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Flexible p-Type WSe2 Transistors with Alumina Top-Gate Dielectric
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Functional Inorganic Materials and Devices

Flexible p-Type WSe2 Transistors with Alumina Top-Gate Dielectric
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  • Quỳnh Thị Phùng
    Quỳnh Thị Phùng
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    Sensors Laboratory, Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
  • Lukas Völkel
    Lukas Völkel
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Agata Piacentini
    Agata Piacentini
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    AMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Ardeshir Esteki
    Ardeshir Esteki
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Annika Grundmann
    Annika Grundmann
    Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Holger Kalisch
    Holger Kalisch
    Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Michael Heuken
    Michael Heuken
    Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    AIXTRON SE, 52134 Herzogenrath, Germany
  • Andrei Vescan
    Andrei Vescan
    Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
  • Daniel Neumaier
    Daniel Neumaier
    AMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany
  • Max C. Lemme
    Max C. Lemme
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    AMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    More by Max C. Lemme
  • Alwin Daus*
    Alwin Daus
    Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    Sensors Laboratory, Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
    *Email [email protected]
    More by Alwin Daus
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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Cite this: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 44, 60541–60547
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Published October 25, 2024

Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 .


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Tungsten diselenide (WSe2) field-effect transistors (FETs) are promising for emerging electronics because of their tunable polarity, enabling complementary transistor technology, and their suitability for flexible electronics through material transfer. In this work, we demonstrate flexible p-type WSe2 FETs with absolute drain currents |ID| up to 7 μA/μm. We achieve this by fabricating flexible top-gated FETs with a combined WSe2 and metal contact transfer approach using WSe2 grown by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition on sapphire. Despite moderate WSe2 crystal grain size, our devices show similar or higher |ID| and ID on/off ratio (∼105) compared to most devices with exfoliated single-crystal WSe2 from the literature. We analyze charge trapping in our devices using pulsed and bias stress measurements. Notably, the high |ID| values are preserved during pulsing, where charge trapping is minimized. Overall, we demonstrate a fabrication approach advantageous for high drain currents in flexible 2D transistors.

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Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society

1. Introduction

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Traditionally, electronic devices and circuits are rigid, which limits their application in various fields. Flexible electronics have gained increased attention due to their ability to conform to unconventional shapes and surfaces, expanding their potential applications to fields such as wearable technology, medical devices, and flexible displays. Two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are of interest for transistors with low power consumption because their large bandgaps (up to ∼2.2 eV) enable low off-currents (∼fA μm–1). (1,2) Furthermore, TMDs are among the most promising materials for high-performance flexible electronics due to their superior scaling behavior and high carrier mobility up to ∼150 cm2 V–1 s–1. (3−5)
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been one of the most investigated 2D semiconductors, but p-type transistors are difficult to obtain with MoS2. In contrast, tungsten diselenide (WSe2)-based devices have shown more promise for 2D complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology by offering both p-type and n-type operation. (6,7) High-quality large-area 2D material growth and residue-free transfer onto flexible substrates are crucial to implement 2D materials into high-performance flexible CMOS electronics.
In this article, we demonstrate high-performance flexible p-type field-effect transistors (FETs) using few-layer WSe2 grown by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). This indicates that our gentle material transfer (TMD and source/drain contacts embedded in polyimide) avoids damage to the channel, and the device architecture is favorable for high drain currents. (8) Our flexible WSe2 transistors reach absolute drain currents |ID| of up to 7 μA/μm, an extrinsic field-effect mobility μFE,ext up to 12 cm2 V–1 s–1, and an ID on/off ratio over 105, all of which are competitive with other works using exfoliated single-crystal WSe2. (9−12) We also carefully evaluate the charge trapping behavior in our WSe2 FETs with top-gate alumina dielectrics through bias stress and pulsed measurements. The results corroborate good drain currents as an indication of preserved channel quality. However, we also conclude that the alumina top-gate dielectric still needs improvement in future work. Overall, our results highlight the high potential of flexible p-type WSe2 transistors which offer a promising outlook for the realization of flexible complementary electronics. (4)

2. Experimental Section

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The fabrication of flexible FETs is described in Figure 1a. The first fabrication steps were performed on the sapphire growth substrate, on which a continuous polycrystalline few-layer WSe2 film was grown by MOCVD. (13) First, the Pd source/drain electrodes were deposited by electron-beam evaporation and structured by lift-off. Then, 5 μm polyimide (PI) was spin-coated on top, and the entire stack, including WSe2, was transferred in deionized water. After transfer, the PI was flipped and used as the flexible substrate. Then, the device fabrication was continued by patterning WSe2 via dry etching using an Al hard mask. The device fabrication was completed by depositing the alumina dielectric and the Pd top-gate via atomic-layer deposition and electron-beam evaporation, respectively. Finally, the source/drain contact holes were opened by wet etching of alumina for electrical measurements. More details on the fabrication process are described in Supporting Information Section 1. We note that 2D TMD devices on such thin substrates are also bendable at least to the millimeter range, as has previously been confirmed. (8,12,14,15) This is because bending strain is effectively minimized by reduction of substrate thickness d according to strain = d/2r, where r is the bending radius. (8) Figure 1b displays optical images of the film with contacts and unpatterned WSe2 on sapphire (before transfer) and on PI (after transfer). Before transfer, the Pd contacts were placed on top of TMDs. After transfer the stack is flipped, i.e., WSe2 is on top, and the Pd contacts are embedded below within the PI substrate. Figure 1c displays the Raman spectra of WSe2 before and after transfer, measured on sapphire and on PI. The E peaks before and after transfer are 249 and 248.8 cm–1, confirming the successful transfer of WSe2. The minor shift in the Raman E peak of about −0.2 cm–1 can be attributed to a small change in strain upon transfer from sapphire. (16,17) Figure 1d displays an atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of as-grown WSe2 revealing its polycrystalline nature with grain sizes on the order of several hundred nanometers. An AFM height profile determining a WSe2 thickness of ∼3 nm and a scanning electron microscopy image of the WSe2 film are available in Figure S1a–c. Figure 1e displays an optical image of the flexible PI after device fabrication.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Fabrication process of flexible WSe2 FETs. (a) Fabrication process flow of flexible top-gated WSe2 transistors. (b) Optical images of WSe2 film with contacts before transfer on sapphire and after transfer on PI. (c) Raman spectra of as-grown WSe2 on sapphire and after transfer on PI. (d) Atomic force microscopy image of the as-grown WSe2. (e) Optical image of the flexible PI substrate after fabrication.

3. Results and Discussion

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The device cross section is schematically illustrated in Figure 2a. The devices have a staggered architecture, where the channel is sandwiched between the source/drain and the gate, and a lateral overlap between these electrodes exists. Figure 2b displays an optical image of flexible WSe2 FETs with different channel lengths ranging from 2 to 10 μm and one common gate electrode. The transfer characteristic of the device with the highest ID on/off ratio (>105) is displayed in Figure 2c showing reasonable switching behavior, low gate current IG, and p-type characteristic. The corresponding output characteristics can be found in Figure S1d. Figure 2d shows the transfer characteristics of the device with the highest |ID| = 7 μA/μm at drain–source voltage VDS = −1 V. The μFE,ext of this device is 12.2 cm2 V–1 s–1, extracted at VDS = −0.1 V with a measured gate capacitance density of Cox ≈ 0.314 μF cm–2 (Supporting Information Section 2).

Figure 2

Figure 2. Flexible p-type WSe2 devices. (a) Schematic device cross section. (b) Optical image of flexible FETs. Unlabeled contacts correspond to source/drain to measure channels. (c, d) Transfer characteristics of devices showing the highest ID on/off ratio in (c) and highest drain current |ID| in (d), including the corresponding gate leakage currents |IG|. (e, f) Benchmarking of flexible p-type WSe2 FETs comparing maximum |ID|, ID on/off ratio, and L. This work’s data are for |ID| at VDS = −1 V, and the values from others are indicated (see also Table S1).

Comparing our best device parameters to recent literature, we find that they are overall comparable to demonstrations of p-type FETs with MOCVD WSe2 channels on rigid substrates, which achieved |ID| up to ∼15–20 μA/μm with channel lengths <500 nm, ID on/off ratio ≥105, and hole mobility up to ∼11 cm2 V–1 s–1. (18,19) So far, there have only been few reports on flexible p-type WSe2 transistors. Pu et al. reported a drain current |ID| = 6.18 μA at VDS = −0.1 V and an ID on/off ratio of ∼2 × 103 using ion gel as a gate electrolyte. (20) Piacentini et al. used the same WSe2 material source as us but employed a different fabrication process, reporting |ID| = 0.0186 μA/μm at VDS = −1 V, with an ID on/off ratio ∼9 × 104. (21) A very recently published work using exfoliated WSe2 channels and h-BN as gate dielectric reported |ID| ≈ 7.6 μA/μm at VDS = 1 V, with an ID on/off ratio ∼108. (12) A comparison with further works using exfoliated WSe2 material (9−11) is presented in Table S1. Figure 2e,f display benchmarking of our flexible WSe2 transistors compared to other works. (9−12,21) Figure 2e compares the drain current |ID| and ID on/off ratio of flexible p-type WSe2 FETs, demonstrating the good performance of our devices and highlighting that we achieve higher |ID| compared to most other works. Figure 2f displays the maximum |ID| versus the channel length L. Overall, the benchmarking shows that our devices with polycrystalline WSe2 material can outperform devices even with a monocrystalline exfoliated material. This signifies the importance of a carefully crafted fabrication approach and device architecture that enables high drain currents (i.e., the staggered architecture, Figure 2a, as described above). Our data further hint at a possible increase of variability in devices with shorter L, which could be related to the grain sizes and relative thickness variations in our material. (22−24) This is visible in our data set of 16 devices showing our device parameter statistics (Figure S2), but we note that for stronger conclusions on variability, a larger data set will be necessary.
Next, we conducted gate bias stress (BS) measurements to investigate the properties of the alumina top-gate dielectric. We applied negative BS at a gate-source voltage VGS = −5 V with different cumulative stress times t and measured transfer characteristic curves consecutively as shown in Figure 3a. After negative BS, |ID| increases and the threshold voltage (VT) of the device shifts in the positive VGS direction (Figure 3a,b). We attribute this to charge trapping caused by charge exchange between the gate electrode and the dielectric: Negative charges under negative BS hop from the gate into the dielectric causing the VT shift. This phenomenon is observable in defective dielectrics. (25−27) We note that an alternative explanation could be ion movements in the dielectrics, (28−30) but ion movement does not necessarily lead to such BS behavior. In fact, electrolyte-gated transistors have been reported to exhibit charge trapping of channel carriers, which lead to the opposite VT shift. (31,32) Furthermore, we have analyzed IG in our devices before/after BS as well as after extended recovery periods (minutes to months, see Figure S4). On the one hand, we find that the devices naturally recover from BS after 6 months of waiting aside from small remaining VT shifts (Figure S4a–d). On the other hand, we can recognize an increased positive IG at positive VGS right after BS, which then reduces in subsequent VGS sweeps and within minutes of wait time, indicating a movement of negative charges back from the dielectric into the gate electrode (Figure S4e,f). Thus, we believe that the mechanism for the BS and hysteresis behavior (as discussed further below) can be explained by charge trapping and detrapping. Moreover, we also extracted VT as a function of stress time and recovery/wait time (Figure S5). We note that the extraction accuracy of VT was limited due to strong shifts observed, but still, it shows a clear trend and also reveals a slow recovery process. Further, we confirmed that the mechanism is not caused by the WSe2 channels themselves by fabricating flexible n-type MoS2 FETs with the same process flow and subjecting them to positive BS at VGS = +5 V, which is where such n-type FETs are switched “on”. We observed the same phenomenon for such devices; i.e., VT analogously shifts negatively and ID increases upon BS as shown in Figure 3c,d (more device data in Figure S6). Interestingly, the effect is less pronounced in n-type MoS2 FETs compared to p-type WSe2 FETs, which could be related to differences in the dielectric trap energy level distributions relative to the applied VGS for electrons and holes in the respective device configurations. (33) Overall, we deduce from these results that the large VT shifts after prolonged BS indicate a high defect density in our dielectric. This is attributed to a nonoptimized ALD process which has a low deposition rate (∼0.4 Å/cycle).

Figure 3

Figure 3. Flexible TMD devices under bias stress (BS). (a) Transfer characteristics of WSe2 FET under −5 V gate BS as a function of cumulative stress time t. (b) |ID| at VGS = −5 V versus t of four WSe2 FETs. (c) Transfer characteristic of MoS2 FET under +5 V gate BS as a function of t. (d) |ID| at VGS = +5 V versus t of four MoS2 FETs.

Finally, we verified that this BS effect, leading to an |ID| increase, does not exaggerate our extracted maximum |ID|. We did this using pulsed measurements to minimize the BS effects. The pulse widths ton were varied from 500 μs to 500 ms, with rise and fall times tR,F = 10 μs and a constant pulse-off time toff ∼ 500 ms. The measurement scheme and relevant parameters are further detailed in Figure S7 and Table S2. Figure 4a displays ID at VGS = −5 V after normalization with the shortest pulse width of 500 μs for five devices. |ID| at short pulse widths is higher than |ID| measured at direct-current (dc) conditions, confirming that we do not overestimate the maximum drain currents in dc measurements. Generally, we find that the maximum |ID| is reduced with an increasing pulse width. Figure 4b shows extracted hystereses for different pulse widths using the ΔVT values of both sweep directions of five FETs. Hysteresis is defined as the difference in VT between the backward (negative-to-positive) and forward (positive-to-negative) VGS sweeps. Negative/positive ΔVT or ΔVGS indicate clockwise/counterclockwise IDVGS hysteresis. With short pulse widths, devices exhibit the common clockwise hysteresis behavior (negative ΔVT and ΔVGS shifts) associated with channel/dielectric interface trapping. (36−38) With long pulse widths, the charge exchange at the gate/dielectric side is stronger, leading to counterclockwise hysteresis (positive ΔVT and ΔVGS shifts). This observation points to different time constants associated with the channel/dielectric charge trapping and the gate/dielectric charge trapping, as illustrated in Figure 4c. The associated energy level values in flat-band conditions including references are presented in Figure S8. The trapped holes are likely close to the semiconductor/dielectric interface located at the interface or in border oxide traps (39,40) due to the faster time scales observed. The trapped electrons from the gate are expected to be located further away from the interface in the bulk of the dielectric, as indicated in Figure 4c, and likely contribute to a slow recovery after BS (see Figures S4 and S5). Figure 4d displays a comparison of ΔVGS at the same |ID| across a wide range of current levels of one FET. There is a transition between the two mechanisms at a pulse width of 100 ms. The transfer characteristic curves of this FET, corresponding to the data shown in Figure 4d, are displayed in Figure S9. The hysteresis ΔVGS values of other WSe2 FETs can be found in Figure S10. Lastly, we also compare the extracted μFE,ext values as a function of pulse width (Figure S11). In general, we did not observe any systematic dependence of mobility on the pulse parameters nor deviation from the dc extraction.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Pulsed measurements: (a) ID normalized by ID at a 500 μs pulse width. For the ID values at dc, VGS was applied for ∼180 ms for each voltage step (Table S2). However, the voltage vs time profiles are different for both methods (Figure S7). (b) ΔVT of five WSe2 FETs versus pulse width. (c) Band diagram showing the charge trapping from gate to dielectric and from channel to dielectric. The blue and red defect bands in Al2O3 represent dominant trapping sites for electrons and holes, respectively. (34) We note that more defect energy levels might be available for trapping across different energies, which depends also on the dielectric deposition process. (35) (d) Hysteresis ΔVGS for one WSe2 FET measured with different pulse widths.

4. Conclusions

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In summary, we have demonstrated top-gated staggered flexible WSe2 FETs using a direct transfer approach compatible with MOCVD TMDs grown on sapphire. Our devices exhibit high |ID| up to 7 μA/μm and μFE,ext up to 12.2 cm2 V–1 s–1, with |ID| being similar to or higher than previous works using exfoliated WSe2. We thoroughly investigated the electrical properties of our devices with top-gate dielectric and analyzed the BS and hysteresis behaviors. From that we conclude that there are two competing charge trapping mechanisms present: one at the channel/dielectric interface and one from the gate to the dielectric. Overall, the results of our study highlight the promise of WSe2 for p-type FETs in flexible electronics but also underline that careful process engineering is required to leverage the full potential of available materials, e.g., regarding gate dielectrics. (33,41)

Supporting Information

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The Supporting Information is available free of charge at

  • Device fabrication, mobility extraction, additional data from bias stress and pulse measurements including hysteresis; additional SEM and AFM images and benchmarking information, device parameter statistics, capacitance measurements, data on device recovery after bias stress, additional information on measurement schemes for dc and pulsing; band diagram including references (PDF)

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Author Information

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  • Corresponding Author
  • Authors
    • Quỳnh Thị Phùng - Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanySensors Laboratory, Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
    • Lukas Völkel - Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanyOrcid
    • Agata Piacentini - Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanyAMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, GermanyOrcid
    • Ardeshir Esteki - Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    • Annika Grundmann - Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    • Holger Kalisch - Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
    • Michael Heuken - Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanyAIXTRON SE, 52134 Herzogenrath, Germany
    • Andrei Vescan - Compound Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanyOrcid
    • Daniel Neumaier - AMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, GermanyBergische Universität Wuppertal, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany
    • Max C. Lemme - Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, GermanyAMO GmbH, Adv. Microelectron. Cent. Aachen, 52074 Aachen, GermanyOrcid
  • Author Contributions

    Q.T.P. performed the device fabrication and characterization, L.V. contributed to stress and pulse measurements, A.P. contributed to discussions on electrical data, and A.E. contributed to capacitance measurements. A.G. and H.K. performed the MoS2 and WSe2 MOCVD. L.V. carried out AFM and SEM. Q.T.P. analyzed all data with help from A.D.; A.D. and Q.T.P. wrote the manuscript. All authors revised and commented on the manuscript. M.H. and A.V. supervised the MOCVD. A.D. supervised the overall study.

  • Funding

    We acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through the Emmy Noether Programme (506140715) and the MOSTFLEX project (LE 2440/7-1). We also acknowledge funding by the BMBF NEUROTEC 2 project (16ME0399/16ME0400) and the EU MISEL project (101016734).

  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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    Shih, P.-S.; Zan, H.-W.; Chang, T.-C.; Huang, T.-Y.; Chang, C.-Y. Dimensional Effects on the Drain Current of N-and P-Channel Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2000, 39 (7R), 3879,  DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.39.3879
  23. 23
    Wang, A. W.; Saraswat, K. C. Modeling of Grain Size Variation Effects in Polycrystalline Thin Film Transistors. In International Electron Devices Meeting 1998. Technical Digest (Cat. No. 98CH36217); IEEE: 1998; pp 277280.
  24. 24
    Yamauchi, N.; Hajjar, J.-J.; Reif, R. Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors with Channel Length and Width Comparable to or Smaller than the Grain Size of the Thin Film. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 1991, 38 (1), 5560,  DOI: 10.1109/16.65736
  25. 25
    Daus, A.; Vogt, C.; Münzenrieder, N.; Petti, L.; Knobelspies, S.; Cantarella, G.; Luisier, M.; Salvatore, G. A.; Tröster, G. Charge Trapping Mechanism Leading to Sub-60-MV/Decade-Swing FETs. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 2017, 64 (7), 27892796,  DOI: 10.1109/TED.2017.2703914
  26. 26
    Daus, A.; Hoang, L.; Gilardi, C.; Wahid, S.; Kwon, J.; Qin, S.; Ko, J.-S.; Islam, M.; Kumar, A.; Neilson, K. M. Effect of Back-Gate Dielectric on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Transistor Performance and Stability. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 2023, 70, 56855689,  DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3319300
  27. 27
    Bolat, S.; Torres Sevilla, G.; Mancinelli, A.; Gilshtein, E.; Sastre, J.; Cabas Vidani, A.; Bachmann, D.; Shorubalko, I.; Briand, D.; Tiwari, A. N.; Romanyuk, Y. E. Synaptic Transistors with Aluminum Oxide Dielectrics Enabling Full Audio Frequency Range Signal Processing. Sci. Rep. 2020, 10 (1), 16664,  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-73705-w
  28. 28
    Balakrishna Pillai, P.; De Souza, M. M. Nanoionics-Based Three-Terminal Synaptic Device Using Zinc Oxide. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017, 9 (2), 16091618,  DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b13746
  29. 29
    Xu, W.; Dai, M.; Liang, L.; Liu, Z.; Sun, X.; Wan, Q.; Cao, H. Anomalous Bias-Stress-Induced Unstable Phenomena of InZnO Thin-Film Transistors Using Ta2O5 Gate Dielectric. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2012, 45 (20), 205103,  DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/20/205103
  30. 30
    Wager, J. F.; Keszler, D. A.; Presley, R. E. Transparent Electronics; Springer: 2008; Vol. 112.
  31. 31
    Segantini, M.; Ballesio, A.; Palmara, G.; Zaccagnini, P.; Frascella, F.; Garzone, G.; Marasso, S. L.; Cocuzza, M.; Parmeggiani, M. Investigation and Modeling of the Electrical Bias Stress in Electrolyte-Gated Organic Transistors. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2022, 8 (7), 2101332,  DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202101332
  32. 32
    Sinno, H.; Fabiano, S.; Crispin, X.; Berggren, M.; Engquist, I. Bias Stress Effect in Polyelectrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102 (11), 113306,  DOI: 10.1063/1.4798512
  33. 33
    Knobloch, T.; Uzlu, B.; Illarionov, Y. Y.; Wang, Z.; Otto, M.; Filipovic, L.; Waltl, M.; Neumaier, D.; Lemme, M. C.; Grasser, T. Improving Stability in Two-Dimensional Transistors with Amorphous Gate Oxides by Fermi-Level Tuning. Nat. Electron. 2022, 5 (6), 356366,  DOI: 10.1038/s41928-022-00768-0
  34. 34
    Knobloch, T.; Waldhoer, D.; Davoudi, M. R.; Karl, A.; Khakbaz, P.; Matzinger, M.; Zhang, Y.; Smithe, K. K. H.; Nazir, A.; Liu, C. Modeling the Performance and Reliability of Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Transistors. In 2023 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM); IEEE: 2023; pp 14.
  35. 35
    Degraeve, R.; Cho, M.; Govoreanu, B.; Kaczer, B.; Zahid, M. B.; Van Houdt, J.; Jurczak, M.; Groeseneken, G. Trap Spectroscopy by Charge Injection and Sensing (TSCIS): A Quantitative Electrical Technique for Studying Defects in Dielectric Stacks. In 2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting; IEEE: 2008; pp 14.
  36. 36
    Daus, A.; Vogt, C.; Münzenrieder, N.; Petti, L.; Knobelspies, S.; Cantarella, G.; Luisier, M.; Salvatore, G. A.; Tröster, G. Positive Charge Trapping Phenomenon in N-Channel Thin-Film Transistors with Amorphous Alumina Gate Insulators. J. Appl. Phys. 2016, 120 (24), 244501,  DOI: 10.1063/1.4972475
  37. 37
    Zeumault, A.; Subramanian, V. Mobility Enhancement in Solution-Processed Transparent Conductive Oxide TFTs Due to Electron Donation from Traps in High-k Gate Dielectrics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26 (6), 955963,  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201503940
  38. 38
    Datye, I. M.; Gabourie, A. J.; English, C. D.; Smithe, K. K. H.; McClellan, C. J.; Wang, N. C.; Pop, E. Reduction of Hysteresis in MoS2 Transistors Using Pulsed Voltage Measurements. 2D Mater. 2019, 6 (1), 011004,  DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/aae6a1
  39. 39
    Illarionov, Y. Y.; Karl, A.; Smets, Q.; Kaczer, B.; Knobloch, T.; Panarella, L.; Schram, T.; Brems, S.; Cott, D.; Asselberghs, I. Process Implications on the Stability and Reliability of 300 mm FAB MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2024, 8 (1), 8,  DOI: 10.1038/s41699-024-00445-0
  40. 40
    Fleetwood, D. M. “Border Traps” in MOS Devices. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1992, 39 (2), 269271,  DOI: 10.1109/23.277495
  41. 41
    Illarionov, Y. Y.; Knobloch, T.; Jech, M.; Lanza, M.; Akinwande, D.; Vexler, M. I.; Mueller, T.; Lemme, M. C.; Fiori, G.; Schwierz, F.; Grasser, T. Insulators for 2D Nanoelectronics: The Gap to Bridge. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11 (1), 3385,  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16640-8

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Fabrication process of flexible WSe2 FETs. (a) Fabrication process flow of flexible top-gated WSe2 transistors. (b) Optical images of WSe2 film with contacts before transfer on sapphire and after transfer on PI. (c) Raman spectra of as-grown WSe2 on sapphire and after transfer on PI. (d) Atomic force microscopy image of the as-grown WSe2. (e) Optical image of the flexible PI substrate after fabrication.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. Flexible p-type WSe2 devices. (a) Schematic device cross section. (b) Optical image of flexible FETs. Unlabeled contacts correspond to source/drain to measure channels. (c, d) Transfer characteristics of devices showing the highest ID on/off ratio in (c) and highest drain current |ID| in (d), including the corresponding gate leakage currents |IG|. (e, f) Benchmarking of flexible p-type WSe2 FETs comparing maximum |ID|, ID on/off ratio, and L. This work’s data are for |ID| at VDS = −1 V, and the values from others are indicated (see also Table S1).

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. Flexible TMD devices under bias stress (BS). (a) Transfer characteristics of WSe2 FET under −5 V gate BS as a function of cumulative stress time t. (b) |ID| at VGS = −5 V versus t of four WSe2 FETs. (c) Transfer characteristic of MoS2 FET under +5 V gate BS as a function of t. (d) |ID| at VGS = +5 V versus t of four MoS2 FETs.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. Pulsed measurements: (a) ID normalized by ID at a 500 μs pulse width. For the ID values at dc, VGS was applied for ∼180 ms for each voltage step (Table S2). However, the voltage vs time profiles are different for both methods (Figure S7). (b) ΔVT of five WSe2 FETs versus pulse width. (c) Band diagram showing the charge trapping from gate to dielectric and from channel to dielectric. The blue and red defect bands in Al2O3 represent dominant trapping sites for electrons and holes, respectively. (34) We note that more defect energy levels might be available for trapping across different energies, which depends also on the dielectric deposition process. (35) (d) Hysteresis ΔVGS for one WSe2 FET measured with different pulse widths.

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      Daus, A.; Vogt, C.; Münzenrieder, N.; Petti, L.; Knobelspies, S.; Cantarella, G.; Luisier, M.; Salvatore, G. A.; Tröster, G. Positive Charge Trapping Phenomenon in N-Channel Thin-Film Transistors with Amorphous Alumina Gate Insulators. J. Appl. Phys. 2016, 120 (24), 244501,  DOI: 10.1063/1.4972475
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      Illarionov, Y. Y.; Karl, A.; Smets, Q.; Kaczer, B.; Knobloch, T.; Panarella, L.; Schram, T.; Brems, S.; Cott, D.; Asselberghs, I. Process Implications on the Stability and Reliability of 300 mm FAB MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors. npj 2D Mater. Appl. 2024, 8 (1), 8,  DOI: 10.1038/s41699-024-00445-0
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      Fleetwood, D. M. “Border Traps” in MOS Devices. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1992, 39 (2), 269271,  DOI: 10.1109/23.277495
    41. 41
      Illarionov, Y. Y.; Knobloch, T.; Jech, M.; Lanza, M.; Akinwande, D.; Vexler, M. I.; Mueller, T.; Lemme, M. C.; Fiori, G.; Schwierz, F.; Grasser, T. Insulators for 2D Nanoelectronics: The Gap to Bridge. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11 (1), 3385,  DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16640-8
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