PVT Property Measurements for Ethyl Propionate, Ethyl Butyrate, and Ethyl Pentanoate Esters from (298 to 393) K and up to 35 MPa†Click to copy article linkArticle link copied!
The results of PVT measurements of the liquid phase within the temperature range (298 to 393) K and up to 35 MPa are presented for some aliphatic esters. Measurements were made by means of a vibrating tube densimeter, model DMA 512P from Anton Parr. The calibration of the densimeter was performed with water and n-heptane as reference fluids. The experimental PVT data have been correlated by a Tait equation. This equation gives good results when used to predict the density of the esters using the method proposed by Thomson et al. Isothermal compressibilities, isobaric expansivities, thermal pressure coefficients, and changes in the isobaric heat capacity have been calculated from the Tait equation.
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