Lateral Interactions of Dynamic Adlayer Structures from Artificial Neural NetworksClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Bart KlumpersBart KlumpersLaboratory of Inorganic Materials and Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsMore by Bart Klumpers
- Emiel J.M. HensenEmiel J.M. HensenLaboratory of Inorganic Materials and Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsMore by Emiel J.M. Hensen
- Ivo A.W. Filot*Ivo A.W. Filot*Email: [email protected]Laboratory of Inorganic Materials and Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsMore by Ivo A.W. Filot
Lateral interactions are a key factor in the correct description of adsorption isotherms relevant to heterogeneous catalytic reactions. To model these lateral interactions, a large number of monolayer structures have to be investigated, far exceeding the limitations of conventional techniques such as density functional theory. We have developed a new hybrid neural network model that can substitute the electronic structure calculations for these monolayer structures, without significant loss of accuracy. The low computational cost of this model allows the study of the adlayer structures close to industrial operating conditions. Lateral interactions are found to increase at elevated temperatures as a result of increased adsorbate mobility, and this contribution is found to be key in unifying theoretical and experimental observations. We show that the inclusion of dispersion interactions in stabilizing the adlayers is necessary to obtain correct predictions for both isotherms and adsorption site distributions.
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Basis Functions and Network Architecture
Automated Dataset Generation
Results and Discussion
Machine Learning
Effect of Network Hybridization
Lateral Interactions
Effect of Exchange-Correlation Functionals and Dispersion Interactions
Supporting Information
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Overview of dataset generation methods, ANN training statistics, computational methods for DFT, MC, and MKM, monolayer geometries, and lateral interaction potentials (PDF)
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This work was supported by the Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC), an NWO Gravitation program funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the government of the Netherlands. The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research is acknowledged for providing access to computational resources.
This article references 76 other publications.
- 1Chen, W.; Pestman, R.; Zijlstra, B.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. Mechanism of Cobalt-Catalyzed CO Hydrogenation: 1 Methanation. ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8050– 8060, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.7b02757Google Scholar1 of Cobalt-Catalyzed CO Hydrogenation: 1. MethanationChen, Wei; Pestman, Robert; Zijlstra, Bart; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2017), 7 (12), 8050-8060CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The mechanism of CO hydrogenation to CH4 at 260 °C on a cobalt catalyst is investigated using steady-state isotopic transient kinetic anal. (SSITKA) and backward and forward chem. transient kinetic anal. (CTKA). The dependence of CHx residence time is detd. by 12CO/H2 → 13CO/H2 SSITKA as a function of the CO and H2 partial pressure and shows that the CH4 formation rate is mainly controlled by CHx hydrogenation rather than CO dissocn. Backward CO/H2 → H2 CTKA emphasizes the importance of H coverage on the slow CHx hydrogenation step. The H coverage strongly depends on the CO coverage, which is directly related to CO partial pressure. Combining SSITKA and backward CTKA allows detg. that the amt. of addnl. CH4 obtained during CTKA is nearly equal to the amt. of CO adsorbed to the cobalt surface. Thus, under the given conditions overall barrier for CO hydrogenation to CH4 under methanation condition is lower than the CO adsorption energy. Forward CTKA measurements reveal that O hydrogenation to H2O is also a relatively slow step compared to CO dissocn. The combined transient kinetic data are used to fit an explicit microkinetic model for the methanation reaction. The mechanism involving direct CO dissocn. represents the data better than a mechanism in which H-assisted CO dissocn. is assumed. Microkinetics simulations based on the fitted parameters confirms that under methanation conditions the overall CO consumption rate is mainly controlled by C hydrogenation and to a smaller degree by O hydrogenation and CO dissocn. These simulations are also used to explore the influence of CO and H2 partial pressure on possible rate-controlling steps.
- 2Huš, M.; Grilc, M.; Pavlišič, A.; Likozar, B.; Hellman, A. Multiscale Modelling from Quantum Level to Reactor Scale: An Example of Ethylene Epoxidation on Silver Catalysts. Catal. Today 2019, 338, 128– 140, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.05.022Google Scholar2 modelling from quantum level to reactor scale: An example of ethylene epoxidation on silver catalystsHus, Matej; Grilc, Miha; Pavlisic, Andraz; Likozar, Blaz; Hellman, AndersCatalysis Today (2019), 338 (), 128-140CODEN: CATTEA; ISSN:0920-5861. (Elsevier B.V.)Ethylene epoxidn. is one of the most important selective chem. oxidns. in industry. For a controlled transformation of ethylene (ethene) into epoxide, silver is the only com. suitable catalyst. Although it is usually doped, even with pristine silver activity, selectivity, and stability vary strongly with facets. In this work, we use this reaction on Ag(111) and Ag(100) as a classical formation model to demonstrate the capabilities of phys. multiscale modeling, to show why Ag(100) nanocubes offer superior catalysis, and to optimize reactivity. First, we describe the elementary reactions on pristine surfaces with the quantum chem. calcns., using d. functional theory (DFT). The free energies of all intermediates, kinetic rates from the transition state theory and adsorption/desorption equil. are calcd. from first principles. These results are applied to kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations, where the spatio-temporal evolution of the system on a meso-scale can be followed. The differences in activity, concn., selectivity, and apparent activation energy are obsd., investigated, and analyzed. Lastly, mean-field concepts - micro-kinetics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) - are used to simulate how the synthesis proceeds in a reactor. Mechanism, catalytic coverage and the effects of pressure, temp., and particle compn., size and shape on the performance are evaluated. We show that multiscale modeling is a powerful instrumental approach for real unit engineering, while the level of detail required is dictated by the purpose of a representation and available resources.
- 3Prats, H.; Posada-Pérez, S.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Sayós, R.; Illas, F. Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations Unveil Synergic Effects at Work on Bifunctional Catalysts. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 9117– 9126, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b02813Google Scholar3 Monte Carlo Simulations Unveil Synergic Effects at Work on Bifunctional CatalystsPrats, Hector; Posada-Perez, Sergio; Rodriguez, Jose A.; Sayos, Ramon; Illas, FrancescACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (10), 9117-9126CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The interaction between metal particles and the support in heterogeneous catalysis was the subject of a large no. of studies. While strong metal-support interactions can lead to deleterious catalyst deactivation and the underlying mechanism is well understood, in other cases the effect may beneficially enhance the catalytic activity and/or selectivity with no clear picture of the chem. involved. Strong metal-support interactions make Au nanoparticles dispersed on MoC a highly active catalyst for the low-temp. H2O-gas shift reaction (WGSR). By using kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations, the authors unravel the origin of the exptl. obsd. high WGSR activity of Au/MoC. The kMC simulations provide strong evidence for a cooperative effect between the different regions of the catalyst: the clean MoC regions are responsible for adsorbing and dissocg. H2O mols., and the vicinity of the Au adclusters contributes to COOH formation. The information thus obtained goes beyond that obtained solely from free-energy landscapes and constitutes a step forward toward the rational design of catalysts. The simulations and anal. described here are general and can be applied to other complex systems involving different catalytic regions and a large no. of surface processes.
- 4Zijlstra, B.; Broos, R. J. P.; Chen, W.; Oosterbeek, H.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. Coverage Effects in CO Dissociation on Metallic Cobalt Nanoparticles. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 7365– 7372, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b01967Google Scholar4 Effects in CO Dissociation on Metallic Cobalt NanoparticlesZijlstra, Bart; Broos, Robin J. P.; Chen, Wei; Oosterbeek, Heiko; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (8), 7365-7372CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The active site of CO dissocn. on a cobalt nanoparticle, relevant to the Fischer-Tropsch reaction, can be computed directly using d. functional theory. We investigate how the activation barrier for direct CO dissocn. depends on CO coverage for step-edge and terrace cobalt sites. Whereas on terrace sites increasing coverage results in a substantial increase of the direct CO dissocn. barrier, we find that this barrier is nearly independent of CO coverage for the step-edge sites on corrugated surfaces. A detailed electronic anal. shows that this difference is due to the flexibility of the adsorbed layer, minimizing Pauli repulsion during the carbon-oxygen bond dissocn. reaction on the step-edge site. We constructed a simple first-principles microkinetic model that not only reproduces exptl. obsd. rates but also shows how migration of carbon species between step-edge and terrace sites contributes to methane formation.
- 5Zijlstra, B.; Broos, R. J. P.; Chen, W.; Bezemer, G. L.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. The Vital Role of Step-Edge Sites for Both CO Activation and Chain Growth on Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts Revealed through First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Modeling Including Lateral Interactions. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 9376– 9400, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c02420Google Scholar5 Vital Role of Step-Edge Sites for Both CO Activation and Chain Growth on Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts Revealed through First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Modeling Including Lateral InteractionsZijlstra, Bart; Broos, Robin J. P.; Chen, Wei; Bezemer, G. Leendert; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2020), 10 (16), 9376-9400CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)Microkinetic modeling is employed to predict catalytic turnover rates, product distributions, preferred mechanistic pathways, and rate- and selectivity-controlling elementary reaction steps for the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction. We considered all relevant elementary reaction steps on Co(11‾21) step-edge and Co(0001) terrace sites as well as such important aspects as coverage-related lateral interactions, different chain-growth mechanisms, and the migration of adsorbed species between the two surfaces in the dual-site model. CHx-CHy coupling pathways relevant to the carbide mechanism have favorable barriers in comparison to the overall barriers for the CO insertion mechanism. A comparison of reaction barriers indicates why cobalt is such a good FT catalyst: CO bond scission and chain growth compete, while termination to olefins has a slightly higher barrier. The predicted kinetic parameters correspond well with exptl. kinetic data. The Co(11‾21) model surface is highly active and selective for the FT reaction. Adding terrace Co(0001) sites in a dual-site model approach leads to a substantially higher CH4 selectivity at the expense of the C2+-hydrocarbons selectivity. The chain-growth probability decreases with increasing temp. and H2/CO ratio, caused by faster hydrogenation of the hydrocarbon chains. The elementary reaction steps for O removal and CO dissocn. significantly control the overall CO consumption rate. Chain growth occurs almost exclusively at step-edge sites, while addnl. CH4 stems from CH and CH3 migration from step-edge to terrace sites. Replacing CO by CO2 as the reactant shifts the product distribution nearly completely to CH4, which is related to the much higher H/CO coverage ratio during CO2 hydrogenation in comparison to CO hydrogenation. These findings highlight the importance of a proper balance of CO and H surface species during the FT reaction and pinpoint step-edge sites as the locus of the FT reaction with low-reactive terrace sites near step-edge sites being the origin of unwanted CH4.
- 6Grabow, L. C.; Hvolbæk, B.; Nørskov, J. K. Understanding Trends in Catalytic Activity: The Effect of Adsorbate–Adsorbate Interactions for CO Oxidation Over Transition Metals. Top. Catal. 2010, 53, 298– 310, DOI: 10.1007/s11244-010-9455-2Google Scholar6 Trends in Catalytic Activity: The Effect of Adsorbate-Adsorbate Interactions for CO Oxidation Over Transition MetalsGrabow, Lars C.; Hvolbaek, Britt; Noerskov, Jens K.Topics in Catalysis (2010), 53 (5-6), 298-310CODEN: TOCAFI; ISSN:1022-5528. (Springer)Using high temp. CO oxidn. as the example, trends in the reactivity of transition metals are discussed on the basis of d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. Volcano type relations between the catalytic rate and adsorption energies of important intermediates are introduced and the effect of adsorbate-adsorbate interaction on the trends is discussed. We find that adsorbate-adsorbate interactions significantly increase the activity of strong binding metals (left side of the volcano) but the interactions do not change the relative activity of different metals and have a very small influence on the position of the top of the volcano, i.e., on which metal is the best catalyst.
- 7Lausche, A. C.; Medford, A. J.; Khan, T. S.; Xu, Y.; Bligaard, T.; Abild-Pedersen, F.; Nørskov, J. K.; Studt, F. On the Effect of Coverage-Dependent Adsorbate-Adsorbate Interactions for CO Methanation on Transition Metal Surfaces. J. Catal. 2013, 307, 275– 282, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2013.08.002Google Scholar7 the effect of coverage-dependent adsorbate-adsorbate interactions for CO methanation on transition metal surfacesLausche, Adam C.; Medford, Andrew J.; Khan, Tuhin Suvra; Xu, Yue; Bligaard, Thomas; Abild-Pedersen, Frank; Noerskov, Jens K.; Studt, FelixJournal of Catalysis (2013), 307 (), 275-282CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)Heterogeneously catalyzed reactions involving the dissocn. of strongly bonded mols. typically need quite reactive catalysts with high coverages of intermediate mols. Methanation of carbon monoxide is one example, where CO dissocn. has been reported to take place on step sites with a high coverage of CO. At these high coverages, reaction intermediates experience interaction effects that typically reduce their adsorption energies. Herein, the effect of these interactions on the activities of transition metals for CO methanation is investigated. For transition metals that have low coverages of reactants, the effect is minimal. But for materials with high coverages under reaction conditions, rates can change by several orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, the position of the max. of the activity volcano does not shift significantly, and the rates at the max. are only slightly perturbed by adsorbate-adsorbate interactions. In order to accurately describe selectivities, however, adsorbate-adsorbate interactions will likely need to be included.
- 8Grabow, L. C.; Gokhale, A. A.; Evans, S. T.; Dumesic, J. A.; Mavrikakis, M. Mechanism of the Water Gas Shift Reaction on Pt: First Principles, Experiments, and Microkinetic Modeling. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 4608– 4617, DOI: 10.1021/jp7099702Google Scholar8 of the Water Gas Shift Reaction on Pt: First Principles, Experiments, and Microkinetic ModelingGrabow, Lars C.; Gokhale, Amit A.; Evans, Steven T.; Dumesic, James A.; Mavrikakis, ManosJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2008), 112 (12), 4608-4617CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)We present a microkinetic model as well as exptl. data for the low-temp. water gas shift (WGS) reaction catalyzed by Pt at temps. from 523 to 573 K and for various gas compns. at a pressure of 1 atm. Thermodn. and kinetic parameters for the model are derived from periodic, self-consistent d. functional theory (DFT-GGA) calcns. on Pt(111). The destabilizing effect of high CO surface coverage on the binding energies of surface species is quantified through DFT calcns. and accounted for in the microkinetic model. Deviations of specific fitted model parameters from DFT calcd. parameters on Pt(111) point to the possible role of steps/defects in this reaction. Our model predicts reaction rates and reaction orders in good agreement with our expts. The calcd. and exptl. apparent activation energies are 67.8 kJ/mol and 71.4 kJ/mol, resp. The model shows that the most significant reaction channel proceeds via a carboxyl (COOH) intermediate. Formate (HCOO), which has been exptl. obsd. and thought to be the key WGS intermediate in the literature, is shown to act only as a spectator species.
- 9Bajpai, A.; Frey, K.; Schneider, W. F. Comparison of Coverage-Dependent Binding Energy Models for Mean-Field Microkinetic Rate Predictions. Langmuir 2020, 36, 465– 474, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b03563Google Scholar9 of Coverage-Dependent Binding Energy Models for Mean-Field Microkinetic Rate PredictionsBajpai, Anshumaan; Frey, Kurt; Schneider, William F.Langmuir (2020), 36 (1), 465-474CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)The binding energies of adsorbates at catalytic surfaces are in general functions of adsorbate coverage, with corresponding consequences for equil. surface coverages and reaction rates under relevant conditions. This coverage dependence is commonly incorporated into mean-field microkinetic models by writing adsorption energies as an algebraic function of coverage and parametrizing against d. functional theory models. In this work, we compare the performance of three different anal. coverage-dependent forms, including linear and piecewise models and a logarithmic form inspired by Wilson's activity model, against accurate results obtained from a lattice-based cluster expansion (CE) representation of adsorbate interactions combined with a Monte Carlo evaluation of reaction rates. We take as a model system O2 dissocn.-limited NO oxidn. to NO2 over Pt(111), parametrize all models against the same set of previously reported coverage-dependent NO and O binding energies, and solve kinetic models under the same set of assumptions. Steady-state coverages from the anal. models are similar to each other and the ensemble-averaged CE result, other than the discontinuities in O and NO coverages that appear in the piecewise model. Predicted steady-state rates differ more substantially, reflecting the sensitivity of the O2 dissocn. activation energy to coverage-dependent binding energies. The activity model predicts reaction rates reliably at low temps. and systematically deviates from CE rates at high temps., where minority surface sites, having low local coverage around vacant pairs, dominate overall reaction rates. The results highlight the challenges of developing coverage-dependent microkinetic models that are reliable across a range of conditions.
- 10Mhadeshwar, A. B.; Kitchin, J. R.; Barteau, M. A.; Vlachos, D. G. The Role of Adsorbate–Adsorbate Interactions in the Rate Controlling Step and the Most Abundant Reaction Intermediate of NH3 Decomposition on Ru. Catal. Lett. 2004, 96, 13– 22, DOI: 10.1023/B:CATL.0000029523.22277.e1Google Scholar10 Role of Adsorbate-adsorbate Interactions in the Rate Controlling Step and the Most Abundant Reaction Intermediate of NH3 Decomposition on RuMhadeshwar, A. B.; Kitchin, J. R.; Barteau, M. A.; Vlachos, D. G.Catalysis Letters (2004), 96 (1-2), 13-22CODEN: CALEER; ISSN:1011-372X. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers)N-N adsorbate-adsorbate interactions on a Ru(0001) surface are first estd. using quantum mech. d. functional theory (DFT) calcns., and subsequently incorporated, for the first time, in a detailed microkinetic model for NH3 decompn. on Ru using the unity bond index-quadratic exponential potential (UBI-QEP) method. DFT simulations indicate that the cross N-H interactions are relatively small. Microkinetic model predictions are compared to ultra-high vacuum temp. programmed desorption and atm. fixed bed reactor data. The microkinetic model with N-N interactions captures the exptl. features quant. It is shown that the N-N interactions significantly alter the rate detg. step, the most abundant reaction intermediate, and the max. N*-coverage, compared to mechanisms that ignore adsorbate-adsorbate interactions.
- 11Miller, S. D.; Pushkarev, V. V.; Gellman, A. J.; Kitchin, J. R. Simulating Temperature Programmed Desorption of Oxygen on Pt(111) Using DFT Derived Coverage Dependent Desorption Barriers. Top. Catal. 2013, 57, 106– 117Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Getman, R. B.; Schneider, W. F. DFT-Based Coverage-Dependent Model of Pt-Catalyzed NO-Oxidation. ChemCatChem 2010, 2, 1450– 1460, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201000146Google Scholar12 coverage-dependent model of Pt-catalyzed NO oxidationGetman, Rachel B.; Schneider, William F.ChemCatChem (2010), 2 (11), 1450-1460CODEN: CHEMK3; ISSN:1867-3880. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)A coverage-dependent, mean-field microkinetic model of catalytic NO oxidn., NO+0.5 O2.dblharw.NO2, at a Pt(111) surface was developed, based on large supercell d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. DFT is used to det. the overall energetics and activation energies of candidate reaction steps as a function of surface coverage. Surface coverage is found to have a significant but non-uniform effect on the energetics, pathways, and activation energies of reaction steps involving formation or cleavage of ON-O and O-O bonds, and inclusion of this coverage dependence is essential for obtaining a qual. correct representation of the catalysis. Correlations were used to express all reaction parameters in terms of a single coverage variable θ and steady-state solns. to the resultant mean-field models are obtained in the method of DeDonder relations. At conditions representative of NO oxidn. catalysis, the surface coverage is predicted to be 0.25 ≤ θ < 0.4 ML and to be controlled by equil. between gas-phase NO and NO2 and chemisorbed O. O2 dissociative adsorption (O2(g)→ 2O*) is rate limiting in the model. The DFT-based mean-field model captures many features of the exptl. obsd. catalysis, and its short-comings point the way toward more robust models of coverage-dependent kinetics.
- 13Getman, R. B.; Xu, Y.; Schneider, W. F. Thermodynamics of Environment-Dependent Oxygen Chemisorption on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 9559– 9572, DOI: 10.1021/jp800905aGoogle Scholar13 of Environment-Dependent Oxygen Chemisorption on Pt(111)Getman, Rachel B.; Xu, Ye; Schneider, William F.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2008), 112 (26), 9559-9572CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)The reactivity of heterogeneous metal catalysts can be a strong function of the coverage of adsorbates. For example, Pt-catalyzed NO oxidn. to NO2 requires high concns. of chemisorbed (surface-bound) O, but the development of surface oxides is detrimental to reaction kinetics. Quantifying the structures, properties, and esp. the conditions that produce various adsorbate coverages is essential to developing qual. and quant. correct models of surface reactivity. In this work, we examine these ideas in the context of oxidn. reactions on Pt(111), the lowest energy face of bulk Pt. We use extensive supercell d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. to catalog and characterize the stable binding sites and arrangements of chemisorbed O on Pt(111), as a function of O coverage, θ. O atoms are found to uniformly prefer FCC binding sites and to arrange to minimize various destabilizing interactions with neighbor O. These destabilizing interactions are shown to have electronic and strain components that can either reinforce or oppose one another depending upon O-O sepn. Because of the nature and magnitudes of these lateral interactions, the thermodynamically stable O orderings partition into four coverage regimes of decreasing adsorption energy: 0 < θ ≤ 1/4 monolayer (ML), 1/4 < θ ≤ 1/2 ML, 1/2 < θ ≤ 2/3 ML, and 2/3 < θ ≤ 1 ML. We use equil. models to quantify the oxygen chem. potentials μO necessary to access each of these regimes. These equil. models can be used to relate surface coverage to various external environmental conditions and assumptions about relevant reaction equil.: dissociative equil. of the surface with O2 (g) can produce coverages up to 1/2 ML; either NO2 decompn. or "NO-assisted" O2 dissocn. can access coverages approaching 2/3 ML, as obsd. during NO oxidn. catalysis, and equil. with a solid-oxygen storage material, like ceria-zirconia, can buffer equil. coverages at a const. 1/4 ML O. These various oxidn. reaction energies can be summarized in a single "Ellingham" free energy diagram, providing a convenient representation of the relationship between surface coverage and reaction thermodn., and a useful guide toward relevant coverage regimes for more detailed study of reaction kinetics.
- 14Bray, J. M.; Smith, J. L.; Schneider, W. F. Coverage-Dependent Adsorption at a Low Symmetry Surface: DFT and Statistical Analysis of Oxygen Chemistry on Kinked Pt(321). Top. Catal. 2014, 57, 89– 105, DOI: 10.1007/s11244-013-0165-4Google Scholar14 Adsorption at a Low Symmetry Surface: DFT and Statistical Analysis of Oxygen Chemistry on Kinked Pt(321)Bray, J. M.; Smith, J. L.; Schneider, W. F.Topics in Catalysis (2014), 57 (1-4), 89-105CODEN: TOCAFI; ISSN:1022-5528. (Springer)The authors explore the influence of adsorbate interactions on the thermodn. and spectroscopic properties of oxygen on the stepped, kinked Pt(321) surface. The ground state arrangements of at. oxygen are identified with the aid of a cluster expansion and analyzed for coverages up to one oxygen per surface Pt (1 ML). Oxygen prefers to bind in bridge sites at the step edge at coverages up to 0.2 ML, but at higher coverages oxygen atoms actually experience mild, localized attractions such that both bridge and 3-fold hollow sites are occupied to form square planar, 4-fold-coordinated PtO4-like structures. These structures progressively dominate the surface with increasing coverage up to 0.8 ML, at which point every kink Pt is satd. with four oxygens. The authors compute stability regions for these ground states with respect to gas-phase O2 and to NO/NO2 mixts. The ground state structures at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 ML dominate over a wide range of conditions, with the 0.6 ML structure being most prominent. The authors also explore site preferences for mol. O2 adsorbed on key O ground state structures. Calcns. of vibrational modes and core electron binding energy shifts allow the authors to relate both ground state and nonequil. structures to exptl. HREELS and XPS results. Adsorption sites are primarily characterized by their surface coordination, such that O in atop, bridge, and 3-fold hollow sites possess distinct and identifiable vibrational modes and core level shifts. However, within these broad categories, variability due to interactions with proximal adsorbates were found. Adsorption energies and vibrational modes of O2 are particularly sensitive to the local adsorption environment. Lastly, the authors develop a 1-dimensional adsorption model to understand and rationalize exptl. obsd. nonequil. behavior at low coverages.
- 15Sutton, J. E.; Vlachos, D. G. Building Large Microkinetic Models with First-Principles’ Accuracy at Reduced Computational Cost. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015, 121, 190– 199, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2014.09.011Google Scholar15 large microkinetic models with first-principles' accuracy at reduced computational costSutton, Jonathan E.; Vlachos, Dionisios G.Chemical Engineering Science (2015), 121 (), 190-199CODEN: CESCAC; ISSN:0009-2509. (Elsevier Ltd.)We present a systematic hierarchical multiscale framework for parameterization of large microkinetic models that delivers first-principles' accuracy at significantly reduced computational cost. The framework leverages recently introduced first-principles-based semi-empirical methods (FPSEM), such as group additivity and Bronsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relations, for surface reactions, local sensitivity anal., and a heuristic classification of the order of corrections to produce a hierarchy or family of models of improved accuracy. We demonstrate this approach to the moderate size ethanol steam reforming mechanism on Pt, consisting of 67 species (14 gas, 53 surface) and 160 reversible elementary-like reactions, for which the 'exact' d. functional theory (DFT)-based model is available. We find that the majority of refined parameters are surface species free energies and lateral interactions, underscoring the importance of thermodn. in kinetic mechanisms.
- 16Sabbe, M. K.; Canduela-Rodriguez, G.; Joly, J.-F.; Reyniers, M.-F.; Marin, G. B. Ab Initio Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic Modeling of Benzene Hydrogenation on Pd(111). Catal. Sci. Technol. 2017, 7, 5267– 5283, DOI: 10.1039/C7CY00962CGoogle Scholar16 initio coverage-dependent microkinetic modeling of benzene hydrogenation on Pd(111)Sabbe, Maarten K.; Canduela-Rodriguez, Gonzalo; Joly, Jean-Francois; Reyniers, Marie-Francoise; Marin, Guy B.Catalysis Science & Technology (2017), 7 (22), 5267-5283CODEN: CSTAGD; ISSN:2044-4753. (Royal Society of Chemistry)The effect of hydrogen coverage on the kinetics of benzene hydrogenation on Pd(111) has been investigated with optPBE-vdW d. functional theory calcns. and a coverage-dependent microkinetic model. The dominant reaction path consists of the consecutive hydrogenation of carbon atoms located in ortho positions relative to the previously hydrogenated carbon atom, independent of the hydrogen coverage. Increasing the hydrogen coverage destabilizes all surface species, which leads to weaker adsorption and increased rate coeffs. for the hydrogenation steps due to stronger destabilization of reactants than transition states. The catalytic activities simulated using the constructed coverage-dependent microkinetic model exceed those obtained using a low-coverage microkinetic model by several orders of magnitude and are comparable to exptl. obsd. activities. The rate coeffs. to which the global rate is most sensitive depend on the reaction conditions and differ from those calcd. using low coverage kinetics. Therefore, properly accounting for coverage dependence on the kinetics and thermodn. of catalytic hydrogenation reactions is not only required for an accurate DFT-based prediction of the catalytic activity but also for a correct understanding of the reaction mechanism.
- 17Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Yang, B. Modeling the Effect of Surface CO Coverage on the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CO on Pd Surfaces. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, 21, 9876– 9882, DOI: 10.1039/C8CP07427EGoogle Scholar17 the effect of surface CO coverage on the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO on Pd surfacesLiu, Hong; Liu, Jian; Yang, BoPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2019), 21 (19), 9876-9882CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Electrocatalytic redn. of CO2 has attracted considerable attention recently, and it was found exptl. that Pd could show activity for the electroredn. of CO2 to CO. However, theor. studies showed that the adsorption of CO on Pd surfaces is strong and the coverage of CO is high, indicating that the interactions between the neighboring adsorbed CO and other reaction intermediates on the Pd surfaces cannot be neglected. Here, with d. functional theory calcns. and utilizing the Sabatier anal. method, we find that an adsorbate-adsorbate interaction is playing a crucial role in the modeling of the electrocatalytic redn. of CO2 to CO on Pd surfaces, while the reaction rates obtained by neglecting the interactions between the surface adsorbates are substantially lower than those reported in the expts. Upon analyzing the interactions quant. and using a self-consistent iterative microkinetic modeling method, we find that the active site for CO2 electroredn. is Pd(111) at different potentials applied. Our modeling results provide a reasonable computational interpretation for the electroredn. of CO2 to CO on Pd.
- 18Wu, P.; Zeffron, J.; Xu, D.; Yang, B. First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Simulations of CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol over Intermetallic GaPd2: Method Development to Include Complex Interactions between Surface Adsorbates. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 15977– 15987, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03975Google Scholar18 Microkinetic Simulations of CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol over Intermetallic GaPd2: Method Development to Include Complex Interactions between Surface AdsorbatesWu, Panpan; Zaffran, Jeremie; Xu, Dongyang; Yang, BoJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2020), 124 (29), 15977-15987CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)To computationally design efficient solid catalysts, d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. are widely used in combination with microkinetic modeling (MKM). However, MKM results are often biased due to the overestimation of adsorption strength in DFT calcns. that are usually performed at an arbitrary low coverage of surface intermediates. We hereby developed a new iterative approach focusing on the main species present on the catalyst at the steady state, hence allowing adsorption energy calcn. only in the presence of relevant intermediates. In this way, the complex parametrization process to det. scaling relations between adsorption energies and coverages is avoided, which will increase the efficiency and accuracy of the iteration process. When applying this approach to CO2 hydrogenation over GaPd2, we found within few iterations that only when running DFT calcns. using the surface with both CO and HCOO precovered, the coverage of surface species obtained from MKM anal. can be consistent with that used in DFT calcns. It stems from our theor. study that all the species coverages must be self-consistent in order to predict methanol selectivity in fair agreement with expt.
- 19Yao, Z.; Zhao, J.; Bunting, R. J.; Zhao, C.; Hu, P.; Wang, J. Quantitative Insights into the Reaction Mechanism for the Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Transition Metals: Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic Modeling. ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 1202– 1221, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c04125Google Scholar19 Insights into the Reaction Mechanism for the Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Transition Metals: Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic ModelingYao, Zihao; Zhao, Jinyan; Bunting, Rhys J.; Zhao, Chenxia; Hu, Peijun; Wang, JianguoACS Catalysis (2021), 11 (3), 1202-1221CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The direct synthesis is the most promising alternative method for the prodn. of hydrogen peroxide, and the bottleneck is still unsolved. The breakthrough lies in elusive reaction mechanism issues. In this work, advanced coverage-dependent kinetic modeling is combined with the energetics from first-principles calcns. to investigate the formation of H2O2 over transition metals. We show that the adsorbate-adsorbate interactions considerably affect the reaction mechanism of synthesis of hydrogen peroxide on Pd(111). Without the coverage effect, O2 is likely to go through the direct dissocn. mechanism, and water is the major product. When the coverage effects are included, the dissocns. of O-O and O-OH bonds are significantly inhibited, and on the contrary, the hydrogenations of O2 and OOH are promoted, leading to the prodn. of H2O2. We demonstrate that the reaction temp. induces strong variations in the coverage of intermediates, which in turn causes changes in product selectivity. Being consistent with the operando expt., our kinetic simulations indicate that the H2/O2 partial pressure ratio has great effects on H2O2 selectivity and the reaction rate of H2O2 is lower under hydrogen-rich (oxygen-lean) and oxygen-rich (hydrogen-lean) conditions, which is highly related to the intermediate coverage. The same approach is also applied to other important relevant metals, i.e., Cu(111), Au(111), PdAu, and PdHg alloys, and the trends of activity and selectivity have been obtained.
- 20Yao, Z.; Guo, C.; Mao, Y.; Hu, P. Quantitative Determination of C-C Coupling Mechanisms and Detailed Analyses on the Activity and Selectivity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co(0001): Microkinetic Modeling with Coverage Effects. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 5957– 5973, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b01150Google Scholar20 Determination of C-C Coupling Mechanisms and Detailed Analyses on the Activity and Selectivity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co(0001): Microkinetic Modeling with Coverage EffectsYao, Zihao; Guo, Chenxi; Mao, Yu; Hu, P.ACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (7), 5957-5973CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plays a significant role in re-forming natural resources to meet global demand for commodities, while there is ongoing oil depletion and population growth. Mechanisms have long been investigated, but they are still a heavily debated issue. In this work, all of the possible elementary reaction steps on a flat cobalt surface were calcd. using d. functional theory (DFT) with van der Waals interactions. Kinetic simulations using std. DFT data (free energies and barriers at low coverages), the so-called non-coverage-dependent kinetic model commonly used in the literature, are compared to those from a coverage-dependent kinetic model for the system. We show that the coverage-dependent kinetic model gives rise to a TOF which is approx. 6 orders of magnitude larger than the TOF calcd. using the non-coverage-dependent kinetic model. Furthermore, it is found that Co(0001) is highly selective to olefin prodn., and it is very likely to produce long-chain hydrocarbons. Both models demonstrate that the CO insertion mechanism is the dominant mechanism on Co(0001). Our calcns. also reveal that high coverage of CHx leads to the carbide mechanism being significant and low coverage of CHx results in the CO insertion mechanism being more favored. Direct CO dissocn. is difficult on Co(0001), which leads to monomers CHx being unable to occupy a certain amt. of surface coverage, causing the carbide mechanism to be inhibited. The reaction pathway through CO + H → CHO, CHO + H → CHOH, and CHOH → CH + OH is the main channel to form the monomer CH on the basis of the coverage-dependent kinetic model simulations. The temp. considerably affects the surface coverage and the total reaction rate, leading to the selectivity being highly temp. dependent. Our coverage-dependent kinetic model predicts that the selectivity of oxygenates is high in comparison to methane in the low-temp. region from 425 and 475 K. From 475 to 525 K, the selectivity toward CH4 increases. From 525 to 700 K, the selectivity of C2 decreases significantly and the selectivity of CH4 increases remarkably.
- 21Ding, Y.; Xu, Y.; Song, Y.; Guo, C.; Hu, P. Quantitative Studies of the Coverage Effects on Microkinetic Simulations for NO Oxidation on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 27594– 27602, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08208Google Scholar21 Studies of the Coverage Effects on Microkinetic Simulations for NO Oxidation on Pt(111)Ding, Yunxuan; Xu, Yarong; Song, Yihui; Guo, Chenxi; Hu, P.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019), 123 (45), 27594-27602CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)To advance a reliable microkinetic modeling approach using d. functional theory (DFT) energies is of great importance to bridging between exptl. results and theor. calcns., and the current major issue is the coverage effect. A full microkinetic modeling for NO oxidn. using DFT energetics is developed. The calcd. turnover frequency (TOF) (0.22 s-1) agrees with the exptl. one (∼0.2 s-1) very well, if the coverage effects are properly incorporated. To include the interactions of adsorbates, namely, (i) O and O, NO and NO (self-interaction), and (ii) O and NO (cross-interaction), is important to obtain accurate kinetic results. Equally important, the interactions between the adsorbates and the transition states of O-O bond breaking and O-NO coupling are also crucial for achieving precise kinetics. A 2-line model can be used to describe accurately both the self and cross adsorbate-adsorbate interactions as well as the coverage effects on the transition states of O2 dissocn. and O-NO coupling. The various approxns. including Broensted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relations are carefully examd., and the errors involved are quantified. Also, a 1-line model is tested, which is a simplified approach but gives rise to a good agreement with exptl. results.
- 22Prats, H.; Illas, F.; Sayós, R. General Concepts, Assumptions, Drawbacks, and Misuses in Kinetic Monte Carlo and Microkinetic Modeling Simulations Applied to Computational Heterogeneous Catalysis. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2018, 118, 25518Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Jørgenson, M.; Grönbeck, H. Selective Acetylene Hydrogenation over Single-Atom Alloy Nanoparticles by Kinetic Monte Carlo. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8541– 8549, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b02132Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Nagasaka, M.; Kondoh, H.; Nakai, I.; Ohta, T. CO Oxidation Reaction on Pt(111) Studied by the Dynamic Monte Carlo Method Including Lateral Interactions of Adsorbates. J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 044704 DOI: 10.1063/1.2424705Google Scholar24 oxidation reaction on Pt(111) studied by the dynamic Monte Carlo method including lateral interactions of adsorbatesNagasaka, Masanari; Kondoh, Hiroshi; Nakai, Ikuyo; Ohta, ToshiakiJournal of Chemical Physics (2007), 126 (4), 044704/1-044704/7CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The dynamics of adsorbate structures during CO oxidn. on Pt(111) surfaces and its effects on the reaction were studied by the dynamic Monte Carlo method including lateral interactions of adsorbates. The lateral interaction energies between adsorbed species were calcd. by the d. functional theory method. Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations were performed for the oxidn. reaction over a mesoscopic scale, where the exptl. detd. activation energies of elementary paths were altered by the calcd. lateral interaction energies. The simulated results reproduced the characteristics of the microscopic and mesoscopic scale adsorbate structures formed during the reaction, and revealed that the complicated reaction kinetics is comprehensively explained by a single reaction path affected by the surrounding adsorbates. We also propose from the simulations that weakly adsorbed CO mols. at domain boundaries promote the island-periphery specific reaction.
- 25Wu, C.; Schmidt, D. J.; Wolverton, C.; Schneider, W. F. Accurate Coverage-Dependence Incorporated into First-Principles Kinetic Models: Catalytic NO oxidation on Pt (111). J. Catal. 2012, 286, 88– 94, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2011.10.020Google Scholar25 coverage-dependence incorporated into first-principles kinetic models: Catalytic NO oxidation on Pt (1 1 1)Wu, C.; Schmidt, D. J.; Wolverton, C.; Schneider, W. F.Journal of Catalysis (2012), 286 (), 88-94CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)The coverage of surface adsorbates influences both the no. and types of sites available for catalytic reactions at a heterogeneous surface, but accounting for adsorbate-adsorbate interactions and understanding their implications on obsd. rates remain challenges for simulation. Here, we demonstrate the use of a d. functional theory (DFT)-parameterized cluster expansion (CE) to incorporate accurate adsorbate-adsorbate interactions into a surface kinetic model. The distributions of adsorbates and reaction sites at a metal surface as a function of reaction conditions are obtained through Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations on the CE Hamiltonian. Reaction rates at those sites are obtained from the CE through a DFT-parameterized Bronsted-Evans-Polyani (BEP) relationship. The approach provides ready access both to steady-state rates and rate derivs. and further provides insight into the microscopic factors that influence obsd. rate behavior. We demonstrate the approach for steady-state O2 dissocn. at an O-covered Pt (1 1 1) surface-a model for catalytic NO oxidn. at this surface-and recover apparent activation energies and rate orders consistent with expt.
- 26Yang, L.; Krim, A.; Muckerman, J. T. Density Functional Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Cu/ZnO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 3414– 3425, DOI: 10.1021/jp3114286Google Scholar26 Functional Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Cu/ZnOYang, Liu; Karim, Altaf; Muckerman, James T.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117 (7), 3414-3425CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)We describe a d. functional theory based kinetic Monte Carlo study of the water-gas shift (WGS) reaction catalyzed by Cu nanoparticles supported on a ZnO surface. DFT calcns. were performed to obtain the energetics of the relevant atomistic processes. Subsequently, the DFT results were employed as an intrinsic database in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations that account for the spatial distribution, fluctuations, and evolution of chem. species under steady-state conditions. Our simulations show that, in agreement with expts., the H2 and CO2 prodn. rates strongly depend on the size and structure of the Cu nanoparticles, which are modeled by single-layer nano islands in the present work. The WGS activity varies linearly with the total no. of edge sites of Cu nano islands. In addn., examn. of different elementary processes has suggested competition between the carboxyl and the redox mechanisms, both of which contribute significantly to the WGS reactivity. Our results have also indicated that both edge sites and terrace sites are active and contribute to the obsd. H2 and CO2 productivity.
- 27Smith, J. S.; Isayev, O.; Roitberg, A. E. ANI-1: An Extensible Neural Network Potential with DFT Accuracy at Force Field Computational Cost. Chem. Sci. 2017, 7, 3192– 3203Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Meyer, J.; Bukas, V. J.; Mitra, S.; Reuter, K. Fingerprints of Energy Dissipation for Exothermic Surface Chemical Reactions: O2 on Pd(100). J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 143, 2131– 2136, DOI: 10.1063/1.4926989Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Boes, J. R.; Kitchin, J. R. Neural Network Predictions of Oxygen Interactions on a Dynamic Pd Surface. Mol. Simul. 2017, 43, 346– 354, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2016.1274984Google Scholar29 network predictions of oxygen interactions on a dynamic Pd surfaceBoes, Jacob R.; Kitchin, John R.Molecular Simulation (2017), 43 (5-6), 346-354CODEN: MOSIEA; ISSN:0892-7022. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review. Artificial neural networks (NNs) are increasingly common in quantum chem. applications. These models can be trained to higher-level ab-initio calcns. and are capable of achieving arbitrary levels of accuracy. The most common applications thus far have been specialised for either bulk or surface structures of up to two chem. components. However, very few of these studies utilize NNs trained to high-dimensional potential energy surfaces, and there are even fewer studies which examine adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-surface interactions with those NNs. The goal of this work is to det. the feasibility of and develop methodologies for producing a high-dimensional NN capable of reproducing coverage-dependent oxygen interactions with a dynamic Pd fcc(1 1 1) surface. We utilize the atomistic machine-learning potential software package to generate a Behler-Parrinello local symmetry function NN trained on a large database of d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. These training methods are flexible, and thus easily expanded upon as demonstrated in previous work. This allows the database of high quality PdO DFT calcns. to be used as a basis for future work, such as the inclusion of a third chem. species, for example a binary Pd alloy, or another adsorbate atom such as hydrogen.
- 30Boes, J. R.; Groenenboom, M. C.; Keith, J. A.; Kitchin, J. R. Neural Network and ReaxFF Comparison for Au Properties. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2016, 116, 979– 987, DOI: 10.1002/qua.25115Google Scholar30 network and ReaxFF comparison for Au propertiesBoes, Jacob R.; Groenenboom, Mitchell C.; Keith, John A.; Kitchin, John R.International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2016), 116 (13), 979-987CODEN: IJQCB2; ISSN:0020-7608. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)A review. We have studied how ReaxFF and Behler-Parrinello neural network (BPNN) atomistic potentials should be trained to be accurate and tractable across multiple structural regimes of Au as a representative example of a single-component material. We trained these potentials using subsets of 9,972 Kohn-Sham d. functional theory calcns. and then validated their predictions against the untrained data. Our best ReaxFF potential was trained from 848 data points and could reliably predict surface and bulk data; however, it was substantially less accurate for mol. clusters of 126 atoms or fewer. Training the ReaxFF potential to more data also resulted in overfitting and lower accuracy. In contrast, BPNN could be fit to 9,734 calcns., and this potential performed comparably or better than ReaxFF across all regimes. However, the BPNN potential in this implementation brings significantly higher computational cost. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- 31Elstner, M.; Seifert, G. Density Functional Tight Binding. Philos. Trans. R. Soc., A 2014, 372, 20120483, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0483Google Scholar31 functional tight bindingElstner, Marcus; Seifert, GotthardPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences (2014), 372 (2011), 20120483/1-20120483/12CODEN: PTRMAD; ISSN:1364-503X. (Royal Society)This paper reviews the basic principles of the d.-functional tight-binding (DFTB) method, which is based on d.-functional theory as formulated by Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham (KS-DFT). DFTB consists of a series of models that are derived from a Taylor series expansion of the KS-DFT total energy. In the lowest order (DFTB1), densities and potentials are written as superpositions of at. densities and potentials. The Kohn-Sham orbitals are then expanded to a set of localized atom-centered functions, which are obtained for spherical sym. spin-unpolarized neutral atoms self-consistently. The whole Hamilton and overlap matrixes contain one- and two-center contributions only. Therefore, they can be calcd. and tabulated in advance as functions of the distance between at. pairs. The second contributions to DFTB1, the DFT double counting terms, are summarized together with nuclear repulsion energy terms and can be rewritten as the sum of pairwise repulsive terms. The second-order (DFTB2) and third-order (DFTB3) terms in the energy expansion correspond to a self-consistent representation, where the deviation of the ground-state d. from the ref. d. is represented by charge monopoles only. This leads to a computationally efficient representation in terms of at. charges (Mulliken), chem. hardness (Hubbard) parameters and scaled Coulomb laws. Therefore, no addnl. adjustable parameters enter the DFTB2 and DFTB3 formalism. The handling of parameters, the efficiency, the performance and extensions of DFTB are briefly discussed.
- 32van Duin, A. C. T.; Dasgupta, S.; Lorant, F.; Goddard, W. A. ReaxFF: A Reactive Force Field for Hydrocarbons. J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 9396– 9409, DOI: 10.1021/jp004368uGoogle Scholar32 A Reactive Force Field for Hydrocarbonsvan Duin, Adri C. T.; Dasgupta, Siddharth; Lorant, Francois; Goddard, William A., IIIJournal of Physical Chemistry A (2001), 105 (41), 9396-9409CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)To make practical the mol. dynamics simulation of large scale reactive chem. systems (1000 s of atoms), the authors developed ReaxFF, a force field for reactive systems. ReaxFF uses a general relation between bond distance and bond order on one hand and between bond order and bond energy however, that leads to proper dissocn. of bonds to sepd. atoms. Other valence terms present in the force field (angle and torsion) are defined in terms of the same bond orders so that all these terms go to zero smoothly as bonds break. In addn., ReaxFF has Coulomb and Morse (van der Waals) potentials to describe nonbond interactions between all atoms (no exclusions). These nonbond interactions are shielded at short range so that the Coulomb and van der Waals interactions become const. as Rij → 0. The authors report here the ReaxFF for hydrocarbons. The parameters were derived from quantum chem. calcns. on bond dissocn. and reactions of small mols. plus heat of formation and geometry data for a no. of stable hydrocarbon compds. The ReaxFF provides a good description of these data. Generally, the results are of an accuracy similar or better than PM3, while ReaxFF is ∼100 times faster. In turn, the PM3 is ∼100 times faster than the QC calcns. Thus, with ReaxFF the authors hope to be able to study complex reactions in hydrocarbons.
- 33Behler, J.; Parrinello, M. Generalized Neural-Network Representation of High-Dimensional Potential-Energy Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 146401– 146404, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.146401Google Scholar33 Neural-Network Representation of High-Dimensional Potential-Energy SurfacesBehler, Jorg; Parrinello, MichelePhysical Review Letters (2007), 98 (14), 146401/1-146401/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The accurate description of chem. processes often requires the use of computationally demanding methods like d.-functional theory (DFT), making long simulations of large systems unfeasible. In this Letter we introduce a new kind of neural-network representation of DFT potential-energy surfaces, which provides the energy and forces as a function of all at. positions in systems of arbitrary size and is several orders of magnitude faster than DFT. The high accuracy of the method is demonstrated for bulk silicon and compared with empirical potentials and DFT. The method is general and can be applied to all types of periodic and nonperiodic systems.
- 34Bartók, A. P.; Csanyi, G. Gaussian Approximation Potentials: A Brief Tutorial Introduction. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2015, 115, 1051– 1057, DOI: 10.1002/qua.24927Google Scholar34 approximation potentials: A brief tutorial introductionBartok, Albert P.; Csanyi, GaborInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2015), 115 (16), 1051-1057CODEN: IJQCB2; ISSN:0020-7608. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)We present a swift walk-through of our recent work that uses machine learning to fit interat. potentials based on quantum mech. data. We describe our Gaussian approxn. potentials (GAP) framework, discuss a variety of descriptors, how to train the model on total energies and derivs., and the simultaneous use of multiple models of different complexity. We also show a small example using QUIP, the software sandbox implementation of GAP that is available for noncommercial use.
- 35Leshno, M.; Lin, V. Y.; Pinkus, A.; Schocken, S. Multilayer Feedforward Networks with a Nonpolynomial Activation Function Can Approximate Any Function. Neural Networks 1993, 6, 861– 867, DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(05)80131-5Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Thomsen, J. U.; Meyer, B. Pattern Recognition of the 1H NMR Spectra of Sugar Alditols Using a Neural Network. J. Magn. Reson. 1989, 84, 212– 217Google Scholar36 recognition of the proton NMR spectra of sugar alditols using a neural networkThomsen, J. U.; Meyer, B.Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969-1992) (1989), 84 (1), 212-17CODEN: JOMRA4; ISSN:0022-2364.The title method was used to identify the spectra of 6 alditols including glucitol.
- 37Curry, B.; Rumelhart, D. E. MSnet: A Neural Network which Classifies Mass Spectra. Tetrahedron Comput. Methodol. 1990, 3, 213– 237, DOI: 10.1016/0898-5529(90)90053-BGoogle Scholar37 a neural network which classifies mass spectraCurry, Bo; Rumelhart, David E.Tetrahedron Computer Methodology (1990), 3 (3-4), 213-37CODEN: TCMTE6; ISSN:0898-5529.A feed-forward neural network was designed to classify low-resoln. mass spectra of unknown compds. according to the presence or absence of 100 org. substructures. The neural network, MSnet, was trained to compute a max.-likelihood est. of the probability that each substructure is present. Some design considerations and statistical properties of neural network classifiers, and the effect of various training regimes on generalization behavior are discussed. The MSnet classifies mass spectra more reliably than other methods reported in the literature, and has other desirable properties.
- 38Klopman, G. Artificial Intelligence Approach to Structure-Activity Studies. Computer Automated Structure Evaluation of Biological Activity of Organic Molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 7315– 7321, DOI: 10.1021/ja00336a004Google Scholar38 intelligence approach to structure-activity studies. Computer automated structure evaluation of biological activity of organic moleculesKlopman, GillesJournal of the American Chemical Society (1984), 106 (24), 7315-21CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863.A new program was introduced to study the relationship between structure and biol. activity of org. mols. The computer-automated structure evaluation program automatically recognizes mol. structures from the KLN code, a mol. linear coding routine, and proceeds automatically to identify, tabulate, and statistically analyze biophores, i.e., substructures believed to be responsible for known or anticipated biol. activity of groups of mols. The method was applied to the study of the carcinogenicity of polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons, the carcinogenicity of N-nitrosamines in rats, and the pesticidal activity of some ketoxime carbamates.
- 39Hopfinger, A. J.; Burke, B. J.; Dunn, W. J., III A Generalized Formalism of Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Analysis for Flexible Molecules Using Tensor Representation. J. Med. Chem. 1994, 37, 3768– 3774, DOI: 10.1021/jm00048a013Google Scholar39 generalized formalism of three-dimensional quantitative structure-property relationship analysis for flexible molecules using tensor representationHopfinger, A. J.; Burke, Benjamin J.; Dunn, William J., IIIJournal of Medicinal Chemistry (1994), 37 (22), 3768-74CODEN: JMCMAR; ISSN:0022-2623.A general formalism, based upon tensor representation of multidimensional data blocks, is presented to express relationships between dependent properties and independent mol. feature measures. The solns. to these data set problems are three-dimensional quant. structure-property relationships, 3D-QSPRs. The mol. features are partitioned into the intrinsic mol. shape tensor, the mol. field tensor, a nonshape/field feature tensor, and an exptl. feature tensor. The intrinsic mol. shape tensor contains information on the shape of a mol. within the contact surface while the mol. field tensor contains information outside of the contact surface. Mol. features not directly related to mol. shape are put into the nonshape/field tensor. Exptl. measures not being used as dependent variables can be considered as independent mol. features in the exptl. feature tensor. The 3D-QSPR is realized by constructing the transformation tensor which optimizes the statistical significance between the dependent and independent variables. Repetitive use of partial least squares (PLS) regression permits the unfolding of the composite feature tensor and the identification of the optimum transformation tensor. It is pointed out that a variety of fragment, whole-mol.,two-dimensional, and/or three-dimensional features can be placed into a nonshape/field tensor.
- 40Gakh, A. A.; Gakh, E. G.; Sumpter, B. G.; Noid, D. W. Neural Network-Graph Theory Approach to the Prediction of the Physical Properties of Organic Compounds. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1994, 34, 832– 839, DOI: 10.1021/ci00020a017Google Scholar40 Network-Graph Theory Approach to the Prediction of the Physical Properties of Organic CompoundsGakh, Andrei A.; Gakh, Elena G.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Noid, Donald W.Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (1994), 34 (4), 832-9CODEN: JCISD8; ISSN:0095-2338.A new computational scheme is developed to predict phys. properties of org. compds. on the basis of their mol. structure. The method uses graph theory to encode the structural information which is the numerical input for a neural network. Calcd. results for a series of satd. hydrocarbons demonstrate av. accuracies of 1-2% with max. deviations of 12-14%.
- 41Sumpter, B. G.; Noid, D. W. Potential Energy Surfaces for Macromolecules. A Neural Network Technique. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1992, 192, 79– 86, DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(92)85498-YGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Blank, T. B.; Brown, S. D.; Calhoun, A. W.; Doren, D. J. Neural Network Models of Potential Energy Surfaces. J. Chem. Phys. 1995, 103, 4129– 4137, DOI: 10.1063/1.469597Google Scholar42 network models of potential energy surfacesBlank, Thomas B.; Brown, Steven D.; Calhoun, August W.; Doren, Douglas J.Journal of Chemical Physics (1995), 103 (10), 4129-37CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)Neural networks provide an efficient, general interpolation method for nonlinear functions of several variables. This paper describes the use of feed-forward neural networks to model global properties of potential energy surfaces from information available at a limited no. of configurations. As an initial demonstration of the method, several fits are made to data derived from an empirical potential model of CO adsorbed on Ni(111). The data are error-free and geometries are selected from uniform grids of two and three dimensions. The neural network model predicts the potential to within a few hundredths of a kcal/mol at arbitrary geometries. The accuracy and efficiency of the neural network in practical calcns. are demonstrated in quantum transition state theory rate calcns. for surface diffusion of CO/Ni(111) using a Monte Carlo/path integral method. The network model is much faster to evaluate than the original potential from which it is derived. As a more complex test of the method, the interaction potential of H2 with the Si(100)-2 × 1 surface is detd. as a function of 12 degrees of freedom from energies calcd. with the local d. functional method at 750 geometries. The training examples are not uniformly spaces and they depend weakly on variables not included in the fit. The neural net model predicts the potential at geometries outside the training set with a mean abs. deviation of 2.1 kcal/mol.
- 43Brown, D. F. R.; Gibbs, M. N.; Clary, D. C. Combining Ab Initio Computations, Neural Networks, and Diffusion Monte Carlo: An Efficient Method to Treat Weakly Bound Molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 105, 7597– 7604, DOI: 10.1063/1.472596Google Scholar43 ab initio computations, neural networks, and diffusion Monte Carlo: an efficient method to treat weakly bound moleculesBrown, David F. R.; Gibbs, Mark N.; Clary, David C.Journal of Chemical Physics (1996), 105 (17), 7597-7604CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We describe a new method to calc. the vibrational ground-state properties of weakly bound mol. systems, and apply it to (HF)2 and HF-HCl. A Bayesian inference neural network is used to fit an analytic function to a set of ab-initio data points, which may then be employed by the quantum-diffusion-Monte-Carlo method to produce ground-state vibrational wave functions and properties. The method is general and relatively simple to implement, and will be attractive for calcns. on systems for which no analytic potential energy surface exists.
- 44Behler, J. Representing Potential Energy Surfaces by High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials. Condens. Matter 2014, 26, 183001, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/18/183001Google Scholar44 potential energy surfaces by high-dimensional neural network potentialsBehler, J.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2014), 26 (18), 183001/1-183001/24, 24 pp.CODEN: JCOMEL; ISSN:0953-8984. (IOP Publishing Ltd.)A review. The development of interat. potentials employing artificial neural networks has seen tremendous progress in recent years. While until recently the applicability of neural network potentials (NNPs) has been restricted to low-dimensional systems, this limitation has now been overcome and high-dimensional NNPs can be used in large-scale mol. dynamics simulations of thousands of atoms. NNPs are constructed by adjusting a set of parameters using data from electronic structure calcns. and in many cases energies and forces can be obtained with very high accuracy. Therefore, NNP-based simulation results are often very close to those gained by a direct application of first-principles methods. In this review, the basic methodol. of high-dimensional NNPs will be presented with a special focus on the scope and the remaining limitations of this approach. The development of NNPs requires substantial computational effort as typically thousands of ref. calcns. are required. Still, if the problem to be studied involves very large systems or long simulation times this overhead is regained quickly. Further, the method is still limited to systems contg. about three or four chem. elements due to the rapidly increasing complexity of the configuration space, although many atoms of each species can be present. Due to the ability of NNPs to describe even extremely complex at. configurations with excellent accuracy irresp. of the nature of the at. interactions, they represent a general and therefore widely applicable technique, e.g. for addressing problems in materials science, for investigating properties of interfaces and for studying solvation processes.
- 45Behler, J. Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions for Constructing High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 074106 DOI: 10.1063/1.3553717Google Scholar45 symmetry functions for constructing high-dimensional neural network potentialsBehler, JoergJournal of Chemical Physics (2011), 134 (7), 074106/1-074106/13CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)Neural networks offer an unbiased and numerically very accurate approach to represent high-dimensional ab initio potential-energy surfaces. Once constructed, neural network potentials can provide the energies and forces many orders of magnitude faster than electronic structure calcns., and thus enable mol. dynamics simulations of large systems. However, Cartesian coordinates are not a good choice to represent the at. positions, and a transformation to symmetry functions is required. Using simple benchmark systems, the properties of several types of symmetry functions suitable for the construction of high-dimensional neural network potential-energy surfaces are discussed in detail. The symmetry functions are general and can be applied to all types of systems such as mols., cryst. and amorphous solids, and liqs. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
- 46Jose, K. V. J.; Artrith, A.; Behler, J. Construction of High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials Using Environment-Dependent Atom Pairs. J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 194111, DOI: 10.1063/1.4712397Google Scholar46 of high-dimensional neural network potentials using environment-dependent atom pairsJose, K. V. Jovan; Artrith, Nongnuch; Behler, JoergJournal of Chemical Physics (2012), 136 (19), 194111/1-194111/15CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)An accurate detn. of the potential energy is the crucial step in computer simulations of chem. processes, but using electronic structure methods on-the-fly in mol. dynamics (MD) is computationally too demanding for many systems. Constructing more efficient interat. potentials becomes intricate with increasing dimensionality of the potential-energy surface (PES), and for numerous systems the accuracy that can be achieved is still not satisfying and far from the reliability of 1st-principles calcns. Feed-forward neural networks (NNs) have a very flexible functional form, and in recent years they were shown to be an accurate tool to construct efficient PESs. High-dimensional NN potentials based on environment-dependent at. energy contributions were presented for a no. of materials. Still, these potentials may be improved by a more detailed structural description, e.g., in form of atom pairs, which directly reflect the at. interactions and take the chem. environment into account. We present an implementation of an NN method based on atom pairs, and its accuracy and performance are compared to the atom-based NN approach using 2 very different systems, the MeOH mol. and metallic Cu. We find that both types of NN potentials provide an excellent description of both PESs, with the pair-based method yielding a slightly higher accuracy making it a competitive alternative for addressing complex systems in MD simulations. (c) 2012 American Institute of Physics.
- 47Shakouri, K.; Behler, J.; Meyer, J.; Kroes, G.-J. Accurate Neural Network Description of Surface Phonons in Reactive Gas–Surface Dynamics: N2 + Ru(0001). J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 2131– 2136, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00784Google Scholar47 Neural Network Description of Surface Phonons in Reactive Gas-Surface Dynamics: N2 + Ru(0001)Shakouri, Khosrow; Behler, Joerg; Meyer, Joerg; Kroes, Geert-JanJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2017), 8 (10), 2131-2136CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)Ab initio mol. dynamics (AIMD) simulations enable the accurate description of reactive mol.-surface scattering esp. if energy transfer involving surface phonons is important. However, presently, the computational expense of AIMD rules out its application to systems where reaction probabilities are smaller than about 1%. Here we show that this problem can be overcome by a high-dimensional neural network fit of the mol.-surface interaction potential, which also incorporates the dependence on phonons by taking into account all degrees of freedom of the surface explicitly. As shown for N2 + Ru(0001), which is a prototypical case for highly activated dissociative chemisorption, the method allows an accurate description of the coupling of mol. and surface atom motion and accurately accounts for vibrational properties of the employed slab model of Ru(0001). The neural network potential allows reaction probabilities as low as 10-5 to be computed, showing good agreement with exptl. results.
- 48Gao, T.; Kitchin, J. R. Modeling Palladium Surfaces with Density Functional Theory, Neural Networks and Molecular Dynamics. Catal. Today 2018, 312, 132– 140, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.03.045Google Scholar48 palladium surfaces with density functional theory, neural networks and molecular dynamicsGao, Tianyu; Kitchin, John R.Catalysis Today (2018), 312 (), 132-140CODEN: CATTEA; ISSN:0920-5861. (Elsevier B.V.)In this work, we have constructed a high dimensional neural network (NN) potential energy function for simulating palladium surface properties. The NN potential was trained with 3035 d. functional theory (DFT) calcns., and was shown to be nearly as accurate as DFT in mol. simulations. Important properties including lattice consts., elastic properties and surface energies as well as transition state energies and adatom diffusion barriers were predicted by the NN and were found to be in excellent agreement with DFT results. The computational time to run the NN was compared to DFT calcn. time, and we found this implementation of the NN is roughly four orders of magnitude faster than DFT. This approach is general and applicable to other systems and may have applications in modeling catalytic processes at surfaces.
- 49Wang, C.; Tharval, A.; Kitchin, J. R. A Density Functional Theory Parameterised Neural Network Model of Zirconia. Mol. Simul. 2018, 44, 623– 630, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2017.1420185Google Scholar49 density functional theory parameterised neural network model of zirconiaWang, Chen; Tharval, Akshay; Kitchin, John R.Molecular Simulation (2018), 44 (8), 623-630CODEN: MOSIEA; ISSN:0892-7022. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review. We have developed a Behler-Parrinello Neural Network (BPNN) that can be employed to calc. energies and forces of zirconia bulk structures with oxygen vacancies with similar accuracy as that of the d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. that were used to train the BPNN. In this work, we have trained the BPNN potential with a ref. set of 2178 DFT calcns. and validated it against a dataset of untrained data. We have shown that the bulk structural parameters, equation of states, oxygen vacancy formation energies and diffusion barriers predicted by the BPNN potential are in good agreement with the ref. DFT data. The transferability of the BPNN potential has also been benchmarked with the prediction of structures that were not included in the ref. set. The evaluation time of the BPNN is orders of magnitude less than corresponding DFT calcns., although the training process of the BPNN potential requires non-negligible amt. of computational resources to prep. the dataset. The computational efficiency of the NN enabled it to be used in mol. dynamics simulations of the temp.-dependent diffusion of an oxygen vacancy and the corresponding diffusion activation energy.
- 50Eckhoff, M.; Behler, J. From Molecular Fragments to the Bulk: Development of a Neural Network Potential for MOF-5. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 3793– 3809, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01288Google Scholar50 Molecular Fragments to the Bulk: Development of a Neural Network Potential for MOF-5Eckhoff, Marco; Behler, JoergJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2019), 15 (6), 3793-3809CODEN: JCTCCE; ISSN:1549-9618. (American Chemical Society)The development of first-principles-quality reactive atomistic potentials for org.-inorg. hybrid materials is still a substantial challenge because of the very different physics of the at. interactions-from covalent via ionic bonding to dispersion-that have to be described in an accurate and balanced way. In this work we used a prototypical metal-org. framework, MOF-5, as a benchmark case to investigate the applicability of high-dimensional neural network potentials (HDNNPs) to this class of materials. In HDNNPs, which belong to the class of machine learning potentials, the energy is constructed as a sum of environment-dependent at. energy contributions. We demonstrate that by the use of this approach it is possible to obtain a high-quality potential for the periodic MOF-5 crystal using d. functional theory (DFT) ref. calcns. of small mol. fragments only. The resulting HDNNP, which has a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 1.6 meV/atom for the energies of mol. fragments not included in the training set, is able to provide the equil. lattice const. of the bulk MOF-5 structure with an error of about 0.1% relative to DFT, and also, the neg. thermal expansion behavior is accurately predicted. The total energy RMSE of periodic structures that are completely absent in the training set is about 6.5 meV/atom, with errors on the order of 2 meV/atom for energy differences. We show that in contrast to energy differences, achieving a high accuracy for total energies requires careful variation of the stoichiometries of the training structures to avoid energy offsets, as at. energies are not phys. observables. The forces, which have RMSEs of about 94 meV/a0 for the mol. fragments and 130 meV/a0 for bulk structures not included in the training set, are insensitive to such offsets. Therefore, forces, which are the relevant properties for mol. dynamics simulations, provide a realistic est. of the accuracy of atomistic potentials.
- 51Schran, C.; Uhl, F.; Behler, J.; Marx, D. High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials for Solvation: The Case of Protonated Water Clusters in Helium. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 102310, DOI: 10.1063/1.4996819Google Scholar51 neural network potentials for solvation: The case of protonated water clusters in heliumSchran, Christoph; Uhl, Felix; Behler, Joerg; Marx, DominikJournal of Chemical Physics (2018), 148 (10), 102310/1-102310/10CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The design of accurate helium-solute interaction potentials for the simulation of chem. complex mols. solvated in superfluid helium has long been a cumbersome task due to the rather weak but strongly anisotropic nature of the interactions. We show that this challenge can be met by using a combination of an effective pair potential for the He-He interactions and a flexible high-dimensional neural network potential (NNP) for describing the complex interaction between helium and the solute in a pairwise additive manner. This approach yields an excellent agreement with a mean abs. deviation as small as 0.04 kJ mol-1 for the interaction energy between helium and both hydronium and Zundel cations compared with coupled cluster ref. calcns. with an energetically converged basis set. The construction and improvement of the potential can be performed in a highly automated way, which opens the door for applications to a variety of reactive mols. to study the effect of solvation on the solute as well as the solute-induced structuring of the solvent. Furthermore, we show that this NNP approach yields convincing agreement with the coupled cluster ref. for properties like many-body spatial and radial distribution functions. This holds for the microsolvation of the protonated water monomer and dimer by a few helium atoms up to their solvation in bulk helium as obtained from path integral simulations at ∼1 K. (c) 2018 American Institute of Physics.
- 52Lahey, S.-H. J.; Rowley, C. N. Simulating Protein–Ligand Binding with Neural Network Potentials. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 2362– 2368, DOI: 10.1039/C9SC06017KGoogle Scholar52 protein-ligand binding with neural network potentialsLahey, Shae-Lynn J.; Rowley, Christopher N.Chemical Science (2020), 11 (9), 2362-2368CODEN: CSHCCN; ISSN:2041-6520. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Drug mols. adopt a range of conformations both in soln. and in their protein-bound state. The strain and reduced flexibility of bound drugs can partially counter the intermol. interactions that drive protein-ligand binding. To make accurate computational predictions of drug binding affinities, computational chemists have attempted to develop efficient empirical models of these interactions, although these methods are not always reliable. Machine learning has allowed the development of highly-accurate neural-network potentials (NNPs), which are capable of predicting the stability of mol. conformations with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art quantum chem. calcns. but at a billionth of the computational cost. Here, we demonstrate that these methods can be used to represent the intramol. forces of protein-bound drugs within mol. dynamics simulations. These simulations are shown to be capable of predicting the protein-ligand binding pose and conformational component of the abs. Gibbs energy of binding for a set of drug mols. Notably, the conformational energy for anti-cancer drug erlotinib binding to its target was found to be considerably overestimated by a mol. mech. model, while the NNP predicts a more moderate value. Although the ANI-1ccX NNP was not trained to describe ionic mols., reasonable binding poses are predicted for charged ligands, but this method is not suitable for modeling charged ligands in soln.
- 53Sun, G.; Sautet, P. Metastable Structures in Cluster Catalysis from First-Principles: Structural Ensemble in Reaction Conditions and Metastability Triggered Reactivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 2812– 2820, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b11239Google Scholar53 Structures in Cluster Catalysis from First-Principles: Structural Ensemble in Reaction Conditions and Metastability Triggered ReactivitySun, Geng; Sautet, PhilippeJournal of the American Chemical Society (2018), 140 (8), 2812-2820CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)Reactivity studies on catalytic transition metal clusters are usually performed on a single global min. structure. With the example of a Pt13 cluster under a pressure of hydrogen, we show from first-principle calcns. that low energy metastable structures of the cluster can play a major role for catalytic reactivity and that hence consideration of the global min. structure alone can severely underestimate the activity. The catalyst is fluxional with an ensemble of metastable structures energetically accessible at reaction conditions. A modified genetic algorithm is proposed to comprehensively search for the low energy metastable ensemble (LEME) structures instead of merely the global min. structure. In order to reduce the computational cost of d. functional calcns., a high dimensional neural network potential is employed to accelerate the exploration. The presence and influence of LEME structures during catalysis is discussed by the example of H covered Pt13 clusters for two reactions of major importance: hydrogen evolution reaction and methane activation. The results demonstrate that although the no. of accessible metastable structures is reduced under reaction condition for Pt13 clusters, these metastable structures can exhibit high activity and dominate the obsd. activity due to their unique electronic or structural properties. This underlines the necessity of thoroughly exploring the LEME structures in catalysis simulations. The approach enables one to systematically address the impact of isomers in catalysis studies, taking into account the high adsorbate coverage induced by reaction conditions.
- 54Zuo, Y.; Chen, C.; Li, X.; Deng, Z.; Chen, Y.; Behler, J.; Csányi, G.; Shapeev, A. V.; Thompson, A. P.; Wood, A. M.; Ong, S. P. A Performance and Cost Assessment of Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials. J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 731– 745, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b08723Google Scholar54 and Cost Assessment of Machine Learning Interatomic PotentialsZuo, Yunxing; Chen, Chi; Li, Xiangguo; Deng, Zhi; Chen, Yiming; Behler, Jorg; Csanyi, Gabor; Shapeev, Alexander V.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Ong, Shyue PingJournal of Physical Chemistry A (2020), 124 (4), 731-745CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)Machine learning of the quant. relationship between local environment descriptors and the potential energy surface of a system of atoms has emerged as a new frontier in the development of interat. potentials (IAPs). Here, we present a comprehensive evaluation of machine learning IAPs (ML-IAPs) based on four local environment descriptors-atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSF), smooth overlap of at. positions (SOAP), the spectral neighbor anal. potential (SNAP) bispectrum components, and moment tensors-using a diverse data set generated using high-throughput d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. The data set comprising bcc (Li, Mo) and fcc (Cu, Ni) metals and diamond group IV semiconductors (Si, Ge) is chosen to span a range of crystal structures and bonding. All descriptors studied show excellent performance in predicting energies and forces far surpassing that of classical IAPs, as well as predicting properties such as elastic consts. and phonon dispersion curves. We observe a general trade-off between accuracy and the degrees of freedom of each model and, consequently, computational cost. We will discuss these trade-offs in the context of model selection for mol. dynamics and other applications.
- 55Bartók, A. P.; Gillan, M. J.; Manby, F. R.; Csányi, G. Machine-Learning Approach for One- and Two-Body Corrections to Density Functional Theory: Applications to Molecular and Condensed Water. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 88, 054104, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.184115Google Scholar55 approach for one- and two-body corrections to density functional theory: applications to molecular and condensed waterBartok, Albert P.; Gillan, Michael J.; Manby, Frederick R.; Csanyi, GaborPhysical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2013), 88 (5), 054104/1-054104/12CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:1098-0121. (American Physical Society)We show how machine learning techniques based on Bayesian inference can be used to enhance the computer simulation of mol. materials, focusing here on water. We train our machine-learning algorithm using accurate, correlated quantum chem., and predict energies and forces in mol. aggregates ranging from clusters to solid and liq. phases. The widely used electronic-structure methods based on d. functional theory (DFT) by themselves give poor accuracy for mol. materials like water, and we show how our techniques can be used to generate systematically improvable one- and two-body corrections to DFT with modest extra resources. The resulting cor. DFT scheme is considerably more accurate than uncorrected DFT for the relative energies of small water clusters and different ice structures and significantly improves the description of the structure and dynamics of liq. water. However, our results for ice structures and the liq. indicate that beyond-two-body DFT errors cannot be ignored, and we suggest how our machine-learning methods can be further developed to correct these errors.
- 56Hanse, K.; Montavon, G.; Biegler, F.; Fazli, S.; Rupp, M.; Scheffler, M.; von Lilienfeld, O. A.; Tkatchenko, A.; Müller, K.-R. Assessment and Validation of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Molecular Atomization Energies. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 3404– 3419, DOI: 10.1021/ct400195dGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 57Montavon, G.; Rupp, M.; Gobre, V.; Vazquez-Mayagoitia, A.; Hansen, K.; Tkatchenko, A.; Müller, K.-R.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Machine Learning of Molecular Electronic Properties in Chemical Compound Space. New J. Phys. 2013, 15, 095003 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/095003Google Scholar57 learning of molecular electronic properties in chemical compound spaceMontavon, Gregoire; Rupp, Matthias; Gobre, Vivekanand; Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Alvaro; Hansen, Katja; Tkatchenko, Alexandre; Mueller, Klaus-Robert; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleNew Journal of Physics (2013), 15 (Sept.), 095003CODEN: NJOPFM; ISSN:1367-2630. (IOP Publishing Ltd.)The combination of modern scientific computing with electronic structure theory can lead to an unprecedented amt. of data amenable to intelligent data anal. for the identification of meaningful, novel and predictive structure-property relationships. Such relationships enable high-throughput screening for relevant properties in an exponentially growing pool of virtual compds. that are synthetically accessible. Here, we present a machine learning model, trained on a database of ab initio calcn. results for thousands of org. mols., that simultaneously predicts multiple electronic ground- and excited-state properties. The properties include atomization energy, polarizability, frontier orbital eigenvalues, ionization potential, electron affinity and excitation energies. The machine learning model is based on a deep multi-task artificial neural network, exploiting the underlying correlations between various mol. properties. The input is identical to ab initio methods, i.e. nuclear charges and Cartesian coordinates of all atoms. For small org. mols., the accuracy of such a 'quantum machine' is similar, and sometimes superior, to modern quantum-chem. methods-at negligible computational cost.
- 58Rupp, M.; Ramakrishnan, R.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Machine Learning for Quantum Mechanical Properties of Atoms in Molecules. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 3309– 3313, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01456Google Scholar58 Learning for Quantum Mechanical Properties of Atoms in MoleculesRupp, Matthias; Ramakrishnan, Raghunathan; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2015), 6 (16), 3309-3313CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)We introduce machine learning models of quantum mech. observables of atoms in mols. Instant out-of-sample predictions for proton and carbon nuclear chem. shifts, at. core level excitations, and forces on atoms reach accuracies on par with d. functional theory ref. Locality is exploited within nonlinear regression via local atom-centered coordinate systems. The approach is validated on a diverse set of 9 k small org. mols. Linear scaling of computational cost in system size is demonstrated for satd. polymers with up to submesoscale lengths.
- 59Weststrate, C. J.; van de Loosdrecht, J.; Niemantsverdriet, J. W. Spectroscopic Insights into Cobalt-Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: A Review of the Carbon Monoxide Interaction with Single Crystalline Surfaces of Cobalt. J. Catal. 2016, 342, 1– 16, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2016.07.010Google Scholar59 insights into cobalt-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: A review of the carbon monoxide interaction with single crystalline surfaces of cobaltWeststrate, C. J.; van de Loosdrecht, J.; Niemantsverdriet, J. W.Journal of Catalysis (2016), 342 (), 1-16CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)The present article summarizes exptl. findings of the interaction of CO with single crystal surfaces of cobalt. We first provide a quant. study of non-dissociative CO adsorption on Co(0001) and establish a quant. correlation between θCO and adsorption site occupation. In light of these findings we revisit the structure of previously reported ordered CO/Co(0001) adsorbate layers. Measurements of the CO coverage at equil. conditions are used to derive a phase diagram for CO on Co(0001). For low temp. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions the CO coverage is predicted to be ≈0.5 ML, a value that hardly changes with pCO. The CO desorption temp. found in temp. programmed desorption is practically structure-independent, despite structure-dependent heats of adsorption reported in the literature. This mismatch is attributed to a structure-dependent pre-exponential factor for desorption. IR spectra reported throughout this study provide a ref. point for IR studies on cobalt catalysts. Results for CO adsorbed on flat and defect-rich Co surfaces as well as particular, CO adsorbed on top sites, and in addn. affect the distribution of COad over the various possible adsorption sites.
- 60Werbos, P. J. Generalization of Backpropagation with Application to a Recurrent Gas Market Model. Neural Networks 1988, 1, 339– 356, DOI: 10.1016/0893-6080(88)90007-XGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 61Huang, Y.; Kang, J.; Goddard, W. A.; Wang, L.-W. Density Functional Theory Based Neural Network Force Fields from Energy Decompositions. Phys. Rev. B 2019, 99, 064103 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.064103Google Scholar61 functional theory based neural network force fields from energy decompositionsHuang, Yufeng; Kang, Jun; Goddard, William A. III; Wang, Lin-WangPhysical Review B (2019), 99 (6), 064103/1-064103/11CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)In order to develop force fields (FF) for mol. dynamics simulations that retain the accuracy of ab initio d. functional theory (DFT), we developed a machine learning protocol based on an energy decompn. scheme that exts. at. energies from DFT calcns. Our DFT to FF (DFT2FF) approach provides almost hundreds of times more data for the DFT energies, which dramatically improves accuracy with less DFT calcns. In addn., we use piecewise cosine basis functions to systematically construct symmetry invariant features into the neural network model. We illustrate this DFT2FF approach for amorphous silicon where only 800 DFT configurations are sufficient to achieve an accuracy of 1 meV/atom for energy and 0.1 eV/A for forces. We then use the resulting FF model to calc. the thermal cond. of amorphous Si based on long mol. dynamics simulations. The dramatic speedup in training in our DFT2FF protocol allows the adoption of a simulation paradigm where an accurate and problem specific FF for a given physics phenomenon is trained on-the-spot through a quick DFT precalcn. and FF training.
- 62Gastegger, M.; Schwiedrzik, L.; Bittermann, M.; Berzsenyi, F.; Marquetand, P. wACSF - Weighted Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions as Descriptors in Machine Learning Potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 241709, DOI: 10.1063/1.5019667Google Scholar62 atom-centered symmetry functions as descriptors in machine learning potentialsGastegger, M.; Schwiedrzik, L.; Bittermann, M.; Berzsenyi, F.; Marquetand, P.Journal of Chemical Physics (2018), 148 (24), 241709/1-241709/11CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We introduce weighted atom-centered symmetry functions (wACSFs) as descriptors of a chem. system's geometry for use in the prediction of chem. properties such as enthalpies or potential energies via machine learning. The wACSFs are based on conventional atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSFs) but overcome the undesirable scaling of the latter with an increasing no. of different elements in a chem. system. The performance of these two descriptors is compared using them as inputs in high-dimensional neural network potentials (HDNNPs), employing the mol. structures and assocd. enthalpies of the 133 855 mols. contg. up to five different elements reported in the QM9 database as ref. data. A substantially smaller no. of wACSFs than ACSFs is needed to obtain a comparable spatial resoln. of the mol. structures. At the same time, this smaller set of wACSFs leads to a significantly better generalization performance in the machine learning potential than the large set of conventional ACSFs. Furthermore, we show that the intrinsic parameters of the descriptors can in principle be optimized with a genetic algorithm in a highly automated manner. For the wACSFs employed here, we find however that using a simple empirical parametrization scheme is sufficient in order to obtain HDNNPs with high accuracy. (c) 2018 American Institute of Physics.
- 63Artrith, N.; Urban, A.; Ceder, G. Efficient and Accurate Machine-Learning Interpolation of Atomic Energies in Compositions with Many Species. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 96, 014112 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014112Google Scholar63 and accurate machine-learning interpolation of atomic energies in compositions with many speciesArtrith, Nongnuch; Urban, Alexander; Ceder, GerbrandPhysical Review B (2017), 96 (1), 014112/1-014112/5CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)Machine-learning potentials (MLPs) for atomistic simulations are a promising alternative to conventional classical potentials. Current approaches rely on descriptors of the local at. environment with dimensions that increase quadratically with the no. of chem. species. In this paper, we demonstrate that such a scaling can be avoided in practice. We show that a math. simple and computationally efficient descriptor with const. complexity is sufficient to represent transition-metal oxide compns. and biomols. contg. 11 chem. species with a precision of around 3 meV/atom. This insight removes a perceived bound on the utility of MLPs and paves the way to investigate the physics of previously inaccessible materials with more than ten chem. species.
- 64Seko, A.; Hayashi, H.; Nakayama, K.; Takahashi, A.; Tanaka, I. Representation of Compounds for Machine-Learning Prediction of Physical Properties. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 95, 144110, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.144110Google Scholar64 of compounds for machine-learning prediction of physical propertiesSeko, Atsuto; Hayashi, Hiroyuki; Nakayama, Keita; Takahashi, Akira; Tanaka, IsaoPhysical Review B (2017), 95 (14), 144110/1-144110/11CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)The representations of a compd., called "descriptors" or "features", play an essential role in constructing a machine-learning model of its phys. properties. In this study, we adopt a procedure for generating a set of descriptors from simple elemental and structural representations. First, it is applied to a large data set composed of the cohesive energy for about 18 000 compds. computed by d. functional theory calcn. As a result, we obtain a kernel ridge prediction model with a prediction error of 0.041 eV/atom, which is close to the "chem. accuracy" of 1 kcal/mol (0.043 eV/atom). A prediction model with an error of 0.071 eV/atom of the cohesive energy is obtained for the normalized prototype structures, which can be used for the practical purpose of searching for as-yet-unknown structures. The procedure is also applied to two smaller data sets, i.e., a data set of the lattice thermal cond. for 110 compds. computed by d. functional theory calcn. and a data set of the exptl. melting temp. for 248 compds. We examine the effect of the descriptor sets on the efficiency of Bayesian optimization in addn. to the accuracy of the kernel ridge regression models. They exhibit good predictive performances.
- 65Huang, B.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Communication: Understanding Molecular Representations in Machine Learning: The Role of Uniqueness and Target Similarity. J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 161102, DOI: 10.1063/1.4964627Google Scholar65 Understanding molecular representations in machine learning: The role of uniqueness and target similarityHuang, Bing; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleJournal of Chemical Physics (2016), 145 (16), 161102/1-161102/6CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The predictive accuracy of Machine Learning (ML) models of mol. properties depends on the choice of the mol. representation. Inspired by the postulates of quantum mechanics, we introduce a hierarchy of representations which meet uniqueness and target similarity criteria. To systematically control target similarity, we simply rely on interat. many body expansions, as implemented in universal force-fields, including Bonding, Angular (BA), and higher order terms. Addn. of higher order contributions systematically increases similarity to the true potential energy and predictive accuracy of the resulting ML models. We report numerical evidence for the performance of BAML models trained on mol. properties pre-calcd. at electron-correlated and d. functional theory level of theory for thousands of small org. mols. Properties studied include enthalpies and free energies of atomization, heat capacity, zero-point vibrational energies, dipole-moment, polarizability, HOMO/LUMO energies and gap, ionization potential, electron affinity, and electronic excitations. After training, BAML predicts energies or electronic properties of out-of-sample mols. with unprecedented accuracy and speed. (c) 2016 American Institute of Physics.
- 66Handley, C. M.; Popelier, P. L. A. Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3371– 3383, DOI: 10.1021/jp9105585Google Scholar66 Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural NetworksHandley, Chris M.; Popelier, Paul L. A.Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010), 114 (10), 3371-3383CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)A review. Mol. mechanics is the tool of choice for the modeling of systems that are so large or complex that it is impractical or impossible to model them by ab initio methods. For this reason there is a need for accurate potentials that are able to quickly reproduce ab initio quality results at the fraction of the cost. The interactions within force fields are represented by a no. of functions. Some interactions are well understood and can be represented by simple math. functions while others are not so well understood and their functional form is represented in a simplistic manner or not even known. In the last 20 years there have been the first examples of a new design ethic, where novel and contemporary methods using machine learning, in particular, artificial neural networks, have been used to find the nature of the underlying functions of a force field. Here we appraise what has been achieved over this time and what requires further improvements, while offering some insight and guidance for the development of future force fields.
- 67Ramsvik, T.; Borg, A.; Kildemo, M.; Raaen, S.; Matsuura, A.; Jaworowski, A. J.; Worren, T.; Leandersson, M. Molecular Vibrations in Core-Ionised CO Adsorbed on Co(0001) and Rh(100). Surf. Sci. 2001, 492, 152– 160, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(01)01446-7Google Scholar67 vibrations in core-ionised CO adsorbed on Co(0 0 0 1) and Rh(1 0 0)Ramsvik, T.; Borg, A.; Kildemo, M.; Raaen, S.; Matsuura, A.; Jaworowski, A. J.; Worren, T.; Leandersson, M.Surface Science (2001), 492 (1-2), 152-160CODEN: SUSCAS; ISSN:0039-6028. (Elsevier Science B.V.)Previous studies of CO on Ni(1 0 0) by Fohlisch et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1730] have shown that the intramol. stretch vibration mode obsd. in the C 1s photoelectron lines depends strongly on the chem. state of the adsorbate. In the current investigation analogous analyses were done for CO on Co(0 0 0 1) and Rh(1 0 0). CO adsorbs in on-top sites on Co(0 0 0 1) resulting in a vibrational splitting of (210 ± 3) meV from the adiabatic C 1s peak. Including the measured intensities and comparing with similar data from electron energy loss spectroscopy expts. the change in the equil. distance between the initial state and the ionized state was deduced to be (4.2 ± 0.2) pm. For CO on Rh(1 0 0) two adsorption sites, on-top and bridge, are populated. Similar anal. of the vibrational fine structure gives a vibrational splitting of (221 ± 4) meV for the on-top site and (174±11) meV for the bridge site. The resp. changes in the equil. distances are (3.8 ± 0.2) and (5.6 ± 0.3) pm. These results are compared with available data in literature.
- 68Lahtinen, J.; Vaari, J.; Kauraala, K. Adsorption and Structure Dependent Desorption of CO on Co(0001). Surf. Sci. 1998, 418, 502– 510, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(98)00711-0Google Scholar68 and structure dependent desorption of CO on Co(0001)Lahtinen, J.; Vaari, J.; Kauraala, K.Surface Science (1998), 418 (3), 502-510CODEN: SUSCAS; ISSN:0039-6028. (Elsevier Science B.V.)The adsorption of CO on the Co(0001) surface at room temp. and at 180 K has been studied using work function measurements, XPS, thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) and LEED. At low coverages and at room temp. the std. (√3×√3)R30°-CO structure was obsd. By decreasing the temp. and increasing the CO exposure, other stable structures were found on the surface. The (√7/3×√7/3)R10.9°-CO structure was found in a small coverage range around θ=0.43 ML and the (√12/7×√12/7)R10.9° structure with θ=0.58 at satn. exposures. Each of the structures were attached to a specific desorption regime in the TDS spectrum. The position of the C 1s and O 1s core levels indicate single adsorption site in the two lower coverage structure and two different adsorption sites for the most dense adsorption layer.
- 69Joos, L.; Filot, I. A. W.; Cottenier, S.; Hensen, E. J. M.; Waroquier, M.; Van Speybroeck, V.; van Santen, R. A. Reactivity of CO on Carbon-Covered Cobalt Surfaces in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 5317– 5327, DOI: 10.1021/jp4109706Google Scholar69 of CO on Carbon-Covered Cobalt Surfaces in Fischer-Tropsch SynthesisJoos, Lennart; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Cottenier, Stefaan; Hensen, Emiel J. M.; Waroquier, Michel; Van Speybroeck, Veronique; van Santen, Rutger A.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (10), 5317-5327CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is an attractive process to convert alternative carbon sources, such as biomass, natural gas, or coal, to fuels and chems. Deactivation of the catalyst is obviously undesirable, and for a com. plant it is of high importance to keep the catalyst active as long as possible during operating conditions. In this study, the reactivity of CO on carbon-covered cobalt surfaces was investigated by d. functional theory (DFT). An attempt is made to provide insight into the role of carbon deposition on the deactivation of two cobalt surfaces: the closed-packed Co(0001) surface and the corrugated Co(1121) surface. We also analyzed the adsorption and diffusion of carbon atoms on both surfaces and compared the mobility. Finally, the results for Co(0001) and Co(1121) are compared, and the influence of the surface topol. is assessed.
- 70Perdew, J. P.; Burke, K.; Ernzerhof, M. Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 77, 3865– 3868, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.3865Google Scholar70 gradient approximation made simplePerdew, John P.; Burke, Kieron; Ernzerhof, MatthiasPhysical Review Letters (1996), 77 (18), 3865-3868CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Generalized gradient approxns. (GGA's) for the exchange-correlation energy improve upon the local spin d. (LSD) description of atoms, mols., and solids. We present a simple derivation of a simple GGA, in which all parameters (other than those in LSD) are fundamental consts. Only general features of the detailed construction underlying the Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91) GGA are invoked. Improvements over PW91 include an accurate description of the linear response of the uniform electron gas, correct behavior under uniform scaling, and a smoother potential.
- 71Hammer, B.; Hansen, L. B.; Nørskov, J. K. Improved Adsorption Energetics within Density-Functional Theory using Revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof Functionals. Phys. Rev. B 1999, 59, 7413– 7421, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.7413Google Scholar71 adsorption energetics within density-functional theory using revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functionalsHammer, B.; Hansen, L. B.; Norskov, J. K.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1999), 59 (11), 7413-7421CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)A simple formulation of a generalized gradient approxn. for the exchange and correlation energy of electrons has been proposed by J. Perdew et al. (1996). Subsequently, Y. Zhang and W. Wang (1998) have shown that a slight revision of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional systematically improves the atomization energies for a large database of small mols. In the present work, we show that the Zhang and Yang functional (revPBE) also improves the chemisorption energetics of atoms and mols. on transition-metal surfaces. Our test systems comprise at. and mol. adsorption of oxygen, CO, and NO on Ni(100), Ni(111), Rh(100), Pd(100), and Pd(111) surfaces. As the revPBE functional may locally violate the Lieb-Oxford criterion, we further develop an alternative revision of the PBE functional, RPBE, which gives the same improvement of the chemisorption energies as the revPBE functional at the same time as it fulfills the Lieb-Oxford criterion locally.
- 72Mattsson, A. E.; Armiento, R.; Paier, J.; Kresse, G.; Wills, J. M.; Mattsson, T. R. The AM05 Density Functional Applied to Solids. J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 128, 084714, DOI: 10.1063/1.2835596Google Scholar72 AM05 density functional applied to solidsMattsson, Ann E.; Armiento, Rickard; Paier, Joachim; Kresse, Georg; Wills, John M.; Mattsson, Thomas R.Journal of Chemical Physics (2008), 128 (8), 084714/1-084714/11CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We show that the AM05 functional has the same excellent performance for solids as the hybrid d. functionals tested in Paier et al. This confirms the original finding that AM05 performs exceptionally well for solids and surfaces. Hartree-Fock hybrid calcns. are typically an order of magnitude slower than local or semilocal d. functionals such as AM05, which is of a regular semilocal generalized gradient approxn. form. The performance of AM05 is on av. found to be superior to selecting the best of local d. approxn. and PBE for each solid. By comparing data from several different electronic-structure codes, we have detd. that the numerical errors in this study are equal to or smaller than the corresponding exptl. uncertainties. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
- 73Perdew, J. P.; Ruzsinszky, A.; Csonka, G. I.; Vydrov, O. A.; Scuseria, G. E.; Constantin, L. A.; Zhou, X.; Burke, K. Restoring the Density-Gradient Expansion for Exchange in Solids and Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008, 100, 136406, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.136406Google Scholar73 the Density-Gradient Expansion for Exchange in Solids and SurfacesPerdew, John P.; Ruzsinszky, Adrienn; Csonka, Gabor I.; Vydrov, Oleg A.; Scuseria, Gustavo E.; Constantin, Lucian A.; Zhou, Xiaolan; Burke, KieronPhysical Review Letters (2008), 100 (13), 136406/1-136406/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Popular modern generalized gradient approxns. are biased toward the description of free-atom energies. Restoration of the first-principles gradient expansion for exchange over a wide range of d. gradients eliminates this bias. We introduce a revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof generalized gradient approxn. that improves equil. properties of densely packed solids and their surfaces.
- 74Zhang, Y.; Yang, W. Comment on “Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 80, 890, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.890Google Scholar74 on "Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple"Zhang, Yingkai; Yang, WeitaoPhysical Review Letters (1998), 80 (4), 890CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)A Comment on the Letter by John P. Perdew, Kieron Burke, and Matthias Ernzerhof, Phys. 77, 3865 (1996). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply.
- 75Grimme, S.; Ehrlich, S.; Goerigk, L. Effect of the Damping Function in Dispersion Corrected Density Functional Theory. J. Comput. Chem. 2011, 32, 1456– 1465, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.21759Google Scholar75 of the damping function in dispersion corrected density functional theoryGrimme, Stefan; Ehrlich, Stephan; Goerigk, LarsJournal of Computational Chemistry (2011), 32 (7), 1456-1465CODEN: JCCHDD; ISSN:0192-8651. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)It is shown by an extensive benchmark on mol. energy data that the math. form of the damping function in DFT-D methods has only a minor impact on the quality of the results. For 12 different functionals, a std. "zero-damping" formula and rational damping to finite values for small interat. distances according to Becke and Johnson (BJ-damping) has been tested. The same (DFT-D3) scheme for the computation of the dispersion coeffs. is used. The BJ-damping requires one fit parameter more for each functional (three instead of two) but has the advantage of avoiding repulsive interat. forces at shorter distances. With BJ-damping better results for nonbonded distances and more clear effects of intramol. dispersion in four representative mol. structures are found. For the noncovalently-bonded structures in the S22 set, both schemes lead to very similar intermol. distances. For noncovalent interaction energies BJ-damping performs slightly better but both variants can be recommended in general. The exception to this is Hartree-Fock that can be recommended only in the BJ-variant and which is then close to the accuracy of cor. GGAs for non-covalent interactions. According to the thermodn. benchmarks BJ-damping is more accurate esp. for medium-range electron correlation problems and only small and practically insignificant double-counting effects are obsd. It seems to provide a phys. correct short-range behavior of correlation/dispersion even with unmodified std. functionals. In any case, the differences between the two methods are much smaller than the overall dispersion effect and often also smaller than the influence of the underlying d. functional. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.; J. Comput. Chem., 2011.
- 76Grimme, S.; Hansen, A.; Brandenburg, J. G.; Bannwarth, C. Dispersion-Corrected Mean-Field Electronic Structure Methods. Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 5105– 5154, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00533Google Scholar76 Mean-Field Electronic Structure MethodsGrimme, Stefan; Hansen, Andreas; Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Bannwarth, ChristophChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2016), 116 (9), 5105-5154CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review. Mean-field electronic structure methods like Hartree-Fock, semilocal d. functional approxns., or semiempirical MO theories do not account for long-range electron correlation (London dispersion interaction). Inclusion of these effects is mandatory for realistic calcns. on large or condensed chem. systems and for various intramol. phenomena (thermochem.). This Review describes the recent developments (including some historical aspects) of dispersion corrections with an emphasis on methods that can be employed routinely with reasonable accuracy in large-scale applications. The most prominent correction schemes are classified into three groups: (i) nonlocal, d.-based functionals, (ii) semiclassical C6-based, and (iii) one-electron effective potentials. The properties as well as pros and cons of these methods are critically discussed, and typical examples and benchmarks on mol. complexes and crystals are provided. Although there are some areas for further improvement (robustness, many-body and short-range effects), the situation regarding the overall accuracy is clear. Various approaches yield long-range dispersion energies with a typical relative error of 5%. For many chem. problems, this accuracy is higher compared to that of the underlying mean-field method (i.e., a typical semilocal (hybrid) functional like B3LYP).
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- 1Chen, W.; Pestman, R.; Zijlstra, B.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. Mechanism of Cobalt-Catalyzed CO Hydrogenation: 1 Methanation. ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8050– 8060, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.7b027571 of Cobalt-Catalyzed CO Hydrogenation: 1. MethanationChen, Wei; Pestman, Robert; Zijlstra, Bart; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2017), 7 (12), 8050-8060CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The mechanism of CO hydrogenation to CH4 at 260 °C on a cobalt catalyst is investigated using steady-state isotopic transient kinetic anal. (SSITKA) and backward and forward chem. transient kinetic anal. (CTKA). The dependence of CHx residence time is detd. by 12CO/H2 → 13CO/H2 SSITKA as a function of the CO and H2 partial pressure and shows that the CH4 formation rate is mainly controlled by CHx hydrogenation rather than CO dissocn. Backward CO/H2 → H2 CTKA emphasizes the importance of H coverage on the slow CHx hydrogenation step. The H coverage strongly depends on the CO coverage, which is directly related to CO partial pressure. Combining SSITKA and backward CTKA allows detg. that the amt. of addnl. CH4 obtained during CTKA is nearly equal to the amt. of CO adsorbed to the cobalt surface. Thus, under the given conditions overall barrier for CO hydrogenation to CH4 under methanation condition is lower than the CO adsorption energy. Forward CTKA measurements reveal that O hydrogenation to H2O is also a relatively slow step compared to CO dissocn. The combined transient kinetic data are used to fit an explicit microkinetic model for the methanation reaction. The mechanism involving direct CO dissocn. represents the data better than a mechanism in which H-assisted CO dissocn. is assumed. Microkinetics simulations based on the fitted parameters confirms that under methanation conditions the overall CO consumption rate is mainly controlled by C hydrogenation and to a smaller degree by O hydrogenation and CO dissocn. These simulations are also used to explore the influence of CO and H2 partial pressure on possible rate-controlling steps.
- 2Huš, M.; Grilc, M.; Pavlišič, A.; Likozar, B.; Hellman, A. Multiscale Modelling from Quantum Level to Reactor Scale: An Example of Ethylene Epoxidation on Silver Catalysts. Catal. Today 2019, 338, 128– 140, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.05.0222 modelling from quantum level to reactor scale: An example of ethylene epoxidation on silver catalystsHus, Matej; Grilc, Miha; Pavlisic, Andraz; Likozar, Blaz; Hellman, AndersCatalysis Today (2019), 338 (), 128-140CODEN: CATTEA; ISSN:0920-5861. (Elsevier B.V.)Ethylene epoxidn. is one of the most important selective chem. oxidns. in industry. For a controlled transformation of ethylene (ethene) into epoxide, silver is the only com. suitable catalyst. Although it is usually doped, even with pristine silver activity, selectivity, and stability vary strongly with facets. In this work, we use this reaction on Ag(111) and Ag(100) as a classical formation model to demonstrate the capabilities of phys. multiscale modeling, to show why Ag(100) nanocubes offer superior catalysis, and to optimize reactivity. First, we describe the elementary reactions on pristine surfaces with the quantum chem. calcns., using d. functional theory (DFT). The free energies of all intermediates, kinetic rates from the transition state theory and adsorption/desorption equil. are calcd. from first principles. These results are applied to kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations, where the spatio-temporal evolution of the system on a meso-scale can be followed. The differences in activity, concn., selectivity, and apparent activation energy are obsd., investigated, and analyzed. Lastly, mean-field concepts - micro-kinetics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) - are used to simulate how the synthesis proceeds in a reactor. Mechanism, catalytic coverage and the effects of pressure, temp., and particle compn., size and shape on the performance are evaluated. We show that multiscale modeling is a powerful instrumental approach for real unit engineering, while the level of detail required is dictated by the purpose of a representation and available resources.
- 3Prats, H.; Posada-Pérez, S.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Sayós, R.; Illas, F. Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations Unveil Synergic Effects at Work on Bifunctional Catalysts. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 9117– 9126, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b028133 Monte Carlo Simulations Unveil Synergic Effects at Work on Bifunctional CatalystsPrats, Hector; Posada-Perez, Sergio; Rodriguez, Jose A.; Sayos, Ramon; Illas, FrancescACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (10), 9117-9126CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The interaction between metal particles and the support in heterogeneous catalysis was the subject of a large no. of studies. While strong metal-support interactions can lead to deleterious catalyst deactivation and the underlying mechanism is well understood, in other cases the effect may beneficially enhance the catalytic activity and/or selectivity with no clear picture of the chem. involved. Strong metal-support interactions make Au nanoparticles dispersed on MoC a highly active catalyst for the low-temp. H2O-gas shift reaction (WGSR). By using kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations, the authors unravel the origin of the exptl. obsd. high WGSR activity of Au/MoC. The kMC simulations provide strong evidence for a cooperative effect between the different regions of the catalyst: the clean MoC regions are responsible for adsorbing and dissocg. H2O mols., and the vicinity of the Au adclusters contributes to COOH formation. The information thus obtained goes beyond that obtained solely from free-energy landscapes and constitutes a step forward toward the rational design of catalysts. The simulations and anal. described here are general and can be applied to other complex systems involving different catalytic regions and a large no. of surface processes.
- 4Zijlstra, B.; Broos, R. J. P.; Chen, W.; Oosterbeek, H.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. Coverage Effects in CO Dissociation on Metallic Cobalt Nanoparticles. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 7365– 7372, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b019674 Effects in CO Dissociation on Metallic Cobalt NanoparticlesZijlstra, Bart; Broos, Robin J. P.; Chen, Wei; Oosterbeek, Heiko; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (8), 7365-7372CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The active site of CO dissocn. on a cobalt nanoparticle, relevant to the Fischer-Tropsch reaction, can be computed directly using d. functional theory. We investigate how the activation barrier for direct CO dissocn. depends on CO coverage for step-edge and terrace cobalt sites. Whereas on terrace sites increasing coverage results in a substantial increase of the direct CO dissocn. barrier, we find that this barrier is nearly independent of CO coverage for the step-edge sites on corrugated surfaces. A detailed electronic anal. shows that this difference is due to the flexibility of the adsorbed layer, minimizing Pauli repulsion during the carbon-oxygen bond dissocn. reaction on the step-edge site. We constructed a simple first-principles microkinetic model that not only reproduces exptl. obsd. rates but also shows how migration of carbon species between step-edge and terrace sites contributes to methane formation.
- 5Zijlstra, B.; Broos, R. J. P.; Chen, W.; Bezemer, G. L.; Filot, I. A. W.; Hensen, E. J. M. The Vital Role of Step-Edge Sites for Both CO Activation and Chain Growth on Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts Revealed through First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Modeling Including Lateral Interactions. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 9376– 9400, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c024205 Vital Role of Step-Edge Sites for Both CO Activation and Chain Growth on Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts Revealed through First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Modeling Including Lateral InteractionsZijlstra, Bart; Broos, Robin J. P.; Chen, Wei; Bezemer, G. Leendert; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Hensen, Emiel J. M.ACS Catalysis (2020), 10 (16), 9376-9400CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)Microkinetic modeling is employed to predict catalytic turnover rates, product distributions, preferred mechanistic pathways, and rate- and selectivity-controlling elementary reaction steps for the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction. We considered all relevant elementary reaction steps on Co(11‾21) step-edge and Co(0001) terrace sites as well as such important aspects as coverage-related lateral interactions, different chain-growth mechanisms, and the migration of adsorbed species between the two surfaces in the dual-site model. CHx-CHy coupling pathways relevant to the carbide mechanism have favorable barriers in comparison to the overall barriers for the CO insertion mechanism. A comparison of reaction barriers indicates why cobalt is such a good FT catalyst: CO bond scission and chain growth compete, while termination to olefins has a slightly higher barrier. The predicted kinetic parameters correspond well with exptl. kinetic data. The Co(11‾21) model surface is highly active and selective for the FT reaction. Adding terrace Co(0001) sites in a dual-site model approach leads to a substantially higher CH4 selectivity at the expense of the C2+-hydrocarbons selectivity. The chain-growth probability decreases with increasing temp. and H2/CO ratio, caused by faster hydrogenation of the hydrocarbon chains. The elementary reaction steps for O removal and CO dissocn. significantly control the overall CO consumption rate. Chain growth occurs almost exclusively at step-edge sites, while addnl. CH4 stems from CH and CH3 migration from step-edge to terrace sites. Replacing CO by CO2 as the reactant shifts the product distribution nearly completely to CH4, which is related to the much higher H/CO coverage ratio during CO2 hydrogenation in comparison to CO hydrogenation. These findings highlight the importance of a proper balance of CO and H surface species during the FT reaction and pinpoint step-edge sites as the locus of the FT reaction with low-reactive terrace sites near step-edge sites being the origin of unwanted CH4.
- 6Grabow, L. C.; Hvolbæk, B.; Nørskov, J. K. Understanding Trends in Catalytic Activity: The Effect of Adsorbate–Adsorbate Interactions for CO Oxidation Over Transition Metals. Top. Catal. 2010, 53, 298– 310, DOI: 10.1007/s11244-010-9455-26 Trends in Catalytic Activity: The Effect of Adsorbate-Adsorbate Interactions for CO Oxidation Over Transition MetalsGrabow, Lars C.; Hvolbaek, Britt; Noerskov, Jens K.Topics in Catalysis (2010), 53 (5-6), 298-310CODEN: TOCAFI; ISSN:1022-5528. (Springer)Using high temp. CO oxidn. as the example, trends in the reactivity of transition metals are discussed on the basis of d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. Volcano type relations between the catalytic rate and adsorption energies of important intermediates are introduced and the effect of adsorbate-adsorbate interaction on the trends is discussed. We find that adsorbate-adsorbate interactions significantly increase the activity of strong binding metals (left side of the volcano) but the interactions do not change the relative activity of different metals and have a very small influence on the position of the top of the volcano, i.e., on which metal is the best catalyst.
- 7Lausche, A. C.; Medford, A. J.; Khan, T. S.; Xu, Y.; Bligaard, T.; Abild-Pedersen, F.; Nørskov, J. K.; Studt, F. On the Effect of Coverage-Dependent Adsorbate-Adsorbate Interactions for CO Methanation on Transition Metal Surfaces. J. Catal. 2013, 307, 275– 282, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2013.08.0027 the effect of coverage-dependent adsorbate-adsorbate interactions for CO methanation on transition metal surfacesLausche, Adam C.; Medford, Andrew J.; Khan, Tuhin Suvra; Xu, Yue; Bligaard, Thomas; Abild-Pedersen, Frank; Noerskov, Jens K.; Studt, FelixJournal of Catalysis (2013), 307 (), 275-282CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)Heterogeneously catalyzed reactions involving the dissocn. of strongly bonded mols. typically need quite reactive catalysts with high coverages of intermediate mols. Methanation of carbon monoxide is one example, where CO dissocn. has been reported to take place on step sites with a high coverage of CO. At these high coverages, reaction intermediates experience interaction effects that typically reduce their adsorption energies. Herein, the effect of these interactions on the activities of transition metals for CO methanation is investigated. For transition metals that have low coverages of reactants, the effect is minimal. But for materials with high coverages under reaction conditions, rates can change by several orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, the position of the max. of the activity volcano does not shift significantly, and the rates at the max. are only slightly perturbed by adsorbate-adsorbate interactions. In order to accurately describe selectivities, however, adsorbate-adsorbate interactions will likely need to be included.
- 8Grabow, L. C.; Gokhale, A. A.; Evans, S. T.; Dumesic, J. A.; Mavrikakis, M. Mechanism of the Water Gas Shift Reaction on Pt: First Principles, Experiments, and Microkinetic Modeling. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 4608– 4617, DOI: 10.1021/jp70997028 of the Water Gas Shift Reaction on Pt: First Principles, Experiments, and Microkinetic ModelingGrabow, Lars C.; Gokhale, Amit A.; Evans, Steven T.; Dumesic, James A.; Mavrikakis, ManosJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2008), 112 (12), 4608-4617CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)We present a microkinetic model as well as exptl. data for the low-temp. water gas shift (WGS) reaction catalyzed by Pt at temps. from 523 to 573 K and for various gas compns. at a pressure of 1 atm. Thermodn. and kinetic parameters for the model are derived from periodic, self-consistent d. functional theory (DFT-GGA) calcns. on Pt(111). The destabilizing effect of high CO surface coverage on the binding energies of surface species is quantified through DFT calcns. and accounted for in the microkinetic model. Deviations of specific fitted model parameters from DFT calcd. parameters on Pt(111) point to the possible role of steps/defects in this reaction. Our model predicts reaction rates and reaction orders in good agreement with our expts. The calcd. and exptl. apparent activation energies are 67.8 kJ/mol and 71.4 kJ/mol, resp. The model shows that the most significant reaction channel proceeds via a carboxyl (COOH) intermediate. Formate (HCOO), which has been exptl. obsd. and thought to be the key WGS intermediate in the literature, is shown to act only as a spectator species.
- 9Bajpai, A.; Frey, K.; Schneider, W. F. Comparison of Coverage-Dependent Binding Energy Models for Mean-Field Microkinetic Rate Predictions. Langmuir 2020, 36, 465– 474, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b035639 of Coverage-Dependent Binding Energy Models for Mean-Field Microkinetic Rate PredictionsBajpai, Anshumaan; Frey, Kurt; Schneider, William F.Langmuir (2020), 36 (1), 465-474CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)The binding energies of adsorbates at catalytic surfaces are in general functions of adsorbate coverage, with corresponding consequences for equil. surface coverages and reaction rates under relevant conditions. This coverage dependence is commonly incorporated into mean-field microkinetic models by writing adsorption energies as an algebraic function of coverage and parametrizing against d. functional theory models. In this work, we compare the performance of three different anal. coverage-dependent forms, including linear and piecewise models and a logarithmic form inspired by Wilson's activity model, against accurate results obtained from a lattice-based cluster expansion (CE) representation of adsorbate interactions combined with a Monte Carlo evaluation of reaction rates. We take as a model system O2 dissocn.-limited NO oxidn. to NO2 over Pt(111), parametrize all models against the same set of previously reported coverage-dependent NO and O binding energies, and solve kinetic models under the same set of assumptions. Steady-state coverages from the anal. models are similar to each other and the ensemble-averaged CE result, other than the discontinuities in O and NO coverages that appear in the piecewise model. Predicted steady-state rates differ more substantially, reflecting the sensitivity of the O2 dissocn. activation energy to coverage-dependent binding energies. The activity model predicts reaction rates reliably at low temps. and systematically deviates from CE rates at high temps., where minority surface sites, having low local coverage around vacant pairs, dominate overall reaction rates. The results highlight the challenges of developing coverage-dependent microkinetic models that are reliable across a range of conditions.
- 10Mhadeshwar, A. B.; Kitchin, J. R.; Barteau, M. A.; Vlachos, D. G. The Role of Adsorbate–Adsorbate Interactions in the Rate Controlling Step and the Most Abundant Reaction Intermediate of NH3 Decomposition on Ru. Catal. Lett. 2004, 96, 13– 22, DOI: 10.1023/B:CATL.0000029523.22277.e110 Role of Adsorbate-adsorbate Interactions in the Rate Controlling Step and the Most Abundant Reaction Intermediate of NH3 Decomposition on RuMhadeshwar, A. B.; Kitchin, J. R.; Barteau, M. A.; Vlachos, D. G.Catalysis Letters (2004), 96 (1-2), 13-22CODEN: CALEER; ISSN:1011-372X. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers)N-N adsorbate-adsorbate interactions on a Ru(0001) surface are first estd. using quantum mech. d. functional theory (DFT) calcns., and subsequently incorporated, for the first time, in a detailed microkinetic model for NH3 decompn. on Ru using the unity bond index-quadratic exponential potential (UBI-QEP) method. DFT simulations indicate that the cross N-H interactions are relatively small. Microkinetic model predictions are compared to ultra-high vacuum temp. programmed desorption and atm. fixed bed reactor data. The microkinetic model with N-N interactions captures the exptl. features quant. It is shown that the N-N interactions significantly alter the rate detg. step, the most abundant reaction intermediate, and the max. N*-coverage, compared to mechanisms that ignore adsorbate-adsorbate interactions.
- 11Miller, S. D.; Pushkarev, V. V.; Gellman, A. J.; Kitchin, J. R. Simulating Temperature Programmed Desorption of Oxygen on Pt(111) Using DFT Derived Coverage Dependent Desorption Barriers. Top. Catal. 2013, 57, 106– 117There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Getman, R. B.; Schneider, W. F. DFT-Based Coverage-Dependent Model of Pt-Catalyzed NO-Oxidation. ChemCatChem 2010, 2, 1450– 1460, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.20100014612 coverage-dependent model of Pt-catalyzed NO oxidationGetman, Rachel B.; Schneider, William F.ChemCatChem (2010), 2 (11), 1450-1460CODEN: CHEMK3; ISSN:1867-3880. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)A coverage-dependent, mean-field microkinetic model of catalytic NO oxidn., NO+0.5 O2.dblharw.NO2, at a Pt(111) surface was developed, based on large supercell d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. DFT is used to det. the overall energetics and activation energies of candidate reaction steps as a function of surface coverage. Surface coverage is found to have a significant but non-uniform effect on the energetics, pathways, and activation energies of reaction steps involving formation or cleavage of ON-O and O-O bonds, and inclusion of this coverage dependence is essential for obtaining a qual. correct representation of the catalysis. Correlations were used to express all reaction parameters in terms of a single coverage variable θ and steady-state solns. to the resultant mean-field models are obtained in the method of DeDonder relations. At conditions representative of NO oxidn. catalysis, the surface coverage is predicted to be 0.25 ≤ θ < 0.4 ML and to be controlled by equil. between gas-phase NO and NO2 and chemisorbed O. O2 dissociative adsorption (O2(g)→ 2O*) is rate limiting in the model. The DFT-based mean-field model captures many features of the exptl. obsd. catalysis, and its short-comings point the way toward more robust models of coverage-dependent kinetics.
- 13Getman, R. B.; Xu, Y.; Schneider, W. F. Thermodynamics of Environment-Dependent Oxygen Chemisorption on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 9559– 9572, DOI: 10.1021/jp800905a13 of Environment-Dependent Oxygen Chemisorption on Pt(111)Getman, Rachel B.; Xu, Ye; Schneider, William F.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2008), 112 (26), 9559-9572CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)The reactivity of heterogeneous metal catalysts can be a strong function of the coverage of adsorbates. For example, Pt-catalyzed NO oxidn. to NO2 requires high concns. of chemisorbed (surface-bound) O, but the development of surface oxides is detrimental to reaction kinetics. Quantifying the structures, properties, and esp. the conditions that produce various adsorbate coverages is essential to developing qual. and quant. correct models of surface reactivity. In this work, we examine these ideas in the context of oxidn. reactions on Pt(111), the lowest energy face of bulk Pt. We use extensive supercell d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. to catalog and characterize the stable binding sites and arrangements of chemisorbed O on Pt(111), as a function of O coverage, θ. O atoms are found to uniformly prefer FCC binding sites and to arrange to minimize various destabilizing interactions with neighbor O. These destabilizing interactions are shown to have electronic and strain components that can either reinforce or oppose one another depending upon O-O sepn. Because of the nature and magnitudes of these lateral interactions, the thermodynamically stable O orderings partition into four coverage regimes of decreasing adsorption energy: 0 < θ ≤ 1/4 monolayer (ML), 1/4 < θ ≤ 1/2 ML, 1/2 < θ ≤ 2/3 ML, and 2/3 < θ ≤ 1 ML. We use equil. models to quantify the oxygen chem. potentials μO necessary to access each of these regimes. These equil. models can be used to relate surface coverage to various external environmental conditions and assumptions about relevant reaction equil.: dissociative equil. of the surface with O2 (g) can produce coverages up to 1/2 ML; either NO2 decompn. or "NO-assisted" O2 dissocn. can access coverages approaching 2/3 ML, as obsd. during NO oxidn. catalysis, and equil. with a solid-oxygen storage material, like ceria-zirconia, can buffer equil. coverages at a const. 1/4 ML O. These various oxidn. reaction energies can be summarized in a single "Ellingham" free energy diagram, providing a convenient representation of the relationship between surface coverage and reaction thermodn., and a useful guide toward relevant coverage regimes for more detailed study of reaction kinetics.
- 14Bray, J. M.; Smith, J. L.; Schneider, W. F. Coverage-Dependent Adsorption at a Low Symmetry Surface: DFT and Statistical Analysis of Oxygen Chemistry on Kinked Pt(321). Top. Catal. 2014, 57, 89– 105, DOI: 10.1007/s11244-013-0165-414 Adsorption at a Low Symmetry Surface: DFT and Statistical Analysis of Oxygen Chemistry on Kinked Pt(321)Bray, J. M.; Smith, J. L.; Schneider, W. F.Topics in Catalysis (2014), 57 (1-4), 89-105CODEN: TOCAFI; ISSN:1022-5528. (Springer)The authors explore the influence of adsorbate interactions on the thermodn. and spectroscopic properties of oxygen on the stepped, kinked Pt(321) surface. The ground state arrangements of at. oxygen are identified with the aid of a cluster expansion and analyzed for coverages up to one oxygen per surface Pt (1 ML). Oxygen prefers to bind in bridge sites at the step edge at coverages up to 0.2 ML, but at higher coverages oxygen atoms actually experience mild, localized attractions such that both bridge and 3-fold hollow sites are occupied to form square planar, 4-fold-coordinated PtO4-like structures. These structures progressively dominate the surface with increasing coverage up to 0.8 ML, at which point every kink Pt is satd. with four oxygens. The authors compute stability regions for these ground states with respect to gas-phase O2 and to NO/NO2 mixts. The ground state structures at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 ML dominate over a wide range of conditions, with the 0.6 ML structure being most prominent. The authors also explore site preferences for mol. O2 adsorbed on key O ground state structures. Calcns. of vibrational modes and core electron binding energy shifts allow the authors to relate both ground state and nonequil. structures to exptl. HREELS and XPS results. Adsorption sites are primarily characterized by their surface coordination, such that O in atop, bridge, and 3-fold hollow sites possess distinct and identifiable vibrational modes and core level shifts. However, within these broad categories, variability due to interactions with proximal adsorbates were found. Adsorption energies and vibrational modes of O2 are particularly sensitive to the local adsorption environment. Lastly, the authors develop a 1-dimensional adsorption model to understand and rationalize exptl. obsd. nonequil. behavior at low coverages.
- 15Sutton, J. E.; Vlachos, D. G. Building Large Microkinetic Models with First-Principles’ Accuracy at Reduced Computational Cost. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015, 121, 190– 199, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2014.09.01115 large microkinetic models with first-principles' accuracy at reduced computational costSutton, Jonathan E.; Vlachos, Dionisios G.Chemical Engineering Science (2015), 121 (), 190-199CODEN: CESCAC; ISSN:0009-2509. (Elsevier Ltd.)We present a systematic hierarchical multiscale framework for parameterization of large microkinetic models that delivers first-principles' accuracy at significantly reduced computational cost. The framework leverages recently introduced first-principles-based semi-empirical methods (FPSEM), such as group additivity and Bronsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relations, for surface reactions, local sensitivity anal., and a heuristic classification of the order of corrections to produce a hierarchy or family of models of improved accuracy. We demonstrate this approach to the moderate size ethanol steam reforming mechanism on Pt, consisting of 67 species (14 gas, 53 surface) and 160 reversible elementary-like reactions, for which the 'exact' d. functional theory (DFT)-based model is available. We find that the majority of refined parameters are surface species free energies and lateral interactions, underscoring the importance of thermodn. in kinetic mechanisms.
- 16Sabbe, M. K.; Canduela-Rodriguez, G.; Joly, J.-F.; Reyniers, M.-F.; Marin, G. B. Ab Initio Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic Modeling of Benzene Hydrogenation on Pd(111). Catal. Sci. Technol. 2017, 7, 5267– 5283, DOI: 10.1039/C7CY00962C16 initio coverage-dependent microkinetic modeling of benzene hydrogenation on Pd(111)Sabbe, Maarten K.; Canduela-Rodriguez, Gonzalo; Joly, Jean-Francois; Reyniers, Marie-Francoise; Marin, Guy B.Catalysis Science & Technology (2017), 7 (22), 5267-5283CODEN: CSTAGD; ISSN:2044-4753. (Royal Society of Chemistry)The effect of hydrogen coverage on the kinetics of benzene hydrogenation on Pd(111) has been investigated with optPBE-vdW d. functional theory calcns. and a coverage-dependent microkinetic model. The dominant reaction path consists of the consecutive hydrogenation of carbon atoms located in ortho positions relative to the previously hydrogenated carbon atom, independent of the hydrogen coverage. Increasing the hydrogen coverage destabilizes all surface species, which leads to weaker adsorption and increased rate coeffs. for the hydrogenation steps due to stronger destabilization of reactants than transition states. The catalytic activities simulated using the constructed coverage-dependent microkinetic model exceed those obtained using a low-coverage microkinetic model by several orders of magnitude and are comparable to exptl. obsd. activities. The rate coeffs. to which the global rate is most sensitive depend on the reaction conditions and differ from those calcd. using low coverage kinetics. Therefore, properly accounting for coverage dependence on the kinetics and thermodn. of catalytic hydrogenation reactions is not only required for an accurate DFT-based prediction of the catalytic activity but also for a correct understanding of the reaction mechanism.
- 17Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Yang, B. Modeling the Effect of Surface CO Coverage on the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CO on Pd Surfaces. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, 21, 9876– 9882, DOI: 10.1039/C8CP07427E17 the effect of surface CO coverage on the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO on Pd surfacesLiu, Hong; Liu, Jian; Yang, BoPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2019), 21 (19), 9876-9882CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Electrocatalytic redn. of CO2 has attracted considerable attention recently, and it was found exptl. that Pd could show activity for the electroredn. of CO2 to CO. However, theor. studies showed that the adsorption of CO on Pd surfaces is strong and the coverage of CO is high, indicating that the interactions between the neighboring adsorbed CO and other reaction intermediates on the Pd surfaces cannot be neglected. Here, with d. functional theory calcns. and utilizing the Sabatier anal. method, we find that an adsorbate-adsorbate interaction is playing a crucial role in the modeling of the electrocatalytic redn. of CO2 to CO on Pd surfaces, while the reaction rates obtained by neglecting the interactions between the surface adsorbates are substantially lower than those reported in the expts. Upon analyzing the interactions quant. and using a self-consistent iterative microkinetic modeling method, we find that the active site for CO2 electroredn. is Pd(111) at different potentials applied. Our modeling results provide a reasonable computational interpretation for the electroredn. of CO2 to CO on Pd.
- 18Wu, P.; Zeffron, J.; Xu, D.; Yang, B. First-Principles-Based Microkinetic Simulations of CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol over Intermetallic GaPd2: Method Development to Include Complex Interactions between Surface Adsorbates. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 15977– 15987, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c0397518 Microkinetic Simulations of CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol over Intermetallic GaPd2: Method Development to Include Complex Interactions between Surface AdsorbatesWu, Panpan; Zaffran, Jeremie; Xu, Dongyang; Yang, BoJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2020), 124 (29), 15977-15987CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)To computationally design efficient solid catalysts, d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. are widely used in combination with microkinetic modeling (MKM). However, MKM results are often biased due to the overestimation of adsorption strength in DFT calcns. that are usually performed at an arbitrary low coverage of surface intermediates. We hereby developed a new iterative approach focusing on the main species present on the catalyst at the steady state, hence allowing adsorption energy calcn. only in the presence of relevant intermediates. In this way, the complex parametrization process to det. scaling relations between adsorption energies and coverages is avoided, which will increase the efficiency and accuracy of the iteration process. When applying this approach to CO2 hydrogenation over GaPd2, we found within few iterations that only when running DFT calcns. using the surface with both CO and HCOO precovered, the coverage of surface species obtained from MKM anal. can be consistent with that used in DFT calcns. It stems from our theor. study that all the species coverages must be self-consistent in order to predict methanol selectivity in fair agreement with expt.
- 19Yao, Z.; Zhao, J.; Bunting, R. J.; Zhao, C.; Hu, P.; Wang, J. Quantitative Insights into the Reaction Mechanism for the Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Transition Metals: Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic Modeling. ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 1202– 1221, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c0412519 Insights into the Reaction Mechanism for the Direct Synthesis of H2O2 over Transition Metals: Coverage-Dependent Microkinetic ModelingYao, Zihao; Zhao, Jinyan; Bunting, Rhys J.; Zhao, Chenxia; Hu, Peijun; Wang, JianguoACS Catalysis (2021), 11 (3), 1202-1221CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The direct synthesis is the most promising alternative method for the prodn. of hydrogen peroxide, and the bottleneck is still unsolved. The breakthrough lies in elusive reaction mechanism issues. In this work, advanced coverage-dependent kinetic modeling is combined with the energetics from first-principles calcns. to investigate the formation of H2O2 over transition metals. We show that the adsorbate-adsorbate interactions considerably affect the reaction mechanism of synthesis of hydrogen peroxide on Pd(111). Without the coverage effect, O2 is likely to go through the direct dissocn. mechanism, and water is the major product. When the coverage effects are included, the dissocns. of O-O and O-OH bonds are significantly inhibited, and on the contrary, the hydrogenations of O2 and OOH are promoted, leading to the prodn. of H2O2. We demonstrate that the reaction temp. induces strong variations in the coverage of intermediates, which in turn causes changes in product selectivity. Being consistent with the operando expt., our kinetic simulations indicate that the H2/O2 partial pressure ratio has great effects on H2O2 selectivity and the reaction rate of H2O2 is lower under hydrogen-rich (oxygen-lean) and oxygen-rich (hydrogen-lean) conditions, which is highly related to the intermediate coverage. The same approach is also applied to other important relevant metals, i.e., Cu(111), Au(111), PdAu, and PdHg alloys, and the trends of activity and selectivity have been obtained.
- 20Yao, Z.; Guo, C.; Mao, Y.; Hu, P. Quantitative Determination of C-C Coupling Mechanisms and Detailed Analyses on the Activity and Selectivity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co(0001): Microkinetic Modeling with Coverage Effects. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 5957– 5973, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b0115020 Determination of C-C Coupling Mechanisms and Detailed Analyses on the Activity and Selectivity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co(0001): Microkinetic Modeling with Coverage EffectsYao, Zihao; Guo, Chenxi; Mao, Yu; Hu, P.ACS Catalysis (2019), 9 (7), 5957-5973CODEN: ACCACS; ISSN:2155-5435. (American Chemical Society)The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plays a significant role in re-forming natural resources to meet global demand for commodities, while there is ongoing oil depletion and population growth. Mechanisms have long been investigated, but they are still a heavily debated issue. In this work, all of the possible elementary reaction steps on a flat cobalt surface were calcd. using d. functional theory (DFT) with van der Waals interactions. Kinetic simulations using std. DFT data (free energies and barriers at low coverages), the so-called non-coverage-dependent kinetic model commonly used in the literature, are compared to those from a coverage-dependent kinetic model for the system. We show that the coverage-dependent kinetic model gives rise to a TOF which is approx. 6 orders of magnitude larger than the TOF calcd. using the non-coverage-dependent kinetic model. Furthermore, it is found that Co(0001) is highly selective to olefin prodn., and it is very likely to produce long-chain hydrocarbons. Both models demonstrate that the CO insertion mechanism is the dominant mechanism on Co(0001). Our calcns. also reveal that high coverage of CHx leads to the carbide mechanism being significant and low coverage of CHx results in the CO insertion mechanism being more favored. Direct CO dissocn. is difficult on Co(0001), which leads to monomers CHx being unable to occupy a certain amt. of surface coverage, causing the carbide mechanism to be inhibited. The reaction pathway through CO + H → CHO, CHO + H → CHOH, and CHOH → CH + OH is the main channel to form the monomer CH on the basis of the coverage-dependent kinetic model simulations. The temp. considerably affects the surface coverage and the total reaction rate, leading to the selectivity being highly temp. dependent. Our coverage-dependent kinetic model predicts that the selectivity of oxygenates is high in comparison to methane in the low-temp. region from 425 and 475 K. From 475 to 525 K, the selectivity toward CH4 increases. From 525 to 700 K, the selectivity of C2 decreases significantly and the selectivity of CH4 increases remarkably.
- 21Ding, Y.; Xu, Y.; Song, Y.; Guo, C.; Hu, P. Quantitative Studies of the Coverage Effects on Microkinetic Simulations for NO Oxidation on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 27594– 27602, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b0820821 Studies of the Coverage Effects on Microkinetic Simulations for NO Oxidation on Pt(111)Ding, Yunxuan; Xu, Yarong; Song, Yihui; Guo, Chenxi; Hu, P.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019), 123 (45), 27594-27602CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)To advance a reliable microkinetic modeling approach using d. functional theory (DFT) energies is of great importance to bridging between exptl. results and theor. calcns., and the current major issue is the coverage effect. A full microkinetic modeling for NO oxidn. using DFT energetics is developed. The calcd. turnover frequency (TOF) (0.22 s-1) agrees with the exptl. one (∼0.2 s-1) very well, if the coverage effects are properly incorporated. To include the interactions of adsorbates, namely, (i) O and O, NO and NO (self-interaction), and (ii) O and NO (cross-interaction), is important to obtain accurate kinetic results. Equally important, the interactions between the adsorbates and the transition states of O-O bond breaking and O-NO coupling are also crucial for achieving precise kinetics. A 2-line model can be used to describe accurately both the self and cross adsorbate-adsorbate interactions as well as the coverage effects on the transition states of O2 dissocn. and O-NO coupling. The various approxns. including Broensted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) relations are carefully examd., and the errors involved are quantified. Also, a 1-line model is tested, which is a simplified approach but gives rise to a good agreement with exptl. results.
- 22Prats, H.; Illas, F.; Sayós, R. General Concepts, Assumptions, Drawbacks, and Misuses in Kinetic Monte Carlo and Microkinetic Modeling Simulations Applied to Computational Heterogeneous Catalysis. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2018, 118, 25518There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Jørgenson, M.; Grönbeck, H. Selective Acetylene Hydrogenation over Single-Atom Alloy Nanoparticles by Kinetic Monte Carlo. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8541– 8549, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b02132There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Nagasaka, M.; Kondoh, H.; Nakai, I.; Ohta, T. CO Oxidation Reaction on Pt(111) Studied by the Dynamic Monte Carlo Method Including Lateral Interactions of Adsorbates. J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 044704 DOI: 10.1063/1.242470524 oxidation reaction on Pt(111) studied by the dynamic Monte Carlo method including lateral interactions of adsorbatesNagasaka, Masanari; Kondoh, Hiroshi; Nakai, Ikuyo; Ohta, ToshiakiJournal of Chemical Physics (2007), 126 (4), 044704/1-044704/7CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The dynamics of adsorbate structures during CO oxidn. on Pt(111) surfaces and its effects on the reaction were studied by the dynamic Monte Carlo method including lateral interactions of adsorbates. The lateral interaction energies between adsorbed species were calcd. by the d. functional theory method. Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations were performed for the oxidn. reaction over a mesoscopic scale, where the exptl. detd. activation energies of elementary paths were altered by the calcd. lateral interaction energies. The simulated results reproduced the characteristics of the microscopic and mesoscopic scale adsorbate structures formed during the reaction, and revealed that the complicated reaction kinetics is comprehensively explained by a single reaction path affected by the surrounding adsorbates. We also propose from the simulations that weakly adsorbed CO mols. at domain boundaries promote the island-periphery specific reaction.
- 25Wu, C.; Schmidt, D. J.; Wolverton, C.; Schneider, W. F. Accurate Coverage-Dependence Incorporated into First-Principles Kinetic Models: Catalytic NO oxidation on Pt (111). J. Catal. 2012, 286, 88– 94, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2011.10.02025 coverage-dependence incorporated into first-principles kinetic models: Catalytic NO oxidation on Pt (1 1 1)Wu, C.; Schmidt, D. J.; Wolverton, C.; Schneider, W. F.Journal of Catalysis (2012), 286 (), 88-94CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)The coverage of surface adsorbates influences both the no. and types of sites available for catalytic reactions at a heterogeneous surface, but accounting for adsorbate-adsorbate interactions and understanding their implications on obsd. rates remain challenges for simulation. Here, we demonstrate the use of a d. functional theory (DFT)-parameterized cluster expansion (CE) to incorporate accurate adsorbate-adsorbate interactions into a surface kinetic model. The distributions of adsorbates and reaction sites at a metal surface as a function of reaction conditions are obtained through Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations on the CE Hamiltonian. Reaction rates at those sites are obtained from the CE through a DFT-parameterized Bronsted-Evans-Polyani (BEP) relationship. The approach provides ready access both to steady-state rates and rate derivs. and further provides insight into the microscopic factors that influence obsd. rate behavior. We demonstrate the approach for steady-state O2 dissocn. at an O-covered Pt (1 1 1) surface-a model for catalytic NO oxidn. at this surface-and recover apparent activation energies and rate orders consistent with expt.
- 26Yang, L.; Krim, A.; Muckerman, J. T. Density Functional Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Cu/ZnO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 3414– 3425, DOI: 10.1021/jp311428626 Functional Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Cu/ZnOYang, Liu; Karim, Altaf; Muckerman, James T.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117 (7), 3414-3425CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)We describe a d. functional theory based kinetic Monte Carlo study of the water-gas shift (WGS) reaction catalyzed by Cu nanoparticles supported on a ZnO surface. DFT calcns. were performed to obtain the energetics of the relevant atomistic processes. Subsequently, the DFT results were employed as an intrinsic database in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations that account for the spatial distribution, fluctuations, and evolution of chem. species under steady-state conditions. Our simulations show that, in agreement with expts., the H2 and CO2 prodn. rates strongly depend on the size and structure of the Cu nanoparticles, which are modeled by single-layer nano islands in the present work. The WGS activity varies linearly with the total no. of edge sites of Cu nano islands. In addn., examn. of different elementary processes has suggested competition between the carboxyl and the redox mechanisms, both of which contribute significantly to the WGS reactivity. Our results have also indicated that both edge sites and terrace sites are active and contribute to the obsd. H2 and CO2 productivity.
- 27Smith, J. S.; Isayev, O.; Roitberg, A. E. ANI-1: An Extensible Neural Network Potential with DFT Accuracy at Force Field Computational Cost. Chem. Sci. 2017, 7, 3192– 3203There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Meyer, J.; Bukas, V. J.; Mitra, S.; Reuter, K. Fingerprints of Energy Dissipation for Exothermic Surface Chemical Reactions: O2 on Pd(100). J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 143, 2131– 2136, DOI: 10.1063/1.4926989There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Boes, J. R.; Kitchin, J. R. Neural Network Predictions of Oxygen Interactions on a Dynamic Pd Surface. Mol. Simul. 2017, 43, 346– 354, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2016.127498429 network predictions of oxygen interactions on a dynamic Pd surfaceBoes, Jacob R.; Kitchin, John R.Molecular Simulation (2017), 43 (5-6), 346-354CODEN: MOSIEA; ISSN:0892-7022. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review. Artificial neural networks (NNs) are increasingly common in quantum chem. applications. These models can be trained to higher-level ab-initio calcns. and are capable of achieving arbitrary levels of accuracy. The most common applications thus far have been specialised for either bulk or surface structures of up to two chem. components. However, very few of these studies utilize NNs trained to high-dimensional potential energy surfaces, and there are even fewer studies which examine adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-surface interactions with those NNs. The goal of this work is to det. the feasibility of and develop methodologies for producing a high-dimensional NN capable of reproducing coverage-dependent oxygen interactions with a dynamic Pd fcc(1 1 1) surface. We utilize the atomistic machine-learning potential software package to generate a Behler-Parrinello local symmetry function NN trained on a large database of d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. These training methods are flexible, and thus easily expanded upon as demonstrated in previous work. This allows the database of high quality PdO DFT calcns. to be used as a basis for future work, such as the inclusion of a third chem. species, for example a binary Pd alloy, or another adsorbate atom such as hydrogen.
- 30Boes, J. R.; Groenenboom, M. C.; Keith, J. A.; Kitchin, J. R. Neural Network and ReaxFF Comparison for Au Properties. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2016, 116, 979– 987, DOI: 10.1002/qua.2511530 network and ReaxFF comparison for Au propertiesBoes, Jacob R.; Groenenboom, Mitchell C.; Keith, John A.; Kitchin, John R.International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2016), 116 (13), 979-987CODEN: IJQCB2; ISSN:0020-7608. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)A review. We have studied how ReaxFF and Behler-Parrinello neural network (BPNN) atomistic potentials should be trained to be accurate and tractable across multiple structural regimes of Au as a representative example of a single-component material. We trained these potentials using subsets of 9,972 Kohn-Sham d. functional theory calcns. and then validated their predictions against the untrained data. Our best ReaxFF potential was trained from 848 data points and could reliably predict surface and bulk data; however, it was substantially less accurate for mol. clusters of 126 atoms or fewer. Training the ReaxFF potential to more data also resulted in overfitting and lower accuracy. In contrast, BPNN could be fit to 9,734 calcns., and this potential performed comparably or better than ReaxFF across all regimes. However, the BPNN potential in this implementation brings significantly higher computational cost. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- 31Elstner, M.; Seifert, G. Density Functional Tight Binding. Philos. Trans. R. Soc., A 2014, 372, 20120483, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.048331 functional tight bindingElstner, Marcus; Seifert, GotthardPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences (2014), 372 (2011), 20120483/1-20120483/12CODEN: PTRMAD; ISSN:1364-503X. (Royal Society)This paper reviews the basic principles of the d.-functional tight-binding (DFTB) method, which is based on d.-functional theory as formulated by Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham (KS-DFT). DFTB consists of a series of models that are derived from a Taylor series expansion of the KS-DFT total energy. In the lowest order (DFTB1), densities and potentials are written as superpositions of at. densities and potentials. The Kohn-Sham orbitals are then expanded to a set of localized atom-centered functions, which are obtained for spherical sym. spin-unpolarized neutral atoms self-consistently. The whole Hamilton and overlap matrixes contain one- and two-center contributions only. Therefore, they can be calcd. and tabulated in advance as functions of the distance between at. pairs. The second contributions to DFTB1, the DFT double counting terms, are summarized together with nuclear repulsion energy terms and can be rewritten as the sum of pairwise repulsive terms. The second-order (DFTB2) and third-order (DFTB3) terms in the energy expansion correspond to a self-consistent representation, where the deviation of the ground-state d. from the ref. d. is represented by charge monopoles only. This leads to a computationally efficient representation in terms of at. charges (Mulliken), chem. hardness (Hubbard) parameters and scaled Coulomb laws. Therefore, no addnl. adjustable parameters enter the DFTB2 and DFTB3 formalism. The handling of parameters, the efficiency, the performance and extensions of DFTB are briefly discussed.
- 32van Duin, A. C. T.; Dasgupta, S.; Lorant, F.; Goddard, W. A. ReaxFF: A Reactive Force Field for Hydrocarbons. J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 9396– 9409, DOI: 10.1021/jp004368u32 A Reactive Force Field for Hydrocarbonsvan Duin, Adri C. T.; Dasgupta, Siddharth; Lorant, Francois; Goddard, William A., IIIJournal of Physical Chemistry A (2001), 105 (41), 9396-9409CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)To make practical the mol. dynamics simulation of large scale reactive chem. systems (1000 s of atoms), the authors developed ReaxFF, a force field for reactive systems. ReaxFF uses a general relation between bond distance and bond order on one hand and between bond order and bond energy however, that leads to proper dissocn. of bonds to sepd. atoms. Other valence terms present in the force field (angle and torsion) are defined in terms of the same bond orders so that all these terms go to zero smoothly as bonds break. In addn., ReaxFF has Coulomb and Morse (van der Waals) potentials to describe nonbond interactions between all atoms (no exclusions). These nonbond interactions are shielded at short range so that the Coulomb and van der Waals interactions become const. as Rij → 0. The authors report here the ReaxFF for hydrocarbons. The parameters were derived from quantum chem. calcns. on bond dissocn. and reactions of small mols. plus heat of formation and geometry data for a no. of stable hydrocarbon compds. The ReaxFF provides a good description of these data. Generally, the results are of an accuracy similar or better than PM3, while ReaxFF is ∼100 times faster. In turn, the PM3 is ∼100 times faster than the QC calcns. Thus, with ReaxFF the authors hope to be able to study complex reactions in hydrocarbons.
- 33Behler, J.; Parrinello, M. Generalized Neural-Network Representation of High-Dimensional Potential-Energy Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 146401– 146404, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.14640133 Neural-Network Representation of High-Dimensional Potential-Energy SurfacesBehler, Jorg; Parrinello, MichelePhysical Review Letters (2007), 98 (14), 146401/1-146401/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The accurate description of chem. processes often requires the use of computationally demanding methods like d.-functional theory (DFT), making long simulations of large systems unfeasible. In this Letter we introduce a new kind of neural-network representation of DFT potential-energy surfaces, which provides the energy and forces as a function of all at. positions in systems of arbitrary size and is several orders of magnitude faster than DFT. The high accuracy of the method is demonstrated for bulk silicon and compared with empirical potentials and DFT. The method is general and can be applied to all types of periodic and nonperiodic systems.
- 34Bartók, A. P.; Csanyi, G. Gaussian Approximation Potentials: A Brief Tutorial Introduction. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2015, 115, 1051– 1057, DOI: 10.1002/qua.2492734 approximation potentials: A brief tutorial introductionBartok, Albert P.; Csanyi, GaborInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2015), 115 (16), 1051-1057CODEN: IJQCB2; ISSN:0020-7608. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)We present a swift walk-through of our recent work that uses machine learning to fit interat. potentials based on quantum mech. data. We describe our Gaussian approxn. potentials (GAP) framework, discuss a variety of descriptors, how to train the model on total energies and derivs., and the simultaneous use of multiple models of different complexity. We also show a small example using QUIP, the software sandbox implementation of GAP that is available for noncommercial use.
- 35Leshno, M.; Lin, V. Y.; Pinkus, A.; Schocken, S. Multilayer Feedforward Networks with a Nonpolynomial Activation Function Can Approximate Any Function. Neural Networks 1993, 6, 861– 867, DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(05)80131-5There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Thomsen, J. U.; Meyer, B. Pattern Recognition of the 1H NMR Spectra of Sugar Alditols Using a Neural Network. J. Magn. Reson. 1989, 84, 212– 21736 recognition of the proton NMR spectra of sugar alditols using a neural networkThomsen, J. U.; Meyer, B.Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969-1992) (1989), 84 (1), 212-17CODEN: JOMRA4; ISSN:0022-2364.The title method was used to identify the spectra of 6 alditols including glucitol.
- 37Curry, B.; Rumelhart, D. E. MSnet: A Neural Network which Classifies Mass Spectra. Tetrahedron Comput. Methodol. 1990, 3, 213– 237, DOI: 10.1016/0898-5529(90)90053-B37 a neural network which classifies mass spectraCurry, Bo; Rumelhart, David E.Tetrahedron Computer Methodology (1990), 3 (3-4), 213-37CODEN: TCMTE6; ISSN:0898-5529.A feed-forward neural network was designed to classify low-resoln. mass spectra of unknown compds. according to the presence or absence of 100 org. substructures. The neural network, MSnet, was trained to compute a max.-likelihood est. of the probability that each substructure is present. Some design considerations and statistical properties of neural network classifiers, and the effect of various training regimes on generalization behavior are discussed. The MSnet classifies mass spectra more reliably than other methods reported in the literature, and has other desirable properties.
- 38Klopman, G. Artificial Intelligence Approach to Structure-Activity Studies. Computer Automated Structure Evaluation of Biological Activity of Organic Molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 7315– 7321, DOI: 10.1021/ja00336a00438 intelligence approach to structure-activity studies. Computer automated structure evaluation of biological activity of organic moleculesKlopman, GillesJournal of the American Chemical Society (1984), 106 (24), 7315-21CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863.A new program was introduced to study the relationship between structure and biol. activity of org. mols. The computer-automated structure evaluation program automatically recognizes mol. structures from the KLN code, a mol. linear coding routine, and proceeds automatically to identify, tabulate, and statistically analyze biophores, i.e., substructures believed to be responsible for known or anticipated biol. activity of groups of mols. The method was applied to the study of the carcinogenicity of polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons, the carcinogenicity of N-nitrosamines in rats, and the pesticidal activity of some ketoxime carbamates.
- 39Hopfinger, A. J.; Burke, B. J.; Dunn, W. J., III A Generalized Formalism of Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Analysis for Flexible Molecules Using Tensor Representation. J. Med. Chem. 1994, 37, 3768– 3774, DOI: 10.1021/jm00048a01339 generalized formalism of three-dimensional quantitative structure-property relationship analysis for flexible molecules using tensor representationHopfinger, A. J.; Burke, Benjamin J.; Dunn, William J., IIIJournal of Medicinal Chemistry (1994), 37 (22), 3768-74CODEN: JMCMAR; ISSN:0022-2623.A general formalism, based upon tensor representation of multidimensional data blocks, is presented to express relationships between dependent properties and independent mol. feature measures. The solns. to these data set problems are three-dimensional quant. structure-property relationships, 3D-QSPRs. The mol. features are partitioned into the intrinsic mol. shape tensor, the mol. field tensor, a nonshape/field feature tensor, and an exptl. feature tensor. The intrinsic mol. shape tensor contains information on the shape of a mol. within the contact surface while the mol. field tensor contains information outside of the contact surface. Mol. features not directly related to mol. shape are put into the nonshape/field tensor. Exptl. measures not being used as dependent variables can be considered as independent mol. features in the exptl. feature tensor. The 3D-QSPR is realized by constructing the transformation tensor which optimizes the statistical significance between the dependent and independent variables. Repetitive use of partial least squares (PLS) regression permits the unfolding of the composite feature tensor and the identification of the optimum transformation tensor. It is pointed out that a variety of fragment, whole-mol.,two-dimensional, and/or three-dimensional features can be placed into a nonshape/field tensor.
- 40Gakh, A. A.; Gakh, E. G.; Sumpter, B. G.; Noid, D. W. Neural Network-Graph Theory Approach to the Prediction of the Physical Properties of Organic Compounds. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1994, 34, 832– 839, DOI: 10.1021/ci00020a01740 Network-Graph Theory Approach to the Prediction of the Physical Properties of Organic CompoundsGakh, Andrei A.; Gakh, Elena G.; Sumpter, Bobby G.; Noid, Donald W.Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (1994), 34 (4), 832-9CODEN: JCISD8; ISSN:0095-2338.A new computational scheme is developed to predict phys. properties of org. compds. on the basis of their mol. structure. The method uses graph theory to encode the structural information which is the numerical input for a neural network. Calcd. results for a series of satd. hydrocarbons demonstrate av. accuracies of 1-2% with max. deviations of 12-14%.
- 41Sumpter, B. G.; Noid, D. W. Potential Energy Surfaces for Macromolecules. A Neural Network Technique. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1992, 192, 79– 86, DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(92)85498-YThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Blank, T. B.; Brown, S. D.; Calhoun, A. W.; Doren, D. J. Neural Network Models of Potential Energy Surfaces. J. Chem. Phys. 1995, 103, 4129– 4137, DOI: 10.1063/1.46959742 network models of potential energy surfacesBlank, Thomas B.; Brown, Steven D.; Calhoun, August W.; Doren, Douglas J.Journal of Chemical Physics (1995), 103 (10), 4129-37CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)Neural networks provide an efficient, general interpolation method for nonlinear functions of several variables. This paper describes the use of feed-forward neural networks to model global properties of potential energy surfaces from information available at a limited no. of configurations. As an initial demonstration of the method, several fits are made to data derived from an empirical potential model of CO adsorbed on Ni(111). The data are error-free and geometries are selected from uniform grids of two and three dimensions. The neural network model predicts the potential to within a few hundredths of a kcal/mol at arbitrary geometries. The accuracy and efficiency of the neural network in practical calcns. are demonstrated in quantum transition state theory rate calcns. for surface diffusion of CO/Ni(111) using a Monte Carlo/path integral method. The network model is much faster to evaluate than the original potential from which it is derived. As a more complex test of the method, the interaction potential of H2 with the Si(100)-2 × 1 surface is detd. as a function of 12 degrees of freedom from energies calcd. with the local d. functional method at 750 geometries. The training examples are not uniformly spaces and they depend weakly on variables not included in the fit. The neural net model predicts the potential at geometries outside the training set with a mean abs. deviation of 2.1 kcal/mol.
- 43Brown, D. F. R.; Gibbs, M. N.; Clary, D. C. Combining Ab Initio Computations, Neural Networks, and Diffusion Monte Carlo: An Efficient Method to Treat Weakly Bound Molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 105, 7597– 7604, DOI: 10.1063/1.47259643 ab initio computations, neural networks, and diffusion Monte Carlo: an efficient method to treat weakly bound moleculesBrown, David F. R.; Gibbs, Mark N.; Clary, David C.Journal of Chemical Physics (1996), 105 (17), 7597-7604CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We describe a new method to calc. the vibrational ground-state properties of weakly bound mol. systems, and apply it to (HF)2 and HF-HCl. A Bayesian inference neural network is used to fit an analytic function to a set of ab-initio data points, which may then be employed by the quantum-diffusion-Monte-Carlo method to produce ground-state vibrational wave functions and properties. The method is general and relatively simple to implement, and will be attractive for calcns. on systems for which no analytic potential energy surface exists.
- 44Behler, J. Representing Potential Energy Surfaces by High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials. Condens. Matter 2014, 26, 183001, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/18/18300144 potential energy surfaces by high-dimensional neural network potentialsBehler, J.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2014), 26 (18), 183001/1-183001/24, 24 pp.CODEN: JCOMEL; ISSN:0953-8984. (IOP Publishing Ltd.)A review. The development of interat. potentials employing artificial neural networks has seen tremendous progress in recent years. While until recently the applicability of neural network potentials (NNPs) has been restricted to low-dimensional systems, this limitation has now been overcome and high-dimensional NNPs can be used in large-scale mol. dynamics simulations of thousands of atoms. NNPs are constructed by adjusting a set of parameters using data from electronic structure calcns. and in many cases energies and forces can be obtained with very high accuracy. Therefore, NNP-based simulation results are often very close to those gained by a direct application of first-principles methods. In this review, the basic methodol. of high-dimensional NNPs will be presented with a special focus on the scope and the remaining limitations of this approach. The development of NNPs requires substantial computational effort as typically thousands of ref. calcns. are required. Still, if the problem to be studied involves very large systems or long simulation times this overhead is regained quickly. Further, the method is still limited to systems contg. about three or four chem. elements due to the rapidly increasing complexity of the configuration space, although many atoms of each species can be present. Due to the ability of NNPs to describe even extremely complex at. configurations with excellent accuracy irresp. of the nature of the at. interactions, they represent a general and therefore widely applicable technique, e.g. for addressing problems in materials science, for investigating properties of interfaces and for studying solvation processes.
- 45Behler, J. Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions for Constructing High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 074106 DOI: 10.1063/1.355371745 symmetry functions for constructing high-dimensional neural network potentialsBehler, JoergJournal of Chemical Physics (2011), 134 (7), 074106/1-074106/13CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)Neural networks offer an unbiased and numerically very accurate approach to represent high-dimensional ab initio potential-energy surfaces. Once constructed, neural network potentials can provide the energies and forces many orders of magnitude faster than electronic structure calcns., and thus enable mol. dynamics simulations of large systems. However, Cartesian coordinates are not a good choice to represent the at. positions, and a transformation to symmetry functions is required. Using simple benchmark systems, the properties of several types of symmetry functions suitable for the construction of high-dimensional neural network potential-energy surfaces are discussed in detail. The symmetry functions are general and can be applied to all types of systems such as mols., cryst. and amorphous solids, and liqs. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
- 46Jose, K. V. J.; Artrith, A.; Behler, J. Construction of High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials Using Environment-Dependent Atom Pairs. J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 194111, DOI: 10.1063/1.471239746 of high-dimensional neural network potentials using environment-dependent atom pairsJose, K. V. Jovan; Artrith, Nongnuch; Behler, JoergJournal of Chemical Physics (2012), 136 (19), 194111/1-194111/15CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)An accurate detn. of the potential energy is the crucial step in computer simulations of chem. processes, but using electronic structure methods on-the-fly in mol. dynamics (MD) is computationally too demanding for many systems. Constructing more efficient interat. potentials becomes intricate with increasing dimensionality of the potential-energy surface (PES), and for numerous systems the accuracy that can be achieved is still not satisfying and far from the reliability of 1st-principles calcns. Feed-forward neural networks (NNs) have a very flexible functional form, and in recent years they were shown to be an accurate tool to construct efficient PESs. High-dimensional NN potentials based on environment-dependent at. energy contributions were presented for a no. of materials. Still, these potentials may be improved by a more detailed structural description, e.g., in form of atom pairs, which directly reflect the at. interactions and take the chem. environment into account. We present an implementation of an NN method based on atom pairs, and its accuracy and performance are compared to the atom-based NN approach using 2 very different systems, the MeOH mol. and metallic Cu. We find that both types of NN potentials provide an excellent description of both PESs, with the pair-based method yielding a slightly higher accuracy making it a competitive alternative for addressing complex systems in MD simulations. (c) 2012 American Institute of Physics.
- 47Shakouri, K.; Behler, J.; Meyer, J.; Kroes, G.-J. Accurate Neural Network Description of Surface Phonons in Reactive Gas–Surface Dynamics: N2 + Ru(0001). J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 2131– 2136, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b0078447 Neural Network Description of Surface Phonons in Reactive Gas-Surface Dynamics: N2 + Ru(0001)Shakouri, Khosrow; Behler, Joerg; Meyer, Joerg; Kroes, Geert-JanJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2017), 8 (10), 2131-2136CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)Ab initio mol. dynamics (AIMD) simulations enable the accurate description of reactive mol.-surface scattering esp. if energy transfer involving surface phonons is important. However, presently, the computational expense of AIMD rules out its application to systems where reaction probabilities are smaller than about 1%. Here we show that this problem can be overcome by a high-dimensional neural network fit of the mol.-surface interaction potential, which also incorporates the dependence on phonons by taking into account all degrees of freedom of the surface explicitly. As shown for N2 + Ru(0001), which is a prototypical case for highly activated dissociative chemisorption, the method allows an accurate description of the coupling of mol. and surface atom motion and accurately accounts for vibrational properties of the employed slab model of Ru(0001). The neural network potential allows reaction probabilities as low as 10-5 to be computed, showing good agreement with exptl. results.
- 48Gao, T.; Kitchin, J. R. Modeling Palladium Surfaces with Density Functional Theory, Neural Networks and Molecular Dynamics. Catal. Today 2018, 312, 132– 140, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2018.03.04548 palladium surfaces with density functional theory, neural networks and molecular dynamicsGao, Tianyu; Kitchin, John R.Catalysis Today (2018), 312 (), 132-140CODEN: CATTEA; ISSN:0920-5861. (Elsevier B.V.)In this work, we have constructed a high dimensional neural network (NN) potential energy function for simulating palladium surface properties. The NN potential was trained with 3035 d. functional theory (DFT) calcns., and was shown to be nearly as accurate as DFT in mol. simulations. Important properties including lattice consts., elastic properties and surface energies as well as transition state energies and adatom diffusion barriers were predicted by the NN and were found to be in excellent agreement with DFT results. The computational time to run the NN was compared to DFT calcn. time, and we found this implementation of the NN is roughly four orders of magnitude faster than DFT. This approach is general and applicable to other systems and may have applications in modeling catalytic processes at surfaces.
- 49Wang, C.; Tharval, A.; Kitchin, J. R. A Density Functional Theory Parameterised Neural Network Model of Zirconia. Mol. Simul. 2018, 44, 623– 630, DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2017.142018549 density functional theory parameterised neural network model of zirconiaWang, Chen; Tharval, Akshay; Kitchin, John R.Molecular Simulation (2018), 44 (8), 623-630CODEN: MOSIEA; ISSN:0892-7022. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review. We have developed a Behler-Parrinello Neural Network (BPNN) that can be employed to calc. energies and forces of zirconia bulk structures with oxygen vacancies with similar accuracy as that of the d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. that were used to train the BPNN. In this work, we have trained the BPNN potential with a ref. set of 2178 DFT calcns. and validated it against a dataset of untrained data. We have shown that the bulk structural parameters, equation of states, oxygen vacancy formation energies and diffusion barriers predicted by the BPNN potential are in good agreement with the ref. DFT data. The transferability of the BPNN potential has also been benchmarked with the prediction of structures that were not included in the ref. set. The evaluation time of the BPNN is orders of magnitude less than corresponding DFT calcns., although the training process of the BPNN potential requires non-negligible amt. of computational resources to prep. the dataset. The computational efficiency of the NN enabled it to be used in mol. dynamics simulations of the temp.-dependent diffusion of an oxygen vacancy and the corresponding diffusion activation energy.
- 50Eckhoff, M.; Behler, J. From Molecular Fragments to the Bulk: Development of a Neural Network Potential for MOF-5. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 3793– 3809, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b0128850 Molecular Fragments to the Bulk: Development of a Neural Network Potential for MOF-5Eckhoff, Marco; Behler, JoergJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2019), 15 (6), 3793-3809CODEN: JCTCCE; ISSN:1549-9618. (American Chemical Society)The development of first-principles-quality reactive atomistic potentials for org.-inorg. hybrid materials is still a substantial challenge because of the very different physics of the at. interactions-from covalent via ionic bonding to dispersion-that have to be described in an accurate and balanced way. In this work we used a prototypical metal-org. framework, MOF-5, as a benchmark case to investigate the applicability of high-dimensional neural network potentials (HDNNPs) to this class of materials. In HDNNPs, which belong to the class of machine learning potentials, the energy is constructed as a sum of environment-dependent at. energy contributions. We demonstrate that by the use of this approach it is possible to obtain a high-quality potential for the periodic MOF-5 crystal using d. functional theory (DFT) ref. calcns. of small mol. fragments only. The resulting HDNNP, which has a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 1.6 meV/atom for the energies of mol. fragments not included in the training set, is able to provide the equil. lattice const. of the bulk MOF-5 structure with an error of about 0.1% relative to DFT, and also, the neg. thermal expansion behavior is accurately predicted. The total energy RMSE of periodic structures that are completely absent in the training set is about 6.5 meV/atom, with errors on the order of 2 meV/atom for energy differences. We show that in contrast to energy differences, achieving a high accuracy for total energies requires careful variation of the stoichiometries of the training structures to avoid energy offsets, as at. energies are not phys. observables. The forces, which have RMSEs of about 94 meV/a0 for the mol. fragments and 130 meV/a0 for bulk structures not included in the training set, are insensitive to such offsets. Therefore, forces, which are the relevant properties for mol. dynamics simulations, provide a realistic est. of the accuracy of atomistic potentials.
- 51Schran, C.; Uhl, F.; Behler, J.; Marx, D. High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials for Solvation: The Case of Protonated Water Clusters in Helium. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 102310, DOI: 10.1063/1.499681951 neural network potentials for solvation: The case of protonated water clusters in heliumSchran, Christoph; Uhl, Felix; Behler, Joerg; Marx, DominikJournal of Chemical Physics (2018), 148 (10), 102310/1-102310/10CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The design of accurate helium-solute interaction potentials for the simulation of chem. complex mols. solvated in superfluid helium has long been a cumbersome task due to the rather weak but strongly anisotropic nature of the interactions. We show that this challenge can be met by using a combination of an effective pair potential for the He-He interactions and a flexible high-dimensional neural network potential (NNP) for describing the complex interaction between helium and the solute in a pairwise additive manner. This approach yields an excellent agreement with a mean abs. deviation as small as 0.04 kJ mol-1 for the interaction energy between helium and both hydronium and Zundel cations compared with coupled cluster ref. calcns. with an energetically converged basis set. The construction and improvement of the potential can be performed in a highly automated way, which opens the door for applications to a variety of reactive mols. to study the effect of solvation on the solute as well as the solute-induced structuring of the solvent. Furthermore, we show that this NNP approach yields convincing agreement with the coupled cluster ref. for properties like many-body spatial and radial distribution functions. This holds for the microsolvation of the protonated water monomer and dimer by a few helium atoms up to their solvation in bulk helium as obtained from path integral simulations at ∼1 K. (c) 2018 American Institute of Physics.
- 52Lahey, S.-H. J.; Rowley, C. N. Simulating Protein–Ligand Binding with Neural Network Potentials. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 2362– 2368, DOI: 10.1039/C9SC06017K52 protein-ligand binding with neural network potentialsLahey, Shae-Lynn J.; Rowley, Christopher N.Chemical Science (2020), 11 (9), 2362-2368CODEN: CSHCCN; ISSN:2041-6520. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Drug mols. adopt a range of conformations both in soln. and in their protein-bound state. The strain and reduced flexibility of bound drugs can partially counter the intermol. interactions that drive protein-ligand binding. To make accurate computational predictions of drug binding affinities, computational chemists have attempted to develop efficient empirical models of these interactions, although these methods are not always reliable. Machine learning has allowed the development of highly-accurate neural-network potentials (NNPs), which are capable of predicting the stability of mol. conformations with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art quantum chem. calcns. but at a billionth of the computational cost. Here, we demonstrate that these methods can be used to represent the intramol. forces of protein-bound drugs within mol. dynamics simulations. These simulations are shown to be capable of predicting the protein-ligand binding pose and conformational component of the abs. Gibbs energy of binding for a set of drug mols. Notably, the conformational energy for anti-cancer drug erlotinib binding to its target was found to be considerably overestimated by a mol. mech. model, while the NNP predicts a more moderate value. Although the ANI-1ccX NNP was not trained to describe ionic mols., reasonable binding poses are predicted for charged ligands, but this method is not suitable for modeling charged ligands in soln.
- 53Sun, G.; Sautet, P. Metastable Structures in Cluster Catalysis from First-Principles: Structural Ensemble in Reaction Conditions and Metastability Triggered Reactivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 2812– 2820, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b1123953 Structures in Cluster Catalysis from First-Principles: Structural Ensemble in Reaction Conditions and Metastability Triggered ReactivitySun, Geng; Sautet, PhilippeJournal of the American Chemical Society (2018), 140 (8), 2812-2820CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)Reactivity studies on catalytic transition metal clusters are usually performed on a single global min. structure. With the example of a Pt13 cluster under a pressure of hydrogen, we show from first-principle calcns. that low energy metastable structures of the cluster can play a major role for catalytic reactivity and that hence consideration of the global min. structure alone can severely underestimate the activity. The catalyst is fluxional with an ensemble of metastable structures energetically accessible at reaction conditions. A modified genetic algorithm is proposed to comprehensively search for the low energy metastable ensemble (LEME) structures instead of merely the global min. structure. In order to reduce the computational cost of d. functional calcns., a high dimensional neural network potential is employed to accelerate the exploration. The presence and influence of LEME structures during catalysis is discussed by the example of H covered Pt13 clusters for two reactions of major importance: hydrogen evolution reaction and methane activation. The results demonstrate that although the no. of accessible metastable structures is reduced under reaction condition for Pt13 clusters, these metastable structures can exhibit high activity and dominate the obsd. activity due to their unique electronic or structural properties. This underlines the necessity of thoroughly exploring the LEME structures in catalysis simulations. The approach enables one to systematically address the impact of isomers in catalysis studies, taking into account the high adsorbate coverage induced by reaction conditions.
- 54Zuo, Y.; Chen, C.; Li, X.; Deng, Z.; Chen, Y.; Behler, J.; Csányi, G.; Shapeev, A. V.; Thompson, A. P.; Wood, A. M.; Ong, S. P. A Performance and Cost Assessment of Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials. J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 731– 745, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b0872354 and Cost Assessment of Machine Learning Interatomic PotentialsZuo, Yunxing; Chen, Chi; Li, Xiangguo; Deng, Zhi; Chen, Yiming; Behler, Jorg; Csanyi, Gabor; Shapeev, Alexander V.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Ong, Shyue PingJournal of Physical Chemistry A (2020), 124 (4), 731-745CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)Machine learning of the quant. relationship between local environment descriptors and the potential energy surface of a system of atoms has emerged as a new frontier in the development of interat. potentials (IAPs). Here, we present a comprehensive evaluation of machine learning IAPs (ML-IAPs) based on four local environment descriptors-atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSF), smooth overlap of at. positions (SOAP), the spectral neighbor anal. potential (SNAP) bispectrum components, and moment tensors-using a diverse data set generated using high-throughput d. functional theory (DFT) calcns. The data set comprising bcc (Li, Mo) and fcc (Cu, Ni) metals and diamond group IV semiconductors (Si, Ge) is chosen to span a range of crystal structures and bonding. All descriptors studied show excellent performance in predicting energies and forces far surpassing that of classical IAPs, as well as predicting properties such as elastic consts. and phonon dispersion curves. We observe a general trade-off between accuracy and the degrees of freedom of each model and, consequently, computational cost. We will discuss these trade-offs in the context of model selection for mol. dynamics and other applications.
- 55Bartók, A. P.; Gillan, M. J.; Manby, F. R.; Csányi, G. Machine-Learning Approach for One- and Two-Body Corrections to Density Functional Theory: Applications to Molecular and Condensed Water. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 88, 054104, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.18411555 approach for one- and two-body corrections to density functional theory: applications to molecular and condensed waterBartok, Albert P.; Gillan, Michael J.; Manby, Frederick R.; Csanyi, GaborPhysical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2013), 88 (5), 054104/1-054104/12CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:1098-0121. (American Physical Society)We show how machine learning techniques based on Bayesian inference can be used to enhance the computer simulation of mol. materials, focusing here on water. We train our machine-learning algorithm using accurate, correlated quantum chem., and predict energies and forces in mol. aggregates ranging from clusters to solid and liq. phases. The widely used electronic-structure methods based on d. functional theory (DFT) by themselves give poor accuracy for mol. materials like water, and we show how our techniques can be used to generate systematically improvable one- and two-body corrections to DFT with modest extra resources. The resulting cor. DFT scheme is considerably more accurate than uncorrected DFT for the relative energies of small water clusters and different ice structures and significantly improves the description of the structure and dynamics of liq. water. However, our results for ice structures and the liq. indicate that beyond-two-body DFT errors cannot be ignored, and we suggest how our machine-learning methods can be further developed to correct these errors.
- 56Hanse, K.; Montavon, G.; Biegler, F.; Fazli, S.; Rupp, M.; Scheffler, M.; von Lilienfeld, O. A.; Tkatchenko, A.; Müller, K.-R. Assessment and Validation of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Molecular Atomization Energies. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 3404– 3419, DOI: 10.1021/ct400195dThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 57Montavon, G.; Rupp, M.; Gobre, V.; Vazquez-Mayagoitia, A.; Hansen, K.; Tkatchenko, A.; Müller, K.-R.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Machine Learning of Molecular Electronic Properties in Chemical Compound Space. New J. Phys. 2013, 15, 095003 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/09500357 learning of molecular electronic properties in chemical compound spaceMontavon, Gregoire; Rupp, Matthias; Gobre, Vivekanand; Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Alvaro; Hansen, Katja; Tkatchenko, Alexandre; Mueller, Klaus-Robert; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleNew Journal of Physics (2013), 15 (Sept.), 095003CODEN: NJOPFM; ISSN:1367-2630. (IOP Publishing Ltd.)The combination of modern scientific computing with electronic structure theory can lead to an unprecedented amt. of data amenable to intelligent data anal. for the identification of meaningful, novel and predictive structure-property relationships. Such relationships enable high-throughput screening for relevant properties in an exponentially growing pool of virtual compds. that are synthetically accessible. Here, we present a machine learning model, trained on a database of ab initio calcn. results for thousands of org. mols., that simultaneously predicts multiple electronic ground- and excited-state properties. The properties include atomization energy, polarizability, frontier orbital eigenvalues, ionization potential, electron affinity and excitation energies. The machine learning model is based on a deep multi-task artificial neural network, exploiting the underlying correlations between various mol. properties. The input is identical to ab initio methods, i.e. nuclear charges and Cartesian coordinates of all atoms. For small org. mols., the accuracy of such a 'quantum machine' is similar, and sometimes superior, to modern quantum-chem. methods-at negligible computational cost.
- 58Rupp, M.; Ramakrishnan, R.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Machine Learning for Quantum Mechanical Properties of Atoms in Molecules. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 3309– 3313, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0145658 Learning for Quantum Mechanical Properties of Atoms in MoleculesRupp, Matthias; Ramakrishnan, Raghunathan; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2015), 6 (16), 3309-3313CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)We introduce machine learning models of quantum mech. observables of atoms in mols. Instant out-of-sample predictions for proton and carbon nuclear chem. shifts, at. core level excitations, and forces on atoms reach accuracies on par with d. functional theory ref. Locality is exploited within nonlinear regression via local atom-centered coordinate systems. The approach is validated on a diverse set of 9 k small org. mols. Linear scaling of computational cost in system size is demonstrated for satd. polymers with up to submesoscale lengths.
- 59Weststrate, C. J.; van de Loosdrecht, J.; Niemantsverdriet, J. W. Spectroscopic Insights into Cobalt-Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: A Review of the Carbon Monoxide Interaction with Single Crystalline Surfaces of Cobalt. J. Catal. 2016, 342, 1– 16, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2016.07.01059 insights into cobalt-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: A review of the carbon monoxide interaction with single crystalline surfaces of cobaltWeststrate, C. J.; van de Loosdrecht, J.; Niemantsverdriet, J. W.Journal of Catalysis (2016), 342 (), 1-16CODEN: JCTLA5; ISSN:0021-9517. (Elsevier Inc.)The present article summarizes exptl. findings of the interaction of CO with single crystal surfaces of cobalt. We first provide a quant. study of non-dissociative CO adsorption on Co(0001) and establish a quant. correlation between θCO and adsorption site occupation. In light of these findings we revisit the structure of previously reported ordered CO/Co(0001) adsorbate layers. Measurements of the CO coverage at equil. conditions are used to derive a phase diagram for CO on Co(0001). For low temp. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis conditions the CO coverage is predicted to be ≈0.5 ML, a value that hardly changes with pCO. The CO desorption temp. found in temp. programmed desorption is practically structure-independent, despite structure-dependent heats of adsorption reported in the literature. This mismatch is attributed to a structure-dependent pre-exponential factor for desorption. IR spectra reported throughout this study provide a ref. point for IR studies on cobalt catalysts. Results for CO adsorbed on flat and defect-rich Co surfaces as well as particular, CO adsorbed on top sites, and in addn. affect the distribution of COad over the various possible adsorption sites.
- 60Werbos, P. J. Generalization of Backpropagation with Application to a Recurrent Gas Market Model. Neural Networks 1988, 1, 339– 356, DOI: 10.1016/0893-6080(88)90007-XThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 61Huang, Y.; Kang, J.; Goddard, W. A.; Wang, L.-W. Density Functional Theory Based Neural Network Force Fields from Energy Decompositions. Phys. Rev. B 2019, 99, 064103 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.06410361 functional theory based neural network force fields from energy decompositionsHuang, Yufeng; Kang, Jun; Goddard, William A. III; Wang, Lin-WangPhysical Review B (2019), 99 (6), 064103/1-064103/11CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)In order to develop force fields (FF) for mol. dynamics simulations that retain the accuracy of ab initio d. functional theory (DFT), we developed a machine learning protocol based on an energy decompn. scheme that exts. at. energies from DFT calcns. Our DFT to FF (DFT2FF) approach provides almost hundreds of times more data for the DFT energies, which dramatically improves accuracy with less DFT calcns. In addn., we use piecewise cosine basis functions to systematically construct symmetry invariant features into the neural network model. We illustrate this DFT2FF approach for amorphous silicon where only 800 DFT configurations are sufficient to achieve an accuracy of 1 meV/atom for energy and 0.1 eV/A for forces. We then use the resulting FF model to calc. the thermal cond. of amorphous Si based on long mol. dynamics simulations. The dramatic speedup in training in our DFT2FF protocol allows the adoption of a simulation paradigm where an accurate and problem specific FF for a given physics phenomenon is trained on-the-spot through a quick DFT precalcn. and FF training.
- 62Gastegger, M.; Schwiedrzik, L.; Bittermann, M.; Berzsenyi, F.; Marquetand, P. wACSF - Weighted Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions as Descriptors in Machine Learning Potentials. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 241709, DOI: 10.1063/1.501966762 atom-centered symmetry functions as descriptors in machine learning potentialsGastegger, M.; Schwiedrzik, L.; Bittermann, M.; Berzsenyi, F.; Marquetand, P.Journal of Chemical Physics (2018), 148 (24), 241709/1-241709/11CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We introduce weighted atom-centered symmetry functions (wACSFs) as descriptors of a chem. system's geometry for use in the prediction of chem. properties such as enthalpies or potential energies via machine learning. The wACSFs are based on conventional atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSFs) but overcome the undesirable scaling of the latter with an increasing no. of different elements in a chem. system. The performance of these two descriptors is compared using them as inputs in high-dimensional neural network potentials (HDNNPs), employing the mol. structures and assocd. enthalpies of the 133 855 mols. contg. up to five different elements reported in the QM9 database as ref. data. A substantially smaller no. of wACSFs than ACSFs is needed to obtain a comparable spatial resoln. of the mol. structures. At the same time, this smaller set of wACSFs leads to a significantly better generalization performance in the machine learning potential than the large set of conventional ACSFs. Furthermore, we show that the intrinsic parameters of the descriptors can in principle be optimized with a genetic algorithm in a highly automated manner. For the wACSFs employed here, we find however that using a simple empirical parametrization scheme is sufficient in order to obtain HDNNPs with high accuracy. (c) 2018 American Institute of Physics.
- 63Artrith, N.; Urban, A.; Ceder, G. Efficient and Accurate Machine-Learning Interpolation of Atomic Energies in Compositions with Many Species. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 96, 014112 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.01411263 and accurate machine-learning interpolation of atomic energies in compositions with many speciesArtrith, Nongnuch; Urban, Alexander; Ceder, GerbrandPhysical Review B (2017), 96 (1), 014112/1-014112/5CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)Machine-learning potentials (MLPs) for atomistic simulations are a promising alternative to conventional classical potentials. Current approaches rely on descriptors of the local at. environment with dimensions that increase quadratically with the no. of chem. species. In this paper, we demonstrate that such a scaling can be avoided in practice. We show that a math. simple and computationally efficient descriptor with const. complexity is sufficient to represent transition-metal oxide compns. and biomols. contg. 11 chem. species with a precision of around 3 meV/atom. This insight removes a perceived bound on the utility of MLPs and paves the way to investigate the physics of previously inaccessible materials with more than ten chem. species.
- 64Seko, A.; Hayashi, H.; Nakayama, K.; Takahashi, A.; Tanaka, I. Representation of Compounds for Machine-Learning Prediction of Physical Properties. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 95, 144110, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.14411064 of compounds for machine-learning prediction of physical propertiesSeko, Atsuto; Hayashi, Hiroyuki; Nakayama, Keita; Takahashi, Akira; Tanaka, IsaoPhysical Review B (2017), 95 (14), 144110/1-144110/11CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)The representations of a compd., called "descriptors" or "features", play an essential role in constructing a machine-learning model of its phys. properties. In this study, we adopt a procedure for generating a set of descriptors from simple elemental and structural representations. First, it is applied to a large data set composed of the cohesive energy for about 18 000 compds. computed by d. functional theory calcn. As a result, we obtain a kernel ridge prediction model with a prediction error of 0.041 eV/atom, which is close to the "chem. accuracy" of 1 kcal/mol (0.043 eV/atom). A prediction model with an error of 0.071 eV/atom of the cohesive energy is obtained for the normalized prototype structures, which can be used for the practical purpose of searching for as-yet-unknown structures. The procedure is also applied to two smaller data sets, i.e., a data set of the lattice thermal cond. for 110 compds. computed by d. functional theory calcn. and a data set of the exptl. melting temp. for 248 compds. We examine the effect of the descriptor sets on the efficiency of Bayesian optimization in addn. to the accuracy of the kernel ridge regression models. They exhibit good predictive performances.
- 65Huang, B.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. Communication: Understanding Molecular Representations in Machine Learning: The Role of Uniqueness and Target Similarity. J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 161102, DOI: 10.1063/1.496462765 Understanding molecular representations in machine learning: The role of uniqueness and target similarityHuang, Bing; von Lilienfeld, O. AnatoleJournal of Chemical Physics (2016), 145 (16), 161102/1-161102/6CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)The predictive accuracy of Machine Learning (ML) models of mol. properties depends on the choice of the mol. representation. Inspired by the postulates of quantum mechanics, we introduce a hierarchy of representations which meet uniqueness and target similarity criteria. To systematically control target similarity, we simply rely on interat. many body expansions, as implemented in universal force-fields, including Bonding, Angular (BA), and higher order terms. Addn. of higher order contributions systematically increases similarity to the true potential energy and predictive accuracy of the resulting ML models. We report numerical evidence for the performance of BAML models trained on mol. properties pre-calcd. at electron-correlated and d. functional theory level of theory for thousands of small org. mols. Properties studied include enthalpies and free energies of atomization, heat capacity, zero-point vibrational energies, dipole-moment, polarizability, HOMO/LUMO energies and gap, ionization potential, electron affinity, and electronic excitations. After training, BAML predicts energies or electronic properties of out-of-sample mols. with unprecedented accuracy and speed. (c) 2016 American Institute of Physics.
- 66Handley, C. M.; Popelier, P. L. A. Potential Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural Networks. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 3371– 3383, DOI: 10.1021/jp910558566 Energy Surfaces Fitted by Artificial Neural NetworksHandley, Chris M.; Popelier, Paul L. A.Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2010), 114 (10), 3371-3383CODEN: JPCAFH; ISSN:1089-5639. (American Chemical Society)A review. Mol. mechanics is the tool of choice for the modeling of systems that are so large or complex that it is impractical or impossible to model them by ab initio methods. For this reason there is a need for accurate potentials that are able to quickly reproduce ab initio quality results at the fraction of the cost. The interactions within force fields are represented by a no. of functions. Some interactions are well understood and can be represented by simple math. functions while others are not so well understood and their functional form is represented in a simplistic manner or not even known. In the last 20 years there have been the first examples of a new design ethic, where novel and contemporary methods using machine learning, in particular, artificial neural networks, have been used to find the nature of the underlying functions of a force field. Here we appraise what has been achieved over this time and what requires further improvements, while offering some insight and guidance for the development of future force fields.
- 67Ramsvik, T.; Borg, A.; Kildemo, M.; Raaen, S.; Matsuura, A.; Jaworowski, A. J.; Worren, T.; Leandersson, M. Molecular Vibrations in Core-Ionised CO Adsorbed on Co(0001) and Rh(100). Surf. Sci. 2001, 492, 152– 160, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(01)01446-767 vibrations in core-ionised CO adsorbed on Co(0 0 0 1) and Rh(1 0 0)Ramsvik, T.; Borg, A.; Kildemo, M.; Raaen, S.; Matsuura, A.; Jaworowski, A. J.; Worren, T.; Leandersson, M.Surface Science (2001), 492 (1-2), 152-160CODEN: SUSCAS; ISSN:0039-6028. (Elsevier Science B.V.)Previous studies of CO on Ni(1 0 0) by Fohlisch et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 1730] have shown that the intramol. stretch vibration mode obsd. in the C 1s photoelectron lines depends strongly on the chem. state of the adsorbate. In the current investigation analogous analyses were done for CO on Co(0 0 0 1) and Rh(1 0 0). CO adsorbs in on-top sites on Co(0 0 0 1) resulting in a vibrational splitting of (210 ± 3) meV from the adiabatic C 1s peak. Including the measured intensities and comparing with similar data from electron energy loss spectroscopy expts. the change in the equil. distance between the initial state and the ionized state was deduced to be (4.2 ± 0.2) pm. For CO on Rh(1 0 0) two adsorption sites, on-top and bridge, are populated. Similar anal. of the vibrational fine structure gives a vibrational splitting of (221 ± 4) meV for the on-top site and (174±11) meV for the bridge site. The resp. changes in the equil. distances are (3.8 ± 0.2) and (5.6 ± 0.3) pm. These results are compared with available data in literature.
- 68Lahtinen, J.; Vaari, J.; Kauraala, K. Adsorption and Structure Dependent Desorption of CO on Co(0001). Surf. Sci. 1998, 418, 502– 510, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(98)00711-068 and structure dependent desorption of CO on Co(0001)Lahtinen, J.; Vaari, J.; Kauraala, K.Surface Science (1998), 418 (3), 502-510CODEN: SUSCAS; ISSN:0039-6028. (Elsevier Science B.V.)The adsorption of CO on the Co(0001) surface at room temp. and at 180 K has been studied using work function measurements, XPS, thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) and LEED. At low coverages and at room temp. the std. (√3×√3)R30°-CO structure was obsd. By decreasing the temp. and increasing the CO exposure, other stable structures were found on the surface. The (√7/3×√7/3)R10.9°-CO structure was found in a small coverage range around θ=0.43 ML and the (√12/7×√12/7)R10.9° structure with θ=0.58 at satn. exposures. Each of the structures were attached to a specific desorption regime in the TDS spectrum. The position of the C 1s and O 1s core levels indicate single adsorption site in the two lower coverage structure and two different adsorption sites for the most dense adsorption layer.
- 69Joos, L.; Filot, I. A. W.; Cottenier, S.; Hensen, E. J. M.; Waroquier, M.; Van Speybroeck, V.; van Santen, R. A. Reactivity of CO on Carbon-Covered Cobalt Surfaces in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 5317– 5327, DOI: 10.1021/jp410970669 of CO on Carbon-Covered Cobalt Surfaces in Fischer-Tropsch SynthesisJoos, Lennart; Filot, Ivo A. W.; Cottenier, Stefaan; Hensen, Emiel J. M.; Waroquier, Michel; Van Speybroeck, Veronique; van Santen, Rutger A.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014), 118 (10), 5317-5327CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is an attractive process to convert alternative carbon sources, such as biomass, natural gas, or coal, to fuels and chems. Deactivation of the catalyst is obviously undesirable, and for a com. plant it is of high importance to keep the catalyst active as long as possible during operating conditions. In this study, the reactivity of CO on carbon-covered cobalt surfaces was investigated by d. functional theory (DFT). An attempt is made to provide insight into the role of carbon deposition on the deactivation of two cobalt surfaces: the closed-packed Co(0001) surface and the corrugated Co(1121) surface. We also analyzed the adsorption and diffusion of carbon atoms on both surfaces and compared the mobility. Finally, the results for Co(0001) and Co(1121) are compared, and the influence of the surface topol. is assessed.
- 70Perdew, J. P.; Burke, K.; Ernzerhof, M. Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1996, 77, 3865– 3868, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.386570 gradient approximation made simplePerdew, John P.; Burke, Kieron; Ernzerhof, MatthiasPhysical Review Letters (1996), 77 (18), 3865-3868CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Generalized gradient approxns. (GGA's) for the exchange-correlation energy improve upon the local spin d. (LSD) description of atoms, mols., and solids. We present a simple derivation of a simple GGA, in which all parameters (other than those in LSD) are fundamental consts. Only general features of the detailed construction underlying the Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91) GGA are invoked. Improvements over PW91 include an accurate description of the linear response of the uniform electron gas, correct behavior under uniform scaling, and a smoother potential.
- 71Hammer, B.; Hansen, L. B.; Nørskov, J. K. Improved Adsorption Energetics within Density-Functional Theory using Revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof Functionals. Phys. Rev. B 1999, 59, 7413– 7421, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.741371 adsorption energetics within density-functional theory using revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functionalsHammer, B.; Hansen, L. B.; Norskov, J. K.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1999), 59 (11), 7413-7421CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)A simple formulation of a generalized gradient approxn. for the exchange and correlation energy of electrons has been proposed by J. Perdew et al. (1996). Subsequently, Y. Zhang and W. Wang (1998) have shown that a slight revision of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional systematically improves the atomization energies for a large database of small mols. In the present work, we show that the Zhang and Yang functional (revPBE) also improves the chemisorption energetics of atoms and mols. on transition-metal surfaces. Our test systems comprise at. and mol. adsorption of oxygen, CO, and NO on Ni(100), Ni(111), Rh(100), Pd(100), and Pd(111) surfaces. As the revPBE functional may locally violate the Lieb-Oxford criterion, we further develop an alternative revision of the PBE functional, RPBE, which gives the same improvement of the chemisorption energies as the revPBE functional at the same time as it fulfills the Lieb-Oxford criterion locally.
- 72Mattsson, A. E.; Armiento, R.; Paier, J.; Kresse, G.; Wills, J. M.; Mattsson, T. R. The AM05 Density Functional Applied to Solids. J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 128, 084714, DOI: 10.1063/1.283559672 AM05 density functional applied to solidsMattsson, Ann E.; Armiento, Rickard; Paier, Joachim; Kresse, Georg; Wills, John M.; Mattsson, Thomas R.Journal of Chemical Physics (2008), 128 (8), 084714/1-084714/11CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606. (American Institute of Physics)We show that the AM05 functional has the same excellent performance for solids as the hybrid d. functionals tested in Paier et al. This confirms the original finding that AM05 performs exceptionally well for solids and surfaces. Hartree-Fock hybrid calcns. are typically an order of magnitude slower than local or semilocal d. functionals such as AM05, which is of a regular semilocal generalized gradient approxn. form. The performance of AM05 is on av. found to be superior to selecting the best of local d. approxn. and PBE for each solid. By comparing data from several different electronic-structure codes, we have detd. that the numerical errors in this study are equal to or smaller than the corresponding exptl. uncertainties. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
- 73Perdew, J. P.; Ruzsinszky, A.; Csonka, G. I.; Vydrov, O. A.; Scuseria, G. E.; Constantin, L. A.; Zhou, X.; Burke, K. Restoring the Density-Gradient Expansion for Exchange in Solids and Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008, 100, 136406, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.13640673 the Density-Gradient Expansion for Exchange in Solids and SurfacesPerdew, John P.; Ruzsinszky, Adrienn; Csonka, Gabor I.; Vydrov, Oleg A.; Scuseria, Gustavo E.; Constantin, Lucian A.; Zhou, Xiaolan; Burke, KieronPhysical Review Letters (2008), 100 (13), 136406/1-136406/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Popular modern generalized gradient approxns. are biased toward the description of free-atom energies. Restoration of the first-principles gradient expansion for exchange over a wide range of d. gradients eliminates this bias. We introduce a revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof generalized gradient approxn. that improves equil. properties of densely packed solids and their surfaces.
- 74Zhang, Y.; Yang, W. Comment on “Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 80, 890, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.89074 on "Generalized Gradient Approximation Made Simple"Zhang, Yingkai; Yang, WeitaoPhysical Review Letters (1998), 80 (4), 890CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)A Comment on the Letter by John P. Perdew, Kieron Burke, and Matthias Ernzerhof, Phys. 77, 3865 (1996). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply.
- 75Grimme, S.; Ehrlich, S.; Goerigk, L. Effect of the Damping Function in Dispersion Corrected Density Functional Theory. J. Comput. Chem. 2011, 32, 1456– 1465, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.2175975 of the damping function in dispersion corrected density functional theoryGrimme, Stefan; Ehrlich, Stephan; Goerigk, LarsJournal of Computational Chemistry (2011), 32 (7), 1456-1465CODEN: JCCHDD; ISSN:0192-8651. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)It is shown by an extensive benchmark on mol. energy data that the math. form of the damping function in DFT-D methods has only a minor impact on the quality of the results. For 12 different functionals, a std. "zero-damping" formula and rational damping to finite values for small interat. distances according to Becke and Johnson (BJ-damping) has been tested. The same (DFT-D3) scheme for the computation of the dispersion coeffs. is used. The BJ-damping requires one fit parameter more for each functional (three instead of two) but has the advantage of avoiding repulsive interat. forces at shorter distances. With BJ-damping better results for nonbonded distances and more clear effects of intramol. dispersion in four representative mol. structures are found. For the noncovalently-bonded structures in the S22 set, both schemes lead to very similar intermol. distances. For noncovalent interaction energies BJ-damping performs slightly better but both variants can be recommended in general. The exception to this is Hartree-Fock that can be recommended only in the BJ-variant and which is then close to the accuracy of cor. GGAs for non-covalent interactions. According to the thermodn. benchmarks BJ-damping is more accurate esp. for medium-range electron correlation problems and only small and practically insignificant double-counting effects are obsd. It seems to provide a phys. correct short-range behavior of correlation/dispersion even with unmodified std. functionals. In any case, the differences between the two methods are much smaller than the overall dispersion effect and often also smaller than the influence of the underlying d. functional. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.; J. Comput. Chem., 2011.
- 76Grimme, S.; Hansen, A.; Brandenburg, J. G.; Bannwarth, C. Dispersion-Corrected Mean-Field Electronic Structure Methods. Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 5105– 5154, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b0053376 Mean-Field Electronic Structure MethodsGrimme, Stefan; Hansen, Andreas; Brandenburg, Jan Gerit; Bannwarth, ChristophChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2016), 116 (9), 5105-5154CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review. Mean-field electronic structure methods like Hartree-Fock, semilocal d. functional approxns., or semiempirical MO theories do not account for long-range electron correlation (London dispersion interaction). Inclusion of these effects is mandatory for realistic calcns. on large or condensed chem. systems and for various intramol. phenomena (thermochem.). This Review describes the recent developments (including some historical aspects) of dispersion corrections with an emphasis on methods that can be employed routinely with reasonable accuracy in large-scale applications. The most prominent correction schemes are classified into three groups: (i) nonlocal, d.-based functionals, (ii) semiclassical C6-based, and (iii) one-electron effective potentials. The properties as well as pros and cons of these methods are critically discussed, and typical examples and benchmarks on mol. complexes and crystals are provided. Although there are some areas for further improvement (robustness, many-body and short-range effects), the situation regarding the overall accuracy is clear. Various approaches yield long-range dispersion energies with a typical relative error of 5%. For many chem. problems, this accuracy is higher compared to that of the underlying mean-field method (i.e., a typical semilocal (hybrid) functional like B3LYP).
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