Optimization of a Single Substrate-Based Fluorometric Assay for Glucose and Lactate Measurement to Assess Preimplantation Single Embryo Quality and Blood in Obese Mouse and Clinical Human SamplesClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Seema ThapaSeema ThapaDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu 42601, Republic of KoreaMore by Seema Thapa
- Yun Seok Heo*Yun Seok Heo*Email: [email protected]Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu 42601, Republic of KoreaMore by Yun Seok Heo

A fluorometric assay for single substrate-based glucose and lactate measurements was demonstrated by adopting an already established protocol for glucose and by optimizing pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and types of buffers for lactate. Linear calibration curves for glucose and lactate concentrations from 1 to 100 μM were obtained with correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.94 and 0.98, respectively. First, with the optimized protocol, single embryo quality was successfully evaluated. Three different initial stages of embryos (n = 58) were cultured for 24 h, and glycolytic activities were calculated by measuring amounts of glucose consumption and lactate production. Results showed that embryos cultured at a later stage had lower glycolytic activities, implying more developmental activities. Second, glucose and lactate concentrations in blood plasma of diet-induced obese (DIO) mice were measured. Levels of both glucose and lactate in DIO mice were higher than those in normal mice by 2.15 and 3.8 mmol/L, respectively (both p < 0.001). Finally, clinical serum samples were analyzed and categorized into three groups based on their measured glucose concentrations: normal (4.73 ± 0.29 mmol/L), prediabetic (6.49 ± 0.13 mmol/L), and diabetic (11.34 ± 1.36 mmol/L) (p < 0.05). Collectively, this developed technique can be used to select a high-quality embryo for transfer as well as to measure glucose and lactate levels in other biological samples.
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- Ming Cai, Shuyao Li, Keren Cai, Xinlin Du, Jia Han, Jingyun Hu. Empowering mitochondrial metabolism: Exploring L-lactate supplementation as a promising therapeutic approach for metabolic syndrome. Metabolism 2024, 152 , 155787. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metabol.2024.155787
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