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Two-Step Approach for Conformal Chemical Vapor-Phase Deposition of Ultra-Thin Conductive Silver Films
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Functional Inorganic Materials and Devices

Two-Step Approach for Conformal Chemical Vapor-Phase Deposition of Ultra-Thin Conductive Silver Films
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  • Sabrina Wack
    Sabrina Wack
    Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
    More by Sabrina Wack
  • Petru Lunca Popa
    Petru Lunca Popa
    Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
  • Noureddine Adjeroud
    Noureddine Adjeroud
    Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
  • Christèle Vergne
    Christèle Vergne
    Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
  • Renaud Leturcq*
    Renaud Leturcq
    Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
    *Email: [email protected]
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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Cite this: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 32, 36329–36338
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Published July 15, 2020

Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under these Terms of Use.


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Conductive ultra-thin silver films are commonly fabricated by physical vapor deposition methods such as evaporation or sputtering. The line-of-sight geometry of these techniques impedes the conformal growth on substrates with complex morphology. In order to overcome this issue, volume deposition technologies such as chemical vapor deposition or atomic layer deposition are usually preferred. However, the silver films fabricated using these methods are generally non-electrically conductive for thicknesses below 20–50 nm due to island formation. Here, we demonstrate a novel approach for producing ultra-thin conductive silver layers on complex substrates. Relying on chemical vapor-phase deposition and plasma post-treatment, this two-step technique allows the synthesis of highly conductive and uniform silver films with a critical thickness lower than 15 nm and a sheet resistance of 1.6 Ω/□ for a 40 nm-thin film, corresponding to a resistivity of 6.4 μΩ·cm. The high infrared reflectance further demonstrates the optical quality of the films, despite a still large root-mean-square roughness of 8.9 nm. We successfully demonstrate the highly conformal deposition in lateral structures with an aspect ratio of up to 100. This two-step deposition method could be extended to other metals and open new opportunities for depositing electrically conductive films in complex 3D structures.

Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society


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The deposition of highly uniform and conformal conductive ultra-thin films is of great interest in the microelectronics industry where the miniaturization of semiconductor devices introduces complex three-dimensional structures with a high aspect ratio (AR). (1,2) Consequently, one of the main challenges is to be able to uniformly fill the metallic films into these structures. Silver is of particular interest due to its low electrical resistivity, which is beneficial for microelectronic applications. (3−5) More generally, its outstanding optical properties make it a good choice for several applications including optical coatings for windows or lenses, (6) mirrors (7) or sensors, (8,9) while its chemical reactivity is used in antibacterial surfaces. (10) More and more of these applications require a conformal growth of ultra-thin silver layers, which represents a challenge for most deposition methods.
Silver films with the highest electrical conductivity and lowest critical thickness are currently produced by line-of-sight methods such as physical vapor deposition (PVD), (11−13) among which ultra-thin silver films with the best morphological and electrical properties are produced without the need of a seed layer by sputtering using Al and Cu doping. (14−16) Line-of-sight methods are however not suitable for complex 3D shapes (e.g., trenches) and present uniformity issues on nonflat substrates. Non-line-of-sight techniques such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and atomic layer deposition (ALD) often produce non-electrically conductive coatings for thickness below 20–50 nm. (2,17−21) Whether the synthesis is made by plasma-enhanced ALD (PE-ALD) or thermal ALD, the growth of the metallic film leads to a nanoparticle (NP) structure for low thickness. Nevertheless, several recent works have successfully demonstrated the reduction of the critical thickness, down to 22 nm for PE-ALD performed at a low temperature, (19) at which diffusion of silver on the surface is strongly reduced. Although PE-ALD usually gives a higher coverage with a lower critical thickness than thermal ALD, (18−21) a critical thickness down to 9 nm was recently reported by thermal ALD using tertiary butyl hydrazine as a coreactant. (22)
One major difficulty in producing ultra-thin continuous silver or other noble metals on oxide substrates is the formation of separated clusters due to the higher surface energy of metallic materials as compared to oxide surfaces. The deposition follows the Volmer–Weber growth mechanism and further leads to an NP morphology rather than a continuous layer. This has been demonstrated for Cu films (2,23−25) and for Ag films. (5,18,19,26) However, studies on the ALD of metal Ag are much less common than those of Cu since the exact deposition mechanism is not yet fully understood.
The reduction of the critical thickness of conductive films is one of the major research activity in the deposition of metal films, and several techniques have already been investigated, mainly for PVD methods (see refs (14) and (16) and references therein). The use of a wetting layer has demonstrated strong improvement for the growth of ultra-thin continuous metal films (see detailed review in refs (2) and (16)). Although good results were obtained in the case of line-of-sight techniques, (11−14,27−33) only noncontinuous films (34) or a slight enhancement of the coverage (5) were observed when chemical vapor-phase methods were engaged. A two-step approach consisting of the deposition of a metal-containing film subsequently reduced to a metallic state was proved for copper thin layers. (2,35) However, this will be difficult to transfer to silver coatings as stable Ag (II) complexes are extremely complex to obtain, mainly due to their more noble character as compared to Cu. At last, Al and Cu doping has demonstrated strong reduction of the Ag film roughness and critical thickness of films deposited by sputtering, (14−16) although a similar attempt has not yet been reported for ALD or CVD.
Here, we suggest a novel two-step approach for the conformal deposition of ultra-thin continuous metal coatings and demonstrate it on the synthesis of silver. The main part of this original method relies on the deposition of a thin film of compact metal nanoparticles using a forced pulsed CVD regime. This film, which is initially insulating, is further plasma treated in order to sinter the particles and create a quasi-continuous conducting coating, with resistivity and critical thickness close to the values obtained by PVD. (14,16) This ultra-thin silver layer shows a high conformality, even on a lateral structure with an aspect ratio of up to 100. The high-performances as an optical reflector on complex substrates are proven by a high infrared reflectance.

Experimental Section

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ALD Reactor and Film Growth

The experiments for the deposition of silver layers have been performed on a Beneq TFS200 system equipped with an open-boat hot source HS500 for the silver precursor and the remote plasma option (Ar/H2 plasma). Details about the reactor are reported elsewhere. (26) The chamber temperature, which is measured close to the reactor and is assumed to be representative of the sample, was kept between 120 and 150 °C. Both Ar, used as precursor carrier and process gas, and H2 gases used during the process are Alphagaz 1 and Arcal Prime, respectively, from Air Liquide. Their flows are controlled using mass flow controllers. The reactor pressure is about 3 mbar during the deposition process. The Ag(fod)(PEt3) precursor ((triethylphosphine(6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionate)silver(I), C16H25AgF7O2P, minimum 98% purity, Strem Chemicals) was loaded into an open quartz boat and heated at temperatures ranging from 100 to 150 °C using the HS500 precursor cell. The Ag precursor was continuously injected and not pulsed as for a standard PE-ALD process. The injection of the precursor was regulated by the process argon flow kept at 300 sccm. A remote capacitively coupled plasma (RF, 13.56 MHz), with glow discharges fed with a mix of hydrogen (20 sccm) and argon (300 sccm) ignited at 100 W for 3 s, is used as a reducing agent and followed by 10 s of purge time. The Ar/H2 mixture flows continuously to avoid deposition of the Ag precursor in the plasma head. The distance of the plasma ground electrode (grid electrode) to the substrate was kept at 4 cm.
The plasma post-treatment was performed in the same reactor using a continuous plasma with glow discharges fed with a mix of hydrogen (20 sccm) and argon (300 sccm) ignited typically between 100 and 150 W for 1 to 3 min.
For the optical films, aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) was deposited at 150 °C in the same chamber using trimethylaluminum (TMA, Sigma-Aldrich, 97%), diethylzinc (DEZ, Sigma-Aldrich, ≥ 52% in weight of Zn), and water as precursors. The TMA versus DEZ pulse ratio was 1/30. For the deposition of zinc oxide, the pulse times were 150 and 200 ms for DEZ and water, respectively. For the deposition of aluminum oxide, the pulse times were 100 and 100 ms for TMA and water, respectively. After each pulse, the purge times were kept at 10s.

Imaging and Thickness Measurements

The films have been imaged using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with an FEI Helios NanoLab 650 equipment. The effective thickness was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). For Ag films deposited on a silicon substrate, an Xmax 50 mm2 equipment from Oxford Instrument connected to the above-cited SEM was used, and the data were analyzed by means of INCA software. For Ag films deposited on a glass substrate, a Quanta 200 10 mm2 equipment from EDAX Inc. connected to an FEI Quanta FEG 200 SEM was used, and the data were analyzed via GENESIS software. The X-ray signal is measured with an electron energy of 10 keV with the sample perpendicular to the electron beam and with the X-ray detector at a take-off angle of 35°. The thickness determination follows the electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) method, (36) as already demonstrated for Ag thin films deposited by ALD. (19,26) We performed the extraction by comparing the values of the experimental k ratio of Ag LIII lines, i.e., the ratio between the X-ray intensity measured on the sample and the X-ray intensity of a reference bulk material of the same element, with the one obtained by Monte Carlo simulations, following the method described in refs (37) and (38). This method has demonstrated reliable thickness values as compared to Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance within 5%, even for film thickness below 10 nm. (39,40) The Monte Carlo simulations were performed with the CASINO software (version 2.5.1), (41) using the Mott cross section obtained by interpolation, which has shown to be the most accurate for metal thin films, (39,42) the Casnati effective section ionization, and the Joy and Luo ionization potential (see ref (43)). We have assumed a uniform Ag film with the same density as the bulk, i.e., 10.5 g/cm3. The resulting value of the thickness, called EDS equivalent thickness, corresponds thus to the amount of material deposited on the surface. The error bars are linked to the non-uniformity of the deposition and determined by the variation of EDS thickness of close points at the same position, typically 1 nm, and by a systematic error of the method evaluated to be of maximum 5%. (40) For the PE-ALD process, it is also needed to add the film coverage uncertainty (7%) due to the nanoparticle morphology with a coverage less than 100% (see (26)).

Crystal Structure

The crystallographic structure has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer with a monochromatic Cu Kα radiation of 0.1542 nm in grazing incidence (GIXRD at 0.5°).

Elemental and Chemical Composition

The elemental and chemical composition of the samples was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) on a Kratos Axis Ultra DLD system equipped with a monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source (hν = 1486.7 eV) operating at 150 W. The etching was carried out with an Ar+ ion beam operating at 2 kV to remove surface contamination. High-resolution spectra were acquired on a surface analysis of 300 × 700 μm2 with a pass energy of 20 eV and a 0.05 eV step size.

Electrical Measurements

The sheet resistance of the films has been measured by using an in-line four-point-probe system (from Jandel) on Ag films deposited on 2 mm-thick glass substrates (Guardian Clear glass cut in dimensions 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm). The error bars were determined by the standard deviation of the values of sheet resistance measured at five different positions on the glass samples. The resistivity was calculated using the EDS thickness measured on the same glass substrate as we have observed variable growth rates on Si and on glass.

Optical Measurements

The optical properties (optical transmittance %T and optical reflectance %R) of the films deposited on glass have been measured on a Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer with a total absolute measurement system (TAMS) equipped with 49 mm integrating spheres and Si (UV–vis) and InGaAs (NIR) detectors. The absorbance %A of the film has been deduced from %T and %R using the relation %A = 100% – (%R + %T).

Conformality Measurements

We have used the microscopic lateral-high-aspect-ratio (LHAR) trenches from PillarHall technology (4th generation advanced LHAR4-series test chips). (44,45) The aspect ratio, which is the depth-to-width ratio, has been determined for the structure as the ratio of the lateral gap width (l) over the gap height (h of 500 nm).

rms Roughness

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements were recorded in tapping mode using an AFM Innova from Bruker with a scanner 512 × 512 pixel resolution, and a 0.25 Hz scan rate was used to measure the surface roughness average Sq. The AFM scans were performed over 1 × 1 μm2 areas. Data treatment was performed with Gwyddion software.

Results and Discussion

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Principle and Morphological Properties

The suggested process is based on the PE-ALD of silver using Ag(fod)(PEt3) as the silver precursor and H2-based plasma as the reducing agent in conditions similar to the ones demonstrated for a standard PE-ALD regime. (19,26) In order to obtain a conducting ultra-thin film, the main challenge is to obtain a dense and compact deposit. Both standard ALD and CVD rely on the reaction of the precursor with the surface, leading to a nonconducting island morphology, due to the specific Volmer–Weber growth mechanism. Electrical conduction is achieved only after the coalescence, characterized usually by a high critical thickness. (5,18,19,26,46,47) In order to circumvent this morphology, we have used a modified processing condition in order to favor the gas-phase reaction before the surface reaction. This is usually avoided in the ALD or CVD of the thin film as it leads to a lack of control over the thickness and to deposition of nanoparticles. This regime has been referred to “pulsed-CVD”. (48,49)
This peculiar pulsed-CVD regime was achieved by continuously injecting the metal–organic silver precursor in the reactor while keeping the pulsed hydrogen-based plasma sequence from PE-ALD. The as-deposited film (Figure 1a) is made of compact silver-based nanoparticles with a surface coverage close to 100% that is usually not achieved at low thickness with CVD or ALD methods. The as-deposited film has a high sheet resistance (6 ± 5 MΩ/□ for the film in Figure 1a), which we attribute to the remaining precursor on the surface of the nanoparticles, as discussed below. This process leads to a typical growth rate of 0.30 ± 0.10 nm/min. In order to make the deposit conductive, a second step of post-treatment (PT) is performed, as already demonstrated for solution-processed Ag nanoparticles. (50,51) After a hydrogen-based plasma PT, the compact nanoparticles sinter and form a quasi-continuous ultra-thin silver film with a low sheet resistance (6 ± 1 Ω/□ for the film in Figure 1b). This decrease of the sheet resistance by six orders of magnitude is remarkable as previous reports for silver thin layers obtained by gas phase synthesis suggest that post-processing steps usually increase the sheet resistance of silver films due to the dewetting effect. (52) This difference might be attributed to the very peculiar morphology of the as-deposited film. The reduction of the sheet resistance was observed for PT time as low as 5 s, and no significant change was further observed up to 3 min in the conditions used here for flat substrates. The films have been deposited on different substrates including Si (with native oxide), glass, and ZnO- or AZO-coated Si and glass. The main observation is a lower deposition rate on a ZnO (or AZO)-coated substrate, but we did not observe any change of morphology both for as-deposited and post-treated films on all substrates.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Ag thin films on glass substrates (a) as-deposited and (b) post-treated films. The EDS equivalent thickness is 24 ± 2 nm in both cases. The values shown in the middle of the images correspond to the sheet resistance of the Ag layer.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Morphological properties of Ag thin films. (a, b) Atomic force micrographs of Ag thin films on silicon substrates (a) as-deposited and (b) post-treated films. The EDS equivalent thickness is 40 ± 2 nm in both cases. The values shown in the middle of the images correspond to the rms roughness of the Ag layer. (c) SEM cross section of the as-deposited Ag thin film on a silicon substrate. The value shown in the middle of the image corresponds to the EDS equivalent thickness of the Ag layer.

The morphological properties of the Ag films have been investigated in Figure 2. A 40 nm-thick Ag as-deposited film presents a high rms roughness (Figure 2a), which is slightly reduced after plasma post-treatment but still remains important (Figure 2b). SEM cross-section has been performed on the Ag film deposited on the Si substrate, and, as seen in Figure 2c, it demonstrates that the film is rather composed of multiple layers of particles.

Chemical Composition and Crystallographic Properties

The chemical and crystallographic properties of the Ag films have been investigated in order to follow the evolution after deposition and after the post-treatment. Figure 3a,b presents the elemental composition of the Ag layer acquired before and after post-treatment, respectively, at different argon sputtering times (0, 140, and 280 s). For the as-deposited film (Figure 3a), the presence of usual contaminants (carbon and oxygen) on the surface of samples exposed to air is observed. Fluorine and phosphorus suggest the presence of unreacted precursors on the particle surface, which also leads to additional carbon and oxygen amounts and explains the high sheet resistance of the as-deposited film. Due to the small thickness of the film (26 ± 2 nm), the presence of Si could be attributed to the silicon and SiO2 from the substrate. The amount is however close to the detection limit of XPS, which is in line with the compact film morphology (Figure 1a). After 140 s of etching, one might observe the removal of surface contaminants and the unreacted precursor. The almost complete decomposition of the silver precursor is proven by the low amount of carbon, oxygen, fluorine, and phosphorus (last two elements are close to the limit of detection of XPS). The Ag atomic percentage is thus elevated. After 280 s, the interface between the silicon substrate and the deposit is reached since we observe that the Ag amount diminishes, whereas the silicon and oxygen amounts increase. After post-treatment (Figure 3b), the surface contaminants (carbon and oxygen) and the unreacted precursor (fluorine and phosphorus) observed before argon sputtering are still present. However, the fluorine content is strongly reduced as compared to the film before post-treatment. The high O amount on the surface might indicate partial oxidation of silver or the presence of OH groups at the surface as the film is exposed to air after post-treatment. The non-100%-covering film structure evidencing the presence of gaps (Figure 1b) and its small thickness (EDS equivalent thickness of 26 ± 2 nm) allow the detection of the silicon and SiO2 from the substrate. After 140 s of etching, the surface contaminants and the unreacted precursor are removed. Then, the film–substrate interface is reached.

Figure 3

Figure 3. (a, b) Elemental composition (in at.%) of Ag thin films synthetized on a silicon substrate using the new process (EDS equivalent thickness of 26 ± 2 nm) measured by XPS before (etching time, 0 s) and after Ar sputtering (two different etching times, 140 and 280 s). (a) As-deposited and (b) post-treated Ag thin films. (c) Modified Auger parameter (α′) of Ag for different etching times for as-deposited (red squares) and post-treated (black disks) layers. The blue line corresponds to a reference Ag foil. The error bars correspond to the experimental error linked to the spectrum acquisition step size. (d) X-ray diffraction spectrogram of Ag thin films synthetized on a silicon substrate (EDS equivalent thickness of 61 ± 3 nm) corresponding to as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) films. The inset corresponds to the crystallite size extracted from (111), (200), (220), and (311) diffraction peaks of as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) films.

By quantifying the value of the modified Auger parameter α′ (Figure 3c), the oxidation state of silver (53,54) can be determined. The low Auger parameter before sputtering is an indication of the remaining precursor for the as-deposited film or the oxidized silver surface for post-treated film. In the bulk (after 140 and 280 s of Ar etching), the as-deposited film is already made of metallic silver nanoparticles, even if it is non-electrically conductive, proving that a first reduction reaction occurred before the production of the particles. The plasma post-treatment slightly enhances the metallic nature of Ag, which, along with a lower amount of fluorine in the elemental analysis, highlights the removal of the unreacted precursor on the particle surface.
The XRD diffractogram (Figure 3d) shows that the as-deposited film already consists of polycrystalline face-centered cubic (fcc) silver (Fmm) (JCPDS 04-0783) and exhibits (111), (200), (220), and (311) typical reflections. No signatures of other phases, such as silver oxide, are observed. The microscopic crystalline structure is slightly affected by the plasma post-treatment. Indeed, the main difference between the two products remains in the crystallite size as determined by the analysis of the peak width using a Lorentzian fitting function and the Debye–Scherrer equation, (55,56) which increases for the post-treated film (inset of Figure 3d), with a preferential growth in the (111) direction.

Electrical Properties

Owning its lowest bulk resistivity among the metals, Ag appears as a promising candidate for the replacement of aluminum or copper as interconnects in microelectronics. (3,4) The small-scale devices used here impose the synthesis of highly uniform and conformal conductive films with low critical thickness as a crucial criterion. The effect of the plasma post-treatment processing on the electrical properties of the silver layers was further investigated. The plot of the sheet resistance Rs as a function of the silver thickness is depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Sheet resistance as a function of EDS equivalent thickness of Ag thin films on glass substrates. The data have been referred for the as-deposited (red triangle symbols) and post-treated (black square symbols) films. The blue spots have been obtained by a standard ALD process, following our previous work. (26) The green curve has been plotted as a reference for the Ag thin film deposited by magnetron sputtering, following the publication of Hauder et al. (3)

The as-deposited silver films (triangle symbols) present a very high sheet resistance, almost independent of the thickness. The PT strongly reduces this sheet resistance (square symbols), which becomes thickness dependent, as expected for a uniformly conductive film. The critical thickness (above which the deposits are conducting) is lower than 15 ± 1 nm, for which the sheet resistance reaches a value of 1.2 ± 0.1 kΩ/□ after post-treatment. This is very close to the state-of-the-art values for sputter-deposited thin films for the same thickness (green curve (3)) and well below the 63 ± 5 nm (value in gray circles) for the standard PE-ALD process using the same conditions as the one used in this work. (26) It is also lower than 22 nm, the lowest value for PE-ALD reported by Kariniemi et al. (19)
We have finally investigated the uniformity of the electrical properties of the coatings on a 10 cm × 10 cm flat glass substrate. An average value of the sheet resistance of 3.5 ± 1.4 Ω/□, i.e., with a standard deviation of 40% over the full sample, confirms the large-scale efficiency of the deposition performed in a standard non-optimized reactor with a diameter of 200 mm.

Optical Properties

We have further investigated the optical properties of the deposited silver films as ultra-thin Ag films can be used for optical coatings in windows, lenses, (6) or mirrors. (7) In order to investigate the functional properties of films synthesized using the new suggested process, we perform optical analysis of the as-deposited and post-treated Ag films.
The optical properties of a 42 ± 2 nm-thick Ag film deposited on a glass substrate are shown in Figure 5a. The as-deposited film composed of compact particles presents a strong and broad absorbance peak ranging from the visible to the NIR range, which is typical for a film of aggregated nanoparticles, where the plasmon resonance of small silver particles (58) is broadened by the strong dipolar interaction between particles. (59) The decrease in reflectance and increase in transmittance at a longer wavelength are due to the absence of long-range conduction. The reflectance strongly increases after PT and reaches up to 97% in the infrared region, while the transmittance and the absorbance are strongly reduced in the NIR region. This can be explained by the widened conduction paths (free electrons in metal layers) due to the quasi-continuous film morphology, thus confirming the good long-range electrical conduction properties obtained after PT. The absorbance of the post-treated film does not show any signature of aggregated nanoparticles that is the sign of a good sintering of the particles. The residual absorbance of the post-treated film in the visible region might be related to defects in the silver coatings, either due to holes or to the roughness of the deposit (rms roughness of 10.7 ± 0.2 nm for the as-deposited film and 8.9 ± 0.6 nm for the post-treated film (see Figure 2). The optical properties of a Ag layer of 15 ± 1 nm, i.e., close to the critical thickness, follow the same trend (Figure S1, Supporting information). Due to lower thickness of the Ag layer and presence of more gaps in the film morphology, the spectrum presents a lower reflectance and a high broadband absorbance, as already demonstrated for defective thin Ag films deposited by sputtering. (60)

Figure 5

Figure 5. Optical properties of Ag thin films on glass substrates and application as infrared-reflective (IRR) coating. (a) Transmittance (%T in solid lines), reflectance (%R in dashed lines), and calculated absorbance (%A = 100 – %R – %T in dash-dot lines) spectra as a function of light wavelength corresponding to the as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) Ag thin layer. The EDS equivalent thickness is 42 ± 2 nm. (b) Picture of a bent glass substrate of 10 cm × 10 cm coated with a 45 nm (thickness determined by ellipsometry) AZO and targeted 40 nm Ag thin film. (c) Transmittance (%T in red) and reflectance (%R in blue) spectra as a function of light wavelength for an IRR stack based on a Ag thin layer (targeted thickness below 20 nm) embedded in the AZO matrix (45 nm for each layer). The inset represents a scheme of the multilayer stack. Plain lines correspond to the measured spectra, and dashed lines correspond to the calculated spectra using, for the Ag film, the optical constants represented in panel (d) and a thickness of 12 nm. (d) Real part (ε1) and imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric constant used for modelling the silver film in the calculation in panel (c). The model used for simulating the experimental data (plain line) is compared to the optical constants for the evaporated Ag thin film determined by Johnson and Christy. (57) (e) Picture of the same kind of stack as panel (c) deposited on a two-sided-bent glass substrate of 10 cm × 10 cm. Glass thickness is 2 mm.

Infrared-reflective (IRR) coatings play an important role in the heat management of glazing products by avoiding heat to be transferred. (61) The ultra-thin silver film embedded in metal oxides has currently exhibited the highest performances. (62) As proof of principle, we have grown an ultra-thin silver layer (targeted thickness below 20 nm) using our novel approach between two AZO layers (thicknesses of 45 nm, see Figure 5c), the full stack being deposited in the same reactor, thus avoiding the influence of the environment. The resulting stack exhibits the typical wavelength dependence for an IRR coating, with a broad transmittance peak in the visible range and a high reflectance in the NIR range. (62) The transmittance and reflectance spectra have been simulated using a parametric model for the optical constant of the Ag thin film, and the optical constant was determined separately for the AZO films deposited by ALD. The best fit is obtained using a film thickness of 12 nm and the optical constants shown in Figure 5e. As compared to reference Ag films deposited by evaporation (dashed lines in Figure 5e), (57) the main difference is the higher imaginary part of the dielectric constant ε2 for the two-step process by a factor of two to three. In the free electron model, ε2 is proportional to the d.c. resistivity of the metal (see, e.g., ref (63)), thus this higher value is directly linked to the higher d.c. resistivity of our films as compared to more continuous films, as already shown in Figure 4. The additional peak observed below 500 nm can be explained by localized surface plasmon resonance due to morphological defects in the film.
The synthesis performed on a flat 10 cm × 10 cm glass substrate presents a good optical uniformity for both the reflective and IRR coatings, with a standard deviation of less than 20% on the optical transmittance and reflectance, the span being mostly due to the deposition gradient along the non-optimized 200 mm diameter reactor. At last, we prove in Figure 5b,e that the optical films can be uniformly formed on complex substrate shapes; here, a glass sample of 10 cm × 10 cm bent over two perpendicular directions, which is an important challenge for line-of-sight methods. The uniform silver coating is clearly visible on these pictures for the both kinds of stacks: the reflecting thick silver film in Figure 5b and the transparent IRR coating in Figure 5e.

Highly Conformal Deposition

At last, we investigate the conformality of the deposition, which is one of the major advantages of CVD methods as compared to PVD, with the possibility of covering 3D structures with high complexity (Figure 6a,b). For this purpose, we have investigated the conformal synthesis of Ag thin films on 3D structures with a lateral high aspect ratio (LHAR) from PillarHall technology. (1,44,45,64,65) Although ALD is the most promising technique for conformal deposition, the PE-ALD of the Ag thin film suffers from the recombination of plasma species (radicals) on the surfaces, which prevents the growth deeper into such a structure. (2,35)

Figure 6

Figure 6. Degree of conformality of Ag thin films on 3D structures. (a, b) Scheme of an expected thin film deposition on a lateral high aspect ratio structure by the (a) line-of-sight technique and (b) conformal technique. (c) Low-magnification SEM cross section of post-treated Ag thin films synthetized on an LHAR structure (AR of 100). (d, e) High-magnification SEM cross sections of the structure shown in panel (c), taken (d) at the entrance and (e) at the back of the LHAR structure. (f, g) SEM images of post-treated Ag thin films grown on the sidewalls of a micro via hole (zoomed in image in panel (g)). (h) SEM image of a Ag thin layer after PT deposited on silicon pillars.

We demonstrate in Figure 6c–e that we managed to produce Ag thin layers extremely conformal on top, bottom, and at the back of an LHAR with an aspect ratio of 100. As compared to this result, the standard PE-ALD method gives poor uniformity over LHAR trenches with no deposition on the back (Figure S2, Supporting Information). The morphology of the Ag continuous film on the sidewalls of a micro via hole is very uniform even in the lateral directions (Figure 6f,g), making the process a good candidate for conducting interconnects in microelectronics. (66) At last, we exhibit the conformal deposition on silicon pillars (Figure 6h), which is of interest for optical nanoantennas, (67) and due to the pillars’ high surface-to-volume ratios, applications as optical biosensing could be aimed. (68,69) The analysis of conformality has been performed on such a kind of structures (lateral, sidewall, or pillars) for mainly platinum-group metals, (64,70,71) but, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time for Ag films since usually only vertical structures are studied. (72,73)
In order to quantify the degree of conformality, thickness profiles of the Ag film deposited into a “quasi-infinite trench” with a high AR of 10,000 (opening width w of 100 μm, lateral gap width l of 5000 μm, and gap height h of 500 nm) have been plotted to get rid of the depth effect (44) (Figure 7a). The thickness (determined by EDS) and the penetration depth have been measured after removing the top membrane of the LHAR structure (Figure S3, Supporting Information). The profiles show that the standard PE-ALD process follows an exponential decrease, t = Aex/B. This can be explained by the recombination of hydrogen radicals on the surfaces. (2) In contrast to this result, the Ag thin layer formed by the new approach follows the thin film solution of the diffusion law equation, t = Aex2/B, characterized by the presence of a plateau up to a penetration depth of 5 μm (AR = 10) followed by an exponential decrease. This behavior can be explained by deposition limited by the diffusion of precursors into the structure. (74)

Figure 7

Figure 7. (a) Thickness profiles measured on an LHAR structure with an AR of 10,000 (w of 100 μm, l of 5000 μm, and h of 500 nm) of Ag films deposited with the standard PE-ALD process (blue) and with our novel approach before (red) and after (black) plasma post-treatment. The thickness has been measured by EDS after removing the top membrane of the LHAR structure. The fits are an exponential dependence for the standard PE-ALD method and a diffusion law for the novel approach (see main text). (b–g) Scanning electron micrographs (top view) of Ag thin films (b–d) before and (e–g) after the post-treatment step and synthetized in the same structure as panel (a) at a penetration depth (PD) of (b–e) 0, (c–f) 9, and (d–g) 20 μm. The values on the middle of the images correspond to the EDS equivalent thickness of the Ag layer.

For both as-deposited and post-treated films, our novel approach gives a thickness variation of less than 10% for an AR of up to 12 and less than 50% for an AR of up to 40. This is four to five times larger than that measured for the standard PE-ALD method (10% variation for AR < 3 and 50% for AR < 8). The SEM images of Ag as-deposited and post-treated films in the LHAR are shown at different penetration depths in Figure 7b–g. We manage to deposit continuous Ag films deeply into the trench. The main morphological characteristics of the film, i.e., compact particles for the as-deposited film and the merged particles after the post-treatment, are both preserved deep into the structure, showing that both steps can be used efficiently in high aspect ratio structures. The layers remain continuous until a penetration depth of 9 μm, after which the thickness becomes lower than the critical thickness (see Figure 4), with film morphology becoming disconnected. This value covers largely the requirements of the current microelectronic applications. We point out that the plasma post-treatment seems to be more effective than the PE-ALD process in reaching structures with a large aspect ratio despite the fact that the plasma conditions are similar. This difference could be due to different doses used in the two processes since the post-treatment is applied once during a long time, while the PE-ALD process is using multiple short plasma pulses, which could allow a better diffusion of the plasma species into the trench. However, the involved mechanism and required species could also be very different in both processes. A deeper understanding of the chemical mechanisms occurring during both the deposition and the post-treatment could be very valuable in order to fully understand the large coverage obtained with the two-step process.


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In summary, a new deposition method for fabricating ultra-thin Ag conductive thin layers has been exposed. It is based on the chemical vapor-phase technique with a two-step approach: (1) formation of a compact film of silver-based nanoparticles by a plasma-enhanced process followed by (2) plasma post-treatment in order to sinter the particles. The plasma PT improves the electrical conductivity significantly, demonstrating a conductive 15 ± 1 nm-thin silver film synthetized by a chemical vapor-phase approach. A better unreacted-precursor removal and an enhancement of the metallic nature of polycrystalline Ag have also been proven after post-treatment. The high reflectance of up to 94% and the low absorbance of 3% in the infrared region for a silver thickness of 42 ± 2 nm justify the relevance of the product for high-performance IRR coatings. This novel approach allows a conformal deposition of 3D substrates that is a huge advantage as compared to line-of-sight techniques. This new processing approach opens a very promising path for the use of ultra-thin silver films for electronic and optoelectronic applications and could be extended to other metals deposited from metal–organic precursors.

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  • Additional and complementary analyses (optical properties, degree of conformality, and penetration depth determination) (PDF)

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  • Corresponding Author
  • Authors
    • Sabrina Wack - Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, LuxembourgOrcid
    • Petru Lunca Popa - Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
    • Noureddine Adjeroud - Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
    • Christèle Vergne - Materials Research & Technology (MRT) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST), L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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The authors acknowledge the support of Jean-Luc Biagi for the EDS measurements, and S.W. acknowledges the insightful discussions with Bianca Rita Pistillo.


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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Cite this: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 32, 36329–36338
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Published July 15, 2020

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of Ag thin films on glass substrates (a) as-deposited and (b) post-treated films. The EDS equivalent thickness is 24 ± 2 nm in both cases. The values shown in the middle of the images correspond to the sheet resistance of the Ag layer.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. Morphological properties of Ag thin films. (a, b) Atomic force micrographs of Ag thin films on silicon substrates (a) as-deposited and (b) post-treated films. The EDS equivalent thickness is 40 ± 2 nm in both cases. The values shown in the middle of the images correspond to the rms roughness of the Ag layer. (c) SEM cross section of the as-deposited Ag thin film on a silicon substrate. The value shown in the middle of the image corresponds to the EDS equivalent thickness of the Ag layer.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. (a, b) Elemental composition (in at.%) of Ag thin films synthetized on a silicon substrate using the new process (EDS equivalent thickness of 26 ± 2 nm) measured by XPS before (etching time, 0 s) and after Ar sputtering (two different etching times, 140 and 280 s). (a) As-deposited and (b) post-treated Ag thin films. (c) Modified Auger parameter (α′) of Ag for different etching times for as-deposited (red squares) and post-treated (black disks) layers. The blue line corresponds to a reference Ag foil. The error bars correspond to the experimental error linked to the spectrum acquisition step size. (d) X-ray diffraction spectrogram of Ag thin films synthetized on a silicon substrate (EDS equivalent thickness of 61 ± 3 nm) corresponding to as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) films. The inset corresponds to the crystallite size extracted from (111), (200), (220), and (311) diffraction peaks of as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) films.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. Sheet resistance as a function of EDS equivalent thickness of Ag thin films on glass substrates. The data have been referred for the as-deposited (red triangle symbols) and post-treated (black square symbols) films. The blue spots have been obtained by a standard ALD process, following our previous work. (26) The green curve has been plotted as a reference for the Ag thin film deposited by magnetron sputtering, following the publication of Hauder et al. (3)

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. Optical properties of Ag thin films on glass substrates and application as infrared-reflective (IRR) coating. (a) Transmittance (%T in solid lines), reflectance (%R in dashed lines), and calculated absorbance (%A = 100 – %R – %T in dash-dot lines) spectra as a function of light wavelength corresponding to the as-deposited (in red) and post-treated (in black) Ag thin layer. The EDS equivalent thickness is 42 ± 2 nm. (b) Picture of a bent glass substrate of 10 cm × 10 cm coated with a 45 nm (thickness determined by ellipsometry) AZO and targeted 40 nm Ag thin film. (c) Transmittance (%T in red) and reflectance (%R in blue) spectra as a function of light wavelength for an IRR stack based on a Ag thin layer (targeted thickness below 20 nm) embedded in the AZO matrix (45 nm for each layer). The inset represents a scheme of the multilayer stack. Plain lines correspond to the measured spectra, and dashed lines correspond to the calculated spectra using, for the Ag film, the optical constants represented in panel (d) and a thickness of 12 nm. (d) Real part (ε1) and imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric constant used for modelling the silver film in the calculation in panel (c). The model used for simulating the experimental data (plain line) is compared to the optical constants for the evaporated Ag thin film determined by Johnson and Christy. (57) (e) Picture of the same kind of stack as panel (c) deposited on a two-sided-bent glass substrate of 10 cm × 10 cm. Glass thickness is 2 mm.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6. Degree of conformality of Ag thin films on 3D structures. (a, b) Scheme of an expected thin film deposition on a lateral high aspect ratio structure by the (a) line-of-sight technique and (b) conformal technique. (c) Low-magnification SEM cross section of post-treated Ag thin films synthetized on an LHAR structure (AR of 100). (d, e) High-magnification SEM cross sections of the structure shown in panel (c), taken (d) at the entrance and (e) at the back of the LHAR structure. (f, g) SEM images of post-treated Ag thin films grown on the sidewalls of a micro via hole (zoomed in image in panel (g)). (h) SEM image of a Ag thin layer after PT deposited on silicon pillars.

    Figure 7

    Figure 7. (a) Thickness profiles measured on an LHAR structure with an AR of 10,000 (w of 100 μm, l of 5000 μm, and h of 500 nm) of Ag films deposited with the standard PE-ALD process (blue) and with our novel approach before (red) and after (black) plasma post-treatment. The thickness has been measured by EDS after removing the top membrane of the LHAR structure. The fits are an exponential dependence for the standard PE-ALD method and a diffusion law for the novel approach (see main text). (b–g) Scanning electron micrographs (top view) of Ag thin films (b–d) before and (e–g) after the post-treatment step and synthetized in the same structure as panel (a) at a penetration depth (PD) of (b–e) 0, (c–f) 9, and (d–g) 20 μm. The values on the middle of the images correspond to the EDS equivalent thickness of the Ag layer.

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