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Europium(II) and Ytterbium(II) Cyclic Organohydroborates with Agostic Interactions
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    Europium(II) and Ytterbium(II) Cyclic Organohydroborates with Agostic Interactions
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    Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
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    Inorganic Chemistry

    Cite this: Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 17, 6052–6061
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    Published July 22, 2005
    Copyright © 2005 American Chemical Society


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    Abstract Image

    The divalent lanthanide bis((cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)dihydroborate) complexes {K(THF)4}2{Ln{(μ-H)2BC8H14}4} (Ln = Eu, 3; Yb, 4) were prepared by a metathesis reaction between (THF)xLnCl2 and K[H2BC8H14] in THF in a 1:4 molar ratio. Although the reaction ratios were varied between 1:3 and 1:6, complexes 3 and 4 were the only lanthanide 9-BBN hydroborates produced. Because of disorder of THF in crystals of 3 and 4, good single-crystal X-ray structural data could not be obtained. However, when the potassium cation was replaced by the tetramethylammonium cation or when MeTHF (2-methyltetrahydrofuran) was employed in place of THF, good quality crystals were obtained. Complexes [NMe4]2[Ln{(μ-H)2BC8H14}4] (Ln = Eu, 5; Yb, 6) were afforded by metathesis reactions of NMe4Cl with 3 and 4 in situ. On the basis of the single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, the four 9-BBN tetrahydroborate ligands are tetrahedrally arranged around the lanthanide cation in 5 and 6. The two structures differ in that one α-C−H bond from each of the four {(μ-H)2BC8H14}4 units exhibits an agostic interaction with Eu(II) in 5 but, in complex 6, only two of the α-C−H bonds form agostic interactions with Yb(II). Complexes {K(MeTHF)3}2{Ln{(μ-H)2BC8H14}4} (Ln = Eu, 7; Yb, 8) were produced by employing MeTHF in place of THF. The structures of 7 and 8 display connectivity between the anion {Ln{(μ-H)2BC8H14}4}2- and the cation {K(MeTHF)3}+, in which the potassium not only interacts directly with the hydrogens of the Ln−H−B bridged bonds but is also involved in agostic interactions with α-C−H bonds. By systematically examining the structures of complexes 38 and taking into account the previously reported complexes (THF)4Ln{(μ-H)2BC8H14}2 (Ln = Eu, 1; Yb, 2), it is concluded that Eu(II) appears to have a better ability to form agostic interactions than Yb(II) because of its larger size, even though Yb(II) has a higher positive charge density.

    Copyright © 2005 American Chemical Society

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    Inorganic Chemistry

    Cite this: Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 17, 6052–6061
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    Published July 22, 2005
    Copyright © 2005 American Chemical Society

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