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Diamagnetic Corrections and Pascal's Constants
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    Diamagnetic Corrections and Pascal's Constants
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    Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706
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    Journal of Chemical Education

    Cite this: J. Chem. Educ. 2008, 85, 4, 532
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    Published April 1, 2008


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    Measured magnetic susceptibilities of paramagnetic substances must typically be corrected for their underlying diamagnetism. This correction is often accomplished by using tabulated values for the diamagnetism of atoms, ions, or whole molecules. These tabulated values can be problematic since many sources contain incomplete and conflicting data. This article presents an explanation for the origin of the diamagnetic correction factors, organized tables of constants compiled from many sources, a simple method for estimating the correct order of magnitude for the diamagnetic correction for any given compound, a clear explanation of how to use the tabulated constants to calculate the diamagnetic susceptibility, and a worked example for the magnetic susceptibility of copper acetate.

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    Journal of Chemical Education

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    Published April 1, 2008

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