Formation and Characterization of 2D Closely Packed Arrays of Bare Gold Nanoparticles without AggregationClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Takashi FujitaTakashi FujitaDepartment of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology, 1401-1 Katakura, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0982, JapanMore by Takashi Fujita
- Kohei Shibamoto*Kohei Shibamoto*Email: [email protected]. Phone: +81-42-677-2531.Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397 JapanMore by Kohei Shibamoto
Uniform 2D arrays of metal nanoparticles (NPs) have received significant attention in the field of molecular sensing using localized surface plasmon resonance. Generally, metal NPs bear organic surface-modifying molecules to prevent aggregation and form 2D metal NP arrays. However, surface-modifying molecules negatively affect molecular sensing. Previously, we developed a technique for forming a 2D bare metal NP array, denoted the sandwich (SW) technique. However, the formation mechanism of these 2D metal NP arrays remains unknown and therefore the experimental conditions of the SW technique are not optimized. Here, we observed the formation of a 2D Au NP (d: 60 nm) array using the SW technique with an optical microscope. Moderate drying conditions of the colloidal droplets sandwiched between two parallel substrates were necessary for forming 2D Au NP arrays. We then optimized the drying conditions and obtained a 2D Au NP array. This array was uniform, and the Au NPs were arranged at distances of 4.5 nm with hexagonal periodicity, without aggregation. Further, the 2D Au NP arrays exhibited excellent spot-to-spot reproducibility in surface-enhanced Raman scattering.
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Experimental Section
Preparations of Au NP Arrays
Characterizations of 2D Au NP Arrays
Results and Discussion
Formation of 2D Au NP Arrays Using the SW Technique
Figure 1
Figure 1. (a) Optical microscopy image of the lateral meniscus image formed by the SW method at 0 min from the start. Dotted circle indicates a contact line. (b) Optical microscopy image of the contact line in the initial evaporation process (0, 45, 75, and 105 min from the start). (c) Reflection microscopy image of the contact line at t = 45 min.
Figure 2
Figure 2. (a) SEM image at ×50 magnification of SW-substrate 1 on the Si wafer, which was prepared at a relative humidity of 60 ± 10% at 298 K. (b) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of SW-substrate 1. (c) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of SW-substrate 2, which was prepared at a relative humidity of 20 ± 5% at 298 K. These substrates were composed of spherical Au NPs (mean diameter: 60 nm). Corresponding FFT images and their brightness distribution are shown in the higher right and lower right, respectively.
Optimization of the Drying Conditions during the SW Technique
Figure 3
Figure 3. (a) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of the OW-substrate on the Si wafer. (b) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of the DD-substrate on Si wafer. These substrates were composed of spherical Au NPs (mean diameter: 60 nm). Corresponding FFT images and their brightness distribution are shown in the higher right and lower right, respectively.
Characterizations of 2D Au NP Arrays
substrate | packing density (%) | RSD (%) |
SW-substrate 1 | 78 | 3.1 |
SW-substrate 2 | 73 | 5.5 |
OW-substrate | 65 | 6.1 |
DD-substrate | 16 | 71 |
Figure 4
Figure 4. Vis–NIR Extinction spectra of (a) SW-substrate 1, (b) OW-substrate, and (c) DD-substrate. These substrates were on glass slides. The dotted line indicates vis–NIR absorption spectra of spherical Au NP (mean diameter: 60 nm) colloidal solution, which was used for the preparation of these substrates.
SERS Properties of 2D Au NP Arrays
Figure 5
Figure 5. (a) Raman spectra of CV adsorbed on SW-substrate 1 and (b) Raman spectra of CV crystals. 532 nm lines of Nd:YAG laser was employed as the excitation laser.
band (cm–1) crystal | band (cm–1) on SW substrate 1 | assignment |
1620 | 1621 | C-phenyl in-plane antisymmetric stretching |
1583 | 1584 | C-phenyl in-plane antisymmetric stretching |
1532 | 1537 | phenyl-N antisymmetric stretching |
1376 | 1380 | C–N, phenyl-C-phenyl antisymmetric stretching |
1175 | 1179 | C-phenyl, C–H in-plane antisymmetric stretching |
Figure 6
Figure 6. Normalized peak intensities of bands at (a) 1179 cm–1, (b) 1380 cm–1, and (c) 1621 cm–1 versus packing rates of four substrates. The mean value was normalized to 1 (dotted line). These peak intensities were obtained from different 25 spots in these substrates. (d) RSDs of SERS intensities at 1621 cm–1 versus packing rates of four substrates. The dotted line indicates the systematic error obtained from a silicon single crystal (100).
Mechanistic Considerations of the SW Technique
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
SEM images of SW substrates, dependence of Raman peak intensity on the dipping time, and literature data for SERS substrates using Au NPs (DOCX)
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Most electronic Supporting Information files are available without a subscription to ACS Web Editions. Such files may be downloaded by article for research use (if there is a public use license linked to the relevant article, that license may permit other uses). Permission may be obtained from ACS for other uses through requests via the RightsLink permission system:
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant no. JP18K04730 (K.S.) and JSPS KAKENHI grant no. JP19K15410 (T.F.).
CT | charge transfer |
CV | crystal violet |
DD | dried droplet |
DLVO | Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek |
EF | enhancement factor |
EM | electromagnetic |
FT | Fourier transform |
LSPR | localized surface plasmon resonance |
NP | nanoparticle |
OW | oil–water trapping |
RSD, | relative standard deviation; |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SERS | surface-enhanced Raman scattering |
SW | sandwich |
vis–NIR | visible–near-infrared |
This article references 37 other publications.
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- 11Pienpinijtham, P.; Han, X. X.; Ekgasit, S.; Ozaki, Y. An Ionic Surfactant-Mediated Langmuir – Blodgett Method to Construct Gold Nanoparticle Films for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2012, 14, 10132– 10139, DOI: 10.1039/c2cp41419hGoogle Scholar11 ionic surfactant-mediated Langmuir-Blodgett method to construct gold nanoparticle films for surface-enhanced Raman scatteringPienpinijtham, Prompong; Han, Xiao Xia; Ekgasit, Sanong; Ozaki, YukihiroPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2012), 14 (29), 10132-10139CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)A gold nanoparticle film for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) was successfully constructed by an ionic surfactant-mediated Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. The gold film was formed by adding ethanol to a gold colloid/hexane mixt. in the presence of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB). Consequently, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) assembled at the water/hexane interface due to the decrease in surface charge d. of AuNPs. Since DTAB binds the gold surface by a Coulombic force, rather than a chem. bonding, it is easily replaced by target mols. for SERS purposes. The SERS enhancement factor of the 80 nm gold nanoparticle film was approx. 1.2 × 106 using crystal violet (CV) as a Raman dye. The SERS signal from the proposed DTAB-mediated film was approx. 10 times higher than that from the octanethiol-modified gold film, while the reproducibility and stability of this film compared to an octanethiol-modified film were similar. This method can also be applied to other metal nanostructures to fabricate metal films for use as a sensitive SERS substrate with a higher enhancement factor.
- 12Guo, Q.; Xu, M.; Yuan, Y.; Gu, R.; Yao, J. Self-Assembled Large-Scale Monolayer of Au Nanoparticles at the Air/Water Interface Used as a SERS Substrate. Langmuir 2016, 32, 4530– 4537, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b04393Google Scholar12 Large-Scale Monolayer of Au Nanoparticles at the Air/Water Interface Used as a SERS SubstrateGuo, Qinghua; Xu, Minmin; Yuan, Yaxian; Gu, Renao; Yao, JianlinLangmuir (2016), 32 (18), 4530-4537CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)A facial approach for fabricating a monolayer film of Au nanoparticles is reported. Using the surfactant polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), a large-scale monolayer film of well-ordered, uniform-sized Au nanoparticles was fabricated at the air/water interface. The film exhibited a two-dimensional (2D) hcp. (HCP) structure having interparticle gaps smaller than 2 nm. These gaps generated numerous uniform "hot spots" for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity. The as-prepd. monolayer film could be transferred to a solid substrate for use as a suitable SERS substrate with high activity, high uniformity, and high stability. The low spot-to-spot and substrate-to-substrate variations of intensity ( < 10%), the large surface enhancement factor (∼106), and the high stability (∼45 days) make the substrate suitable for SERS measurements. Transfer of the monolayer film onto a glassy carbon electrode produced an Au electrode with clean, well-defined nanostructure suitable for electrochem. SERS measurements. The adsorption process of ionic liqs. on the electrode with the monolayer film is similar to that on bulk metal electrodes. The present strategy provides an effective way for self-assembly of Au nanoparticles into well-defined nanostructures that may form optimal reproducible SERS substrates for quant. anal. It also provides an electrode with clean, well-defined nanostructure for electrochem. investigations.
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- 15Yang, G.; Nanda, J.; Wang, B.; Chen, G.; Hallinan, D. T., Jr. Self-Assembly of Large Gold nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 13457– 13470, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b01121Google Scholar15 of Large Gold Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyYang, Guang; Nanda, Jagjit; Wang, Boya; Chen, Gang; Hallinan, Daniel T.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2017), 9 (15), 13457-13470CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Performance of portable technologies from mobile phones to elec. vehicles is currently limited by the energy d. and lifetime of lithium batteries. Expanding the limits of battery technol. requires in situ detection of trace components at electrode-electrolyte interphases. Surface-enhance Raman spectroscopy could satisfy this need if a robust and reproducible substrate were available. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) larger than 20 nm diam. are expected to greatly enhance Raman intensity if they can be assembled into ordered monolayers. A three-phase self-assembly method is presented that successfully results in ordered Au NP monolayers for particle diams. ranging from 13 to 90 nm. The monolayer structure and Raman enhancement factors (EFs) are reported for a model analyte, rhodamine, as well as the best performing polymer electrolyte salt, lithium bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide. Exptl. EFs for the most part correlate with predictions based on monolayer geometry and with numerical simulations that identify local electromagnetic field enhancements. The EFs for the best performing Au NP monolayer are between 106 and 108 and give quant. signal response when analyte concn. is changed.
- 16Israelachvili, J. N.; Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 3rd ed.; Academic Press, 2011.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Njoki, P. N.; Lim, I. S.; Mott, D.; Park, H.; Khan, B.; Mishra, S.; Sujakumar, R.; Luo, J.; Zhong, C. Size Correlation of Optical and Spectroscopic Properties for Gold Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 14664– 14669, DOI: 10.1021/jp074902zGoogle Scholar17 Correlation of Optical and Spectroscopic Properties for Gold NanoparticlesNjoki, Peter N.; Lim, I-Im S.; Mott, Derrick; Park, Hye-Young; Khan, Bilal; Mishra, Suprav; Sujakumar, Ravishanker; Luo, Jin; Zhong, Chuan-JianJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2007), 111 (40), 14664-14669CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)While the optical and spectroscopic properties of Au nanoparticles are widely used for chem., bioanal., and biomedical applications, the study of the size correlation with these properties for nanoparticles in solns. is rather limited. This paper describes the results of a systematic study of such a correlation for Au nanoparticles with diams. ranging from 10 to 100 nm in aq. solns. The high monodispersity of these nanoparticles permitted a meaningful correlation of the particle size with the surface plasmon (SP) resonance band properties and the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopic properties. This correlation is compared to the results from the simulation based on Mie theory. The close agreement between the exptl. and the theor. results provides insight into the validity of detg. the wavelength of the SP resonance band as a measure of the particle size. The size correlation with the SERS intensity from the adsorption of 4-mercaptobenzoic acid on the nanoparticles in aq. solns. reveals the existence of a crit. size of the nanoparticles in the soln. beyond which the particle-particle interaction is operative and responsible for the SERS effect. These findings serve as the basis of size correlations for exploiting the optical and spectroscopic properties of Au nanoparticles of different sizes in aq. solns. in anal. or bioanal. applications.
- 18Zhang, P.; Li, Y.; Wang, D.; Xia, H. High–Yield Production of Uniform Gold Nanoparticles with Sizes from 31 to 577 nm via One-Pot Seeded Growth and Size-Dependent SERS Property. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2016, 33, 924– 932, DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.201600188Google Scholar18 Production of Uniform Gold Nanoparticles with Sizes from 31 to 577 nm via One-Pot Seeded Growth and Size-Dependent SERS PropertyZhang, Peina; Li, Yijing; Wang, Dayang; Xia, HaibingParticle & Particle Systems Characterization (2016), 33 (12), 924-932CODEN: PPCHEZ; ISSN:1521-4117. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)In this work, uniform, quasi-spherical gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) with sizes of 31-577 nm are prepd. via one-pot seeded growth with the aid of tris-base (TB). Distinct from the seeded growth methods available in literature, the present method can be simply implemented by subsequently adding the aq. dispersion of the 17 nm Au-NP seeds and the aq. soln. of HAuCl4 into the boiling aq. TB soln. It is found that at the optimal pH range, the sizes of the final Au NPs and their concns. are simply controlled by either the particle no. of the Au seed dispersion or the concn. of the HAuCl4 soln., while the latter enables us to produce large Au NPs at very high concn. Moreover, as-prepd. Au NPs of various sizes are coated on glass substrates to test their surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activities by using 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) mols. as probes, which exhibit "volcano type" dependence on the Au NP sizes at fixed excitation wavelength. Furthermore, the Au NPs with sizes of ≈97 and 408 nm exhibit the largest SERS enhancement at the excitation wavelength of 633 and 785 nm, resp.
- 19Park, Y. K.; Yoo, S. H.; Park, S. Assembly of Highly Ordered Nanoparticle Monolayers at a Water/Hexane Interface. Langmuir 2007, 23, 10505– 10510, DOI: 10.1021/la701445aGoogle Scholar19 of Highly Ordered Nanoparticle Monolayers at a Water/Hexane InterfacePark, Yong-Kyun; Yoo, Sang-Hoon; Park, SunghoLangmuir (2007), 23 (21), 10505-10510CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)This paper reports a methodol. for prepg. ordering hydrophilic metal nanoparticles into close-packed 2-dimensional arrays at a hexane-water interface with alkanethiol in the hexane layer. The destabilization of metal nanoparticles by the addn. of alc. caused the nanoparticles to adsorb to an interface where the surface of entrapped Au nanoparticle was in situ coated with the long-chain alkanethiols present in a hexane layer. The adsorption of alkanethiol to the nanoparticle surface caused the conversion of the electrostatic repulsive force to a van der Waals interaction, which is a key feature in forming highly ordered close-packed nanoparticle arrays.
- 20Kim, B.; Tripp, S. L.; Wei, A. Self-Organization of Large Gold Nanoparticle Arrays. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 7955– 7956, DOI: 10.1021/ja0160344Google Scholar20 of large gold nanoparticle arraysKim, Beomseok; Tripp, Steven L.; Wei, AlexanderJournal of the American Chemical Society (2001), 123 (32), 7955-7956CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)Conditions are described that enable large (16-170 nm) Au particles to self-organize at an air-water interface into monoparticulate films which can be subsequently transferred onto substrates as 2D hcp. arrays. The surfactant chosen was resorcinarene tetrathiol which is ideal for promoting the formation of the arrays with periodicities >170 nm. The self-assembly of large Au particles was achieved with structural precision and has excellent potential for the fabrication of nanostructured films with tunable optical and optoelectronic properties. The large Au nanoparticle arrays are esp. promising as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).
- 21Ishida, T.; Tachikiri, Y.; Sako, T.; Takahashi, Y.; Yamada, S. Structural Characterization and Plasmonic Properties of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Hydrophobic Large Gold Nanoparticles Fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett Technique. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 404, 350– 356, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.01.304Google Scholar21 characterization and plasmonic properties of two-dimensional arrays of hydrophobic large gold nanoparticles fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett techniqueIshida, Takuya; Tachikiri, Yuki; Sako, Takayuki; Takahashi, Yukina; Yamada, SunaoApplied Surface Science (2017), 404 (), 350-356CODEN: ASUSEE; ISSN:0169-4332. (Elsevier B.V.)The authors have succeeded in fabricating two-dimensional (2D) arrays of larger gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) (diams. 17, 28, and 48 nm) by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. Although the particle size of AuNPs is one of the most important factors to control the optical properties of 2D arrays, there have been reported only the size of .ltorsim.20 nm. This is a first report on the bottom-up fabrication of 2D arrays consisting of hydrophobic AuNP with the diam. of ∼50 nm, of which the size is expected to obtain max. near-field effects. Octadecylthiolate-capped AuNPs (ODT-AuNPs) which were prepd. by the authors' method could be re-dispersed in chloroform even after drying completely, realizing the spreading of the colloidal chloroform soln. onto the water surface. Accordingly, densely-packed 2D LB films of ODT-AuNPs could be fabricated on an indium-tin-oxide substrate, when water as the subphase and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as an amphiphilic agent were used. PEG played an important role to form a densely packed film uniformly due to increasing affinity between hydrophobic AuNP and water. Absorption spectra of the films revealed that the resonance wavelengths of plasmon oscillation through interparticle plasmon coupling were clearly correlated with the particle sizes rather than deposition densities.
- 22Wang, H.; Levin, C. S.; Halas, N. J. Nanosphere Arrays with Controlled Sub-10-Nm Gaps as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 14992– 14993, DOI: 10.1021/ja055633yGoogle Scholar22 Arrays with Controlled Sub-10-nm Gaps as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy SubstratesWang, Hui; Levin, Carly J.; Halas, Naomi J.Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127 (43), 14992-14993CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)We demonstrate a convenient and cost-effective chem. approach for fabricating highly ordered Au nanoparticle arrays with sub-10-nm interparticle gaps. Near-field enhancements inside the interparticle gaps create uniform periodic arrays of well-defined "hot spots" exploitable for large surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) enhancements. A cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) bilayer surrounding each individual nanoparticle upon array crystn. is responsible for this periodic gap structure; displacement of the CTAB by smaller thiolated mols. does not affect the structural integrity of the arrays. As SERS substrates, the as-fabricated Au nanoparticle arrays exhibit high SERS sensitivity, long-term stability, and consistent reproducibility.
- 23Wei, A.; Kim, B.; Pusztay, S. V.; Tripp, S. L.; Balasubramanian, R. Resorcinarene-Encapsulated Nanoparticles Building Blocks Self-Assembled Nanostructures. J. Inclusion Phenom. 2001, 41. DOI: DOI: 10.1023/A:1014472212238Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Smith, S. R.; Lipkowski, J. Guided Assembly of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles on a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode for Electrochemical Surface- Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 7303– 7311, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b01309Google Scholar24 Assembly of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles on a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode for Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopySmith, Scott R.; Lipkowski, JacekJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2018), 122 (13), 7303-7311CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)Development of a reproducible two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) through a guided assembly approach and sequentially using an electrochem. cleaning procedure to remove all capping ligands and surface contaminants for studying gluconate, a weak Raman scatterer, with electrochem. surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is discussed. Here, a unique use of shell-isolated nanoparticles (NPs) is presented by employing a thin-cell configuration during NP deposition to obtain a highly reproducible monolayer of AuNPs with spacing by 2× the SiO2 shell thickness. Upon SiO2 dissoln. and electrochem. cleaning, a well-ordered arrangement of bare AuNPs was achieved. The SERS active electrode modified with NP arrays was used for the characterization of gluconate adsorption. Enhanced spot-to-spot reproducibility of the SERS signal was achieved, allowing for significant redn. in the acquisition time needed for recording SERS spectra and investigation of gluconate adsorption on gold surfaces at short times. The results collected suggest that gluconate has undergone some electrooxidn. but remains well-hydrated in the interfacial region.
- 25Shibamoto, K.; Yasumuro, S.; Horiuchi, K.; Teraoka, T.; Fujita, T. Study of Two-dimensional Highly-ordering of Gold Nanoparticles for an Optical Sensor Using Surface Plasmon Excitation as an Assistance Effect. Bunseki Kagaku 2014, 63, 293– 298, DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.63.293Google Scholar25 of two-dimensional highly-ordering of gold nanoparticles for an optical sensor using surface plasmon excitation as an assistance effectShibamoto, Kohei; Yasumuro, Syunsuke; Horiuchi, Kentaro; Teraoka, Takuma; Fujita, TakashiBunseki Kagaku (2014), 63 (4), 293-298CODEN: BNSKAK; ISSN:0525-1931. (Nippon Bunseki Kagakkai)The authors succeeded to fabricate a two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles with high-ordering by using the surface plasmon excitation of gold nanoparticles for enhancing the repulsive force and controlling the aggregation through the process of fabrication. From SEM observations and spectroscopic measurements, we evaluated the order of the two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles while taking account of particle isolation. Moreover, the high-ordering of the two-dimensional array provides higher sensitivity and higher reproducibility of Raman measurements. From these results, it is expected that the fabricated two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles will lead to applications for a mol. sensor.
- 26Shibamoto, K.; Kitajima, M.; Mohammad, K. H.; Patent, K. I. Fabrication of single layer array structure of surface unmodified metal nanoparticles. JP 4900550 B2, 2012.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Hentschel, M.; Dregely, D.; Vogelgesang, R.; Giessen, H.; Liu, N. Plasmonic Oligomers: The Role of Individual Particles in Collective Behavior. ACS Nano 2011, 5, 2042– 2050, DOI: 10.1021/nn103172tGoogle Scholar27 Oligomers: The Role of Individual Particles in Collective BehaviorHentschel, Mario; Dregely, Daniel; Vogelgesang, Ralf; Giessen, Harald; Liu, NaACS Nano (2011), 5 (3), 2042-2050CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)A comprehensive exptl. study is presented of the optical properties of plasmonic oligomers. Both the constitution and configuration of plasmonic oligomers have a large influence on their resonant behavior, which draws a compelling analogy to mol. theory in chem. To elucidate the constitution influence, the size of individual nanoparticles were varied and the role identified of the target nanoparticle from the spectral change. To illustrate the configuration influence, the positions and nos. of nanoparticles in a plasmonic oligomer was varied. A large spectral red shift at the transition from displaced nanoparticles to touching ones was demonstrate exptl. The oligomeric design strategy opens up a rich pathway for the implementation of optimized optical properties into complex plasmonic nanostructures for specific applications.
- 28Kneipp, K.; Kneipp, H.; Itzkan, I.; Dasari, R. R.; Feld, M. S. Single Molecule Detection Using near Infrared Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Single Molecule Spectroscopy; Series in Chemical Physics; Springer, 2001; pp 144– 160.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Jiang, J. D.; Burstein, E.; Kobayashi, H. Resonant Raman Scattering by Crystal-Violet Molecules Adsorbed on a Smooth Gold Surface: Evidence for a Charge-Transfer Excitation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1986, 57, 1793– 1796, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.1793Google Scholar29 Raman scattering by crystal-violet molecules adsorbed on a smooth gold surface: evidence for a charge-transfer excitationJiang, J. D.; Burstein, E.; Kobayashi, H.Physical Review Letters (1986), 57 (14), 1793-6CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.Measurements are reported of excitation-profile spectra for Raman scattering from the central-C breathing mode of crystal violet adsorbed on a smooth Au surface. For polarization configurations that involve the xx (or yy) component of the Raman tensor, the spectra exhibit a resonance peak corresponding to the 1st singlet π-π* electronic excitation of adsorbed crystal-violet ions. The spectrum for the zz component does not exhibit this feature, but rather exhibits a steadily increasing scattering intensity with wavelength, that is attributed to an intermol. charge-transfer electronic excitation.
- 30Cañamares, M. V.; Chenal, C.; Birke, R. L.; Lombardi, J. R. DFT, SERS, and Single-Molecule SERS of Crystal Violet. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 20295– 20300, DOI: 10.1021/jp807807jGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Shibamoto, K.; Sakata, K.; Nagoshi, K.; Korenaga, T. Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry by Using Surface Plasmon Excitation on Gold Nanoparticle. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 17774– 17779, DOI: 10.1021/jp9020432Google Scholar31 Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry by Using Surface Plasmon Excitation on Gold NanoparticleShibamoto, K.; Sakata, K.; Nagoshi, K.; Korenaga, T.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2009), 113 (41), 17774-17779CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)The authors show development of a laser desorption/ionization (LDI) method with ultrahigh sensitivity by adding Au nanoparticles with a diam. of several tens of nanometers into a sample soln. The authors succeeded in detection of an ultratrace amt. of sample mols., which is less than several hundred zeptomoles. Probably the charge interaction based on surface plasmon (SP) excitation is very effective for ultrahigh sensitivity in LDI method.
- 32Vinod, M.; Gopchandran, K. G. Au, Ag and Au:Ag Colloidal Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation as SERS Substrates. Prog. Nat. Sci.: Mater. Int. 2014, 24, 569– 578, DOI: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2014.10.003Google Scholar32, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation as SERS substratesVinod, M.; Gopchandran, K. G.Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (2014), 24 (6), 569-578CODEN: PNSMBB ISSN:. (Elsevier B.V.)CP colloidal suspensions of gold and silver nanoparticles were synthesized using pulsed laser ablation. The dependence of laser fluence on the surface plasmon characteristics of the nanoparticles was investigated. Au:Ag colloidal suspensions were prepd. by mixing highly monodisperse Au and Ag nanocolloids. The plasmon band of these mixts. was found to be highly sensitive to Au:Ag concn. ratio and wavelength of the laser beam used in the ablation process. The Au:Ag mixt. consists of almost spherical shaped nanostructures with a tendency to join with adjacent ones. The surface enhanced Raman scattering activity of the Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal suspensions was tested using crystal violet as probe mols. Enhancement in Raman signal obtained with Au:Ag substrates was found to be promising and strongly depends on its plasmon characteristics.
- 33Lin, S.; Lin, X.; Song, X.; Han, S.; Wang, L.; Hasi, W. Fabrication of Flexible Paper - Based Surface - Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate from Au Nanocubes Monolayer for Trace Detection of Crystal Violet on Shell. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2019, 50, 1074– 1084, DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5620Google Scholar33 of flexible paper-based Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate from Au nanocubes monolayer for trace detection of crystal violet on shellLin, Shuang; Lin, Xiang; Song, Xueying; Han, Siqingaowa; Wang, Li; Hasi, WulijiJournal of Raman Spectroscopy (2019), 50 (8), 1074-1084CODEN: JRSPAF; ISSN:0377-0486. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate is the key to SERS technol. and it is still a basic focus to fabricate desirable SERS substrates offering multiple advantages of strong Raman enhancement and good reproducibility and portability. A flexible paper-based SERS substrate were fabricated involving the use of Au nanocubes (NCs) monolayer. Au NCs were generated with tunable size in the range of 24 to 63 nm through seed-mediated growth method. The effect of support on SERS properties of Au NCs-assembled monolayer was systemically explored. As a result, more excellent SERS performance could be obtained by assembling Au NCs on the filter paper. Besides, the influence of Au NCs' size on SERS-enhanced effect of paper-based substrate was also investigated. Our results clearly indicated that paper-based substrate with 39 nm Au NCs possessed the optimal SERS enhancement. This SERS substrate exhibited high sensitivity with enhancement factor (EF) up to 9.75 ×107 and demonstrated good uniformity and time stability. Furthermore, based on this superior paper-based SERS substrate with advantage of powerful sample extn. performance, the measurement of crystal violet (CV) on shell surface were successfully carried out with detection limit down to 2.17 × 10-7 M. And linear quantification were achieved in the range from 5 × 10-5 to 5 × 10-7 M. To sum up, the as-prepd. SERS substrate is applicable for on-site detection and anal. of CV on various shell surfaces.
- 34Kneipp, K.; Kneipp, H.; Itzkan, I.; Dasari, R. R.; Feld, M. S. Ultrasensitive Chemical Analysis by Raman Spectroscopy. Chem. Rev. 1999, 99, 2957– 2976, DOI: 10.1021/cr980133rGoogle Scholar34 chemical analysis by Raman spectroscopyKneipp, Katrin; Kneipp, Harald; Itzkan, Irving; Dasari, Ramachandra R.; Feld, Michael S.Chemical Reviews (Washington, D. C.) (1999), 99 (10), 2957-2975CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review with 133 refs. is given on surface-enhanced Raman scattering, single-mol. Raman spectroscopy, crit. anal. and prospects of single-mol. Raman spectroscopy.
- 35Shibamoto, K.; Katayama, K.; Sawada, T. Fundamental Processes of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Detected by Transient Reflecting Grating Spectroscopy. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 2003, 158, 105– 110, DOI: 10.1016/S1010-6030(03)00023-6Google Scholar35 processes of surface enhanced Raman scattering detected by transient reflecting grating spectroscopyShibamoto, Kohei; Katayama, Kenji; Sawada, TsuguoJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry (2003), 158 (2-3), 105-110CODEN: JPPCEJ; ISSN:1010-6030. (Elsevier Science B.V.)Ultrafast charge transfer (CT) between gold and crystal violet (CV) mols. in relation with the surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activation was investigated using the transient reflecting grating (TRG) spectroscopic method. A charge transfer between gold and crystal violet was obsd. only for the SERS-active substrate and it occurred within 200 fs. Since the adsorbed dyes had electronic overlap with the metal substrate at the point of central carbon, considering the difference of the Raman spectra between adsorbed and free dyes, it was suggested that the charge transfer occurred through the central carbon of crystal violet. Furthermore, it was shown that the surface morphol. of the substrates is in close correlation with the charge transfer process from its dependence on the prepn. method of substrates.
- 36Shibamoto, K.; Katayama, K.; Sawada, T. Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Processes Using Transient Reflecting Grating (TRG) Spectroscopy. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2007, 433, 385– 389, DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.11.036Google Scholar36 charge transfer in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) processes using transient reflecting grating (TRG) spectroscopyShibamoto, Kohei; Katayama, Kenji; Sawada, TsuguoChemical Physics Letters (2007), 433 (4-6), 385-389CODEN: CHPLBC; ISSN:0009-2614. (Elsevier B.V.)Ultrafast dynamics was studied for photoexcited electrons between a SERS-active Au substrate and several kinds of adsorbed dyes by using TRG spectroscopy. A charge transfer (CT) within 200 fs between them was obsd. for a SERS-active sample and the no. of CT electrons had a strong correlation to both the relative adsorption energy states (AESs) of dyes and the enhancement factors of their SERS band. To increase the no. of CT electrons, the AESs should be closer to the excited energy state of Au. A larger no. of CT electrons are considered to make the enhancement of SERS band larger.
- 37Deegan, R. D.; Bakajin, O.; Dupont, T. F.; Huber, G.; Nagel, S. R.; Witten, T. A. Capillary Flow as the Cause of Ring Stains from Dried Liquid Drops. Nature 1997, 389, 827– 829, DOI: 10.1038/39827Google Scholar37 flow as the cause of ring stains from dried liquid dropsDeegan, Robert D.; Bakajin, Olgica; Dupont, Todd F.; Huber, Greg; Nagel, Sidney R.; Witten, Thomas A.Nature (London) (1997), 389 (6653), 827-829CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Macmillan Magazines)When a spilled drop of coffee dries on a solid surface, it leaves a dense, ring-like deposit along the perimeter. The coffee - initially dispersed over the entire drop - becomes concd. into a tiny fraction of it. Such ring deposits are common wherever drops contg. dispersed solids evap. on a surface, and they influence processes such as printing, washing and coating. Ring deposits also provide a potential means to write or deposit a fine pattern onto a surface. Here we ascribe the characteristic pattern of the deposition to a form of capillary flow in which pinning of the contact line of the drying drop ensures that liq. evapg. from the edge is replenished by liq. from the interior. The resulting outward flow can carry virtually all the dispersed material to the edge. This mechanism predicts a distinctive power-law growth of the ring mass with time - a law independent of the particular substrate, carrier fluid or deposited solids. We have verified this law by microscopic observations of colloidal fluids.
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- Kohei Shibamoto, Takashi Fujita. Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry with a Two-Dimensional Au Nanoparticle Array for Soft Ionization. ACS Omega 2024, 9
, 21822-21828.
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Figure 1
Figure 1. (a) Optical microscopy image of the lateral meniscus image formed by the SW method at 0 min from the start. Dotted circle indicates a contact line. (b) Optical microscopy image of the contact line in the initial evaporation process (0, 45, 75, and 105 min from the start). (c) Reflection microscopy image of the contact line at t = 45 min.
Figure 2
Figure 2. (a) SEM image at ×50 magnification of SW-substrate 1 on the Si wafer, which was prepared at a relative humidity of 60 ± 10% at 298 K. (b) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of SW-substrate 1. (c) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of SW-substrate 2, which was prepared at a relative humidity of 20 ± 5% at 298 K. These substrates were composed of spherical Au NPs (mean diameter: 60 nm). Corresponding FFT images and their brightness distribution are shown in the higher right and lower right, respectively.
Figure 3
Figure 3. (a) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of the OW-substrate on the Si wafer. (b) SEM image at ×20,000 magnification of the DD-substrate on Si wafer. These substrates were composed of spherical Au NPs (mean diameter: 60 nm). Corresponding FFT images and their brightness distribution are shown in the higher right and lower right, respectively.
Figure 4
Figure 4. Vis–NIR Extinction spectra of (a) SW-substrate 1, (b) OW-substrate, and (c) DD-substrate. These substrates were on glass slides. The dotted line indicates vis–NIR absorption spectra of spherical Au NP (mean diameter: 60 nm) colloidal solution, which was used for the preparation of these substrates.
Figure 5
Figure 5. (a) Raman spectra of CV adsorbed on SW-substrate 1 and (b) Raman spectra of CV crystals. 532 nm lines of Nd:YAG laser was employed as the excitation laser.
Figure 6
Figure 6. Normalized peak intensities of bands at (a) 1179 cm–1, (b) 1380 cm–1, and (c) 1621 cm–1 versus packing rates of four substrates. The mean value was normalized to 1 (dotted line). These peak intensities were obtained from different 25 spots in these substrates. (d) RSDs of SERS intensities at 1621 cm–1 versus packing rates of four substrates. The dotted line indicates the systematic error obtained from a silicon single crystal (100).
This article references 37 other publications.
- 1Mayer, K. M.; Hafner, J. H. Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors. Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 3828– 3857, DOI: 10.1021/cr100313v1 surface plasmon resonance sensorsMayer, Kathryn M.; Hafner, Jason H.Chemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2011), 111 (6), 3828-3857CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review. Topics include physics of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR); sensing with LSPR, effect of particle size, shape, and material; LSPR-based biol. and chem. sensors; technol. advances in LSPR sensing; maximizing the mol. detection sensitivity of LSPR; and future directions like mol. biol. or diagnostic tool application.
- 2Jiang, N.; Zhuo, X.; Wang, J. Active Plasmonics: Principles, Structures, and Applications. Chem. Rev. 2018, 118, 3054– 3099, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b002522 Plasmonics: Principles, Structures, and ApplicationsJiang, Nina; Zhuo, Xiaolu; Wang, JianfangChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2018), 118 (6), 3054-3099CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review. Active plasmonics is a burgeoning and challenging subfield of plasmonics. It exploits the active control of surface plasmon resonance. In this review, a first-ever in-depth description of the theor. relationship between surface plasmon resonance and its affecting factors, which forms the basis for active plasmon control, will be presented. Three categories of active plasmonic structures, consisting of plasmonic structures in tunable dielec. surroundings, plasmonic structures with tunable gap distances, and self-tunable plasmonic structures, will be proposed in terms of the modulation mechanism. The recent advances and current challenges for these three categories of active plasmonic structures will be discussed in detail. The flourishing development of active plasmonic structures opens access to new application fields. A significant part of this review will be devoted to the applications of active plasmonic structures in plasmonic sensing, tunable surface-enhanced Raman scattering, active plasmonic components, and electrochromic smart windows. This review will be concluded with a section on the future challenges and prospects for active plasmonics.
- 3Kleinman, S. L.; Frontiera, R. R.; Henry, A. I.; Dieringer, J. A.; Van Duyne, R. P. Creating, Characterizing, and Controlling Chemistry with SERS Hot Spots. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 21– 36, DOI: 10.1039/c2cp42598j3, characterizing, and controlling chemistry with SERS hot spotsKleinman, Samuel L.; Frontiera, Renee R.; Henry, Anne-Isabelle; Dieringer, Jon A.; Van Duyne, Richard P.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2013), 15 (1), 21-36CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)A review. In this perspective the roles of hot spots in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) are discussed. After giving background and defining the hot spot, the authors evaluate a variety of SERS substrates which often contain hot spots. The authors compare and discuss the differentiating properties of each substrate. The authors then provide a thorough anal. of the hot spot contribution to the obsd. SERS signal both in ensemble-averaged and single-mol. conditions. The authors also enumerate rules for detg. the SERS enhancement factor (EF) to clarify the use of this common metric. Finally, the authors present a forward-looking overview of applications and uses of hot spots for controlling chem. on the nanoscale. Although not exhaustive, this perspective is a review of some of the most interesting and promising methodologies for creating, controlling, and using hot spots for electromagnetic amplification.
- 4Sharma, B.; Frontiera, R. R.; Henry, A. I.; Ringe, E.; Van Duyne, R. P. SERS: Materials, Applications, and the Future. Mater. Today 2012, 15, 16– 25, DOI: 10.1016/S1369-7021(12)70017-24 Materials, applications, and the futureSharma, Bhavya; Frontiera, Renee R.; Henry, Anne-Isabelle; Ringe, Emilie; Van Duyne, Richard P.Materials Today (Oxford, United Kingdom) (2012), 15 (1-2), 16-25CODEN: MTOUAN; ISSN:1369-7021. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful vibrational spectroscopy technique that allows for highly sensitive structural detection of low concn. analytes through the amplification of electromagnetic fields generated by the excitation of localized surface plasmons. SERS has progressed from studies of model systems on roughened electrodes to highly sophisticated studies, such as single mol. spectroscopy. We summarize the current state of knowledge concerning the mechanism of SERS and new substrate materials. We highlight recent applications of SERS including sensing, spectroelectrochem., single mol. SERS, and real-world applications. We also discuss contributions to the field from the Van Duyne group. This review concludes with a discussion of future directions for this field including biol. probing with UV-SERS, tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, and ultrafast SERS.
- 5Huang, Z.; Zhang, A.; Zhang, Q.; Cui, D.; Nanomaterial-Based, S. E. R. S. Nanomaterial-Based SERS Sensing Technology for Biomedical Application. J. Mater. Chem. B 2019, 7, 3755– 3774, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB00666D5 SERS sensing technology for biomedical applicationHuang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Amin; Zhang, Qian; Cui, DaxiangJournal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine (2019), 7 (24), 3755-3774CODEN: JMCBDV; ISSN:2050-7518. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Over the past few years, nanomaterial-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection has emerged as a new exciting field in which theor. and exptl. studies of the structure and function of nanomaterials have become a focus. The importance of different dimensional nanomaterials has begun to be recognized, esp. in the fundamental development of SERS sensing detection for biomedical application. Great advances have been and are being made in different dimensional nanomaterial-based SERS technol. with enormous prospects in clin. medicine applications. Herein we review some of the main advances in this field over the past few years, explore the application prospects, and discuss the concepts, issues, approaches and challenges, with the aim of stimulating broader interest in developing nanomaterial-based SERS sensing applications for medical theranostics.
- 6Sackmann, M.; Materny, A. Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) – A Quantitative Analytical Tool?. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2006, 37, 305– 310, DOI: 10.1002/jrs.14436 enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) - a quantitative analytical tool?Sackmann, M.; Materny, A.Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2006), 37 (1-3), 305-310CODEN: JRSPAF; ISSN:0377-0486. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)Raman spectroscopy is a widely used anal. tool capable of providing valuable information about the chem. structure and compn. of mols. In order to detect substances also at a very low concn. levels, Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) was introduced. The different amplification mechanisms result in extreme sensitivity, however, a quant. use of SERS appears to be problematic. Esp., when deploying silver sols as SERS substrates, the reproducibility of the signal intensities for a given substance concn. is questionable. Exptl. results of an investigation of this problem for low concns. of adenine are presented. Comparison with results obtained for different SERS substrates by other authors reveals clearly different dependencies. Only in a very limited concn. range reproducible and therefore quant. utilizable data could be obtained.
- 7De Rosa, C.; Auriemma, F.; Diletto, C.; Di Girolamo, R.; Malafronte, A.; Morvillo, P.; Zito, T.; Rusciano, G.; Pesce, G.; Sasso, A. Toward hyperuniform disordered plasmonic nanostructures for reproducible surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 8061– 8069, DOI: 10.1039/c4cp06024e7 hyperuniform disordered plasmonic nanostructures for reproducible surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyDe Rosa, C.; Auriemma, F.; Diletto, C.; Di Girolamo, R.; Malafronte, A.; Morvillo, P.; Zito, G.; Rusciano, G.; Pesce, G.; Sasso, A.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2015), 17 (12), 8061-8069CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)The authors report on the self-assembling of clusters of Au-nanoparticles (Au-NPs) directed by the phase sepn. of poly(styrene)-b-poly(methylmethacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) block-copolymer (BCP) on In Sn oxide coated glass, which induces the onset of vertical lamellar domains. After thermal evapn. of Au on BCP, Au-NPs of 4 nm are selectively included into PS-nanodomains by thermal annealing, and then clustered with large d. of hot spots (> 104 μm2) in a random 2-dimensional pattern. The resulting nanostructure exhibits near-hyperuniform long-range correlations. The consequent large degree of homogeneity of this isotropic plasmonic pattern gives rise to a highly reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) enhancement factor over the centimeter scale (std. dev. ∼10% over 0.25 cm2). The authors also discuss the application of a static elec. field for modulating the BCP host morphol. The elec. field induces an alignment of Au-NP clusters into ordered linear chains, exhibiting a stronger SERS activity, but reduced SERS spatial reproducibility.
- 8Le Ru, E. C.; Etchegoin, P. G.; Grand, J.; Félidj, N.; Aubard, J.; Lévi, G.; Hohenau, A.; Krenn, J. R. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on Nanolithography-Prepared Substrates. Curr. Appl. Phys. 2008, 8, 467– 470, DOI: 10.1016/j.cap.2007.10.073There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Das, G.; Mecarini, F.; Gentile, F.; De Angelis, F.; Mohan Kumar, M.; Candeloro, P.; Liberale, C.; Cuda, G.; Di Fabrizio, E. Nano-patterned SERS substrate: Application for protein analysis vs. temperature. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2009, 24, 1693– 1699, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2008.08.0509 SERS substrate: application for protein analysis vs. temperatureDas, Gobind; Mecarini, Federico; Gentile, Francesco; De Angelis, Francesco; Mohan, Kumar H. G.; Candeloro, Patrizio; Liberale, Carlo; Cuda, Giovanni; Di Fabrizio, EnzoBiosensors & Bioelectronics (2009), 24 (6), 1693-1699CODEN: BBIOE4; ISSN:0956-5663. (Elsevier B.V.)The authors have illustrated the fabrication of nano-structures as a surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate using electro-plating and electron-beam lithog. techniques to obtain an array of gold nanograin-aggregate structures of diam. ranging between 80 and 100 nm with interstitial gap of 10-30 nm. The nanostructure based SERS substrate permits us to have better control and reproducibility on generation of plasmon polaritons. The calcn. shows the possible detection of myoglobin concn. down to attomole. This SERS substrate is used to investigate the structural changes of different proteins; lysozyme, RNase-B, bovine serum albumin and myoglobin in the temp. range between -65° and 90°. The in-depth anal. even for small conformational changes is performed using 2D Raman correlation anal. and difference Raman anal. to gain straightforward understanding of proteins undergoing thermodynamical perturbation.
- 10Reincke, F.; Hickey, S. G.; Kegel, W. K.; Vanmaekelbergh, D. Spontaneous Assembly of a Monolayer of Charged Gold Nanocrystals at the Water/Oil Interface. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2004, 43, 458– 462, DOI: 10.1002/anie.20035233910 assembly of a monolayer of charged gold nanocrystals at the water/oil interfaceReincke Francois; Hickey Stephen G; Kegel Willem K; Vanmaekelbergh DanielAngewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) (2004), 43 (4), 458-62 ISSN:1433-7851.There is no expanded citation for this reference.
- 11Pienpinijtham, P.; Han, X. X.; Ekgasit, S.; Ozaki, Y. An Ionic Surfactant-Mediated Langmuir – Blodgett Method to Construct Gold Nanoparticle Films for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2012, 14, 10132– 10139, DOI: 10.1039/c2cp41419h11 ionic surfactant-mediated Langmuir-Blodgett method to construct gold nanoparticle films for surface-enhanced Raman scatteringPienpinijtham, Prompong; Han, Xiao Xia; Ekgasit, Sanong; Ozaki, YukihiroPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2012), 14 (29), 10132-10139CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)A gold nanoparticle film for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) was successfully constructed by an ionic surfactant-mediated Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. The gold film was formed by adding ethanol to a gold colloid/hexane mixt. in the presence of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB). Consequently, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) assembled at the water/hexane interface due to the decrease in surface charge d. of AuNPs. Since DTAB binds the gold surface by a Coulombic force, rather than a chem. bonding, it is easily replaced by target mols. for SERS purposes. The SERS enhancement factor of the 80 nm gold nanoparticle film was approx. 1.2 × 106 using crystal violet (CV) as a Raman dye. The SERS signal from the proposed DTAB-mediated film was approx. 10 times higher than that from the octanethiol-modified gold film, while the reproducibility and stability of this film compared to an octanethiol-modified film were similar. This method can also be applied to other metal nanostructures to fabricate metal films for use as a sensitive SERS substrate with a higher enhancement factor.
- 12Guo, Q.; Xu, M.; Yuan, Y.; Gu, R.; Yao, J. Self-Assembled Large-Scale Monolayer of Au Nanoparticles at the Air/Water Interface Used as a SERS Substrate. Langmuir 2016, 32, 4530– 4537, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b0439312 Large-Scale Monolayer of Au Nanoparticles at the Air/Water Interface Used as a SERS SubstrateGuo, Qinghua; Xu, Minmin; Yuan, Yaxian; Gu, Renao; Yao, JianlinLangmuir (2016), 32 (18), 4530-4537CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)A facial approach for fabricating a monolayer film of Au nanoparticles is reported. Using the surfactant polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), a large-scale monolayer film of well-ordered, uniform-sized Au nanoparticles was fabricated at the air/water interface. The film exhibited a two-dimensional (2D) hcp. (HCP) structure having interparticle gaps smaller than 2 nm. These gaps generated numerous uniform "hot spots" for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity. The as-prepd. monolayer film could be transferred to a solid substrate for use as a suitable SERS substrate with high activity, high uniformity, and high stability. The low spot-to-spot and substrate-to-substrate variations of intensity ( < 10%), the large surface enhancement factor (∼106), and the high stability (∼45 days) make the substrate suitable for SERS measurements. Transfer of the monolayer film onto a glassy carbon electrode produced an Au electrode with clean, well-defined nanostructure suitable for electrochem. SERS measurements. The adsorption process of ionic liqs. on the electrode with the monolayer film is similar to that on bulk metal electrodes. The present strategy provides an effective way for self-assembly of Au nanoparticles into well-defined nanostructures that may form optimal reproducible SERS substrates for quant. anal. It also provides an electrode with clean, well-defined nanostructure for electrochem. investigations.
- 13Liu, D.; Li, C.; Zhou, F.; Zhang, T.; Liu, G.; Cai, W.; Li, Y. Capillary Gradient-Induced Self-Assembly of Periodic Au Spherical Nanoparticle Arrays on an Ultralarge Scale via a Bisolvent System at Air/Water Interface. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 4, 1600976, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201600976There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 14Liu, S.; Zhu, T.; Hu, R.; Liu, Z. Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles into a Highly Organized Two-Dimensional Array. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2002, 4, 6059– 6062, DOI: 10.1039/b208520h14 self-assembly of gold nanoparticles into a highly organized two-dimensional arrayLiu, Shantang; Zhu, Tao; Hu, Ruisheng; Liu, ZhongfanPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2002), 4 (24), 6059-6062CODEN: PPCPFQ; ISSN:1463-9076. (Royal Society of Chemistry)This paper provides a convenient and simple method for fabricating a self-organized two-dimensional (2D) array of gold nanoparticles on a silicon substrate. The silicon substrate, modified with an aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) monolayer, was first exposed to a gold colloidal suspension to deposit the gold particles and form a submonolayer of gold nanoparticles. This was followed by treatment with an alkanethiol soln., and then this randomly scattered submonolayer of nanosized gold particles on the silicon substrate was organized into small patches of 2D nanoparticle aggregates. Finally an alc. solvent was used to drive these small patches of gold nanoparticle aggregates to self-organize together and form continuous ordered arrays on the silicon surface. The SEM images of the samples show that ordered two-dimensional arrays of gold nanoparticles are formed over a very large area and that the nanoparticles are highly organized and formed hexagonally closed packed structured arrays. This highly organized structure of gold nanoparticles can be reproduced over a large area by these effective procedures. Therefore, it is believed such procedures hold promise as an advanced new approach to construct ordered mesoscopic structural materials or for the controlled self-assembly of nanoparticles and could provide the possibility of detecting the collective phys. properties of the ensemble.
- 15Yang, G.; Nanda, J.; Wang, B.; Chen, G.; Hallinan, D. T., Jr. Self-Assembly of Large Gold nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 13457– 13470, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b0112115 of Large Gold Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyYang, Guang; Nanda, Jagjit; Wang, Boya; Chen, Gang; Hallinan, Daniel T.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2017), 9 (15), 13457-13470CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Performance of portable technologies from mobile phones to elec. vehicles is currently limited by the energy d. and lifetime of lithium batteries. Expanding the limits of battery technol. requires in situ detection of trace components at electrode-electrolyte interphases. Surface-enhance Raman spectroscopy could satisfy this need if a robust and reproducible substrate were available. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) larger than 20 nm diam. are expected to greatly enhance Raman intensity if they can be assembled into ordered monolayers. A three-phase self-assembly method is presented that successfully results in ordered Au NP monolayers for particle diams. ranging from 13 to 90 nm. The monolayer structure and Raman enhancement factors (EFs) are reported for a model analyte, rhodamine, as well as the best performing polymer electrolyte salt, lithium bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide. Exptl. EFs for the most part correlate with predictions based on monolayer geometry and with numerical simulations that identify local electromagnetic field enhancements. The EFs for the best performing Au NP monolayer are between 106 and 108 and give quant. signal response when analyte concn. is changed.
- 16Israelachvili, J. N.; Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 3rd ed.; Academic Press, 2011.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Njoki, P. N.; Lim, I. S.; Mott, D.; Park, H.; Khan, B.; Mishra, S.; Sujakumar, R.; Luo, J.; Zhong, C. Size Correlation of Optical and Spectroscopic Properties for Gold Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 14664– 14669, DOI: 10.1021/jp074902z17 Correlation of Optical and Spectroscopic Properties for Gold NanoparticlesNjoki, Peter N.; Lim, I-Im S.; Mott, Derrick; Park, Hye-Young; Khan, Bilal; Mishra, Suprav; Sujakumar, Ravishanker; Luo, Jin; Zhong, Chuan-JianJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2007), 111 (40), 14664-14669CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)While the optical and spectroscopic properties of Au nanoparticles are widely used for chem., bioanal., and biomedical applications, the study of the size correlation with these properties for nanoparticles in solns. is rather limited. This paper describes the results of a systematic study of such a correlation for Au nanoparticles with diams. ranging from 10 to 100 nm in aq. solns. The high monodispersity of these nanoparticles permitted a meaningful correlation of the particle size with the surface plasmon (SP) resonance band properties and the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopic properties. This correlation is compared to the results from the simulation based on Mie theory. The close agreement between the exptl. and the theor. results provides insight into the validity of detg. the wavelength of the SP resonance band as a measure of the particle size. The size correlation with the SERS intensity from the adsorption of 4-mercaptobenzoic acid on the nanoparticles in aq. solns. reveals the existence of a crit. size of the nanoparticles in the soln. beyond which the particle-particle interaction is operative and responsible for the SERS effect. These findings serve as the basis of size correlations for exploiting the optical and spectroscopic properties of Au nanoparticles of different sizes in aq. solns. in anal. or bioanal. applications.
- 18Zhang, P.; Li, Y.; Wang, D.; Xia, H. High–Yield Production of Uniform Gold Nanoparticles with Sizes from 31 to 577 nm via One-Pot Seeded Growth and Size-Dependent SERS Property. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2016, 33, 924– 932, DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.20160018818 Production of Uniform Gold Nanoparticles with Sizes from 31 to 577 nm via One-Pot Seeded Growth and Size-Dependent SERS PropertyZhang, Peina; Li, Yijing; Wang, Dayang; Xia, HaibingParticle & Particle Systems Characterization (2016), 33 (12), 924-932CODEN: PPCHEZ; ISSN:1521-4117. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)In this work, uniform, quasi-spherical gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) with sizes of 31-577 nm are prepd. via one-pot seeded growth with the aid of tris-base (TB). Distinct from the seeded growth methods available in literature, the present method can be simply implemented by subsequently adding the aq. dispersion of the 17 nm Au-NP seeds and the aq. soln. of HAuCl4 into the boiling aq. TB soln. It is found that at the optimal pH range, the sizes of the final Au NPs and their concns. are simply controlled by either the particle no. of the Au seed dispersion or the concn. of the HAuCl4 soln., while the latter enables us to produce large Au NPs at very high concn. Moreover, as-prepd. Au NPs of various sizes are coated on glass substrates to test their surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activities by using 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) mols. as probes, which exhibit "volcano type" dependence on the Au NP sizes at fixed excitation wavelength. Furthermore, the Au NPs with sizes of ≈97 and 408 nm exhibit the largest SERS enhancement at the excitation wavelength of 633 and 785 nm, resp.
- 19Park, Y. K.; Yoo, S. H.; Park, S. Assembly of Highly Ordered Nanoparticle Monolayers at a Water/Hexane Interface. Langmuir 2007, 23, 10505– 10510, DOI: 10.1021/la701445a19 of Highly Ordered Nanoparticle Monolayers at a Water/Hexane InterfacePark, Yong-Kyun; Yoo, Sang-Hoon; Park, SunghoLangmuir (2007), 23 (21), 10505-10510CODEN: LANGD5; ISSN:0743-7463. (American Chemical Society)This paper reports a methodol. for prepg. ordering hydrophilic metal nanoparticles into close-packed 2-dimensional arrays at a hexane-water interface with alkanethiol in the hexane layer. The destabilization of metal nanoparticles by the addn. of alc. caused the nanoparticles to adsorb to an interface where the surface of entrapped Au nanoparticle was in situ coated with the long-chain alkanethiols present in a hexane layer. The adsorption of alkanethiol to the nanoparticle surface caused the conversion of the electrostatic repulsive force to a van der Waals interaction, which is a key feature in forming highly ordered close-packed nanoparticle arrays.
- 20Kim, B.; Tripp, S. L.; Wei, A. Self-Organization of Large Gold Nanoparticle Arrays. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 7955– 7956, DOI: 10.1021/ja016034420 of large gold nanoparticle arraysKim, Beomseok; Tripp, Steven L.; Wei, AlexanderJournal of the American Chemical Society (2001), 123 (32), 7955-7956CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)Conditions are described that enable large (16-170 nm) Au particles to self-organize at an air-water interface into monoparticulate films which can be subsequently transferred onto substrates as 2D hcp. arrays. The surfactant chosen was resorcinarene tetrathiol which is ideal for promoting the formation of the arrays with periodicities >170 nm. The self-assembly of large Au particles was achieved with structural precision and has excellent potential for the fabrication of nanostructured films with tunable optical and optoelectronic properties. The large Au nanoparticle arrays are esp. promising as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).
- 21Ishida, T.; Tachikiri, Y.; Sako, T.; Takahashi, Y.; Yamada, S. Structural Characterization and Plasmonic Properties of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Hydrophobic Large Gold Nanoparticles Fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett Technique. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 404, 350– 356, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.01.30421 characterization and plasmonic properties of two-dimensional arrays of hydrophobic large gold nanoparticles fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett techniqueIshida, Takuya; Tachikiri, Yuki; Sako, Takayuki; Takahashi, Yukina; Yamada, SunaoApplied Surface Science (2017), 404 (), 350-356CODEN: ASUSEE; ISSN:0169-4332. (Elsevier B.V.)The authors have succeeded in fabricating two-dimensional (2D) arrays of larger gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) (diams. 17, 28, and 48 nm) by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method. Although the particle size of AuNPs is one of the most important factors to control the optical properties of 2D arrays, there have been reported only the size of .ltorsim.20 nm. This is a first report on the bottom-up fabrication of 2D arrays consisting of hydrophobic AuNP with the diam. of ∼50 nm, of which the size is expected to obtain max. near-field effects. Octadecylthiolate-capped AuNPs (ODT-AuNPs) which were prepd. by the authors' method could be re-dispersed in chloroform even after drying completely, realizing the spreading of the colloidal chloroform soln. onto the water surface. Accordingly, densely-packed 2D LB films of ODT-AuNPs could be fabricated on an indium-tin-oxide substrate, when water as the subphase and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as an amphiphilic agent were used. PEG played an important role to form a densely packed film uniformly due to increasing affinity between hydrophobic AuNP and water. Absorption spectra of the films revealed that the resonance wavelengths of plasmon oscillation through interparticle plasmon coupling were clearly correlated with the particle sizes rather than deposition densities.
- 22Wang, H.; Levin, C. S.; Halas, N. J. Nanosphere Arrays with Controlled Sub-10-Nm Gaps as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 14992– 14993, DOI: 10.1021/ja055633y22 Arrays with Controlled Sub-10-nm Gaps as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy SubstratesWang, Hui; Levin, Carly J.; Halas, Naomi J.Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127 (43), 14992-14993CODEN: JACSAT; ISSN:0002-7863. (American Chemical Society)We demonstrate a convenient and cost-effective chem. approach for fabricating highly ordered Au nanoparticle arrays with sub-10-nm interparticle gaps. Near-field enhancements inside the interparticle gaps create uniform periodic arrays of well-defined "hot spots" exploitable for large surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) enhancements. A cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) bilayer surrounding each individual nanoparticle upon array crystn. is responsible for this periodic gap structure; displacement of the CTAB by smaller thiolated mols. does not affect the structural integrity of the arrays. As SERS substrates, the as-fabricated Au nanoparticle arrays exhibit high SERS sensitivity, long-term stability, and consistent reproducibility.
- 23Wei, A.; Kim, B.; Pusztay, S. V.; Tripp, S. L.; Balasubramanian, R. Resorcinarene-Encapsulated Nanoparticles Building Blocks Self-Assembled Nanostructures. J. Inclusion Phenom. 2001, 41. DOI: DOI: 10.1023/A:1014472212238There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Smith, S. R.; Lipkowski, J. Guided Assembly of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles on a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode for Electrochemical Surface- Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 7303– 7311, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b0130924 Assembly of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles on a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode for Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopySmith, Scott R.; Lipkowski, JacekJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2018), 122 (13), 7303-7311CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)Development of a reproducible two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) through a guided assembly approach and sequentially using an electrochem. cleaning procedure to remove all capping ligands and surface contaminants for studying gluconate, a weak Raman scatterer, with electrochem. surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is discussed. Here, a unique use of shell-isolated nanoparticles (NPs) is presented by employing a thin-cell configuration during NP deposition to obtain a highly reproducible monolayer of AuNPs with spacing by 2× the SiO2 shell thickness. Upon SiO2 dissoln. and electrochem. cleaning, a well-ordered arrangement of bare AuNPs was achieved. The SERS active electrode modified with NP arrays was used for the characterization of gluconate adsorption. Enhanced spot-to-spot reproducibility of the SERS signal was achieved, allowing for significant redn. in the acquisition time needed for recording SERS spectra and investigation of gluconate adsorption on gold surfaces at short times. The results collected suggest that gluconate has undergone some electrooxidn. but remains well-hydrated in the interfacial region.
- 25Shibamoto, K.; Yasumuro, S.; Horiuchi, K.; Teraoka, T.; Fujita, T. Study of Two-dimensional Highly-ordering of Gold Nanoparticles for an Optical Sensor Using Surface Plasmon Excitation as an Assistance Effect. Bunseki Kagaku 2014, 63, 293– 298, DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.63.29325 of two-dimensional highly-ordering of gold nanoparticles for an optical sensor using surface plasmon excitation as an assistance effectShibamoto, Kohei; Yasumuro, Syunsuke; Horiuchi, Kentaro; Teraoka, Takuma; Fujita, TakashiBunseki Kagaku (2014), 63 (4), 293-298CODEN: BNSKAK; ISSN:0525-1931. (Nippon Bunseki Kagakkai)The authors succeeded to fabricate a two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles with high-ordering by using the surface plasmon excitation of gold nanoparticles for enhancing the repulsive force and controlling the aggregation through the process of fabrication. From SEM observations and spectroscopic measurements, we evaluated the order of the two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles while taking account of particle isolation. Moreover, the high-ordering of the two-dimensional array provides higher sensitivity and higher reproducibility of Raman measurements. From these results, it is expected that the fabricated two-dimensional array of gold nanoparticles will lead to applications for a mol. sensor.
- 26Shibamoto, K.; Kitajima, M.; Mohammad, K. H.; Patent, K. I. Fabrication of single layer array structure of surface unmodified metal nanoparticles. JP 4900550 B2, 2012.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Hentschel, M.; Dregely, D.; Vogelgesang, R.; Giessen, H.; Liu, N. Plasmonic Oligomers: The Role of Individual Particles in Collective Behavior. ACS Nano 2011, 5, 2042– 2050, DOI: 10.1021/nn103172t27 Oligomers: The Role of Individual Particles in Collective BehaviorHentschel, Mario; Dregely, Daniel; Vogelgesang, Ralf; Giessen, Harald; Liu, NaACS Nano (2011), 5 (3), 2042-2050CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)A comprehensive exptl. study is presented of the optical properties of plasmonic oligomers. Both the constitution and configuration of plasmonic oligomers have a large influence on their resonant behavior, which draws a compelling analogy to mol. theory in chem. To elucidate the constitution influence, the size of individual nanoparticles were varied and the role identified of the target nanoparticle from the spectral change. To illustrate the configuration influence, the positions and nos. of nanoparticles in a plasmonic oligomer was varied. A large spectral red shift at the transition from displaced nanoparticles to touching ones was demonstrate exptl. The oligomeric design strategy opens up a rich pathway for the implementation of optimized optical properties into complex plasmonic nanostructures for specific applications.
- 28Kneipp, K.; Kneipp, H.; Itzkan, I.; Dasari, R. R.; Feld, M. S. Single Molecule Detection Using near Infrared Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Single Molecule Spectroscopy; Series in Chemical Physics; Springer, 2001; pp 144– 160.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Jiang, J. D.; Burstein, E.; Kobayashi, H. Resonant Raman Scattering by Crystal-Violet Molecules Adsorbed on a Smooth Gold Surface: Evidence for a Charge-Transfer Excitation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1986, 57, 1793– 1796, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.179329 Raman scattering by crystal-violet molecules adsorbed on a smooth gold surface: evidence for a charge-transfer excitationJiang, J. D.; Burstein, E.; Kobayashi, H.Physical Review Letters (1986), 57 (14), 1793-6CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.Measurements are reported of excitation-profile spectra for Raman scattering from the central-C breathing mode of crystal violet adsorbed on a smooth Au surface. For polarization configurations that involve the xx (or yy) component of the Raman tensor, the spectra exhibit a resonance peak corresponding to the 1st singlet π-π* electronic excitation of adsorbed crystal-violet ions. The spectrum for the zz component does not exhibit this feature, but rather exhibits a steadily increasing scattering intensity with wavelength, that is attributed to an intermol. charge-transfer electronic excitation.
- 30Cañamares, M. V.; Chenal, C.; Birke, R. L.; Lombardi, J. R. DFT, SERS, and Single-Molecule SERS of Crystal Violet. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 20295– 20300, DOI: 10.1021/jp807807jThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Shibamoto, K.; Sakata, K.; Nagoshi, K.; Korenaga, T. Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry by Using Surface Plasmon Excitation on Gold Nanoparticle. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 17774– 17779, DOI: 10.1021/jp902043231 Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry by Using Surface Plasmon Excitation on Gold NanoparticleShibamoto, K.; Sakata, K.; Nagoshi, K.; Korenaga, T.Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2009), 113 (41), 17774-17779CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)The authors show development of a laser desorption/ionization (LDI) method with ultrahigh sensitivity by adding Au nanoparticles with a diam. of several tens of nanometers into a sample soln. The authors succeeded in detection of an ultratrace amt. of sample mols., which is less than several hundred zeptomoles. Probably the charge interaction based on surface plasmon (SP) excitation is very effective for ultrahigh sensitivity in LDI method.
- 32Vinod, M.; Gopchandran, K. G. Au, Ag and Au:Ag Colloidal Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation as SERS Substrates. Prog. Nat. Sci.: Mater. Int. 2014, 24, 569– 578, DOI: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2014.10.00332, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation as SERS substratesVinod, M.; Gopchandran, K. G.Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (2014), 24 (6), 569-578CODEN: PNSMBB ISSN:. (Elsevier B.V.)CP colloidal suspensions of gold and silver nanoparticles were synthesized using pulsed laser ablation. The dependence of laser fluence on the surface plasmon characteristics of the nanoparticles was investigated. Au:Ag colloidal suspensions were prepd. by mixing highly monodisperse Au and Ag nanocolloids. The plasmon band of these mixts. was found to be highly sensitive to Au:Ag concn. ratio and wavelength of the laser beam used in the ablation process. The Au:Ag mixt. consists of almost spherical shaped nanostructures with a tendency to join with adjacent ones. The surface enhanced Raman scattering activity of the Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal suspensions was tested using crystal violet as probe mols. Enhancement in Raman signal obtained with Au:Ag substrates was found to be promising and strongly depends on its plasmon characteristics.
- 33Lin, S.; Lin, X.; Song, X.; Han, S.; Wang, L.; Hasi, W. Fabrication of Flexible Paper - Based Surface - Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate from Au Nanocubes Monolayer for Trace Detection of Crystal Violet on Shell. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2019, 50, 1074– 1084, DOI: 10.1002/jrs.562033 of flexible paper-based Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate from Au nanocubes monolayer for trace detection of crystal violet on shellLin, Shuang; Lin, Xiang; Song, Xueying; Han, Siqingaowa; Wang, Li; Hasi, WulijiJournal of Raman Spectroscopy (2019), 50 (8), 1074-1084CODEN: JRSPAF; ISSN:0377-0486. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate is the key to SERS technol. and it is still a basic focus to fabricate desirable SERS substrates offering multiple advantages of strong Raman enhancement and good reproducibility and portability. A flexible paper-based SERS substrate were fabricated involving the use of Au nanocubes (NCs) monolayer. Au NCs were generated with tunable size in the range of 24 to 63 nm through seed-mediated growth method. The effect of support on SERS properties of Au NCs-assembled monolayer was systemically explored. As a result, more excellent SERS performance could be obtained by assembling Au NCs on the filter paper. Besides, the influence of Au NCs' size on SERS-enhanced effect of paper-based substrate was also investigated. Our results clearly indicated that paper-based substrate with 39 nm Au NCs possessed the optimal SERS enhancement. This SERS substrate exhibited high sensitivity with enhancement factor (EF) up to 9.75 ×107 and demonstrated good uniformity and time stability. Furthermore, based on this superior paper-based SERS substrate with advantage of powerful sample extn. performance, the measurement of crystal violet (CV) on shell surface were successfully carried out with detection limit down to 2.17 × 10-7 M. And linear quantification were achieved in the range from 5 × 10-5 to 5 × 10-7 M. To sum up, the as-prepd. SERS substrate is applicable for on-site detection and anal. of CV on various shell surfaces.
- 34Kneipp, K.; Kneipp, H.; Itzkan, I.; Dasari, R. R.; Feld, M. S. Ultrasensitive Chemical Analysis by Raman Spectroscopy. Chem. Rev. 1999, 99, 2957– 2976, DOI: 10.1021/cr980133r34 chemical analysis by Raman spectroscopyKneipp, Katrin; Kneipp, Harald; Itzkan, Irving; Dasari, Ramachandra R.; Feld, Michael S.Chemical Reviews (Washington, D. C.) (1999), 99 (10), 2957-2975CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review with 133 refs. is given on surface-enhanced Raman scattering, single-mol. Raman spectroscopy, crit. anal. and prospects of single-mol. Raman spectroscopy.
- 35Shibamoto, K.; Katayama, K.; Sawada, T. Fundamental Processes of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Detected by Transient Reflecting Grating Spectroscopy. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 2003, 158, 105– 110, DOI: 10.1016/S1010-6030(03)00023-635 processes of surface enhanced Raman scattering detected by transient reflecting grating spectroscopyShibamoto, Kohei; Katayama, Kenji; Sawada, TsuguoJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry (2003), 158 (2-3), 105-110CODEN: JPPCEJ; ISSN:1010-6030. (Elsevier Science B.V.)Ultrafast charge transfer (CT) between gold and crystal violet (CV) mols. in relation with the surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activation was investigated using the transient reflecting grating (TRG) spectroscopic method. A charge transfer between gold and crystal violet was obsd. only for the SERS-active substrate and it occurred within 200 fs. Since the adsorbed dyes had electronic overlap with the metal substrate at the point of central carbon, considering the difference of the Raman spectra between adsorbed and free dyes, it was suggested that the charge transfer occurred through the central carbon of crystal violet. Furthermore, it was shown that the surface morphol. of the substrates is in close correlation with the charge transfer process from its dependence on the prepn. method of substrates.
- 36Shibamoto, K.; Katayama, K.; Sawada, T. Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Processes Using Transient Reflecting Grating (TRG) Spectroscopy. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2007, 433, 385– 389, DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.11.03636 charge transfer in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) processes using transient reflecting grating (TRG) spectroscopyShibamoto, Kohei; Katayama, Kenji; Sawada, TsuguoChemical Physics Letters (2007), 433 (4-6), 385-389CODEN: CHPLBC; ISSN:0009-2614. (Elsevier B.V.)Ultrafast dynamics was studied for photoexcited electrons between a SERS-active Au substrate and several kinds of adsorbed dyes by using TRG spectroscopy. A charge transfer (CT) within 200 fs between them was obsd. for a SERS-active sample and the no. of CT electrons had a strong correlation to both the relative adsorption energy states (AESs) of dyes and the enhancement factors of their SERS band. To increase the no. of CT electrons, the AESs should be closer to the excited energy state of Au. A larger no. of CT electrons are considered to make the enhancement of SERS band larger.
- 37Deegan, R. D.; Bakajin, O.; Dupont, T. F.; Huber, G.; Nagel, S. R.; Witten, T. A. Capillary Flow as the Cause of Ring Stains from Dried Liquid Drops. Nature 1997, 389, 827– 829, DOI: 10.1038/3982737 flow as the cause of ring stains from dried liquid dropsDeegan, Robert D.; Bakajin, Olgica; Dupont, Todd F.; Huber, Greg; Nagel, Sidney R.; Witten, Thomas A.Nature (London) (1997), 389 (6653), 827-829CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Macmillan Magazines)When a spilled drop of coffee dries on a solid surface, it leaves a dense, ring-like deposit along the perimeter. The coffee - initially dispersed over the entire drop - becomes concd. into a tiny fraction of it. Such ring deposits are common wherever drops contg. dispersed solids evap. on a surface, and they influence processes such as printing, washing and coating. Ring deposits also provide a potential means to write or deposit a fine pattern onto a surface. Here we ascribe the characteristic pattern of the deposition to a form of capillary flow in which pinning of the contact line of the drying drop ensures that liq. evapg. from the edge is replenished by liq. from the interior. The resulting outward flow can carry virtually all the dispersed material to the edge. This mechanism predicts a distinctive power-law growth of the ring mass with time - a law independent of the particular substrate, carrier fluid or deposited solids. We have verified this law by microscopic observations of colloidal fluids.
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SEM images of SW substrates, dependence of Raman peak intensity on the dipping time, and literature data for SERS substrates using Au NPs (DOCX)
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