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Low-Temperature Route to Direct Amorphous to Rutile Crystallization of TiO2 Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
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C: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Nano, Hybrid, and Low-Dimensional Materials

Low-Temperature Route to Direct Amorphous to Rutile Crystallization of TiO2 Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 36, 15357–15366
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Published August 30, 2022

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under

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The physicochemical properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) depend strongly on the crystal structure. Compared to anatase, rutile TiO2 has a smaller bandgap, a higher dielectric constant, and a higher refractive index, which are desired properties for TiO2 thin films in many photonic applications. Unfortunately, the fabrication of rutile thin films usually requires temperatures that are too high (>400 °C, often even 600–800 °C) for applications involving, e.g., temperature-sensitive substrate materials. Here, we demonstrate atomic layer deposition (ALD)-based fabrication of anatase and rutile TiO2 thin films mediated by precursor traces and oxide defects, which are controlled by the ALD growth temperature when using tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium(IV) (TDMAT) and water as precursors. Nitrogen traces within amorphous titania grown at 100 °C inhibit the crystal nucleation until 375 °C and stabilize the anatase phase. In contrast, a higher growth temperature (200 °C) leads to a low nitrogen concentration, a high degree of oxide defects, and high mass density facilitating direct amorphous to rutile crystal nucleation at an exceptionally low post deposition annealing (PDA) temperature of 250 °C. The mixed-phase (rutile–brookite) TiO2 thin film with rutile as the primary phase forms upon the PDA at 250–500 °C that allows utilization in broad range of TiO2 thin film applications.

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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is one of the most widely applied and studied photocatalyst materials, being earth-abundant, non-toxic, and stable in various environments. (1−3) Generally, TiO2 appears in four phases: amorphous, anatase, rutile, and brookite. The first three are the most commonly used having their own advantages, whereas brookite has remained mainly inapplicable due to the challenges in fabrication of its pure form. (4,5) Amorphous titania (am.-TiO2) thin films, typically grown at low temperatures, can provide exceptional optical properties and charge carrier dynamics due to the disordered structure and intrinsic Ti3+ defects. (6−10) However, concerning photocatalytic applications, defect-induced gap states may increase the possibility to detrimental electron–hole recombination, and the chemical instability of am.-TiO2 without additional electrocatalysts limits the operating conditions. (11−16) Crystalline defect-free TiO2, instead, is chemically stable and exhibits reduced charge carrier recombination. (12,17,18)
When comparing the two main crystalline TiO2 phases, anatase and rutile, the metastable anatase TiO2 is often regarded as a better photocatalyst than the thermodynamically stable rutile. (3) In fact, based on recent research, rutile is photocatalytically more active in some reactions, especially, oxidative ones, whereas anatase promotes reduction reactions. (19) Another interesting approach to enhance charge carrier separation and photocatalytic activity is a controllable fabrication of anatase–rutile phase junction structures that are reported to outperform pristine single-phase anatase and rutile, e.g., in photoelectrochemical water splitting applications. (20,21)
Unfortunately, the major challenge with rutile thin films in many applications is the need of high processing temperatures (>400 °C, often even 600–800 °C). (22) Some aqueous-phase processes enable growth of rutile nanocrystals at low temperatures (<200 °C), and atomic layer deposition of the anatase–rutile mixed phase is reported around 300 °C, but particularly, methods for obtaining pure rutile thin films at low temperatures are exceedingly limited. (23−27) Epitaxial ALD of rutile TiO2 thin films on substrates with the rutile-structured SnO2, RuO2, or IrO2 seed layer has been demonstrated around 250 °C. (28) Another potential way to promote rutile formation involves dopant ion-induced oxygen vacancies or oxygen-deficient growth conditions to obtain disordered oxygen sublattice enhancing the rearrangement of ions to form easier the constrained and dense rutile phase. (21,22,29)
One possible approach to modify the defect structure of titania is atomic layer deposition, known for its controllable, uniform, and conformal thin film growth via self-limiting surface reactions. (12,24,30,31) Previously, we have shown that intrinsic precursor traces and oxide defects are highly sensitive to ALD growth temperature when using tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium(IV) and water as precursors. (10) Interestingly, the growth temperature is also shown to steer the crystallization process toward anatase or rutile TiO2 phases, but understanding of this phenomenon in more detail has remained without comprehensive investigation. (12,18)
This work shows the role of ALD growth temperature-controlled (100–200 °C) intrinsic precursor traces and oxide defects on TiO2 thin film crystallization upon post deposition annealing (PDA, 50 min at 200–500 °C and 500 min at 250 °C). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to investigate the evolution of intrinsic titanium (i.e., Ti3+ and under- and over-coordinated Ti4+) and nitrogen (TDMAT fragments or reaction byproducts) defects within the amorphous titania upon PDA in air. Surface chemical analysis together with grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) measurements, X-ray reflectivity (XRR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) offers insights into the defect-mediated crystallization of ALD TiO2 and fabrication of the rutile–brookite TiO2 thin film at an exceptionally low PDA temperature of 250 °C.

Experimental Section

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The P-doped (resistivity 1–10 Ω·cm) n-type Si(100) wafers from SIEGERT WAFER GmbH (Germany) cleaved in 10 mm × 10 mm × 0.525 mm pieces were used as substrates in all of the experiments.

Atomic Layer Deposition

The ALD of TiO2 was carried out using a Picosun Sunale ALD R-200 Advanced reactor and tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium(IV) (Ti(N(CH3)2)4, TDMAT, electronic grade 99.999+%, Sigma-Aldrich) and Milli-Q type 1 ultrapure water as precursors. To reach the proper TDMAT precursor vapor pressure, the bubbler was heated to 76 °C, and to prevent condensation of the precursor gas, the delivery line was heated to 85 °C. The water bubbler was sustained at 18 °C by a Peltier element for stability control. Argon (99.9999%, Oy AGA Ab, Finland) was used as a carrier gas. During the deposition, the continuous Ar flow in the TDMAT and H2O lines was 100 sccm. One ALD cycle consisted of a 1.6 s TDMAT pulse followed by a 0.1 s H2O pulse. The excess precursor was pumped away from the reaction chamber during the 6.0 s purge period between each pulse. TiO2 films were deposited at growth temperatures of 100 and 200 °C. The required numbers of ALD cycles for 30 nm-thick TiO2 at growth temperatures of 100 and 200 °C were 480 and 870, respectively.

Post Deposition Annealing

The post deposition annealing for the samples was performed in atmospheric air by placing the samples into a pre-heated tube furnace for 50 min. After the heat treatment, the samples were removed from the tube furnace and let to cool down freely.

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Majority of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements were conducted using a NanoESCA spectromicroscope system (Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH) in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) with a base pressure below 1 × 10–10 mbar. In NanoESCA, focused monochromatized Al Kα (hν = 1486.5 eV) was used as an excitation radiation for XPS. The investigation of evolution of intrinsic Ti and N defects as a function of oxidation temperature was carried out by using a non-monochromatized DAR400 X-ray source (Al Kα) and Argus hemispherical electron spectrometer (Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH). The core level XP spectra were analyzed by the least-squares fitting of Gaussian–Lorentzian lineshapes and using a Shirley-type background. Ti 2p spectra were fitted as in our previous work (10) by using the Ti 2p3/2 reference peak shape measured for crystalline TiO2, i.e., the six-coordinated Ti4+ peak (Ti6c4+), and the amorphous disordered structure was represented by under- and over-coordinated Ti4+ (Ti5/7c4+) and Ti3+ peaks. The binding energy scale of the spectra was calibrated by fixing the O2– peak of TiO2 to 530.20 eV. CasaXPS version 2.3.22 PR1.0 (32) was used as an analysis software and the Scofield photoionization cross-sections as relative sensitivity factors. (33)

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Treatment/Ar+ Ion Bombardment

Ti3+ defects were generated within am.-TiO2 thin films via UV treatment and Ar+ ion bombardment. The treatments were carried out using a NanoESCA system (Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH) equipped with an Hg arc UV source (HBO 103 W/2 type lamp, 4.9 eV, 3 h) and an Ar+ ion gun (30 s with 5 kV acceleration voltage; PAr = 2.5 × 10–5 mbar).

Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Reflectivity

Structural properties of TiO2 thin films were analyzed by GIXRD and XRR using two diffractometers (PANalytical Empyrean multipurpose and X’Pert3 MRD diffractometers) equipped with a Cu Kα X-ray source (λ = 1.5406 Å, hν = 8.05 keV). In GIXRD measurement, samples were scanned in the 2θ ranges of 24–34 and 20–52° at the grazing incidence angle of ω = 0.3°. The background was removed from each scan to allow easier comparison of the XRD patterns. In XRR measurement, samples were scanned in the coupled ω-2θ range of 0.5–4°. XRR data was modeled by the GenX program (version 3.5.5.) to extract TiO2 film thickness, mass density, and surface roughness using a single-layer model of TiO2 on a Si substrate. (34)

Scanning Electron Microscopy

The surface morphology of TiO2 thin films was studied by scanning electron microscopy (Zeiss Ultra 55, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH). The SEM images were measured by using in-lens mode with a working distance of 2.3–2.4 mm, electron high tension (EHT) of 1.00 kV, and aperture size of 30.00 μm.

Results and Discussion

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The amount of intrinsic oxide defects and nitrogen traces in am.-TiO2 depends on the ALD growth temperature when using TDMAT and H2O as precursors. (10) The ALD process at 100 °C leaves nitrogen containing TDMAT fragments or reaction byproducts within the am.-TiO2 film, whereas the growth at 200 °C leads to a low nitrogen content but an increased amount of Ti3+. The amount of under- and over-coordinated Ti5/7c4+ ions scales with the amount of Ti3+ defects. Furthermore, we have shown that am.-TiO2 grown at 100 °C prefers crystallization into the anatase structure whereas 200 °C growth temperature induces direct crystallization into rutile at the same oxidative annealing temperature (400–500 °C). (12,18) To understand how the intrinsic defects contribute to the crystallization upon post deposition annealing in air, 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 films grown at 100 and 200 °C were first investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy before and after PDA at 500 °C.
Figure 1 shows Ti 2p, O 1s, and N 1s XP spectra of as-deposited amorphous and crystallized (PDA 500 °C) ALD TiO2 grown at 100 and 200 °C (surface concentrations of elements are presented in Table S1). Figure 1a shows that oxide defects, i.e., Ti3+ and Ti5/7c4+ defects, were completely removed from both samples upon PDA at 500 °C despite the difference in the initial amounts. Only six-coordinated Ti4+ ions (Ti6c4+) were present in PDA 500 °C samples supporting the crystallized structure, i.e., Ti–O6 octahedra are the building blocks of crystalline TiO2. (35,36) Few subtle changes were observed in the O 1s transition (Figure 1b) consisting of the O–Ti component (O2–) at 530.2 eV and minor O22–/–OH/O–C and O–N peaks at 532.0 ± 0.2 and 531.1 ± 0.1 eV, respectively. The 532.0 eV component of as-deposited samples corresponds to the interstitial peroxo (O22–) species as discussed in our previous work. (10) The O 1s O–N peak was detected only in the TiO2 (100 °C) PDA 500 °C sample. In addition, a difference was observed in the O 1s linewidths that decreased upon the PDA from 1.16 to 1.14 and 1.07 eV for 100 and 200 °C grown samples, respectively (Figure S1). The narrower O 1s linewidth is attributed to the lower nitrogen concentration and higher degree of crystalline order for the 200 °C grown sample after the PDA. It should be noted that the broader peak and a high binding energy tail of the O 1s spectra could be attributed to hydroxyl groups. (13,37) However, the concentration of possible hydroxyl groups was too low to be reliably differentiated from the O 1s spectra, and no difference was observed between the growth temperatures.

Figure 1

Figure 1. (a) Ti 2p, (b) O 1s, and (c) N 1s XP spectra of 30 nm-thick as-deposited and post deposition-annealed ALD TiO2 grown at 100 and 200 °C.

The removal of Ti3+ defects upon the PDA was accompanied by the disappearance of the Ti3+ gap state peak at 0.3–0.4 eV from the XPS valence band spectra (Figure S2). Again, a subtle difference was observed between the growth temperatures. Upon the PDA, the valence band edge position shifted 0.20 eV toward lower binding energy for the 200 °C grown sample but no change was observed for the 100 °C grown sample. This may relate to the band gap difference between rutile TiO2 (Eg = 3.0 eV) and anatase TiO2 (Eg = 3.2 eV). (22)
N 1s spectra in Figure 1c reveal strong difference between the samples. Nitrogen containing reaction byproducts and TDMAT fragments within am.-TiO2 were clearly detected for the 100 °C grown sample as represented by the three components at 401.5 ± 0.1, at 400.0 ± 0.1, and at 398.6 ± 0.1 eV. (10,31,38) After the PDA at 500 °C, an additional component at lower binding energy (396.0 ± 0.1 eV) emerged in the ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C. The component at 396 eV is typically reported to relate to substitutional nitrogen located at O2– sites, i.e., Ti–N-like species within the TiO2 lattice. (39−42) Due to dimethylamine decomposition at >275 °C, (43) unreacted TDMAT ligands (Ti–N(CH3)2) and protonated dimethylamine (H2N(CH3)2+) species are proposed to decompose during the PDA leading to the formation of TiO2 with Ti–O–N and Ti–O–N–O species at 398.4 ± 0.1 and 401.9 ± 0.1 eV, respectively. These species contribute to the O–N component in O 1s (Figure 1b). (44) The formation mechanism of these nitrogen species within the TiO2 lattice is discussed in more detail in Figure 4. The N 1s signal detected at 400.0 ± 0.1 eV was assigned to dimethylamine ALD process byproducts (HN(CH3)2) and their decomposed and oxidized N–O species locating primarily at the surface from where these species may have partially desorbed during the PDA. Indeed, in our previous study, these species (N 1s at 400.0 ± 0.1 eV) showed strong surface enrichment (1.8 at.% vs initial 0.2 at.%) after similar PDA at 350 °C that resulted in partial crystallization. (12) Therefore, it is suggested that the desorption of dimethylamine species is followed by crystallization and the remaining nitrogen species at higher temperatures are oxidized to N–O species that have similar N 1s binding energy with dimethylamine. Surface decomposition of pure dimethylamine takes place at >275 °C, and therefore, it is unlikely to have these species at the surface after PDA at 500 °C. (43) Compared to the am.-TiO2 thin film grown at 100 °C, only a minor amount of nitrogen was observed in ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C.
Despite the strong chemical changes in Ti and N species upon the PDA, only subtle changes were observed in the elemental surface concentrations (Table S1). The O2–/Ti ratio was close to 2 for all the samples suggesting stoichiometric TiO2, although ionic coordination of titanium differs between as-deposited amorphous and crystallized (PDA 500 °C) TiO2. (10,35,36) The nitrogen concentrations were 0.9 and 0.2 at.% for the samples grown at 100 and 200 °C, respectively. In addition, all the surfaces had 2–5 at.% of carbon. Detailed analysis of carbon species in the film was compromised due to the build-up of adventitious carbon during the sample transfer via air. TiO2 films also contain hydrogen that cannot be directly probed with XPS, but hydrogen bonded to nitrogen species was indirectly analyzed from N 1s spectra. Indeed, Xia et al. recently studied the same TDMAT + H2O ALD process and, by using elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), observed elevated hydrogen concentration in ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C (H/Ti = 0.5) compared to the film grown at 225 °C (H/Ti = 0.1). (37) The difference in the hydrogen content was found to follow the same growth temperature trend with N-bearing TDMAT fragments.
Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted to study the crystallization of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at 100 and 200 °C upon PDA at 300, 400, and 500 °C. Figure 2a reveals that am.-TiO2 grown at 100 °C retains the amorphous phase during the PDA at 300 °C but shows similarly strong anatase peaks at 400 and at 500 °C, suggesting abrupt crystallization. Previously, we have observed that the abrupt am.-TiO2 to anatase TiO2 transition depends on the ALD growth temperature and takes place already at 300 °C for a growth temperature of 150 °C. (18) In contrast, am.-TiO2 grown at 200 °C shows gradual crystallization to mainly rutile TiO2 already at 300 °C. In addition to the rutile phase, some brookite phase characterized by the peaks at 30.8 and 25.8° is also present after the PDA in TiO2 grown at 200 °C. For both growth temperatures, complete crystallization was reached upon the PDA at 500 °C. (12,18) Broader XRD peaks reflect in average smaller grain size for the rutile TiO2 films compared to the anatase TiO2, as supported by the SEM images in the insets of Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2. GIXRD patterns of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at (a) 100 °C and (b) 200 °C upon post deposition annealing. The XRD references are from the RRUF database. (45) The insets show the SEM images after PDA at 500 °C.

As-deposited and PDA 500 °C samples were analyzed by XRR, and TiO2 film thickness, mass density, and roughness were extracted via modeling (Figure S3 and Table 1). The thickness of the sample grown at 100 °C decreased by 3.3% during the PDA, while only a marginal change was observed in the 200 °C grown sample. The densities of TiO2 films grown at 100 and 200 °C were 3.5 and 3.9 g/cm3, respectively. The PDA induced a small decrease in film roughness but had only little if any effect on the film density. The difference in film densities after the PDA can be understood by the higher bulk density of rutile vs anatase TiO2 (4.2 vs 3.9 g/cm3). Quite surprisingly, the apparent mass densities did not change upon crystallization. The decrease in film thickness in the case of the 100 °C grown sample is likely due to the desorption of excess precursor traces and re-structuring of the film.
Table 1. XRR Modeling Results for 30 nm-Thick ALD TiO2 Grown at 100 and 200 °C on Si after Deposition and after Post Deposition Annealing at 500 °C
 TiO2 density (g/cm3)TiO2 thickness (nm)TiO2 roughness (nm)
100 °C, as-deposited3.5230.40.83
100 °C, PDA 500 °C3.5029.40.73
200 °C, as-deposited3.9433.51.06
200 °C, PDA 500 °C3.9333.60.91
These density results are concordant with the values reported by Abendroth et al. for am.-TiO2 grown by using the TDMAT + H2O ALD process at growth temperatures of 120–200 °C. (27) The density increased from 3.65 g/cm3 (120 °C) to 3.95 g/cm3 (200 °C) and reached the highest value of 4.1 g/cm3 at growth temperatures of 320–330 °C, resulting in an anatase–rutile mixed phase with a relatively high N concentration of around 6 at.%. Furthermore, Busani and Devine reported similar densities for anatase (3.62 g/cm3) and mixed anatase–rutile (3.85 g/cm3) TiO2 thin films deposited by PECVD, but before the PDA at 600 °C, the density of their am.-TiO2 was smaller (3.2 g/cm3). (46) Piercy et al. observed ALD TiO2 film density to increase with growth temperature from 3.3 g/cm3 (38 °C) to 3.8 g/cm3 (150 °C) when using TiCl4 and H2O as precursors. (47) Also, the concentration of trace Cl within the TiO2 films decreased with the growth temperature and was reported to significantly decrease with TiO2 crystallization above 160 °C. Go et al. fabricated ALD TiO2 at 80 °C with TDMAT and O3 using a process where crystallization was induced by the duration of oxygen plasma exposure during the ALD growth cycle. (48) Short (3 s) plasma exposure resulted in less dense (3.73 g/cm3) am.-TiO2, while 30 s plasma exposure was sufficient to grow anatase TiO2 with a density of 4.15 g/cm3. The duration of O3 plasma exposure affected also to the amount of N traces within the TiO2 film and was <2 at.% for the two samples.
Concerning rutile formation, Rafieian et al. reported that tuning of the oxygen concentration during reactive magnetron sputtering can be utilized to fabricate sub-stoichiometric and stoichiometric am.-TiO2, which crystallize into rutile and anatase upon annealing in air at 500 °C, respectively. (29) Furthermore, according to Li et al., oxygen deficiency prefers rutile formation upon rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 800 °C for 4 min. (21) However, even though the am.-TiO2 grown at 200 °C showed a considerable concentration of Ti3+, the film was not oxygen-deficient as the O2–/Ti ratio was close to 2, and still, the film crystallized as rutile.
The difference in ALD TiO2 crystallization was mediated by the ALD growth temperature that affected essentially the concentration of oxide defects and nitrogen traces. Thus, we tested if the crystallization could be steered toward rutile by the introduction of Ti3+ defects, i.e., oxygen vacancies, to the as-deposited TiO2 using UV light treatment and Ar+ ion bombardment (Figures S4 and S5). The test was performed using ALD TiO2 grown at 150 °C that contains less nitrogen traces compared to TiO2 grown at 100 °C but still favors crystallization to anatase TiO2. (10,18) Neither the UV light treatment nor the Ar+ ion bombardment changed the crystallization from anatase upon the PDA at 500 °C, even though the concentration of Ti3+ defects, within XPS information depth, exceeded that of the 200 °C grown sample. Thus, the result suggests that Ti3+ defects were not the declarative factor determining the crystallization.
Crystallization to anatase TiO2 is more common for PDA temperatures <500 °C. McDowell et al. reported that am.-TiO2 grown from TDMAT and H2O at 150 °C, containing nitrogen impurities but no Ti3+, crystallized into the anatase phase upon 1 h of annealing in air at 500 °C. (49) Furthermore, Pore et al. found that nitrogen and particularly Ti–N bonds prefer formation of pure anatase instead of the anatase–rutile mixed phase. (50) Similar results were also reported by Cheng et al. who considered the anatase phase stabilization to occur due to the compressive stress induced by substitutional nitrogen ions preventing the formation of more dense rutile TiO2. (51) Regarding the anatase to rutile phase transition due to the ionic size effect, nitrogen presumably inhibits the phase transformation, but on the other hand, oxygen vacancies induced by N doping should promote rutile formation. (22) Our results suggest that intrinsic nitrogen defects in am.-TiO2 delay and steer the crystallization toward anatase TiO2, and without nitrogen traces, a more dense am.-TiO2 favors crystallization to also more dense rutile TiO2.
The scanning electron microscopy images in the insets of Figure 2a,b highlight the prominent difference in the morphology and grain size of anatase and rutile TiO2 (PDA 500 °C). The same SEM images in a larger image size are presented in Figure 3. ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C exhibits exceptionally large anatase grains with a lateral size of >10 μm, which is over 300 times larger than the film thickness. Based on literature, anatase grains with similar magnitude of size have been fabricated by post deposition annealing of ALD grown amorphous Ti–Nb–O or Ti–Ta–O mixed oxide films. (52) Crystallization of undoped ALD grown am.-TiO2 into anatase is reported to result in micron-wide grains, instead. (49,53) The rutile thin film (PDA-treated TiO2 grown at 200 °C), by contrast, consists of much smaller grains (<1 μm).

Figure 3

Figure 3. SEM images of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at (a–d) 100 °C and (e–h) 200 °C: (a, e) as-deposited and after post deposition annealing (50 min) at (b, f) 300 °C, (c, g) 400 °C, and (d, h) 500 °C. All the images were taken with the same magnification.

As implied by GIXRD results (Figure 2) and sizes of the anatase and rutile grains, the crystallization kinetics of ALD am.-TiO2 grown at 100 and 200 °C are totally different. Figure 3 shows that full crystalline coverage on TiO2 grown at 200 °C is obtained already during PDA at 300 °C (Figure 3f), whereas TiO2 grown at 100 °C shows no crystal nucleation after the same PDA treatment (Figure 3b). However, during PDA at 400 °C (Figure 3c), large grains appear in a 100 °C grown film. To find the nucleation temperature of ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C, the PDA temperature range of 300–400 °C was studied in more detail. Figure S6 reveals that, upon PDA 350 °C treatment, some tiny crystal nuclei appear probably due to random impurities or defects but PDA at 375 °C leads to partial surface crystallization with large round grains with a diameter over 10 μm.
To understand how the oxide defects and nitrogen precursor traces evolve upon crystallization of ALD TiO2, the Ti and N species at the surface were analyzed as a function of PDA temperature. Figure 4 shows the Ti and N species (cf., Figure 1) for the N-rich ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C (Figure S8 shows the XPS spectra). The concentration of Ti defects (Ti3+ and Ti5/7c4+ species) was shown to decrease gradually with increasing PDA temperature until they disappeared completely at 400 °C that coincided with the crystallization. In the case of ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C, the Ti defects disappeared already at 250 °C (Figures S7 and S9) in line with the lower crystallization temperature. The evolution of N species in the case of the 200 °C grown sample was included in our previous work; besides 350 °C PDA temperature where surface enrichment of 1.8 at.% N (N 1s at 400.0 ± 0.1 eV) was detected, the amount of N at the surface was too low (0.2 at.%) for the analysis. (12) In contrast, N species in ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C showed a clear evolution with PDA temperature while there was only a slight decrease in the total amount of surface N (from 0.86 to 0.78 at.% N and from 2.8 to 1.8 at.% N/Ti). As the temperature increased from 200 to 400 °C, the amount of protonated dimethylamine (H2N(CH3)2+) reaction byproducts (i.e., HN(CH3)2 reacted with the −OH group at 401.5 eV) decreased with a rather concomitant increase in Ti–O–N species (at 398.4 eV). Thus, it is suggested that, during the PDA, N–C bonds break and CH4 desorbs as follows

Figure 4

Figure 4. Evolution of (a) Ti and (b) N species as a function of the PDA temperature for 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C. The binding energy values of N 1s components in panel (b) are depicted in brackets.

For the PDA temperature above crystallization, a high binding energy component appears in N 1s at 401.9 eV, slightly above the H2N(CH3)2+ component observed for lower temperatures at 401.5 eV. The binding energy corresponds to strongly oxidized nitrogen species, (54) and it is suggested that, for temperatures >400 °C, Ti–O–N species oxidize to Ti–O–N–O. Substitutional nitrogen (N 1s at 396.0 eV) appeared for temperatures above the crystallization temperature (400 °C). Such substitutional N species induce visible-light absorption that is desirable in photocatalysis. (39) However, in our case, the amount of substitutional nitrogen was too small to induce visible-light absorption (cf., Figure S1c in ref (18)). In addition, at 300 °C, a minor increase in the N 1s peak component at 400.0 eV was observed for the ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C, which suggests surface segregation and subsequent desorption of HN(CH3)2 that were observed to take place at 350 °C for the ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C. (12) Furthermore, these dimethylamine reaction byproducts and unreacted TDMAT ligands (at 398.6 eV) will likely react or oxidize to N–O-like species during the annealing.
Nitrogen is known to inhibit the TiO2 crystal nucleation and raise the nucleation temperature. (55) Nitrogen also stabilizes the anatase phase. (22,51) According to Hukari et al., the nucleation onset temperature of stoichiometric am.-TiO2 is in the range of 250–300 °C, whereas an additional nitrogen content can raise the nucleation temperature up to 400 °C. (55) Our results show that the excess of N-bearing TDMAT fragments or reaction byproducts within am.-TiO2 can cause the aforementioned N-mediated effects. Nitrogen defects can also contribute to the exceptionally large anatase crystal size detected for ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C. Similarly large crystals have been observed to result from explosive crystallization of Ti–Nb–O or Ti–Ta–O mixed oxide films prepared by Pore et al. (52) In the explosive crystallization process, the amorphous material crystallizes rapidly in a self-sustaining manner due to the latent heat released during the crystallization and consequently inducing further amorphous material to convert into crystalline form. (52,56,57) Although the explosive crystallization is an autocatalytic phenomenon, the speed of the process depends still on the temperature and orientation of the crystal growth. (56) However, as shown in Figure S6c and in the work by Pore et al., crystallization fronts proceed until collision with an adjacent grain and therefore inhibited nucleation and low distribution density of crystal nuclei is a desired feature when targeting formation of exceptionally large grains. (52,58) By increasing temperature, further energy barriers for nucleation are overcome and complete crystallization is obtained (Figure S6d). (52)
In contrast to the ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C, the ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C containing only little N traces evidences strictly different crystallization properties. As shown in Figure 5a, the ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C shows partial surface crystallization already at 250 °C. Furthermore, Figure 5 depicts that extending the PDA duration at 250 °C from 50 min (Figure 5a) to 500 min (Figure 5b) resulted in complete surface crystallization with crystal size <1 μm. The GIXRD patterns (Figure 5c) show both rutile and brookite TiO2 peaks indicating the mixed-phase TiO2 thin film with rutile as the primary phase. The rutile to brookite ratio was found to increase with increasing PDA temperature (cf. Figure 2).

Figure 5

Figure 5. SEM images of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C after PDA at 250 °C (a) for 50 min and (b) for 500 min. (c) GIXRD patterns of the samples. The XRD references are from the RRUF database. (45)

Two distinct crystal morphologies were observed after crystal nucleation of am.-TiO2: needle- and round-like crystals (Figure 5a). Li et al. stated that the preferential growth of different rutile crystal morphologies in the aqueous-phase process is attributed to the concentration of TiOH3+ ions around the TiO2 nucleus. (25) A low TiOH3+ concentration around the nucleus induces needle-like morphology, whereas a high concentration prefers radial growth of crystalline material. Comparing this crystallization mechanism to our observations, we propose that the different crystal morphologies may be analogously induced by local variations in oxide defect density within the am.-TiO2 structure.
In general, the crystallization of am.-TiO2 can be considered a random process that is affected by many factors. Nucleation, i.e., how TiO6 octahedra join each other, determines whether am.-TiO2 crystallizes as anatase or rutile. (59) Growth of metastable anatase is statistically more likely since there are more possibilities for octahedra to join at right angles compared to joining linearly sharing two edges required for the rutile phase. (22) Apparently, the chemical composition and structure of the am.-TiO2 thin film predetermined the resulting phase structure upon the PDA. We note that the crystallization can be affected by, for example, film thickness, substrate, and PDA process parameters that should be studied separately. Also, it is worth pointing out that crystallization can proceed at even lower temperatures if the duration of the PDA treatment is extended.
The effects of intrinsic defects on crystallization of ALD am.-TiO2 upon PDA are summarized in Table 2. Lower growth temperature (100 °C) prefers trapping of TDMAT-based nitrogen species that leads to delayed crystal nucleation (at 375 °C) and exceptionally large anatase grains (>10 μm). Higher ALD growth temperature (200 °C) results in higher mass density and higher concentration of intrinsic oxide defects but less nitrogen traces. Interestingly, this am.-TiO2 favors direct crystallization into mixed rutile-brookite phase TiO2 with rutile as the primary phase already at 250 °C, which is exceptionally low for TiO2 thin films. ALD of the anatase–rutile mixed phase thin film has been reported at 300 °C. (23,24,27) Fabrication of rutile-rich thin films at relatively low temperature is of interest in optical and photocatalytic applications since rutile exhibits optically anisotropic nature, a high refractive index, and desirable catalytic activity in oxidation reactions. (3,19,60) Lowering the fabrication temperature of photocatalytically active TiO2 thin films enables applications involving temperature-sensitive materials such as polymers. Furthermore, enabling low processing temperatures (250–400 °C) to form rutile-rich TiO2 thin films without an additional seed layer is of interest for high-κ applications, such as dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) capacitors. (61,62) Our work demonstrated that tuning the ALD TiO2 process parameters enabled lowering the fabrication temperature of the rutile-rich TiO2 thin film to 250 °C. Controlling the thin film defects was essential to lowering the crystallization temperature, and we believe that the provided mechanistic understanding paves the way to further optimize the process for even higher rutile purity at even lower temperatures.
Table 2. Summary of Growth and Crystallization of am.-TiO2 Thin Films Grown by ALD Using TDMAT and H2O Precursors at the Growth Temperatures of 100 and 200 °C

Nitrogen species originated from dimethylamide ligands of TDMAT molecules. The plus signs represent the surface concentration determined by the XPS measurement.


Oxygen vacancies, interstitial peroxo species (O22–), and Ti3+/Ti5/7c4+ ions formed via displacement of oxygen ions within the stoichiometric amorphous TiO2 structure. The plus signs represent the surface concentration determined by the XPS measurement.


The results are based on a PDA time of 50 min.


The drawings of crystalline TiO2 structures were produced by VESTA software (63) using rutile (64) and anatase (65) crystal structure models provided by the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database. (66)


Rutile is the main phase. The proportion of brookite decreases at higher PDA temperatures.


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The role of intrinsic defects on crystallization of am.-TiO2 thin films grown by ALD using TDMAT and H2O precursors upon PDA treatment in air was studied as a function of ALD growth temperature (100–200 °C). The am.-TiO2 film grown at 100 °C contained 0.9 at.% of nitrogen-bearing traces of the TDMAT precursor that inhibited crystal nucleation up to 375 °C and led to explosive crystallization of large anatase grains (>10 μm). In contrast, the am.-TiO2 grown at 200 °C contained less precursor traces (0.2 at.% N) and crystallized into the mixed-phase (rutile–brookite) TiO2 thin film with rutile as the primary phase at 250 °C. The concentration of Ti3+ defects increased with ALD growth temperature, and upon crystallization, these oxide defects were completely removed. Increasing the amount of Ti3+ defects within am.-TiO2 either by UV treatment or Ar+-ion sputtering did not affect the crystallization. The mass densities of ALD TiO2 thin films were 3.5 g/cm3 for the film grown at 100 °C and 3.9 g/cm3 for the film grown at 200 °C. The mass densities did not change during the crystallization. Therefore, it is suggested that the growth of denser am.-TiO2 mediates direct crystallization into a more dense and stable rutile phase, while the growth of less dense am.-TiO2 with precursor traces favors crystallization into a metastable anatase phase. Often, am.-TiO2 thin films crystallize first into anatase and subsequently transform from an anatase to rutile phase requiring typically PDA temperatures >500 °C. By controlling the ALD growth temperature, we were able to demonstrate direct amorphous to rutile-rich TiO2 thin film fabrication at 250–500 °C that has potential applications in the fields requiring high-κ thin films such as DRAM capacitors. Moreover, the fabrication of crystalline TiO2 thin films at an exceptionally low temperature of 250 °C enables applications involving temperature-sensitive materials such as polymers.

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  • Corresponding Authors
    • Harri Ali-Löytty - Surface Science Group, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, FinlandOrcid Email: [email protected]
    • Mika Valden - Surface Science Group, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, Finland Email: [email protected]
  • Authors
    • Jesse Saari - Surface Science Group, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, FinlandOrcid
    • Kimmo Lahtonen - Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, FinlandOrcid
    • Markku Hannula - Surface Science Group, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, FinlandOrcid
    • Lauri Palmolahti - Surface Science Group, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, FinlandOrcid
    • Antti Tukiainen - Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tampere University, P.O.B. 692, Tampere FI-33014, Finland
  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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We acknowledge Cliona Shakespeare for the XPS measurement series investigating the intrinsic titanium and nitrogen defects as a function of post deposition annealing temperature and Tuomo Nyyssönen for the GIXRD measurements carried out at the Department of Materials Science. This work is part of the Academy of Finland Flagship Programme, Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN) (decision number 320165) and was supported by the Academy of Finland (decision numbers 326461 and 326406), by the Jane & Aatos Erkko Foundation (project “Solar Fuels Synthesis”), and by Business Finland (TUTLi project “Liquid Sun”) (decision number 1464/31/2019). J.S. was supported by the Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and L.P. by the KAUTE Foundation and Finnish Cultural Foundation.


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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. (a) Ti 2p, (b) O 1s, and (c) N 1s XP spectra of 30 nm-thick as-deposited and post deposition-annealed ALD TiO2 grown at 100 and 200 °C.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. GIXRD patterns of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at (a) 100 °C and (b) 200 °C upon post deposition annealing. The XRD references are from the RRUF database. (45) The insets show the SEM images after PDA at 500 °C.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. SEM images of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at (a–d) 100 °C and (e–h) 200 °C: (a, e) as-deposited and after post deposition annealing (50 min) at (b, f) 300 °C, (c, g) 400 °C, and (d, h) 500 °C. All the images were taken with the same magnification.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. Evolution of (a) Ti and (b) N species as a function of the PDA temperature for 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at 100 °C. The binding energy values of N 1s components in panel (b) are depicted in brackets.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. SEM images of 30 nm-thick ALD TiO2 grown at 200 °C after PDA at 250 °C (a) for 50 min and (b) for 500 min. (c) GIXRD patterns of the samples. The XRD references are from the RRUF database. (45)

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