Can Calibration-Free Sensors Be Realized?Click to copy article linkArticle link copied!
This opinion piece describes progress and issues regarding the realization of calibration-free chemical sensors for analysis in aqueous systems. A special focus of the discussion is on electrochemical methodologies, given that they are the most established. Calibration-free sensors are clearly possible, but require a multipronged approach for maximizing robustness that include the optimization of sensing materials and the use of the most adequate readout methodologies.
This publication is licensed for personal use by The American Chemical Society.
What Error Can One Tolerate?
A Challenging Case Study: Clinical Diagnostics of Blood Electrolytes
Increasing Robustness with Enzyme Biosensors
Using Robust Methodologies: From Amperometry to Coulometry
Conclusions and Outlook
The author thanks the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Union (FP7-GA 614002-SCHeMA project).
This article references 19 other publications.
- 1Hu, J.; Ho, K. T.; Zou, X. U.; Smyrl, W. H.; Stein, A.; Buhlmann, P. All-Solid-State Reference Electrodes Based on Colloid-Imprinted Mesoporous Carbon and Their Application in Disposable Paper- based Potentiometric Sensing Devices Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 2981– 2987 DOI: 10.1021/ac504556sGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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- 8Anastasova, S.; Radu, A.; Matzeu, G.; Zuliani, C.; Mattinen, U.; Bobacka, J.; Diamond, D. Disposable Solid-Contact Ion-Selective electrodes for Environmental Monitoring of Lead with ppb Limit-of-Detection Electrochim. Acta 2012, 73, 93– 97 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2011.10.089Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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- 16Heller, A.; Feldman, B. Electrochemistry in Diabetes Management Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 963– 973 DOI: 10.1021/ar9002015Google Scholar16 in Diabetes ManagementHeller, Adam; Feldman, BenAccounts of Chemical Research (2010), 43 (7), 963-973CODEN: ACHRE4; ISSN:0001-4842. (American Chemical Society)A review. In this Account, the authors describe the founding of TheraSense, now a major part of Abbott Diabetes Care, and the development of two products that have improved the lives of people with diabetes. The first, a virtually painless microcoulometer (300 nL vol.), the FreeStyle blood glucose monitoring system, was approved by the FDA and became available in 2000. In 2009, this system was used in more than one billion blood assays. The second, the enzyme-wiring based, s.c.-implanted FreeStyle Navigator continuous glucose monitoring system, was approved by the FDA and became available in the United States in 2008. The strips of the FreeStyle blood glucose monitoring system comprise a printed parallel plate coulometer, with a 50 μm gap between two facing printed electrodes, a carbon electrode and a Ag/AgCl electrode.
- 17Cuartero, M.; Crespo, G. A.; Ghahraman Afshar, M.; Bakker, E. Exhaustive Thin-Layer Cyclic Voltammetry for Absolute Multianalyte Halide Detection Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 11387– 11395 DOI: 10.1021/ac503344fGoogle Scholar17 Thin-Layer Cyclic Voltammetry for Absolute Multianalyte Halide DetectionCuartero, Maria; Crespo, Gaston A.; Ghahraman Afshar, Majid; Bakker, EricAnalytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2014), 86 (22), 11387-11395CODEN: ANCHAM; ISSN:0003-2700. (American Chemical Society)Water anal. is one of the greatest challenges in the field of environmental anal. In particular, seawater anal. is often difficult because a large amt. of NaCl may mask the detn. of other ions, i.e., nutrients, halides, and carbonate species. The authors demonstrate here the use of thin-layer samples controlled by cyclic voltammetry to analyze water samples for chloride, bromide, and iodide. The fabrication of a microfluidic electrochem. cell based on a Ag/AgX wire (working electrode) inserted into a tubular Nafion membrane is described, which confines the sample soln. layer to <15 μm. By increasing the applied potential, halide ions present in the thin-layer sample (X-) are electrodeposited on the working electrode as AgX, while their resp. counterions are transported across the perm-selective membrane to an outer soln. Thin-layer cyclic voltammetry allows one to obtain sepd. peaks in mixed samples of these three halides, finding a linear relation between the halide concn. and the corresponding peak area from ∼10-5 to 0.1M for bromide and iodide and from 10-4 to 0.6M for chloride. This technique was successfully applied for the halide anal. in tap, mineral, and river water as well as seawater. The proposed methodol. is abs. and potentially calibration-free, as evidenced by an obsd. 2.5% relative std. deviation cell to cell reproducibility and independence from the operating temp.
- 18Ghahraman Afshar, M.; Crespo, G. A.; Bakker, E. Thin-Layer Chemical Modulations by a Combined Selective Proton Pump and pH Probe for Direct Alkalinity Detection Angew. Chem. 2015, 127, 8228– 8231 DOI: 10.1002/ange.201500797Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19van der Schoot, B.; van der Wal, P.; de Rooij, N.; West, S. Titration-on-a-Chip, Chemical Sensor–Actuator Systems from Idea to Commercial Product Sens. Actuators, B 2005, 105, 88– 95 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.02.058Google Scholar19, chemical sensor-actuator systems from idea to commercial productvan der Schoot, Bart; van der Wal, Peter; de Rooij, Nico; West, SteveSensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2005), 105 (1), 88-95CODEN: SABCEB; ISSN:0925-4005. (Elsevier B.V.)A review. The earliest reports of integrated chem. sensor-actuator devices to perform coulometric acid-base titrns. date back almost 20 years. Recently a first com. instrument appeared that allows to perform very rapid, accurate acid-base detns. with a solid-state probe and no need for liq. titrants. This paper reviews some of the early developments and shows the effort that was undertaken to bring this technol. to routine use in the anal. lab. and beyond.
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This article references 19 other publications.
- 1Hu, J.; Ho, K. T.; Zou, X. U.; Smyrl, W. H.; Stein, A.; Buhlmann, P. All-Solid-State Reference Electrodes Based on Colloid-Imprinted Mesoporous Carbon and Their Application in Disposable Paper- based Potentiometric Sensing Devices Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 2981– 2987 DOI: 10.1021/ac504556sThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 2(a) Cantor, R. S.; Ishida, H.; Janata, J. Sensing Array for Coherence Analysis of Modulated Aquatic Chemical Plumes Anal. Chem. 2008, 80 (4) 1012– 1018 DOI: 10.1021/ac701880wThere is no corresponding record for this reference.(b) Radu, A.; Anastasova, S.; Fay, C.; Diamond, D.; Bobacka, J.; Lewenstam, A. Low Cost, Calibration-Free Sensors for In Situ Determination of Natural Water Pollution Sensors 2010 IEEE 2010, 1487– 1490 DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2010.5690357There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 3Nakamoto, T.; Ishida, H. Chemical Sensing in Spatial/Temporal Domains Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 680– 704 DOI: 10.1021/cr068117e3 sensing in spatial/temporal domainsNakamoto, Takamichi; Ishida, HiroshiChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2008), 108 (2), 680-704CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review. In this paper, the authors described the aspect of chem. sensing in spatial and time domains and then reviewed the sensing related to both domains. Although sensing technol. for chem. signals is not matured in comparison with that for phys. signals, that technol. is gradually proceeding. In the study of spatial domain, the gas distribution can be measured using a homogeneous sensor array. Two types of sensor arrays, such as sparse and packed sensor arrays, are available. The sparse sensor array can show the global behavior of the plume, whereas the packed one reveals the local detailed behavior of the plume. The optical method is also useful to obtain the plume image. An attempt to make the plume generated in a virtual environment, where people perceive sensory stimuli even if they do not stay in the actual environment, is also introduced. Next, a signal in time domain is described. Since the temporal information sometimes includes useful information for discriminating among the vapors, the technique to know the sensor dynamics such as time const. is studied. Frequency anal. is helpful when the useful information is hidden in the temporal data changing irregularly due to the turbulence. Then the sensing in both spatial and time domains is described. The straightforward method to understand the combination of both domains is to observe change in spatial distribution with time. Another approach is to see the correlation of signal features in time domain with several locations. The frequency anal. of the signals also provides us with useful information about an odor-source location. It is an important task for us to fully understand the plume behavior in both spatial and time domains and to establish the measurement method of capturing its behavior. Moreover, a sensor dynamics model is required because a sensor response does not follow the speed of the plume change. A systematic approach including algorithms will become more important as well as the improvement of chem.-sensor capability itself. The current technol. is not sufficient to find the toxic or explosive substance immediately. However, the appropriate combination of sensors with signal-processing techniques will make this a field in progress.
- 4Heller, A.; Feldman, B. Electrochemical Glucose Sensors and Their Applications in Diabetes Management Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 2482– 2505 DOI: 10.1021/cr068069y4 Glucose Sensors and Their Applications in Diabetes ManagementHeller, Adam; Feldman, BenChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2008), 108 (7), 2482-2505CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)A review with major subsections entitled Scope, Roots and Fundamentals, Electrochem. Monitoring of the Glucose Concn. by Its GOx [glucose oxidase]-Catalyzed O2-Oxidn., Central Lab. and Desktop Glucose-Analyzers, Home Blood-Glucose Monitors Used by Self-Monitoring Diabetic People, and Diabetes Management Based on Frequent or Continuous Amperometric Monitoring of Glucose.
- 5Lewenstam, A. Routines and Challenges in Clinical Application of Electrochemical Ion-Sensors Electroanalysis 2014, 26, 1171– 1181 DOI: 10.1002/elan.2014000615 and Challenges in Clinical Application of Electrochemical Ion-SensorsLewenstam, AndrzejElectroanalysis (2014), 26 (6), 1171-1181CODEN: ELANEU; ISSN:1040-0397. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)A review. This review provides information on application of potentiometric ion-sensors in routine clin. anal. The text comprises sensor design, way-of-use, conventions and practical recommendations, and elements of IS response theory. An instrument producer point of view, based on direct industrial involvement of the author, is emphasized.
- 6Rumpf, G.; Spichiger-Keller, U.; Bühler, H.; Simon, W. Calibration-Free Measurement of Sodium and Potassium in Undiluted Serum with an Electrically Symmetric Measuring System Anal. Sci. 1992, 8, 553– 559 DOI: 10.2116/analsci.8.5536 measurement of sodium and potassium in undiluted human serum with an electrically symmetric measuring systemRumpf, G.; Spichiger-Keller, U.; Buehler, H.; Simon, W.Analytical Sciences (1992), 8 (4), 553-9CODEN: ANSCEN; ISSN:0910-6340.The limitations of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) presently in use mainly concern the stability of the calibration values. By applying optimal membrane technols. and optimized ref. electrodes, a perfectly sym. measuring system including a sym. ISE membrane was developed. Thus, stable std. potentials of the cell assembly, both before and after serum contact, as well as theor. slopes of the electrode response were obtained. Results of calibration-free assays of K+ and Na+ concns. in aq. calibration solns. and in undild. human serum are presented. The precision required is fully met for K+ measurements in aq. solns. and in sera of the normal as well as pathol. concn. range. In addn., the precision of Na+ assays in aq. calibration solns. and in serum samples of the normal concn. range is close to the required values.
- 7Curme, H.; Rand, R. N. Early history of Eastman Kodak Ektachem Slides and Instrumentation Clin. Chem. 1997, 43 (9) 1647– 16527 history of Eastman Kodak Ektachem slides and instrumentationCurme, Henry; Rand, Royden N.Clinical Chemistry (Washington, D. C.) (1997), 43 (9), 1647-1652CODEN: CLCHAU; ISSN:0009-9147. (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)The early history of Eastman Kodak Ektachem slides and instrumentation is described, beginning in 1970.
- 8Anastasova, S.; Radu, A.; Matzeu, G.; Zuliani, C.; Mattinen, U.; Bobacka, J.; Diamond, D. Disposable Solid-Contact Ion-Selective electrodes for Environmental Monitoring of Lead with ppb Limit-of-Detection Electrochim. Acta 2012, 73, 93– 97 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2011.10.089There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Pawlak, M.; Grygolowicz-Pawlak, E.; Crespo, G. A.; Mistlberger, G.; Bakker, E. PVC-based Ion-Selective Electrodes with Enhanced Biocompatibility by Surface Modification with ″Click″ Chemistry Electroanalysis 2013, 25, 1840– 1846 DOI: 10.1002/elan.201300212There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 10Ren, H.; Coughlin, M. A.; Major, T. C.; Aiello, S.; Rojas Pena, A.; Bartlett, R. H.; Meyerhoff, M. E. Improved in Vivo Performance of Amperometric Oxygen (PO2) Sensing Catheters via Electrochemical Nitric Oxide Generation/Release Anal. Chem. 2015, 87 (16) 8067– 8072 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01590There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 11Zhang, L.; Miyazawa, T.; Kitazumi, Y.; Kakiuchi, T. Ionic Liquid Salt Bridge with Low Solubility of Water and Stable Liquid Junction Potential Based on a Mixture of a Potential-Determining Salt and a Highly Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid Anal. Chem. 2012, 84 (7) 3461– 3464 DOI: 10.1021/ac203425uThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Chen, T.; Friedman, K. A.; Lei, I.; Heller, A. In Situ Assembled Mass-Transport Controlling Micromembranes and Their Application in Implanted Amperometric Glucose Sensors Anal. Chem. 2000, 72 (16) 3757– 3763 DOI: 10.1021/ac000348c12 Situ Assembled Mass-Transport Controlling Micromembranes and Their Application in Implanted Amperometric Glucose SensorsChen, Ting; Friedman, Keith A.; Lei, Ian; Heller, AdamAnalytical Chemistry (2000), 72 (16), 3757-3763CODEN: ANCHAM; ISSN:0003-2700. (American Chemical Society)Micromembranes were assembled by sequentially chemisorbing polyanions and polycations on miniature (5 × 10-4 cm2) enzyme electrodes. The sequential chemisorption process allowed the simultaneous tailoring of their sensitivity, dynamic range, drift, and selectivity. When assembled on tips of 250-μm-diam. gold wires coated with redox polymer-"wired" glucose oxidase, they allowed tailoring of the glucose electrodes for >2 nA/mM sensitivity; 0-30 mM dynamic range; drift of ≤5% per 24 h at 37 °C at 15 mM glucose concn.; and ≤5% current increment by the combination of 0.1 mM ascorbate, 0.2 mM acetaminophen, and 0.5 mM urate. The membranes also retained transition metal ions that bound to and damaged the redox polymer "wiring" the enzyme. The electrodes were tested in the jugular veins and in the intrascapular s.c. region of anesthetized and heparinized nondiabetic Sprague-Dawley rats, in which rapid changes of glycemia were forced by i.v. injections of glucose and insulin. After one-point in vivo calibration of the electrodes, all of the 152 data points were clin. accurate when it was assumed that after insulin injection the glycemia in the s.c. fluid lags by 9 min behind that of blood withdrawn from the insulin-injected vein.
- 13Kivlehan, F.; Chaum, E.; Lindner, E. Propofol Detection and Quantification in Human Blood: the Promise of Feedback Controlled, Closed-Loop Anesthesia Analyst 2015, 140, 98– 106 DOI: 10.1039/C4AN01483AThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 14Tercier-Waeber, M.-L.; Confalonieri, F.; Koudelka-Hep, M.; Dessureault-Rompré, J.; Graziottin, F.; Buffle, J. Gel-Integrated Voltammetric Microsensors and Submersible Probes as Reliable Tools for Environmental Trace Metal Analysis and Speciation Electroanalysis 2008, 20, 240– 258 DOI: 10.1002/elan.20070406714 voltammetric microsensors and submersible probes as reliable tools for environmental trace metal analysis and speciationTercier-Waeber, Mary-Lou; Confalonieri, Fabio; Koudelka-Hep, Milena; Dessureault-Rompre, Jacynthe; Graziottin, Flavio; Buffle, JacquesElectroanalysis (2008), 20 (3), 240-258CODEN: ELANEU; ISSN:1040-0397. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)This article gives a review of the anal. and environmental criteria which must be considered and the relevant specific developments needed for direct, reliable voltammetric measurements of trace metal speciation in environmental systems. In particular, this article will focus on the tools which enable remote, long-term in situ measurements. The development of such tools is a challenging task. The strategies that can be used to achieve this goal are described for the development of innovative and versatile gel-integrated voltammetric microsensors, micro-/mini-integrated anal. systems, and submersible probes. The advantages of these new tools with respect to selectivity, sensitivity, reliability, spatial and temporal resoln. of data, and thus efficient environmental monitoring of the biogeochem. cycle of trace metals are demonstrated by providing examples of measurements made in various aquatic samples in lab. (water, soils, solid-liq. interface) and in situ in fresh and seawaters.
- 15Ehl, R. G.; Ihde, A. J. Faraday’s Electrochemical Laws and the Determination of Equivalent Weights J. Chem. Educ. 1954, 31, 226– 232 DOI: 10.1021/ed031p22615's electrochemical laws and the determination of equivalent weightsEhl, Rosemary G.; Ihde, Aaron J.Journal of Chemical Education (1954), 31 (), 226-32CODEN: JCEDA8; ISSN:0021-9584.Historical.
- 16Heller, A.; Feldman, B. Electrochemistry in Diabetes Management Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 963– 973 DOI: 10.1021/ar900201516 in Diabetes ManagementHeller, Adam; Feldman, BenAccounts of Chemical Research (2010), 43 (7), 963-973CODEN: ACHRE4; ISSN:0001-4842. (American Chemical Society)A review. In this Account, the authors describe the founding of TheraSense, now a major part of Abbott Diabetes Care, and the development of two products that have improved the lives of people with diabetes. The first, a virtually painless microcoulometer (300 nL vol.), the FreeStyle blood glucose monitoring system, was approved by the FDA and became available in 2000. In 2009, this system was used in more than one billion blood assays. The second, the enzyme-wiring based, s.c.-implanted FreeStyle Navigator continuous glucose monitoring system, was approved by the FDA and became available in the United States in 2008. The strips of the FreeStyle blood glucose monitoring system comprise a printed parallel plate coulometer, with a 50 μm gap between two facing printed electrodes, a carbon electrode and a Ag/AgCl electrode.
- 17Cuartero, M.; Crespo, G. A.; Ghahraman Afshar, M.; Bakker, E. Exhaustive Thin-Layer Cyclic Voltammetry for Absolute Multianalyte Halide Detection Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 11387– 11395 DOI: 10.1021/ac503344f17 Thin-Layer Cyclic Voltammetry for Absolute Multianalyte Halide DetectionCuartero, Maria; Crespo, Gaston A.; Ghahraman Afshar, Majid; Bakker, EricAnalytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States) (2014), 86 (22), 11387-11395CODEN: ANCHAM; ISSN:0003-2700. (American Chemical Society)Water anal. is one of the greatest challenges in the field of environmental anal. In particular, seawater anal. is often difficult because a large amt. of NaCl may mask the detn. of other ions, i.e., nutrients, halides, and carbonate species. The authors demonstrate here the use of thin-layer samples controlled by cyclic voltammetry to analyze water samples for chloride, bromide, and iodide. The fabrication of a microfluidic electrochem. cell based on a Ag/AgX wire (working electrode) inserted into a tubular Nafion membrane is described, which confines the sample soln. layer to <15 μm. By increasing the applied potential, halide ions present in the thin-layer sample (X-) are electrodeposited on the working electrode as AgX, while their resp. counterions are transported across the perm-selective membrane to an outer soln. Thin-layer cyclic voltammetry allows one to obtain sepd. peaks in mixed samples of these three halides, finding a linear relation between the halide concn. and the corresponding peak area from ∼10-5 to 0.1M for bromide and iodide and from 10-4 to 0.6M for chloride. This technique was successfully applied for the halide anal. in tap, mineral, and river water as well as seawater. The proposed methodol. is abs. and potentially calibration-free, as evidenced by an obsd. 2.5% relative std. deviation cell to cell reproducibility and independence from the operating temp.
- 18Ghahraman Afshar, M.; Crespo, G. A.; Bakker, E. Thin-Layer Chemical Modulations by a Combined Selective Proton Pump and pH Probe for Direct Alkalinity Detection Angew. Chem. 2015, 127, 8228– 8231 DOI: 10.1002/ange.201500797There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 19van der Schoot, B.; van der Wal, P.; de Rooij, N.; West, S. Titration-on-a-Chip, Chemical Sensor–Actuator Systems from Idea to Commercial Product Sens. Actuators, B 2005, 105, 88– 95 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.02.05819, chemical sensor-actuator systems from idea to commercial productvan der Schoot, Bart; van der Wal, Peter; de Rooij, Nico; West, SteveSensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2005), 105 (1), 88-95CODEN: SABCEB; ISSN:0925-4005. (Elsevier B.V.)A review. The earliest reports of integrated chem. sensor-actuator devices to perform coulometric acid-base titrns. date back almost 20 years. Recently a first com. instrument appeared that allows to perform very rapid, accurate acid-base detns. with a solid-state probe and no need for liq. titrants. This paper reviews some of the early developments and shows the effort that was undertaken to bring this technol. to routine use in the anal. lab. and beyond.