OH Formation from O and H Atoms Physisorbed on a Graphitic Surface through the Langmuir−Hinshelwood Mechanism: A Quasi-Classical ApproachClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
We study the quasi-classical dynamics of OH formation on a graphitic surface through the Langmuir−Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism when both O and H ground-state atoms are initially physisorbed on the surface. The model proceeds from previous theoretical work on the LH formation of the H2 molecule on graphite [Morisset, S.; Aguillon, F.; Sizun, M.; Sidis, V. J. Chem. Phys.2004, 121, 6493; ibid 2005, 122, 194704]. The H-graphite system is first revisited with a view to get a tractable DFT-GGA computational prescription for the determination of atom physisorption onto graphitic surfaces. The DZP-RPBE combination is found to perform well; it is thereafter used along with MP2 calculations to determine the physisorption characteristics of atomic oxygen on graphitic surfaces. We also deal with chemisorption. In accordance with previous work, we find that O chemisorbs on graphite in a singlet spin state epoxy-like conformation. In the triplet state we find only “metastable” chemisorption with an activation barrier of 0.2 eV. The physisorption results are then used in the LH dynamics calculation. We show that in the [0.15 meV, 12 meV] relative collision energy range of the reacting O and H atoms on the surface, the OH molecule is produced with a large amount of internal energy (≃4 eV) and a significant translation energy (≥100 meV) relative to the surface.
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