Toward High-Capacity Li–S Solid-State Batteries: The Role of Partial Ionic Transport in the CatholyteClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Henry M. WoolleyHenry M. WoolleyMEET Battery Research Center, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Münster, Corrensstraße 46, 48149, Münster, GermanyInternational Graduate School for Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application (BACCARA), University of Münster, Corrensstraße 40, 48149 Münster, GermanyMore by Henry M. Woolley
- Martin LangeMartin LangeInsitute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Münster, Corrensstraße 28/30, 48149 Münster, GermanyMore by Martin Lange
- Elina NazmutdinovaElina NazmutdinovaInternational Graduate School for Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application (BACCARA), University of Münster, Corrensstraße 40, 48149 Münster, GermanyInsitute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Münster, Corrensstraße 28/30, 48149 Münster, GermanyMore by Elina Nazmutdinova
- Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa*Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa*Email: [email protected]Chair of Electrochemistry, University of Bayreuth and Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt), Universitätsstrasse 30, 95447 Bayreuth, GermanyMore by Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa

To address the challenges of tortuous partial ionic transport and chemomechanical failure due to the large volumetric changes of sulfur during all-solid-state battery cycling, we evaluate a hybrid electrolyte composed of the lithium chloride argyrodite Li6PS5Cl (LPSCl) and an ionic liquid-based lithium liquid electrolyte (ILE) in the cathode composite of Li–S half-cells. We confirm the stability of the LPSCl/ILE interface by coupling Raman and impedance spectroscopy measurements. Charge–discharge curves show a capacity improvement for the hybrid cells (1364 ± 151 mAh·g–1), compared to 904 ± 186 mAh·g–1 for pristine cells. Transport measurements quantify an increase in the partial ionic conductivity of proxy cathode layers from 0.2 to 0.4 mS·cm–1 in hybrid cells. Taken together, the use of the ILE increases the partial ionic transport and access to sulfur which results in higher and more stable discharge capacities.
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This article is cited by 2 publications.
- Tao Yu, Yuankai Liu, Haoyu Li, Yu Sun, Shaohua Guo, Haoshen Zhou. Ductile Inorganic Solid Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries. Chemical Reviews 2025, Article ASAP.
- Saneyuki OHNO. Toward the Use of Composite Cathode with Significantly High Interfacial Area Density for Solid-State Li–S Batteries. Denki Kagaku 2024, 92
, 330-335.
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