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Bicontinuous Network Nanostructure with Tunable Thickness Formed on Asymmetric Triblock Terpolymer Thick Films
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    Bicontinuous Network Nanostructure with Tunable Thickness Formed on Asymmetric Triblock Terpolymer Thick Films
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    • Karim Aissou*
      Karim Aissou
      Institut Européen des Membranes, Université de Montpellier—CNRS—ENSCM, 300 Avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, F-34090 Montpellier, France
      *E-mail: [email protected]
      More by Karim Aissou
    • Muhammad Mumtaz
      Muhammad Mumtaz
      Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, LCPO, UMR 5629, F-33600 Pessac, France
    • Hana Bouzit
      Hana Bouzit
      Institut Européen des Membranes, Université de Montpellier—CNRS—ENSCM, 300 Avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, F-34090 Montpellier, France
      More by Hana Bouzit
    • Gilles Pécastaings
      Gilles Pécastaings
      Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, LCPO, UMR 5629, F-33600 Pessac, France
    • Giuseppe Portale
      Giuseppe Portale
      Macromolecular Chemistry & New Polymeric Materials, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG, The Netherlands
    • Guillaume Fleury
      Guillaume Fleury
      Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, LCPO, UMR 5629, F-33600 Pessac, France
    • Georges Hadziioannou
      Georges Hadziioannou
      Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, LCPO, UMR 5629, F-33600 Pessac, France
    Other Access OptionsSupporting Information (1)


    Cite this: Macromolecules 2019, 52, 12, 4413–4420
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    Published June 11, 2019
    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society


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    Abstract Image

    Asymmetric poly(1,1-dimethyl silacyclobutane)-block-polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) (PDMSB-b-PS-b-P2VP) thick films, consisting of a spongelike substructure topped by a nanostructured dense top layer, were produced by combining a fast self-assembly of the triblock terpolymer chains with nonsolvent-induced phase separation (referred as SNIPS). A controlled evolution of the thickness and morphology of the nanostructured top layer was achieved upon solvent vapor annealing (SVA). For instance, the sub-100 nm thick square array morphology generated by SNIPS is transformed into a 1.5 μm thick core–shell perforated lamellar (PL) structure when exposed to a chloroform (CHCl3) vapor for 3 h. A PL phase having highly ordered continuous P2VP nanochannels can be envisioned as an appealing morphology for membrane applications, since such a network structure formed on asymmetric PDMSB-b-PS-b-P2VP thick films obviates the need for alignment. Monoliths entirely composed of the bicontinuous PL structure were also produced by increasing the duration of the SVA treatment (18 h, CHCl3).

    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00572.

    • SAXS pattern profiles of the DSV-51k, DSV-43k, blended DSV-51k/DSV-43k samples; SEM images of the same region of a DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film (t ∼ 19 μm); particle size distribution obtained from DLS measurements for the DSV-51k/DSV-43k solution in DOX/THF; AFM topographic views of a DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film (t ∼ 19 μm) generated by SNIPS and a one then exposed to a CHCl3 vapor during 30 min; schematic representation of a bicontinuous PL structure with HAuCl4-stained P2VP (yellow)/PS (blue) core–shell perforations; SEM image of a solvent-annealed (0.5 h, CHCl3) DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film; AFM topographic view and the 2D-FFT with its associated profile corresponding to the PL (001) plane of a solvent-annealed (3 h, CHCl3) DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film; 2D GISAXS pattern of a solvent-annealed (3 h, CHCl3) DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film (t ∼ 19 μm) generated by SNIPS–SVA; SEM image of the PL (100) pattern; AFM topographic view and the 2D-FFT with its associated profile corresponding to the PL (101) plane of a solvent-annealed (3 h, CHCl3) DSV-51k/DSV-43k thick film (PDF)

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    This article is cited by 10 publications.

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    3. Karim Aissou, Muhammad Mumtaz, Nils Demazy, Gilles Pécastaings, Guillaume Fleury, Georges Hadziioannou. Periodic Bicontinuous Structures Formed on the Top Surface of Asymmetric Triblock Terpolymer Thick Films. ACS Macro Letters 2019, 8 (8) , 923-930.
    4. Karim Aissou, Maximilien Coronas, Daniel Hermida-Merino, Eduardo Solano, Didier Cot, Stéphanie Roualdes, Denis Bouyer, Damien Quemener, . Nanoporous Double-Gyroid Structure from ABC Triblock Terpolymer Thick Films. International Journal of Polymer Science 2023, 2023 , 1-9.
    5. Karim Aissou, Muhammad Mumtaz, Daniel Hermida‐Merino, Eduardo Solano, Didier Cot, Belkacem Tarek Benkhaled, Damien Quémener, Stéphanie Roualdes, Guillaume Fleury, Georges Hadziioannou. Square arrays of vertically aligned nanoporous cylinders from a linear ABC triblock terpolymer. Journal of Polymer Science 2023, 61 (13) , 1259-1269.
    6. Hana Bouzit, Felix Krusch, Daniel Hermida‐Merino, Eduardo Solano, Didier Cot, Jean Pierre Méricq, Stéphanie Roualdes, Mona Semsarilar, Damien Quémener, Karim Aissou. Double s timuli‐responsive perforated lamellar structure formed by linear ABC triblock terpolymer monoliths. Journal of Polymer Science 2023, 61 (11) , 1005-1014.
    7. Hanna Hübner, Bart‐Jan Niebuur, Oliver Janka, Lea Gemmer, Marcus Koch, Tobias Kraus, Guido Kickelbick, Bernd Stühn, Markus Gallei. Crystalline Carbosilane‐Based Block Copolymers: Synthesis by Anionic Polymerization and Morphology Evaluation in the Bulk State. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2023, 224 (3)
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    9. Karim Aissou, Hana Bouzit, Felix Krusch, Jean Pierre Méricq, Didier Cot, Nathalie Masquelez, Stéphanie Roualdes, Damien Quémener. Asymmetric Solvent‐Annealed Triblock Terpolymer Thick Films Topped by a Hexagonal Perforated Lamellar Nanostructure. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2022, 43 (2)
    10. Nils Demazy, Cian Cummins, Karim Aissou, Guillaume Fleury. Non‐Native Block Copolymer Thin Film Nanostructures Derived from Iterative Self‐Assembly Processes. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2020, 7 (5)


    Cite this: Macromolecules 2019, 52, 12, 4413–4420
    Click to copy citationCitation copied!
    Published June 11, 2019
    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society

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