Scalable Accelerated Materials Discovery of Sustainable Polysaccharide-Based Hydrogels by Autonomous Experimentation and Collaborative LearningClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Yang LiuYang LiuGrado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMacromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Yang Liu
- Xubo YueXubo YueDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United StatesMore by Xubo Yue
- Junru ZhangJunru ZhangGrado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Junru Zhang
- Zhenghao ZhaiZhenghao ZhaiMacromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Zhenghao Zhai
- Ali MoammeriAli MoammeriGrado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Ali Moammeri
- Kevin J. EdgarKevin J. EdgarMacromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesDepartment of Sustainable Biomaterials, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Kevin J. Edgar
- Albert S. BerahasAlbert S. BerahasDepartment of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United StatesMore by Albert S. Berahas
- Raed Al KontarRaed Al KontarDepartment of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United StatesMore by Raed Al Kontar
- Blake N. Johnson*Blake N. Johnson*Email: [email protected]. Phone: 540-231-0755. Fax: 540-231-3322.Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMacromolecules Innovation Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United StatesMore by Blake N. Johnson
While some materials can be discovered and engineered using standalone self-driving workflows, coordinating multiple stakeholders and workflows toward a common goal could advance autonomous experimentation (AE) for accelerated materials discovery (AMD). Here, we describe a scalable AMD paradigm based on AE and “collaborative learning”. Collaborative learning using a novel consensus Bayesian optimization (BO) model enabled the rapid discovery of mechanically optimized composite polysaccharide hydrogels. The collaborative workflow outperformed a non-collaborating AMD workflow scaled by independent learning based on the trend of mechanical property evolution over eight experimental iterations, corresponding to a budget limit. After five iterations, four collaborating clients obtained notable material performance (i.e., composition discovery). Collaborative learning by consensus BO can enable scaling and performance optimization for a range of self-driving materials research workflows driven by optimally cooperating humans and machines that share a material design objective.
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1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Collaborative Learning via Consensus BO
2.1.1. Mathematical Notation
2.1.2. Independent Learning via Traditional BO
2.1.3. Collaborative Learning via Consensus BO─Model Description
1. | At iteration t ∈ {0,1,···,T – 1}, each client k solves and obtains xk(t). | ||||
2. | Each client k sends its xk(t) to a central orchestrator. | ||||
3. | The orchestrator concatenates the xk(t) of all clients, computes (W(t) ⊗ I)xC(t), and then sends xk(t)new to the corresponding client k. | ||||
4. | Each client k then conducts a test (e.g., experiment) using the new formulation xk(t)new and observes yk(xk(t)new). | ||||
5. | Each client k then augments the data set by (xk(t)new, yk(xk(t)new)) to obtain a new data set | ||||
6. | Each client k then updates its GP surrogate using and starts the new iteration t + 1. |
2.2. Materials
2.3. High-Throughput Synthesis
2.4. High-Throughput Characterization
2.5. Scalable Self-Driving AMD via AE and Collaborative Learning
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Initializing Scalable Self-Driving AMD via AE and Collaborative Learning Using Labeled Data Acquired by HTE
3.2. Scalable AMD via AE and Collaborative Learning with Consensus BO
3.3. Comparison of Scalable Self-Driving AMD Performance via Collaborative vs Independent AE
4. Conclusions
Data Availability
An open-source software implementation of consensus Bayesian optimization is available at
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Additional methodological details of the fluid–structure interaction model; experimental results related to HTE studies, and a description of sample compositions, and Cantilever spectra; hydrogel photographs; raw sensor data, and summary of recent progress in literature (PDF)
Representative data set for AE (XLSX)
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This work was supported by GlycoMIP, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Materials Innovation Platform funded through Cooperative Agreement DMR-1933525. This work was also supported by NSF CMMI-2144147 (R.A.K.), NSF CBET-2126176 (B.N.J.), and NSF CBET- 2141008 (B.N.J.). The authors acknowledge the use of Biorender software in preparation of Figure 1 (Created in BioRender. Liu, Y. (2024) and the Table of Contents (ToC) (Created in BioRender. Liu, Y. (2024)
This article references 52 other publications.
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- 24Shields, B. J.; Stevens, J.; Li, J.; Parasram, M.; Damani, F.; Alvarado, J. I. M.; Janey, J. M.; Adams, R. P.; Doyle, A. G. Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis. Nature 2021, 590 (7844), 89– 96, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03213-yGoogle Scholar24 reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesisShields, Benjamin J.; Stevens, Jason; Li, Jun; Parasram, Marvin; Damani, Farhan; Alvarado, Jesus I. Martinez; Janey, Jacob M.; Adams, Ryan P.; Doyle, Abigail G.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 590 (7844), 89-96CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Abstr.: Reaction optimization is fundamental to synthetic chem., from optimizing the yield of industrial processes to selecting conditions for the prepn. of medicinal candidates1. Likewise, parameter optimization is omnipresent in artificial intelligence, from tuning virtual personal assistants to training social media and product recommendation systems2. Owing to the high cost assocd. with carrying out expts., scientists in both areas set numerous (hyper)parameter values by evaluating only a small subset of the possible configurations. Bayesian optimization, an iterative response surface-based global optimization algorithm, has demonstrated exceptional performance in the tuning of machine learning models3. Bayesian optimization has also been recently applied in chem.4-9; however, its application and assessment for reaction optimization in synthetic chem. has not been investigated. Here we report the development of a framework for Bayesian reaction optimization and an open-source software tool that allows chemists to easily integrate state-of-the-art optimization algorithms into their everyday lab. practices. We collect a large benchmark dataset for a palladium-catalyzed direct arylation reaction, perform a systematic study of Bayesian optimization compared to human decision-making in reaction optimization, and apply Bayesian optimization to two real-world optimization efforts (Mitsunobu and deoxyfluorination reactions). Benchmarking is accomplished via an online game that links the decisions made by expert chemists and engineers to real expts. run in the lab. Our findings demonstrate that Bayesian optimization outperforms human decisionmaking in both av. optimization efficiency (no. of expts.) and consistency (variance of outcome against initially available data). Overall, our studies suggest that adopting Bayesian optimization methods into everyday lab. practices could facilitate more efficient synthesis of functional chems. by enabling better-informed, data-driven decisions about which expts. to run.
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- 31Zhai, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Korovich, A. G.; Hall, B. A.; Yoon, H. Y.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, J.; Bortner, M. J.; Roman, M.; Madsen, L. A.; Edgar, K. J. Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Reducing-End Polysaccharides. Biomacromolecules 2023, 24 (6), 2596– 2605, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.3c00104Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Z.; Yao, Y.; Stant, J. C.; Landrum, S. L.; Bortner, M. J.; Frazier, C. E.; Edgar, K. J. Oxidized hydroxypropyl cellulose/carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels permit pH-responsive, targeted drug release. Carbohydr. Polym. 2023, 300, 120213 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120213Google Scholar32 hydroxypropyl cellulose/carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels permit pH-responsive, targeted drug releaseZhou, Yang; Zhai, Zhenghao; Yao, Yimin; Stant, John C.; Landrum, Sarah L.; Bortner, Michael J.; Frazier, Charles E.; Edgar, Kevin J.Carbohydrate Polymers (2023), 300 (), 120213CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)Polysaccharide-based Schiff base hydrogels have promise for drug delivery, tissue engineering, and many other applications due to their reversible imine bond crosslinks. We describe herein pH-responsive, injectable, and self-healing hydrogels prepd. by reacting oxidized hydroxypropyl cellulose (Ox-HPC) with carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCS). Simple combination of ketones from Ox-HPC side chains with amines from CMCS in water provides a dynamic, hydrophilic polysaccharide network. The reversible nature of these imine bonds in the presence of water provides a hydrogel with injectable and self-healing properties. Phenylalanine as a model amine-contg. drug was linked by imine bonds to Ox-HPC within the hydrogel. Phenylalanine release was faster at the pH of the extracellular space around tumors (6.8) than in normal tissues (7.4), a surprising degree of pH sensitivity. Therefore, Ox-HPC/CMCS hydrogels show promise as drug carriers that may selectively target even slightly lower pH environments like the extracellular milieu around cancer cells.
- 33Zhang, J.; Liu, Y.; Sekhar P, D. C.; Singh, M.; Tong, Y.; Kucukdeger, E.; Yoon, H. Y.; Haring, A. P.; Roman, M.; Kong, Z.; Johnson, B. N. Rapid, autonomous high-throughput characterization of hydrogel rheological properties via automated sensing and physics-guided machine learning. Appl. Mater. Today 2023, 30, 101720 DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101720Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Haring, A. P.; Singh, M.; Koh, M.; Cesewski, E.; Dillard, D. A.; Kong, Z. J.; Johnson, B. N. Real-time characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and sol-gel phase transitions using cantilever sensors. J. Rheol. 2020, 64 (4), 837– 850, DOI: 10.1122/8.0000009Google Scholar34 characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and sol-gel phase transitions using cantilever sensorsHaring, Alexander P.; Singh, Manjot; Koh, Miharu; Cesewski, Ellen; Dillard, David A.; Kong, Zhenyu "James"; Johnson, Blake N.Journal of Rheology (Melville, NY, United States) (2020), 64 (4), 837-850CODEN: JORHD2; ISSN:0148-6055. (American Institute of Physics)Here, we report for the first time that resonance in dynamic-mode cantilever sensors persists in hydrogels and enables the real-time characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and the continuous monitoring of sol-gel phase transitions (i.e., gelation and dissoln. processes). Real-time tracking of piezoelec.-excited millimeter cantilever (PEMC) sensor resonant frequency (fair = 55.4 ± 8.8 kHz; n = 5 sensors) and quality factor (Q; Qair = 23.8 ± 1.5) enabled continuous monitoring of high-frequency hydrogel shear storage and loss moduli (G'f and G"f, resp.) calcd. by sensor data and fluid-structure interaction models. Changes in the sensor phase angle, quality factor, and high-frequency shear moduli obtained at the resonant frequency (G'fand G"f) correlated with low-frequency moduli obtained at 1 Hz using dynamic mech. anal. Characterization studies were performed using phys. and chem. crosslinked hydrogel systems, including gelatin hydrogels (6-10 wt.%) and alginate hydrogels (0.25-0.75 wt.%). The sensor exhibited a dynamic range from the rheol. properties of inviscid solns. to hydrogels with high-frequency moduli of 80 kPa and low-frequency moduli of 26 kPa. The sensor exhibited a limit of detection of 260 Pa and 1.9 kPa for changes in hydrogel storage modulus (E') based on the sensor's phase angle and quality factor responses, resp. We also show that sensor data enable quant. characterization of gelation process dynamics using a modified Hill model. This work suggests that cantilever sensors provide a promising platform for the sensor-based characterization of hydrogels, such as quantification of viscoelastic properties and real-time monitoring of gelation processes. (c) 2020 American Institute of Physics.
- 35Singh, M.; Zhang, J.; Bethel, K.; Liu, Y.; Davis, E. M.; Zeng, H.; Kong, Z.; Johnson, B. N. Closed-Loop Controlled Photopolymerization of Hydrogels. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13 (34), 40365– 40378, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c11779Google Scholar35 Controlled Photopolymerization of HydrogelsSingh, Manjot; Zhang, Junru; Bethel, Keturah; Liu, Yang; Davis, Eric M.; Zeng, Haibo; Kong, Zhenyu; Johnson, Blake N.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021), 13 (34), 40365-40378CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Here, we present a closed-loop controlled photopolymn. process for fabrication of hydrogels with controlled storage moduli. Hydrogel crosslinking was assocd. with a significant change in the phase angle of a piezoelec. cantilever sensor and established the timescale of the photopolymn. process. The compn., structure, and mech. properties of the fabricated hydrogels were characterized using Raman spectroscopy, SEM (SEM), and dynamic mech. anal. (DMA). We found that the storage moduli of photocured poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) hydrogels could be controlled using bang-bang and fuzzy logic controllers. Bang-bang controlled photopolymn. resulted in const. overshoot of the storage modulus setpoint for PEGDMA hydrogels, which was mitigated by setpoint correction and fuzzy logic control. SEM and DMA studies showed that the network structure and storage modulus of PEGDMA hydrogels were dependent on the cure time and temporal profile of UV exposure during photopolymn. This work provides an advance in pulsed and continuous photopolymn. processes for hydrogel engineering based on closed-loop control that enables reproducible fabrication of hydrogels with controlled mech. properties.
- 36Liu, Y.; Bethel, K.; Singh, M.; Zhang, J.; Ashkar, R.; Davis, E. M.; Johnson, B. N. Comparison of Bulk- vs Layer-by-Layer-Cured Stimuli-Responsive PNIPAM–Alginate Hydrogel Dynamic Viscoelastic Property Response via Embedded Sensors. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2022, 4 (8), 5596– 5607, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c00634Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Mather, M. L.; Rides, M.; Allen, C. R. G.; Tomlins, P. E. Liquid Viscoelasticity Probed by a Mesoscale Piezoelectric Bimorph Cantilever. J. Rheol. 2012, 56 (1), 99– 112, DOI: 10.1122/1.3670732Google Scholar37 viscoelasticity probed by a mesoscale piezoelectric bimorph cantileverMather, Melissa L.; Rides, Martin; Allen, Crispin R. G.; Tomlins, Paul E.Journal of Rheology (Melville, NY, United States) (2012), 56 (1), 99-112CODEN: JORHD2; ISSN:0148-6055. (American Institute of Physics)The viscoelastic properties of fluids are key to their performance in industries ranging from biotechnol. to the automotive industry. Traditionally, fluid viscoelastic properties are monitored with rheometers but these are expensive, require a skilled operator, function over a relatively limited frequency range and are not suitable for in situ monitoring. Piezoelec. cantilevers capable of in situ assessment of the rheol. properties of relatively small fluid vols. have the potential to overcome many of these limitations and can be fabricated into low cost probes. Rheol. assessment of test fluids using piezoelec. cantilevers is typically made through anal. of the cantilever's resonant oscillation in the fluids. For accurate results, the damping of the cantilever should be low as quantified by a high quality factor Q. This can be difficult in fluids of high viscosity particularly for microscopic cantilevers. In this paper, a "mesoscale" piezoelec. bimorph cantilever was used. The mesoscale refers to a size regime intermediate between microscopic and macroscopic, in this work the cantilever used has dimensions of the order of millimeters. This mesoscale cantilever displayed a sufficiently high Q to probe the rheol. properties of highly damping and elastic fluids in situ. The developed probe will be ideally suited to in-process monitoring of high value products such as those in the biotechnol. industry. (c) 2012 American Institute of Physics.
- 38Wei-Liem, L. On Latin hypercube sampling. Ann. Stat. 1996, 24 (5), 2058– 2080, DOI: 10.1214/aos/1069362310Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 39Yang, Q.; Peng, J.; Xiao, H.; Xu, X.; Qian, Z. Polysaccharide hydrogels: Functionalization, construction and served as scaffold for tissue engineering. Carbohydr. Polym. 2022, 278, 118952 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118952Google Scholar39 hydrogels: Functionalization, construction and served as scaffold for tissue engineeringYang, Qian; Peng, Jinrong; Xiao, Haitao; Xu, Xuewen; Qian, ZhiyongCarbohydrate Polymers (2022), 278 (), 118952CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. Polysaccharide hydrogels have been widely utilized in tissue engineering. They interact with the organismal environments, modulating the cargos release and realizing of long-term survival and activations of living cells. In this review, the potential strategies for modification of polysaccharides were introduced firstly. It is not only used to functionalize the polysaccharides for the consequent formation of hydrogels, but also used to introduce versatile side groups for the regulation of cell behavior. Then, techniques and underlying mechanisms in inducing the formation of hydrogels by polysaccharides or their derivs. are briefly summarized. Finally, the applications of polysaccharide hydrogels in vivo, mainly focus on the performance for alleviation of foreign-body response (FBR) and as cell scaffolds for tissue regeneration, are exemplified. In addn., the perspectives and challenges for further research are addressed. It aims to provide a comprehensive framework about the potentials and challenges that the polysaccharide hydrogels confronting in tissue engineering.
- 40Zhang, M.; Ma, H.; Wang, X.; Yu, B.; Cong, H.; Shen, Y. Polysaccharide-based nanocarriers for efficient transvascular drug delivery. J. Controlled Release 2023, 354, 167– 187, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.12.051Google Scholar40 nanocarriers for efficient transvascular drug deliveryZhang, Min; Ma, He; Wang, Xijie; Yu, Bing; Cong, Hailin; Shen, YouqingJournal of Controlled Release (2023), 354 (), 167-187CODEN: JCREEC; ISSN:0168-3659. (Elsevier B.V.)A review. Polysaccharide-based nanocarriers (PBNs) are the focus of extensive investigation because of their biocompatibility, low cost, wide availability, and chem. versatility, which allow a wide range of anticancer agents to be loaded within the nanocarriers. Similar to other nanocarriers, most PBNs are designed to extravasate out of tumor vessels, depending on the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. However, the EPR effect is compromised in some tumors due to the heterogeneity of tumor structures. Transvascular transport efficacy is decreased by complex blood vessels and condensed tumor stroma. The limited extravasation impedes efficient drug delivery into tumor parenchyma, and thus affects the subsequent tumor accumulation, which hinders the therapeutic effect of PBNs. Therefore, overcoming the biol. barriers that restrict extravasation from tumor vessels is of great importance in PBN design. Many strategies have been developed to enhance the EPR effect that involve nanocarrier property regulation and tumor structure remodeling. Moreover, some researchers have proposed active transcytosis pathways that are complementary to the paracellular EPR effect to increase the transvascular extravasation efficiency of PBNs. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the design of PBNs with enhanced transvascular transport to enable optimization of PBNs in the extravasation of the drug delivery process. We also discuss the obstacles and challenges that need to be addressed to clarify the transendothemial mechanism of PBNs and the potential interactions between extravasation and other drug delivery steps.
- 41Kim, H.-L.; Jung, G.-Y.; Yoon, J.-H.; Han, J.-S.; Park, Y.-J.; Kim, D.-G.; Zhang, M.; Kim, D.-J. Preparation and characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/alginate/chitosan composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Mater. Sci. Eng.: C 2015, 54, 20– 25, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.04.033Google Scholar41 and characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/alginate/chitosan composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineeringKim, Hye-Lee; Jung, Gil-Yong; Yoon, Jun-Ho; Han, Jung-Suk; Park, Yoon-Jeong; Kim, Do-Gyoon; Zhang, Miqin; Kim, Dae-JoonMaterials Science & Engineering, C: Materials for Biological Applications (2015), 54 (), 20-25CODEN: MSCEEE; ISSN:0928-4931. (Elsevier B.V.)The aim of this study was to develop chitosan composite scaffolds with high strength and controlled pore structures by homogeneously dispersed nano-sized hydroxyapatite (nano-HAp) powders. In the fabrication of composite scaffolds, nano-HAp powders distributed in an alginate (AG) soln. with a pH higher than 10 were mixed with a chitosan (CS) soln. and then freeze dried. While the HAp content increased up to 70 wt.%, the compressive strength and the elastic modulus of the composite scaffolds significantly increased from 0.27 MPa and 4.42 MPa to 0.68 MPa and 13.35 MPa, resp. Higher content of the HAp also helped develop more differentiation and mineralization of the MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite scaffolds. The uniform pore structure and the excellent mech. properties of the HAp/CS composite scaffolds likely resulted from the use of the AG soln. at pH 10 as a dispersant for the nano-HAp powders.
- 42Liu, Q.; Li, Q.; Xu, S.; Zheng, Q.; Cao, X. Preparation and Properties of 3D Printed Alginate–Chitosan Polyion Complex Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering. Polymers 2018, 10, 664 DOI: 10.3390/polym10060664Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 43Yu, C.-C.; Chang, J.-J.; Lee, Y.-H.; Lin, Y.-C.; Wu, M.-H.; Yang, M.-C.; Chien, C.-T. Electrospun scaffolds composing of alginate, chitosan, collagen and hydroxyapatite for applying in bone tissue engineering. Mater. Lett. 2013, 93, 133– 136, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2012.11.040Google Scholar43 scaffolds composing of alginate, chitosan, collagen and hydroxyapatite for applying in bone tissue engineeringYu, Chia-Cherng; Chang, Jung-Jhih; Lee, Yen-Hsien; Lin, Yu-Cheng; Wu, Meng-Hsiu; Yang, Ming-Chien; Chien, Chiang-TingMaterials Letters (2013), 93 (), 133-136CODEN: MLETDJ; ISSN:0167-577X. (Elsevier B.V.)In this study, a composite scaffold made of alginate (AL), chitosan (ChS), collagen (Col), and hydroxyapatite (HAp) was fabricated by electrospinning techniques. The distribution of each component of composite scaffold was revealed by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) using fluorescent labeling polymers. The morphol. and microstructure of the scaffold was examd. using a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To mimic the stability of these scaffolds in physiol. fluids, the degree of disintegration of collagen from these scaffolds in collagenase soln. was also tested. The results showed that the composite scaffold can greatly reduce the disintegration by 35% for 10 days in collagenase soln. Therefore, this composite is expected to be a potential scaffold for bone tissue engineering applications.
- 44Kolanthai, E.; Sindu, P. A.; Khajuria, D. K.; Veerla, S. C.; Kuppuswamy, D.; Catalani, L. H.; Mahapatra, D. R. Graphene Oxide─A Tool for the Preparation of Chemically Crosslinking Free Alginate–Chitosan–Collagen Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (15), 12441– 12452, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b00699Google Scholar44 oxide-A tool for the preparation of chemically crosslinking free alginate-chitosan-collagen scaffolds for bone tissue engineeringKolanthai, Elayaraja; Sindu, Pugazhendhi Abinaya; Khajuria, Deepak Kumar; Veerla, Sarath Chandra; Kuppuswamy, Dhandapani; Catalani, Luiz Henrique; Mahapatra, D. RoyACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018), 10 (15), 12441-12452CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Developing a biodegradable scaffold remains a major challenge in bone tissue engineering. This study was aimed at developing novel alginate-chitosan-collagen (SA-CS-Col)-based composite scaffolds consisting of graphene oxide (GO) to enrich porous structures, elicited by the freeze-drying technique. To characterize porosity, water absorption, and compressive modulus, GO scaffolds (SA-CS-Col-GO) were prepd. with and without Ca2+-mediated crosslinking (chem. crosslinking) and analyzed using Raman, Fourier transform IR (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and SEM techniques. The incorporation of GO into the SA-CS-Col matrix increased both crosslinking d. as indicated by the redn. of cryst. peaks in the XRD patterns and polyelectrolyte ion complex as confirmed by FTIR. GO scaffolds showed increased mech. properties which were further increased for chem. crosslinked scaffolds. All scaffolds exhibited interconnected pores of 10-250 μm range. By increasing the crosslinking d. with Ca2+, a decrease in the porosity/swelling ratio was obsd. Moreover, the SA-CS-Col-GO scaffold with or without chem. crosslinking was more stable as compared to SA-CS or SA-CS-Col scaffolds when placed in aq. soln. To perform in vitro biochem. studies, mouse osteoblast cells were grown on various scaffolds and evaluated for cell proliferation by using MTT assay and mineralization and differentiation by alizarin red S staining. These measurements showed a significant increase for cells attached to the SA-CS-Col-GO scaffold compared to SA-CS or SA-CS-Col composites. However, chem. crosslinking of SA-CS-Col-GO showed no effect on the osteogenic ability of osteoblasts. These studies indicate the potential use of GO to prep. free SA-CS-Col scaffolds with preserved porous structure with elongated Col fibrils and that these composites, which are biocompatible and stable in a biol. medium, could be used for application in engineering bone tissues.
- 45Lee, K. Y.; Mooney, D. J. Alginate: Properties and biomedical applications. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2012, 37 (1), 106– 126, DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2011.06.003Google Scholar45 Properties and biomedical applicationsLee, Kuen Yong; Mooney, David J.Progress in Polymer Science (2012), 37 (1), 106-126CODEN: PRPSB8; ISSN:0079-6700. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. Alginate is a biomaterial that has found numerous applications in biomedical science and engineering due to its favorable properties, including biocompatibility and ease of gelation. Alginate hydrogels were particularly attractive in wound healing, drug delivery, and tissue engineering applications to date, as these gels retain structural similarity to the extracellular matrixes in tissues and can be manipulated to play several crit. roles. This review will provide a comprehensive overview of general properties of alginate and its hydrogels, their biomedical applications, and suggest new perspectives for future studies with these polymers.
- 46Pellá, M. C.; Lima-Tenório, M. K.; Tenório-Neto, E. T.; Guilherme, M. R.; Muniz, E. C.; Rubira, A. F. Chitosan-based hydrogels: From preparation to biomedical applications. Carbohydr. Polym. 2018, 196, 233– 245, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.05.033Google Scholar46 hydrogels: From preparation to biomedical applicationsPella, Michelly C. G.; Lima-Tenorio, Michele K.; Tenorio-Neto, Ernandes T.; Guilherme, Marcos R.; Muniz, Edvani C.; Rubira, Adley F.Carbohydrate Polymers (2018), 196 (), 233-245CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. The advances in the field of biomaterials have led to several studies on alternative biocompatible devices and to their development focusing on their properties, benefits, limitations, and utilization of alternative resources. Due to their advantages like biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low cost, polysaccharides have been widely used in the development of hydrogels. Among the polysaccharides studied on hydrogels prepn., chitosan (pure or combined with natural/synthetic polymers) have been widely investigated for use in biomedical field. In view of potential applications of chitosan-based hydrogels, this review focuses on the most recent progress made with respect to prepn., properties, and their salient accomplishments for drug delivery and tissue engineering.
- 47Callahan, L. A. S. Combinatorial Method/High Throughput Strategies for Hydrogel Optimization in Tissue Engineering Applications. Gels 2016, 2 (2), 18 DOI: 10.3390/gels2020018Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 48Day, E. C.; Chittari, S. S.; Bogen, M. P.; Knight, A. S. Navigating the Expansive Landscapes of Soft Materials: A User Guide for High-Throughput Workflows. ACS Polym. Au 2023, 3 (6), 406– 427, DOI: 10.1021/acspolymersau.3c00025Google Scholar48 the Expansive Landscapes of Soft Materials: A User Guide for High-throughput WorkflowsDay, Erin C.; Chittari, Supraja S.; Bogen, Matthew P.; Knight, Abigail S.ACS Polymers Au (2023), 3 (6), 406-427CODEN: APACCD; ISSN:2694-2453. (American Chemical Society)Synthetic polymers are highly customizable with tailored structures and functionality, yet this versatility generates challenges in the design of advanced materials due to the size and complexity of the design space. Thus, exploration and optimization of polymer properties using combinatorial libraries has become increasingly common, which requires careful selection of synthetic strategies, characterization techniques, and rapid processing workflows to obtain fundamental principles from these large data sets. Herein, we provide guidelines for strategic design of macromol. libraries and workflows to efficiently navigate these high-dimensional design spaces. We describe synthetic methods for multiple library sizes and structures as well as characterization methods to rapidly generate data sets, including tools that can be adapted from biol. workflows. We further highlight relevant insights from statistics and machine learning to aid in data featurization, representation, and anal. This perspective acts as a "user guide" for researchers interested in leveraging high-throughput screening toward the design of multifunctional polymers and predictive modeling of structure-property relationships in soft materials.
- 49Yuan, X.; Liu, R.; Zhang, W.; Song, X.; Xu, L.; Zhao, Y.; Shang, L.; Zhang, J. Preparation of carboxylmethylchitosan and alginate blend membrane for diffusion-controlled release of diclofenac diethylamine. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2021, 63, 210– 215, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.05.008Google Scholar49 of carboxylmethylchitosan and alginate blend membrane for diffusion-controlled release of diclofenac diethylamineYuan, Xiaoxue; Liu, Ran; Zhang, Wenchang; Song, Xiaoqiang; Xu, Lei; Zhao, Yan; Shang, Lei; Zhang, JingsongJournal of Materials Science & Technology (Shenyang, China) (2021), 63 (), 210-215CODEN: JSCTEQ; ISSN:1005-0302. (Editorial Board of Journal of Materials Science & Technology)Controlled drug release technol. is becoming a com. sound methodol. of administering pharmaceutical therapies, and it is important to predict and control the release kinetics to fully take advantage of this technol. Carboxylmethylchitosan (CMCS) and alginate (SA) blend membranes were successfully prepd. by soln. casting technique and exposing to acetic acid atm., which induced the protonation of the amino groups of CMCS, and the formation of polyelectrolyte composite hydrogels. By using diclofenac diethylamine as the model drug, the diffusion controlled drug release behaviors of the membranes were studied based on permeation expt., which indicated that the swelling rates of the membranes could be adjusted by simply changing the wt. ratio of CMCS/SA and effectively changed the release rate of the membrane. The study shows that CMCS/SA blend membranes are promising biomaterials used for modulating the permeation behavior and developing advanced drug delivery systems.
- 50Wu, P.; Fang, Y.; Chen, K.; Wu, M.; Zhang, W.; Wang, S.; Liu, D.; Gao, J.; Li, H.; Lv, J.; Zhao, Y. Study of double network hydrogels based on sodium methacrylate alginate and carboxymethyl chitosan. Eur. Polym. J. 2023, 194, 112137 DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2023.112137Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 51Urayama, K.; Takigawa, T.; Masuda, T. Poisson’s ratio of poly(vinyl alcohol) gels. Macromolecules 1993, 26 (12), 3092– 3096, DOI: 10.1021/ma00064a016Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 52Gu, Y.; Zhao, J.; Johnson, J. A. Polymer Networks. In Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications; Wiley-VCH, 2022; pp 1– 52.Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
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- 3Maier, W. F.; Stöwe, K.; Sieg, S. Combinatorial and High-Throughput Materials Science. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2007, 46 (32), 6016– 6067, DOI: 10.1002/anie.2006036753 and high-throughput materials scienceMaier, Wilhelm F.; Stoewe, Klaus; Sieg, SimoneAngewandte Chemie, International Edition (2007), 46 (32), 6016-6067, S6016/1-S6016/4CODEN: ACIEF5; ISSN:1433-7851. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)A review. High-through-put techniques are already used routinely for research on complex materials, such as polymers, electronic materials, and catalysts. Remarkable achievements are related to parallel syntheses and analyses, data-mining technologies, modeling approaches, as well as evolutionary strategies for materials development and formulations. The discoveries and success stories document the power of these emerging technologies.
- 4Eyke, N. S.; Koscher, B. A.; Jensen, K. F. Toward Machine Learning-Enhanced High-Throughput Experimentation. Trends Chem. 2021, 3 (2), 120– 132, DOI: 10.1016/j.trechm.2020.12.0014 Machine Learning-Enhanced High-Throughput ExperimentationEyke, Natalie S.; Koscher, Brent A.; Jensen, Klavs F.Trends in Chemistry (2021), 3 (2), 120-132CODEN: TCRHBQ; ISSN:2589-5974. (Cell Press)A review. Recent literature suggests that the fields of machine learning (ML) and high-throughput experimentation (HTE) have sep. received considerable attention from chemists and engineers, leading to the development of powerful reactivity models and platforms capable of rapidly performing thousands of reactions. The merger of ML with HTE presents a wealth of opportunities for the exploration of chem. space, but the integration of the two has yet to be fully realized. We highlight examples of recent developments in ML and HTE that collectively suggest the utility of their integration. Our anal. highlights the complementarity of the two fields, while exposing a no. of obstacles that can and should be overcome to take full advantage of this merger and thereby accelerate chem. research.
- 5Häse, F.; Roch, L. M.; Aspuru-Guzik, A. Next-Generation Experimentation with Self-Driving Laboratories. Trends Chem. 2019, 1 (3), 282– 291, DOI: 10.1016/j.trechm.2019.02.0075 Experimentation with Self-Driving LaboratoriesHase, Florian; Roch, Loic M.; Aspuru-Guzik, AlanTrends in Chemistry (2019), 1 (3), 282-291CODEN: TCRHBQ; ISSN:2589-5974. (Cell Press)A review. The ever-growing demand for advanced functional materials requires disruption of conventional approaches to experimentation and acceleration of the discovery process. State-of-the-art approaches to scientific discovery are inherently slow, capital intensive, and have arguably reached a plateau. Significant advances are possible when rethinking and redesigning the traditional experimentation process. Self-driving labs. promise to substantially accelerate the discovery process by augmenting automated experimentation platforms with artificial intelligence (AI). AI methods actively search for promising exptl. procedures by hypothesizing about their outcomes based on previous expts. This feedback loop is crucial to reduce the no. of expts. needed for discovery. Supplying automated platforms with AI enables self-driving labs. to fully embrace the vision of autonomous experimentation.
- 6Abolhasani, M.; Kumacheva, E. The rise of self-driving labs in chemical and materials sciences. Nat. Synth. 2023, 2 (6), 483– 492, DOI: 10.1038/s44160-022-00231-0There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 7Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Yoon, H. Y.; Jia, X.; Roman, M.; Johnson, B. N. Accelerated Engineering of Optimized Functional Composite Hydrogels via High-Throughput Experimentation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15 (45), 52908– 52920, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c11483There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 8Park, T.; Kim, E.; Sun, J.; Kim, M.; Hong, E.; Min, K. Rapid discovery of promising materials via active learning with multi-objective optimization. Mater. Today Commun. 2023, 37, 107245 DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.107245There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Bai, Y.; Khoo, Z. H. J.; Made, R. I.; Xie, H.; Lim, C. Y. J.; Handoko, A. D.; Chellappan, V.; Cheng, J. J.; Wei, F.; Lim, Y.-F. Closed Loop Multi-Objective Optimization for Cu-Sb-S Photoelectrocatalytic Materials Discovery. Adv. Mater. 2023, 36 (2), 2304269 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202304269There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 10Orlova, T.; Piven, A.; Darmoroz, D.; Aliev, T.; Razik, T.; Boitsev, A.; Grafeeva, N.; Skorb, E. Machine learning for soft and liquid molecular materials. Digital Discovery 2023, 2 (2), 298– 315, DOI: 10.1039/D2DD00132BThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 11Li, Z. H.; Song, P. R.; Li, G. F.; Han, Y. F.; Ren, X. X.; Bai, L.; Su, J. C. AI energized hydrogel design, optimization and application in biomedicine. Mater. Today Bio 2024, 25, 101014 DOI: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2024.101014There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Oliveira, M. B.; Mano, J. F. High-throughput screening for integrative biomaterials design: exploring advances and new trends. Trends Biotechnol. 2014, 32 (12), 627– 636, DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2014.09.009There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 13Callahan, L. S. Combinatorial Method/High Throughput Strategies for Hydrogel Optimization in Tissue Engineering Applications. Gels 2016, 2 (2), 18 DOI: 10.3390/gels2020018There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 14Green, M. L.; Choi, C. L.; Hattrick-Simpers, J. R.; Joshi, A. M.; Takeuchi, I.; Barron, S. C.; Campo, E.; Chiang, T.; Empedocles, S.; Gregoire, J. M. Fulfilling the promise of the materials genome initiative with high-throughput experimental methodologies. Appl. Phys. Rev. 2017, 4 (1), 011105 DOI: 10.1063/1.497748714 the promise of the materials genome initiative with high-throughput experimental methodologiesGreen, M. L.; Choi, C. L.; Hattrick-Simpers, J. R.; Joshi, A. M.; Takeuchi, I.; Barron, S. C.; Campo, E.; Chiang, T.; Empedocles, S.; Gregoire, J. M.; Kusne, A. G.; Martin, J.; Mehta, A.; Persson, K.; Trautt, Z.; Van Duren, J.; Zakutayev, A.Applied Physics Reviews (2017), 4 (1), 011105/1-011105/18CODEN: APRPG5; ISSN:1931-9401. (American Institute of Physics)The Materials Genome Initiative, a national effort to introduce new materials into the market faster and at lower cost, has made significant progress in computational simulation and modeling of materials. To build on this progress, a large amt. of exptl. data for validating these models, and informing more sophisticated ones, will be required. High-throughput experimentation generates large vols. of exptl. data using combinatorial materials synthesis and rapid measurement techniques, making it an ideal exptl. complement to bring the Materials Genome Initiative vision to fruition. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art results, opportunities, and challenges in high-throughput experimentation for materials design. A major conclusion is that an effort to deploy a federated network of high-throughput exptl. (synthesis and characterization) tools, which are integrated with a modern materials data infrastructure, is needed. (c) 2017 American Institute of Physics.
- 15Di Fiore, F.; Nardelli, M.; Mainini, L. Active Learning and Bayesian Optimization: A Unified Perspective to Learn with a Goal. Arch. Comput. Methods Eng. 2024, 31, 2985– 3013, DOI: 10.1007/s11831-024-10064-zThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 16Settles, B. Active Learning; Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Kusne, A. G.; Yu, H.; Wu, C.; Zhang, H.; Hattrick-Simpers, J.; DeCost, B.; Sarker, S.; Oses, C.; Toher, C.; Curtarolo, S. On-the-fly closed-loop materials discovery via Bayesian active learning. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11 (1), 5966 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19597-w17 closed-loop materials discovery via Bayesian active learningKusne, A. Gilad; Yu, Heshan; Wu, Changming; Zhang, Huairuo; Hattrick-Simpers, Jason; DeCost, Brian; Sarker, Suchismita; Oses, Corey; Toher, Cormac; Curtarolo, Stefano; Davydov, Albert V.; Agarwal, Ritesh; Bendersky, Leonid A.; Li, Mo; Mehta, Apurva; Takeuchi, IchiroNature Communications (2020), 11 (1), 5966CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Research)Active learning-the field of machine learning (ML) dedicated to optimal expt. design-has played a part in science as far back as the 18th century when Laplace used it to guide his discovery of celestial mechanics. In this work, we focus a closed-loop, active learning-driven autonomous system on another major challenge, the discovery of advanced materials against the exceedingly complex synthesis-processes-structure-property landscape. We demonstrate an autonomous materials discovery methodol. for functional inorg. compds. which allow scientists to fail smarter, learn faster, and spend less resources in their studies, while simultaneously improving trust in scientific results and machine learning tools. This robot science enables science-over-the-network, reducing the economic impact of scientists being phys. sepd. from their labs. The real-time closed-loop, autonomous system for materials exploration and optimization (CAMEO) is implemented at the synchrotron beamline to accelerate the interconnected tasks of phase mapping and property optimization, with each cycle taking seconds to minutes. We also demonstrate an embodiment of human-machine interaction, where human-in-the-loop is called to play a contributing role within each cycle. This work has resulted in the discovery of a novel epitaxial nanocomposite phase-change memory material.
- 18Min, K.; Cho, E. Accelerated Discovery of Novel Inorganic Materials with Desired Properties Using Active Learning. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (27), 14759– 14767, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c0054518 Discovery of Novel Inorganic Materials with Desired Properties Using Active LearningMin, Kyoungmin; Cho, EunseogJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2020), 124 (27), 14759-14767CODEN: JPCCCK; ISSN:1932-7447. (American Chemical Society)Construction of prediction models using machine learning algorithms on existing databases expands the search limit of undiscovered structures, in principle, to the entire materials space. However, because of uncertainties in machine learning prediction, the suggested properties are not always promising; thus, improving the database quality is mandatory for validation as well as improvement in prediction accuracy. To achieve this, we herein implement an active learning process, beginning with a limited no. of databases, to find materials satisfying target properties (band gap and refractive index) with minimized trials and errors. The regression model is initially trained with only around 2% of the entire search space, and 20 new databases, suggested from the optimization schemes, are added at each optimization process. Between exploration, exploitation, random selection, and the Bayesian optimization method, the Bayesian method exhibits the best performance in finding the no. of materials that satisfies the criteria within limited trials In addn., the structure with the max. target property values is found after searching only around 7.0% and 7.7% of the entire database for band gap and refractive index, resp. Current results clearly confirm that the active learning process can be accelerated to find ideal materials satisfying target properties with minimized resources.
- 19Oftelie, L. B.; Rajak, P.; Kalia, R. K.; Nakano, A.; Sha, F.; Sun, J.; Singh, D. J.; Aykol, M.; Huck, P.; Persson, K.; Vashishta, P. Active learning for accelerated design of layered materials. npj Comput. Mater. 2018, 4 (1), 74 DOI: 10.1038/s41524-018-0129-0There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 20Shahriari, B.; Swersky, K.; Wang, Z.; Adams, R. P.; Freitas, N. d. Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Proc. IEEE 2016, 104 (1), 148– 175, DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2015.2494218There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 21Chen, H.; Zheng, L.; Kontar, R. A.; Raskutti, G. Gaussian process parameter estimation using mini-batch stochastic gradient descent: convergence guarantees and empirical benefits. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 2022, 23 (1), 1– 59There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Rasmussen, C. E.; Williams, C. K. I. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning; The MIT Press, 2005.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 23Burger, B.; Maffettone, P. M.; Gusev, V. V.; Aitchison, C. M.; Bai, Y.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Alston, B. M.; Li, B.; Clowes, R. A mobile robotic chemist. Nature 2020, 583 (7815), 237– 241, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2442-223 mobile robotic chemistBurger, Benjamin; Maffettone, Phillip M.; Gusev, Vladimir V.; Aitchison, Catherine M.; Bai, Yang; Wang, Xiaoyan; Li, Xiaobo; Alston, Ben M.; Li, Buyi; Clowes, Rob; Rankin, Nicola; Harris, Brandon; Sprick, Reiner Sebastian; Cooper, Andrew I.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2020), 583 (7815), 237-241CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Abstr.: Technologies such as batteries, biomaterials and heterogeneous catalysts have functions that are defined by mixts. of mol. and mesoscale components. As yet, this multi-length-scale complexity cannot be fully captured by atomistic simulations, and the design of such materials from first principles is still rare1-5. Likewise, exptl. complexity scales exponentially with the no. of variables, restricting most searches to narrow areas of materials space. Robots can assist in exptl. searches6-14 but their widespread adoption in materials research is challenging because of the diversity of sample types, operations, instruments and measurements required. Here we use a mobile robot to search for improved photocatalysts for hydrogen prodn. from water15. The robot operated autonomously over eight days, performing 688 expts. within a ten-variable exptl. space, driven by a batched Bayesian search algorithm16-18. This autonomous search identified photocatalyst mixts. that were six times more active than the initial formulations, selecting beneficial components and deselecting neg. ones. Our strategy uses a dexterous19,20 free-roaming robot21-24, automating the researcher rather than the instruments. This modular approach could be deployed in conventional labs. for a range of research problems beyond photocatalysis.
- 24Shields, B. J.; Stevens, J.; Li, J.; Parasram, M.; Damani, F.; Alvarado, J. I. M.; Janey, J. M.; Adams, R. P.; Doyle, A. G. Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis. Nature 2021, 590 (7844), 89– 96, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03213-y24 reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesisShields, Benjamin J.; Stevens, Jason; Li, Jun; Parasram, Marvin; Damani, Farhan; Alvarado, Jesus I. Martinez; Janey, Jacob M.; Adams, Ryan P.; Doyle, Abigail G.Nature (London, United Kingdom) (2021), 590 (7844), 89-96CODEN: NATUAS; ISSN:0028-0836. (Nature Research)Abstr.: Reaction optimization is fundamental to synthetic chem., from optimizing the yield of industrial processes to selecting conditions for the prepn. of medicinal candidates1. Likewise, parameter optimization is omnipresent in artificial intelligence, from tuning virtual personal assistants to training social media and product recommendation systems2. Owing to the high cost assocd. with carrying out expts., scientists in both areas set numerous (hyper)parameter values by evaluating only a small subset of the possible configurations. Bayesian optimization, an iterative response surface-based global optimization algorithm, has demonstrated exceptional performance in the tuning of machine learning models3. Bayesian optimization has also been recently applied in chem.4-9; however, its application and assessment for reaction optimization in synthetic chem. has not been investigated. Here we report the development of a framework for Bayesian reaction optimization and an open-source software tool that allows chemists to easily integrate state-of-the-art optimization algorithms into their everyday lab. practices. We collect a large benchmark dataset for a palladium-catalyzed direct arylation reaction, perform a systematic study of Bayesian optimization compared to human decision-making in reaction optimization, and apply Bayesian optimization to two real-world optimization efforts (Mitsunobu and deoxyfluorination reactions). Benchmarking is accomplished via an online game that links the decisions made by expert chemists and engineers to real expts. run in the lab. Our findings demonstrate that Bayesian optimization outperforms human decisionmaking in both av. optimization efficiency (no. of expts.) and consistency (variance of outcome against initially available data). Overall, our studies suggest that adopting Bayesian optimization methods into everyday lab. practices could facilitate more efficient synthesis of functional chems. by enabling better-informed, data-driven decisions about which expts. to run.
- 25Kusne, A. G.; McDannald, A. Scalable multi-agent lab framework for lab optimization. Matter 2023, 6 (6), 1880– 1893, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2023.03.022There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Kontar, R.; Shi, N. C.; Yue, X. B.; Chung, S.; Byon, E.; Chowdhury, M.; Jin, J. H.; Kontar, W.; Masoud, N.; Nouiehed, M. The Internet of Federated Things (IoFT). IEEE Access 2021, 9, 156071– 156113, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3127448There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 27Frazier, P. I. A. Tutorial on Bayesian optimization, arXiv:1807.02811. e-Print archive, 2018. is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Gardner, J. R.; Pleiss, G.; Bindel, D.; Weinberger, K. Q.; Wilson, A. G. GPyTorch: Blackbox Matrix-Matrix Gaussian Process Inference with GPU Acceleration, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; NeurIPS, 2018.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 29Yue, X.; Al Kontar, R.; Berahas, A. S.; Liu, Y.; Zai, Z.; Edgar, K.; Johnson, B. N. Collaborative and Distributed Bayesian Optimization via Consensus: Showcasing the Power of Collaboration for Optimal Design, arXiv:2306.14348. e-Print archive, 2023. is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Balandat, M.; Karrer, B.; Jiang, D. R.; Daulton, S.; Letham, B.; Wilson, A. G.; Bakshy, E. BOTORCH: A Framework for Efficient Monte-Carlo Bayesian Optimization, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; NeurIPS, 2020.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Zhai, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Korovich, A. G.; Hall, B. A.; Yoon, H. Y.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, J.; Bortner, M. J.; Roman, M.; Madsen, L. A.; Edgar, K. J. Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Reducing-End Polysaccharides. Biomacromolecules 2023, 24 (6), 2596– 2605, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.3c00104There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Z.; Yao, Y.; Stant, J. C.; Landrum, S. L.; Bortner, M. J.; Frazier, C. E.; Edgar, K. J. Oxidized hydroxypropyl cellulose/carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels permit pH-responsive, targeted drug release. Carbohydr. Polym. 2023, 300, 120213 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.12021332 hydroxypropyl cellulose/carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels permit pH-responsive, targeted drug releaseZhou, Yang; Zhai, Zhenghao; Yao, Yimin; Stant, John C.; Landrum, Sarah L.; Bortner, Michael J.; Frazier, Charles E.; Edgar, Kevin J.Carbohydrate Polymers (2023), 300 (), 120213CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)Polysaccharide-based Schiff base hydrogels have promise for drug delivery, tissue engineering, and many other applications due to their reversible imine bond crosslinks. We describe herein pH-responsive, injectable, and self-healing hydrogels prepd. by reacting oxidized hydroxypropyl cellulose (Ox-HPC) with carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCS). Simple combination of ketones from Ox-HPC side chains with amines from CMCS in water provides a dynamic, hydrophilic polysaccharide network. The reversible nature of these imine bonds in the presence of water provides a hydrogel with injectable and self-healing properties. Phenylalanine as a model amine-contg. drug was linked by imine bonds to Ox-HPC within the hydrogel. Phenylalanine release was faster at the pH of the extracellular space around tumors (6.8) than in normal tissues (7.4), a surprising degree of pH sensitivity. Therefore, Ox-HPC/CMCS hydrogels show promise as drug carriers that may selectively target even slightly lower pH environments like the extracellular milieu around cancer cells.
- 33Zhang, J.; Liu, Y.; Sekhar P, D. C.; Singh, M.; Tong, Y.; Kucukdeger, E.; Yoon, H. Y.; Haring, A. P.; Roman, M.; Kong, Z.; Johnson, B. N. Rapid, autonomous high-throughput characterization of hydrogel rheological properties via automated sensing and physics-guided machine learning. Appl. Mater. Today 2023, 30, 101720 DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101720There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Haring, A. P.; Singh, M.; Koh, M.; Cesewski, E.; Dillard, D. A.; Kong, Z. J.; Johnson, B. N. Real-time characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and sol-gel phase transitions using cantilever sensors. J. Rheol. 2020, 64 (4), 837– 850, DOI: 10.1122/8.000000934 characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and sol-gel phase transitions using cantilever sensorsHaring, Alexander P.; Singh, Manjot; Koh, Miharu; Cesewski, Ellen; Dillard, David A.; Kong, Zhenyu "James"; Johnson, Blake N.Journal of Rheology (Melville, NY, United States) (2020), 64 (4), 837-850CODEN: JORHD2; ISSN:0148-6055. (American Institute of Physics)Here, we report for the first time that resonance in dynamic-mode cantilever sensors persists in hydrogels and enables the real-time characterization of hydrogel viscoelastic properties and the continuous monitoring of sol-gel phase transitions (i.e., gelation and dissoln. processes). Real-time tracking of piezoelec.-excited millimeter cantilever (PEMC) sensor resonant frequency (fair = 55.4 ± 8.8 kHz; n = 5 sensors) and quality factor (Q; Qair = 23.8 ± 1.5) enabled continuous monitoring of high-frequency hydrogel shear storage and loss moduli (G'f and G"f, resp.) calcd. by sensor data and fluid-structure interaction models. Changes in the sensor phase angle, quality factor, and high-frequency shear moduli obtained at the resonant frequency (G'fand G"f) correlated with low-frequency moduli obtained at 1 Hz using dynamic mech. anal. Characterization studies were performed using phys. and chem. crosslinked hydrogel systems, including gelatin hydrogels (6-10 wt.%) and alginate hydrogels (0.25-0.75 wt.%). The sensor exhibited a dynamic range from the rheol. properties of inviscid solns. to hydrogels with high-frequency moduli of 80 kPa and low-frequency moduli of 26 kPa. The sensor exhibited a limit of detection of 260 Pa and 1.9 kPa for changes in hydrogel storage modulus (E') based on the sensor's phase angle and quality factor responses, resp. We also show that sensor data enable quant. characterization of gelation process dynamics using a modified Hill model. This work suggests that cantilever sensors provide a promising platform for the sensor-based characterization of hydrogels, such as quantification of viscoelastic properties and real-time monitoring of gelation processes. (c) 2020 American Institute of Physics.
- 35Singh, M.; Zhang, J.; Bethel, K.; Liu, Y.; Davis, E. M.; Zeng, H.; Kong, Z.; Johnson, B. N. Closed-Loop Controlled Photopolymerization of Hydrogels. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13 (34), 40365– 40378, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c1177935 Controlled Photopolymerization of HydrogelsSingh, Manjot; Zhang, Junru; Bethel, Keturah; Liu, Yang; Davis, Eric M.; Zeng, Haibo; Kong, Zhenyu; Johnson, Blake N.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021), 13 (34), 40365-40378CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Here, we present a closed-loop controlled photopolymn. process for fabrication of hydrogels with controlled storage moduli. Hydrogel crosslinking was assocd. with a significant change in the phase angle of a piezoelec. cantilever sensor and established the timescale of the photopolymn. process. The compn., structure, and mech. properties of the fabricated hydrogels were characterized using Raman spectroscopy, SEM (SEM), and dynamic mech. anal. (DMA). We found that the storage moduli of photocured poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) hydrogels could be controlled using bang-bang and fuzzy logic controllers. Bang-bang controlled photopolymn. resulted in const. overshoot of the storage modulus setpoint for PEGDMA hydrogels, which was mitigated by setpoint correction and fuzzy logic control. SEM and DMA studies showed that the network structure and storage modulus of PEGDMA hydrogels were dependent on the cure time and temporal profile of UV exposure during photopolymn. This work provides an advance in pulsed and continuous photopolymn. processes for hydrogel engineering based on closed-loop control that enables reproducible fabrication of hydrogels with controlled mech. properties.
- 36Liu, Y.; Bethel, K.; Singh, M.; Zhang, J.; Ashkar, R.; Davis, E. M.; Johnson, B. N. Comparison of Bulk- vs Layer-by-Layer-Cured Stimuli-Responsive PNIPAM–Alginate Hydrogel Dynamic Viscoelastic Property Response via Embedded Sensors. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2022, 4 (8), 5596– 5607, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c00634There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Mather, M. L.; Rides, M.; Allen, C. R. G.; Tomlins, P. E. Liquid Viscoelasticity Probed by a Mesoscale Piezoelectric Bimorph Cantilever. J. Rheol. 2012, 56 (1), 99– 112, DOI: 10.1122/1.367073237 viscoelasticity probed by a mesoscale piezoelectric bimorph cantileverMather, Melissa L.; Rides, Martin; Allen, Crispin R. G.; Tomlins, Paul E.Journal of Rheology (Melville, NY, United States) (2012), 56 (1), 99-112CODEN: JORHD2; ISSN:0148-6055. (American Institute of Physics)The viscoelastic properties of fluids are key to their performance in industries ranging from biotechnol. to the automotive industry. Traditionally, fluid viscoelastic properties are monitored with rheometers but these are expensive, require a skilled operator, function over a relatively limited frequency range and are not suitable for in situ monitoring. Piezoelec. cantilevers capable of in situ assessment of the rheol. properties of relatively small fluid vols. have the potential to overcome many of these limitations and can be fabricated into low cost probes. Rheol. assessment of test fluids using piezoelec. cantilevers is typically made through anal. of the cantilever's resonant oscillation in the fluids. For accurate results, the damping of the cantilever should be low as quantified by a high quality factor Q. This can be difficult in fluids of high viscosity particularly for microscopic cantilevers. In this paper, a "mesoscale" piezoelec. bimorph cantilever was used. The mesoscale refers to a size regime intermediate between microscopic and macroscopic, in this work the cantilever used has dimensions of the order of millimeters. This mesoscale cantilever displayed a sufficiently high Q to probe the rheol. properties of highly damping and elastic fluids in situ. The developed probe will be ideally suited to in-process monitoring of high value products such as those in the biotechnol. industry. (c) 2012 American Institute of Physics.
- 38Wei-Liem, L. On Latin hypercube sampling. Ann. Stat. 1996, 24 (5), 2058– 2080, DOI: 10.1214/aos/1069362310There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 39Yang, Q.; Peng, J.; Xiao, H.; Xu, X.; Qian, Z. Polysaccharide hydrogels: Functionalization, construction and served as scaffold for tissue engineering. Carbohydr. Polym. 2022, 278, 118952 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.11895239 hydrogels: Functionalization, construction and served as scaffold for tissue engineeringYang, Qian; Peng, Jinrong; Xiao, Haitao; Xu, Xuewen; Qian, ZhiyongCarbohydrate Polymers (2022), 278 (), 118952CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. Polysaccharide hydrogels have been widely utilized in tissue engineering. They interact with the organismal environments, modulating the cargos release and realizing of long-term survival and activations of living cells. In this review, the potential strategies for modification of polysaccharides were introduced firstly. It is not only used to functionalize the polysaccharides for the consequent formation of hydrogels, but also used to introduce versatile side groups for the regulation of cell behavior. Then, techniques and underlying mechanisms in inducing the formation of hydrogels by polysaccharides or their derivs. are briefly summarized. Finally, the applications of polysaccharide hydrogels in vivo, mainly focus on the performance for alleviation of foreign-body response (FBR) and as cell scaffolds for tissue regeneration, are exemplified. In addn., the perspectives and challenges for further research are addressed. It aims to provide a comprehensive framework about the potentials and challenges that the polysaccharide hydrogels confronting in tissue engineering.
- 40Zhang, M.; Ma, H.; Wang, X.; Yu, B.; Cong, H.; Shen, Y. Polysaccharide-based nanocarriers for efficient transvascular drug delivery. J. Controlled Release 2023, 354, 167– 187, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.12.05140 nanocarriers for efficient transvascular drug deliveryZhang, Min; Ma, He; Wang, Xijie; Yu, Bing; Cong, Hailin; Shen, YouqingJournal of Controlled Release (2023), 354 (), 167-187CODEN: JCREEC; ISSN:0168-3659. (Elsevier B.V.)A review. Polysaccharide-based nanocarriers (PBNs) are the focus of extensive investigation because of their biocompatibility, low cost, wide availability, and chem. versatility, which allow a wide range of anticancer agents to be loaded within the nanocarriers. Similar to other nanocarriers, most PBNs are designed to extravasate out of tumor vessels, depending on the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. However, the EPR effect is compromised in some tumors due to the heterogeneity of tumor structures. Transvascular transport efficacy is decreased by complex blood vessels and condensed tumor stroma. The limited extravasation impedes efficient drug delivery into tumor parenchyma, and thus affects the subsequent tumor accumulation, which hinders the therapeutic effect of PBNs. Therefore, overcoming the biol. barriers that restrict extravasation from tumor vessels is of great importance in PBN design. Many strategies have been developed to enhance the EPR effect that involve nanocarrier property regulation and tumor structure remodeling. Moreover, some researchers have proposed active transcytosis pathways that are complementary to the paracellular EPR effect to increase the transvascular extravasation efficiency of PBNs. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the design of PBNs with enhanced transvascular transport to enable optimization of PBNs in the extravasation of the drug delivery process. We also discuss the obstacles and challenges that need to be addressed to clarify the transendothemial mechanism of PBNs and the potential interactions between extravasation and other drug delivery steps.
- 41Kim, H.-L.; Jung, G.-Y.; Yoon, J.-H.; Han, J.-S.; Park, Y.-J.; Kim, D.-G.; Zhang, M.; Kim, D.-J. Preparation and characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/alginate/chitosan composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Mater. Sci. Eng.: C 2015, 54, 20– 25, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.04.03341 and characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/alginate/chitosan composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineeringKim, Hye-Lee; Jung, Gil-Yong; Yoon, Jun-Ho; Han, Jung-Suk; Park, Yoon-Jeong; Kim, Do-Gyoon; Zhang, Miqin; Kim, Dae-JoonMaterials Science & Engineering, C: Materials for Biological Applications (2015), 54 (), 20-25CODEN: MSCEEE; ISSN:0928-4931. (Elsevier B.V.)The aim of this study was to develop chitosan composite scaffolds with high strength and controlled pore structures by homogeneously dispersed nano-sized hydroxyapatite (nano-HAp) powders. In the fabrication of composite scaffolds, nano-HAp powders distributed in an alginate (AG) soln. with a pH higher than 10 were mixed with a chitosan (CS) soln. and then freeze dried. While the HAp content increased up to 70 wt.%, the compressive strength and the elastic modulus of the composite scaffolds significantly increased from 0.27 MPa and 4.42 MPa to 0.68 MPa and 13.35 MPa, resp. Higher content of the HAp also helped develop more differentiation and mineralization of the MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite scaffolds. The uniform pore structure and the excellent mech. properties of the HAp/CS composite scaffolds likely resulted from the use of the AG soln. at pH 10 as a dispersant for the nano-HAp powders.
- 42Liu, Q.; Li, Q.; Xu, S.; Zheng, Q.; Cao, X. Preparation and Properties of 3D Printed Alginate–Chitosan Polyion Complex Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering. Polymers 2018, 10, 664 DOI: 10.3390/polym10060664There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 43Yu, C.-C.; Chang, J.-J.; Lee, Y.-H.; Lin, Y.-C.; Wu, M.-H.; Yang, M.-C.; Chien, C.-T. Electrospun scaffolds composing of alginate, chitosan, collagen and hydroxyapatite for applying in bone tissue engineering. Mater. Lett. 2013, 93, 133– 136, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2012.11.04043 scaffolds composing of alginate, chitosan, collagen and hydroxyapatite for applying in bone tissue engineeringYu, Chia-Cherng; Chang, Jung-Jhih; Lee, Yen-Hsien; Lin, Yu-Cheng; Wu, Meng-Hsiu; Yang, Ming-Chien; Chien, Chiang-TingMaterials Letters (2013), 93 (), 133-136CODEN: MLETDJ; ISSN:0167-577X. (Elsevier B.V.)In this study, a composite scaffold made of alginate (AL), chitosan (ChS), collagen (Col), and hydroxyapatite (HAp) was fabricated by electrospinning techniques. The distribution of each component of composite scaffold was revealed by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) using fluorescent labeling polymers. The morphol. and microstructure of the scaffold was examd. using a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To mimic the stability of these scaffolds in physiol. fluids, the degree of disintegration of collagen from these scaffolds in collagenase soln. was also tested. The results showed that the composite scaffold can greatly reduce the disintegration by 35% for 10 days in collagenase soln. Therefore, this composite is expected to be a potential scaffold for bone tissue engineering applications.
- 44Kolanthai, E.; Sindu, P. A.; Khajuria, D. K.; Veerla, S. C.; Kuppuswamy, D.; Catalani, L. H.; Mahapatra, D. R. Graphene Oxide─A Tool for the Preparation of Chemically Crosslinking Free Alginate–Chitosan–Collagen Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (15), 12441– 12452, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b0069944 oxide-A tool for the preparation of chemically crosslinking free alginate-chitosan-collagen scaffolds for bone tissue engineeringKolanthai, Elayaraja; Sindu, Pugazhendhi Abinaya; Khajuria, Deepak Kumar; Veerla, Sarath Chandra; Kuppuswamy, Dhandapani; Catalani, Luiz Henrique; Mahapatra, D. RoyACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018), 10 (15), 12441-12452CODEN: AAMICK; ISSN:1944-8244. (American Chemical Society)Developing a biodegradable scaffold remains a major challenge in bone tissue engineering. This study was aimed at developing novel alginate-chitosan-collagen (SA-CS-Col)-based composite scaffolds consisting of graphene oxide (GO) to enrich porous structures, elicited by the freeze-drying technique. To characterize porosity, water absorption, and compressive modulus, GO scaffolds (SA-CS-Col-GO) were prepd. with and without Ca2+-mediated crosslinking (chem. crosslinking) and analyzed using Raman, Fourier transform IR (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and SEM techniques. The incorporation of GO into the SA-CS-Col matrix increased both crosslinking d. as indicated by the redn. of cryst. peaks in the XRD patterns and polyelectrolyte ion complex as confirmed by FTIR. GO scaffolds showed increased mech. properties which were further increased for chem. crosslinked scaffolds. All scaffolds exhibited interconnected pores of 10-250 μm range. By increasing the crosslinking d. with Ca2+, a decrease in the porosity/swelling ratio was obsd. Moreover, the SA-CS-Col-GO scaffold with or without chem. crosslinking was more stable as compared to SA-CS or SA-CS-Col scaffolds when placed in aq. soln. To perform in vitro biochem. studies, mouse osteoblast cells were grown on various scaffolds and evaluated for cell proliferation by using MTT assay and mineralization and differentiation by alizarin red S staining. These measurements showed a significant increase for cells attached to the SA-CS-Col-GO scaffold compared to SA-CS or SA-CS-Col composites. However, chem. crosslinking of SA-CS-Col-GO showed no effect on the osteogenic ability of osteoblasts. These studies indicate the potential use of GO to prep. free SA-CS-Col scaffolds with preserved porous structure with elongated Col fibrils and that these composites, which are biocompatible and stable in a biol. medium, could be used for application in engineering bone tissues.
- 45Lee, K. Y.; Mooney, D. J. Alginate: Properties and biomedical applications. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2012, 37 (1), 106– 126, DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2011.06.00345 Properties and biomedical applicationsLee, Kuen Yong; Mooney, David J.Progress in Polymer Science (2012), 37 (1), 106-126CODEN: PRPSB8; ISSN:0079-6700. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. Alginate is a biomaterial that has found numerous applications in biomedical science and engineering due to its favorable properties, including biocompatibility and ease of gelation. Alginate hydrogels were particularly attractive in wound healing, drug delivery, and tissue engineering applications to date, as these gels retain structural similarity to the extracellular matrixes in tissues and can be manipulated to play several crit. roles. This review will provide a comprehensive overview of general properties of alginate and its hydrogels, their biomedical applications, and suggest new perspectives for future studies with these polymers.
- 46Pellá, M. C.; Lima-Tenório, M. K.; Tenório-Neto, E. T.; Guilherme, M. R.; Muniz, E. C.; Rubira, A. F. Chitosan-based hydrogels: From preparation to biomedical applications. Carbohydr. Polym. 2018, 196, 233– 245, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.05.03346 hydrogels: From preparation to biomedical applicationsPella, Michelly C. G.; Lima-Tenorio, Michele K.; Tenorio-Neto, Ernandes T.; Guilherme, Marcos R.; Muniz, Edvani C.; Rubira, Adley F.Carbohydrate Polymers (2018), 196 (), 233-245CODEN: CAPOD8; ISSN:0144-8617. (Elsevier Ltd.)A review. The advances in the field of biomaterials have led to several studies on alternative biocompatible devices and to their development focusing on their properties, benefits, limitations, and utilization of alternative resources. Due to their advantages like biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low cost, polysaccharides have been widely used in the development of hydrogels. Among the polysaccharides studied on hydrogels prepn., chitosan (pure or combined with natural/synthetic polymers) have been widely investigated for use in biomedical field. In view of potential applications of chitosan-based hydrogels, this review focuses on the most recent progress made with respect to prepn., properties, and their salient accomplishments for drug delivery and tissue engineering.
- 47Callahan, L. A. S. Combinatorial Method/High Throughput Strategies for Hydrogel Optimization in Tissue Engineering Applications. Gels 2016, 2 (2), 18 DOI: 10.3390/gels2020018There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 48Day, E. C.; Chittari, S. S.; Bogen, M. P.; Knight, A. S. Navigating the Expansive Landscapes of Soft Materials: A User Guide for High-Throughput Workflows. ACS Polym. Au 2023, 3 (6), 406– 427, DOI: 10.1021/acspolymersau.3c0002548 the Expansive Landscapes of Soft Materials: A User Guide for High-throughput WorkflowsDay, Erin C.; Chittari, Supraja S.; Bogen, Matthew P.; Knight, Abigail S.ACS Polymers Au (2023), 3 (6), 406-427CODEN: APACCD; ISSN:2694-2453. (American Chemical Society)Synthetic polymers are highly customizable with tailored structures and functionality, yet this versatility generates challenges in the design of advanced materials due to the size and complexity of the design space. Thus, exploration and optimization of polymer properties using combinatorial libraries has become increasingly common, which requires careful selection of synthetic strategies, characterization techniques, and rapid processing workflows to obtain fundamental principles from these large data sets. Herein, we provide guidelines for strategic design of macromol. libraries and workflows to efficiently navigate these high-dimensional design spaces. We describe synthetic methods for multiple library sizes and structures as well as characterization methods to rapidly generate data sets, including tools that can be adapted from biol. workflows. We further highlight relevant insights from statistics and machine learning to aid in data featurization, representation, and anal. This perspective acts as a "user guide" for researchers interested in leveraging high-throughput screening toward the design of multifunctional polymers and predictive modeling of structure-property relationships in soft materials.
- 49Yuan, X.; Liu, R.; Zhang, W.; Song, X.; Xu, L.; Zhao, Y.; Shang, L.; Zhang, J. Preparation of carboxylmethylchitosan and alginate blend membrane for diffusion-controlled release of diclofenac diethylamine. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2021, 63, 210– 215, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.05.00849 of carboxylmethylchitosan and alginate blend membrane for diffusion-controlled release of diclofenac diethylamineYuan, Xiaoxue; Liu, Ran; Zhang, Wenchang; Song, Xiaoqiang; Xu, Lei; Zhao, Yan; Shang, Lei; Zhang, JingsongJournal of Materials Science & Technology (Shenyang, China) (2021), 63 (), 210-215CODEN: JSCTEQ; ISSN:1005-0302. (Editorial Board of Journal of Materials Science & Technology)Controlled drug release technol. is becoming a com. sound methodol. of administering pharmaceutical therapies, and it is important to predict and control the release kinetics to fully take advantage of this technol. Carboxylmethylchitosan (CMCS) and alginate (SA) blend membranes were successfully prepd. by soln. casting technique and exposing to acetic acid atm., which induced the protonation of the amino groups of CMCS, and the formation of polyelectrolyte composite hydrogels. By using diclofenac diethylamine as the model drug, the diffusion controlled drug release behaviors of the membranes were studied based on permeation expt., which indicated that the swelling rates of the membranes could be adjusted by simply changing the wt. ratio of CMCS/SA and effectively changed the release rate of the membrane. The study shows that CMCS/SA blend membranes are promising biomaterials used for modulating the permeation behavior and developing advanced drug delivery systems.
- 50Wu, P.; Fang, Y.; Chen, K.; Wu, M.; Zhang, W.; Wang, S.; Liu, D.; Gao, J.; Li, H.; Lv, J.; Zhao, Y. Study of double network hydrogels based on sodium methacrylate alginate and carboxymethyl chitosan. Eur. Polym. J. 2023, 194, 112137 DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2023.112137There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 51Urayama, K.; Takigawa, T.; Masuda, T. Poisson’s ratio of poly(vinyl alcohol) gels. Macromolecules 1993, 26 (12), 3092– 3096, DOI: 10.1021/ma00064a016There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 52Gu, Y.; Zhao, J.; Johnson, J. A. Polymer Networks. In Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications; Wiley-VCH, 2022; pp 1– 52.There is no corresponding record for this reference.
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