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Interpolymer Self-Assembly of Bottom-up Graphene Nanoribbons Fabricated from Fluorinated Precursors
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    Interpolymer Self-Assembly of Bottom-up Graphene Nanoribbons Fabricated from Fluorinated Precursors
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    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    Cite this: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 37, 31623–31630
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    Published August 27, 2018
    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society


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    Abstract Image

    Interpolymer self-assembly of bottom-up graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) has been realized by using fluorinated anthracene trimer precursors (HFH-DBTA) deposited onto heated Au(111) substrate. Whereas polymers derived from conventional precursor [10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthryl (DBBA)] are adsorbed on Au(111) without apparent close packing, poly-HFH polymers derived from HFH-DBTA are densely self-assembled and require a long annealing time for cyclo-dehydrogenation because of the steric hindrance. First-principles calculations based on density functional theory revealed that the partially fluorinated edges of HFH-DBTA make molecular–substrate interaction weaker than that of DBBA, accelerate desorption, and leave islands of accumulated and locally aligned polymers. The partially fluorinated precursors also induce templating effects in interpolymer stacking because of H–F hydrogen bonding and F–F repulsion. The statistical analysis revealed that 84% of GNRs is parallel to the adjacent GNRs in the case of HFH-DBTA precursors. Field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated using such locally aligned multiple GNRs as channels. It has been found that on average, the on-current of the FETs is three times larger than that of FETs using less-aligned GNR channels made from the conventional DBBA precursors.

    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b11017.

    • STM image of DBBA-derived GNRs on Au(111) and FF-DBBA as deposited on Au(111) at room temperature; structural model used for evaluating cohesive energy of poly-HFH polymers; structural model used for adsorption energy of poly-HH and poly-HFH polymers on Au(111); and Raman spectrum of HFH-DBTA-derived GNR transferred onto HfO2/Pt/SiO2 (PDF)

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    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    Cite this: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 37, 31623–31630
    Click to copy citationCitation copied!
    Published August 27, 2018
    Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society

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