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Heteronuclear organotransition-metal clusters: rational syntheses and fluxional behavior
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    Heteronuclear organotransition-metal clusters: rational syntheses and fluxional behavior
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    Cite this: Organometallics 1982, 1, 5, 753–756
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    Published May 1, 1982

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    2. Hani El Amouri and, Michel Gruselle. New Bonding Modes, Fluxional Behavior, and Reactivity in Dinuclear Complexes Bridged by Four-Electron Donor Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. Chemical Reviews 1996, 96 (3) , 1077-1104.
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    5. . The Isolobal Analogy. 2013, 616-652.
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    14. Penny A. Chaloner. Nickel, Palladium and Platinum. Annual survey covering the year 1982. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1988, 357 (1-3) , 51-246.
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    16. G. Foulds. 1 Nickel. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 1987, 80 , 1-129.
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    18. K.G. Orrell, V. Šik. Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry. 1987, 79-173.
    19. G.L. Geoffroy. Chapter 1 Synthesis of Mono- and Multimetallic Metal Clusters. 1986, 1-19.
    20. Peter Bougeard, Shane Peng, Michael Mlekuz, Michael J. McGlinchey. Fluxionality of M2C2 tetrahedral clusters containing cyclopentadienyldicarbonylmetal vertices: Unexpectedly different behaviour of molybdenum and tungsten analogues. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1985, 296 (3) , 383-391.
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    22. Enrico Sappa, Antonio Tiripicchio, Pierre Braunstein. Selective metal-ligand interactions in hetero-metallic transition metal clusters. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 1985, 65 , 219-284.
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    24. John J. Alexander. Iron. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1985, 283 (1-3) , 415-542.
    25. Jean-Fran�ois Reynoud, Jean-Claude Leblanc, Claude Mo�se. Chiral biscyclopentadienylniobium(III) complexes. Transition Metal Chemistry 1985, 10 (8) , 291-294.
    26. Paul R. Raithby, Maria J. Rosales. Alkyne-Substituted Transition Metal Clusters. 1985, 169-247.
    27. Joel T. Mague. Cobalt, rhodium and iridium. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1984, 261 (1-3) , 103-282.
    28. Michael Mlekuz, Peter Bougeard, Michael J. McGlinchey, Gérard Jaouen. Dicyclopentadienylnickel: A problematical reagent in cluster synthesis. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1983, 253 (1) , 117-121.


    Cite this: Organometallics 1982, 1, 5, 753–756
    Click to copy citationCitation copied!
    Published May 1, 1982

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