Organometallic nitrosyl chemistry. 49. An unusual 17-electron organometallic radical, CpCr(NO)(PPh3)(CH2SiMe3)Click to copy article linkArticle link copied!
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This article is cited by 5 publications.
- Trevor W. Hayton,, Peter Legzdins, and, W. Brett Sharp. Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Metal−NO Complexes. Chemical Reviews 2002, 102
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- Junghee Seo, Alyssa C. Cabelof, Chun-Hsing Chen, Kenneth G. Caulton. Selective deoxygenation of nitrate to nitrosyl using trivalent chromium and the Mashima reagent: reductive silylation. Chemical Science 2019, 10
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- Rhett A. Baillie, Peter Legzdins. The rich and varied chemistry of group 6 cyclopentadienyl nitrosyl complexes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2016, 309 , 1-20.
- Gerdjan Bögels, Hugo C. Brussaard, Ute Hagenau, Jürgen Heck, Jürgen Kopf, Johannes G. M. van der Linden, Annie Roelofsen. Intermetallic s̀ and ∞ Communication in Heterodinuclear μ‐Cyclooctatetraene Complexes. Chemistry – A European Journal 1997, 3
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- W. Kaim, B. Schwederski. 3.7 Complexes of group 6 (Cr, Mo, W). , 1-31.
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