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Zeta Potentials of Cotton Membranes in Acetonitrile Solutions
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Zeta Potentials of Cotton Membranes in Acetonitrile Solutions
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  • Yuki Uematsu*
    Yuki Uematsu
    Department of Physics and Information Technology, Kyushu Institute of Technolohy, Iizuka 820-8502, Japan
    PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan
    *Email: [email protected]
    More by Yuki Uematsu
  • Suguru Iwai
    Suguru Iwai
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
    More by Suguru Iwai
  • Mariko Konishi
    Mariko Konishi
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
  • Shinsuke Inagi
    Shinsuke Inagi
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
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Cite this: Langmuir 2024, 40, 38, 20294–20301
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Published September 16, 2024

Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 .


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Solid surfaces in contact with nonaqueous solvents play a key role in electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, and industrial chemistry. In this work, the zeta potentials of cotton membranes in acetonitrile solutions were determined by streaming potential and bulk conductivity measurements. By applying the Gouy–Chapman theory and the Langmuir adsorption isotherm of ions to the experimental data, the mechanism of the electrification at the cotton/acetonitrile interface is revealed for the first time to be solely due to ion adsorption on the surface, rather than proton dissociation at the interface. Different salts were found to produce opposite signs of the zeta potentials. This behavior can be attributed to ion solvation effects and the strong ordering of acetonitrile molecules at the interface. Furthermore, a trend of the electroviscous effect was observed, in agreement with the standard electrokinetic theory. These findings demonstrate that electrokinetics in acetonitrile, a polar aprotic solvent, can be treated in the same manner as in water.

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The zeta potential of the solid/liquid interface is an important quantity because it characterizes the amount of charges at the interface. (1,2) The charged liquid interfaces are ubiquitous and have various applications such as the stabilization of colloidal dispersions (1) and electrokinetic devices. (3) However, in contrast to the solid/water interface, electrokinetics at the solid/organic liquids interface has received less attention until recently, (4−8) although it has been recognized as important for capillary electrophoresis, (9−14) nonaqueous colloidal dispersions, (15−28) and nonaqueous electrochemistry. (29−32) Organic solvents have unique and various physicochemical properties which the water does not have. The polarity of liquids is one of the most important properties of the solvent. (33) The polarity strength can be characterized by the dielectric constant of the liquids, and the water has ε = 78 at 25 °C and 1 atm. The water dielectric constant is relatively high compared to those of other organic liquids, except for some amides, and thus, the water is a good solvent for ions. Another important classification is protonation ability. (33) An amphiprotic solvent is one that can both donate and accept a proton. These solvents typically exhibit self-ionization through protonation and deprotonation as the water does. Because water is a polar amphiprotic solvent, the dissociable groups with a labile proton on surfaces in contact with water are deprotonated depending on the pH of water. The electrification mechanism of the water interface is well understood except for hydrophobic surfaces. (2) However, the electrification of solid surfaces in contact with polar aprotic solvents is less understood compared to water, because pKa of the dissociable groups in such solvent is either unknown or significantly different from that in water. (34,35) Furthermore, the pH of aprotic solvents cannot be controlled easily.
Let us summarize the previous work on the zeta potentials in organic liquids. The electrification of fused silica surfaces in contact with various organic liquids has been studied in the field of capillary electrophoresis. (10,12,13) These studies revealed that the electro-osmotic mobility of fused-silica capillaries has a linear correlation with the ratio of dielectric constant and viscosity ε/η for various polar aprotic solvents as well as amphiprotic solvents. (12) Thus, the silanol groups on the silica surface donate protons to aprotic solvents such as acetonitrile as well as amphiprotic solvents. Focusing on acetonitrile, the zeta potential of fused silica surfaces in contact with salt-free acetonitrile is about −200 mV, (10,12) which is much larger than that of the silica/salt-free water interface, about −100 mV. Here the zeta potential was calculated by the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski equation, ζ = −(η/εε0)μ where ζ is the zeta potential, η is the viscosity of the liquids, ε is the dielectric constant of the liquid, ε0 is the vacuum permittivity, and μ is the electro-osmotic mobility. When salts are added to the acetonitrile, the magnitude of zeta potential decreases as a function of the salt concentration, (36) which qualitatively agrees with the Gouy–Chapman theory of fixing the surface charge density. (37,38) Thus, the electric double-layer structure of the polar aprotic solvent seems to be well described by the Gouy–Chapman theory as aqueous electric double layers. Inagi and co-workers, however, measured the streaming potential of cotton membranes with various salts in different polar aprotic solvents. (32) They found that the combination of salts and solvents can change the sign of the streaming potential. This implies that the electrification of the cotton membrane in polar aprotic solvents is different from that of the silica surface.
In this study, the zeta potential of cotton membranes in contact with acetonitrile is further investigated by the streaming potential measurements, bulk conductivity measurements, and the comparison with the standard electrokinetic theory. The theory includes the Gouy–Chapman theory, (37,38) the Langmuir adsorption isotherm of ions, (2,39) and the electrokinetics in a thin capillary. (40) The comparison between the experimental data and the theory reveals that the zeta potential of the cotton/acetonitrile interface is governed not by the dissociable groups on the membrane surface but by the surface adsorption of the ions dissociated from the added salts. Thus, the sign of the zeta potentials depend on the type of salts. Furthermore, a tendency of the electroviscous effect was found, in agreement with the theoretical prediction. These findings will be a key step to understanding the electrokinetics in organic liquids.

Experimental Section

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Acetonitrile (Fujifilm Wako, super dehydrated, 99.8%) was used for the solvent. The dielectric constant of acetonitrile is ε = 35.9 at 298 K, (41) which is about half of that of water (ε = 78). The viscosity of acetonitrile is η = 0.344 mPa·s at 298 K, (41) which is again about half of that of water (η = 0.89 mPa·s). For the electrolytes, two different salts were selected to show different solvation properties: tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (Bu4NPF6, Fujifilm Wako, 97%) and lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF4, Tokyo Chemical Industry, >98%). The both anions, hexafluorophosphate ions (PF6) and tetrafluoroborate ions (BF4), were hydrophobic, whereas the cations have a different hydrophobicities: tetrabutylammonium ions (Bu4N+) is hydrophobic, while lithium ions (Li+) is hydrophilic. All salts and solvents were used without further purification. Medical cotton wool (Hakujuji, 11006) was used for the membrane by packing it tightly into a tube. Platinum (Pt) wires (Nilaco, ϕ0.6 mm) were used as the electrodes for the streaming potential measurements.


The methods to measure the streaming potential and pressure difference were the same as those described in the previous work. (32) The experimental system of the streaming potential measurements was illustrated in Figure 1. Two custom-made plastic chambers (polyether ether ketone, PEEK) were connected by a PEEK tube (inner diameter, d = 0.5 mm), in which approximately 6 mg of cotton wool was tightly packed with the length of L = 50 mm. An electrolyte solution was fed by a pump with a constant volume flux Q (>0), and the pressure difference Δp (>0) was measured. The voltage difference, i.e., streaming potential Δψ, across the cotton membrane was measured on a voltmeter (Sanwa, PC773) and recorded using software (Sanwa, PC Link 7) with Pt wire electrodes. The voltage difference is defined as the electrostatic potential at the upper side of the membrane relative to the lower side, which is the opposite of the definition used in the previous work. (32) Because the voltmeter ideally has infinite resistance, the condition of zero current I = 0 was satisfied. The voltage difference became nearly stationary 30 s after applying the flow, and the measured value was determined by averaging the stationary data over 90 s. The linearity of the streaming potential with respect to pressure was verified in the Supporting Information of the previous paper, (32) and thus we fixed the volume flux at Q = 0.5 mL/min. The bulk conductivities of the sample solutions were measured using a conductivity electrode (Horiba, 3552-10D), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations were conducted using a JEOL JSM 6610.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Illustration of the experimental setup. The volume flux of the sample solution, Q, is controlled by the pump, whereas the pressure difference Δp and the voltage difference Δψ are measured. The zero current condition I = 0 is satisfied because the electric circuit is open.

Results with Discussion

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Zeta Potential

First, the zeta potentials of the cotton/acetonitrile interface in the Bu4NPF6 solution are investigated. Figure 2a shows the streaming potential Δψ of the three different cotton membranes filled with acetonitrile as a function of the Bu4NPF6 concentration, denoted by c. The color represents the different cotton membranes #1 (red circle), #2 (blue triangle), and #3 (green square). Measurements in ascending order of the salt concentrations are shown with open symbols and solid lines, whereas measurements in descending order are shown with filled symbols and broken lines. The streaming potential shows minor difference between each membrane, and a slight hysteresis was observed in the ascending and descending order of salt concentrations. In contrast to the streaming potential, the induced pressure Δp, as shown in Figure 2b, significantly depends on both the individual membrane and the order of the concentrations. This aspect is discussed in the section on the electroviscous effect.

Figure 2

Figure 2. (a) Streaming potential of cotton membranes filled with acetonitrile as a function of the Bu4NPF6 concentration when a solution flux of Q = 0.5 mL/min was applied. (b) Induced pressure difference as a function of the Bu4NPF6 concentration. The color represents the different cotton membranes #1 (red circle), #2 (blue triangle), and #3 (green square). Measurements in ascending order of the salt concentrations (→ in the label) are shown with open symbols and solid lines, whereas measurements in descending order (← in the label) are shown with filled symbols and broken lines.

In Figure 3, the bulk conductivity, σ, of the solution of Bu4NPF6 is plotted as a function of the concentration. The points are the experimental data, whereas the solid line corresponds to the linear equation predicted by the molar limiting conductivity of the cation λ+ = 61.3 S·cm2/mol (41) and of the anion λ = 103.5 S·cm2/mol. (41) Since the experimental data approximately follow the linear equation, the salts in acetonitrile behave as strong electrolytes.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Bulk conductivity of a Bu4NPF6 solution in acetonitrile as a function of concentration. The solid line represents the linear fit calculated by the molar limiting conductivity of the salts, 164.8 S·cm2/mol. (41) The broken line is a guide for the eye.

To convert these data into the zeta potential, (1,2)
was used, where ε is the dielectric constant of the solution, ε0 is the electric permittivity of vacuum, ζ is the zeta potential of the cotton membrane, and η is the solution viscosity. Figure 4a shows the zeta potential derived from eq 1. The obtained zeta potential is negative, and its magnitude increases with salt concentration up to 3 mM. For comparison, Figure 4b shows the zeta potentials of the silica/acetonitrile interface as a function of salt concentration from previous work. (36) In contrast, the zeta potential of the silica/acetonitrile interface decreases in magnitude with increasing salt concentration. (36) In that study, the electrolyte used was 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate. Because the silica surface is relatively acidic even in acetonitrile, the silanol groups donate the protons to the acetonitrile. (10,12,36) To validate this electrification mechanism, the salinity dependence of the zeta potential is calculated using the Grahame equation (1,2) with a constant surface charge density, as given by
where σ0 is the surface charge density, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and κ–1 = (2e2c/εε0kBT)−1/2 is the Debye length. The black solid line in Figure 4b is calculated using eq 2 with ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, and σ0 = −0.08 e/nm2, which agrees with the experimental data. (36) Thus, the silica surface appears to be fully dissociated in that experiment, even though the pKa of the silanol group in water is about 7.5. (42,43)

Figure 4

Figure 4. (a) Zeta potentials of the cotton/acetonitrile interface as a function of Bu4NPF6 concentration. The points are derived from experimental data using eq 1 whereas the lines represent theoretical fits based on eqs 2 and 3 with α = −1.2 and Γ0 as denoted in the figure. Other parameters are z* = 0.5 nm, ε = 35.9, and T = 298 K. Due to the lack of experimental bulk conductivity data at low salinity, the linear slope from Figure 3 was used to calculate the zeta potential for the membrane #3. (b) Zeta potentials of the silica/acetonitrile interface as a function of salt concentration. (36) The original data are provided in Figure 2a of the ref (36). as the electro-osmotic mobility. Zeta potentials were calculated using ζ = −(η/εε0)μ, where η/εε0 = 1.08 × 106 s·V2/m2. The solid line is calculated using eq 2 with ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, and σ0 = −0.08 e/nm2.

On the contrary, the salinity dependence of the zeta potential of the cotton/acetonitrile interface differs from that of the silica/acetonitrile interface. The primary component of cotton is cellulose, a polysaccharide consisting of d-glucose units. Since the pKa of the hydroxy group in cellulose in water is approximately 12, (44,45) these groups are considered weak acids. Consequently, in acetonitrile solutions, the hydroxy groups of cellulose does not dissociate protons, although they can act as donors for hydrogen bonds with the nitrogen atoms of acetonitrile molecules. A hypothesis is that the surface charge density of the cotton membrane originates from ion adsorption. To test this hypothesis, anion adsorption is modeled using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, (2,39) given by
where z* is the thickness of the adsorption layer, α is the adsorption energy of the anion in the unit of kBT, and Γ0 is the adsorption site density per area. The black solid and broken lines in Figure 4a represent the fitting results calculated using eqs 2 and 3. The thickness of the adsorption layer was set to z* = 0.5 nm, consistent with previous works. (2,46) The fit parameters are α and Γ0. The value of α = −1.2 was used for all the membranes, whereas Γ0 = 0.007/nm2 (solid line) was used for membrane #1 and 0.003/nm2 (broken line) for membranes #2 and #3. The theoretical calculation well captures the experimental zeta potential of the cotton/acetonitrile interface, suggesting that the surface charge density of the cotton membrane is due to ion adsorption. However, in Figure 4a, there is a small discrepancy between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions at low salt concentrations. The experimental data exhibit a linear relationship with c whereas the theory predicts a dependence of c.
Next, we discuss the zeta potentials associated with LiBF4 salts. Lithium salts are known to change the sign of the surface charge from negative to positive at both silica/acetonitrile interfaces (47−50) and cotton/acetonitrile interfaces. (32) Figure 5a shows the zeta potential of a cotton membrane filled with a LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile. In contrast to the Bu4NPF6 solution, the zeta potential of the LiBF4 solution is positive, suggesting that lithium ions adsorb to the cotton interface. Figure 5b–d are the streaming potential, (32) the induced pressure difference, and the bulk conductivity of the LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile, respectively, which were used to calculate the zeta potentials. The bulk conductivity demonstrate a linear dependence on concentration, with the limiting molar conductivity of LiBF4 determined to be 165.5 S·cm2/mol. The positive charging observed with LiBF4 is consistent with recent studies on the rectification of ionic current through conical nanopores, which found that alkali metal salts in polar aprotic solvents induce positive surface charges on various nanopore surfaces. (6,7,47,48,51) The adsorption of alkali metal cations in polar aprotic solvents was attributed to the formation of strongly solvated cations (48,52,53) and the strong ordering of acetonitrile molecules at the interface. (49,50,54) Based on these studies, (49,50) acetonitrile molecules form a lipid-bilayer-like structure at the cotton interface similar to that at the silica interface, as cellulose has hydroxy groups that act as donors of hydrogen bonds. In the first layer of this strongly ordered structure, the cyano groups accept hydrogen bonds from the surface hydroxy groups, while in the second layer, the cyano groups point in the opposite direction. Our results suggest that interfacial Bu4N+ are well solvated between the two layers of methyl groups of acetonitrile, while PF6 ions segregate between the cotton interface and the first layer of interfacial acetonitrile molecules. In contrast, BF4 ions are well solvated between the hydrophobic methyl groups in the first and second layers of interfacial acetonitrile molecules, whereas Li+ ions adsorb to the cotton interface.

Figure 5

Figure 5. (a) Zeta potential of a cotton membrane filled with a LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile, calculated using the data shown in b–d, and eq 1. (b) Streaming potential of the cotton membrane with a flux of Q = 0.5 mL/min, data previously published. (32) (c) Induced pressure difference across the cotton membrane. (d) Bulk conductivity of the LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile. The solid line represents the linear fit of the experimental data, with a molar limiting conductivity of 165.5 S·cm2/mol. The broken lines in a–c are guides for the eye.

To finalize this section, we discuss the relationship between the zeta potential of cotton/water interfaces and that of cotton/acetonitrile interfaces. The zeta potential of cotton/water interfaces is typically negative in pH-neutral solutions. (55−57) However, the origin of this charge at the cotton/water interface remains unclear. The isoelectric point of cotton is around pH = 3, suggesting that the electrification of the cotton/water interface is governed by similar mechanisms as those for hydrophobic surfaces, (58) despite cotton being a hydrophilic fiber. There is ongoing debate regarding whether hydroxide ions adsorb to the interface or if a small amount of impurity at the interface dissociates protons. (58) The zeta potentials of these surfaces in salt-free water remain negative and finite, similar to those of silica surface. This contrasts with the result shown in Figure 4a, where the zeta potential of the cotton/acetonitrile interface approaches zero in the salt-free limit. This observation does not contradict the findings, as the surface adsorption of hydroxide ions is negligible in polar aprotic solvents, and impurities at the interface do not dissociate protons.

Electroviscous Effect

So far, the discussion has been based on the assumption that the Debye length is much smaller than the pore size of the membrane. We will now examine this assumption. The analytic equations for the electrokinetic coefficients of a bundle of thin capillaries with radius R, length L, and zeta potential ζ are given by, (40)
where N is the numbers of the capillaries, the flux and the electric current are defined by Q = L11Δp + L12Δψ and I = L21Δp + L22Δψ. Additionally, β = (ηκ2/σ)·(εε0ζ/η)2 = β*(eζ/kBT)2, and F(x) is defined by F(x) = I1(x)/I0(x) where I0(x) and I1(x) are the modified Bessel functions of the first kind. Note that these equations are derived under the linear approximation of eζ/kBT in the Poisson–Boltzmann equation.
The cotton membrane used in the experiments can be modeled as a bundle of thin capillaries. To estimate the pore size R, we use eqs 46. The relation between Q and Δp under the condition of I = 0 is given by
In the limit of large salt concentration, Qp approaches L11. In the experiments, Δp = 13 MPa with Q = 0.5 mL/min in this limit as shown in Figure 2b, and thus L11 = 1.3 × 10–6 mm3/(Pa·s) is obtained. The volume fraction of the cotton fiber in the membrane was 0.39, calculated using the mass density of cotton 1.55 g/cm3 (59) and the membrane volume πd2L/4 = 9.8 mm3. Assuming the area fraction of the membrane cross-section is the same as the volume fraction, we obtained NπR2 = 0.61πd2/4 = 0.12 mm2. Thus, the pore size is calculated as R=8ηLL11/NπR2=1.2μm. Figure 6 shows the SEM images of the cotton membrane. The thickness of the cotton fibers is about 10 μm, and they are packed tightly. The estimated pore size of 1.2 μm is realistic and consistent with the SEM images.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Scanning electron microscopy images of the cotton membrane. (a) The scale bar is 100 μm. (b) The scale bar is 50 μm.

When eqs 46 are considered, the streaming potential as a function of κR and ζ is given by
instead of eq 1, where β* = 0.28 for Bu4NPF6 in acetonitrile, using the limiting molar conductivity. Eq 8 can be analytically solved for ζ using the quadratic formula. However, when eq 8 is used to convert the experimental streaming potential into the zeta potential, no significant difference is observed compared to using eq 1 because κR > 1 is satisfied with R = 1.2 μm where κ–1 = 205 nm for c = 10–3 mM.
Next, the electroviscous effect is examined. This effect describes the increase in apparent viscosity when the capillary size is on the same order as the Debye length. (40,60) Using eq 7 and the pressure difference at large salt concentrations, Δp0 = Q/L11, the electroviscous effect can be represented by
where the maximum of eq 9 with fixed ζ occurs at approximately κR = 2.2. (40,60) To theoretically calculate the zeta potential without the assumption of κR ≫ 1, eq 2 should be replaced with the one for cylindrical geometry. Although no analytical equation is known for arbitrary ζ, (61,62) the linear approximation with ζ yields
Figure 7 shows the normalized pressure difference as a function of Bu4NPF6 concentrations. The solid lines represent theoretical calculations based on eqs 3, 9, and 10 with the parameters α = −1.2, z* = 0.5 nm, Γ0 = 0.003/nm2, ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, η = 0.344 mPa·s, λ+ = 61.3 S·cm2/mol, and λ = 103.5 S·cm2/mol. The colors of the solid lines correspond to different pore radii as R = 1 μm (green), 2 μm (blue), and 8 μm (red). The lines exhibit a maximum at a concentration of approximately 10–3 mM where the Debye length is κ–1 = 205 nm. The maximum value decreases with increasing R. The maximum at a concentration where κR > 2.2 results from the combined effects of double-layer overlap and concentration-dependent zeta potentials. The points represent experimental data for Bu4NPF6 solutions, where Δp0 is used for the pressure difference at c = 5 mM for membranes #1 and #2 and at 1 mM for membrane #3. The experimental data in the ascending order (open symbol) increase with concentration, which does not agree with the theoretical predictions. However, the descending order data (filled symbol) decrease with concentration, matching the theoretical predictions for R = 1 μm (#3, green) and R = 2 μm (#2, blue). This is consistent with the estimated R = 1.2 μm and the SEM images.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Normalized pressure difference as a function of Bu4NPF6 concentration. Theoretical curves are calculated using eqs 3, 8, and 9 with the parameters α = −1.2, z* = 0.5 nm, Γ0 = 0.003/nm2, ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, η = 0.344 mPa·s, λ+ = 61.3 S·cm2/mol, and λ = 103.5 S·cm2/mol. Experimental data points are for Bu4NPF6 solutions where Δp0 is used for the pressure difference at c = 5 mM for membranes #1 and #2 and at 1 mM for membrane #3.

The reason for the no electroviscous effect in the data of the ascending order is not clear. We consider that the cotton fibers were not rigid, and during the flow-forcing experiment, they deformed and blocked some pores. In the experiments, the measurements in the ascending order were conducted first, and a few days later, those in the descending order were done. Thus, flow-forcing and aging made the membrane mechanically stable. The zeta potential was not affected by this aging because it is independent of the pore size as long as κR ≫ 1 is satisfied. This is probably why the induced pressure differences plotted in Figure 2b are scattered, whereas the streaming potentials in Figure 2a are not.


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The zeta potential of the cotton membrane in the acetonitrile solution was experimentally determined using streaming potential and bulk conductivity measurements. Fitting the Langmuir adsorption isotherm of ions to the experimental zeta potentials reveals that the zeta potential of the cotton membrane is induced not by the dissociation of the proton on the surface but by ion adsorption. This fact contrasts with silica/acetonitrile interfaces because acetonitrile can accept protons dissociated from the silanol groups on the silica surface, as reported previously. (36) The fitted adsorption energy of anions was −1.2 in the unit of thermal energy for Bu4NPF6 solutions in acetonitrile. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that LiBF4 electrifies the cotton/acetonitrile interface positively, which agrees with the recent works on nanopore rectification (6,7,47,48,51) and the strong ordering of acetonitrile molecules at the interface. (49,50)
In addition to the analysis of the zeta potential, the salt-concentration dependence of the induced pressure difference during the flow-forcing measurements was analyzed in terms of the electroviscous effect. Some experimental data exhibit an enhancement of the pressure difference, i.e., the apparent viscosity, at low salt concentrations, which agrees with the theoretical prediction for the micrometer-sized pore size.
These experimental results and the analysis with the standard electrokinetic theory suggest that electrokinetics in acetonitrile, a polar aprotic solvent, can be treated similarly to electrokinetics in water. However, the electrification mechanisms and the ion-specific effect in nonaqueous solvents could differ from those in water. We hope that this work will inspire further studies in the field of electrokinetics in organic liquids.

Author Information

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  • Corresponding Author
    • Yuki Uematsu - Department of Physics and Information Technology, Kyushu Institute of Technolohy, Iizuka 820-8502, JapanPRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, JapanOrcid Email: [email protected]
  • Authors
    • Suguru Iwai - Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
    • Mariko Konishi - Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
    • Shinsuke Inagi - Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, JapanOrcid
  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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This work was supported by JST PRESTO Grant No. JPMJPR21O2 and JST FOREST Grant No. JPMJFR211G.


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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Illustration of the experimental setup. The volume flux of the sample solution, Q, is controlled by the pump, whereas the pressure difference Δp and the voltage difference Δψ are measured. The zero current condition I = 0 is satisfied because the electric circuit is open.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. (a) Streaming potential of cotton membranes filled with acetonitrile as a function of the Bu4NPF6 concentration when a solution flux of Q = 0.5 mL/min was applied. (b) Induced pressure difference as a function of the Bu4NPF6 concentration. The color represents the different cotton membranes #1 (red circle), #2 (blue triangle), and #3 (green square). Measurements in ascending order of the salt concentrations (→ in the label) are shown with open symbols and solid lines, whereas measurements in descending order (← in the label) are shown with filled symbols and broken lines.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. Bulk conductivity of a Bu4NPF6 solution in acetonitrile as a function of concentration. The solid line represents the linear fit calculated by the molar limiting conductivity of the salts, 164.8 S·cm2/mol. (41) The broken line is a guide for the eye.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. (a) Zeta potentials of the cotton/acetonitrile interface as a function of Bu4NPF6 concentration. The points are derived from experimental data using eq 1 whereas the lines represent theoretical fits based on eqs 2 and 3 with α = −1.2 and Γ0 as denoted in the figure. Other parameters are z* = 0.5 nm, ε = 35.9, and T = 298 K. Due to the lack of experimental bulk conductivity data at low salinity, the linear slope from Figure 3 was used to calculate the zeta potential for the membrane #3. (b) Zeta potentials of the silica/acetonitrile interface as a function of salt concentration. (36) The original data are provided in Figure 2a of the ref (36). as the electro-osmotic mobility. Zeta potentials were calculated using ζ = −(η/εε0)μ, where η/εε0 = 1.08 × 106 s·V2/m2. The solid line is calculated using eq 2 with ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, and σ0 = −0.08 e/nm2.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. (a) Zeta potential of a cotton membrane filled with a LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile, calculated using the data shown in b–d, and eq 1. (b) Streaming potential of the cotton membrane with a flux of Q = 0.5 mL/min, data previously published. (32) (c) Induced pressure difference across the cotton membrane. (d) Bulk conductivity of the LiBF4 solution in acetonitrile. The solid line represents the linear fit of the experimental data, with a molar limiting conductivity of 165.5 S·cm2/mol. The broken lines in a–c are guides for the eye.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6. Scanning electron microscopy images of the cotton membrane. (a) The scale bar is 100 μm. (b) The scale bar is 50 μm.

    Figure 7

    Figure 7. Normalized pressure difference as a function of Bu4NPF6 concentration. Theoretical curves are calculated using eqs 3, 8, and 9 with the parameters α = −1.2, z* = 0.5 nm, Γ0 = 0.003/nm2, ε = 35.9, T = 298 K, η = 0.344 mPa·s, λ+ = 61.3 S·cm2/mol, and λ = 103.5 S·cm2/mol. Experimental data points are for Bu4NPF6 solutions where Δp0 is used for the pressure difference at c = 5 mM for membranes #1 and #2 and at 1 mM for membrane #3.

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