfeng Zhang

Recently, the development of machine learning (ML) potentials has made it possible to perform large-scale and long-time molecular simulations with the accuracy of quantum mechanical (QM) models. However, for different levels of QM methods, such as density functional theory (DFT) at the meta-GGA level and/or with exact exchange, quantum Monte Carlo, etc., generating a sufficient amount of data for training an ML potential has remained computationally challenging due to their high cost. In this work, we demonstrate that this issue can be largely alleviated with Deep Kohn–Sham (DeePKS), an ML-based DFT model. DeePKS employs a computationally efficient neural network-based functional model to construct a correction term added upon a cheap DFT model. Upon training, DeePKS offers closely matched energies and forces compared with high-level QM method, but the number of training data required is orders of magnitude less than that required for training a reliable ML potential. As such, DeePKS can serve as a bridge between expensive QM models and ML potentials: one can generate a decent amount of high-accuracy QM data to train a DeePKS model and then use the DeePKS model to label a much larger amount of configurations to train an ML potential. This scheme for periodic systems is implemented in a DFT package ABACUS, which is open source and ready for use in various applications.
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