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Sub-2 nm Single-Crystal Pt Nanoparticles via Sputtering onto a Liquid Polymer
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    Sub-2 nm Single-Crystal Pt Nanoparticles via Sputtering onto a Liquid Polymer
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    Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Kita 13 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
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    Cite this: Langmuir 2018, 34, 8, 2876–2881
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    Published January 31, 2018
    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society


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    Abstract Image

    Matrix sputtering with the use of a low vapor pressure liquid as its matrix becomes a green technique to prepare nanoparticles dispersed in liquid. In the present study, we proposed using this method with polyethylene glycol (PEG, molecular weight = 600) as the liquid matrix to produce highly uniform Pt nanoparticles with a small size (below 2.0 nm) and a narrow size distribution. The results indicated that particle sizes were tailorable from 0.9 ± 0.3 to 1.4 ± 0.3 nm by varying the sputtering current (5–50 mA) with negligible particle aggregation that occurred in PEG during sputtering. The slight growth of the particle size observed after sputtering was attributed to the addition of free Pt atoms to the existing Pt nanoparticles. All samples formed stable dispersion in PEG for 5 month storage. This result suggested an advantage of using a liquid matrix to produce and stabilize nanoparticles.

    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04274.

    • TEM images, size distribution, XRD pattern, and XPS of Pt NPs (PDF)

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    Cite this: Langmuir 2018, 34, 8, 2876–2881
    Click to copy citationCitation copied!
    Published January 31, 2018
    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society

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