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Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Data and Thermodynamic Modeling for Binary Systems Containing Perfluorobutane (R610) with Carbon Monoxide or Nitric Oxide at (293, 313, and 333) K
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    Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Data and Thermodynamic Modeling for Binary Systems Containing Perfluorobutane (R610) with Carbon Monoxide or Nitric Oxide at (293, 313, and 333) K
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    Thermodynamics Research Unit, School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban, 4041, South Africa
    MINES ParisTech, CTP − Centre Thermodynamique des Procédés, Rue Saint Honoré, 77305 Fontainebleau, France
    *E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +27312603128. Fax: +27312601118.
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    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

    Cite this: J. Chem. Eng. Data 2014, 59, 2, 346–354
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    Published January 14, 2014
    Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society


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    Abstract Image

    Isothermal vapor–liquid equilibrium data are presented for binary systems containing perfluorobutane with carbon monoxide or nitric oxide. The measurements were undertaken for both systems at three temperatures ranging from (293 to 333) K, with pressures ranging from (0.965 to 16.130) MPa. The measured data were successfully correlated via the direct method using the Peng–Robinson equation of state incorporating the Mathias–Copeman/Stryjek–Vera alpha function and the Wong–Sandler mixing rule utilizing the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) activity coefficient model.

    Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society

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    This article is cited by 7 publications.

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    3. Mark Williams-Wynn, Wayne Michael Nelson, Zoubir Tebbal, Paramespri Naidoo, Latifa Negadi, and Deresh Ramjugernath . Binary Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data for Perfluorooctane with Light Gases (Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Methane). Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2017, 62 (12) , 4301-4309.
    4. Mulamba Marc Tshibangu, Alain Valtz, Caleb Narasigadu, Christophe Coquelet, and Deresh Ramjugernath . Isothermal Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data and Thermodynamic Modeling for Binary Systems of Perfluorobutane (R610) + (Methane or Hydrogen Sulfide) at (293, 313, and 333) K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2014, 59 (9) , 2865-2871.
    5. Ralf Dohrn, Stephanie Peper, Catinca Secuianu, José M.S. Fonseca. High-pressure fluid-phase equilibria: Experimental methods, developments and systems investigated (2013–2016). Fluid Phase Equilibria 2024, 579 , 113978.
    6. Zoubir Tebbal, Wayne Michael Nelson, Paramespri Naidoo, Latifa Negadi, Deresh Ramjugernath. Binary vapour-liquid equilibrium data for C7 and C9 straight-chain perfluorocarbons with ethylene. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2016, 429 , 37-44.
    7. Wayne Michael Nelson, Zoubir Tebbal, Paramespri Naidoo, Latifa Negadi, Deresh Ramjugernath. High-pressure phase equilibria data for mixtures involving ethene and perfluoro-n-octane from 293 to 353 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2016, 408 , 33-37.

    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

    Cite this: J. Chem. Eng. Data 2014, 59, 2, 346–354
    Click to copy citationCitation copied!
    Published January 14, 2014
    Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society

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