Pushing the Rainbow: Frontiers in Color Chemistry; Light and Color in Chemistry- Report on Two American Chemical Society Presidential EventsClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
On Sunday March 21, 1999, the 217th ACS National Meeting in Anaheim, California sponsored two Presidential Events, "Pushing the Rainbow: Frontiers in Color Chemistry" and "Light and Color in Chemistry". The events included 10 exceptional and very different speakers who explored various aspects of the importance of light and color in chemistry and chemistry teaching, in other sciences, and in art and human culture. Support for the events was provided by Research Corporation, General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation, Eastman Kodak Company, American Chemical Society, and University of Wisconsin-Madison Materials Research Science and Engineering Center for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces.
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Cited By
This article is cited by 2 publications.
- Seok-In Lim, Ki-Hyun Ryu, Dae-Young Jeon, Cheol-Min Yang, Luciano De Sio, Dae-Yoon Kim, Kwang-Un Jeong. Crystal Engineering of Amphiphilic Organic Dye for Metallic Coloration. Crystal Growth & Design 2020, 20
, 5896-5902. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.0c00583
- Michael W. Vannatta and Michelle Richards-Babb, Robert J. Sweeney. Oxalate Synthesis and Pyrolysis: A Colorful Introduction to Stoichiometry. Journal of Chemical Education 2010, 87
, 1225-1229. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed1002702
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