Terahertz Fingerprint of Monolayer Wigner CrystalsClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Samuel Brem*Samuel Brem*E-mail: [email protected] (S. Brem).Department of Physics, Philipps University, 35037 Marburg, GermanyMore by Samuel Brem
- Ermin Malic*Ermin Malic*E-mail: [email protected] (E. Malic).Department of Physics, Philipps University, 35037 Marburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 41258 Göteborg, SwedenMore by Ermin Malic
The strong Coulomb interaction in monolayer semiconductors represents a unique opportunity for the realization of Wigner crystals without external magnetic fields. In this work, we predict that the formation of monolayer Wigner crystals can be detected by their terahertz response spectrum, which exhibits a characteristic sequence of internal optical transitions. We apply the density matrix formalism to derive the internal quantum structure and the optical conductivity of the Wigner crystal and to microscopically analyze the multipeak shape of the obtained terahertz spectrum. Moreover, we predict a characteristic shift of the peak position as a function of charge density for different atomically thin materials and show how our results can be generalized to an arbitrary two-dimensional system.
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Microscopic Mean Field Theory
Internal Quantum Structure of WCs
Optical Fingerprint of WCs
Density Dependence
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04620.
Transformation of Hartree–Fock Hamiltonian into Wigner basis; material-specific parameters and interaction matrix elements; derivation of the optical response (PDF)
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We acknowledge support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via SFB 1083 (Project B9) and the European Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, under Grant Agreement No. 881603 (Graphene Flagship).
This article references 36 other publications.
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- 4Williams, F.; Wright, P.; Clark, R.; Andrei, E.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D.; Probst, O.; Etienne, B.; Dorin, C.; Foxon, C. Conduction threshold and pinning frequency of magnetically induced Wigner solid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1991, 66, 3285, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.3285Google Scholar4https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK3MXks1ajtLo%253D&md5=60569109ba872ec0d671b72a48962642Conduction threshold and pinning frequency of magnetically induced Wigner solidWilliams, F. I. B.; Wright, P. A.; Clark, R. G.; Andrei, E. Y.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D. C.; Probst, O.; Etienne, B.; Dorin, C.; et al.Physical Review Letters (1991), 66 (25), 3285-8CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The 2D quantum system of electrons at a GaAs/GaAlAs heterojunction in high magnetic field at low temp. is shown to exhibit conduction typical of pinned charge-d. waves. Crossover from ohmic conduction occurs on the same boundary at which radio-frequency resonances signal the onset of transverse elasticity. A further small non-ohmic region is isolated from the main area by a v = 1/5 quantum-Hall-effect phase. The relationship found between the threshold conduction field and the resonance frequency is well accounted for by a model of a pinned electron crystal.
- 5Wang, G.; Chernikov, A.; Glazov, M. M.; Heinz, T. F.; Marie, X.; Amand, T.; Urbaszek, B. Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. Rev. Mod. Phys. 2018, 90, 021001, DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.90.021001Google Scholar5https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXislelsL8%253D&md5=7325cad24d258334d3031a9fa5a5c8d0Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenidesWang, Gang; Chernikov, Alexey; Glazov, Mikhail M.; Heinz, Tony F.; Marie, Xavier; Amand, Thierry; Urbaszek, BernhardReviews of Modern Physics (2018), 90 (2), 021001CODEN: RMPHAT; ISSN:0034-6861. (American Physical Society)A review. Atomically thin materials such as graphene and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit remarkable phys. properties resulting from their reduced dimensionality and crystal symmetry. The family of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides is an esp. promising platform for fundamental studies of two-dimensional (2D) systems, with potential applications in optoelectronics and valleytronics due to their direct band gap in the monolayer limit and highly efficient light-matter coupling. A crystal lattice with broken inversion symmetry combined with strong spin-orbit interactions leads to a unique combination of the spin and valley degrees of freedom. In addn., the 2D character of the monolayers and weak dielec. screening from the environment yield a significant enhancement of the Coulomb interaction. The resulting formation of bound electron-hole pairs, or excitons, dominates the optical and spin properties of the material. Here recent progress in understanding of the excitonic properties in monolayer TMDs is reviewed and future challenges are laid out. Discussed are the consequences of the strong direct and exchange Coulomb interaction, exciton light-matter coupling, and influence of finite carrier and electron-hole pair densities on the exciton properties in TMDs. Finally, the impact on valley polarization is described and the tuning of the energies and polarization obsd. in applied elec. and magnetic fields is summarized.
- 6Mueller, T.; Malic, E. Exciton physics and device application of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2018, 2, 1– 12, DOI: 10.1038/s41699-018-0074-2Google Scholar6https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXpslaltL4%253D&md5=45b450cbe5d50aa80801fd79b2fb2533Exciton physics and device application of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductorsMueller, Thomas; Malic, Erminnpj 2D Materials and Applications (2018), 2 (1), 1-12CODEN: DMAAAH; ISSN:2397-7132. (Nature Research)A review. Two-dimensional group-VI transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, such as MoS2, WSe2, and others, exhibit strong light-matter coupling and possess direct band gaps in the IR and visible spectral regimes, making them potentially interesting candidates for various applications in optics and optoelectronics. Here, we review their optical and optoelectronic properties with emphasis on exciton physics and devices. As excitons are tightly bound in these materials and dominate the optical response even at room-temp., their properties are examd. in depth in the first part of this article. We discuss the remarkably versatile excitonic landscape, including bright, dark, localized and interlayer excitons. In the second part, we provide an overview on the progress in optoelectronic device applications, such as elec. driven light emitters, photovoltaic solar cells, photodetectors, and opto-valleytronic devices, again bearing in mind the prominent role of excitonic effects. We conclude with a brief discussion on challenges that remain to be addressed to exploit the full potential of transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in possible exciton-based applications.
- 7Raja, A.; Waldecker, L.; Zipfel, J.; Cho, Y.; Brem, S.; Ziegler, J. D.; Kulig, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Malic, E. Dielectric disorder in two-dimensional materials. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2019, 14, 832– 837, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-019-0520-0Google Scholar7https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhs1Srtr7P&md5=1e51157369d0dfbde6b3277e458cd3a5Dielectric disorder in two-dimensional materialsRaja, Archana; Waldecker, Lutz; Zipfel, Jonas; Cho, Yeongsu; Brem, Samuel; Ziegler, Jonas D.; Kulig, Marvin; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Malic, Ermin; Heinz, Tony F.; Berkelbach, Timothy C.; Chernikov, AlexeyNature Nanotechnology (2019), 14 (9), 832-837CODEN: NNAABX; ISSN:1748-3387. (Nature Research)Understanding and controlling disorder is key to nanotechnol. and materials science. Traditionally, disorder is attributed to local fluctuations of inherent material properties such as chem. and structural compn., doping or strain. Here, we present a fundamentally new source of disorder in nanoscale systems that is based entirely on the local changes of the Coulomb interaction due to fluctuations of the external dielec. environment. Using two-dimensional semiconductors as prototypes, we exptl. monitor dielec. disorder by probing the statistics and correlations of the exciton resonances, and theor. analyze the influence of external screening and phonon scattering. Even moderate fluctuations of the dielec. environment are shown to induce large variations of the bandgap and exciton binding energies up to the 100 meV range, often making it a dominant source of inhomogeneities. As a consequence, dielec. disorder has strong implications for both the optical and transport properties of nanoscale materials and their heterostructures.
- 8Xu, Y.; Liu, S.; Rhodes, D. A.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Hone, J.; Elser, V.; Mak, K. F.; Shan, J. Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of moiré superlattices. Nature 2020, 587, 214– 218, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2868-6Google Scholar8https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXitlWktLnL&md5=de73a7d3cec37e5f33fa85b261452ad0Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of moire superlatticesXu, Yang; Liu, Song; Rhodes, Daniel A.; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Hone, James; Elser, Veit; Mak, Kin Fai; Shan, JieNature (London, United Kingdom) (2020), 587 (7833), 214-218CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Quantum particles on a lattice with competing long-range interactions are ubiquitous in physics; transition metal oxides1,2, layered mol. crystals3 and trapped-ion arrays4 are a few examples. In the strongly interacting regime, these systems often show a rich variety of quantum many-body ground states that challenge theory2. The emergence of transition metal dichalcogenide moire superlattices provides a highly controllable platform in which to study long-range electronic correlations 5-12. Here we report an observation of nearly two dozen correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of tungsten diselenide/tungsten disulfide moire superlattices. This finding is enabled by a new optical sensing technique that is based on the sensitivity to the dielec. environment of the exciton excited states in a single-layer semiconductor of tungsten diselenide. The cascade of insulating states shows an energy ordering that is nearly sym. about a filling factor of half a particle per superlattice site. We propose a series of charge-ordered states at commensurate filling fractions that range from generalized Wigner crystals7 to charge d. waves. Our study lays the groundwork for using moire superlattices to simulate a wealth of quantum many-body problems that are described by the two-dimensional extended Hubbard model3,13,14 or spin models with long-range charge-charge and exchange interactions15,16.
- 9Wang, L.; Shih, E.-M.; Ghiotto, A.; Xian, L.; Rhodes, D. A.; Tan, C.; Claassen, M.; Kennes, D. M.; Bai, Y.; Kim, B. Correlated electronic phases in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides. Nat. Mater. 2020, 19, 861– 866, DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-0708-6Google Scholar9https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXht1CmtLrM&md5=3f415088dd8703de6ec99349abfac141Correlated electronic phases in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenidesWang, Lei; Shih, En-Min; Ghiotto, Augusto; Xian, Lede; Rhodes, Daniel A.; Tan, Cheng; Claassen, Martin; Kennes, Dante M.; Bai, Yusong; Kim, Bumho; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Zhu, Xiaoyang; Hone, James; Rubio, Angel; Pasupathy, Abhay N.; Dean, Cory R.Nature Materials (2020), 19 (8), 861-866CODEN: NMAACR; ISSN:1476-1122. (Nature Research)Abstr.: In narrow electron bands in which the Coulomb interaction energy becomes comparable to the bandwidth, interactions can drive new quantum phases. Such flat bands in twisted graphene-based systems result in correlated insulator, superconducting and topol. states. Here we report evidence of low-energy flat bands in twisted bilayer WSe2, with signatures of collective phases obsd. over twist angles that range from 4 to 5.1°. At half-band filling, a correlated insulator appeared that is tunable with both twist angle and displacement field. At a 5.1° twist, zero-resistance pockets were obsd. on doping away from half filling at temps. below 3 K, which indicates a possible transition to a superconducting state. The observation of tunable collective phases in a simple band, which hosts only two holes per unit cell at full filling, establishes twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides as an ideal platform to study correlated physics in two dimensions on a triangular lattice.
- 10Zhou, Y.; Sung, J.; Brutschea, E.; Esterlis, I.; Wang, Y.; Scuri, G.; Gelly, R. J.; Heo, H.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K. Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature 2021, 595, 48– 52, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03560-wGoogle Scholar10https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXhsVGnu73F&md5=0c7859d09a3b8551ae92a3fc174d963fBilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructureZhou, You; Sung, Jiho; Brutschea, Elise; Esterlis, Ilya; Wang, Yao; Scuri, Giovanni; Gelly, Ryan J.; Heo, Hoseok; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Zarand, Gergely; Lukin, Mikhail D.; Kim, Philip; Demler, Eugene; Park, HongkunNature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 595 (7865), 48-52CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Portfolio)One of the first theor. predicted manifestations of strong interactions in many-electron systems was the Wigner crystal, in which electrons crystallize into a regular lattice. The crystal can melt via either thermal or quantum fluctuations. Quantum melting of the Wigner crystal is predicted to produce exotic intermediate phases5,6 and quantum magnetism because of the intricate interplay of Coulomb interactions and kinetic energy. However, studying two-dimensional Wigner crystals in the quantum regime has often required a strong magnetic field or a more superlattice potential, thus limiting access to the full phase diagram of the interacting electron liq. Here we report the observation of bilayer Wigner crystals without magnetic fields or more potentials in an atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure, which consists of two MoSe2 monolayers sepd. by hexagonal boron nitride. We observe optical signatures of robust correlated insulating states at sym. (1:1) and asym. (3:1, 4:1 and 7:1) electron doping of the two MoSe2 layers at cryogenic temps. We attribute these features to bilayer Wigner crystals composed of two interlocked commensurate triangular electron lattices, stabilized by inter-layer interaction. The Wigner crystal phases are remarkably stable, and undergo quantum and thermal melting transitions at electron densities of up to 6 x 1012 per square centimetre and at temps. of up to about 40 K. Our results demonstrate that an atomically thin heterostructure is a highly tunable platform for realizing many-body electronic states and probing their liq.-solid and magnetic quantum phase transitions.
- 11Huang, X.; Wang, T.; Miao, S.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.; Lian, Z.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Okamoto, S.; Xiao, D. Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS2/WSe2 moiré lattice. Nat. Phys. 2021, 17, 715– 719, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-021-01171-wGoogle Scholar11https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXktV2hu7o%253D&md5=f0b60f89aa7e340f24a611c423bfe933Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS2/WSe2 moire latticeHuang, Xiong; Wang, Tianmeng; Miao, Shengnan; Wang, Chong; Li, Zhipeng; Lian, Zhen; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Okamoto, Satoshi; Xiao, Di; Shi, Su-Fei; Cui, Yong-TaoNature Physics (2021), 17 (6), 715-719CODEN: NPAHAX; ISSN:1745-2473. (Nature Portfolio)The strong electron interactions in the minibands formed in moire´ superlattices of van der Waals materials, such as twisted graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, make such systems a fascinating platform with which to study strongly correlated states1-19. In most systems, the correlated states appear when the moire´ lattice is filled by an integer no. of electrons per moire´ unit cell. Recently, correlated states at fractional fillings of 1/3 and 2/3 holes per moire´ unit cell have been reported in the WS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayer, hinting at the long-range nature of the electron interaction16. Here we observe a series of correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the moire´ minibands on both electron- and hole-doped sides in angle-aligned WS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayers, with certain states persisting at temps. up to 120 K. Simulations reveal that these insulating states correspond to ordering of electrons in the moire´ lattice with a periodicity much larger than the moire´ unit cell, indicating a surprisingly strong and long-range interaction beyond the nearest neighbors.
- 12Miao, S.; Wang, T.; Huang, X.; Chen, D.; Lian, Z.; Wang, C.; Blei, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Tongay, S. Strong interaction between interlayer excitons and correlated electrons in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattice. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 1– 6, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23732-6Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 13Yu, H.; Liu, G.-B.; Tang, J.; Xu, X.; Yao, W. Moiré excitons: From programmable quantum emitter arrays to spin-orbit–coupled artificial lattices. Sci. Adv. 2017, 3, e1701696 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701696Google Scholar13https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXisVWgsLbF&md5=6bd2991ac189f51d6a948fd06a3131deMoir´e excitons: from programmable quantum emitter arrays to spin-orbit - coupled artificial latticesYu, Hongyi; Liu, Gui-Bin; Tang, Jianju; Xu, Xiaodong; Yao, WangScience Advances (2017), 3 (11), e1701696/1-e1701696/7CODEN: SACDAF; ISSN:2375-2548. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Highly uniform and ordered nanodot arrays are crucial for high-performance quantum optoelectronics, including new semiconductor lasers and single-photon emitters, and for synthesizing artificial lattices of interacting quasiparticles toward quantum information processing and simulation of many-body physics. Van der Waals heterostructures of two-dimensional semiconductors are naturally endowed with an ordered nanoscale landscape, i.e., the moir´e pattern that laterally modulates electronic and topog. structures. We find that these moir´e effects realize superstructures of nanodot confinements for long-lived interlayer excitons, which can be either elec. or strain tuned from perfect arrays of quantum emitters to excitonic superlattices with giant spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Besides the wide-range tuning of emission wavelength, the elec. field can also invert the spin optical selection rule of the emitter arrays. This unprecedented control arises from the gauge structure imprinted on exciton wave functions by the moir´e, which underlies the SOC when hopping couples nanodots into superlattices. We show that the moir´e hosts complex hopping honeycomb superlattices, where exciton bands feature a Dirac node and two Weyl nodes, connected by spin-momentum-locked topol. edge modes.
- 14Tran, K.; Moody, G.; Wu, F.; Lu, X.; Choi, J.; Kim, K.; Rai, A.; Sanchez, D. A.; Quan, J.; Singh, A. Evidence for moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature 2019, 567, 71– 75, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-0975-zGoogle Scholar14https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXmsVyrtLg%253D&md5=1d6baad81a874a558d08b1303d5970d8Evidence for moire´ excitons in van der Waals heterostructuresTran, Kha; Moody, Galan; Wu, Fengcheng; Lu, Xiaobo; Choi, Junho; Kim, Kyounghwan; Rai, Amritesh; Sanchez, Daniel A.; Quan, Jiamin; Singh, Akshay; Embley, Jacob; Zepeda, Andre; Campbell, Marshall; Autry, Travis; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Lu, Nanshu; Banerjee, Sanjay K.; Silverman, Kevin L.; Kim, Suenne; Tutuc, Emanuel; Yang, Li; MacDonald, Allan H.; Li, XiaoqinNature (London, United Kingdom) (2019), 567 (7746), 71-75CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Recent advances in the isolation and stacking of monolayers of van der Waals materials have provided approaches for the prepn. of quantum materials in the ultimate two-dimensional limit. In van der Waals heterostructures formed by stacking two monolayer semiconductors, lattice mismatch or rotational misalignment introduces an in-plane moire´ superlattice. It is widely recognized that the moire´ superlattice can modulate the electronic band structure of the material and lead to transport properties such as unconventional supercond. and insulating behavior driven by correlations; however, the influence of the moire´ superlattice on optical properties has not been investigated exptl. Here we report the observation of multiple interlayer exciton resonances with either pos. or neg. circularly polarized emission in a molybdenum diselenide/tungsten diselenide (MoSe2/WSe2) heterobilayer with a small twist angle. We attribute these resonances to excitonic ground and excited states confined within the moire´ potential. This interpretation is supported by recombination dynamics and by the dependence of these interlayer exciton resonances on twist angle and temp. These results suggest the feasibility of engineering artificial excitonic crystals using van der Waals heterostructures for nanophotonics and quantum information applications.
- 15Brem, S.; Linderälv, C.; Erhart, P.; Malic, E. Tunable phases of moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 8534– 8540, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03019Google Scholar15https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhvFeitrjI&md5=bf29258d1fe53bd3915689d8e68644eaTunable Phases of Moir´e Excitons in van der Waals HeterostructuresBrem, Samuel; Linderaelv, Christopher; Erhart, Paul; Malic, ErminNano Letters (2020), 20 (12), 8534-8540CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)Stacking monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides into a heterostructure with a finite twist-angle gives rise to artificial moir´e superlattices with a tunable periodicity. As a consequence, excitons experience a periodic potential, which can be exploited to tailor optoelectronic properties of these materials. Whereas recent exptl. studies have confirmed twist-angle-dependent optical spectra, the microscopic origin of moir´e exciton resonances has not been fully clarified yet. Here, we combine first-principles calcns. with the excitonic d. matrix formalism to study transitions between different moir´e exciton phases and their impact on optical properties of the twisted MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure. At angles smaller than 2°, we find flat, moir´e-trapped states for inter- and intralayer excitons. This moir´e exciton phase changes into completely delocalized states at 3°. We predict a linear and quadratic twist-angle dependence of excitonic resonances for the moir´e-trapped and delocalized exciton phases, resp.
- 16Ugeda, M. M.; Bradley, A. J.; Shi, S.-F.; da Jornada, F. H.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, D. Y.; Ruan, W.; Mo, S.-K.; Hussain, Z.; Shen, Z.-X. Giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor. Nat. Mater. 2014, 13, 1091– 1095, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4061Google Scholar16https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhsVCrtLfL&md5=952adfe8b0db8b6098335f4316f90cdeGiant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductorUgeda, Miguel M.; Bradley, Aaron J.; Shi, Su-Fei; da Jornada, Felipe H.; Zhang, Yi; Qiu, Diana Y.; Ruan, Wei; Mo, Sung-Kwan; Hussain, Zahid; Shen, Zhi-Xun; Wang, Feng; Louie, Steven G.; Crommie, Michael F.Nature Materials (2014), 13 (12), 1091-1095CODEN: NMAACR; ISSN:1476-1122. (Nature Publishing Group)Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging as a new platform for exploring 2-dimensional semiconductor physics. Reduced screening in two dimensions results in markedly enhanced electron-electron interactions, which were predicted to generate giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects. Here the authors present a rigorous exptl. observation of extraordinarily large exciton binding energy in a 2-dimensional semiconducting TMD. The authors det. the single-particle electronic bandgap of single-layer MoSe2 by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), as well as the two-particle exciton transition energy using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. These yield an exciton binding energy of 0.55 eV for monolayer MoSe2 on graphene-orders of magnitude larger than what is seen in conventional 3-dimensional semiconductors and significantly higher than what the authors see for MoSe2 monolayers in more highly screening environments. This finding is corroborated by the authors' ab initio GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation calcns. which include electron correlation effects. The renormalized bandgap and large exciton binding obsd. here will have a profound impact on electronic and optoelectronic device technologies based on single-layer semiconducting TMDs.
- 17Chernikov, A.; Berkelbach, T. C.; Hill, H. M.; Rigosi, A.; Li, Y.; Aslan, O. B.; Reichman, D. R.; Hybertsen, M. S.; Heinz, T. F. Exciton binding energy and nonhydrogenic Rydberg series in monolayer WS2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014, 113, 076802, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.076802Google Scholar17https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhs12jurbF&md5=6d5bf6547a721f4273215ff42da55b47Exciton binding energy and nonhydrogenic rydberg series in monolayer WS2Chernikov, Alexey; Berkelbach, Timothy C.; Hill, Heather M.; Rigosi, Albert; Li, Yilei; Aslan, Ozgur Burak; Reichman, David R.; Hybertsen, Mark S.; Heinz, Tony F.Physical Review Letters (2014), 113 (7), 076802CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)We have exptl. detd. the energies of the ground and first four excited excitonic states of the fundamental optical transition in monolayer WS2, a model system for the growing class of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconductor crystals. From the spectra, we establish a large exciton binding energy of 0.32 eV and a pronounced deviation from the usual hydrogenic Rydberg series of energy levels of the excitonic states. We explain both of these results using a microscopic theory in which the nonlocal nature of the effective dielec. screening modifies the functional form of the Coulomb interaction. These strong but unconventional electron-hole interactions are expected to be ubiquitous in atomically thin materials.
- 18Smolenski, T.; Dolgirev, P. E.; Kuhlenkamp, C.; Popert, A.; Shimazaki, Y.; Back, P.; Lu, X.; Kroner, M.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T. Signatures of Wigner crystal of electrons in a monolayer semiconductor. Nature 2021, 595, 53– 57, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03590-4Google Scholar18https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXhsVGnu73O&md5=749e09d40c29657efbbee593744d5719Signatures of Wigner crystal of electrons in a monolayer semiconductorSmolenski, Tomasz; Dolgirev, Pavel E.; Kuhlenkamp, Clemens; Popert, Alexander; Shimazaki, Yuya; Back, Patrick; Lu, Xiaobo; Kroner, Martin; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Esterlis, Ilya; Demler, Eugene; Imamoglu, AtacNature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 595 (7865), 53-57CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Portfolio)When the Coulomb repulsion between electrons dominates over their kinetic energy, electrons in two-dimensional systems are predicted to spontaneously break continuous-translation symmetry and form a quantum crystal. Efforts to observe this elusive state of matter, termed a Wigner crystal, in two-dimensional extended systems have primarily focused on cond. measurements on electrons confined to a single Landau level at high magnetic fields. Here we use optical spectroscopy to demonstrate that electrons in a monolayer semiconductor with d. lower than 3 x 1011 per cm squared form a Wigner crystal. The combination of a high electron effective mass and reduced dielec. screening enables us to observe electronic charge order even in the absence of a moire potential or an external magnetic field. The interactions between a resonantly injected exciton and electrons arranged in a periodic lattice modify the exciton bandstructure so that an umklapp resonance arises in the optical reflection spectrum, heralding the presence of charge order. Our findings demonstrate that charge-tunable transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer enable the investigation of previously uncharted territory for many-body physics where interaction energy dominates over kinetic energy.
- 19Drummond, N.; Radnai, Z.; Trail, J.; Towler, M.; Needs, R. Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2004, 69, 085116, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.085116Google Scholar19https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2cXitFWiu78%253D&md5=0fc149a88fc1e18714e7360f0c426173Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional Wigner crystalsDrummond, N. D.; Radnai, Z.; Trail, J. R.; Towler, M. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2004), 69 (8), 085116/1-085116/10CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)We report diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calcns. of three-dimensional Wigner crystals in the d. range rs = 100-150. We have tested different types of orbital for use in the approx. wave functions but none improve upon the simple Gaussian form. The Gaussian exponents are optimized by directly minimizing the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo energy. We have carefully investigated and sought to minimize the potential biases in our Monte Carlo results. We conclude that the uniform electron gas undergoes a transition from a ferromagnetic fluid to a body-centered-cubic Wigner crystal at rs = 106 ± 1. The diffusion quantum Monte Carlo results are compared with those from Hartree-Fock and Hartree theory in order to understand the role played by exchange and correlation in Wigner crystals. We also study "floating" Wigner crystals and give results for their pair-correlation functions.
- 20Trail, J.; Towler, M.; Needs, R. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory of Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 68, 045107, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.045107Google Scholar20https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXmtl2qt7s%253D&md5=e89fce0457c0e1825653e4f7cda61a9eUnrestricted Hartree-Fock theory of Wigner crystalsTrail, J. R.; Towler, M. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2003), 68 (4), 045107/1-045107/5CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)We demonstrate that UHF theory applied to electrons in a uniform potential has stable Wigner crystal solns. for rs≥1.44 in two dimensions and rs≥4.5 in three dimensions. The correlation energies of the Wigner crystal phases are considerably smaller than those of the fluid phases at the same d.
- 21Kormányos, A.; Burkard, G.; Gmitra, M.; Fabian, J.; Zólyomi, V.; Drummond, N. D.; Fal’ko, V. k-p theory for two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors. 2D Materials 2015, 2, 022001, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/2/2/022001Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Pan, H.; Wu, F.; Das Sarma, S. Quantum phase diagram of a Moiré-Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B 2020, 102, 201104, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.201104Google Scholar22https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXisF2qsLrI&md5=f60292ffd28a93d068bab3565c545c5cQuantum phase diagram of a Moire-Hubbard modelPan, Haining; Wu, Fengcheng; Das Sarma, SankarPhysical Review B (2020), 102 (20), 201104CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)We theor. study a generalized Hubbard model on Moire superlattices of twisted bilayers, and find very rich filling-factor-dependent quantum phase diagrams tuned by interaction strength and twist angle. Strong long-range Coulomb interaction in the Moire-Hubbard model induces Wigner crystals at a series of fractional filling factors. The effective lattice of the Wigner crystal is controlled by the filling factor, and can be triangle, rectangle, honeycomb, kagome, etc., providing a single platform to realize many different spin models on various lattices by simply tuning carrier d. In addn. to Wigner crystals that are topol. trivial, interaction-induced Chern insulators emerge in the phase diagram. This finding paves a way for engineering interaction-induced quantum anomalous Hall effect in Moire-Hubbard systems where the corresponding single-particle Moire band is topol. trivial.
- 23Rytova, N. Screened potential of a point charge in a thin film. Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull. 1967, 3, 30Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Brem, S.; Ekman, A.; Christiansen, D.; Katsch, F.; Selig, M.; Robert, C.; Marie, X.; Urbaszek, B.; Knorr, A.; Malic, E. Phonon-assisted photoluminescence from indirect excitons in monolayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 2849– 2856, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00633Google Scholar24https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXjsV2mtLo%253D&md5=0a135f8cd5765d43eb845ca0e40307c2Phonon-Assisted Photoluminescence from Indirect Excitons in Monolayers of Transition-Metal DichalcogenidesBrem, Samuel; Ekman, August; Christiansen, Dominik; Katsch, Florian; Selig, Malte; Robert, Cedric; Marie, Xavier; Urbaszek, Bernhard; Knorr, Andreas; Malic, ErminNano Letters (2020), 20 (4), 2849-2856CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) shows a multitude of emission peaks below the bright exciton line, and not all of them have been explained yet. Here, we study the emission traces of phonon-assisted recombinations of indirect excitons. To this end, we develop a microscopic theory describing simultaneous exciton, phonon, and photon interaction and including consistent many-particle dephasing. We explain the drastically different PL below the bright exciton in tungsten- and molybdenum-based materials as the result of different configurations of bright and momentum-dark states. In good agreement with expts., our calcns. predict that WSe2 exhibits clearly visible low-temp. PL signals stemming from the phonon-assisted recombination of momentum-dark K-K' excitons.
- 25Lindberg, M.; Koch, S. W. Effective Bloch equations for semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 1988, 38, 3342, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.38.3342Google Scholar25https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC2sfhtlCmsg%253D%253D&md5=6ad48b62fe4b1f50d8c14fd8bfa00ed2Effective Bloch equations for semiconductorsLindberg; KochPhysical review. B, Condensed matter (1988), 38 (5), 3342-3350 ISSN:0163-1829.There is no expanded citation for this reference.
- 26Kira, M.; Koch, S. Many-body correlations and excitonic effects in semiconductor spectroscopy. Progress Quantum Electron. 2006, 30, 155– 296, DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2006.12.002Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Laturia, A.; Van de Put, M. L.; Vandenberghe, W. G. Dielectric properties of hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides: from monolayer to bulk. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2018, 2, 1– 7, DOI: 10.1038/s41699-018-0050-xGoogle Scholar27https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXpslalsbc%253D&md5=c7d5e31c1471e738413615cbb983f423Dielectric properties of hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides: from monolayer to bulkLaturia, Akash; Van de Put, Maarten L.; Vandenberghe, William G.npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018), 2 (1), 1-7CODEN: DMAAAH; ISSN:2397-7132. (Nature Research)Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) promise greatly improved electrostatic control in future scaled electronic devices. To quantify the prospects of these materials in devices, we calc. the out-of-plane and in-plane dielec. const. from first principles for TMDs in trigonal prismatic and octahedral coordination, as well as for h-BN, with a thickness ranging from monolayer and bilayer to bulk. Both the ionic and electronic contribution to the dielec. response are computed. Our calcns. show that the out-of-plane dielec. response for the transition-metal dichalcogenides is dominated by its electronic component and that the dielec. const. increases with increasing chalcogen at. no. Overall, the out-of-plane dielec. const. of the TMDs and h-BN increases by around 15% as the no. of layers is increased from monolayer to bulk, while the in-plane component remains unchanged. Our computations also reveal that for octahedrally coordinated TMDs the ionic (static) contribution to the dielec. response is very high (4.5 times the electronic contribution) in the in-plane direction. This indicates that semiconducting TMDs in the tetragonal phase will suffer from excessive polar-optical scattering thereby deteriorating their electronic transport properties.
- 28Yoon, J.; Li, C.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D.; Shayegan, M. Wigner crystallization and metal-insulator transition of two-dimensional holes in GaAs at B = 0. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999, 82, 1744, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.1744Google Scholar28https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1MXhtF2ltbg%253D&md5=4a93514bce28fc700250ea35d892c6f8Wigner Crystallization and Metal-Insulator Transition of Two-Dimensional Holes in GaAs at B =0Yoon, Jongsoo; Li, C. C.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D. C.; Shayegan, M.Physical Review Letters (1999), 82 (8), 1744-1747CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The authors report the transport properties of a low disorder two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) in the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, which has an unprecedentedly high peak mobility of 7 × 105 cm2/V s, with a hole d. of 4.8 × 109<p<3.72 × 1010 cm-2 in the temp. range of 50 mK<T<1.3 K. From their T, p, and elec. field dependences, the metal-insulator transition in zero magnetic field in this exceptionally clean 2DHS occurs at rs = 35.1 ± 0.9, which is in good agreement with the crit. rs for Wigner crystn. rcs = 37 ± 5, predicted by Tanatar and Ceperley for an ideally clean 2-dimensional system.
- 29Drummond, N.; Needs, R. Phase diagram of the low-density two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 102, 126402, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.126402Google Scholar29https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD1MXjvVegtrY%253D&md5=75a6073bb18faf30ee79bfb7e91f0b4dPhase Diagram of the Low-Density Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Electron GasDrummond, N. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review Letters (2009), 102 (12), 126402/1-126402/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)We use quantum Monte Carlo methods to calc. the zero-temp. phase diagram of the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas. We find a transition from a paramagnetic fluid to an antiferromagnetic triangular Wigner crystal at d. parameter rs=31(1) a.u. and a transition to a ferromagnetic crystal at rs=38(5) a.u. The fully spin-polarized fluid is never stable. We search for, but do not find, the ferromagnetic "hybrid" phase proposed by H. Falakshahi and X. Waintal.
- 30Zarenia, M.; Neilson, D.; Partoens, B.; Peeters, F. Wigner crystallization in transition metal dichalcogenides: A new approach to correlation energy. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 95, 115438, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.115438Google Scholar30https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhsVKgtLzI&md5=0026d942995f151b822332b8012a1151Wigner crystallization in transition metal dichalcogenides: a new approach to correlation energyZarenia, M.; Neilson, D.; Partoens, B.; Peeters, F. M.Physical Review B (2017), 95 (11), 115438/1-115438/5CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)A review. We introduce a new approach for the correlation energy of one- and two-valley two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) systems. Our approach is based on an interpolation between two limits, a RPA at high densities and a classical approach at low densities which gives excellent agreement with available Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calcns. The two-valley 2DEG model is introduced to describe the electron correlations in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). We study the zero-temp. transition from a Fermi liq. to a quantum Wigner crystal phase in monolayer TMDs. Consistent with QMC, we find that electrons crystallize at rs = 31 in one-valley 2DEG. For two valleys, we predictWigner crystn. at rs = 30, implying that valley degeneracy has little effect on the crit. rs, in contrast to an earlier claim.
- 31Tanatar, B.; Ceperley, D. M. Ground state of the two-dimensional electron gas. Phys. Rev. B 1989, 39, 5005, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.39.5005Google Scholar31https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC2sfhsFKltg%253D%253D&md5=2115d760ceecc9836e6a112f86106db7Ground state of the two-dimensional electron gasTanatar; CeperleyPhysical review. B, Condensed matter (1989), 39 (8), 5005-5016 ISSN:0163-1829.There is no expanded citation for this reference.
- 32Bonsall, L.; Maradudin, A. Some static and dynamical properties of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal. Phys. Rev. B 1977, 15, 1959, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.15.1959Google Scholar32https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE2sXhslOltr8%253D&md5=082a73305afbd8060b2e143aee60d43eSome static and dynamical properties of a two-dimensional Wigner crystalBonsall, Lynn; Maradudin, A. A.Physical Review B: Solid State (1977), 15 (4), 1959-73CODEN: PLRBAQ; ISSN:0556-2805.The static ground-state energy of a 2-dimensional Wigner crystal was obtained for each of the 5 2-dimensional Bravais lattices. At const. electron no. d., the hexagonal lattice has the lowest energy. Phonon dispersion curves were calcd. for wave vectors along the sym. directions in the 1st Brillouin zone for the hexagonal lattice. In the long-wavelength limit, 1 of the 2 branches of the dispersion relation vanishes with vanishing 2-dimensional wave vector .vector.q as q, the 2nd as q1/2. The coeff. of q in the former branch is purely imaginary for certain directions of propagation in the square point energy and low-temp. thermodn. functions were obtained for the hexagonal lattice. The dielec. susceptibility tensor of a 2-dimensional Wigner crystal was detd. in the long-wavelength limit, in the presence of a static magnetic field perpendicular to the crystal; the result was used to obtain the dispersion relation for plasma oscillations in the electron crystal.
- 33Li, C.-C.; Yoon, J.; Engel, L.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D.; Shayegan, M. Microwave resonance and weak pinning in two-dimensional hole systems at high magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 2000, 61, 10905, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.10905Google Scholar33https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3cXis1amsLs%253D&md5=d8dfabd7db7445ebac9f6df6c2e37c22Microwave resonance and weak pinning in two-dimensional hole systems at high magnetic fieldsLi, C.-C.; Yoon, J.; Engel, L. W.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D. C.; Shayegan, M.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2000), 61 (16), 10905-10909CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)Microwave frequency cond. Re(σxx) of high quality two-dimensional hole systems (2DHS) in a large perpendicular magnetic field (B) is measured with the carrier d. (ns) of the 2DHS controlled by a backgate bias. The high-B insulating phase of the 2DHS exhibits a microwave resonance that remains well defined, but shifts to higher peak frequency (fpk) as ns is reduced. In different regimes, fpk vs ns can be fit to fpk.varies.ns-1/2 or to fpk.varies.ns-3/2. The data clearly indicate that both carrier-carrier interactions and disorder are indispensable in detg. the dynamics of the insulator. The ns dependence of fpk is consistent with a weakly pinned Wigner crystal in which domain size increases with ns, due to larger carrier-carrier interaction.
- 34Chen, Y.; Lewis, R.; Engel, L.; Tsui, D.; Ye, P.; Pfeiffer, L.; West, K. Microwave resonance of the 2D Wigner crystal around integer Landau fillings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91, 016801, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.016801Google Scholar34https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXltFKmsbo%253D&md5=2241c9fbbc90459616acdaaef0284876Microwave resonance of the 2D Wigner crystal around integer Landau fillingsChen, Yong; Lewis, R. M.; Engel, L. W.; Tsui, D. C.; Ye, P. D.; Pfeiffer, L. N.; West, K. W.Physical Review Letters (2003), 91 (1), 016801/1-016801/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The authors have obsd. a resonance in the real part of the finite frequency diagonal cond. using microwave absorption measurements in high-quality 2D electron systems near integer fillings. The resonance exists in some neighborhood of filling factor around corresponding integers and is qual. similar to the previously obsd. resonance of weakly pinned Wigner crystals in the high B and very small filling factor regimes. Data measured around both ν = 1 and ν = 2 are presented. The authors interpret the resonance as the signature of the Wigner crystal state around integer Landau levels.
- 35Chitra, R.; Giamarchi, T.; Le Doussal, P. Pinned Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2001, 65, 035312, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.035312Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Pöllmann, C.; Steinleitner, P.; Leierseder, U.; Nagler, P.; Plechinger, G.; Porer, M.; Bratschitsch, R.; Schüller, C.; Korn, T.; Huber, R. Resonant internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe2. Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 889– 893, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4356Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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This article references 36 other publications.
- 1Wigner, E. On the interaction of electrons in metals. Phys. Rev. 1934, 46, 1002, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.46.10021https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaA2MXnvVKr&md5=7fa7356a535362884e81bbfe26ff72daThe interaction of electrons in metalsWigner, E.Physical Review (1934), 46 (), 1002-11CODEN: PHRVAO; ISSN:0031-899X.Math.
- 2Andrei, E.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D.; Williams, F.; Paris, E.; Etienne, B. Observation of a magnetically induced Wigner solid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1988, 60, 2765, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.60.27652https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL1cXlsFKnurw%253D&md5=44ed9134211b667acc7eedfbbf1b0dc4Observation of a magnetically-induced Wigner solidAndrei, E. Y.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D. C.; Williams, F. I. B.; Paris, E.; Etienne, B.Physical Review Letters (1988), 60 (26), 2765-8CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The existence of the magnetic-field-induced liq.-to-solid phase transition in an extreme quantum-limit 2D electron plasma is established for electrons at a high-quality GaAs/GaAlAs heterojunction by detection of a gapless magnetophonon excitation branch with radio-frequency spectroscopy. The phase diagram, detd. for Wigner-Seitz to Bohr radius ratio 1.6 < rs < 2.5, extrapolates to a zero-temp. crit. Landau-level filling factor vc = 0.23 ± 0.04 and a zero-filling-factor melting temp. close to the classical (rs → ∞) limit.
- 3Goldman, V.; Santos, M.; Shayegan, M.; Cunningham, J. Evidence for two-dimentional quantum Wigner crystal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1990, 65, 2189, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.65.21893https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK3cXmsVagsrw%253D&md5=235fb4ae34939c8d6d7da6254d6be10eEvidence for two-dimensional quantum Wigner crystalGoldman, V. J.; Santos, M.; Shayegan, M.; Cunningham, J. E.Physical Review Letters (1990), 65 (17), 2189-92CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The authors report observations of an elec.-field threshold conduction and of related a.c. voltage (broad-band noise) generation in low-disorder two-dimensional electron systems in the extreme magnetic quantum limit. They interpret these phenomena as definitive evidence for the formation of a pinned quantum Wigner crystal and det. its melting phase diagram from the disappearance of threshold and noise behavior at higher temps.
- 4Williams, F.; Wright, P.; Clark, R.; Andrei, E.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D.; Probst, O.; Etienne, B.; Dorin, C.; Foxon, C. Conduction threshold and pinning frequency of magnetically induced Wigner solid. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1991, 66, 3285, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.32854https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK3MXks1ajtLo%253D&md5=60569109ba872ec0d671b72a48962642Conduction threshold and pinning frequency of magnetically induced Wigner solidWilliams, F. I. B.; Wright, P. A.; Clark, R. G.; Andrei, E. Y.; Deville, G.; Glattli, D. C.; Probst, O.; Etienne, B.; Dorin, C.; et al.Physical Review Letters (1991), 66 (25), 3285-8CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The 2D quantum system of electrons at a GaAs/GaAlAs heterojunction in high magnetic field at low temp. is shown to exhibit conduction typical of pinned charge-d. waves. Crossover from ohmic conduction occurs on the same boundary at which radio-frequency resonances signal the onset of transverse elasticity. A further small non-ohmic region is isolated from the main area by a v = 1/5 quantum-Hall-effect phase. The relationship found between the threshold conduction field and the resonance frequency is well accounted for by a model of a pinned electron crystal.
- 5Wang, G.; Chernikov, A.; Glazov, M. M.; Heinz, T. F.; Marie, X.; Amand, T.; Urbaszek, B. Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. Rev. Mod. Phys. 2018, 90, 021001, DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.90.0210015https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXislelsL8%253D&md5=7325cad24d258334d3031a9fa5a5c8d0Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenidesWang, Gang; Chernikov, Alexey; Glazov, Mikhail M.; Heinz, Tony F.; Marie, Xavier; Amand, Thierry; Urbaszek, BernhardReviews of Modern Physics (2018), 90 (2), 021001CODEN: RMPHAT; ISSN:0034-6861. (American Physical Society)A review. Atomically thin materials such as graphene and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit remarkable phys. properties resulting from their reduced dimensionality and crystal symmetry. The family of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides is an esp. promising platform for fundamental studies of two-dimensional (2D) systems, with potential applications in optoelectronics and valleytronics due to their direct band gap in the monolayer limit and highly efficient light-matter coupling. A crystal lattice with broken inversion symmetry combined with strong spin-orbit interactions leads to a unique combination of the spin and valley degrees of freedom. In addn., the 2D character of the monolayers and weak dielec. screening from the environment yield a significant enhancement of the Coulomb interaction. The resulting formation of bound electron-hole pairs, or excitons, dominates the optical and spin properties of the material. Here recent progress in understanding of the excitonic properties in monolayer TMDs is reviewed and future challenges are laid out. Discussed are the consequences of the strong direct and exchange Coulomb interaction, exciton light-matter coupling, and influence of finite carrier and electron-hole pair densities on the exciton properties in TMDs. Finally, the impact on valley polarization is described and the tuning of the energies and polarization obsd. in applied elec. and magnetic fields is summarized.
- 6Mueller, T.; Malic, E. Exciton physics and device application of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2018, 2, 1– 12, DOI: 10.1038/s41699-018-0074-26https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXpslaltL4%253D&md5=45b450cbe5d50aa80801fd79b2fb2533Exciton physics and device application of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductorsMueller, Thomas; Malic, Erminnpj 2D Materials and Applications (2018), 2 (1), 1-12CODEN: DMAAAH; ISSN:2397-7132. (Nature Research)A review. Two-dimensional group-VI transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, such as MoS2, WSe2, and others, exhibit strong light-matter coupling and possess direct band gaps in the IR and visible spectral regimes, making them potentially interesting candidates for various applications in optics and optoelectronics. Here, we review their optical and optoelectronic properties with emphasis on exciton physics and devices. As excitons are tightly bound in these materials and dominate the optical response even at room-temp., their properties are examd. in depth in the first part of this article. We discuss the remarkably versatile excitonic landscape, including bright, dark, localized and interlayer excitons. In the second part, we provide an overview on the progress in optoelectronic device applications, such as elec. driven light emitters, photovoltaic solar cells, photodetectors, and opto-valleytronic devices, again bearing in mind the prominent role of excitonic effects. We conclude with a brief discussion on challenges that remain to be addressed to exploit the full potential of transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors in possible exciton-based applications.
- 7Raja, A.; Waldecker, L.; Zipfel, J.; Cho, Y.; Brem, S.; Ziegler, J. D.; Kulig, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Malic, E. Dielectric disorder in two-dimensional materials. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2019, 14, 832– 837, DOI: 10.1038/s41565-019-0520-07https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhs1Srtr7P&md5=1e51157369d0dfbde6b3277e458cd3a5Dielectric disorder in two-dimensional materialsRaja, Archana; Waldecker, Lutz; Zipfel, Jonas; Cho, Yeongsu; Brem, Samuel; Ziegler, Jonas D.; Kulig, Marvin; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Malic, Ermin; Heinz, Tony F.; Berkelbach, Timothy C.; Chernikov, AlexeyNature Nanotechnology (2019), 14 (9), 832-837CODEN: NNAABX; ISSN:1748-3387. (Nature Research)Understanding and controlling disorder is key to nanotechnol. and materials science. Traditionally, disorder is attributed to local fluctuations of inherent material properties such as chem. and structural compn., doping or strain. Here, we present a fundamentally new source of disorder in nanoscale systems that is based entirely on the local changes of the Coulomb interaction due to fluctuations of the external dielec. environment. Using two-dimensional semiconductors as prototypes, we exptl. monitor dielec. disorder by probing the statistics and correlations of the exciton resonances, and theor. analyze the influence of external screening and phonon scattering. Even moderate fluctuations of the dielec. environment are shown to induce large variations of the bandgap and exciton binding energies up to the 100 meV range, often making it a dominant source of inhomogeneities. As a consequence, dielec. disorder has strong implications for both the optical and transport properties of nanoscale materials and their heterostructures.
- 8Xu, Y.; Liu, S.; Rhodes, D. A.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Hone, J.; Elser, V.; Mak, K. F.; Shan, J. Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of moiré superlattices. Nature 2020, 587, 214– 218, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2868-68https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXitlWktLnL&md5=de73a7d3cec37e5f33fa85b261452ad0Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of moire superlatticesXu, Yang; Liu, Song; Rhodes, Daniel A.; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Hone, James; Elser, Veit; Mak, Kin Fai; Shan, JieNature (London, United Kingdom) (2020), 587 (7833), 214-218CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Quantum particles on a lattice with competing long-range interactions are ubiquitous in physics; transition metal oxides1,2, layered mol. crystals3 and trapped-ion arrays4 are a few examples. In the strongly interacting regime, these systems often show a rich variety of quantum many-body ground states that challenge theory2. The emergence of transition metal dichalcogenide moire superlattices provides a highly controllable platform in which to study long-range electronic correlations 5-12. Here we report an observation of nearly two dozen correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of tungsten diselenide/tungsten disulfide moire superlattices. This finding is enabled by a new optical sensing technique that is based on the sensitivity to the dielec. environment of the exciton excited states in a single-layer semiconductor of tungsten diselenide. The cascade of insulating states shows an energy ordering that is nearly sym. about a filling factor of half a particle per superlattice site. We propose a series of charge-ordered states at commensurate filling fractions that range from generalized Wigner crystals7 to charge d. waves. Our study lays the groundwork for using moire superlattices to simulate a wealth of quantum many-body problems that are described by the two-dimensional extended Hubbard model3,13,14 or spin models with long-range charge-charge and exchange interactions15,16.
- 9Wang, L.; Shih, E.-M.; Ghiotto, A.; Xian, L.; Rhodes, D. A.; Tan, C.; Claassen, M.; Kennes, D. M.; Bai, Y.; Kim, B. Correlated electronic phases in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides. Nat. Mater. 2020, 19, 861– 866, DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-0708-69https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXht1CmtLrM&md5=3f415088dd8703de6ec99349abfac141Correlated electronic phases in twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenidesWang, Lei; Shih, En-Min; Ghiotto, Augusto; Xian, Lede; Rhodes, Daniel A.; Tan, Cheng; Claassen, Martin; Kennes, Dante M.; Bai, Yusong; Kim, Bumho; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Zhu, Xiaoyang; Hone, James; Rubio, Angel; Pasupathy, Abhay N.; Dean, Cory R.Nature Materials (2020), 19 (8), 861-866CODEN: NMAACR; ISSN:1476-1122. (Nature Research)Abstr.: In narrow electron bands in which the Coulomb interaction energy becomes comparable to the bandwidth, interactions can drive new quantum phases. Such flat bands in twisted graphene-based systems result in correlated insulator, superconducting and topol. states. Here we report evidence of low-energy flat bands in twisted bilayer WSe2, with signatures of collective phases obsd. over twist angles that range from 4 to 5.1°. At half-band filling, a correlated insulator appeared that is tunable with both twist angle and displacement field. At a 5.1° twist, zero-resistance pockets were obsd. on doping away from half filling at temps. below 3 K, which indicates a possible transition to a superconducting state. The observation of tunable collective phases in a simple band, which hosts only two holes per unit cell at full filling, establishes twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides as an ideal platform to study correlated physics in two dimensions on a triangular lattice.
- 10Zhou, Y.; Sung, J.; Brutschea, E.; Esterlis, I.; Wang, Y.; Scuri, G.; Gelly, R. J.; Heo, H.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K. Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure. Nature 2021, 595, 48– 52, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03560-w10https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXhsVGnu73F&md5=0c7859d09a3b8551ae92a3fc174d963fBilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructureZhou, You; Sung, Jiho; Brutschea, Elise; Esterlis, Ilya; Wang, Yao; Scuri, Giovanni; Gelly, Ryan J.; Heo, Hoseok; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Zarand, Gergely; Lukin, Mikhail D.; Kim, Philip; Demler, Eugene; Park, HongkunNature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 595 (7865), 48-52CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Portfolio)One of the first theor. predicted manifestations of strong interactions in many-electron systems was the Wigner crystal, in which electrons crystallize into a regular lattice. The crystal can melt via either thermal or quantum fluctuations. Quantum melting of the Wigner crystal is predicted to produce exotic intermediate phases5,6 and quantum magnetism because of the intricate interplay of Coulomb interactions and kinetic energy. However, studying two-dimensional Wigner crystals in the quantum regime has often required a strong magnetic field or a more superlattice potential, thus limiting access to the full phase diagram of the interacting electron liq. Here we report the observation of bilayer Wigner crystals without magnetic fields or more potentials in an atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure, which consists of two MoSe2 monolayers sepd. by hexagonal boron nitride. We observe optical signatures of robust correlated insulating states at sym. (1:1) and asym. (3:1, 4:1 and 7:1) electron doping of the two MoSe2 layers at cryogenic temps. We attribute these features to bilayer Wigner crystals composed of two interlocked commensurate triangular electron lattices, stabilized by inter-layer interaction. The Wigner crystal phases are remarkably stable, and undergo quantum and thermal melting transitions at electron densities of up to 6 x 1012 per square centimetre and at temps. of up to about 40 K. Our results demonstrate that an atomically thin heterostructure is a highly tunable platform for realizing many-body electronic states and probing their liq.-solid and magnetic quantum phase transitions.
- 11Huang, X.; Wang, T.; Miao, S.; Wang, C.; Li, Z.; Lian, Z.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Okamoto, S.; Xiao, D. Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS2/WSe2 moiré lattice. Nat. Phys. 2021, 17, 715– 719, DOI: 10.1038/s41567-021-01171-w11https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXktV2hu7o%253D&md5=f0b60f89aa7e340f24a611c423bfe933Correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the WS2/WSe2 moire latticeHuang, Xiong; Wang, Tianmeng; Miao, Shengnan; Wang, Chong; Li, Zhipeng; Lian, Zhen; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Okamoto, Satoshi; Xiao, Di; Shi, Su-Fei; Cui, Yong-TaoNature Physics (2021), 17 (6), 715-719CODEN: NPAHAX; ISSN:1745-2473. (Nature Portfolio)The strong electron interactions in the minibands formed in moire´ superlattices of van der Waals materials, such as twisted graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, make such systems a fascinating platform with which to study strongly correlated states1-19. In most systems, the correlated states appear when the moire´ lattice is filled by an integer no. of electrons per moire´ unit cell. Recently, correlated states at fractional fillings of 1/3 and 2/3 holes per moire´ unit cell have been reported in the WS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayer, hinting at the long-range nature of the electron interaction16. Here we observe a series of correlated insulating states at fractional fillings of the moire´ minibands on both electron- and hole-doped sides in angle-aligned WS2/WSe2 hetero-bilayers, with certain states persisting at temps. up to 120 K. Simulations reveal that these insulating states correspond to ordering of electrons in the moire´ lattice with a periodicity much larger than the moire´ unit cell, indicating a surprisingly strong and long-range interaction beyond the nearest neighbors.
- 12Miao, S.; Wang, T.; Huang, X.; Chen, D.; Lian, Z.; Wang, C.; Blei, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Tongay, S. Strong interaction between interlayer excitons and correlated electrons in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattice. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 1– 6, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23732-6There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 13Yu, H.; Liu, G.-B.; Tang, J.; Xu, X.; Yao, W. Moiré excitons: From programmable quantum emitter arrays to spin-orbit–coupled artificial lattices. Sci. Adv. 2017, 3, e1701696 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.170169613https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXisVWgsLbF&md5=6bd2991ac189f51d6a948fd06a3131deMoir´e excitons: from programmable quantum emitter arrays to spin-orbit - coupled artificial latticesYu, Hongyi; Liu, Gui-Bin; Tang, Jianju; Xu, Xiaodong; Yao, WangScience Advances (2017), 3 (11), e1701696/1-e1701696/7CODEN: SACDAF; ISSN:2375-2548. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Highly uniform and ordered nanodot arrays are crucial for high-performance quantum optoelectronics, including new semiconductor lasers and single-photon emitters, and for synthesizing artificial lattices of interacting quasiparticles toward quantum information processing and simulation of many-body physics. Van der Waals heterostructures of two-dimensional semiconductors are naturally endowed with an ordered nanoscale landscape, i.e., the moir´e pattern that laterally modulates electronic and topog. structures. We find that these moir´e effects realize superstructures of nanodot confinements for long-lived interlayer excitons, which can be either elec. or strain tuned from perfect arrays of quantum emitters to excitonic superlattices with giant spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Besides the wide-range tuning of emission wavelength, the elec. field can also invert the spin optical selection rule of the emitter arrays. This unprecedented control arises from the gauge structure imprinted on exciton wave functions by the moir´e, which underlies the SOC when hopping couples nanodots into superlattices. We show that the moir´e hosts complex hopping honeycomb superlattices, where exciton bands feature a Dirac node and two Weyl nodes, connected by spin-momentum-locked topol. edge modes.
- 14Tran, K.; Moody, G.; Wu, F.; Lu, X.; Choi, J.; Kim, K.; Rai, A.; Sanchez, D. A.; Quan, J.; Singh, A. Evidence for moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature 2019, 567, 71– 75, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-0975-z14https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXmsVyrtLg%253D&md5=1d6baad81a874a558d08b1303d5970d8Evidence for moire´ excitons in van der Waals heterostructuresTran, Kha; Moody, Galan; Wu, Fengcheng; Lu, Xiaobo; Choi, Junho; Kim, Kyounghwan; Rai, Amritesh; Sanchez, Daniel A.; Quan, Jiamin; Singh, Akshay; Embley, Jacob; Zepeda, Andre; Campbell, Marshall; Autry, Travis; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Lu, Nanshu; Banerjee, Sanjay K.; Silverman, Kevin L.; Kim, Suenne; Tutuc, Emanuel; Yang, Li; MacDonald, Allan H.; Li, XiaoqinNature (London, United Kingdom) (2019), 567 (7746), 71-75CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Recent advances in the isolation and stacking of monolayers of van der Waals materials have provided approaches for the prepn. of quantum materials in the ultimate two-dimensional limit. In van der Waals heterostructures formed by stacking two monolayer semiconductors, lattice mismatch or rotational misalignment introduces an in-plane moire´ superlattice. It is widely recognized that the moire´ superlattice can modulate the electronic band structure of the material and lead to transport properties such as unconventional supercond. and insulating behavior driven by correlations; however, the influence of the moire´ superlattice on optical properties has not been investigated exptl. Here we report the observation of multiple interlayer exciton resonances with either pos. or neg. circularly polarized emission in a molybdenum diselenide/tungsten diselenide (MoSe2/WSe2) heterobilayer with a small twist angle. We attribute these resonances to excitonic ground and excited states confined within the moire´ potential. This interpretation is supported by recombination dynamics and by the dependence of these interlayer exciton resonances on twist angle and temp. These results suggest the feasibility of engineering artificial excitonic crystals using van der Waals heterostructures for nanophotonics and quantum information applications.
- 15Brem, S.; Linderälv, C.; Erhart, P.; Malic, E. Tunable phases of moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 8534– 8540, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c0301915https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhvFeitrjI&md5=bf29258d1fe53bd3915689d8e68644eaTunable Phases of Moir´e Excitons in van der Waals HeterostructuresBrem, Samuel; Linderaelv, Christopher; Erhart, Paul; Malic, ErminNano Letters (2020), 20 (12), 8534-8540CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)Stacking monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides into a heterostructure with a finite twist-angle gives rise to artificial moir´e superlattices with a tunable periodicity. As a consequence, excitons experience a periodic potential, which can be exploited to tailor optoelectronic properties of these materials. Whereas recent exptl. studies have confirmed twist-angle-dependent optical spectra, the microscopic origin of moir´e exciton resonances has not been fully clarified yet. Here, we combine first-principles calcns. with the excitonic d. matrix formalism to study transitions between different moir´e exciton phases and their impact on optical properties of the twisted MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure. At angles smaller than 2°, we find flat, moir´e-trapped states for inter- and intralayer excitons. This moir´e exciton phase changes into completely delocalized states at 3°. We predict a linear and quadratic twist-angle dependence of excitonic resonances for the moir´e-trapped and delocalized exciton phases, resp.
- 16Ugeda, M. M.; Bradley, A. J.; Shi, S.-F.; da Jornada, F. H.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, D. Y.; Ruan, W.; Mo, S.-K.; Hussain, Z.; Shen, Z.-X. Giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor. Nat. Mater. 2014, 13, 1091– 1095, DOI: 10.1038/nmat406116https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhsVCrtLfL&md5=952adfe8b0db8b6098335f4316f90cdeGiant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductorUgeda, Miguel M.; Bradley, Aaron J.; Shi, Su-Fei; da Jornada, Felipe H.; Zhang, Yi; Qiu, Diana Y.; Ruan, Wei; Mo, Sung-Kwan; Hussain, Zahid; Shen, Zhi-Xun; Wang, Feng; Louie, Steven G.; Crommie, Michael F.Nature Materials (2014), 13 (12), 1091-1095CODEN: NMAACR; ISSN:1476-1122. (Nature Publishing Group)Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging as a new platform for exploring 2-dimensional semiconductor physics. Reduced screening in two dimensions results in markedly enhanced electron-electron interactions, which were predicted to generate giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects. Here the authors present a rigorous exptl. observation of extraordinarily large exciton binding energy in a 2-dimensional semiconducting TMD. The authors det. the single-particle electronic bandgap of single-layer MoSe2 by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), as well as the two-particle exciton transition energy using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. These yield an exciton binding energy of 0.55 eV for monolayer MoSe2 on graphene-orders of magnitude larger than what is seen in conventional 3-dimensional semiconductors and significantly higher than what the authors see for MoSe2 monolayers in more highly screening environments. This finding is corroborated by the authors' ab initio GW and Bethe-Salpeter equation calcns. which include electron correlation effects. The renormalized bandgap and large exciton binding obsd. here will have a profound impact on electronic and optoelectronic device technologies based on single-layer semiconducting TMDs.
- 17Chernikov, A.; Berkelbach, T. C.; Hill, H. M.; Rigosi, A.; Li, Y.; Aslan, O. B.; Reichman, D. R.; Hybertsen, M. S.; Heinz, T. F. Exciton binding energy and nonhydrogenic Rydberg series in monolayer WS2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014, 113, 076802, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.07680217https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhs12jurbF&md5=6d5bf6547a721f4273215ff42da55b47Exciton binding energy and nonhydrogenic rydberg series in monolayer WS2Chernikov, Alexey; Berkelbach, Timothy C.; Hill, Heather M.; Rigosi, Albert; Li, Yilei; Aslan, Ozgur Burak; Reichman, David R.; Hybertsen, Mark S.; Heinz, Tony F.Physical Review Letters (2014), 113 (7), 076802CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)We have exptl. detd. the energies of the ground and first four excited excitonic states of the fundamental optical transition in monolayer WS2, a model system for the growing class of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconductor crystals. From the spectra, we establish a large exciton binding energy of 0.32 eV and a pronounced deviation from the usual hydrogenic Rydberg series of energy levels of the excitonic states. We explain both of these results using a microscopic theory in which the nonlocal nature of the effective dielec. screening modifies the functional form of the Coulomb interaction. These strong but unconventional electron-hole interactions are expected to be ubiquitous in atomically thin materials.
- 18Smolenski, T.; Dolgirev, P. E.; Kuhlenkamp, C.; Popert, A.; Shimazaki, Y.; Back, P.; Lu, X.; Kroner, M.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T. Signatures of Wigner crystal of electrons in a monolayer semiconductor. Nature 2021, 595, 53– 57, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03590-418https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3MXhsVGnu73O&md5=749e09d40c29657efbbee593744d5719Signatures of Wigner crystal of electrons in a monolayer semiconductorSmolenski, Tomasz; Dolgirev, Pavel E.; Kuhlenkamp, Clemens; Popert, Alexander; Shimazaki, Yuya; Back, Patrick; Lu, Xiaobo; Kroner, Martin; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Esterlis, Ilya; Demler, Eugene; Imamoglu, AtacNature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 595 (7865), 53-57CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Portfolio)When the Coulomb repulsion between electrons dominates over their kinetic energy, electrons in two-dimensional systems are predicted to spontaneously break continuous-translation symmetry and form a quantum crystal. Efforts to observe this elusive state of matter, termed a Wigner crystal, in two-dimensional extended systems have primarily focused on cond. measurements on electrons confined to a single Landau level at high magnetic fields. Here we use optical spectroscopy to demonstrate that electrons in a monolayer semiconductor with d. lower than 3 x 1011 per cm squared form a Wigner crystal. The combination of a high electron effective mass and reduced dielec. screening enables us to observe electronic charge order even in the absence of a moire potential or an external magnetic field. The interactions between a resonantly injected exciton and electrons arranged in a periodic lattice modify the exciton bandstructure so that an umklapp resonance arises in the optical reflection spectrum, heralding the presence of charge order. Our findings demonstrate that charge-tunable transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer enable the investigation of previously uncharted territory for many-body physics where interaction energy dominates over kinetic energy.
- 19Drummond, N.; Radnai, Z.; Trail, J.; Towler, M.; Needs, R. Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2004, 69, 085116, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.08511619https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2cXitFWiu78%253D&md5=0fc149a88fc1e18714e7360f0c426173Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional Wigner crystalsDrummond, N. D.; Radnai, Z.; Trail, J. R.; Towler, M. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2004), 69 (8), 085116/1-085116/10CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)We report diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calcns. of three-dimensional Wigner crystals in the d. range rs = 100-150. We have tested different types of orbital for use in the approx. wave functions but none improve upon the simple Gaussian form. The Gaussian exponents are optimized by directly minimizing the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo energy. We have carefully investigated and sought to minimize the potential biases in our Monte Carlo results. We conclude that the uniform electron gas undergoes a transition from a ferromagnetic fluid to a body-centered-cubic Wigner crystal at rs = 106 ± 1. The diffusion quantum Monte Carlo results are compared with those from Hartree-Fock and Hartree theory in order to understand the role played by exchange and correlation in Wigner crystals. We also study "floating" Wigner crystals and give results for their pair-correlation functions.
- 20Trail, J.; Towler, M.; Needs, R. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory of Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 68, 045107, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.04510720https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXmtl2qt7s%253D&md5=e89fce0457c0e1825653e4f7cda61a9eUnrestricted Hartree-Fock theory of Wigner crystalsTrail, J. R.; Towler, M. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2003), 68 (4), 045107/1-045107/5CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)We demonstrate that UHF theory applied to electrons in a uniform potential has stable Wigner crystal solns. for rs≥1.44 in two dimensions and rs≥4.5 in three dimensions. The correlation energies of the Wigner crystal phases are considerably smaller than those of the fluid phases at the same d.
- 21Kormányos, A.; Burkard, G.; Gmitra, M.; Fabian, J.; Zólyomi, V.; Drummond, N. D.; Fal’ko, V. k-p theory for two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors. 2D Materials 2015, 2, 022001, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/2/2/022001There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Pan, H.; Wu, F.; Das Sarma, S. Quantum phase diagram of a Moiré-Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B 2020, 102, 201104, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.20110422https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXisF2qsLrI&md5=f60292ffd28a93d068bab3565c545c5cQuantum phase diagram of a Moire-Hubbard modelPan, Haining; Wu, Fengcheng; Das Sarma, SankarPhysical Review B (2020), 102 (20), 201104CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)We theor. study a generalized Hubbard model on Moire superlattices of twisted bilayers, and find very rich filling-factor-dependent quantum phase diagrams tuned by interaction strength and twist angle. Strong long-range Coulomb interaction in the Moire-Hubbard model induces Wigner crystals at a series of fractional filling factors. The effective lattice of the Wigner crystal is controlled by the filling factor, and can be triangle, rectangle, honeycomb, kagome, etc., providing a single platform to realize many different spin models on various lattices by simply tuning carrier d. In addn. to Wigner crystals that are topol. trivial, interaction-induced Chern insulators emerge in the phase diagram. This finding paves a way for engineering interaction-induced quantum anomalous Hall effect in Moire-Hubbard systems where the corresponding single-particle Moire band is topol. trivial.
- 23Rytova, N. Screened potential of a point charge in a thin film. Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull. 1967, 3, 30There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Brem, S.; Ekman, A.; Christiansen, D.; Katsch, F.; Selig, M.; Robert, C.; Marie, X.; Urbaszek, B.; Knorr, A.; Malic, E. Phonon-assisted photoluminescence from indirect excitons in monolayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 2849– 2856, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c0063324https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXjsV2mtLo%253D&md5=0a135f8cd5765d43eb845ca0e40307c2Phonon-Assisted Photoluminescence from Indirect Excitons in Monolayers of Transition-Metal DichalcogenidesBrem, Samuel; Ekman, August; Christiansen, Dominik; Katsch, Florian; Selig, Malte; Robert, Cedric; Marie, Xavier; Urbaszek, Bernhard; Knorr, Andreas; Malic, ErminNano Letters (2020), 20 (4), 2849-2856CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) shows a multitude of emission peaks below the bright exciton line, and not all of them have been explained yet. Here, we study the emission traces of phonon-assisted recombinations of indirect excitons. To this end, we develop a microscopic theory describing simultaneous exciton, phonon, and photon interaction and including consistent many-particle dephasing. We explain the drastically different PL below the bright exciton in tungsten- and molybdenum-based materials as the result of different configurations of bright and momentum-dark states. In good agreement with expts., our calcns. predict that WSe2 exhibits clearly visible low-temp. PL signals stemming from the phonon-assisted recombination of momentum-dark K-K' excitons.
- 25Lindberg, M.; Koch, S. W. Effective Bloch equations for semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B 1988, 38, 3342, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.38.334225https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC2sfhtlCmsg%253D%253D&md5=6ad48b62fe4b1f50d8c14fd8bfa00ed2Effective Bloch equations for semiconductorsLindberg; KochPhysical review. B, Condensed matter (1988), 38 (5), 3342-3350 ISSN:0163-1829.There is no expanded citation for this reference.
- 26Kira, M.; Koch, S. Many-body correlations and excitonic effects in semiconductor spectroscopy. Progress Quantum Electron. 2006, 30, 155– 296, DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2006.12.002There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Laturia, A.; Van de Put, M. L.; Vandenberghe, W. G. Dielectric properties of hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides: from monolayer to bulk. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2018, 2, 1– 7, DOI: 10.1038/s41699-018-0050-x27https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXpslalsbc%253D&md5=c7d5e31c1471e738413615cbb983f423Dielectric properties of hexagonal boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides: from monolayer to bulkLaturia, Akash; Van de Put, Maarten L.; Vandenberghe, William G.npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018), 2 (1), 1-7CODEN: DMAAAH; ISSN:2397-7132. (Nature Research)Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) promise greatly improved electrostatic control in future scaled electronic devices. To quantify the prospects of these materials in devices, we calc. the out-of-plane and in-plane dielec. const. from first principles for TMDs in trigonal prismatic and octahedral coordination, as well as for h-BN, with a thickness ranging from monolayer and bilayer to bulk. Both the ionic and electronic contribution to the dielec. response are computed. Our calcns. show that the out-of-plane dielec. response for the transition-metal dichalcogenides is dominated by its electronic component and that the dielec. const. increases with increasing chalcogen at. no. Overall, the out-of-plane dielec. const. of the TMDs and h-BN increases by around 15% as the no. of layers is increased from monolayer to bulk, while the in-plane component remains unchanged. Our computations also reveal that for octahedrally coordinated TMDs the ionic (static) contribution to the dielec. response is very high (4.5 times the electronic contribution) in the in-plane direction. This indicates that semiconducting TMDs in the tetragonal phase will suffer from excessive polar-optical scattering thereby deteriorating their electronic transport properties.
- 28Yoon, J.; Li, C.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D.; Shayegan, M. Wigner crystallization and metal-insulator transition of two-dimensional holes in GaAs at B = 0. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999, 82, 1744, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.174428https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1MXhtF2ltbg%253D&md5=4a93514bce28fc700250ea35d892c6f8Wigner Crystallization and Metal-Insulator Transition of Two-Dimensional Holes in GaAs at B =0Yoon, Jongsoo; Li, C. C.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D. C.; Shayegan, M.Physical Review Letters (1999), 82 (8), 1744-1747CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The authors report the transport properties of a low disorder two-dimensional hole system (2DHS) in the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, which has an unprecedentedly high peak mobility of 7 × 105 cm2/V s, with a hole d. of 4.8 × 109<p<3.72 × 1010 cm-2 in the temp. range of 50 mK<T<1.3 K. From their T, p, and elec. field dependences, the metal-insulator transition in zero magnetic field in this exceptionally clean 2DHS occurs at rs = 35.1 ± 0.9, which is in good agreement with the crit. rs for Wigner crystn. rcs = 37 ± 5, predicted by Tanatar and Ceperley for an ideally clean 2-dimensional system.
- 29Drummond, N.; Needs, R. Phase diagram of the low-density two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 102, 126402, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.12640229https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD1MXjvVegtrY%253D&md5=75a6073bb18faf30ee79bfb7e91f0b4dPhase Diagram of the Low-Density Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Electron GasDrummond, N. D.; Needs, R. J.Physical Review Letters (2009), 102 (12), 126402/1-126402/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)We use quantum Monte Carlo methods to calc. the zero-temp. phase diagram of the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas. We find a transition from a paramagnetic fluid to an antiferromagnetic triangular Wigner crystal at d. parameter rs=31(1) a.u. and a transition to a ferromagnetic crystal at rs=38(5) a.u. The fully spin-polarized fluid is never stable. We search for, but do not find, the ferromagnetic "hybrid" phase proposed by H. Falakshahi and X. Waintal.
- 30Zarenia, M.; Neilson, D.; Partoens, B.; Peeters, F. Wigner crystallization in transition metal dichalcogenides: A new approach to correlation energy. Phys. Rev. B 2017, 95, 115438, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.11543830https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhsVKgtLzI&md5=0026d942995f151b822332b8012a1151Wigner crystallization in transition metal dichalcogenides: a new approach to correlation energyZarenia, M.; Neilson, D.; Partoens, B.; Peeters, F. M.Physical Review B (2017), 95 (11), 115438/1-115438/5CODEN: PRBHB7; ISSN:2469-9969. (American Physical Society)A review. We introduce a new approach for the correlation energy of one- and two-valley two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) systems. Our approach is based on an interpolation between two limits, a RPA at high densities and a classical approach at low densities which gives excellent agreement with available Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calcns. The two-valley 2DEG model is introduced to describe the electron correlations in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). We study the zero-temp. transition from a Fermi liq. to a quantum Wigner crystal phase in monolayer TMDs. Consistent with QMC, we find that electrons crystallize at rs = 31 in one-valley 2DEG. For two valleys, we predictWigner crystn. at rs = 30, implying that valley degeneracy has little effect on the crit. rs, in contrast to an earlier claim.
- 31Tanatar, B.; Ceperley, D. M. Ground state of the two-dimensional electron gas. Phys. Rev. B 1989, 39, 5005, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.39.500531https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC2sfhsFKltg%253D%253D&md5=2115d760ceecc9836e6a112f86106db7Ground state of the two-dimensional electron gasTanatar; CeperleyPhysical review. B, Condensed matter (1989), 39 (8), 5005-5016 ISSN:0163-1829.There is no expanded citation for this reference.
- 32Bonsall, L.; Maradudin, A. Some static and dynamical properties of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal. Phys. Rev. B 1977, 15, 1959, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.15.195932https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE2sXhslOltr8%253D&md5=082a73305afbd8060b2e143aee60d43eSome static and dynamical properties of a two-dimensional Wigner crystalBonsall, Lynn; Maradudin, A. A.Physical Review B: Solid State (1977), 15 (4), 1959-73CODEN: PLRBAQ; ISSN:0556-2805.The static ground-state energy of a 2-dimensional Wigner crystal was obtained for each of the 5 2-dimensional Bravais lattices. At const. electron no. d., the hexagonal lattice has the lowest energy. Phonon dispersion curves were calcd. for wave vectors along the sym. directions in the 1st Brillouin zone for the hexagonal lattice. In the long-wavelength limit, 1 of the 2 branches of the dispersion relation vanishes with vanishing 2-dimensional wave vector .vector.q as q, the 2nd as q1/2. The coeff. of q in the former branch is purely imaginary for certain directions of propagation in the square point energy and low-temp. thermodn. functions were obtained for the hexagonal lattice. The dielec. susceptibility tensor of a 2-dimensional Wigner crystal was detd. in the long-wavelength limit, in the presence of a static magnetic field perpendicular to the crystal; the result was used to obtain the dispersion relation for plasma oscillations in the electron crystal.
- 33Li, C.-C.; Yoon, J.; Engel, L.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D.; Shayegan, M. Microwave resonance and weak pinning in two-dimensional hole systems at high magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 2000, 61, 10905, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.1090533https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3cXis1amsLs%253D&md5=d8dfabd7db7445ebac9f6df6c2e37c22Microwave resonance and weak pinning in two-dimensional hole systems at high magnetic fieldsLi, C.-C.; Yoon, J.; Engel, L. W.; Shahar, D.; Tsui, D. C.; Shayegan, M.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2000), 61 (16), 10905-10909CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)Microwave frequency cond. Re(σxx) of high quality two-dimensional hole systems (2DHS) in a large perpendicular magnetic field (B) is measured with the carrier d. (ns) of the 2DHS controlled by a backgate bias. The high-B insulating phase of the 2DHS exhibits a microwave resonance that remains well defined, but shifts to higher peak frequency (fpk) as ns is reduced. In different regimes, fpk vs ns can be fit to fpk.varies.ns-1/2 or to fpk.varies.ns-3/2. The data clearly indicate that both carrier-carrier interactions and disorder are indispensable in detg. the dynamics of the insulator. The ns dependence of fpk is consistent with a weakly pinned Wigner crystal in which domain size increases with ns, due to larger carrier-carrier interaction.
- 34Chen, Y.; Lewis, R.; Engel, L.; Tsui, D.; Ye, P.; Pfeiffer, L.; West, K. Microwave resonance of the 2D Wigner crystal around integer Landau fillings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91, 016801, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.01680134https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXltFKmsbo%253D&md5=2241c9fbbc90459616acdaaef0284876Microwave resonance of the 2D Wigner crystal around integer Landau fillingsChen, Yong; Lewis, R. M.; Engel, L. W.; Tsui, D. C.; Ye, P. D.; Pfeiffer, L. N.; West, K. W.Physical Review Letters (2003), 91 (1), 016801/1-016801/4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)The authors have obsd. a resonance in the real part of the finite frequency diagonal cond. using microwave absorption measurements in high-quality 2D electron systems near integer fillings. The resonance exists in some neighborhood of filling factor around corresponding integers and is qual. similar to the previously obsd. resonance of weakly pinned Wigner crystals in the high B and very small filling factor regimes. Data measured around both ν = 1 and ν = 2 are presented. The authors interpret the resonance as the signature of the Wigner crystal state around integer Landau levels.
- 35Chitra, R.; Giamarchi, T.; Le Doussal, P. Pinned Wigner crystals. Phys. Rev. B 2001, 65, 035312, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.035312There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Pöllmann, C.; Steinleitner, P.; Leierseder, U.; Nagler, P.; Plechinger, G.; Porer, M.; Bratschitsch, R.; Schüller, C.; Korn, T.; Huber, R. Resonant internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe2. Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 889– 893, DOI: 10.1038/nmat4356There is no corresponding record for this reference.
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