Purcell Enhancement and Wavelength Shift of Emitted Light by CsPbI3 Perovskite Nanocrystals Coupled to Hyperbolic MetamaterialsClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
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- Sergio I. MolinaSergio I. MolinaDepartamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e IM y QI. F. Ciencias, IMEYMAT, Campus Rı́o San Pedro, Universidad de Cádiz, 11510 Puerto Real (Cádiz), SpainMore by Sergio I. Molina
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- Juan P. Martínez-Pastor*Juan P. Martínez-Pastor*(J.P.M.P.) E-mail: [email protected]Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (ICMUV), Universidad de Valencia, C/Catedrático José Beltrán 2, 46980 Paterna, SpainMore by Juan P. Martínez-Pastor
Manipulation of the exciton emission rate in nanocrystals of lead halide perovskites (LHPs) was demonstrated by means of coupling of excitons with a hyperbolic metamaterial (HMM) consisting of alternating thin metal (Ag) and dielectric (LiF) layers. Such a coupling is found to induce an increase of the exciton radiative recombination rate by more than a factor of three due to the Purcell effect when the distance between the quantum emitter and HMM is nominally as small as 10 nm, which coincides well with the results of our theoretical analysis. Besides, an effect of the coupling-induced long wavelength shift of the exciton emission spectrum is detected and modeled. These results can be of interest for quantum information applications of single emitters on the basis of perovskite nanocrystals with high photon emission rates.
Experimental Details and Methods
Synthesis of CsPbI3 Nanocrystals
Results and Discussion
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01219.
(1) Details of another HMM structure with 50% filling factor of metal. (2) The delayed luminescence in perovskite nanocrystals and effect on Purcell factor. (3) Additional experimental results in the HMM structure with 42% filling factor of metal. (4) Purcell factor of the HMM structures as a function of wavelength and spacer thickness (PDF)
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Financial support from Spanish MINECO through Projects No. TEC2017-86102-C2-1-R and TEC2017-86102-C2-2-R, the European Research Council (ERC) via Consolidator Grant (724424-No-LIMIT), the Generalitat Valenciana via Prometeo Grant Q-Devices (Prometeo/2018/098), the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme, and the Junta de Andalucı́a (FEDER-UCA18-106586 and TEP946 INNANOMAT research group) are gratefully acknowledged. S.G. acknowledges her “Grisolia” grant from Generalitat Valenciana. M.dlM. acknowledges financial support from MICINN (IJCI-2017-31507).
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- 19Shin, S. S.; Suk, J. H.; Kang, B. J.; Yin, W.; Lee, S. J.; Noh, J. H.; Ahn, T. K.; Rotermund, F.; Cho, I. S.; Seok, S. I. Energy-level engineering of the electron transporting layer for improving open-circuit voltage in dye and perovskite-based solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 958– 964, DOI: 10.1039/C8EE03672AGoogle Scholar19https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXjt1eqtbY%253D&md5=1fccd502ca28880bff9cef277edadadbEnergy-level engineering of the electron transporting layer for improving open-circuit voltage in dye and perovskite-based solar cellsShin, Seong Sik; Suk, Jae Ho; Kang, Bong Joo; Yin, Wenping; Lee, Seon Joo; Noh, Jun Hong; Ahn, Tae Kyu; Rotermund, Fabian; Cho, In Sun; Seok, Sang IlEnergy & Environmental Science (2019), 12 (3), 958-964CODEN: EESNBY; ISSN:1754-5706. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Next-generation solar cells, such as dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and perovskite solar cells (PSCs), are fabricated in a configuration where light absorbers are located between the electron transporting layer (ETL) and the hole transporting layer (HTM). Although the most efficient DSSCs and PSCs have been fabricated using TiO2 as the ETL, TiO2 exhibits inherently low electron mobility with difficulty controlling the energy levels (i.e., conduction and valence bands) as it possesses a single phase of two components. Here, we report the synthesis of Sr-substituted BaSnO3 (BSSO) by a low-temp. soln. process as a new alternative to TiO2 for both PSCs and DSSCs. The energy-level tailoring by Sr incorporation into BaSnO3 minimizes the open-circuit voltage (VOC) loss at the interfaces of ETL/perovskite and ETL/electrolyte in the PSCs and DSSCs, thereby leading to an improved VOC from 0.65 to 0.72 V in DSSC and 1.07 to 1.13 V in PSCs. Addnl., the BSSO ETL-based PSC shows improved photostability compared to the TiO2 analog. Our results show that energy-level tuned BSSO can be applied as a universal ETL for improving efficiency in both PSCs and DSSCs.
- 20Protesescu, L.; Yakunin, S.; Bodnarchuk, M. I.; Krieg, F.; Caputo, R.; Hendon, C. H.; Yang, R. X.; Walsh, A.; Kovalenko, M. V. Nanocrystals of cesium lead halide perovskites (CsPbX3, X= Cl, Br, and I): novel optoelectronic materials showing bright emission with wide color gamut. Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 3692– 3696, DOI: 10.1021/nl5048779Google Scholar20https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXhvVOjt74%253D&md5=9285d37903f27d4b4b602c17ddbdce03Nanocrystals of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I): Novel Optoelectronic Materials Showing Bright Emission with Wide Color GamutProtesescu, Loredana; Yakunin, Sergii; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.; Krieg, Franziska; Caputo, Riccarda; Hendon, Christopher H.; Yang, Ruo Xi; Walsh, Aron; Kovalenko, Maksym V.Nano Letters (2015), 15 (6), 3692-3696CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)Metal halides perovskites, such as hybrid org.-inorg. MeNH3PbI3, are newcomer optoelectronic materials that have attracted enormous attention as soln.-deposited absorbing layers in solar cells with power conversion efficiencies reaching 20%. A new avenue for halide perovskites was demonstrated by designing highly luminescent perovskite-based colloidal quantum dot materials. Monodisperse colloidal nanocubes (4-15 nm edge lengths) of fully inorg. perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I or mixed halide systems Cl/Br and Br/I) were synthesized using inexpensive com. precursors. Through compositional modulations and quantum size-effects, the bandgap energies and emission spectra are readily tunable over the entire visible spectral region of 410-700 nm. The luminescence of CsPbX3 nanocrystals is characterized by narrow emission line-widths of 12-42 nm, wide color gamut covering up to 140% of the NTSC color std., high quantum yields of ≤90%, and radiative lifetimes at 1-29 ns. The compelling combination of enhanced optical properties and chem. robustness makes CsPbX3 nanocrystals appealing for optoelectronic applications, particularly for blue and green spectral regions (410-530 nm), where typical metal chalcogenide-based quantum dots suffer from photodegrdn.
- 21Zhang, F.; Zhong, H.; Chen, C.; Wu, X.-g.; Hu, X.; Huang, H.; Han, J.; Zou, B.; Dong, Y. Brightly luminescent and color-tunable colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X= Br, I, Cl) quantum dots: potential alternatives for display technology. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4533– 4542, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b01154Google Scholar21https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXlsFarsr0%253D&md5=a226a31be36792ee98f869e7bf9f0f2bBrightly Luminescent and Color-Tunable Colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I, Cl) Quantum Dots: Potential Alternatives for Display TechnologyZhang, Feng; Zhong, Haizheng; Chen, Cheng; Wu, Xian-gang; Hu, Xiangmin; Huang, Hailong; Han, Junbo; Zou, Bingsuo; Dong, YupingACS Nano (2015), 9 (4), 4533-4542CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)A ligand-assisted repptn. strategy to fabricate brightly luminescent and color-tunable colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I, Cl) quantum dots with abs. quantum yield up to 70% at room temp. and low excitation fluencies is reported. To illustrate the photoluminescence enhancements in these quantum dots, comprehensive compn. and surface characterizations and time- and temp.-dependent photoluminescence spectra were studied. Comparisons between small-sized CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots (av. diam. 3.3 nm) and corresponding micrometer-sized bulk particles (2-8 μm) suggested that the intense increased photoluminescence quantum yield originates from the increase of exciton binding energy due to size redn. as well as proper chem. passivations of the Br-rich surface. Wide-color gamut white-light-emitting diodes using green emissive CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots and red emissive K2SiF6:Mn4+ as color converters were fabricated, providing enhanced color quality for display technol. The colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 quantum dots are expected to exhibit interesting nanoscale excitonic properties and also have other potential applications in lasers, electroluminescence devices, and optical sensors.
- 22Kovalenko, M. V.; Protesescu, L.; Bodnarchuk, M. I. Properties and potential optoelectronic applications of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals. Science 2017, 358, 745– 750, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam7093Google Scholar22https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXhslOnsLzI&md5=9103ab17f8d3bcd25b8c1ceff02af898Properties and potential optoelectronic applications of lead halide perovskite nanocrystalsKovalenko, Maksym V.; Protesescu, Loredana; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2017), 358 (6364), 745-750CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)A review. Semiconducting lead halide perovskites (LHPs) have not only become prominent thin-film absorber materials in photovoltaics but have also proven to be disruptive in the field of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs). The most important feature of LHP NCs is their so-called defect-tolerance-the apparently benign nature of structural defects, highly abundant in these compds., with respect to optical and electronic properties. Here, we review the important differences that exist in the chem. and physics of LHP NCs as compared with more conventional, tetrahedrally bonded, elemental, and binary semiconductor NCs (such as silicon, germanium, cadmium selenide, gallium arsenide, and indium phosphide). We survey the prospects of LHP NCs for optoelectronic applications such as in television displays, light-emitting devices, and solar cells, emphasizing the practical hurdles that remain to be overcome.
- 23Li, X.; Cao, F.; Yu, D.; Chen, J.; Sun, Z.; Shen, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, L.; Wei, Y.; Wu, Y. All inorganic halide perovskites nanosystem: synthesis, structural features, optical properties and optoelectronic applications. Small 2017, 13, 1603996, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603996Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Hassanabadi, E.; Latifi, M.; Gualdron-Reyes, A. F.; Masi, S.; Yoon, S. J.; Poyatos, M.; Julian-Lopez, B.; Mora-Sero, I. Ligand & Band Gap Engineering: Tailoring the Protocol Synthesis for Achieving High-Quality CsPbI3 Quantum Dots. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 14194, DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03180AGoogle Scholar24https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhtFelsrjN&md5=489a6a72021ad62723c3283b24d7603aLigand & band gap engineering: tailoring the protocol synthesis for achieving high-quality CsPbI3 quantum dotsHassanabadi, Ehsan; Latifi, Masoud; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres. F.; Masi, Sofia; Yoon, Seog Joon; Poyatos, Macarena; Julian-Lopez, Beatriz; Mora-Sero, IvanNanoscale (2020), 12 (26), 14194-14203CODEN: NANOHL; ISSN:2040-3372. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Hot-injection has become the most widespread method used for the synthesis of perovskite quantum dots (QDs) with enormous interest for application in optoelectronic devices. However, there are some aspects of the chem. involved in this synthesis that have not been completely investigated. In this work, we synthesized ultra-high stable CsPbI3 QDs for more than 15 mo by controlling two main parameters: synthesis temp. and the concn. of capping ligands. By increasing the capping ligand concn. during the QD synthesis, we were able to grow CsPbI3 in a broad range of temps., improving the photophys. properties of QDs by increasing the synthesis temp. We achieved the max. photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 93% for a synthesis conducted at 185°C, establishing an efficient surface passivation to decrease the d. of non-radiative recombination sites. Under these optimized synthesis conditions, deep red LEDs with an External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) higher than 6% were achieved. The performance of these LEDs is higher than that of the reported CsPbI3 QD-LEDs contg. std. capping agents, without addnl. elements or further element exchange. We show that it is possible to produce stable CsPbI3 QDs with high PLQY and red emission beyond the requirement of the Rec. 2020 stds. for red color.
- 25Navarro Arenas, J.; Soosaimanickam, A.; Pashaei Adl, H.; Abargues, R.; Boix, P. P.; Rodrı́guez-Cantó, P. J.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Ligand-Length Modification in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals and Bilayers with PbS Quantum Dots for Improved Photodetection Performance. Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1297, DOI: 10.3390/nano10071297Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Hu, F.; Zhang, H.; Sun, C.; Yin, C.; Lv, B.; Zhang, C.; Yu, W. W.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Xiao, M. Single Photon Emission from Single Perovskite Nanocrystals of Cesium Lead Bromide. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 12410, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05769Google Scholar26https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXhslCqsbzP&md5=bc67b72ac7c6e7342adbcbfb2c34c003Superior Optical Properties of Perovskite Nanocrystals as Single Photon EmittersHu, Fengrui; Zhang, Huichao; Sun, Chun; Yin, Chunyang; Lv, Bihu; Zhang, Chunfeng; Yu, William W.; Wang, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Yu; Xiao, MinACS Nano (2015), 9 (12), 12410-12416CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)Single photon emission was obsd. from single CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized from a facile colloidal approach. Compared with traditional metal-chalcogenide NCs, these CsPbBr3 NCs exhibit nearly 2 orders of magnitude increase in their absorption cross sections at similar emission colors. The radiative lifetime of CsPbBr3 NCs is greatly shortened at both room and cryogenic temps. to favor an extremely fast output of single photons. The above superior optical properties have paved the way toward quantum-light applications of perovskite NCs in various quantum information processing schemes.
- 27Utzat, H.; Sun, W.; Kaplan, A. E.; Krieg, F.; Ginterseder, M.; Spokoyny, B.; Klein, N. D.; Shulenberger, K. E.; Perkinson, C. F.; Kovalenko, M. V. Coherent single-photon emission from colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dots. Science 2019, 363, 1068– 1072, DOI: 10.1126/science.aau7392Google Scholar27https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXktFagt7o%253D&md5=3ee5f7369104345803809d882422ea15Coherent single-photon emission from colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dotsUtzat, Hendrik; Sun, Weiwei; Kaplan, Alexander E. K.; Krieg, Franziska; Ginterseder, Matthias; Spokoyny, Boris; Klein, Nathan D.; Shulenberger, Katherine E.; Perkinson, Collin F.; Kovalenko, Maksym V.; Bawendi, Moungi G.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2019), 363 (6431), 1068-1072CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Chem. made colloidal semiconductor quantum dots have long been proposed as scalable and color-tunable single emitters in quantum optics, but they have typically suffered from prohibitively incoherent emission. The authors now demonstrate that individual colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) display highly efficient single-photon emission with optical coherence times as long as 80 ps, an appreciable fraction of their 210-ps radiative lifetimes. These measurements suggest that PQDs should be explored as building blocks in sources of indistinguishable single photons and entangled photon pairs. Their results present a starting point for the rational design of lead halide perovskite-based quantum emitters that have fast emission, wide spectral tunability, and scalable prodn. and that benefit from the hybrid integration with nanophotonic components that has been demonstrated for colloidal materials.
- 28Li, C.; Xu, Z.-Q.; Mendelson, N.; Kianinia, M.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I. Purification of single-photon emission from hBN using post-processing treatments. Nanophotonics 2019, 8, 2049– 2055, DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2019-0099Google Scholar28https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhsFCitL8%253D&md5=75c0499ffce2d933474df0bc3f3b03e1Purification of single-photon emission from hBN using post-processing treatmentsLi, Chi; Xu, Zai-Quan; Mendelson, Noah; Kianinia, Mehran; Toth, Milos; Aharonovich, IgorNanophotonics (2019), 8 (11), 2049-2055CODEN: NANOLP; ISSN:2192-8614. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH)Single-photon emitters (SPEs) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are promising components for on-chip quantum information processing. Recently, large-area hBN films prepd. by chem. vapor deposition (CVD) were found to host uniform, high densities of SPEs. However, the purity of these emitters has, to date, been low, hindering their applications in practical devices. In this work, we present two methods for post-growth processing of hBN, which significantly improve SPEs in hBN films that had been transferred from substrates used for CVD. The emitters exhibit high photon purities in excess of 90% and narrow linewidths of ∼3 nm at room temp. Our work lays a foundation for producing high-quality emitters in an ultra-compact two-dimensional material system and paves the way for deployment of hBN SPEs in scalable on-chip photonic and quantum devices.
- 29Turiansky, M.; Alkauskas, A.; Bassett, L.; Van de Walle, C. Boron Dangling Bonds as Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.127401Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Sun, Y.; Yaroshenko, V.; Chebykin, A.; Ageev, E.; Makarov, S.; Zuev, D. Metal-dielectric nanoantenna for radiation control of a single-photon emitter. Opt. Mater. Express 2020, 10, 29– 35, DOI: 10.1364/OME.10.000029Google Scholar30https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhtlSltL%252FK&md5=e267b9b26ab5ee4c6a0bad9b3a144c2dMetal-dielectric nanoantenna for radiation control of a single-photon emitterSun, Yali; Yaroshenko, Vitaly; Chebykin, Alexander; Ageev, Eduard; Makarov, Sergey; Zuev, DmitryOptical Materials Express (2020), 10 (1), 29-35CODEN: OMEPAX; ISSN:2159-3930. (Optical Society of America)The control of fluorescent properties of single-photon sources in solid-state host systems via optically resonant nanostructures is a key issue in quantum nanophotonics. Here we propose a design of a resonant metal-dielec. nanoantenna for the Purcell factor and radiation pattern control of a quantum emitter placed in the gap between metal and dielec. components of the nanostructure. We demonstrate that large Purcell factor, considerable field enhancement in the gap as well as high directivity can be achieved. The developed nanosystem can be utilized for different solid-state host systems from nanocrystals to 2D materials.
- 31Shalaginov, M. Y.; Vorobyov, V. V.; Liu, J.; Ferrera, M.; Akimov, A. V.; Lagutchev, A.; Smolyaninov, A. N.; Klimov, V. V.; Irudayaraj, J.; Kildishev, A. V. Enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al, Sc) N hyperbolic metamaterial. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2015, 9, 120– 127, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201400185Google Scholar31https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXoslGjug%253D%253D&md5=febd65394c099656ad4f51d52a498cfeEnhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al,Sc)N hyperbolic metamaterialShalaginov, Mikhail Y.; Vorobyov, Vadim V.; Liu, Jing; Ferrera, Marcello; Akimov, Alexey V.; Lagutchev, Alexei; Smolyaninov, Andrey N.; Klimov, Vasily V.; Irudayaraj, Joseph; Kildishev, Alexander V.; Boltasseva, Alexandra; Shalaev, Vladimir M.Laser & Photonics Reviews (2015), 9 (1), 120-127CODEN: LPRAB8; ISSN:1863-8880. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)The broadband enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds coupled to a planar multilayer metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion is studied exptl. The metamaterial is fabricated as an epitaxial metal/dielec. superlattice consisting of CMOS-compatible ceramics: titanium nitride (TiN) and aluminum scandium nitride (AlxSc1-xN). It is demonstrated that employing the metamaterial results in significant enhancement of collected single-photon emission and redn. of the excited-state lifetime. Our results could have an impact on future CMOS-compatible integrated quantum sources.
- 32Vahala, K. J. Optical microcavities. Nature 2003, 424, 839– 846, DOI: 10.1038/nature01939Google Scholar32https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXmt1ant7Y%253D&md5=a5b480dd4b7e8cc77c8a064c69bd0bd2Optical microcavitiesVahala, Kerry J.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2003), 424 (6950), 839-846CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. Optical microcavities confine light to small vols. by resonant recirculation. Devices based on optical microcavities are already indispensable for a wide range of applications and studies. For example, microcavities made of active III-V semiconductor materials control laser emission spectra to enable long-distance transmission of data over optical fibers; they also ensure narrow spot-size laser read/write beams in CD and DVD players. In quantum optical devices, microcavities can coax atoms or quantum dots to emit spontaneous photons in a desired direction or can provide an environment where dissipative mechanisms such as spontaneous emission are overcome so that quantum entanglement of radiation and matter is possible. Applications of these remarkable devices are as diverse as their geometrical and resonant properties.
- 33Shen, S.; Li, J.; Wu, Y. Magnetically controllable photon blockade under a weak quantum-dot–cavity coupling condition. Phys. Rev. A: At., Mol., Opt. Phys. 2020, 101, 023805, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.023805Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Gérard, J.; Sermage, B.; Gayral, B.; Legrand, B.; Costard, E.; Thierry-Mieg, V. Enhanced spontaneous emission by quantum boxes in a monolithic optical microcavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 81, 1110, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.1110Google Scholar34https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1cXkvFShtbk%253D&md5=8209dc7e4568f849851b29533c6c0eceEnhanced spontaneous emission by quantum boxes in a monolithic optical microcavityGerard, J. M.; Sermage, B.; Gayral, B.; Legrand, B.; Costard, E.; Thierry-Mieg, V.Physical Review Letters (1998), 81 (5), 1110-1113CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Semiconductor quantum boxes (QB's) are well suited to cavity quantum electrodynamic expts. in the solid state because of their sharp emission. We study by time-resolved photoluminescence InAs QB's placed in the core of small-vol. and high-finesse GaAs/AlAs pillar microresonators. A spontaneous emission rate enhancement by a factor of up to 5 is selectively obsd. for the QB's which are on resonance with 1-cavity mode. We explain its magnitude by considering the Purcell figure of merit of the micropillars and the effect of the random spatial and spectral distributions of the QB's.
- 35Takahashi, H.; Kassa, E.; Christoforou, C.; Keller, M. Strong coupling of a single ion to an optical cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 124, 013602, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.013602Google Scholar35https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXmslOqu7c%253D&md5=8d17b91de289a78e6fd886da597035b3Strong Coupling of a Single Ion to an Optical CavityTakahashi, Hiroki; Kassa, Ezra; Christoforou, Costas; Keller, MatthiasPhysical Review Letters (2020), 124 (1), 013602CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:1079-7114. (American Physical Society)Strong coupling between an atom and an electromagnetic resonator is an important condition in cavity quantum electrodynamics. While strong coupling in various phys. systems has been achieved so far, it remained elusive for single at. ions. Here, we achieve a coupling strength of 2πx(12.3±0.1) MHz between a single Ca40+ ion and an optical cavity, exceeding both at. and cavity decay rates which are 2πx11.5 and 2πx(4.1±0.1) MHz, resp. We use cavity assisted Raman spectroscopy to precisely characterize the ion-cavity coupling strength and observe a spectrum featuring the normal mode splitting in the cavity transmission due to the ion-cavity interaction. Our work paves the way towards new applications of cavity quantum electrodynamics utilizing single trapped ions in the strong coupling regime for quantum optics and quantum technologies.
- 36Reithmaier, J. P.; Sek, G.; Loffler, A.; Hofmann, C.; Kuhn, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Keldysh, L. V.; Kulakovskii, V. D.; Reinecke, T. L.; Forchel, A. Strong coupling in a single quantum dot–semiconductor microcavity system. Nature 2004, 432, 197– 200, DOI: 10.1038/nature02969Google Scholar36https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2cXpsF2gtr8%253D&md5=b79f5e27f8fe1ef830c1c79063883eb5Strong coupling in a single quantum dot-semiconductor microcavity systemReithmaier, J. P.; Sek, G.; Loeffler, A.; Hofmann, C.; Kuhn, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Keldysh, L. V.; Kulakovskii, V. D.; Reinecke, T. L.; Forchel, A.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2004), 432 (7014), 197-200CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)The authors report the observation of strong coupling of a single 2-level solid-state system with a photon, as realized by a single quantum dot in a semiconductor microcavity. The strong coupling is manifest in photoluminescence data that display anti-crossings between the quantum dot exciton and cavity-mode dispersion relations, characterized by a vacuum Rabi splitting of ∼140 μeV.
- 37Li, L.; Wang, W.; Luk, T. S.; Yang, X.; Gao, J. Enhanced quantum dot spontaneous emission with multilayer metamaterial nanostructures. ACS Photonics 2017, 4, 501– 508, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b01039Google Scholar37https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXjsF2ku7Y%253D&md5=e3572fcb774e21a6cc7db7d1e87021acEnhanced Quantum Dot Spontaneous Emission with Multilayer Metamaterial NanostructuresLi, Ling; Wang, Wei; Luk, Ting S.; Yang, Xiaodong; Gao, JieACS Photonics (2017), 4 (3), 501-508CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The Purcell effect of quantum dot (QD) spontaneous emission with Ag-SiO2 multilayer metamaterial nanostructures was demonstrated in expt. and simulation. A broadband enhanced spontaneous emission rate of QDs is obsd. due to large local d. of states in the epsilon-near-zero and hyperbolic regions of multilayer structures. Multilayer gratings are used to further enhance the QD spontaneous emission as the QDs located inside the grating grooves strongly interact with high-k coupled surface plasmon polariton modes. Photoluminescence decay measurements are in good agreement with both anal. treatment with a nonlocal effect and 3-dimensional finite-element simulation. Detailed studies of QD position and polarization effects on emission rate enhancement for multilayer and multilayer grating nanostructures provide important insight for understanding the coupling mechanisms of emitter-multilayer interaction and the engineering of local d. of states in metamaterial nanostructures. These results will advance many applications in light-emitting devices, nanoscale lasers, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum information processing.
- 38Wang, L.; Li, S.; Zhang, B.; Qin, Y.; Tian, Z.; Fang, Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, Z.; Mei, Y. Asymmetrically curved hyperbolic metamaterial structure with gradient thicknesses for enhanced directional spontaneous emission. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 7704– 7708, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b19721Google Scholar38https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXis1Kru7w%253D&md5=cde3956845bf8dec011c6b31551d8bdeAsymmetrically Curved Hyperbolic Metamaterial Structure with Gradient Thicknesses for Enhanced Directional Spontaneous EmissionWang, Lu; Li, Shilong; Zhang, Biran; Qin, Yuzhou; Tian, Ziao; Fang, Yangfu; Li, Yonglei; Liu, Zhaowei; Mei, YongfengACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018), 10 (9), 7704-7708CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs) on a curved surface are demonstrated for an efficient outcoupling of nonradiative modes, which lead to an enhanced spontaneous emission. Those high-wavevector plasmonic modes can propagate along the curved structure and emit into the far field, realizing a directional light emission with max. fluorescent intensity. Detailed simulations disclose a high Purcell factor and a spatial power distribution in the curved HMM, which agrees with the exptl. result. The work presents remarkable enhancing capability in both the Purcell factor and emission intensity, which could suggest a unique structure design in metamaterials for potential application in, e.g., high-speed optical sensing and communications.
- 39Roth, D. J.; Ginzburg, P.; Hirvonen, L. M.; Levitt, J. A.; Nasir, M. E.; Suhling, K.; Richards, D.; Podolskiy, V. A.; Zayats, A. V. Singlet–Triplet Transition Rate Enhancement inside Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Laser Photonics Rev. 2019, 13, 1900101, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201900101Google Scholar39https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhslCksrnF&md5=460a9bf613d3bdcd92d61d87061c36b6Singlet-Triplet Transition Rate Enhancement inside Hyperbolic MetamaterialsRoth, Diane J.; Ginzburg, Pavel; Hirvonen, Liisa M.; Levitt, James A.; Nasir, Mazhar E.; Suhling, Klaus; Richards, David; Podolskiy, Viktor A.; Zayats, Anatoly V.Laser & Photonics Reviews (2019), 13 (9), n/a1900101CODEN: LPRAB8; ISSN:1863-8899. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)The spontaneous emission process is known to be largely affected by the surrounding electromagnetic environment of emitters, which manifests itself via the Purcell enhancement of decay rates. This phenomenon has been extensively investigated in the case of dipolar transitions in quantum systems, commonly delivering fast decay rates in comparison to forbidden transitions such as high-order multipolar transitions or spin-forbidden, singlet-triplet phosphorescence processes. Here, a decay rate enhancement of almost 2750-fold is demonstrated for a ruthenium-based phosphorescent emitter located inside a plasmonic hyperbolic metamaterial. The std. electromagnetic local d. of states description, typically employed for the Purcell factor anal. of dipolar transitions, is unable to account for a photoluminescence enhancement of this magnitude, which is attributed to the interplay between the local d. of states and strongly inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields inside the metamaterial. The large available range of spontaneous emission lifetimes reported here enables application of phosphorescent emitters in novel, fast, and efficient light-emitting sources, beneficial for optical communications, quantum information processing, spectroscopy, or bio-imaging.
- 40Lee, K. J.; Lee, Y. U.; Kim, S. J.; André, P. Hyperbolic dispersion dominant regime identified through spontaneous emission variations near metamaterial interfaces. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1701629, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201701629Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 41Lu, D.; Ferrari, L.; Kan, J. J.; Fullerton, E. E.; Liu, Z. Optimization of nanopatterned multilayer hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous light emission enhancement. Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 215, 1800263, DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201800263Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Morozov, K. M.; Ivanov, K. A.; de Sa Pereira, D.; Menelaou, C.; Monkman, A. P.; Pozina, G.; Kaliteevski, M. A. Revising of the Purcell effect in periodic metal-dielectric structures: the role of absorption. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 1– 9, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-46071-5Google Scholar42https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXitValtLbM&md5=35e245f8979ace06b764241b76550b34Modelling optimal behavioural strategies in structured populations using a novel theoretical frameworkMorozov, Andrew; Kuzenkov, Oleg A.; Arashkevich, Elena G.Scientific Reports (2019), 9 (1), 1-15CODEN: SRCEC3; ISSN:2045-2322. (Nature Research)Understanding complex behavioral patterns of organisms obsd. in nature can be facilitated using math. modeling. The conventional paradigm in animal behavior modeling consists of maximisation of some evolutionary fitness function. However, the definition of fitness of an organism or population is generally subjective, and using different criteria can lead us to contradictory model predictions regarding optimal behavior. Moreover, structuring of natural populations in terms of individual size or developmental stage creates an extra challenge for theor. modeling. Here we revisit and formalise the definition of evolutionary fitness to describe long-term selection of strategies in deterministic self-replicating systems for generic modeling settings which involve an arbitrary function space of inherited strategies. Then we show how optimal behavioral strategies can be obtained for different developmental stages in a generic von-Foerster stage-structured population model with an arbitrary mortality term. We implement our theor. framework to explore patterns of optimal diel vertical migration (DVM) of two dominant zooplankton species in the north-eastern Black Sea. We parameterise the model using 7 years of empirical data from 2007-2014 and show that the obsd. DVM can be explained as the result of a trade-off between depth-dependent metabolic costs for grazers, anoxia zones, available food, and visual predation.
- 43Caligiuri, V.; Palei, M.; Imran, M.; Manna, L.; Krahne, R. Planar double-epsilon-near-zero cavities for spontaneous emission and Purcell effect enhancement. ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 2287– 2294, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00121Google Scholar43https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXls12ku7c%253D&md5=756da7777b55c39b4c97554421725655Planar Double-Epsilon-Near-Zero Cavities for Spontaneous Emission and Purcell Effect EnhancementCaligiuri, Vincenzo; Palei, Milan; Imran, Muhammad; Manna, Liberato; Krahne, RomanACS Photonics (2018), 5 (6), 2287-2294CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The enhancement of the photophys. response of fluorophores is a crucial factor for photonic and optoelectronic technols. that involve fluorophores as gain media. Recent advances in the development of an extreme light propagation regime, called epsilon-near-zero (ENZ), provide a promising approach in this respect. The authors design metal/dielec. nanocavities to be resonant with the absorption and emission bands of the employed fluorophores. Using CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal films as light emitters, the authors study the spontaneous emission and decay rate enhancement induced by a specifically tailored double-epsilon-near-zero (double ENZ) structure. The authors exptl. demonstrate the existence of 2 ENZ wavelengths, by directly measuring their dielec. permittivity via ellipsometric anal. The double ENZ nature of this plasmonic nanocavity was exploited to achieve both surface plasmon enhanced absorption (SPEA) and surface plasmon coupled emission (SPCE), inducing a significant enhancement of both the spontaneous emission and the decay rate of the perovskite nanocrystal film that is placed on top of the nanocavity. Finally, the possibility of tailoring the 2 ENZ wavelengths of this structure within the visible spectrum simply by finely designing the thickness of the 2 dielec. layers, which enables resonance matching with a broad variety of dyes are discussed. The device design is appealing for many practical applications, ranging from sensing to low threshold amplified spontaneous emission, since the authors achieve a strong PL enhancement with structures that allow for straightforward fluorophore deposition on a planar surface that keeps the fluorophores exposed and accessible.
- 44Hennessy, K.; Badolato, A.; Winger, M.; Gerace, D.; Atatüre, M.; Gulde, S.; Fält, S.; Hu, E. L.; Imamoğlu, A. Quantum nature of a strongly coupled single quantum dot–cavity system. Nature 2007, 445, 896– 899, DOI: 10.1038/nature05586Google Scholar44https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2sXhvFGitbk%253D&md5=117fab448dd156f1264018b526b38507Quantum nature of a strongly coupled single quantum dot-cavity systemHennessy, K.; Badolato, A.; Winger, M.; Gerace, D.; Atatuere, M.; Gulde, S.; Faelt, S.; Hu, E. L.; Imamoglu, A.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2007), 445 (7130), 896-899CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) studies the interaction between a quantum emitter and a single radiation-field mode. When an atom is strongly coupled to a cavity mode, it is possible to realize important quantum information processing tasks, such as controlled coherent coupling and entanglement of distinguishable quantum systems. Realizing these tasks in the solid state is clearly desirable, and coupling semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots to monolithic optical cavities is a promising route to this end. However, validating the efficacy of quantum dots in quantum information applications requires confirmation of the quantum nature of the quantum-dot-cavity system in the strong-coupling regime. Here we find such confirmation by observing quantum correlations in photoluminescence from a photonic crystal nanocavity interacting with one, and only one, quantum dot located precisely at the cavity elec. field max. When off-resonance, photon emission from the cavity mode and quantum-dot excitons is anticorrelated at the level of single quanta, proving that the mode is driven solely by the quantum dot despite an energy mismatch between cavity and excitons. When tuned to resonance, the exciton and cavity enter the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED and the quantum-dot exciton lifetime reduces by a factor of 145. The generated photon stream becomes antibunched, proving that the strongly coupled exciton/photon system is in the quantum regime. Our observations unequivocally show that quantum information tasks are achievable in solid-state cavity QED.
- 45Purcell, E. M.; Torrey, H. C.; Pound, R. V. Resonance absorption by nuclear magnetic moments in a solid. Phys. Rev. 1946, 69, 37, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.69.37Google Scholar45https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaH28XhtFWisw%253D%253D&md5=a9249b42fd8442e2581d84f38352de90Resonance absorption by nuclear magnetic moments in a solidPurcell, E. M.; Torrey, H. C.; Pound, R. V.Physical Review (1946), 69 (), 37-8CODEN: PHRVAO; ISSN:0031-899X.In the method for the detn. of nuclear magnetic moments by mol. beams (Rabi, et al, C.A. 32, 3257.6), transitions are induced between energy levels which correspond to different orientations of the nuclear spin in a strong, const., applied magnetic field. The absorption of radio-frequency energy, due to such transitions, was observed in a solid material (paraffin) which contains protons. Exptl. procedure and results are given.
- 46Kuhn, H. Classical aspects of energy transfer in molecular systems. J. Chem. Phys. 1970, 53, 101– 108, DOI: 10.1063/1.1673749Google Scholar46https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE3cXksFShtbw%253D&md5=3e0ff928b1350d3da1c84cfa3500dd91Classical aspects of energy transfer in molecular systesmKuhn, HansJournal of Chemical Physics (1970), 53 (1), 101-8CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606.The decay time of the luminescence of a mol. S in front of a metal mirror depends markedly on its distance from the mirror. This phenomenon is quant. explained by considering the radiation field of this dipole, given by the Hertz classical equation. This field arrives at the mol., after being reflected at the mirror, with a retardation of the order of 10-15 sec. The decay time of the luminescence depends on the phase shift produced by this retardation, and thus on the ratio of the distance of the oscillator from the mirror, and the wavelength of the emitted light. By measuring the distance dependence of the decay time of the luminescence this retardation effect can be studied. In quantum-mech. terms the phenomenon can be described as being due to a stimulation or inhibition of the emission of the light quantum. In contrast to the known cases of stimulated emission, the stimulating field is the radiation field of the emitter quantum itself. The energy transfer from an excited mol. S to an acceptor A can be treated in a similar manner by considering the phenomenon as a retardation effect. In classical terms the field of S induces A to oscillate, and the induced field of A arriving at S slows down this oscillator. Simple equations are given for the energy transfer from an excited dipole or quadrupole, and for a row of many dipoles, oscillating in phase, to a weakly absorbing acceptor layer. The latter case is considered as a model for a J-aggregating dye and by comparison with exptl. data conclusions concerning the size of a J aggregate are drawn.
- 47Hider, M. H.; Leung, P. Frequency shifts of molecules at rough metal surfaces. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1991, 44, 3262, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.44.3262Google Scholar47https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK3MXls12itLw%253D&md5=0c3ed3ca4536149728836d279d85123bFrequency shifts of molecules at rough metal surfacesHider, M. H.; Leung, P. T.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1991), 44 (7), 3262-5CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829.The frequency shifts for dipolar transitions of mols. at rough metallic surfaces were studied in a phenomenol. model following the approach of previous work with the surface roughness modeled by a shallow grating profile in most cases. Such surface-induced shifts are indeed observable for mol. frequencies away from the surface-plasmon resonance frequency of the metal; the presence of surface roughness can either enhance or suppress the flat-surface-induced shifts, leading to extra morphol.-dependent resonances originated from the radiative coupling between the mol. emission and the substrate surface plasmon; and the effects in the perfectly reflecting limit can be worked out anal. with numerical results showing interesting features that are unique for this case. Correlations were made with respect to previous expts. on vibrational shifts as well as to recent calcns. from a microscopic approach.
- 48Morawitz, H. Self-coupling of a two-level system by a mirror. Phys. Rev. 1969, 187, 1792, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.187.1792Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 49Borensztein, Y.; Abeles, F.; Lopez-Rios, T. Frequency shifts of an ensemble of electric dipole resonances near a conducting surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984, 53, 854, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.53.854Google Scholar49https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2cXlsVais74%253D&md5=906f483009e7e16a17753f825f088cbeFrequency shifts of an ensemble of electric dipole resonances near a conducting surfaceBorensztein, Y.; Abeles, F.; Lopez-Rios, T.Physical Review Letters (1984), 53 (8), 854CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The variation of the resonance frequency obtained from an exact calcn. of the reflectance for the Ag-island film system investigated exptl. by W. R. Holland and P. G. Hall (1984) is presented; the Ag-island film is treated within the Maxwell Garnett (MG) effective medium theory. The results are compared with the exptl. and calcd. values of Holland and Hall; the 2 theor. treatments give similar results for thicknesses >20 nm, while the MG one is in better agreement with the exptl. data below 20 nm, because the effective medium theory takes into account the long-range interaction between the particles.
- 50Holland, W.; Hall, D. Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole resonance near a conducting surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984, 52, 1041, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.1041Google Scholar50https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2cXhs1Cltbo%253D&md5=f6e1cb8d02bc024d020fb471cfda1b40Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole resonance near a conducting surfaceHolland, W. R.; Hall, D. G.Physical Review Letters (1984), 52 (12), 1041-4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The resonance frequency of an elec. dipole placed near a conducting surface is shifted by the dipole-surface interaction. The observation and measurement are reported of these shifts at optical frequencies for an exptl. system that consists of a metal island film spaced a distance d from a continuous Ag film. The dependence of the shift in the frequency of the island resonance on d shows good agreement with that predicted by a classical theory of the dipole-surface interaction.
- 51Chance, R.; Prock, A.; Silbey, R. Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole transition near a partially reflecting surface. Phys. Rev. A: At., Mol., Opt. Phys. 1975, 12, 1448, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.12.1448Google Scholar51https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE2MXmtFSrsLg%253D&md5=5d9ad43f7974a9106fa848db68226347Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole transition near a partially reflecting surfaceChance, R. R.; Prock, A.; Silbey, R.Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (1975), 12 (4), 1448-52CODEN: PLRAAN; ISSN:1050-2947.The classical theory of dipole radiation was used to calc. the change in frequency of an elec.-dipole-allowed transition due to the presence of a nearby reflecting surface. The result is compared to that for a perfect reflector.
- 52Gualdron-Reyes, A. F.; Yoon, S. J.; Barea, E. M.; Agouram, S.; Munoz-Sanjose, V.; Melendez, A. M.; Nino-Gomez, M. E.; Mora-Sero, I. Controlling the phase segregation in mixed halide perovskites through nanocrystal size. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 54– 62, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b02207Google Scholar52https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXitlegs7nJ&md5=1ccbc5ab22ac922b6ab47e5a04f028daControlling the Phase Segregation in Mixed Halide Perovskites through Nanocrystal SizeGualdron-Reyes, Andres. F.; Yoon, Seog Joon; Barea, Eva M.; Agouram, Said; Munoz-Sanjose, Vicente; Melendez, Angel M.; Nino-Gomez, Martha E.; Mora-Sero, IvanACS Energy Letters (2019), 4 (1), 54-62CODEN: AELCCP; ISSN:2380-8195. (American Chemical Society)Mixed halide perovskites are 1 of the promising candidates in developing solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), among other applications, because of their tunable optical properties. Photoinduced phase segregation, by formation of segregated Br-rich and I-rich domains, limits the overall applicability. The phase segregation was tracked with increasing cryst. size of CsPbBr3-xIx and their luminescence under continuous-wave laser irradn. (405 nm, 10 mW cm-2) and obsd. the occurrence of the phase segregation from the threshold size of 46 ± 7 nm. These results have an outstanding agreement with the diffusion length (45.8 nm) calcd. also exptl. from the emission lifetime and segregation rates. Through Kelvin probe force microscopy, the correlation between the phase segregation and the reversible halide ion migration among grain centers and boundaries was confirmed. These results open a way to achieve segregation-free mixed halide perovskites and improve their performances in optoelectronic devices.
- 53Saliba, M.; Correa-Baena, J.-P.; Wolff, C. M.; Stolterfoht, M.; Phung, N.; Albrecht, S.; Neher, D.; Abate, A. How to Make over 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells in Regular (n–i–p) and Inverted (p–i–n) Architectures. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 4193– 4201, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b00136Google Scholar53https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhtFSrtrnF&md5=f76bdf7c79055f483714f6ac304a15f0How to Make over 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells in Regular (n-i-p) and Inverted (p-i-n) ArchitecturesSaliba, Michael; Correa-Baena, Juan-Pablo; Wolff, Christian M.; Stolterfoht, Martin; Phung, Nga; Albrecht, Steve; Neher, Dieter; Abate, AntonioChemistry of Materials (2018), 30 (13), 4193-4201CODEN: CMATEX; ISSN:0897-4756. (American Chemical Society)Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are currently one of the most promising photovoltaic technologies for highly efficient and cost-effective solar energy prodn. In only a few years, an unprecedented progression of prepn. procedures and material compns. delivered lab.-scale devices that have now reached record power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) >20%, competing with most established solar cell materials such as Si, CIGS, and CdTe. However, despite a large no. of researchers currently involved in this topic, only a few groups in the world can reproduce >20% efficiencies on a regular n-i-p architecture. Here, we present detailed protocols for prepg. PSCs in regular (n-i-p) and inverted (p-i-n) architectures with ≥20% PCE. We aim to provide a comprehensive, reproducible description of our device fabrication protocols. We encourage the practice of reporting detailed and transparent protocols that can be more easily reproduced by other labs. A better reporting std. may, in turn, accelerate the development of perovskite solar cells and related research fields.
- 54Cortes, C.; Newman, W.; Molesky, S.; Jacob, Z. Quantum nanophotonics using hyperbolic metamaterials. J. Opt. 2012, 14, 063001, DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/14/6/063001Google Scholar54https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC38XhtFGrsLnL&md5=d2af8363564b049dac452cfac3c27181Quantum nanophotonics using hyperbolic metamaterialsCortes, C. L.; Newman, W.; Molesky, S.; Jacob, Z.Journal of Optics (Bristol, United Kingdom) (2012), 14 (6), 063001/1-063001/15CODEN: JOOPCA; ISSN:2040-8978. (Institute of Physics Publishing)A review. Engineering optical properties using artificial nanostructured media known as metamaterials has led to breakthrough devices with capabilities from super-resoln. imaging to invisibility. In this paper, we review metamaterials for quantum nanophotonic applications, a recent development in the field. This seeks to address many challenges in the field of quantum optics using advances in nanophotonics and nanofabrication. We focus on the class of nanostructured media with hyperbolic dispersion that have emerged as one of the most promising metamaterials with a multitude of practical applications from subwavelength imaging, nanoscale waveguiding, biosensing to nonlinear switching. We present the various design and characterization principles of hyperbolic metamaterials and explain the most important property of such media: a broadband enhancement in the electromagnetic d. of states. We review several recent expts. that have explored this phenomenon using spontaneous emission from dye mols. and quantum dots. We finally point to future applications of hyperbolic metamaterials, using the broadband enhancement in the spontaneous emission to construct single-photon sources.
- 55Noginov, M.; Barnakov, Y. A.; Zhu, G.; Tumkur, T.; Li, H.; Narimanov, E. Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94, 151105, DOI: 10.1063/1.3115145Google Scholar55https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD1MXkslaqs7g%253D&md5=928badbb26d91f3f103f02e30443e984Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersionNoginov, M. A.; Barnakov, Yu. A.; Zhu, G.; Tumkur, T.; Li, H.; Narimanov, E. E.Applied Physics Letters (2009), 94 (15), 151105/1-151105/3CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)The authors demonstrated the thickest bulk photonic metamaterial reported in the literature based on an Ag-filled alumina membrane. The material is highly anisotropic with hyperbolic dispersion at λ > 0.84 μm. The refraction of light in the direction expected of isotropic media with n < 1 was exptl. demonstrated at λ = 632.8 nm. This makes the material potentially suitable for a variety of applications ranging from subdiffraction imaging to optical cloaking. (c) 2009 American Institute of Physics.
- 56Mahmoodi, M.; Tavassoli, S. H.; Takayama, O.; Sukham, J.; Malureanu, R.; Lavrinenko, A. V. Existence Conditions of High-k Modes in Finite Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2019, 13, 1800253, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201800253Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 57Navarro-Arenas, J.; Suárez, I.; Chirvony, V. S.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A. F.; Mora-Seró, I.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. Single-Exciton Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Thin Films of CsPbX3 (X= Br, I) Perovskite Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 6389– 6398, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02369Google Scholar57https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhvVantLbP&md5=6d1bfff8b042d05db15c9557322d85c0Single-Exciton Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Thin Films of CsPbX3 (X = Br, I) Perovskite NanocrystalsNavarro-Arenas, Juan; Suarez, Isaac; Chirvony, Vladimir S.; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres F.; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Martinez-Pastor, JuanJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), 10 (20), 6389-6398CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) have emerged as an excellent material for stimulated emission purposes, with even more prospective applications than conventional colloidal quantum dots. A better understanding of the phys. mechanisms responsible for amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) is required to achieve more ambitious targets (lasing under continuous wave optical or elec. excitation). Establish the intrinsic mechanisms underlying ASE in PNCs of 3 different band gaps (CsPbBr3, CsPbBr1.5I1.5, and CsPbI3). The characterization at cryogenic temps. does not reveal any evidence of the biexciton mechanism in the formation of ASE. The measured shift toward long wavelengths of the ASE band is easily explained by the reabsorption in the PNC layer, which becomes stronger for thicker layers. In this way, the threshold of ASE is detd. only by optical losses at a given geometry, which is the single-exciton mechanism responsible for ASE. Exptl. results are properly reproduced by a phys. model.
- 58Chirvony, V. S.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Trap-Limited Dynamics of Excited Carriers and Interpretation of the Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in Metal Halide Perovskites. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 4955– 4962, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01241Google Scholar58https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhsFWhur7P&md5=e7e9d92c642e0d7ba3b4d4d02c35a741Trap-Limited Dynamics of Excited Carriers and Interpretation of the Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in Metal Halide PerovskitesChirvony, Vladimir S.; Martinez-Pastor, Juan P.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018), 9 (17), 4955-4962CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)A review. Interpretation of the photoluminescence (PL) decay kinetics in metal halide perovskites (MHPs) is extremely important for understanding the mechanisms and control of charge recombination in these promising photovoltaic and optoelectronic materials. In this work, we give a review of current models describing the PL decay kinetics in MHP layers and nanocrystals with particular attention to the interpretation of long-lived PL decay components (hundreds of nanoseconds to microseconds). First, we analyze phenomenol. photophys. models based on the rate equations, which describe the charge carrier recombination in MHP layers as an exclusively intrinsic bulk process. An important role of the carrier diffusion and nonradiative recombination on the layer surfaces is then discussed. A recently published approach is then analyzed, in the framework of which the obsd. long-lived components of PL decay kinetics in MHP nanocrystals are described in terms of the delayed luminescence mechanism arising due to the processes of multiple trapping and detrapping of carriers by shallow nonquenching traps. The possible origin of the shallow traps and perspectives to include the carrier trapping and detrapping processes in a model describing PL kinetics in MHP layers are discussed.
- 59Chirvony, V. S.; Sekerbayev, K. S.; Adl, H. P.; Suárez, I.; Taurbayev, Y. T.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A. F.; Mora-Seró, I.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Interpretation of the photoluminescence decay kinetics in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin polycrystalline films. J. Lumin. 2020, 221, 117092, DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117092Google Scholar59https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXislShu74%253D&md5=68ef2fdc4bc54c70d9df91c5a303f928Interpretation of the photoluminescence decay kinetics in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin polycrystalline filmsChirvony, Vladimir S.; Sekerbayev, Kairolla S.; Pashaei Adl, Hamid; Suarez, Isaac; Taurbayev, Yerzhan T.; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres F.; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Martinez-Pastor, Juan P.Journal of Luminescence (2020), 221 (), 117092CODEN: JLUMA8; ISSN:0022-2313. (Elsevier B.V.)In this paper we present crit. anal. of different points of view on interpretation of the photoluminescence (PL) decay kinetics in lead halide perovskites prepd. in the form of well passivated nanocrystals (PNCs) or thin polycryst. layers. In addn. to the literature data, our own measurements are also considered. For PNCs, a strong dependence of the PL lifetimes on the type of passivating ligand was obsd. with a consistently high PL quantum yield. It is shown that such ligand effects, as well as a decrease in the PL lifetime with decreasing temp., are well qual. explained by the phenomenol. model of thermally activated delayed luminescence, in which the extension of the PL decay time with temp. occurs due to the participation of shallow non-quenching traps. In the case of thin perovskite layers, we conclude that the PL kinetics under sufficiently low excitation intensity is detd. by the excitation quenching on the layer surfaces. We demonstrate that a large variety of possible PL decay kinetics for thin polycryst. perovskite films can be modelled by means of one-dimensional diffusion equation with use of the diffusion coeff. D and surface recombination velocity S as parameters and conclude that long-lived PL kinetics are formed in case of low D and/or S values.
- 60Krishnamoorthy, H. N.; Jacob, Z.; Narimanov, E.; Kretzschmar, I.; Menon, V. M. Topological transitions in metamaterials. Science 2012, 336, 205– 209, DOI: 10.1126/science.1219171Google Scholar60https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC38Xlt1eiurs%253D&md5=9b5f75781cb51fbfb2ead28eb8b1521eTopological Transitions in MetamaterialsKrishnamoorthy, Harish N. S.; Jacob, Zubin; Narimanov, Evgenii; Kretzschmar, Ilona; Menon, Vinod M.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 336 (6078), 205-209CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Light-matter interactions can be controlled by manipulating the photonic environment. An optical topol. transition in strongly anisotropic metamaterials results in a dramatic increase in the photon d. of states, an effect that can be used to engineer this interaction. A transition in the topol. of the iso-frequency surface from a closed ellipsoid to an open hyperboloid using artificially nanostructured metamaterials is described. This topol. transition manifests itself in increased rates of spontaneous emission of emitters positioned near the metamaterial. Altering the topol. of the iso-frequency surface by using metamaterials provides a fundamentally new route to manipulating light-matter interactions.
- 61Krishna, K. H.; Sreekanth, K.; Strangi, G. Dye-embedded and nanopatterned hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous emission rate enhancement. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2016, 33, 1038– 1043, DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.33.001038Google Scholar61https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC28XitVWju7%252FF&md5=cb31142fa87640f938c49ff6122e2b1eDye-embedded and nanopatterned hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous emission rate enhancementKrishna, K. H.; Sreekanth, K. V.; Strangi, G.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (2016), 33 (6), 1038-1043CODEN: JOBPDE; ISSN:0740-3224. (Optical Society of America)Enhancement of spontaneous emission is a dynamic and challenging fundamental quantum phenomenon in optics and in a nutshell it opens new avenues for a spectrum of futuristic applications. Here, we exptl. demonstrate a large improvement in spontaneous emission rate enhancement of fluorescent mols. using dye-embedded and grating-coupled (nanopatterned) multilayered metal-dielec. hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs). About a 35-fold spontaneous emission decay rate enhancement of dye mols. is obtained using a two-dimensional (2D) silver diffraction grating coupled with dye-embedded hyperbolic metamaterial. Further, we numerically and exptl. demonstrate a comparative study on the modification of spontaneous emission of fluorescent dye mols. placed in the vicinity of a HMM structure and a dye mols. embedded HMM structure. The obtained results pave the way for finding fruitful applications, including single photon sources.
- 62Gontijo, I.; Boroditsky, M.; Yablonovitch, E.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U.; DenBaars, S. Coupling of InGaN quantum-well photoluminescence to silver surface plasmons. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1999, 60, 11564, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.11564Google Scholar62https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1MXmvFOhtrg%253D&md5=046d6b9555c3d9b87b8ff2cb79d4b571Coupling of InGaN quantum-well photoluminescence to silver surface plasmonsGontijo, I.; Boroditsky, M.; Yablonovitch, E.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U. K.; DenBaars, S. P.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1999), 60 (16), 11564-11567CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)The coincidence in excitation energy between surface plasmons on Ag and the GaN band gap is exploited to couple the semiconductor spontaneous emission into the metal surface plasmons. A 3-nm InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) is positioned 12 nm from an 8-nm Ag layer, well within the surface plasmon fringing field depth. A spectrally sharp photoluminescence dip, by a factor ≈55, indicates that electron-hole energy is being rapidly transferred to plasmon excitation, due to the spatial overlap between the semiconductor QW and the surface plasmon elec. field. Thus, spontaneous emission into surface plasmons is ≈55 times faster than normal spontaneous emission from InGaN quantum wells. If efficient antenna structures can be incorporated into the metal film, there could be a corresponding increase in external light emission efficiency.
- 63Zheng, X.; Hou, Y.; Sun, H.-T.; Mohammed, O. F.; Sargent, E. H.; Bakr, O. M. Reducing Defects in Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Applications. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 2629– 2640, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00689Google Scholar63https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXosF2gu78%253D&md5=0132a243bb868a431bd49fdde7abed75Reducing Defects in Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting ApplicationsZheng, Xiaopeng; Hou, Yi; Sun, Hong-Tao; Mohammed, Omar F.; Sargent, Edward H.; Bakr, Osman M.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), 10 (10), 2629-2640CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)A review. The large sp. surface area of perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) increases the likelihood of surface defects compared to that of bulk single crystals and polycryst. thin films. It is crucial to comprehend and control their defect population to exploit the potential of perovskite NCs. This Perspective describes and classifies recent advances in understanding defect chem. and avenues toward defect d. redn. in perovskite NCs, and it does so in the context of the promise perceived in light-emitting devices. Several pathways for decreasing the defect d. are explored, including advanced NC syntheses, new surface-capping strategies, doping with metal ions and rare earths, engineering elemental compensation, and the translation of core-shell heterostructures into the perovskite materials family. The authors close with challenges that remain in perovskite NC defect research.
- 64Ferrari, L.; Lu, D.; Lepage, D.; Liu, Z. Enhanced spontaneous emission inside hyperbolic metamaterials. Opt. Express 2014, 22, 4301– 4306, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.004301Google Scholar64https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhtlejsrjK&md5=76d6246dc662863b644b08a07690c21bEnhanced spontaneous emission inside hyperbolic metamaterialsFerrari, Lorenzo; Lu, Dylan; Lepage, Dominic; Liu, ZhaoweiOptics Express (2014), 22 (4), 4301-4306CODEN: OPEXFF; ISSN:1094-4087. (Optical Society of America)Hyperbolic metamaterials can enhance spontaneous emission, but the radiation-matter coupling is not optimized if the light source is placed outside such media. We demonstrate a 3-fold improvement of the Purcell factor over its outer value and a significant enlargement in bandwidth by including the emitter within a Si/Ag periodic multilayer metamaterial. To ext. the plasmonic modes of the structure into the far field we implement two types of 1D grating with triangular and rectangular profile, obtaining a 10-fold radiative enhancement at visible frequencies.
- 65Ford, G. W.; Weber, W. H. Electromagnetic interactions of molecules with metal surfaces. Phys. Rep. 1984, 113, 195– 287, DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(84)90098-XGoogle Scholar65https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2MXmvFCjtQ%253D%253D&md5=54fa95b496752182e0f85d163ede71deElectromagnetic interactions of molecules with metal surfacesFord, G. W.; Weber, W. H.Physics Reports (1984), 113 (4), 195-287CODEN: PRPLCM; ISSN:0370-1573.A review with 138 refs. The methods described are essentially those of classical electromagnetic theory, the idea being that the mol. and the surface are sepd. so that their only interaction is via the electromagnetic fields. Reflection of electromagnetic waves at an interface, mol. fluorescence near a metal, shift and broadening of mol. vibration modes, and Raman scattering at metal surfaces are discussed.
- 66Diroll, B. T.; Zhou, H.; Schaller, R. D. Low-temperature absorption, photoluminescence, and lifetime of CsPbX3 (X= Cl, Br, I) nanocrystals. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1800945, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201800945Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 67Sun, L.; Jiang, C. Quantum interference in a single anisotropic quantum dot near hyperbolic metamaterials. Opt. Express 2016, 24, 7719– 7727, DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.007719Google Scholar67https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC28blvFentw%253D%253D&md5=649bd99ba94e83edea79a2407415b1b9Quantum interference in a single anisotropic quantum dot near hyperbolic metamaterialsSun Lu; Jiang ChunOptics express (2016), 24 (7), 7719-27 ISSN:.We theoretically demonstrate an anisotropic quantum vacuum created by a judiciously designed hyperbolic metamaterial. An electric dipole located nearby shows strong orientation dependence in the decay rate. With a proper arrangement of the ellipsoid-shaped CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot relative to the Ag/TiO<sub>2</sub> metamaterial, the anisotropies of quantum vacuum and quantum dot are harnessed to achieve an extraordinary quantum interference between radiative decay channels of orthogonal transitions. The ratio between cross damping term and spontaneous decay rate, Γ<sub>ij</sub>/Γ<sub>ii</sub>, which never exceeds unity in previously reported works reaches 1.04 in our numerical results. The corresponding evolution of excited state population in quantum dot is also dramatically modified.
- 68Shalaginov, M. Y.; Ishii, S.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Irudayaraj, J.; Lagutchev, A.; Kildishev, A.; Shalaev, V. Broadband enhancement of spontaneous emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by hyperbolic metamaterials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102, 173114, DOI: 10.1063/1.4804262Google Scholar68https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3sXmvFyhur0%253D&md5=e04dba012d337658938766cdedbb2fe5Broadband enhancement of spontaneous emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by hyperbolic metamaterialsShalaginov, M. Y.; Ishii, S.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Irudayaraj, J.; Lagutchev, A.; Kildishev, A. V.; Shalaev, V. M.Applied Physics Letters (2013), 102 (17), 173114/1-173114/4CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)A broadband enhancement of emission from N-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds was exptl. demonstrated. The enhancement is achieved by using a multilayer metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion. The metamaterial is fabricated as a stack of alternating Au and alumina layers. The approach paves the way towards the construction of efficient single-photon sources as planar on-chip devices. (c) 2013 American Institute of Physics.
- 69Tumkur, T.; Zhu, G.; Black, P.; Barnakov, Y. A.; Bonner, C.; Noginov, M. Control of spontaneous emission in a volume of functionalized hyperbolic metamaterial. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99, 151115, DOI: 10.1063/1.3631723Google Scholar69https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3MXhtlWrur3E&md5=d4402a5591c2ffb73d26cdd62bfb92b1Control of spontaneous emission in a volume of functionalized hyperbolic metamaterialTumkur, T.; Zhu, G.; Black, P.; Barnakov, Yu. A.; Bonner, C. E.; Noginov, M. A.Applied Physics Letters (2011), 99 (15), 151115/1-151115/3CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)The authors have developed a simple method to fabricate lamellar metal-dielec. hyperbolic metamaterials on flat, flexible, and curvilinear substrates, which allows for functionalization of dielec. layers by dye mols. The control of spontaneous emission of dye mols. with hyperbolic metamaterials was studied in 2 different sample configurations, and the effect is much stronger when emitters are placed inside the metamaterial rather than on its surface. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
- 70Jacob, Z.; Kim, J.-Y.; Naik, G. V.; Boltasseva, A.; Narimanov, E. E.; Shalaev, V. M. Engineering photonic density of states using metamaterials. Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 2010, 100, 215– 218, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-010-4096-5Google Scholar70https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3cXptlamsL4%253D&md5=96fb643329b905abf604e6b62593dd85Engineering photonic density of states using metamaterialsJacob, Z.; Kim, J.-Y.; Naik, G. V.; Boltasseva, A.; Narimanov, E. E.; Shalaev, V. M.Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (2010), 100 (1), 215-218CODEN: APBOEM; ISSN:0946-2171. (Springer)The photonic d. of states (PDOS), like its electronic counterpart, is one of the key phys. quantities governing a variety of phenomena and hence PDOS manipulation is the route to new photonic devices. The PDOS is conventionally altered by exploiting the resonance within a device such as a microcavity or a bandgap structure like a photonic crystal. Here we show that nanostructured metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion can dramatically enhance the photonic d. of states paving the way for metamaterial-based PDOS engineering.
- 71Werner, J.; Nogay, G.; Sahli, F.; Yang, T. C.-J.; Brauninger, M.; Christmann, G.; Walter, A.; Kamino, B. A.; Fiala, P.; Loper, P. Complex refractive indices of cesium–formamidinium-based mixed-halide perovskites with optical band gaps from 1.5 to 1.8 eV. ACS Energy Letters 2018, 3, 742– 747, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b00089Google Scholar71https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXjtlOmuro%253D&md5=a92219172091966059dbb85230db15a9Complex Refractive Indices of Cesium-Formamidinium-Based Mixed-Halide Perovskites with Optical Band Gaps from 1.5 to 1.8 eVWerner, Jeremie; Nogay, Gizem; Sahli, Florent; Yang, Terry Chien-Jen; Brauninger, Matthias; Christmann, Gabriel; Walter, Arnaud; Kamino, Brett A.; Fiala, Peter; Loper, Philipp; Nicolay, Sylvain; Jeangros, Quentin; Niesen, Bjoern; Ballif, ChristopheACS Energy Letters (2018), 3 (3), 742-747CODEN: AELCCP; ISSN:2380-8195. (American Chemical Society)Cs-formamidinium-based mixed-halide perovskite materials with optical band gaps 1.5-1.8 eV are studied by variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. The detd. complex refractive indexes are shown to depend on the fabrication procedure and environmental conditions during processing. This data is complemented by addnl. optical and structural characterization, as well as the demonstration of efficient perovskite solar cells. The data is used in optical simulations to provide guidelines for the optimization of perovskite/Si tandem solar cells.
- 72Rakić, A. D.; Djurišić, A. B.; Elazar, J. M.; Majewski, M. L. Optical properties of metallic films for vertical-cavity optoelectronic devices. Appl. Opt. 1998, 37, 5271– 5283, DOI: 10.1364/AO.37.005271Google Scholar72https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1cXltl2ls78%253D&md5=82a98946267e73222c252588a3bb8402Optical properties of metallic films for vertical-cavity optoelectronic devicesRakic, Aleksandar D.; Djurisic, Aleksandra B.; Elazar, Jovan M.; Majewski, Marian L.Applied Optics (1998), 37 (22), 5271-5283CODEN: APOPAI; ISSN:0003-6935. (Optical Society of America)The authors present models for the optical functions of 11 metals used as mirrors and contacts in optoelectronic and optical devices: noble metals (Ag, Au, Cu), Al, Be, and transition metals (Cr, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ti, W). The authors used two simple phenomenol. models, the Lorentz-Drude (D) and the Brendel-Bormann (BB), to interpret both the free-electron and the interband parts of the dielec. response of metals in a wide spectral range from 0.1 to 6 eV. The authors' results show that the BB model was needed to describe appropriately the interband absorption in noble metals, while for Al, Be, and the transition metals both models exhibit good agreement with the exptl. data. A comparison with measurements on surface normal structures confirmed that the reflectance and the phase change on reflection from semiconductor-metal interfaces (including the case of metallic multilayers) can be accurately described using the proposed models for the optical functions of metallic films and the matrix method for multilayer calcns.
- 73Aspnes, D. E.; Studna, A. Dielectric functions and optical parameters of si, ge, gap, gaas, gasb, inp, inas, and insb from 1.5 to 6.0 ev. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1983, 27, 985, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.27.985Google Scholar73https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL3sXpvFKgsQ%253D%253D&md5=8123e2c45d76d0d33662b6087cd05534Dielectric functions and optical parameters of silicon, germanium, gallium phosphide, gallium arsenide, gallium antimonide, indium phosphide, indium arsenide, and indium antimonide from 1.5 to 6.0 eVAspnes, D. E.; Studna, A. A.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1983), 27 (2), 985-1009CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829.Pseudodielec. functions <ε> = <ε1> + i<ε2> measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry and refractive indices ~n + ik, reflectivities R, and absorption coeffs. α calcd. from these data are reported. Rather than correct ellipsometric results for the presence of overlayers, the authors have removed these layers as far as possible using the real-time capability of the spectroscopic ellipsometer to assess surface quality during cleaning. The results are compared with previous data. In general, there is good agreement among optical parameters measured on smooth, clean, and undamaged samples maintained in an inert atm. regardless of the technique used to obtain the data. Differences among the data and previous results can generally be understood in terms of inadequate sample prepn., although results obtained by Kramers-Kronig anal. of reflectance measurements often show effects due to improper extrapolations. These results illustrate the importance of proper sample prepn. and of the capability of sep. detg. both ε1 and ε2 in optical measurements.
- 74Novotny, L.; Hecht, B. Principles of Nano-Optics; Cambridge University Press, 2012.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 75Lin, H.-I.; Shen, K.-C.; Liao, Y.-M.; Li, Y.-H.; Perumal, P.; Haider, G.; Cheng, B. H.; Liao, W.-C.; Lin, S.-Y.; Lin, W.-J. Integration of nanoscale light emitters and hyperbolic metamaterials: an efficient platform for the enhancement of random laser action. ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 718– 727, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01266Google Scholar75https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXhvF2gsLfL&md5=63f2c532b67b05d46314e2b72441c50bIntegration of Nanoscale Light Emitters and Hyperbolic Metamaterials: An Efficient Platform for the Enhancement of Random Laser ActionLin, Hung-I.; Shen, Kun-Ching; Liao, Yu-Ming; Li, Yao-Hsuan; Perumal, Packiyaraj; Haider, Golam; Cheng, Bo Han; Liao, Wei-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Yao; Lin, Wei-Ju; Lin, Tai-Yuan; Chen, Yang-FangACS Photonics (2018), 5 (3), 718-727CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The 1st attempt to integrate hyperbolic metamaterials with light emitting nanostructures enables strong enhancement of random laser action with reduced lasing threshold. The differential quantum efficiency can be enhanced by >4 times. The underlying mechanism can be interpreted well based on the fact that the high-k modes excited by hyperbolic metamaterials can greatly increase the possibility of forming close loops decreasing the energy consumption for the propagation of scattered photons in the matrix. Out-coupled propagation of the high-k modes reaches to the far-field without being trapped inside the metamaterials due to the coupling with the random distribution of light emitting nanoparticles also plays an important role. Electromagnetic simulations derived from the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are executed to support the interpretation. Realizing strong enhancement of laser action assisted by hyperbolic metamaterials provides an attractive, simple, and efficient scheme for the development of high performance optoelectronic devices, including phototransistors, and many other solid state lighting systems. Besides, because of increasing light absorption assisted by hyperbolic metamaterials structure, the approach shown is also useful for the application of highly efficient solar cells.
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This article references 75 other publications.
- 1Liu, Y.; Zhang, X. Metamaterials: a new frontier of science and technology. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 2494– 2507, DOI: 10.1039/c0cs00184h1https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3MXkvVWju7Y%253D&md5=5dfced1566f8680ef096fd371c37d61bMetamaterials: a new frontier of science and technologyLiu, Yongmin; Zhang, XiangChemical Society Reviews (2011), 40 (5), 2494-2507CODEN: CSRVBR; ISSN:0306-0012. (Royal Society of Chemistry)A review. Metamaterials, artificial composite structures with exotic material properties, have emerged as a new frontier of science involving physics, material science, engineering and chem. This crit. review focuses on the fundamentals, recent progresses and future directions in the research of electromagnetic metamaterials. An introduction to metamaterials followed by a detailed elaboration on how to design unprecedented electromagnetic properties of metamaterials is presented. A no. of intriguing phenomena and applications assocd. with metamaterials are discussed, including neg. refraction, sub-diffraction-limited imaging, strong optical activities in chiral metamaterials, interaction of meta-atoms and transformation optics. Finally, we offer an outlook on future directions of metamaterials research including but not limited to three-dimensional optical metamaterials, nonlinear metamaterials and "quantum" perspectives of metamaterials (142 refs.).
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- 5Poddubny, A.; Iorsh, I.; Belov, P.; Kivshar, Y. Hyperbolic metamaterials. Nat. Photonics 2013, 7, 948, DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2013.2435https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3sXhvVGru7nO&md5=fe2546b88248b8a7156c61848bc2a6e3Hyperbolic metamaterialsPoddubny, Alexander; Iorsh, Ivan; Belov, Pavel; Kivshar, YuriNature Photonics (2013), 7 (12), 948-957CODEN: NPAHBY; ISSN:1749-4885. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. Electromagnetic metamaterials, artificial media created by subwavelength structuring, are useful for engineering electromagnetic space and controlling light propagation. Such materials exhibit many unusual properties that are rarely or never obsd. in nature. They can be employed to realize useful functionalities in emerging metadevices based on light. Here, we review hyperbolic metamaterials - one of the most unusual classes of electromagnetic metamaterials. They display hyperbolic (or indefinite) dispersion, which originates from one of the principal components of their elec. or magnetic effective tensor having the opposite sign to the other two principal components. Such anisotropic structured materials exhibit distinctive properties, including strong enhancement of spontaneous emission, diverging d. of states, neg. refraction and enhanced superlensing effects.
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- 11Barnes, W. L.; Dereux, A.; Ebbesen, T. W. Surface plasmon subwavelength optics. Nature 2003, 424, 824, DOI: 10.1038/nature0193711https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXmt1ant7g%253D&md5=f34c9c0ea2de46f7b70d9b8aa552a459Surface plasmon subwavelength opticsBarnes, William L.; Dereux, Alain; Ebbesen, Thomas W.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2003), 424 (6950), 824-830CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. Surface plasmons are waves that propagate along the surface of a conductor. By altering the structure of a metal's surface, the properties of surface plasmons - in particular their interaction with light - can be tailored, which offers the potential for developing new types of photonic device. This could lead to miniaturized photonic circuits with length scales that are much smaller than those currently achieved. Surface plasmons are being explored for their potential in subwavelength optics, data storage, light generation, microscopy and bio-photonics.
- 12Sreekanth, K. V.; Krishna, K. H.; De Luca, A.; Strangi, G. Large spontaneous emission rate enhancement in grating coupled hyperbolic metamaterials. Sci. Rep. 2015, 4, 6340, DOI: 10.1038/srep06340There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 13Park, N.-G. Organometal perovskite light absorbers toward a 20% efficiency low-cost solid-state mesoscopic solar cell. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2423– 2429, DOI: 10.1021/jz400892a13https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3sXhtV2mt77J&md5=85358aea995ca8a2ff4b669dedaa0b33Organometal Perovskite Light Absorbers Toward a 20% Efficiency Low-Cost Solid-State Mesoscopic Solar CellPark, Nam-GyuJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2013), 4 (15), 2423-2429CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)A review of recent progress in perovskite-sensitized solid-state mesoscopic solar cells. Recently, perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 sensitizer has attracted great attention due to its superb light-harvesting characteristics. Organometallic or org. materials were mostly used as sensitizers for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells at early stages. Inorg. nanocrystals have lately received attention as light harvesters due to their high light-absorbing properties. Metal chalcogenides have been investigated with solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells; however, the best power conversion efficiency was reported to be around 6%. CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, or I) perovskite sensitizer made a breakthrough in solid-state mescoscopic solar cells, where the first record efficiency of ∼10% was reported in 2012 using submicrometer-thick TiO2 film sensitized with CH3NH3PbI3. A rapid increase in efficiency approaching 14% followed shortly. On the basis of the recent achievements, a power conversion efficiency as high as 20% is expected based on optimized perovskite-based solid-state solar cells.
- 14Snaith, H. J. Perovskites: the emergence of a new era for low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 3623– 3630, DOI: 10.1021/jz402016214https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3sXhsF2ls7rK&md5=269cb95fc2fb06c29b0717f24af54479Perovskites: the emergence of a new era for low-cost, high-efficiency solar cellsSnaith, Henry J.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2013), 4 (21), 3623-3630CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)Review. Over the last 12 mo, we have witnessed an unexpected breakthrough and rapid evolution in the field of emerging photovoltaics, with the realization of highly efficient solid-state hybrid solar cells based on organometal trihalide perovskite absorbers. In this Perspective, the steps that have led to this discovery are discussed, and the future of this rapidly advancing concept have been considered. It is likely that the next few years of solar research will advance this technol. to the very highest efficiencies while retaining the very lowest cost and embodied energy. Provided that the stability of the perovskite-based technol. can be proven, we will witness the emergence of a contender for ultimately low-cost solar power.
- 15Nie, W.; Tsai, H.; Asadpour, R.; Blancon, J.-C.; Neukirch, A. J.; Gupta, G.; Crochet, J. J.; Chhowalla, M.; Tretiak, S.; Alam, M. A. High-efficiency solution-processed perovskite solar cells with millimeter-scale grains. Science 2015, 347, 522– 525, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa047215https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXhsV2nsrg%253D&md5=18849a643ea3019def7870f2b7a1a66aHigh-efficiency solution-processed perovskite solar cells with millimeter-scale grainsNie, Wanyi; Tsai, Hsinhan; Asadpour, Reza; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Gupta, Gautam; Crochet, Jared J.; Chhowalla, Manish; Tretiak, Sergei; Alam, Muhammad A.; Wang, Hsing-Lin; Mohite, Aditya D.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2015), 347 (6221), 522-525CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)State-of-the-art photovoltaics use high-purity, large-area, wafer-scale single-cryst. semiconductors grown by sophisticated, high-temp. crystal growth processes. We demonstrate a soln.-based hot-casting technique to grow continuous, pinhole-free thin films of organometallic perovskites with millimeter-scale cryst. grains. We fabricated planar solar cells with efficiencies approaching 18%, with little cell-to-cell variability. The devices show hysteresis-free photovoltaic response, which had been a fundamental bottleneck for the stable operation of perovskite devices. Characterization and modeling attribute the improved performance to reduced bulk defects and improved charge carrier mobility in large-grain devices. We anticipate that this technique will lead the field toward synthesis of wafer-scale cryst. perovskites, necessary for the fabrication of high-efficiency solar cells, and will be applicable to several other material systems plagued by polydispersity, defects, and grain boundary recombination in soln.-processed thin films.
- 16Jeon, N. J.; Noh, J. H.; Yang, W. S.; Kim, Y. C.; Ryu, S.; Seo, J.; Seok, S. I. Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells. Nature 2015, 517, 476– 480, DOI: 10.1038/nature1413316https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXivF2msg%253D%253D&md5=6b63487cbd6ca18ba27638ae8887c711Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cellsJeon, Nam Joong; Noh, Jun Hong; Yang, Woon Seok; Kim, Young Chan; Ryu, Seungchan; Seo, Jangwon; Seok, Sang IlNature (London, United Kingdom) (2015), 517 (7535), 476-480CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)Here we combine the promising, owing to its comparatively narrow bandgap, but relatively unstable formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) with methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) as the light-harvesting unit in a bilayer solar cell architecture. We investigated phase stability, morphol. of the perovskite layer, hysteresis in current-voltage characteristics, and overall performance as a function of chem. compn. Our results show that incorporation of MAPbBr3 into FAPbI3 stabilizes the perovskite phase of FAPbI3 and improves the power conversion efficiency of the solar cell to >18% under a std. illumination of 100 mW/cm2. These findings further emphasize the versatility and performance potential of inorg.-org. lead halide perovskite materials for photovoltaic applications.
- 17Correa-Baena, J.-P.; Abate, A.; Saliba, M.; Tress, W.; Jacobsson, T. J.; Grätzel, M.; Hagfeldt, A. The rapid evolution of highly efficient perovskite solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci. 2017, 10, 710– 727, DOI: 10.1039/C6EE03397K17https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXitlOisbY%253D&md5=85d63526458abfcc7777f074a129dbd8The rapid evolution of highly efficient perovskite solar cellsCorrea-Baena, Juan-Pablo; Abate, Antonio; Saliba, Michael; Tress, Wolfgang; Jesper Jacobsson, T.; Gratzel, Michael; Hagfeldt, AndersEnergy & Environmental Science (2017), 10 (3), 710-727CODEN: EESNBY; ISSN:1754-5706. (Royal Society of Chemistry)A review. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have attracted much attention because of their rapid rise to 22% efficiencies. Here, we review the rapid evolution of PSCs as they enter a new phase that could revolutionize the photovoltaic industry. In particular, we describe the properties that make perovskites so remarkable, and the current understanding of the PSC device physics, including the operation of state-of-the-art solar cells with efficiencies above 20%. The extraordinary progress of long-term stability is discussed and we provide an outlook on what the future of PSCs might soon bring the photovoltaic community. Some challenges remain in terms of reducing non-radiative recombination and increasing cond. of the different device layers, and these will be discussed in depth in this review.
- 18Luo, Q.; Ma, H.; Hou, Q.; Li, Y.; Ren, J.; Dai, X.; Yao, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Xiang, L.; Du, H. All-carbon-electrode-based endurable flexible perovskite solar cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1706777, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201706777There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19Shin, S. S.; Suk, J. H.; Kang, B. J.; Yin, W.; Lee, S. J.; Noh, J. H.; Ahn, T. K.; Rotermund, F.; Cho, I. S.; Seok, S. I. Energy-level engineering of the electron transporting layer for improving open-circuit voltage in dye and perovskite-based solar cells. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 958– 964, DOI: 10.1039/C8EE03672A19https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXjt1eqtbY%253D&md5=1fccd502ca28880bff9cef277edadadbEnergy-level engineering of the electron transporting layer for improving open-circuit voltage in dye and perovskite-based solar cellsShin, Seong Sik; Suk, Jae Ho; Kang, Bong Joo; Yin, Wenping; Lee, Seon Joo; Noh, Jun Hong; Ahn, Tae Kyu; Rotermund, Fabian; Cho, In Sun; Seok, Sang IlEnergy & Environmental Science (2019), 12 (3), 958-964CODEN: EESNBY; ISSN:1754-5706. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Next-generation solar cells, such as dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and perovskite solar cells (PSCs), are fabricated in a configuration where light absorbers are located between the electron transporting layer (ETL) and the hole transporting layer (HTM). Although the most efficient DSSCs and PSCs have been fabricated using TiO2 as the ETL, TiO2 exhibits inherently low electron mobility with difficulty controlling the energy levels (i.e., conduction and valence bands) as it possesses a single phase of two components. Here, we report the synthesis of Sr-substituted BaSnO3 (BSSO) by a low-temp. soln. process as a new alternative to TiO2 for both PSCs and DSSCs. The energy-level tailoring by Sr incorporation into BaSnO3 minimizes the open-circuit voltage (VOC) loss at the interfaces of ETL/perovskite and ETL/electrolyte in the PSCs and DSSCs, thereby leading to an improved VOC from 0.65 to 0.72 V in DSSC and 1.07 to 1.13 V in PSCs. Addnl., the BSSO ETL-based PSC shows improved photostability compared to the TiO2 analog. Our results show that energy-level tuned BSSO can be applied as a universal ETL for improving efficiency in both PSCs and DSSCs.
- 20Protesescu, L.; Yakunin, S.; Bodnarchuk, M. I.; Krieg, F.; Caputo, R.; Hendon, C. H.; Yang, R. X.; Walsh, A.; Kovalenko, M. V. Nanocrystals of cesium lead halide perovskites (CsPbX3, X= Cl, Br, and I): novel optoelectronic materials showing bright emission with wide color gamut. Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 3692– 3696, DOI: 10.1021/nl504877920https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXhvVOjt74%253D&md5=9285d37903f27d4b4b602c17ddbdce03Nanocrystals of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I): Novel Optoelectronic Materials Showing Bright Emission with Wide Color GamutProtesescu, Loredana; Yakunin, Sergii; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.; Krieg, Franziska; Caputo, Riccarda; Hendon, Christopher H.; Yang, Ruo Xi; Walsh, Aron; Kovalenko, Maksym V.Nano Letters (2015), 15 (6), 3692-3696CODEN: NALEFD; ISSN:1530-6984. (American Chemical Society)Metal halides perovskites, such as hybrid org.-inorg. MeNH3PbI3, are newcomer optoelectronic materials that have attracted enormous attention as soln.-deposited absorbing layers in solar cells with power conversion efficiencies reaching 20%. A new avenue for halide perovskites was demonstrated by designing highly luminescent perovskite-based colloidal quantum dot materials. Monodisperse colloidal nanocubes (4-15 nm edge lengths) of fully inorg. perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I or mixed halide systems Cl/Br and Br/I) were synthesized using inexpensive com. precursors. Through compositional modulations and quantum size-effects, the bandgap energies and emission spectra are readily tunable over the entire visible spectral region of 410-700 nm. The luminescence of CsPbX3 nanocrystals is characterized by narrow emission line-widths of 12-42 nm, wide color gamut covering up to 140% of the NTSC color std., high quantum yields of ≤90%, and radiative lifetimes at 1-29 ns. The compelling combination of enhanced optical properties and chem. robustness makes CsPbX3 nanocrystals appealing for optoelectronic applications, particularly for blue and green spectral regions (410-530 nm), where typical metal chalcogenide-based quantum dots suffer from photodegrdn.
- 21Zhang, F.; Zhong, H.; Chen, C.; Wu, X.-g.; Hu, X.; Huang, H.; Han, J.; Zou, B.; Dong, Y. Brightly luminescent and color-tunable colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X= Br, I, Cl) quantum dots: potential alternatives for display technology. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4533– 4542, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b0115421https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXlsFarsr0%253D&md5=a226a31be36792ee98f869e7bf9f0f2bBrightly Luminescent and Color-Tunable Colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I, Cl) Quantum Dots: Potential Alternatives for Display TechnologyZhang, Feng; Zhong, Haizheng; Chen, Cheng; Wu, Xian-gang; Hu, Xiangmin; Huang, Hailong; Han, Junbo; Zou, Bingsuo; Dong, YupingACS Nano (2015), 9 (4), 4533-4542CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)A ligand-assisted repptn. strategy to fabricate brightly luminescent and color-tunable colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Br, I, Cl) quantum dots with abs. quantum yield up to 70% at room temp. and low excitation fluencies is reported. To illustrate the photoluminescence enhancements in these quantum dots, comprehensive compn. and surface characterizations and time- and temp.-dependent photoluminescence spectra were studied. Comparisons between small-sized CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots (av. diam. 3.3 nm) and corresponding micrometer-sized bulk particles (2-8 μm) suggested that the intense increased photoluminescence quantum yield originates from the increase of exciton binding energy due to size redn. as well as proper chem. passivations of the Br-rich surface. Wide-color gamut white-light-emitting diodes using green emissive CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots and red emissive K2SiF6:Mn4+ as color converters were fabricated, providing enhanced color quality for display technol. The colloidal CH3NH3PbX3 quantum dots are expected to exhibit interesting nanoscale excitonic properties and also have other potential applications in lasers, electroluminescence devices, and optical sensors.
- 22Kovalenko, M. V.; Protesescu, L.; Bodnarchuk, M. I. Properties and potential optoelectronic applications of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals. Science 2017, 358, 745– 750, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam709322https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXhslOnsLzI&md5=9103ab17f8d3bcd25b8c1ceff02af898Properties and potential optoelectronic applications of lead halide perovskite nanocrystalsKovalenko, Maksym V.; Protesescu, Loredana; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2017), 358 (6364), 745-750CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)A review. Semiconducting lead halide perovskites (LHPs) have not only become prominent thin-film absorber materials in photovoltaics but have also proven to be disruptive in the field of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs). The most important feature of LHP NCs is their so-called defect-tolerance-the apparently benign nature of structural defects, highly abundant in these compds., with respect to optical and electronic properties. Here, we review the important differences that exist in the chem. and physics of LHP NCs as compared with more conventional, tetrahedrally bonded, elemental, and binary semiconductor NCs (such as silicon, germanium, cadmium selenide, gallium arsenide, and indium phosphide). We survey the prospects of LHP NCs for optoelectronic applications such as in television displays, light-emitting devices, and solar cells, emphasizing the practical hurdles that remain to be overcome.
- 23Li, X.; Cao, F.; Yu, D.; Chen, J.; Sun, Z.; Shen, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, L.; Wei, Y.; Wu, Y. All inorganic halide perovskites nanosystem: synthesis, structural features, optical properties and optoelectronic applications. Small 2017, 13, 1603996, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603996There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Hassanabadi, E.; Latifi, M.; Gualdron-Reyes, A. F.; Masi, S.; Yoon, S. J.; Poyatos, M.; Julian-Lopez, B.; Mora-Sero, I. Ligand & Band Gap Engineering: Tailoring the Protocol Synthesis for Achieving High-Quality CsPbI3 Quantum Dots. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 14194, DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03180A24https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhtFelsrjN&md5=489a6a72021ad62723c3283b24d7603aLigand & band gap engineering: tailoring the protocol synthesis for achieving high-quality CsPbI3 quantum dotsHassanabadi, Ehsan; Latifi, Masoud; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres. F.; Masi, Sofia; Yoon, Seog Joon; Poyatos, Macarena; Julian-Lopez, Beatriz; Mora-Sero, IvanNanoscale (2020), 12 (26), 14194-14203CODEN: NANOHL; ISSN:2040-3372. (Royal Society of Chemistry)Hot-injection has become the most widespread method used for the synthesis of perovskite quantum dots (QDs) with enormous interest for application in optoelectronic devices. However, there are some aspects of the chem. involved in this synthesis that have not been completely investigated. In this work, we synthesized ultra-high stable CsPbI3 QDs for more than 15 mo by controlling two main parameters: synthesis temp. and the concn. of capping ligands. By increasing the capping ligand concn. during the QD synthesis, we were able to grow CsPbI3 in a broad range of temps., improving the photophys. properties of QDs by increasing the synthesis temp. We achieved the max. photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 93% for a synthesis conducted at 185°C, establishing an efficient surface passivation to decrease the d. of non-radiative recombination sites. Under these optimized synthesis conditions, deep red LEDs with an External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) higher than 6% were achieved. The performance of these LEDs is higher than that of the reported CsPbI3 QD-LEDs contg. std. capping agents, without addnl. elements or further element exchange. We show that it is possible to produce stable CsPbI3 QDs with high PLQY and red emission beyond the requirement of the Rec. 2020 stds. for red color.
- 25Navarro Arenas, J.; Soosaimanickam, A.; Pashaei Adl, H.; Abargues, R.; Boix, P. P.; Rodrı́guez-Cantó, P. J.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Ligand-Length Modification in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals and Bilayers with PbS Quantum Dots for Improved Photodetection Performance. Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 1297, DOI: 10.3390/nano10071297There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Hu, F.; Zhang, H.; Sun, C.; Yin, C.; Lv, B.; Zhang, C.; Yu, W. W.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Xiao, M. Single Photon Emission from Single Perovskite Nanocrystals of Cesium Lead Bromide. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 12410, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b0576926https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXhslCqsbzP&md5=bc67b72ac7c6e7342adbcbfb2c34c003Superior Optical Properties of Perovskite Nanocrystals as Single Photon EmittersHu, Fengrui; Zhang, Huichao; Sun, Chun; Yin, Chunyang; Lv, Bihu; Zhang, Chunfeng; Yu, William W.; Wang, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Yu; Xiao, MinACS Nano (2015), 9 (12), 12410-12416CODEN: ANCAC3; ISSN:1936-0851. (American Chemical Society)Single photon emission was obsd. from single CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized from a facile colloidal approach. Compared with traditional metal-chalcogenide NCs, these CsPbBr3 NCs exhibit nearly 2 orders of magnitude increase in their absorption cross sections at similar emission colors. The radiative lifetime of CsPbBr3 NCs is greatly shortened at both room and cryogenic temps. to favor an extremely fast output of single photons. The above superior optical properties have paved the way toward quantum-light applications of perovskite NCs in various quantum information processing schemes.
- 27Utzat, H.; Sun, W.; Kaplan, A. E.; Krieg, F.; Ginterseder, M.; Spokoyny, B.; Klein, N. D.; Shulenberger, K. E.; Perkinson, C. F.; Kovalenko, M. V. Coherent single-photon emission from colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dots. Science 2019, 363, 1068– 1072, DOI: 10.1126/science.aau739227https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXktFagt7o%253D&md5=3ee5f7369104345803809d882422ea15Coherent single-photon emission from colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dotsUtzat, Hendrik; Sun, Weiwei; Kaplan, Alexander E. K.; Krieg, Franziska; Ginterseder, Matthias; Spokoyny, Boris; Klein, Nathan D.; Shulenberger, Katherine E.; Perkinson, Collin F.; Kovalenko, Maksym V.; Bawendi, Moungi G.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2019), 363 (6431), 1068-1072CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Chem. made colloidal semiconductor quantum dots have long been proposed as scalable and color-tunable single emitters in quantum optics, but they have typically suffered from prohibitively incoherent emission. The authors now demonstrate that individual colloidal lead halide perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) display highly efficient single-photon emission with optical coherence times as long as 80 ps, an appreciable fraction of their 210-ps radiative lifetimes. These measurements suggest that PQDs should be explored as building blocks in sources of indistinguishable single photons and entangled photon pairs. Their results present a starting point for the rational design of lead halide perovskite-based quantum emitters that have fast emission, wide spectral tunability, and scalable prodn. and that benefit from the hybrid integration with nanophotonic components that has been demonstrated for colloidal materials.
- 28Li, C.; Xu, Z.-Q.; Mendelson, N.; Kianinia, M.; Toth, M.; Aharonovich, I. Purification of single-photon emission from hBN using post-processing treatments. Nanophotonics 2019, 8, 2049– 2055, DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2019-009928https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhsFCitL8%253D&md5=75c0499ffce2d933474df0bc3f3b03e1Purification of single-photon emission from hBN using post-processing treatmentsLi, Chi; Xu, Zai-Quan; Mendelson, Noah; Kianinia, Mehran; Toth, Milos; Aharonovich, IgorNanophotonics (2019), 8 (11), 2049-2055CODEN: NANOLP; ISSN:2192-8614. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH)Single-photon emitters (SPEs) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are promising components for on-chip quantum information processing. Recently, large-area hBN films prepd. by chem. vapor deposition (CVD) were found to host uniform, high densities of SPEs. However, the purity of these emitters has, to date, been low, hindering their applications in practical devices. In this work, we present two methods for post-growth processing of hBN, which significantly improve SPEs in hBN films that had been transferred from substrates used for CVD. The emitters exhibit high photon purities in excess of 90% and narrow linewidths of ∼3 nm at room temp. Our work lays a foundation for producing high-quality emitters in an ultra-compact two-dimensional material system and paves the way for deployment of hBN SPEs in scalable on-chip photonic and quantum devices.
- 29Turiansky, M.; Alkauskas, A.; Bassett, L.; Van de Walle, C. Boron Dangling Bonds as Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.127401There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Sun, Y.; Yaroshenko, V.; Chebykin, A.; Ageev, E.; Makarov, S.; Zuev, D. Metal-dielectric nanoantenna for radiation control of a single-photon emitter. Opt. Mater. Express 2020, 10, 29– 35, DOI: 10.1364/OME.10.00002930https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXhtlSltL%252FK&md5=e267b9b26ab5ee4c6a0bad9b3a144c2dMetal-dielectric nanoantenna for radiation control of a single-photon emitterSun, Yali; Yaroshenko, Vitaly; Chebykin, Alexander; Ageev, Eduard; Makarov, Sergey; Zuev, DmitryOptical Materials Express (2020), 10 (1), 29-35CODEN: OMEPAX; ISSN:2159-3930. (Optical Society of America)The control of fluorescent properties of single-photon sources in solid-state host systems via optically resonant nanostructures is a key issue in quantum nanophotonics. Here we propose a design of a resonant metal-dielec. nanoantenna for the Purcell factor and radiation pattern control of a quantum emitter placed in the gap between metal and dielec. components of the nanostructure. We demonstrate that large Purcell factor, considerable field enhancement in the gap as well as high directivity can be achieved. The developed nanosystem can be utilized for different solid-state host systems from nanocrystals to 2D materials.
- 31Shalaginov, M. Y.; Vorobyov, V. V.; Liu, J.; Ferrera, M.; Akimov, A. V.; Lagutchev, A.; Smolyaninov, A. N.; Klimov, V. V.; Irudayaraj, J.; Kildishev, A. V. Enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al, Sc) N hyperbolic metamaterial. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2015, 9, 120– 127, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.20140018531https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2MXoslGjug%253D%253D&md5=febd65394c099656ad4f51d52a498cfeEnhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al,Sc)N hyperbolic metamaterialShalaginov, Mikhail Y.; Vorobyov, Vadim V.; Liu, Jing; Ferrera, Marcello; Akimov, Alexey V.; Lagutchev, Alexei; Smolyaninov, Andrey N.; Klimov, Vasily V.; Irudayaraj, Joseph; Kildishev, Alexander V.; Boltasseva, Alexandra; Shalaev, Vladimir M.Laser & Photonics Reviews (2015), 9 (1), 120-127CODEN: LPRAB8; ISSN:1863-8880. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)The broadband enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds coupled to a planar multilayer metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion is studied exptl. The metamaterial is fabricated as an epitaxial metal/dielec. superlattice consisting of CMOS-compatible ceramics: titanium nitride (TiN) and aluminum scandium nitride (AlxSc1-xN). It is demonstrated that employing the metamaterial results in significant enhancement of collected single-photon emission and redn. of the excited-state lifetime. Our results could have an impact on future CMOS-compatible integrated quantum sources.
- 32Vahala, K. J. Optical microcavities. Nature 2003, 424, 839– 846, DOI: 10.1038/nature0193932https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD3sXmt1ant7Y%253D&md5=a5b480dd4b7e8cc77c8a064c69bd0bd2Optical microcavitiesVahala, Kerry J.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2003), 424 (6950), 839-846CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. Optical microcavities confine light to small vols. by resonant recirculation. Devices based on optical microcavities are already indispensable for a wide range of applications and studies. For example, microcavities made of active III-V semiconductor materials control laser emission spectra to enable long-distance transmission of data over optical fibers; they also ensure narrow spot-size laser read/write beams in CD and DVD players. In quantum optical devices, microcavities can coax atoms or quantum dots to emit spontaneous photons in a desired direction or can provide an environment where dissipative mechanisms such as spontaneous emission are overcome so that quantum entanglement of radiation and matter is possible. Applications of these remarkable devices are as diverse as their geometrical and resonant properties.
- 33Shen, S.; Li, J.; Wu, Y. Magnetically controllable photon blockade under a weak quantum-dot–cavity coupling condition. Phys. Rev. A: At., Mol., Opt. Phys. 2020, 101, 023805, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.023805There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Gérard, J.; Sermage, B.; Gayral, B.; Legrand, B.; Costard, E.; Thierry-Mieg, V. Enhanced spontaneous emission by quantum boxes in a monolithic optical microcavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998, 81, 1110, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.111034https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1cXkvFShtbk%253D&md5=8209dc7e4568f849851b29533c6c0eceEnhanced spontaneous emission by quantum boxes in a monolithic optical microcavityGerard, J. M.; Sermage, B.; Gayral, B.; Legrand, B.; Costard, E.; Thierry-Mieg, V.Physical Review Letters (1998), 81 (5), 1110-1113CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007. (American Physical Society)Semiconductor quantum boxes (QB's) are well suited to cavity quantum electrodynamic expts. in the solid state because of their sharp emission. We study by time-resolved photoluminescence InAs QB's placed in the core of small-vol. and high-finesse GaAs/AlAs pillar microresonators. A spontaneous emission rate enhancement by a factor of up to 5 is selectively obsd. for the QB's which are on resonance with 1-cavity mode. We explain its magnitude by considering the Purcell figure of merit of the micropillars and the effect of the random spatial and spectral distributions of the QB's.
- 35Takahashi, H.; Kassa, E.; Christoforou, C.; Keller, M. Strong coupling of a single ion to an optical cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 124, 013602, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.01360235https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXmslOqu7c%253D&md5=8d17b91de289a78e6fd886da597035b3Strong Coupling of a Single Ion to an Optical CavityTakahashi, Hiroki; Kassa, Ezra; Christoforou, Costas; Keller, MatthiasPhysical Review Letters (2020), 124 (1), 013602CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:1079-7114. (American Physical Society)Strong coupling between an atom and an electromagnetic resonator is an important condition in cavity quantum electrodynamics. While strong coupling in various phys. systems has been achieved so far, it remained elusive for single at. ions. Here, we achieve a coupling strength of 2πx(12.3±0.1) MHz between a single Ca40+ ion and an optical cavity, exceeding both at. and cavity decay rates which are 2πx11.5 and 2πx(4.1±0.1) MHz, resp. We use cavity assisted Raman spectroscopy to precisely characterize the ion-cavity coupling strength and observe a spectrum featuring the normal mode splitting in the cavity transmission due to the ion-cavity interaction. Our work paves the way towards new applications of cavity quantum electrodynamics utilizing single trapped ions in the strong coupling regime for quantum optics and quantum technologies.
- 36Reithmaier, J. P.; Sek, G.; Loffler, A.; Hofmann, C.; Kuhn, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Keldysh, L. V.; Kulakovskii, V. D.; Reinecke, T. L.; Forchel, A. Strong coupling in a single quantum dot–semiconductor microcavity system. Nature 2004, 432, 197– 200, DOI: 10.1038/nature0296936https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2cXpsF2gtr8%253D&md5=b79f5e27f8fe1ef830c1c79063883eb5Strong coupling in a single quantum dot-semiconductor microcavity systemReithmaier, J. P.; Sek, G.; Loeffler, A.; Hofmann, C.; Kuhn, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Keldysh, L. V.; Kulakovskii, V. D.; Reinecke, T. L.; Forchel, A.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2004), 432 (7014), 197-200CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)The authors report the observation of strong coupling of a single 2-level solid-state system with a photon, as realized by a single quantum dot in a semiconductor microcavity. The strong coupling is manifest in photoluminescence data that display anti-crossings between the quantum dot exciton and cavity-mode dispersion relations, characterized by a vacuum Rabi splitting of ∼140 μeV.
- 37Li, L.; Wang, W.; Luk, T. S.; Yang, X.; Gao, J. Enhanced quantum dot spontaneous emission with multilayer metamaterial nanostructures. ACS Photonics 2017, 4, 501– 508, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b0103937https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXjsF2ku7Y%253D&md5=e3572fcb774e21a6cc7db7d1e87021acEnhanced Quantum Dot Spontaneous Emission with Multilayer Metamaterial NanostructuresLi, Ling; Wang, Wei; Luk, Ting S.; Yang, Xiaodong; Gao, JieACS Photonics (2017), 4 (3), 501-508CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The Purcell effect of quantum dot (QD) spontaneous emission with Ag-SiO2 multilayer metamaterial nanostructures was demonstrated in expt. and simulation. A broadband enhanced spontaneous emission rate of QDs is obsd. due to large local d. of states in the epsilon-near-zero and hyperbolic regions of multilayer structures. Multilayer gratings are used to further enhance the QD spontaneous emission as the QDs located inside the grating grooves strongly interact with high-k coupled surface plasmon polariton modes. Photoluminescence decay measurements are in good agreement with both anal. treatment with a nonlocal effect and 3-dimensional finite-element simulation. Detailed studies of QD position and polarization effects on emission rate enhancement for multilayer and multilayer grating nanostructures provide important insight for understanding the coupling mechanisms of emitter-multilayer interaction and the engineering of local d. of states in metamaterial nanostructures. These results will advance many applications in light-emitting devices, nanoscale lasers, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum information processing.
- 38Wang, L.; Li, S.; Zhang, B.; Qin, Y.; Tian, Z.; Fang, Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, Z.; Mei, Y. Asymmetrically curved hyperbolic metamaterial structure with gradient thicknesses for enhanced directional spontaneous emission. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 7704– 7708, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b1972138https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXis1Kru7w%253D&md5=cde3956845bf8dec011c6b31551d8bdeAsymmetrically Curved Hyperbolic Metamaterial Structure with Gradient Thicknesses for Enhanced Directional Spontaneous EmissionWang, Lu; Li, Shilong; Zhang, Biran; Qin, Yuzhou; Tian, Ziao; Fang, Yangfu; Li, Yonglei; Liu, Zhaowei; Mei, YongfengACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018), 10 (9), 7704-7708CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs) on a curved surface are demonstrated for an efficient outcoupling of nonradiative modes, which lead to an enhanced spontaneous emission. Those high-wavevector plasmonic modes can propagate along the curved structure and emit into the far field, realizing a directional light emission with max. fluorescent intensity. Detailed simulations disclose a high Purcell factor and a spatial power distribution in the curved HMM, which agrees with the exptl. result. The work presents remarkable enhancing capability in both the Purcell factor and emission intensity, which could suggest a unique structure design in metamaterials for potential application in, e.g., high-speed optical sensing and communications.
- 39Roth, D. J.; Ginzburg, P.; Hirvonen, L. M.; Levitt, J. A.; Nasir, M. E.; Suhling, K.; Richards, D.; Podolskiy, V. A.; Zayats, A. V. Singlet–Triplet Transition Rate Enhancement inside Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Laser Photonics Rev. 2019, 13, 1900101, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.20190010139https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhslCksrnF&md5=460a9bf613d3bdcd92d61d87061c36b6Singlet-Triplet Transition Rate Enhancement inside Hyperbolic MetamaterialsRoth, Diane J.; Ginzburg, Pavel; Hirvonen, Liisa M.; Levitt, James A.; Nasir, Mazhar E.; Suhling, Klaus; Richards, David; Podolskiy, Viktor A.; Zayats, Anatoly V.Laser & Photonics Reviews (2019), 13 (9), n/a1900101CODEN: LPRAB8; ISSN:1863-8899. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)The spontaneous emission process is known to be largely affected by the surrounding electromagnetic environment of emitters, which manifests itself via the Purcell enhancement of decay rates. This phenomenon has been extensively investigated in the case of dipolar transitions in quantum systems, commonly delivering fast decay rates in comparison to forbidden transitions such as high-order multipolar transitions or spin-forbidden, singlet-triplet phosphorescence processes. Here, a decay rate enhancement of almost 2750-fold is demonstrated for a ruthenium-based phosphorescent emitter located inside a plasmonic hyperbolic metamaterial. The std. electromagnetic local d. of states description, typically employed for the Purcell factor anal. of dipolar transitions, is unable to account for a photoluminescence enhancement of this magnitude, which is attributed to the interplay between the local d. of states and strongly inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields inside the metamaterial. The large available range of spontaneous emission lifetimes reported here enables application of phosphorescent emitters in novel, fast, and efficient light-emitting sources, beneficial for optical communications, quantum information processing, spectroscopy, or bio-imaging.
- 40Lee, K. J.; Lee, Y. U.; Kim, S. J.; André, P. Hyperbolic dispersion dominant regime identified through spontaneous emission variations near metamaterial interfaces. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1701629, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201701629There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 41Lu, D.; Ferrari, L.; Kan, J. J.; Fullerton, E. E.; Liu, Z. Optimization of nanopatterned multilayer hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous light emission enhancement. Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 215, 1800263, DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201800263There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Morozov, K. M.; Ivanov, K. A.; de Sa Pereira, D.; Menelaou, C.; Monkman, A. P.; Pozina, G.; Kaliteevski, M. A. Revising of the Purcell effect in periodic metal-dielectric structures: the role of absorption. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 1– 9, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-46071-542https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXitValtLbM&md5=35e245f8979ace06b764241b76550b34Modelling optimal behavioural strategies in structured populations using a novel theoretical frameworkMorozov, Andrew; Kuzenkov, Oleg A.; Arashkevich, Elena G.Scientific Reports (2019), 9 (1), 1-15CODEN: SRCEC3; ISSN:2045-2322. (Nature Research)Understanding complex behavioral patterns of organisms obsd. in nature can be facilitated using math. modeling. The conventional paradigm in animal behavior modeling consists of maximisation of some evolutionary fitness function. However, the definition of fitness of an organism or population is generally subjective, and using different criteria can lead us to contradictory model predictions regarding optimal behavior. Moreover, structuring of natural populations in terms of individual size or developmental stage creates an extra challenge for theor. modeling. Here we revisit and formalise the definition of evolutionary fitness to describe long-term selection of strategies in deterministic self-replicating systems for generic modeling settings which involve an arbitrary function space of inherited strategies. Then we show how optimal behavioral strategies can be obtained for different developmental stages in a generic von-Foerster stage-structured population model with an arbitrary mortality term. We implement our theor. framework to explore patterns of optimal diel vertical migration (DVM) of two dominant zooplankton species in the north-eastern Black Sea. We parameterise the model using 7 years of empirical data from 2007-2014 and show that the obsd. DVM can be explained as the result of a trade-off between depth-dependent metabolic costs for grazers, anoxia zones, available food, and visual predation.
- 43Caligiuri, V.; Palei, M.; Imran, M.; Manna, L.; Krahne, R. Planar double-epsilon-near-zero cavities for spontaneous emission and Purcell effect enhancement. ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 2287– 2294, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b0012143https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXls12ku7c%253D&md5=756da7777b55c39b4c97554421725655Planar Double-Epsilon-Near-Zero Cavities for Spontaneous Emission and Purcell Effect EnhancementCaligiuri, Vincenzo; Palei, Milan; Imran, Muhammad; Manna, Liberato; Krahne, RomanACS Photonics (2018), 5 (6), 2287-2294CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The enhancement of the photophys. response of fluorophores is a crucial factor for photonic and optoelectronic technols. that involve fluorophores as gain media. Recent advances in the development of an extreme light propagation regime, called epsilon-near-zero (ENZ), provide a promising approach in this respect. The authors design metal/dielec. nanocavities to be resonant with the absorption and emission bands of the employed fluorophores. Using CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal films as light emitters, the authors study the spontaneous emission and decay rate enhancement induced by a specifically tailored double-epsilon-near-zero (double ENZ) structure. The authors exptl. demonstrate the existence of 2 ENZ wavelengths, by directly measuring their dielec. permittivity via ellipsometric anal. The double ENZ nature of this plasmonic nanocavity was exploited to achieve both surface plasmon enhanced absorption (SPEA) and surface plasmon coupled emission (SPCE), inducing a significant enhancement of both the spontaneous emission and the decay rate of the perovskite nanocrystal film that is placed on top of the nanocavity. Finally, the possibility of tailoring the 2 ENZ wavelengths of this structure within the visible spectrum simply by finely designing the thickness of the 2 dielec. layers, which enables resonance matching with a broad variety of dyes are discussed. The device design is appealing for many practical applications, ranging from sensing to low threshold amplified spontaneous emission, since the authors achieve a strong PL enhancement with structures that allow for straightforward fluorophore deposition on a planar surface that keeps the fluorophores exposed and accessible.
- 44Hennessy, K.; Badolato, A.; Winger, M.; Gerace, D.; Atatüre, M.; Gulde, S.; Fält, S.; Hu, E. L.; Imamoğlu, A. Quantum nature of a strongly coupled single quantum dot–cavity system. Nature 2007, 445, 896– 899, DOI: 10.1038/nature0558644https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD2sXhvFGitbk%253D&md5=117fab448dd156f1264018b526b38507Quantum nature of a strongly coupled single quantum dot-cavity systemHennessy, K.; Badolato, A.; Winger, M.; Gerace, D.; Atatuere, M.; Gulde, S.; Faelt, S.; Hu, E. L.; Imamoglu, A.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2007), 445 (7130), 896-899CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Publishing Group)Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) studies the interaction between a quantum emitter and a single radiation-field mode. When an atom is strongly coupled to a cavity mode, it is possible to realize important quantum information processing tasks, such as controlled coherent coupling and entanglement of distinguishable quantum systems. Realizing these tasks in the solid state is clearly desirable, and coupling semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots to monolithic optical cavities is a promising route to this end. However, validating the efficacy of quantum dots in quantum information applications requires confirmation of the quantum nature of the quantum-dot-cavity system in the strong-coupling regime. Here we find such confirmation by observing quantum correlations in photoluminescence from a photonic crystal nanocavity interacting with one, and only one, quantum dot located precisely at the cavity elec. field max. When off-resonance, photon emission from the cavity mode and quantum-dot excitons is anticorrelated at the level of single quanta, proving that the mode is driven solely by the quantum dot despite an energy mismatch between cavity and excitons. When tuned to resonance, the exciton and cavity enter the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED and the quantum-dot exciton lifetime reduces by a factor of 145. The generated photon stream becomes antibunched, proving that the strongly coupled exciton/photon system is in the quantum regime. Our observations unequivocally show that quantum information tasks are achievable in solid-state cavity QED.
- 45Purcell, E. M.; Torrey, H. C.; Pound, R. V. Resonance absorption by nuclear magnetic moments in a solid. Phys. Rev. 1946, 69, 37, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.69.3745https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaH28XhtFWisw%253D%253D&md5=a9249b42fd8442e2581d84f38352de90Resonance absorption by nuclear magnetic moments in a solidPurcell, E. M.; Torrey, H. C.; Pound, R. V.Physical Review (1946), 69 (), 37-8CODEN: PHRVAO; ISSN:0031-899X.In the method for the detn. of nuclear magnetic moments by mol. beams (Rabi, et al, C.A. 32, 3257.6), transitions are induced between energy levels which correspond to different orientations of the nuclear spin in a strong, const., applied magnetic field. The absorption of radio-frequency energy, due to such transitions, was observed in a solid material (paraffin) which contains protons. Exptl. procedure and results are given.
- 46Kuhn, H. Classical aspects of energy transfer in molecular systems. J. Chem. Phys. 1970, 53, 101– 108, DOI: 10.1063/1.167374946https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE3cXksFShtbw%253D&md5=3e0ff928b1350d3da1c84cfa3500dd91Classical aspects of energy transfer in molecular systesmKuhn, HansJournal of Chemical Physics (1970), 53 (1), 101-8CODEN: JCPSA6; ISSN:0021-9606.The decay time of the luminescence of a mol. S in front of a metal mirror depends markedly on its distance from the mirror. This phenomenon is quant. explained by considering the radiation field of this dipole, given by the Hertz classical equation. This field arrives at the mol., after being reflected at the mirror, with a retardation of the order of 10-15 sec. The decay time of the luminescence depends on the phase shift produced by this retardation, and thus on the ratio of the distance of the oscillator from the mirror, and the wavelength of the emitted light. By measuring the distance dependence of the decay time of the luminescence this retardation effect can be studied. In quantum-mech. terms the phenomenon can be described as being due to a stimulation or inhibition of the emission of the light quantum. In contrast to the known cases of stimulated emission, the stimulating field is the radiation field of the emitter quantum itself. The energy transfer from an excited mol. S to an acceptor A can be treated in a similar manner by considering the phenomenon as a retardation effect. In classical terms the field of S induces A to oscillate, and the induced field of A arriving at S slows down this oscillator. Simple equations are given for the energy transfer from an excited dipole or quadrupole, and for a row of many dipoles, oscillating in phase, to a weakly absorbing acceptor layer. The latter case is considered as a model for a J-aggregating dye and by comparison with exptl. data conclusions concerning the size of a J aggregate are drawn.
- 47Hider, M. H.; Leung, P. Frequency shifts of molecules at rough metal surfaces. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1991, 44, 3262, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.44.326247https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK3MXls12itLw%253D&md5=0c3ed3ca4536149728836d279d85123bFrequency shifts of molecules at rough metal surfacesHider, M. H.; Leung, P. T.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1991), 44 (7), 3262-5CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829.The frequency shifts for dipolar transitions of mols. at rough metallic surfaces were studied in a phenomenol. model following the approach of previous work with the surface roughness modeled by a shallow grating profile in most cases. Such surface-induced shifts are indeed observable for mol. frequencies away from the surface-plasmon resonance frequency of the metal; the presence of surface roughness can either enhance or suppress the flat-surface-induced shifts, leading to extra morphol.-dependent resonances originated from the radiative coupling between the mol. emission and the substrate surface plasmon; and the effects in the perfectly reflecting limit can be worked out anal. with numerical results showing interesting features that are unique for this case. Correlations were made with respect to previous expts. on vibrational shifts as well as to recent calcns. from a microscopic approach.
- 48Morawitz, H. Self-coupling of a two-level system by a mirror. Phys. Rev. 1969, 187, 1792, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.187.1792There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 49Borensztein, Y.; Abeles, F.; Lopez-Rios, T. Frequency shifts of an ensemble of electric dipole resonances near a conducting surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984, 53, 854, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.53.85449https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2cXlsVais74%253D&md5=906f483009e7e16a17753f825f088cbeFrequency shifts of an ensemble of electric dipole resonances near a conducting surfaceBorensztein, Y.; Abeles, F.; Lopez-Rios, T.Physical Review Letters (1984), 53 (8), 854CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The variation of the resonance frequency obtained from an exact calcn. of the reflectance for the Ag-island film system investigated exptl. by W. R. Holland and P. G. Hall (1984) is presented; the Ag-island film is treated within the Maxwell Garnett (MG) effective medium theory. The results are compared with the exptl. and calcd. values of Holland and Hall; the 2 theor. treatments give similar results for thicknesses >20 nm, while the MG one is in better agreement with the exptl. data below 20 nm, because the effective medium theory takes into account the long-range interaction between the particles.
- 50Holland, W.; Hall, D. Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole resonance near a conducting surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984, 52, 1041, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.104150https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2cXhs1Cltbo%253D&md5=f6e1cb8d02bc024d020fb471cfda1b40Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole resonance near a conducting surfaceHolland, W. R.; Hall, D. G.Physical Review Letters (1984), 52 (12), 1041-4CODEN: PRLTAO; ISSN:0031-9007.The resonance frequency of an elec. dipole placed near a conducting surface is shifted by the dipole-surface interaction. The observation and measurement are reported of these shifts at optical frequencies for an exptl. system that consists of a metal island film spaced a distance d from a continuous Ag film. The dependence of the shift in the frequency of the island resonance on d shows good agreement with that predicted by a classical theory of the dipole-surface interaction.
- 51Chance, R.; Prock, A.; Silbey, R. Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole transition near a partially reflecting surface. Phys. Rev. A: At., Mol., Opt. Phys. 1975, 12, 1448, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.12.144851https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaE2MXmtFSrsLg%253D&md5=5d9ad43f7974a9106fa848db68226347Frequency shifts of an electric-dipole transition near a partially reflecting surfaceChance, R. R.; Prock, A.; Silbey, R.Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (1975), 12 (4), 1448-52CODEN: PLRAAN; ISSN:1050-2947.The classical theory of dipole radiation was used to calc. the change in frequency of an elec.-dipole-allowed transition due to the presence of a nearby reflecting surface. The result is compared to that for a perfect reflector.
- 52Gualdron-Reyes, A. F.; Yoon, S. J.; Barea, E. M.; Agouram, S.; Munoz-Sanjose, V.; Melendez, A. M.; Nino-Gomez, M. E.; Mora-Sero, I. Controlling the phase segregation in mixed halide perovskites through nanocrystal size. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4, 54– 62, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b0220752https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXitlegs7nJ&md5=1ccbc5ab22ac922b6ab47e5a04f028daControlling the Phase Segregation in Mixed Halide Perovskites through Nanocrystal SizeGualdron-Reyes, Andres. F.; Yoon, Seog Joon; Barea, Eva M.; Agouram, Said; Munoz-Sanjose, Vicente; Melendez, Angel M.; Nino-Gomez, Martha E.; Mora-Sero, IvanACS Energy Letters (2019), 4 (1), 54-62CODEN: AELCCP; ISSN:2380-8195. (American Chemical Society)Mixed halide perovskites are 1 of the promising candidates in developing solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), among other applications, because of their tunable optical properties. Photoinduced phase segregation, by formation of segregated Br-rich and I-rich domains, limits the overall applicability. The phase segregation was tracked with increasing cryst. size of CsPbBr3-xIx and their luminescence under continuous-wave laser irradn. (405 nm, 10 mW cm-2) and obsd. the occurrence of the phase segregation from the threshold size of 46 ± 7 nm. These results have an outstanding agreement with the diffusion length (45.8 nm) calcd. also exptl. from the emission lifetime and segregation rates. Through Kelvin probe force microscopy, the correlation between the phase segregation and the reversible halide ion migration among grain centers and boundaries was confirmed. These results open a way to achieve segregation-free mixed halide perovskites and improve their performances in optoelectronic devices.
- 53Saliba, M.; Correa-Baena, J.-P.; Wolff, C. M.; Stolterfoht, M.; Phung, N.; Albrecht, S.; Neher, D.; Abate, A. How to Make over 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells in Regular (n–i–p) and Inverted (p–i–n) Architectures. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 4193– 4201, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b0013653https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhtFSrtrnF&md5=f76bdf7c79055f483714f6ac304a15f0How to Make over 20% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells in Regular (n-i-p) and Inverted (p-i-n) ArchitecturesSaliba, Michael; Correa-Baena, Juan-Pablo; Wolff, Christian M.; Stolterfoht, Martin; Phung, Nga; Albrecht, Steve; Neher, Dieter; Abate, AntonioChemistry of Materials (2018), 30 (13), 4193-4201CODEN: CMATEX; ISSN:0897-4756. (American Chemical Society)Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are currently one of the most promising photovoltaic technologies for highly efficient and cost-effective solar energy prodn. In only a few years, an unprecedented progression of prepn. procedures and material compns. delivered lab.-scale devices that have now reached record power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) >20%, competing with most established solar cell materials such as Si, CIGS, and CdTe. However, despite a large no. of researchers currently involved in this topic, only a few groups in the world can reproduce >20% efficiencies on a regular n-i-p architecture. Here, we present detailed protocols for prepg. PSCs in regular (n-i-p) and inverted (p-i-n) architectures with ≥20% PCE. We aim to provide a comprehensive, reproducible description of our device fabrication protocols. We encourage the practice of reporting detailed and transparent protocols that can be more easily reproduced by other labs. A better reporting std. may, in turn, accelerate the development of perovskite solar cells and related research fields.
- 54Cortes, C.; Newman, W.; Molesky, S.; Jacob, Z. Quantum nanophotonics using hyperbolic metamaterials. J. Opt. 2012, 14, 063001, DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/14/6/06300154https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC38XhtFGrsLnL&md5=d2af8363564b049dac452cfac3c27181Quantum nanophotonics using hyperbolic metamaterialsCortes, C. L.; Newman, W.; Molesky, S.; Jacob, Z.Journal of Optics (Bristol, United Kingdom) (2012), 14 (6), 063001/1-063001/15CODEN: JOOPCA; ISSN:2040-8978. (Institute of Physics Publishing)A review. Engineering optical properties using artificial nanostructured media known as metamaterials has led to breakthrough devices with capabilities from super-resoln. imaging to invisibility. In this paper, we review metamaterials for quantum nanophotonic applications, a recent development in the field. This seeks to address many challenges in the field of quantum optics using advances in nanophotonics and nanofabrication. We focus on the class of nanostructured media with hyperbolic dispersion that have emerged as one of the most promising metamaterials with a multitude of practical applications from subwavelength imaging, nanoscale waveguiding, biosensing to nonlinear switching. We present the various design and characterization principles of hyperbolic metamaterials and explain the most important property of such media: a broadband enhancement in the electromagnetic d. of states. We review several recent expts. that have explored this phenomenon using spontaneous emission from dye mols. and quantum dots. We finally point to future applications of hyperbolic metamaterials, using the broadband enhancement in the spontaneous emission to construct single-photon sources.
- 55Noginov, M.; Barnakov, Y. A.; Zhu, G.; Tumkur, T.; Li, H.; Narimanov, E. Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94, 151105, DOI: 10.1063/1.311514555https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BD1MXkslaqs7g%253D&md5=928badbb26d91f3f103f02e30443e984Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersionNoginov, M. A.; Barnakov, Yu. A.; Zhu, G.; Tumkur, T.; Li, H.; Narimanov, E. E.Applied Physics Letters (2009), 94 (15), 151105/1-151105/3CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)The authors demonstrated the thickest bulk photonic metamaterial reported in the literature based on an Ag-filled alumina membrane. The material is highly anisotropic with hyperbolic dispersion at λ > 0.84 μm. The refraction of light in the direction expected of isotropic media with n < 1 was exptl. demonstrated at λ = 632.8 nm. This makes the material potentially suitable for a variety of applications ranging from subdiffraction imaging to optical cloaking. (c) 2009 American Institute of Physics.
- 56Mahmoodi, M.; Tavassoli, S. H.; Takayama, O.; Sukham, J.; Malureanu, R.; Lavrinenko, A. V. Existence Conditions of High-k Modes in Finite Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2019, 13, 1800253, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201800253There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 57Navarro-Arenas, J.; Suárez, I.; Chirvony, V. S.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A. F.; Mora-Seró, I.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. Single-Exciton Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Thin Films of CsPbX3 (X= Br, I) Perovskite Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 6389– 6398, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b0236957https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXhvVantLbP&md5=6d1bfff8b042d05db15c9557322d85c0Single-Exciton Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Thin Films of CsPbX3 (X = Br, I) Perovskite NanocrystalsNavarro-Arenas, Juan; Suarez, Isaac; Chirvony, Vladimir S.; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres F.; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Martinez-Pastor, JuanJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), 10 (20), 6389-6398CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) have emerged as an excellent material for stimulated emission purposes, with even more prospective applications than conventional colloidal quantum dots. A better understanding of the phys. mechanisms responsible for amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) is required to achieve more ambitious targets (lasing under continuous wave optical or elec. excitation). Establish the intrinsic mechanisms underlying ASE in PNCs of 3 different band gaps (CsPbBr3, CsPbBr1.5I1.5, and CsPbI3). The characterization at cryogenic temps. does not reveal any evidence of the biexciton mechanism in the formation of ASE. The measured shift toward long wavelengths of the ASE band is easily explained by the reabsorption in the PNC layer, which becomes stronger for thicker layers. In this way, the threshold of ASE is detd. only by optical losses at a given geometry, which is the single-exciton mechanism responsible for ASE. Exptl. results are properly reproduced by a phys. model.
- 58Chirvony, V. S.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Trap-Limited Dynamics of Excited Carriers and Interpretation of the Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in Metal Halide Perovskites. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 4955– 4962, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b0124158https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXhsFWhur7P&md5=e7e9d92c642e0d7ba3b4d4d02c35a741Trap-Limited Dynamics of Excited Carriers and Interpretation of the Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in Metal Halide PerovskitesChirvony, Vladimir S.; Martinez-Pastor, Juan P.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018), 9 (17), 4955-4962CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)A review. Interpretation of the photoluminescence (PL) decay kinetics in metal halide perovskites (MHPs) is extremely important for understanding the mechanisms and control of charge recombination in these promising photovoltaic and optoelectronic materials. In this work, we give a review of current models describing the PL decay kinetics in MHP layers and nanocrystals with particular attention to the interpretation of long-lived PL decay components (hundreds of nanoseconds to microseconds). First, we analyze phenomenol. photophys. models based on the rate equations, which describe the charge carrier recombination in MHP layers as an exclusively intrinsic bulk process. An important role of the carrier diffusion and nonradiative recombination on the layer surfaces is then discussed. A recently published approach is then analyzed, in the framework of which the obsd. long-lived components of PL decay kinetics in MHP nanocrystals are described in terms of the delayed luminescence mechanism arising due to the processes of multiple trapping and detrapping of carriers by shallow nonquenching traps. The possible origin of the shallow traps and perspectives to include the carrier trapping and detrapping processes in a model describing PL kinetics in MHP layers are discussed.
- 59Chirvony, V. S.; Sekerbayev, K. S.; Adl, H. P.; Suárez, I.; Taurbayev, Y. T.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A. F.; Mora-Seró, I.; Martı́nez-Pastor, J. P. Interpretation of the photoluminescence decay kinetics in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin polycrystalline films. J. Lumin. 2020, 221, 117092, DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.11709259https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BB3cXislShu74%253D&md5=68ef2fdc4bc54c70d9df91c5a303f928Interpretation of the photoluminescence decay kinetics in metal halide perovskite nanocrystals and thin polycrystalline filmsChirvony, Vladimir S.; Sekerbayev, Kairolla S.; Pashaei Adl, Hamid; Suarez, Isaac; Taurbayev, Yerzhan T.; Gualdron-Reyes, Andres F.; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Martinez-Pastor, Juan P.Journal of Luminescence (2020), 221 (), 117092CODEN: JLUMA8; ISSN:0022-2313. (Elsevier B.V.)In this paper we present crit. anal. of different points of view on interpretation of the photoluminescence (PL) decay kinetics in lead halide perovskites prepd. in the form of well passivated nanocrystals (PNCs) or thin polycryst. layers. In addn. to the literature data, our own measurements are also considered. For PNCs, a strong dependence of the PL lifetimes on the type of passivating ligand was obsd. with a consistently high PL quantum yield. It is shown that such ligand effects, as well as a decrease in the PL lifetime with decreasing temp., are well qual. explained by the phenomenol. model of thermally activated delayed luminescence, in which the extension of the PL decay time with temp. occurs due to the participation of shallow non-quenching traps. In the case of thin perovskite layers, we conclude that the PL kinetics under sufficiently low excitation intensity is detd. by the excitation quenching on the layer surfaces. We demonstrate that a large variety of possible PL decay kinetics for thin polycryst. perovskite films can be modelled by means of one-dimensional diffusion equation with use of the diffusion coeff. D and surface recombination velocity S as parameters and conclude that long-lived PL kinetics are formed in case of low D and/or S values.
- 60Krishnamoorthy, H. N.; Jacob, Z.; Narimanov, E.; Kretzschmar, I.; Menon, V. M. Topological transitions in metamaterials. Science 2012, 336, 205– 209, DOI: 10.1126/science.121917160https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC38Xlt1eiurs%253D&md5=9b5f75781cb51fbfb2ead28eb8b1521eTopological Transitions in MetamaterialsKrishnamoorthy, Harish N. S.; Jacob, Zubin; Narimanov, Evgenii; Kretzschmar, Ilona; Menon, Vinod M.Science (Washington, DC, United States) (2012), 336 (6078), 205-209CODEN: SCIEAS; ISSN:0036-8075. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)Light-matter interactions can be controlled by manipulating the photonic environment. An optical topol. transition in strongly anisotropic metamaterials results in a dramatic increase in the photon d. of states, an effect that can be used to engineer this interaction. A transition in the topol. of the iso-frequency surface from a closed ellipsoid to an open hyperboloid using artificially nanostructured metamaterials is described. This topol. transition manifests itself in increased rates of spontaneous emission of emitters positioned near the metamaterial. Altering the topol. of the iso-frequency surface by using metamaterials provides a fundamentally new route to manipulating light-matter interactions.
- 61Krishna, K. H.; Sreekanth, K.; Strangi, G. Dye-embedded and nanopatterned hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous emission rate enhancement. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2016, 33, 1038– 1043, DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.33.00103861https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC28XitVWju7%252FF&md5=cb31142fa87640f938c49ff6122e2b1eDye-embedded and nanopatterned hyperbolic metamaterials for spontaneous emission rate enhancementKrishna, K. H.; Sreekanth, K. V.; Strangi, G.Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (2016), 33 (6), 1038-1043CODEN: JOBPDE; ISSN:0740-3224. (Optical Society of America)Enhancement of spontaneous emission is a dynamic and challenging fundamental quantum phenomenon in optics and in a nutshell it opens new avenues for a spectrum of futuristic applications. Here, we exptl. demonstrate a large improvement in spontaneous emission rate enhancement of fluorescent mols. using dye-embedded and grating-coupled (nanopatterned) multilayered metal-dielec. hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs). About a 35-fold spontaneous emission decay rate enhancement of dye mols. is obtained using a two-dimensional (2D) silver diffraction grating coupled with dye-embedded hyperbolic metamaterial. Further, we numerically and exptl. demonstrate a comparative study on the modification of spontaneous emission of fluorescent dye mols. placed in the vicinity of a HMM structure and a dye mols. embedded HMM structure. The obtained results pave the way for finding fruitful applications, including single photon sources.
- 62Gontijo, I.; Boroditsky, M.; Yablonovitch, E.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U.; DenBaars, S. Coupling of InGaN quantum-well photoluminescence to silver surface plasmons. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1999, 60, 11564, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.60.1156462https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1MXmvFOhtrg%253D&md5=046d6b9555c3d9b87b8ff2cb79d4b571Coupling of InGaN quantum-well photoluminescence to silver surface plasmonsGontijo, I.; Boroditsky, M.; Yablonovitch, E.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U. K.; DenBaars, S. P.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1999), 60 (16), 11564-11567CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829. (American Physical Society)The coincidence in excitation energy between surface plasmons on Ag and the GaN band gap is exploited to couple the semiconductor spontaneous emission into the metal surface plasmons. A 3-nm InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) is positioned 12 nm from an 8-nm Ag layer, well within the surface plasmon fringing field depth. A spectrally sharp photoluminescence dip, by a factor ≈55, indicates that electron-hole energy is being rapidly transferred to plasmon excitation, due to the spatial overlap between the semiconductor QW and the surface plasmon elec. field. Thus, spontaneous emission into surface plasmons is ≈55 times faster than normal spontaneous emission from InGaN quantum wells. If efficient antenna structures can be incorporated into the metal film, there could be a corresponding increase in external light emission efficiency.
- 63Zheng, X.; Hou, Y.; Sun, H.-T.; Mohammed, O. F.; Sargent, E. H.; Bakr, O. M. Reducing Defects in Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Applications. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 2629– 2640, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b0068963https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1MXosF2gu78%253D&md5=0132a243bb868a431bd49fdde7abed75Reducing Defects in Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting ApplicationsZheng, Xiaopeng; Hou, Yi; Sun, Hong-Tao; Mohammed, Omar F.; Sargent, Edward H.; Bakr, Osman M.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), 10 (10), 2629-2640CODEN: JPCLCD; ISSN:1948-7185. (American Chemical Society)A review. The large sp. surface area of perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) increases the likelihood of surface defects compared to that of bulk single crystals and polycryst. thin films. It is crucial to comprehend and control their defect population to exploit the potential of perovskite NCs. This Perspective describes and classifies recent advances in understanding defect chem. and avenues toward defect d. redn. in perovskite NCs, and it does so in the context of the promise perceived in light-emitting devices. Several pathways for decreasing the defect d. are explored, including advanced NC syntheses, new surface-capping strategies, doping with metal ions and rare earths, engineering elemental compensation, and the translation of core-shell heterostructures into the perovskite materials family. The authors close with challenges that remain in perovskite NC defect research.
- 64Ferrari, L.; Lu, D.; Lepage, D.; Liu, Z. Enhanced spontaneous emission inside hyperbolic metamaterials. Opt. Express 2014, 22, 4301– 4306, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.00430164https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2cXhtlejsrjK&md5=76d6246dc662863b644b08a07690c21bEnhanced spontaneous emission inside hyperbolic metamaterialsFerrari, Lorenzo; Lu, Dylan; Lepage, Dominic; Liu, ZhaoweiOptics Express (2014), 22 (4), 4301-4306CODEN: OPEXFF; ISSN:1094-4087. (Optical Society of America)Hyperbolic metamaterials can enhance spontaneous emission, but the radiation-matter coupling is not optimized if the light source is placed outside such media. We demonstrate a 3-fold improvement of the Purcell factor over its outer value and a significant enlargement in bandwidth by including the emitter within a Si/Ag periodic multilayer metamaterial. To ext. the plasmonic modes of the structure into the far field we implement two types of 1D grating with triangular and rectangular profile, obtaining a 10-fold radiative enhancement at visible frequencies.
- 65Ford, G. W.; Weber, W. H. Electromagnetic interactions of molecules with metal surfaces. Phys. Rep. 1984, 113, 195– 287, DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(84)90098-X65https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL2MXmvFCjtQ%253D%253D&md5=54fa95b496752182e0f85d163ede71deElectromagnetic interactions of molecules with metal surfacesFord, G. W.; Weber, W. H.Physics Reports (1984), 113 (4), 195-287CODEN: PRPLCM; ISSN:0370-1573.A review with 138 refs. The methods described are essentially those of classical electromagnetic theory, the idea being that the mol. and the surface are sepd. so that their only interaction is via the electromagnetic fields. Reflection of electromagnetic waves at an interface, mol. fluorescence near a metal, shift and broadening of mol. vibration modes, and Raman scattering at metal surfaces are discussed.
- 66Diroll, B. T.; Zhou, H.; Schaller, R. D. Low-temperature absorption, photoluminescence, and lifetime of CsPbX3 (X= Cl, Br, I) nanocrystals. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1800945, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201800945There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 67Sun, L.; Jiang, C. Quantum interference in a single anisotropic quantum dot near hyperbolic metamaterials. Opt. Express 2016, 24, 7719– 7727, DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.00771967https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A280%3ADC%252BC28blvFentw%253D%253D&md5=649bd99ba94e83edea79a2407415b1b9Quantum interference in a single anisotropic quantum dot near hyperbolic metamaterialsSun Lu; Jiang ChunOptics express (2016), 24 (7), 7719-27 ISSN:.We theoretically demonstrate an anisotropic quantum vacuum created by a judiciously designed hyperbolic metamaterial. An electric dipole located nearby shows strong orientation dependence in the decay rate. With a proper arrangement of the ellipsoid-shaped CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot relative to the Ag/TiO<sub>2</sub> metamaterial, the anisotropies of quantum vacuum and quantum dot are harnessed to achieve an extraordinary quantum interference between radiative decay channels of orthogonal transitions. The ratio between cross damping term and spontaneous decay rate, Γ<sub>ij</sub>/Γ<sub>ii</sub>, which never exceeds unity in previously reported works reaches 1.04 in our numerical results. The corresponding evolution of excited state population in quantum dot is also dramatically modified.
- 68Shalaginov, M. Y.; Ishii, S.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Irudayaraj, J.; Lagutchev, A.; Kildishev, A.; Shalaev, V. Broadband enhancement of spontaneous emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by hyperbolic metamaterials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102, 173114, DOI: 10.1063/1.480426268https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3sXmvFyhur0%253D&md5=e04dba012d337658938766cdedbb2fe5Broadband enhancement of spontaneous emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds by hyperbolic metamaterialsShalaginov, M. Y.; Ishii, S.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Irudayaraj, J.; Lagutchev, A.; Kildishev, A. V.; Shalaev, V. M.Applied Physics Letters (2013), 102 (17), 173114/1-173114/4CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)A broadband enhancement of emission from N-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds was exptl. demonstrated. The enhancement is achieved by using a multilayer metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion. The metamaterial is fabricated as a stack of alternating Au and alumina layers. The approach paves the way towards the construction of efficient single-photon sources as planar on-chip devices. (c) 2013 American Institute of Physics.
- 69Tumkur, T.; Zhu, G.; Black, P.; Barnakov, Y. A.; Bonner, C.; Noginov, M. Control of spontaneous emission in a volume of functionalized hyperbolic metamaterial. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99, 151115, DOI: 10.1063/1.363172369https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3MXhtlWrur3E&md5=d4402a5591c2ffb73d26cdd62bfb92b1Control of spontaneous emission in a volume of functionalized hyperbolic metamaterialTumkur, T.; Zhu, G.; Black, P.; Barnakov, Yu. A.; Bonner, C. E.; Noginov, M. A.Applied Physics Letters (2011), 99 (15), 151115/1-151115/3CODEN: APPLAB; ISSN:0003-6951. (American Institute of Physics)The authors have developed a simple method to fabricate lamellar metal-dielec. hyperbolic metamaterials on flat, flexible, and curvilinear substrates, which allows for functionalization of dielec. layers by dye mols. The control of spontaneous emission of dye mols. with hyperbolic metamaterials was studied in 2 different sample configurations, and the effect is much stronger when emitters are placed inside the metamaterial rather than on its surface. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
- 70Jacob, Z.; Kim, J.-Y.; Naik, G. V.; Boltasseva, A.; Narimanov, E. E.; Shalaev, V. M. Engineering photonic density of states using metamaterials. Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 2010, 100, 215– 218, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-010-4096-570https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC3cXptlamsL4%253D&md5=96fb643329b905abf604e6b62593dd85Engineering photonic density of states using metamaterialsJacob, Z.; Kim, J.-Y.; Naik, G. V.; Boltasseva, A.; Narimanov, E. E.; Shalaev, V. M.Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (2010), 100 (1), 215-218CODEN: APBOEM; ISSN:0946-2171. (Springer)The photonic d. of states (PDOS), like its electronic counterpart, is one of the key phys. quantities governing a variety of phenomena and hence PDOS manipulation is the route to new photonic devices. The PDOS is conventionally altered by exploiting the resonance within a device such as a microcavity or a bandgap structure like a photonic crystal. Here we show that nanostructured metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion can dramatically enhance the photonic d. of states paving the way for metamaterial-based PDOS engineering.
- 71Werner, J.; Nogay, G.; Sahli, F.; Yang, T. C.-J.; Brauninger, M.; Christmann, G.; Walter, A.; Kamino, B. A.; Fiala, P.; Loper, P. Complex refractive indices of cesium–formamidinium-based mixed-halide perovskites with optical band gaps from 1.5 to 1.8 eV. ACS Energy Letters 2018, 3, 742– 747, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b0008971https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC1cXjtlOmuro%253D&md5=a92219172091966059dbb85230db15a9Complex Refractive Indices of Cesium-Formamidinium-Based Mixed-Halide Perovskites with Optical Band Gaps from 1.5 to 1.8 eVWerner, Jeremie; Nogay, Gizem; Sahli, Florent; Yang, Terry Chien-Jen; Brauninger, Matthias; Christmann, Gabriel; Walter, Arnaud; Kamino, Brett A.; Fiala, Peter; Loper, Philipp; Nicolay, Sylvain; Jeangros, Quentin; Niesen, Bjoern; Ballif, ChristopheACS Energy Letters (2018), 3 (3), 742-747CODEN: AELCCP; ISSN:2380-8195. (American Chemical Society)Cs-formamidinium-based mixed-halide perovskite materials with optical band gaps 1.5-1.8 eV are studied by variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. The detd. complex refractive indexes are shown to depend on the fabrication procedure and environmental conditions during processing. This data is complemented by addnl. optical and structural characterization, as well as the demonstration of efficient perovskite solar cells. The data is used in optical simulations to provide guidelines for the optimization of perovskite/Si tandem solar cells.
- 72Rakić, A. D.; Djurišić, A. B.; Elazar, J. M.; Majewski, M. L. Optical properties of metallic films for vertical-cavity optoelectronic devices. Appl. Opt. 1998, 37, 5271– 5283, DOI: 10.1364/AO.37.00527172https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaK1cXltl2ls78%253D&md5=82a98946267e73222c252588a3bb8402Optical properties of metallic films for vertical-cavity optoelectronic devicesRakic, Aleksandar D.; Djurisic, Aleksandra B.; Elazar, Jovan M.; Majewski, Marian L.Applied Optics (1998), 37 (22), 5271-5283CODEN: APOPAI; ISSN:0003-6935. (Optical Society of America)The authors present models for the optical functions of 11 metals used as mirrors and contacts in optoelectronic and optical devices: noble metals (Ag, Au, Cu), Al, Be, and transition metals (Cr, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ti, W). The authors used two simple phenomenol. models, the Lorentz-Drude (D) and the Brendel-Bormann (BB), to interpret both the free-electron and the interband parts of the dielec. response of metals in a wide spectral range from 0.1 to 6 eV. The authors' results show that the BB model was needed to describe appropriately the interband absorption in noble metals, while for Al, Be, and the transition metals both models exhibit good agreement with the exptl. data. A comparison with measurements on surface normal structures confirmed that the reflectance and the phase change on reflection from semiconductor-metal interfaces (including the case of metallic multilayers) can be accurately described using the proposed models for the optical functions of metallic films and the matrix method for multilayer calcns.
- 73Aspnes, D. E.; Studna, A. Dielectric functions and optical parameters of si, ge, gap, gaas, gasb, inp, inas, and insb from 1.5 to 6.0 ev. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 1983, 27, 985, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.27.98573https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADyaL3sXpvFKgsQ%253D%253D&md5=8123e2c45d76d0d33662b6087cd05534Dielectric functions and optical parameters of silicon, germanium, gallium phosphide, gallium arsenide, gallium antimonide, indium phosphide, indium arsenide, and indium antimonide from 1.5 to 6.0 eVAspnes, D. E.; Studna, A. A.Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1983), 27 (2), 985-1009CODEN: PRBMDO; ISSN:0163-1829.Pseudodielec. functions <ε> = <ε1> + i<ε2> measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry and refractive indices ~n + ik, reflectivities R, and absorption coeffs. α calcd. from these data are reported. Rather than correct ellipsometric results for the presence of overlayers, the authors have removed these layers as far as possible using the real-time capability of the spectroscopic ellipsometer to assess surface quality during cleaning. The results are compared with previous data. In general, there is good agreement among optical parameters measured on smooth, clean, and undamaged samples maintained in an inert atm. regardless of the technique used to obtain the data. Differences among the data and previous results can generally be understood in terms of inadequate sample prepn., although results obtained by Kramers-Kronig anal. of reflectance measurements often show effects due to improper extrapolations. These results illustrate the importance of proper sample prepn. and of the capability of sep. detg. both ε1 and ε2 in optical measurements.
- 74Novotny, L.; Hecht, B. Principles of Nano-Optics; Cambridge University Press, 2012.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 75Lin, H.-I.; Shen, K.-C.; Liao, Y.-M.; Li, Y.-H.; Perumal, P.; Haider, G.; Cheng, B. H.; Liao, W.-C.; Lin, S.-Y.; Lin, W.-J. Integration of nanoscale light emitters and hyperbolic metamaterials: an efficient platform for the enhancement of random laser action. ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 718– 727, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b0126675https://chemport.cas.org/services/resolver?origin=ACS&resolution=options&coi=1%3ACAS%3A528%3ADC%252BC2sXhvF2gsLfL&md5=63f2c532b67b05d46314e2b72441c50bIntegration of Nanoscale Light Emitters and Hyperbolic Metamaterials: An Efficient Platform for the Enhancement of Random Laser ActionLin, Hung-I.; Shen, Kun-Ching; Liao, Yu-Ming; Li, Yao-Hsuan; Perumal, Packiyaraj; Haider, Golam; Cheng, Bo Han; Liao, Wei-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Yao; Lin, Wei-Ju; Lin, Tai-Yuan; Chen, Yang-FangACS Photonics (2018), 5 (3), 718-727CODEN: APCHD5; ISSN:2330-4022. (American Chemical Society)The 1st attempt to integrate hyperbolic metamaterials with light emitting nanostructures enables strong enhancement of random laser action with reduced lasing threshold. The differential quantum efficiency can be enhanced by >4 times. The underlying mechanism can be interpreted well based on the fact that the high-k modes excited by hyperbolic metamaterials can greatly increase the possibility of forming close loops decreasing the energy consumption for the propagation of scattered photons in the matrix. Out-coupled propagation of the high-k modes reaches to the far-field without being trapped inside the metamaterials due to the coupling with the random distribution of light emitting nanoparticles also plays an important role. Electromagnetic simulations derived from the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are executed to support the interpretation. Realizing strong enhancement of laser action assisted by hyperbolic metamaterials provides an attractive, simple, and efficient scheme for the development of high performance optoelectronic devices, including phototransistors, and many other solid state lighting systems. Besides, because of increasing light absorption assisted by hyperbolic metamaterials structure, the approach shown is also useful for the application of highly efficient solar cells.
Supporting Information
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(1) Details of another HMM structure with 50% filling factor of metal. (2) The delayed luminescence in perovskite nanocrystals and effect on Purcell factor. (3) Additional experimental results in the HMM structure with 42% filling factor of metal. (4) Purcell factor of the HMM structures as a function of wavelength and spacer thickness (PDF)
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