Lateral Flow-Based Skin Patch for Rapid Detection of Protein Biomarkers in Human Dermal Interstitial FluidClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Elizabeth C. WilkirsonElizabeth C. WilkirsonDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, United StatesMore by Elizabeth C. Wilkirson
- Danika LiDanika LiDepartment of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77030, United StatesMore by Danika Li
- Peter B. Lillehoj*Peter B. Lillehoj*Email: [email protected]Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, United StatesDepartment of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77030, United StatesMore by Peter B. Lillehoj
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) offer valuable diagnostic information in a quick, easy-to-use and low-cost format. While RDTs are one of the most commonly used tools for in vitro diagnostic testing, they require the collection of a blood sample, which is painful, poses risks of infection and can lead to complications. We introduce a blood-free point-of-care diagnostic test for the rapid detection of protein biomarkers in dermal interstitial fluid (ISF). This device consists of a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA) integrated within a microfluidic skin patch. ISF is collected from the skin using a microneedle array and vacuum-assisted extraction system integrated in the patch, and transported through the lateral flow strip via surface tension. Using this skin patch platform, we demonstrate in situ detection of anti-tetanus toxoid IgG and SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, which could be accurately detected in human ISF in <20 min. We envision that this device can be readily modified to detect other protein biomarkers in dermal ISF, making it a promising tool for rapid diagnostic testing.
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Experimental Section
Design and Fabrication of the MN Array
Preparation of AuNP–Anti-human IgG Conjugates
Preparation of the Conjugate Release Pad
Preparation of the Nitrocellulose Membrane
Assembly of the Lateral Flow Test Strip
Fabrication and Assembly of the Skin Patch
MN Penetration Testing
ISF and Blood Collection from Human Volunteers
Anti-tetanus Toxoid IgG Quantification in Blood and ISF Samples
Fluid Flow Characterization through the Skin Patch
Evaluating the Sensitivity and Selectivity of the Tetanus Lateral Flow Immunoassay
In Situ Protein Detection in Dermal ISF Using the Skin Patch
Characterization of ISF Extraction Volume
Design of the Skin Patch
Characterization of MN Penetration
Analysis of Dermal ISF and Blood for Anti-tetanus Toxoid IgG
Fluid Flow through the Skin Patch
Sensitivity and Selectivity of the Tetanus Lateral Flow Assay
In Situ Detection of Anti-tetanus Toxoid IgG Using the Skin Patch
In Situ Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibodies Using the Skin Patch
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Design of the MN array and characterization of MN penetration in porcine skin; overview of the ISF sampling procedure; characterization of ISF extraction from human skin and fluid transport through the patch; skin patch test results for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies; characterization of ISF volume extracted by the patch (Figures S1–S5). Demographics of volunteers whose samples were collected and analyzed; comparison of MN- and vacuum-assisted ISF sampling techniques (Tables S1, S2) (PDF)
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Most electronic Supporting Information files are available without a subscription to ACS Web Editions. Such files may be downloaded by article for research use (if there is a public use license linked to the relevant article, that license may permit other uses). Permission may be obtained from ACS for other uses through requests via the RightsLink permission system:
We acknowledge the Shared Equipment Authority at Rice University for the use of the cleanroom facilities to fabricate the MN arrays.
RDT | rapid diagnostic test |
ISF | interstitial fluid |
LFIA | lateral flow immunochromatographic assay |
AuNP | gold nanoparticle |
MN | microneedle |
LCMS | liquid chromatography mass spectrometry |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
PDMS | polydimethylsiloxane |
PET | poly(ethylene terephthalate) |
PMMA | poly(methyl methacrylate) |
PBS | phosphate-buffered saline |
EDC | 1-ethyl-3-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)carbodiimide |
NHS | N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) |
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- 14Tran, B. Q.; Miller, P. R.; Taylor, R. M.; Boyd, G.; Mach, P. M.; Rosenzweig, C. N.; Baca, J. T.; Polsky, R.; Glaros, T. Proteomic Characterization of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Extracted Using a Novel Microneedle-Assisted Technique. J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17 (1), 479– 485, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00642Google Scholar14 Characterization of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Extracted Using a Novel Microneedle-Assisted TechniqueTran, Bao Quoc; Miller, Philip R.; Taylor, Robert M.; Boyd, Gabrielle; Mach, Phillip M.; Rosenzweig, C. Nicole; Baca, Justin T.; Polsky, Ronen; Glaros, TrevorJournal of Proteome Research (2018), 17 (1), 479-485CODEN: JPROBS; ISSN:1535-3893. (American Chemical Society)As wearable fitness devices have gained com. acceptance, interest in real-time monitoring of an individual's physiol. status using noninvasive techniques has grown. Microneedles have been proposed as a minimally invasive technique for sampling the dermal interstitial fluid (ISF) for clin. monitoring and diagnosis, but little is known about its compn. In this study, a novel microneedle array was used to collect dermal ISF from three healthy human donors and compared with matching serum and plasma samples. Using a shotgun quant. proteomic approach, 407 proteins were quantified with at least one unique peptide, and of those, 135 proteins were differently expressed at least 2-fold. Collectively, these proteins tended to originate from the cytoplasm, membrane bound vesicles, and extracellular vesicular exosomes. Proteomic anal. confirmed previously published work that indicates that ISF is highly similar to both plasma and serum. In this study, less than one percent of proteins were uniquely identified in ISF. Taken together, ISF could serve as a minimally invasive alternative for blood-derived fluids with potential for real-time monitoring applications.
- 15Samant, P. P.; Prausnitz, M. R. Mechanisms of Sampling Interstitial Fluid from Skin Using a Microneedle Patch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018, 115 (18), 4583– 4588, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716772115Google Scholar15 of sampling interstitial fluid from skin using a microneedle patchSamant Pradnya P; Prausnitz Mark RProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2018), 115 (18), 4583-4588 ISSN:.Although interstitial fluid (ISF) contains biomarkers of physiological significance and medical interest, sampling of ISF for clinical applications has made limited impact due to a lack of simple, clinically useful techniques that collect more than nanoliter volumes of ISF. This study describes experimental and theoretical analysis of ISF transport from skin using microneedle (MN) patches and demonstrates collection of >1 μL of ISF within 20 min in pig cadaver skin and living human subjects using an optimized system. MN patches containing arrays of submillimeter solid, porous, or hollow needles were used to penetrate superficial skin layers and access ISF through micropores (μpores) formed upon insertion. Experimental studies in pig skin found that ISF collection depended on transport mechanism according to the rank order diffusion < capillary action < osmosis < pressure-driven convection, under the conditions studied. These findings were in agreement with independent theoretical modeling that considered transport within skin, across the interface between skin and μpores, and within μpores to the skin surface. This analysis indicated that the rate-limiting step for ISF sampling is transport through the dermis. Based on these studies and other considerations like safety and convenience for future clinical use, we designed an MN patch prototype to sample ISF using suction as the driving force. Using this approach, we collected ISF from human volunteers and identified the presence of biomarkers in the collected ISF. In this way, sampling ISF from skin using an MN patch could enable collection of ISF for use in research and medicine.
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- 17Caffarel-Salvador, E.; Brady, A. J.; Eltayib, E.; Meng, T.; Alonso-Vicente, A.; Gonzalez-Vazquez, P.; Torrisi, B. M.; Vicente-Perez, E. M.; Mooney, K.; Jones, D. S.; Bell, S. E. J.; McCoy, C. P.; McCarthy, H. O.; McElnay, J. C.; Donnelly, R. F. Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Arrays Allow Detection of Drugs and Glucose in Vivo: Potential for Use in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. PLoS One 2015, 10 (12), e0145644 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145644Google Scholar17 microneedle arrays allow detection of drugs and glucose in vivo: potential for use in diagnosis and therapeutic drug monitoringCaffarel-Salvador, Ester; Brady, Aaron J.; Eltayib, Eyman; Meng, Teng; Alonso-Vicente, Ana; Gonzalez-Vazquez, Patricia; Torrisi, Barbara M.; Vicente-Perez, Eva Maria; Mooney, Karen; Jones, David S.; Bell, Steven E. J.; McCoy, Colin P.; McCarthy, Helen O.; McElnay, James C.; Donnelly, Ryan F.PLoS One (2015), 10 (12), e0145644/1-e0145644/21CODEN: POLNCL; ISSN:1932-6203. (Public Library of Science)We describe, for the first time the use of hydrogel-forming microneedle (MN) arrays for minimally-invasive extn. and quantification of drug substances and glucose from skin in vitro and in vivo. MN prepd. from aq. blends of hydrolyzed poly(methyl-vinylether-co-maleic anhydride) (11.1% wt./wt.) and poly(ethyleneglycol) 10,000 daltons (5.6% wt./wt.) and crosslinked by esterification swelled upon skin insertion by uptake of fluid. Post-removal, theophylline and caffeine were extd. from MN and detd. using HPLC, with glucose quantified using a proprietary kit. In vitro studies using excised neonatal porcine skin bathed on the underside by physiol.-relevant analyte concns. showed rapid (5 min) analyte uptake. For example, mean concns. of 0.16 μg/mL and 0.85 μg/mL, resp., were detected for the lowest (5 μg/mL) and highest (35 μg/mL) Franz cell concns. of theophylline after 5 min insertion. A mean concn. of 0.10 μg/mL was obtained by extn. of MN inserted for 5 min into skin bathed with 5 μg/mL caffeine, while the mean concn. obtained by extn. of MN inserted into skin bathed with 15 μg/mL caffeine was 0.33 μg/mL. The mean detected glucose concn. after 5 min insertion into skin bathed with 4 mmol/L was 19.46 nmol/L. The highest theophylline concn. detected following extn. from a hydrogel-forming MN inserted for 1 h into the skin of a rat dosed orally with 10 mg/kg was of 0.363 μg/mL, while a max. concn. of 0.063 μg/mL was detected following extn. from a MN inserted for 1 h into the skin of a rat dosed with 5 mg/kg theophylline. In human volunteers, the highest mean concn. of caffeine detected using MN was 91.31 μg/mL over the period from 1 to 2 h post-consumption of 100 mg Proplus tablets. The highest mean blood glucose level was 7.89 nmol/L detected 1 h following ingestion of 75 g of glucose, while the highest mean glucose concn. extd. from MN was 4.29 nmol/L, detected after 3 h skin insertion in human volunteers. While not directly correlated, concns. extd. from MN were clearly indicative of trends in blood in both rats and human volunteers. This work strongly illustrates the potential of hydrogel-forming MN in minimally-invasive patient monitoring and diagnosis. Further studies are now ongoing to reduce clin. insertion times and develop math. algorithms enabling detn. of blood levels directly from MN measurements.
- 18Zhu, D. D.; Tan, Y. R.; Zheng, L. W.; Lao, J. Z.; Liu, J. Y.; Yu, J.; Chen, P. Microneedle-Coupled Epidermal Sensors for In-Situ-Multiplexed Ion Detection in Interstitial Fluids. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 14146– 14154, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c00573Google Scholar18 Epidermal Sensors for In-Situ-Multiplexed Ion Detection in Interstitial FluidsZhu, Dan Dan; Tan, Yu Rong; Zheng, Le Wen; Lao, Jia Zheng; Liu, Ji Yang; Yu, Jing; Chen, PengACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023), 15 (11), 14146-14154CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Maintaining the concns. of various ions in body fluids is crit. to all living organisms. In this contribution, we designed a flexible microneedle patch coupled electrode array (MNP-EA) for the in situ multiplexed detection of ion species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and H+) in tissue interstitial fluid (ISF). The microneedles (MNs) are mech. robust for skin or cuticle penetration (0.21 N/needle) and highly swellable to quickly ext. sufficient ISF onto the ion-selective electrochem. electrodes (~ 6.87 μL/needle in 5 min). The potentiometric sensor can simultaneously detect these ion species with nearly Nernstian response in the ranges wider enough for diagnosis purposes (Na+: 0.75-200 mM, K+: 1-128 mM, Ca2+: 0.25-4.25 mM, pH: 5.5-8.5). The in vivo expts. on mice, humans, and plants demonstrate the feasibility of MNP-EA for timely and convenient diagnosis of ion imbalances with minimal invasiveness. This transdermal sensing platform shall be instrumental to home-based diagnosis and health monitoring of chronic diseases and is also promising for smart agriculture and the study of plant biol.
- 19Zheng, Y.; Omar, R.; Zhang, R.; Tang, N.; Khatib, M.; Xu, Q.; Milyutin, Y.; Saliba, W.; Broza, Y. Y.; Wu, W.; Yuan, M.; Haick, H. A Wearable Microneedle-Based Extended Gate Transistor for Real-Time Detection of Sodium in Interstitial Fluids. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2108607 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202108607Google Scholar19 wearable microneedle-based extended gate transistor for real-time detection of sodium in interstitial fluidsZheng, Youbin; Omar, Rawan; Zhang, Rongjun; Tang, Ning; Khatib, Muhammad; Xu, Qi; Milyutin, Yana; Saliba, Walaa; Broza, Yoav Y.; Wu, Weiwei; Yuan, Miaomiao; Haick, HossamAdvanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) (2022), 34 (10), 2108607CODEN: ADVMEW; ISSN:0935-9648. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)Sodium is a prominent prognostic biomarker for assessing health status, such as dysnatremia. As of now, detection and monitoring of sodium levels in the human body is carried out by means of laborious and bulky lab. equipmentand/or by offline anal. of various body fluids. Herein, an innovative stretchable, skin-conformal and fast-response microneedle extended-gate FET biosensor is reported for real-time detection of sodium in interstitial fluids for minimally invasive health monitoring along with high sensitivity, low limit of detection, excellent biocompatibility, and on-body mech. stability. The integration of the reported device with a wireless-data transmitter and the Internet-of-Things cloud for real-time monitoring and long-term anal. is reported and discussed. This platform would eventually help bringing unlimited possibilities for effecient medical care and accurate clin. decision-making.
- 20Friedel, M.; Werbovetz, B.; Drexelius, A.; Watkins, Z.; Bali, A.; Plaxco, K. W.; Heikenfeld, J. Continuous Molecular Monitoring of Human Dermal Interstitial Fluid with Microneedle-Enabled Electrochemical Aptamer Sensors. Lab Chip 2023, 23 (14), 3289– 3299, DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00210AGoogle Scholar20 molecular monitoring of human dermal interstitial fluid with microneedle-enabled electrochemical aptamer sensorsFriedel, Mark; Werbovetz, Benjamin; Drexelius, Amy; Watkins, Zach; Bali, Ahilya; Plaxco, Kevin W.; Heikenfeld, JasonLab on a Chip (2023), 23 (14), 3289-3299CODEN: LCAHAM; ISSN:1473-0189. (Royal Society of Chemistry)The ability to continually collect diagnostic information from the body during daily activity has revolutionized the monitoring of health and disease. Much of this monitoring, however, has been of phys. "vital signs", with the monitoring of mol. markers having been limited to glucose, primarily due to the lack of other medically relevant mols. for which continuous measurements are possible in bodily fluids. Electrochem. aptamer sensors, however, have a recent history of successful in vivo demonstrations in rat animal models. Herein, we present the first report of real-time human mol. data collected using such sensors, successfully demonstrating their ability to measure the concn. of phenylalanine in dermal interstitial fluid after an oral bolus. To achieve this, we used a device that employs three hollow microneedles to couple the interstitial fluid to an ex vivo, phenylalanine-detecting sensor. The resulting architecture achieves good precision over the physiol. concn. range and clin. relevant, 20 min lag times. By also demonstrating 90 days dry room-temp. shelf storage, the reported work also reaches another important milestone in moving such sensors to the clinic. While the devices demonstrated are not without remaining challenges, the results at min. provide a simple method by which aptamer sensors can be quickly moved into human subjects for testing.
- 21Ribet, F.; Stemme, G.; Roxhed, N. Microneedle-Based System for Minimally Invasive Continuous Monitoring of Glucose in the Dermal Interstitial Fluid. In 2018 IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2018; pp 408– 411. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2018.8346574 .Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Freeman, D. M. E.; Ming, D. K.; Wilson, R.; Herzog, P. L.; Schulz, C.; Felice, A. K. G.; Chen, Y. C.; O’Hare, D.; Holmes, A. H.; Cass, A. E. G. Continuous Measurement of Lactate Concentration in Human Subjects through Direct Electron Transfer from Enzymes to Microneedle Electrodes. ACS Sens. 2023, 8 (4), 1639– 1647, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.2c02780Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23De la Paz, E.; Saha, T.; Del Caño, R.; Seker, S.; Kshirsagar, N.; Wang, J. Non-Invasive Monitoring of Interstitial Fluid Lactate through an Epidermal Iontophoretic Device. Talanta 2023, 254 (November 2022), 124122 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2022.124122Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24De la Paz, E.; Barfidokht, A.; Rios, S.; Brown, C.; Chao, E.; Wang, J. Extended Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring in the Interstitial Fluid Using an Epidermal Biosensing Patch. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (37), 12767– 12775, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02887Google Scholar24 Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring in the Interstitial Fluid Using an Epidermal Biosensing PatchDe la Paz, Ernesto; Barfidokht, Abbas; Rios, Samantha; Brown, Christopher; Chao, Edward; Wang, JosephAnalytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2021), 93 (37), 12767-12775CODEN: ANCHAM; ISSN:0003-2700. (American Chemical Society)An effective, noninvasive glucose monitoring technol. could be a pivotal factor for addressing the major unmet needs for managing diabetes mellitus (DM). Here, we describe a skin-worn, disposable, wireless electrochem. biosensor for extended noninvasive monitoring of glucose in the interstitial fluid (ISF). The wearable platform integrates three components: a screen-printed iontophoretic electrode system for ISF extn. by reverse iontophoresis (RI), a printed three-electrode amperometric glucose biosensor, and an electronic interface for control and wireless communication. Prolonged on-body glucose monitoring of up to 8 h, including clin. trials conducted in individuals with and without DM, demonstrated good correlation between glucose blood and ISF concns. and the ability to monitor dynamically changing glucose levels upon food consumption, with no evidence of skin irritation or discomfort. Such successful extended operation addresses the challenges reported for the GlucoWatch platform by using a lower RI c.d. at shorter extn. times, along with a lower measurement frequency. Such a noninvasive skin-worn platform could address long-standing challenges with existing glucose monitoring platforms.
- 25Tehrani, F.; Teymourian, H.; Wuerstle, B.; Kavner, J.; Patel, R.; Furmidge, A.; Aghavali, R.; Hosseini-Toudeshki, H.; Brown, C.; Zhang, F.; Mahato, K.; Li, Z.; Barfidokht, A.; Yin, L.; Warren, P.; Huang, N.; Patel, Z.; Mercier, P. P.; Wang, J. An Integrated Wearable Microneedle Array for the Continuous Monitoring of Multiple Biomarkers in Interstitial Fluid. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2022, 6 (11), 1214– 1224, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-022-00887-1Google Scholar25 integrated wearable microneedle array for the continuous monitoring of multiple biomarkers in interstitial fluidTehrani, Farshad; Teymourian, Hazhir; Wuerstle, Brian; Kavner, Jonathan; Patel, Ravi; Furmidge, Allison; Aghavali, Reza; Hosseini-Toudeshki, Hamed; Brown, Christopher; Zhang, Fangyu; Mahato, Kuldeep; Li, Zhengxing; Barfidokht, Abbas; Yin, Lu; Warren, Paul; Huang, Nickey; Patel, Zina; Mercier, Patrick P.; Wang, JosephNature Biomedical Engineering (2022), 6 (11), 1214-1224CODEN: NBEAB3; ISSN:2157-846X. (Nature Portfolio)Abstr.: Implementations of wearable microneedle-based arrays of sensors for the monitoring of multiple biomarkers in interstitial fluid have lacked system integration and evidence of robust anal. performance. Here we report the development and testing of a fully integrated wearable array of microneedles for the wireless and continuous real-time sensing of two metabolites (lactate and glucose, or alc. and glucose) in the interstitial fluid of volunteers performing common daily activities. The device works with a custom smartphone app for data capture and visualization, comprises reusable electronics and a disposable microneedle array, and is optimized for system integration, cost-effective fabrication via advanced micromachining, easier assembly, biocompatibility, pain-free skin penetration and enhanced sensitivity. Single-analyte and dual-analyte measurements correlated well with the corresponding gold-std. measurements in blood or breath. Further validation of the technol. in large populations with concurrent validation of sensor readouts through centralized lab. tests should det. the robustness and utility of real-time simultaneous monitoring of several biomarkers in interstitial fluid.
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- 28Jiang, X.; Wilkirson, E. C.; Bailey, A. O.; Russell, W. K.; Lillehoj, P. B. Microneedle-Based Sampling of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using a Vacuum-Assisted Skin Patch. Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2024, 5, 101975 DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101975Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Makvandi, P.; Kirkby, M.; Hutton, A. R. J.; Shabani, M.; Yiu, C. K. Y.; Baghbantaraghdari, Z.; Jamaledin, R.; Carlotti, M.; Mazzolai, B.; Mattoli, V.; Donnelly, R. F. Engineering Microneedle Patches for Improved Penetration: Analysis, Skin Models and Factors Affecting Needle Insertion; Springer: Singapore, 2021; Vol. 13 DOI: 10.1007/s40820-021-00611-9 .Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Jiang, X.; Lillehoj, P. B. Microneedle-Based Skin Patch for Blood-Free Rapid Diagnostic Testing. Microsyst. Nanoeng. 2020, 6 (1), 96 DOI: 10.1038/s41378-020-00206-1Google Scholar30 skin patch for blood-free rapid diagnostic testingJiang, Xue; Lillehoj, Peter B.Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2020), 6 (1), 96CODEN: MNIACT; ISSN:2055-7434. (Nature Research)Rapid diagnostic tests are one of the most commonly used tests to detect and screen for infectious diseases in the developing world. While these tests are simple, inexpensive, and readily available, they rely on finger-prick blood sampling, which requires trained medical personnel, poses risks of infection, and can complicate cooperation in young children, asymptomatic individuals, and communities with blood taboos. Here, we report a novel microneedle-based skin patch for the rapid detection of protein biomarkers in dermal interstitial fluid. Sample collection is facilitated by a hydrophilic hollow microneedle array that autonomously exts. and transports interstitial fluid to an antibody-based lateral flow test strip via surface tension for colorimetric antigen detection. We employ a simple gold enhancement treatment to enhance the detection sensitivity of this colloidal gold-based lateral flow assay and elucidate the underlying mechanism of this enhancement mechanism through exptl. investigation. For proof-of-concept, this device was used to detect Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2, a biomarker for malaria infection, which could be detected at concns. as low as 8 ng/mL. Each test can be completed in <20 min and requires no equipment. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first demonstration of a microneedle-based lateral flow assay for rapid protein detection in dermal interstitial fluid. In addn. to its simplicity, minimally invasive nature, and low cost, this diagnostic device can be readily adapted to detect other protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid, making it a promising tool for point-of-care testing.
- 31Parolo, C.; Sena-Torralba, A.; Bergua, J. F.; Calucho, E.; Fuentes-Chust, C.; Hu, L.; Rivas, L.; Álvarez-Diduk, R.; Nguyen, E. P.; Cinti, S.; Quesada-González, D.; Merkoçi, A. Tutorial: Design and Fabrication of Nanoparticle-Based Lateral-Flow Immunoassays. Nat. Protoc. 2020, 15 (12), 3788– 3816, DOI: 10.1038/s41596-020-0357-xGoogle Scholar31 design and fabrication of nanoparticle-based lateral-flow immunoassaysParolo, Claudio; Sena-Torralba, Amadeo; Bergua, Jose Francisco; Calucho, Enric; Fuentes-Chust, Celia; Hu, Liming; Rivas, Lourdes; Alvarez-Diduk, Ruslan; Nguyen, Emily P.; Cinti, Stefano; Quesada-Gonzalez, Daniel; Merkoci, ArbenNature Protocols (2020), 15 (12), 3788-3816CODEN: NPARDW; ISSN:1750-2799. (Nature Research)A review. Lateral-flow assays (LFAs) are quick, simple and cheap assays to analyze various samples at the point of care or in the field, making them one of the most widespread biosensors currently available. They have been successfully employed for the detection of a myriad of different targets (ranging from atoms up to whole cells) in all type of samples (including water, blood, foodstuff and environmental samples). Their operation relies on the capillary flow of the sample throughout a series of sequential pads, each with different functionalities aiming to generate a signal to indicate the absence/presence (and, in some cases, the concn.) of the analyte of interest. To have a user-friendly operation, their development requires the optimization of multiple, interconnected parameters that may overwhelm new developers. In this tutorial, we provide the readers with: (i) the basic knowledge to understand the principles governing an LFA and to take informed decisions during lateral flow strip design and fabrication, (ii) a roadmap for optimal LFA development independent of the specific application, (iii) a step-by-step example procedure for the assembly and operation of an LF strip for the detection of human IgG and (iv) an extensive troubleshooting section addressing the most frequent issues in designing, assembling and using LFAs. By changing only the receptors, the provided example procedure can easily be adapted for cost-efficient detection of a broad variety of targets.
- 32Schmook, F. P.; Meingassner, J. G.; Billich, A. Comparison of Human Skin or Epidermis Models with Human and Animal Skin in In-Vitro Percutaneous Absorption. Int. J. Pharm. 2001, 215 (1–2), 51– 56, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-5173(00)00665-7Google Scholar32 of human skin or epidermis models with human and animal skin in in-vitro percutaneous absorptionSchmook, F. P.; Meingassner, J. G.; Billich, A.International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2001), 215 (1-2), 51-56CODEN: IJPHDE; ISSN:0378-5173. (Elsevier Science B.V.)For the study of in-vitro skin penetration of candidate drugs, excised animal skin is frequently used as a replacement for human skin. Reconstructed human skin or epidermis equiv. have been proposed as alternatives. We compared the penetration properties of human, pig and rat skin with the Graftskin LSE (living skin equiv.) and the Skinethic HRE (human reconstructed epidermis) models using four topical dermatol. drugs (salicylic acid, hydrocortisone, clotrimazole and terbinafine) with widely varying polarity. In agreement with published data, pig skin appeared as the most suitable model for human skin: the fluxes through the skin and concns. in the skin were of the same order of magnitude for both tissues, with differences of at most two- or fourfold, resp. Graftskin LSE provided an adequate barrier to salicylic acid, but was very permeable for the more hydrophobic compds. (e.g. about 900-fold higher flux and 50-fold higher skin concns. of clotrimazole as compared to human skin), even more than rat skin. In the case of the Skinethic HRE, we found similar concns. of salicylic acid as in human skin and an approx. sevenfold higher flux. In contrast, the permeation of hydrophobic compds. through the epidermal layer was vastly higher than through split-thickness human skin (up to a factor of about 800). To conclude, currently available reconstituted skin models cannot be regarded as generally useful for in-vitro penetration studies.
- 33Waghule, T.; Singhvi, G.; Dubey, S. K.; Pandey, M. M.; Gupta, G.; Singh, M.; Dua, K. Microneedles: A Smart Approach and Increasing Potential for Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Biomed. Pharmacother. 2019, 109 (September 2018), 1249– 1258, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2018.10.078Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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- 36Wang, Z.; Luan, J.; Seth, A.; Liu, L.; You, M.; Gupta, P.; Rathi, P.; Wang, Y.; Cao, S.; Jiang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Gupta, R.; Zhou, Q.; Morrissey, J. J.; Scheller, E. L.; Rudra, J. S.; Singamaneni, S. Microneedle Patch for the Ultrasensitive Quantification of Protein Biomarkers in Interstitial Fluid. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2021, 5 (1), 64– 76, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-020-00672-yGoogle Scholar36 patch for the ultrasensitive quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluidWang, Zheyu; Luan, Jingyi; Seth, Anushree; Liu, Lin; You, Minli; Gupta, Prashant; Rathi, Priya; Wang, Yixuan; Cao, Sisi; Jiang, Qisheng; Zhang, Xiao; Gupta, Rohit; Zhou, Qingjun; Morrissey, Jeremiah J.; Scheller, Erica L.; Rudra, Jai S.; Singamaneni, SrikanthNature Biomedical Engineering (2021), 5 (1), 64-76CODEN: NBEAB3; ISSN:2157-846X. (Nature Research)Abstr.: The detection and quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid is hampered by challenges in its sampling and anal. Here we report the use of a microneedle patch for fast in vivo sampling and on-needle quantification of target protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid. We used plasmonic fluor-an ultrabright fluorescent label-to improve the limit of detection of various interstitial fluid protein biomarkers by nearly 800-fold compared with conventional fluorophores, and a magnetic backing layer to implement conventional immunoassay procedures on the patch and thus improve measurement consistency. We used the microneedle patch in mice for minimally invasive evaluation of the efficiency of a cocaine vaccine, for longitudinal monitoring of the levels of inflammatory biomarkers, and for efficient sampling of the calvarial periosteum-a challenging site for biomarker detection-and the quantification of its levels of the matricellular protein periostin, which cannot be accurately inferred from blood or other systemic biofluids. Microneedle patches for the minimally invasive collection and anal. of biomarkers in interstitial fluid might facilitate point-of-care diagnostics and longitudinal monitoring.
- 37Kolluru, C.; Williams, M.; Yeh, J. S.; Noel, R. K.; Knaack, J.; Prausnitz, M. R. Monitoring Drug Pharmacokinetics and Immunologic Biomarkers in Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using a Microneedle Patch. Biomed. Microdevices 2019, 21 (1), 14 DOI: 10.1007/s10544-019-0363-3Google Scholar37 drug pharmacokinetics and immunologic biomarkers in dermal interstitial fluid using a microneedle patchKolluru Chandana; Williams Mikayla; Prausnitz Mark R; Yeh Jihee Stephanie; Knaack Jennifer; Noel Richard KBiomedical microdevices (2019), 21 (1), 14 ISSN:.Minimally invasive point-of-care diagnostic devices are of great interest for rapid detection of biomarkers in diverse settings. Although blood is the most common source of biomarkers, interstitial fluid (ISF) is an alternate body fluid that does not clot or contain red blood cells that often complicate analysis. However, ISF is difficult to collect. In this study, we assessed the utility of a microneedle patch to sample microliter volumes of ISF in a simple and minimally invasive manner. We demonstrated the use of ISF collected in this way for therapeutic drug monitoring by showing similar vancomycin pharmacokinetic profiles in ISF and serum from rats. We also measured polio-specific neutralizing antibodies and anti-polio IgG in ISF similar to serum in rats immunized with polio vaccine. These studies demonstrate the potential utility of ISF collected by microneedle patch in therapeutic drug monitoring and immunodiagnostic applications.
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- 6Sim, D.; Brothers, M. C.; Slocik, J. M.; Islam, A. E.; Maruyama, B.; Grigsby, C. C.; Naik, R. R.; Kim, S. S. Biomarkers and Detection Platforms for Human Health and Performance Monitoring: A Review. Adv. Sci. 2022, 9 (7), 1– 29, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202104426There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 7Friedel, M.; Thompson, I. A. P.; Kasting, G.; Polsky, R.; Cunningham, D.; Soh, H. T.; Heikenfeld, J. Opportunities and Challenges in the Diagnostic Utility of Dermal Interstitial Fluid. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2023, 7, 1541, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-022-00998-97 and challenges in the diagnostic utility of dermal interstitial fluidFriedel Mark; Heikenfeld Jason; Thompson Ian A P; Soh Hyongsok Tom; Kasting Gerald; Polsky Ronen; Cunningham David; Soh Hyongsok TomNature biomedical engineering (2023), 7 (12), 1541-1555 ISSN:.The volume of interstitial fluid (ISF) in the human body is three times that of blood. Yet, collecting diagnostically useful ISF is more challenging than collecting blood because the extraction of dermal ISF disrupts the delicate balance of pressure between ISF, blood and lymph, and because the triggered local inflammation further skews the concentrations of many analytes in the extracted fluid. In this Perspective, we overview the most meaningful differences in the make-up of ISF and blood, and discuss why ISF cannot be viewed generally as a diagnostically useful proxy for blood. We also argue that continuous sensing of small-molecule analytes in dermal ISF via rapid assays compatible with nanolitre sample volumes or via miniaturized sensors inserted into the dermis can offer clinically advantageous utility, particularly for the monitoring of therapeutic drugs and of the status of the immune system.
- 8Samant, P. P.; Niedzwiecki, M. M.; Raviele, N.; Tran, V.; Mena-Lapaix, J.; Walker, D. I.; Felner, E. I.; Jones, D. P.; Miller, G. W.; Prausnitz, M. R. Sampling interstitial fluid from human skin using a microneedle patch. Sci. Transl. Med. 2020, 12 (571), eaaw0285 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw0285There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Saifullah, K. M.; Faraji Rad, Z. Sampling Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using Microneedles: A Review of Recent Developments in Sampling Methods and Microneedle-Based Biosensors. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 10 (10), 2201763 DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201763There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 10Miller, P. R.; Taylor, R. M.; Tran, B. Q.; Boyd, G.; Glaros, T.; Chavez, V. H.; Krishnakumar, R.; Sinha, A.; Poorey, K.; Williams, K. P.; Branda, S. S.; Baca, J. T.; Polsky, R. Extraction and Biomolecular Analysis of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Collected with Hollow Microneedles. Commun. Biol. 2018, 1 (1), 173 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-018-0170-z10 and biomolecular analysis of dermal interstitial fluid collected with hollow microneedlesMiller Philip R; Chavez Victor H; Polsky Ronen; Taylor Robert M; Baca Justin T; Tran Bao Quoc; Boyd Gabrielle; Glaros Trevor; Krishnakumar Raga; Sinha Anupama; Poorey Kunal; Williams Kelly P; Branda Steven SCommunications biology (2018), 1 (), 173 ISSN:.Dermal interstitial fluid (ISF) is an underutilized information-rich biofluid potentially useful in health status monitoring applications whose contents remain challenging to characterize. Here, we present a facile microneedle approach for dermal ISF extraction with minimal pain and no blistering for human subjects and rats. Extracted ISF volumes were sufficient for determining transcriptome, and proteome signatures. We noted similar profiles in ISF, serum, and plasma samples, suggesting that ISF can be a proxy for direct blood sampling. Dynamic changes in RNA-seq were recorded in ISF from induced hypoxia conditions. Finally, we report the first isolation and characterization, to our knowledge, of exosomes from dermal ISF. The ISF exosome concentration is 12-13 times more enriched when compared to plasma and serum and represents a previously unexplored biofluid for exosome isolation. This minimally invasive extraction approach can enable mechanistic studies of ISF and demonstrates the potential of ISF for real-time health monitoring applications.
- 11Ribet, F.; Bendes, A.; Fredolini, C.; Dobielewski, M.; Böttcher, M.; Beck, O.; Schwenk, J. M.; Stemme, G.; Roxhed, N. Microneedle Patch for Painless Intradermal Collection of Interstitial Fluid Enabling Multianalyte Measurement of Small Molecules, SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies, and Protein Profiling. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2023, 12, 2202564 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202202564There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Kool, J.; Reubsaet, L.; Wesseldijk, F.; Maravilha, R. T.; Pinkse, M. W.; D’Santos, C. S.; van Hilten, J. J.; Zijlstra, F. J.; Heck, A. J. R. Suction Blister Fluid as Potential Body Fluid for Biomarker Proteins. Proteomics 2007, 7 (20), 3638– 3650, DOI: 10.1002/pmic.200600938There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 13Müller, A. C.; Breitwieser, F. P.; Fischer, H.; Schuster, C.; Brandt, O.; Colinge, J.; Superti-Furga, G.; Stingl, G.; Elbe-Bürger, A.; Bennett, K. L. A Comparative Proteomic Study of Human Skin Suction Blister Fluid from Healthy Individuals Using Immunodepletion and ITRAQ Labeling. J. Proteome Res. 2012, 11 (7), 3715– 3727, DOI: 10.1021/pr300203513 comparative proteomic study of human skin suction blister fluid from healthy individuals using immunodepletion and iTRAQ labelingMuller Andre C; Breitwieser Florian P; Fischer Heinz; Schuster Christopher; Brandt Oliver; Colinge Jacques; Superti-Furga Giulio; Stingl Georg; Elbe-Burger Adelheid; Bennett Keiryn LJournal of proteome research (2012), 11 (7), 3715-27 ISSN:.Aberrations in skin morphology and functionality can cause acute and chronic skin-related diseases that are the focus of dermatological research. Mechanically induced skin suction blister fluid may serve as a potential, alternative human body fluid for quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics in order to assist in the understanding of the mechanisms and causes underlying skin-related diseases. The combination of abundant-protein removal with iTRAQ technology and multidimensional fractionation techniques improved the number of identified protein groups. A relative comparison of a cohort of 8 healthy volunteers was thus recruited in order to assess the net variability encountered in a healthy scenario. The technology enabled the identification, to date, of the highest number of reported protein groups (739) with concomitant relative quantitative data for over 90% of all proteins with high reproducibility and accuracy. The use of iTRAQ 8-plex resulted in a 66% decrease in protein identifications but, despite this, provided valuable insight into interindividual differences of the healthy control samples. The geometric mean ratio was close to 1 with 95% of all ratios ranging between 0.45 and 2.05 and a calculated mean coefficient of variation of 15.8%, indicating a lower biological variance than that reported for plasma or urine. By applying a multistep sample processing, the obtained sensitivity and accuracy of quantitative MS analysis demonstrates the prospective value of the approach in future research into skin diseases.
- 14Tran, B. Q.; Miller, P. R.; Taylor, R. M.; Boyd, G.; Mach, P. M.; Rosenzweig, C. N.; Baca, J. T.; Polsky, R.; Glaros, T. Proteomic Characterization of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Extracted Using a Novel Microneedle-Assisted Technique. J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17 (1), 479– 485, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b0064214 Characterization of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Extracted Using a Novel Microneedle-Assisted TechniqueTran, Bao Quoc; Miller, Philip R.; Taylor, Robert M.; Boyd, Gabrielle; Mach, Phillip M.; Rosenzweig, C. Nicole; Baca, Justin T.; Polsky, Ronen; Glaros, TrevorJournal of Proteome Research (2018), 17 (1), 479-485CODEN: JPROBS; ISSN:1535-3893. (American Chemical Society)As wearable fitness devices have gained com. acceptance, interest in real-time monitoring of an individual's physiol. status using noninvasive techniques has grown. Microneedles have been proposed as a minimally invasive technique for sampling the dermal interstitial fluid (ISF) for clin. monitoring and diagnosis, but little is known about its compn. In this study, a novel microneedle array was used to collect dermal ISF from three healthy human donors and compared with matching serum and plasma samples. Using a shotgun quant. proteomic approach, 407 proteins were quantified with at least one unique peptide, and of those, 135 proteins were differently expressed at least 2-fold. Collectively, these proteins tended to originate from the cytoplasm, membrane bound vesicles, and extracellular vesicular exosomes. Proteomic anal. confirmed previously published work that indicates that ISF is highly similar to both plasma and serum. In this study, less than one percent of proteins were uniquely identified in ISF. Taken together, ISF could serve as a minimally invasive alternative for blood-derived fluids with potential for real-time monitoring applications.
- 15Samant, P. P.; Prausnitz, M. R. Mechanisms of Sampling Interstitial Fluid from Skin Using a Microneedle Patch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018, 115 (18), 4583– 4588, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.171677211515 of sampling interstitial fluid from skin using a microneedle patchSamant Pradnya P; Prausnitz Mark RProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2018), 115 (18), 4583-4588 ISSN:.Although interstitial fluid (ISF) contains biomarkers of physiological significance and medical interest, sampling of ISF for clinical applications has made limited impact due to a lack of simple, clinically useful techniques that collect more than nanoliter volumes of ISF. This study describes experimental and theoretical analysis of ISF transport from skin using microneedle (MN) patches and demonstrates collection of >1 μL of ISF within 20 min in pig cadaver skin and living human subjects using an optimized system. MN patches containing arrays of submillimeter solid, porous, or hollow needles were used to penetrate superficial skin layers and access ISF through micropores (μpores) formed upon insertion. Experimental studies in pig skin found that ISF collection depended on transport mechanism according to the rank order diffusion < capillary action < osmosis < pressure-driven convection, under the conditions studied. These findings were in agreement with independent theoretical modeling that considered transport within skin, across the interface between skin and μpores, and within μpores to the skin surface. This analysis indicated that the rate-limiting step for ISF sampling is transport through the dermis. Based on these studies and other considerations like safety and convenience for future clinical use, we designed an MN patch prototype to sample ISF using suction as the driving force. Using this approach, we collected ISF from human volunteers and identified the presence of biomarkers in the collected ISF. In this way, sampling ISF from skin using an MN patch could enable collection of ISF for use in research and medicine.
- 16Kim, S. H.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, S. J.; Jung, M. S.; Jeong, D. H.; Lee, K. H. Minimally Invasive Skin Sampling and Transcriptome Analysis Using Microneedles for Skin Type Biomarker Research. Skin Res. Technol. 2022, 28 (2), 322– 335, DOI: 10.1111/srt.13135There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Caffarel-Salvador, E.; Brady, A. J.; Eltayib, E.; Meng, T.; Alonso-Vicente, A.; Gonzalez-Vazquez, P.; Torrisi, B. M.; Vicente-Perez, E. M.; Mooney, K.; Jones, D. S.; Bell, S. E. J.; McCoy, C. P.; McCarthy, H. O.; McElnay, J. C.; Donnelly, R. F. Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Arrays Allow Detection of Drugs and Glucose in Vivo: Potential for Use in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. PLoS One 2015, 10 (12), e0145644 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.014564417 microneedle arrays allow detection of drugs and glucose in vivo: potential for use in diagnosis and therapeutic drug monitoringCaffarel-Salvador, Ester; Brady, Aaron J.; Eltayib, Eyman; Meng, Teng; Alonso-Vicente, Ana; Gonzalez-Vazquez, Patricia; Torrisi, Barbara M.; Vicente-Perez, Eva Maria; Mooney, Karen; Jones, David S.; Bell, Steven E. J.; McCoy, Colin P.; McCarthy, Helen O.; McElnay, James C.; Donnelly, Ryan F.PLoS One (2015), 10 (12), e0145644/1-e0145644/21CODEN: POLNCL; ISSN:1932-6203. (Public Library of Science)We describe, for the first time the use of hydrogel-forming microneedle (MN) arrays for minimally-invasive extn. and quantification of drug substances and glucose from skin in vitro and in vivo. MN prepd. from aq. blends of hydrolyzed poly(methyl-vinylether-co-maleic anhydride) (11.1% wt./wt.) and poly(ethyleneglycol) 10,000 daltons (5.6% wt./wt.) and crosslinked by esterification swelled upon skin insertion by uptake of fluid. Post-removal, theophylline and caffeine were extd. from MN and detd. using HPLC, with glucose quantified using a proprietary kit. In vitro studies using excised neonatal porcine skin bathed on the underside by physiol.-relevant analyte concns. showed rapid (5 min) analyte uptake. For example, mean concns. of 0.16 μg/mL and 0.85 μg/mL, resp., were detected for the lowest (5 μg/mL) and highest (35 μg/mL) Franz cell concns. of theophylline after 5 min insertion. A mean concn. of 0.10 μg/mL was obtained by extn. of MN inserted for 5 min into skin bathed with 5 μg/mL caffeine, while the mean concn. obtained by extn. of MN inserted into skin bathed with 15 μg/mL caffeine was 0.33 μg/mL. The mean detected glucose concn. after 5 min insertion into skin bathed with 4 mmol/L was 19.46 nmol/L. The highest theophylline concn. detected following extn. from a hydrogel-forming MN inserted for 1 h into the skin of a rat dosed orally with 10 mg/kg was of 0.363 μg/mL, while a max. concn. of 0.063 μg/mL was detected following extn. from a MN inserted for 1 h into the skin of a rat dosed with 5 mg/kg theophylline. In human volunteers, the highest mean concn. of caffeine detected using MN was 91.31 μg/mL over the period from 1 to 2 h post-consumption of 100 mg Proplus tablets. The highest mean blood glucose level was 7.89 nmol/L detected 1 h following ingestion of 75 g of glucose, while the highest mean glucose concn. extd. from MN was 4.29 nmol/L, detected after 3 h skin insertion in human volunteers. While not directly correlated, concns. extd. from MN were clearly indicative of trends in blood in both rats and human volunteers. This work strongly illustrates the potential of hydrogel-forming MN in minimally-invasive patient monitoring and diagnosis. Further studies are now ongoing to reduce clin. insertion times and develop math. algorithms enabling detn. of blood levels directly from MN measurements.
- 18Zhu, D. D.; Tan, Y. R.; Zheng, L. W.; Lao, J. Z.; Liu, J. Y.; Yu, J.; Chen, P. Microneedle-Coupled Epidermal Sensors for In-Situ-Multiplexed Ion Detection in Interstitial Fluids. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 14146– 14154, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c0057318 Epidermal Sensors for In-Situ-Multiplexed Ion Detection in Interstitial FluidsZhu, Dan Dan; Tan, Yu Rong; Zheng, Le Wen; Lao, Jia Zheng; Liu, Ji Yang; Yu, Jing; Chen, PengACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023), 15 (11), 14146-14154CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Maintaining the concns. of various ions in body fluids is crit. to all living organisms. In this contribution, we designed a flexible microneedle patch coupled electrode array (MNP-EA) for the in situ multiplexed detection of ion species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and H+) in tissue interstitial fluid (ISF). The microneedles (MNs) are mech. robust for skin or cuticle penetration (0.21 N/needle) and highly swellable to quickly ext. sufficient ISF onto the ion-selective electrochem. electrodes (~ 6.87 μL/needle in 5 min). The potentiometric sensor can simultaneously detect these ion species with nearly Nernstian response in the ranges wider enough for diagnosis purposes (Na+: 0.75-200 mM, K+: 1-128 mM, Ca2+: 0.25-4.25 mM, pH: 5.5-8.5). The in vivo expts. on mice, humans, and plants demonstrate the feasibility of MNP-EA for timely and convenient diagnosis of ion imbalances with minimal invasiveness. This transdermal sensing platform shall be instrumental to home-based diagnosis and health monitoring of chronic diseases and is also promising for smart agriculture and the study of plant biol.
- 19Zheng, Y.; Omar, R.; Zhang, R.; Tang, N.; Khatib, M.; Xu, Q.; Milyutin, Y.; Saliba, W.; Broza, Y. Y.; Wu, W.; Yuan, M.; Haick, H. A Wearable Microneedle-Based Extended Gate Transistor for Real-Time Detection of Sodium in Interstitial Fluids. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2108607 DOI: 10.1002/adma.20210860719 wearable microneedle-based extended gate transistor for real-time detection of sodium in interstitial fluidsZheng, Youbin; Omar, Rawan; Zhang, Rongjun; Tang, Ning; Khatib, Muhammad; Xu, Qi; Milyutin, Yana; Saliba, Walaa; Broza, Yoav Y.; Wu, Weiwei; Yuan, Miaomiao; Haick, HossamAdvanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) (2022), 34 (10), 2108607CODEN: ADVMEW; ISSN:0935-9648. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)Sodium is a prominent prognostic biomarker for assessing health status, such as dysnatremia. As of now, detection and monitoring of sodium levels in the human body is carried out by means of laborious and bulky lab. equipmentand/or by offline anal. of various body fluids. Herein, an innovative stretchable, skin-conformal and fast-response microneedle extended-gate FET biosensor is reported for real-time detection of sodium in interstitial fluids for minimally invasive health monitoring along with high sensitivity, low limit of detection, excellent biocompatibility, and on-body mech. stability. The integration of the reported device with a wireless-data transmitter and the Internet-of-Things cloud for real-time monitoring and long-term anal. is reported and discussed. This platform would eventually help bringing unlimited possibilities for effecient medical care and accurate clin. decision-making.
- 20Friedel, M.; Werbovetz, B.; Drexelius, A.; Watkins, Z.; Bali, A.; Plaxco, K. W.; Heikenfeld, J. Continuous Molecular Monitoring of Human Dermal Interstitial Fluid with Microneedle-Enabled Electrochemical Aptamer Sensors. Lab Chip 2023, 23 (14), 3289– 3299, DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00210A20 molecular monitoring of human dermal interstitial fluid with microneedle-enabled electrochemical aptamer sensorsFriedel, Mark; Werbovetz, Benjamin; Drexelius, Amy; Watkins, Zach; Bali, Ahilya; Plaxco, Kevin W.; Heikenfeld, JasonLab on a Chip (2023), 23 (14), 3289-3299CODEN: LCAHAM; ISSN:1473-0189. (Royal Society of Chemistry)The ability to continually collect diagnostic information from the body during daily activity has revolutionized the monitoring of health and disease. Much of this monitoring, however, has been of phys. "vital signs", with the monitoring of mol. markers having been limited to glucose, primarily due to the lack of other medically relevant mols. for which continuous measurements are possible in bodily fluids. Electrochem. aptamer sensors, however, have a recent history of successful in vivo demonstrations in rat animal models. Herein, we present the first report of real-time human mol. data collected using such sensors, successfully demonstrating their ability to measure the concn. of phenylalanine in dermal interstitial fluid after an oral bolus. To achieve this, we used a device that employs three hollow microneedles to couple the interstitial fluid to an ex vivo, phenylalanine-detecting sensor. The resulting architecture achieves good precision over the physiol. concn. range and clin. relevant, 20 min lag times. By also demonstrating 90 days dry room-temp. shelf storage, the reported work also reaches another important milestone in moving such sensors to the clinic. While the devices demonstrated are not without remaining challenges, the results at min. provide a simple method by which aptamer sensors can be quickly moved into human subjects for testing.
- 21Ribet, F.; Stemme, G.; Roxhed, N. Microneedle-Based System for Minimally Invasive Continuous Monitoring of Glucose in the Dermal Interstitial Fluid. In 2018 IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2018; pp 408– 411. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2018.8346574 .There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Freeman, D. M. E.; Ming, D. K.; Wilson, R.; Herzog, P. L.; Schulz, C.; Felice, A. K. G.; Chen, Y. C.; O’Hare, D.; Holmes, A. H.; Cass, A. E. G. Continuous Measurement of Lactate Concentration in Human Subjects through Direct Electron Transfer from Enzymes to Microneedle Electrodes. ACS Sens. 2023, 8 (4), 1639– 1647, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.2c02780There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23De la Paz, E.; Saha, T.; Del Caño, R.; Seker, S.; Kshirsagar, N.; Wang, J. Non-Invasive Monitoring of Interstitial Fluid Lactate through an Epidermal Iontophoretic Device. Talanta 2023, 254 (November 2022), 124122 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2022.124122There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24De la Paz, E.; Barfidokht, A.; Rios, S.; Brown, C.; Chao, E.; Wang, J. Extended Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring in the Interstitial Fluid Using an Epidermal Biosensing Patch. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (37), 12767– 12775, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c0288724 Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring in the Interstitial Fluid Using an Epidermal Biosensing PatchDe la Paz, Ernesto; Barfidokht, Abbas; Rios, Samantha; Brown, Christopher; Chao, Edward; Wang, JosephAnalytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2021), 93 (37), 12767-12775CODEN: ANCHAM; ISSN:0003-2700. (American Chemical Society)An effective, noninvasive glucose monitoring technol. could be a pivotal factor for addressing the major unmet needs for managing diabetes mellitus (DM). Here, we describe a skin-worn, disposable, wireless electrochem. biosensor for extended noninvasive monitoring of glucose in the interstitial fluid (ISF). The wearable platform integrates three components: a screen-printed iontophoretic electrode system for ISF extn. by reverse iontophoresis (RI), a printed three-electrode amperometric glucose biosensor, and an electronic interface for control and wireless communication. Prolonged on-body glucose monitoring of up to 8 h, including clin. trials conducted in individuals with and without DM, demonstrated good correlation between glucose blood and ISF concns. and the ability to monitor dynamically changing glucose levels upon food consumption, with no evidence of skin irritation or discomfort. Such successful extended operation addresses the challenges reported for the GlucoWatch platform by using a lower RI c.d. at shorter extn. times, along with a lower measurement frequency. Such a noninvasive skin-worn platform could address long-standing challenges with existing glucose monitoring platforms.
- 25Tehrani, F.; Teymourian, H.; Wuerstle, B.; Kavner, J.; Patel, R.; Furmidge, A.; Aghavali, R.; Hosseini-Toudeshki, H.; Brown, C.; Zhang, F.; Mahato, K.; Li, Z.; Barfidokht, A.; Yin, L.; Warren, P.; Huang, N.; Patel, Z.; Mercier, P. P.; Wang, J. An Integrated Wearable Microneedle Array for the Continuous Monitoring of Multiple Biomarkers in Interstitial Fluid. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2022, 6 (11), 1214– 1224, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-022-00887-125 integrated wearable microneedle array for the continuous monitoring of multiple biomarkers in interstitial fluidTehrani, Farshad; Teymourian, Hazhir; Wuerstle, Brian; Kavner, Jonathan; Patel, Ravi; Furmidge, Allison; Aghavali, Reza; Hosseini-Toudeshki, Hamed; Brown, Christopher; Zhang, Fangyu; Mahato, Kuldeep; Li, Zhengxing; Barfidokht, Abbas; Yin, Lu; Warren, Paul; Huang, Nickey; Patel, Zina; Mercier, Patrick P.; Wang, JosephNature Biomedical Engineering (2022), 6 (11), 1214-1224CODEN: NBEAB3; ISSN:2157-846X. (Nature Portfolio)Abstr.: Implementations of wearable microneedle-based arrays of sensors for the monitoring of multiple biomarkers in interstitial fluid have lacked system integration and evidence of robust anal. performance. Here we report the development and testing of a fully integrated wearable array of microneedles for the wireless and continuous real-time sensing of two metabolites (lactate and glucose, or alc. and glucose) in the interstitial fluid of volunteers performing common daily activities. The device works with a custom smartphone app for data capture and visualization, comprises reusable electronics and a disposable microneedle array, and is optimized for system integration, cost-effective fabrication via advanced micromachining, easier assembly, biocompatibility, pain-free skin penetration and enhanced sensitivity. Single-analyte and dual-analyte measurements correlated well with the corresponding gold-std. measurements in blood or breath. Further validation of the technol. in large populations with concurrent validation of sensor readouts through centralized lab. tests should det. the robustness and utility of real-time simultaneous monitoring of several biomarkers in interstitial fluid.
- 26Chen, Z.; Lee, J. B. Biocompatibility of SU-8 and Its Biomedical Device Applications. Micromachines 2021, 12 (7). 794 DOI: 10.3390/mi12070794 .There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Kuppusami, S.; Oskouei, R. H. Parylene Coatings in Medical Devices and Implants: A Review. Univ. J. Biomed. Eng. 2015, 3 (2), 9– 14, DOI: 10.13189/ujbe.2015.030201There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Jiang, X.; Wilkirson, E. C.; Bailey, A. O.; Russell, W. K.; Lillehoj, P. B. Microneedle-Based Sampling of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using a Vacuum-Assisted Skin Patch. Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2024, 5, 101975 DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101975There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Makvandi, P.; Kirkby, M.; Hutton, A. R. J.; Shabani, M.; Yiu, C. K. Y.; Baghbantaraghdari, Z.; Jamaledin, R.; Carlotti, M.; Mazzolai, B.; Mattoli, V.; Donnelly, R. F. Engineering Microneedle Patches for Improved Penetration: Analysis, Skin Models and Factors Affecting Needle Insertion; Springer: Singapore, 2021; Vol. 13 DOI: 10.1007/s40820-021-00611-9 .There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Jiang, X.; Lillehoj, P. B. Microneedle-Based Skin Patch for Blood-Free Rapid Diagnostic Testing. Microsyst. Nanoeng. 2020, 6 (1), 96 DOI: 10.1038/s41378-020-00206-130 skin patch for blood-free rapid diagnostic testingJiang, Xue; Lillehoj, Peter B.Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2020), 6 (1), 96CODEN: MNIACT; ISSN:2055-7434. (Nature Research)Rapid diagnostic tests are one of the most commonly used tests to detect and screen for infectious diseases in the developing world. While these tests are simple, inexpensive, and readily available, they rely on finger-prick blood sampling, which requires trained medical personnel, poses risks of infection, and can complicate cooperation in young children, asymptomatic individuals, and communities with blood taboos. Here, we report a novel microneedle-based skin patch for the rapid detection of protein biomarkers in dermal interstitial fluid. Sample collection is facilitated by a hydrophilic hollow microneedle array that autonomously exts. and transports interstitial fluid to an antibody-based lateral flow test strip via surface tension for colorimetric antigen detection. We employ a simple gold enhancement treatment to enhance the detection sensitivity of this colloidal gold-based lateral flow assay and elucidate the underlying mechanism of this enhancement mechanism through exptl. investigation. For proof-of-concept, this device was used to detect Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2, a biomarker for malaria infection, which could be detected at concns. as low as 8 ng/mL. Each test can be completed in <20 min and requires no equipment. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first demonstration of a microneedle-based lateral flow assay for rapid protein detection in dermal interstitial fluid. In addn. to its simplicity, minimally invasive nature, and low cost, this diagnostic device can be readily adapted to detect other protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid, making it a promising tool for point-of-care testing.
- 31Parolo, C.; Sena-Torralba, A.; Bergua, J. F.; Calucho, E.; Fuentes-Chust, C.; Hu, L.; Rivas, L.; Álvarez-Diduk, R.; Nguyen, E. P.; Cinti, S.; Quesada-González, D.; Merkoçi, A. Tutorial: Design and Fabrication of Nanoparticle-Based Lateral-Flow Immunoassays. Nat. Protoc. 2020, 15 (12), 3788– 3816, DOI: 10.1038/s41596-020-0357-x31 design and fabrication of nanoparticle-based lateral-flow immunoassaysParolo, Claudio; Sena-Torralba, Amadeo; Bergua, Jose Francisco; Calucho, Enric; Fuentes-Chust, Celia; Hu, Liming; Rivas, Lourdes; Alvarez-Diduk, Ruslan; Nguyen, Emily P.; Cinti, Stefano; Quesada-Gonzalez, Daniel; Merkoci, ArbenNature Protocols (2020), 15 (12), 3788-3816CODEN: NPARDW; ISSN:1750-2799. (Nature Research)A review. Lateral-flow assays (LFAs) are quick, simple and cheap assays to analyze various samples at the point of care or in the field, making them one of the most widespread biosensors currently available. They have been successfully employed for the detection of a myriad of different targets (ranging from atoms up to whole cells) in all type of samples (including water, blood, foodstuff and environmental samples). Their operation relies on the capillary flow of the sample throughout a series of sequential pads, each with different functionalities aiming to generate a signal to indicate the absence/presence (and, in some cases, the concn.) of the analyte of interest. To have a user-friendly operation, their development requires the optimization of multiple, interconnected parameters that may overwhelm new developers. In this tutorial, we provide the readers with: (i) the basic knowledge to understand the principles governing an LFA and to take informed decisions during lateral flow strip design and fabrication, (ii) a roadmap for optimal LFA development independent of the specific application, (iii) a step-by-step example procedure for the assembly and operation of an LF strip for the detection of human IgG and (iv) an extensive troubleshooting section addressing the most frequent issues in designing, assembling and using LFAs. By changing only the receptors, the provided example procedure can easily be adapted for cost-efficient detection of a broad variety of targets.
- 32Schmook, F. P.; Meingassner, J. G.; Billich, A. Comparison of Human Skin or Epidermis Models with Human and Animal Skin in In-Vitro Percutaneous Absorption. Int. J. Pharm. 2001, 215 (1–2), 51– 56, DOI: 10.1016/S0378-5173(00)00665-732 of human skin or epidermis models with human and animal skin in in-vitro percutaneous absorptionSchmook, F. P.; Meingassner, J. G.; Billich, A.International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2001), 215 (1-2), 51-56CODEN: IJPHDE; ISSN:0378-5173. (Elsevier Science B.V.)For the study of in-vitro skin penetration of candidate drugs, excised animal skin is frequently used as a replacement for human skin. Reconstructed human skin or epidermis equiv. have been proposed as alternatives. We compared the penetration properties of human, pig and rat skin with the Graftskin LSE (living skin equiv.) and the Skinethic HRE (human reconstructed epidermis) models using four topical dermatol. drugs (salicylic acid, hydrocortisone, clotrimazole and terbinafine) with widely varying polarity. In agreement with published data, pig skin appeared as the most suitable model for human skin: the fluxes through the skin and concns. in the skin were of the same order of magnitude for both tissues, with differences of at most two- or fourfold, resp. Graftskin LSE provided an adequate barrier to salicylic acid, but was very permeable for the more hydrophobic compds. (e.g. about 900-fold higher flux and 50-fold higher skin concns. of clotrimazole as compared to human skin), even more than rat skin. In the case of the Skinethic HRE, we found similar concns. of salicylic acid as in human skin and an approx. sevenfold higher flux. In contrast, the permeation of hydrophobic compds. through the epidermal layer was vastly higher than through split-thickness human skin (up to a factor of about 800). To conclude, currently available reconstituted skin models cannot be regarded as generally useful for in-vitro penetration studies.
- 33Waghule, T.; Singhvi, G.; Dubey, S. K.; Pandey, M. M.; Gupta, G.; Singh, M.; Dua, K. Microneedles: A Smart Approach and Increasing Potential for Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Biomed. Pharmacother. 2019, 109 (September 2018), 1249– 1258, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2018.10.078There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Dragatin, C.; Polus, F.; Bodenlenz, M.; Calonder, C.; Aigner, B. Secukinumab Distributes into Dermal Interstitial Fluid of Psoriasis Patients as Demonstrated by Open Flow Microperfusion. Exp. Dermatol. 2016, 25, 151– 164, DOI: 10.1111/exd.12863There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 35Lönsmann Poulsen, H. Interstitial Fluid Concentrations of Albumin and Immunoglobulin g in Normal Men. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 1974, 34 (2), 119– 122, DOI: 10.1080/00365517409050824There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 36Wang, Z.; Luan, J.; Seth, A.; Liu, L.; You, M.; Gupta, P.; Rathi, P.; Wang, Y.; Cao, S.; Jiang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Gupta, R.; Zhou, Q.; Morrissey, J. J.; Scheller, E. L.; Rudra, J. S.; Singamaneni, S. Microneedle Patch for the Ultrasensitive Quantification of Protein Biomarkers in Interstitial Fluid. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2021, 5 (1), 64– 76, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-020-00672-y36 patch for the ultrasensitive quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluidWang, Zheyu; Luan, Jingyi; Seth, Anushree; Liu, Lin; You, Minli; Gupta, Prashant; Rathi, Priya; Wang, Yixuan; Cao, Sisi; Jiang, Qisheng; Zhang, Xiao; Gupta, Rohit; Zhou, Qingjun; Morrissey, Jeremiah J.; Scheller, Erica L.; Rudra, Jai S.; Singamaneni, SrikanthNature Biomedical Engineering (2021), 5 (1), 64-76CODEN: NBEAB3; ISSN:2157-846X. (Nature Research)Abstr.: The detection and quantification of protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid is hampered by challenges in its sampling and anal. Here we report the use of a microneedle patch for fast in vivo sampling and on-needle quantification of target protein biomarkers in interstitial fluid. We used plasmonic fluor-an ultrabright fluorescent label-to improve the limit of detection of various interstitial fluid protein biomarkers by nearly 800-fold compared with conventional fluorophores, and a magnetic backing layer to implement conventional immunoassay procedures on the patch and thus improve measurement consistency. We used the microneedle patch in mice for minimally invasive evaluation of the efficiency of a cocaine vaccine, for longitudinal monitoring of the levels of inflammatory biomarkers, and for efficient sampling of the calvarial periosteum-a challenging site for biomarker detection-and the quantification of its levels of the matricellular protein periostin, which cannot be accurately inferred from blood or other systemic biofluids. Microneedle patches for the minimally invasive collection and anal. of biomarkers in interstitial fluid might facilitate point-of-care diagnostics and longitudinal monitoring.
- 37Kolluru, C.; Williams, M.; Yeh, J. S.; Noel, R. K.; Knaack, J.; Prausnitz, M. R. Monitoring Drug Pharmacokinetics and Immunologic Biomarkers in Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using a Microneedle Patch. Biomed. Microdevices 2019, 21 (1), 14 DOI: 10.1007/s10544-019-0363-337 drug pharmacokinetics and immunologic biomarkers in dermal interstitial fluid using a microneedle patchKolluru Chandana; Williams Mikayla; Prausnitz Mark R; Yeh Jihee Stephanie; Knaack Jennifer; Noel Richard KBiomedical microdevices (2019), 21 (1), 14 ISSN:.Minimally invasive point-of-care diagnostic devices are of great interest for rapid detection of biomarkers in diverse settings. Although blood is the most common source of biomarkers, interstitial fluid (ISF) is an alternate body fluid that does not clot or contain red blood cells that often complicate analysis. However, ISF is difficult to collect. In this study, we assessed the utility of a microneedle patch to sample microliter volumes of ISF in a simple and minimally invasive manner. We demonstrated the use of ISF collected in this way for therapeutic drug monitoring by showing similar vancomycin pharmacokinetic profiles in ISF and serum from rats. We also measured polio-specific neutralizing antibodies and anti-polio IgG in ISF similar to serum in rats immunized with polio vaccine. These studies demonstrate the potential utility of ISF collected by microneedle patch in therapeutic drug monitoring and immunodiagnostic applications.
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Supporting Information
Supporting Information
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Design of the MN array and characterization of MN penetration in porcine skin; overview of the ISF sampling procedure; characterization of ISF extraction from human skin and fluid transport through the patch; skin patch test results for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies; characterization of ISF volume extracted by the patch (Figures S1–S5). Demographics of volunteers whose samples were collected and analyzed; comparison of MN- and vacuum-assisted ISF sampling techniques (Tables S1, S2) (PDF)
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