Unrestricted Perfect Pairing: The Simplest Wave-Function-Based Model Chemistry beyond Mean FieldClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
The perfect pairing (PP) approximation from generalized valence bond theory is formulated in an unrestricted fashion for both closed- and open-shell systems using a coupled cluster ansatz. In the model chemistry proposed here, active electron pairs are correlated, but the unpaired or radical electrons remain uncorrelated, leading to a linear number of decoupled cluster amplitudes which can be solved for analytically. The alpha and beta spatial orbitals are variationally optimized independently. This minimal treatment of electron−electron correlation noticeably improves upon symmetry-breaking problems and other pathologies in Hartree−Fock (HF) theory and may be computed using the resolution of the identity approximation at only a factor of several times more effort than HF itself. PP also generally predicts improved molecular structures over HF. This compact, correlated wave function potentially provides a useful starting point for dynamical correlation corrections.
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