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Enhanced Growth of Microalgae and Production of Lipids via Electrostatically Controlled Photosynthesis
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Enhanced Growth of Microalgae and Production of Lipids via Electrostatically Controlled Photosynthesis
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  • Xuyang Shi
    Xuyang Shi
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    More by Xuyang Shi
  • Anup Sam Mathew
    Anup Sam Mathew
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
  • Yan Xu
    Yan Xu
    Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    More by Yan Xu
  • Siu-Tung Yau*
    Siu-Tung Yau
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    Applied Bioengineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    *Email: [email protected]. Phone: (216) 875-9602. Fax: (216) 678-5405.
    More by Siu-Tung Yau
  • Gang Xu
    Gang Xu
    Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    More by Gang Xu
Open PDF

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Cite this: ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 35, 11459–11465
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Published August 22, 2022

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. This publication is licensed under

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 .


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Lipid accumulation in microalgae is a renewable resource for the synthesis of biodiesel. Two microalgae, Spirulina and S. dimorphus, were subjected to the electrostatic conditions imposed by applying a dc voltage to the algal growth mixtures under different light intensities without inducing electrical currents. The electrostatic conditions increased the growth rates of the microalgae well above those due to natural photosynthesis. The enhanced growth was dependent on the magnitude of the applied voltage and the contact area of the algal growth mixture to the electrodes. The voltage also induced the flocculation of the algae on the electrodes. The lipid contents of S. dimorphus were analyzed and found to be increased by the electrostatic effect. The observed enhanced algal growth could be due to accelerated electron transport rates in the cellular processes of photosynthesis. The results presented here indicate that, even with deficient light intensities, the electrostatic method is able to increase the overall production of the microalgae consistently and significantly beyond the algal level caused by natural photosynthesis with the normal light intensity.

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CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 .
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Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society


This article demonstrates a simple and economically viable way to produce lipids from microalgae as a renewable resource for the production of biodiesel, which is a biomass for alternative energy.


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Microalgae are a viable resource for the production of biodiesel. (1,2) Photosynthesis plays a twofold role in the algae-based production of biodiesel. Photosynthesis is the principal process responsible for the reproduction of algae. Microalgae utilize inorganic carbon (CO2) and organic carbon (glucose and acetate) to produce lipids via photosynthesis. (3) Lipids are used to synthesize biodiesel through transesterification. (4) The growth of algae and plants requires sufficient light intensities. Deficient light intensities reduce the rate of photosynthesis causing the growth to slow down but do not affect the respiration process. The compensation point of metabolism occurs when light intensity is reduced so that the rate of photosynthesis is equal to the rate of respiration. (5) One cause of deficient light intensity is global dimming due to atmospheric pollution. (6)
The process of photosynthesis has been elucidated with detailed mechanisms. (7) It is well known that natural photosynthesis is inherently inefficient with an efficiency of 8–10%. (8) Strategies for enhancing photosynthesis have been formulated. Examples of the strategies are (a) increasing the CO2 level around Rubisco to increase the catalytic rate, (9) (b) increasing the electron transport rate in chloroplast, (10) (c) optimizing the antenna size to maximize photosynthetic efficiency, (11) and (d) increasing photosynthetic carbon assimilation in C3 plants. (12) In this study, we describe enhanced growth of two microalgae, namely, Spirulina and S. dimorphus, as a result of subjecting them to electrostatic conditions. Specifically, we show that the algal growth was significantly enhanced when the microalgae were disposed between two electrodes that were polarized by a dc voltage without inducing currents. Our results show that when full-light (FL), the normal light intensity responsible for natural photosynthesis, was used to perform photosynthesis of the microalgae, the application of the voltage caused a growth rate, which was faster than that solely due to FL. Under the half-light (HL) condition, in which light intensity was reduced by 50% below the FL level, the electrostatic effect significantly enhanced algal growth rates so that the algal concentration approached and exceeded the FL level. The lipid contents of S. dimorphus also showed increases above the FL and HL levels as a result of the electrostatic effect in the similar trend as the algal growth.

Experimental Section

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Electrostatic Growth Reactor

The schematic of the electrostatic growth reactor used to perform the enhanced algal growth is shown in Figure 1. The reactor consisted of a 250 mL glass container, which contained an algae growth mixture and an assembly of a pair of electrodes connected to a circuit. An electrode was formed by winding a piece of insulator-coated copper wire around a glass rod. Two wire-wound glass rods were used as a pair of electrodes. The copper wire was coated with a 1 mm thick layer of polyvinyl chloride to provide electrical insulation. Alternatively, an electrode pair that consisted of a piece of carbon cloth and a piece of the insulator-coated wire assembled on and within a rack of wood sticks were used for large quantity growth. The electrode pair was immersed in the growth mixture. The two electrodes were electrically connected to an external dc power supply Vappl and an ammeter A. Applying a dc voltage to the electrodes did not generate a current in the electrode-mixture system as confirmed by the ammeter, which was set at the micro-ampere scale. The dc voltage only polarized the algal mixture. A 15-W fluorescent lamp was used to irradiate light on the glass container and hence to facilitate photosynthesis in the microalgae. The spectrum of the lamp consists of significant wavelength components between 350 and 700 nm. (13) The light intensity of 3000 lumens measured at the surface of the reactor was referred to as the FL intensity. A lux meter was used to measure light intensity. The algal growth mixture was sparged with air through an air pump. Air sparging created circulation of the mixture and allowed continuous supply of ambient CO2 to avoid carbon dioxide limitation in the mixture.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Electrostatic growth reactor used to perform the enhanced growth of microalgae.

Spirulina and S. dimorphus growth mixtures were prepared by inoculating microalgae cells from a culture into 200 mL of growth medium contained in the reactor. Experiments were performed at the room temperature. Optical density (OD) measurements at 600 nm (A600) were used to measure algal concentration. For each measurement, 1 mL of the growth mixture was taken from the reactor and was returned to the reactor after the measurement was completed.

Reagents and Materials

Algal growth mixtures were prepared by mixing live algae with a growth broth. Live Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) was purchased from AlgaeLab ( The growth broth for Spirulina with an optimized metal ionic solution was purchased from Algae Lab. Live S. dimorphous was mixed with Bold’s basal medium (PhytoTech Labs; product no: B1650) and Bold Modified Basal Freshwater Nutrient Solution (Sigma Life Sciences; catalog no: B5282). Distilled water (18.2 MΩ-cm) was used in preparation. The pH of the growth mixture was maintained at 10.18 for Spirulina and 6.4 for S. dimorphous.

Chlorophyll Extraction

Chlorophyll was extracted from Spirulina using the hot ethanol extraction technique. Ethanol (75% v/v) was heated to 80 °C. The algal growth mixture was centrifuged at 872 × g for 15 min. The supernatant was discarded. Then, hot ethanol was added to the centrifuge tube containing the wet algal pellet and then vortexed for 10 min to extract chlorophyll. After vortexing, the mixture was transferred to a hot water bath maintained at 80 °C and left in the bath for 2 h. Then, HCl was added to the mixture to acidify it. The acidification lasted for 90 s. Then, OD (A665) on the mixture was performed.

Lipid Extraction

The S. dimorphous growth mixture was centrifuged to form algal pellets, which were resuspended in distilled water and centrifuged again to remove any remaining soluble salts or unwanted substances. The wet pellets were then dried in an oven at 45–50 °C. The dried pellets were then pulverized manually using a mortar and pestle. This method of powdering algae recovers most of the lipids compared to other methods without cell disruption. (14) Lipids were extracted from the powdered algae using the modified Folch method (15) (see below), which has high efficiency toward glycerolipids.
The powdered S. dimorphous was transferred to a borosilicate glass tube. A volume of 600 μL of methanol/chloroform mixture (2:1 v/v) was added to the tube. Then, 30 μL of lipid standard mix (see below), which contained 25 μM of each lipid standard, was added to the tube. The sample underwent a three-step vortex process separately with HCl, chloroform, and deionized water. The vortexed sample was then centrifuged, which led to phase separation. The lower phase, which contained lipids, was transferred to a borosilicate tube. Chloroform (600 μL) was added to the upper phase, which was then vortexed. Then, the vortexed mixture was centrifuged, leading to phase separation. The lower phase was pipetted out and combined with the lower phase of first extraction. The combined total algal extract was then dried using nitrogen. A mixture of chloroform (300 μL), methanol, and ammonium acetate (30:66.5:3.5) was added to the algal extract, which was then vortexed twice and centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 5 min at 10 °C. Then, 200 μL of this mixture was transferred to aminopropyl cartridge tubes for liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) characterization.

LC–MS/MS Detection

The analysis of lipid contents was performed using an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)–mass spectrometry (MS/MS) system. The UHPLC part (Agilent 1290 infinity UHPLC) was used to separate lipids, and the MS/MS part (Agilent 6540 QTOF mass spectrometer) was used to detect lipids. LC separation was performed on a Waters Acquity BEH C18 column operated in the gradient elution mode. The mass spectrometer was operated in both positive and negative electron spray ionization modes. LC–MS/MS data were acquired by Agilent MassHunter data acquisition software with auto MS/MS acquisition mode.
Six synthetic lipid standards were used for the semiquantitation of lipids. These were (1) 1,2-dipentadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine or [PE 30:0 (15:0/15:0)] (catalog no: 850704), (2) 1,2-dinonadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine or [PC 38:0 (19:0/19:0)] (catalog no: 850367), (3) 1-myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine or [LPE 14:0 (14:0/0:0)] (catalog no: 856735), (4) 1-tridecanoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine or [LPC 13:0 (13:0/0:0)] (catalog No: 855476), which were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., (5) glyceryl triheptadecanoate or [TAG 51:0 (17:0/17:0/17:0)] (Catalog No: T2151), which was obtained from Sigma Aldrich, and (6) dinonadecanoin or [DAG 38:0 (19:0/19:0)] (catalog No: 26981), which was purchased from Larodan Fine Chemicals AB. The standard stock solutions (1000 μM) of PC 38:0 (19:0/19:0), PE 30:0 (15:0/15:0), LPC 13:0 (13:0/0:0), and LPE 14:0 (14:0/0:0) were prepared in chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v) mixture and the standard stock solutions of DAG 38:0 (19:0/19:0) and TAG 51:0 (17:0/17:0/17:0) were prepared in chloroform. The standard stock solutions were stored in glass vials at −20 °C until use.
HPLC-grade chloroform (catalog no: A607SK) and methanol (catalog no: A454) were purchased from Fisher Scientific. HPLC-grade ammonium acetate (catalog no: A2149) was purchased from Spectrum Chemical MFG. Corp. HPLC-grade isopropanol (catalog no: 34863) was purchased form Sigma Aldrich.


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Verification of Photosynthesis

We used the microalga Spirulina as a model microalga to demonstrate the electrostatically enhanced algal growth and its characteristics. The growth of Spirulina under atmospheric pressure in a growth mixture illuminated by 3000 lux, which is the light intensity of natural photosynthesis in algae (16) or FL, was monitored by recording the change in the algal concentration during a period of 5 days. Figure 2 shows the FL growth profile of Spirulina obtained using OD measurements. The profile shows an increasing trend in the algal concentration, indicating growth due to photosynthesis. To confirm that photosynthesis occurred in the growth mixture, the chlorophyll content and the pH of the mixture were also monitored over the same period. The amount of chlorophyll and the pH value are shown by vertical columns at each data point of the profile. Figure 2 shows that the increase in the algal concentration is accompanied by an increase in the chlorophyll content and an increase in pH. Chlorophyll is produced during photosynthesis. Because photosynthesis consumes CO2, that is, carbon fixation, dissolved in the growth mixture, (7) the decreasing acidity is an indication that CO2 was being consumed in the mixture. Together, these results qualitatively indicate the functioning of photosynthesis in the algal mixture.

Figure 2

Figure 2. FL growth profile (FL concentration) of Spirulina and changes in chlorophyll and pH. Volume of the algal growth mixture was 200 mL. Growth took place under the FL condition.

Voltage-Dependent Growth

The electrostatically enhanced growth of microalgae was demonstrated by applying a dc voltage to a Spirulina growth mixture undergoing photosynthesis. Figure 1 shows the electrostatic growth system. A dc voltage Vappl was applied between two insulated electrodes dipped into the growth mixture to polarize the algal mixture. The algal growth was first demonstrated with the HL intensity. This intensity is close to the compensation point of algae. (17) Both the FL growth and the HL growth without applying voltage were used as references to show the effect of the electrostatically induced change in algal growth in the case of deficient light intensity. Figure 3 shows the effect of the applied voltage on the growth of Spirulina. The HL reference profile reflects a slow growth rate. The application of 0.5 V to the algal mixture causes a faster growth rate compared with that of the HL profile. The 1-V profile follows a similar trend as that of the 0.5-V profile albeit at an even faster rate. The 1.3 V profile shows an initial increase in the growth rate, which is similar to that of the previous two profiles. After 24 h, the growth rate slows down so that the algal concentration becomes lower than those indicated by the other two voltage-dependent profiles, and eventually, the concentration falls toward the HL reference. This anomaly is discussed in Discussion.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Voltage-dependent Spirulina growth profiles. Profiles were obtained with four pairs of wire-wound glass-rod electrodes (32 cm2). Each pair of electrodes had an area of 8 cm2 exposed to the growth mixture. Mixture volume was 200 mL. The initial concentration was 0.18 g/L.

Effect of the Electrode Area

We found that the enhanced growth of Spirulina was also dependent on the surface area of the electrodes exposed to the algal growth mixture, as shown in Figure 4. The HL and FL growth profiles of Figure 3 are plotted in Figure 4 as references. Figure 4 shows that, with the voltage kept at 1V, increasing the electrode contact area to the algal mixture from 8 cm2 (one pair of wire-wound glass-rod electrodes) to 32 cm2 (four pairs of wire-wound glass-rod electrodes; see the red profile in Figure 3.) results in progressively increased algal growth toward the FL profile. The results indicate that the growth can be enhanced if more microalgae cells are included in the region between the two electrodes to be subjected to the polarization in the mixture induced by the voltage. This observation demonstrates the scaling up capability of the electrostatic method. Figure 4 shows that increasing the electrode area to 40 cm2 (5 pairs) slows down the growth below those of the 2,4-pair electrode cases. This unexpected decrease is similar to that observed in Figure 3 with further increasing voltage.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Electrode area dependence of Spirulina growth. Increasing the microalga-electrode contact area from 8 to 32 cm2 while keeping the voltage at 1 V results in progressively increased algal growth from the HL profile toward the FL profile. The growth mixture volume was 200 mL. The initial concentration was 0.20 g/L.

Effect of Lower Initial Concentration

It is well known that the initial concentration of organisms in a culture determines the growth pattern. Figure 5 shows the voltage-dependent growth profiles of Spirulina with the initial algal concentration reduced from 0.18 g/L, which is the initial concentration used in Figure 3, to 0.105 g/mL. Compared to the high initial-concentration results shown in Figure 3, the low initial-concentration growth profiles shown in Figure 5 appear to be more susceptible to the applied voltage. With 1 V, the HL concentration increases above the FL concentration after the 100th hour. The entire profile is closer to the FL reference than the corresponding high-initial-concentration profile shown in Figure 3. On the contrary, increasing the voltage to 1.3 V makes the algal concentration fall faster below the FL level compared to the corresponding high initial-concentration profile. The 1.3 V profile falls even below the HL level starting at the 72nd hour. This anomaly will be discussed in the Discussion section in terms of algae flocculation.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Dependence of Spirulina growth on voltage with the initial concentration of 0.105 g/mL. Four pairs of electrodes (32 cm2) were used in 200 mL of the growth mixture.

Voltage-Enhanced Production of Lipids

We have applied the electrostatic method to the growth of S. dimorphus, a microalga that has been found to be a promising feedstock for the production of biodiesel, (18) to demonstrate enhanced production of lipids in microalgae as a result of the enhanced algal growth. Figure 6a shows the growth profiles of S. dimorphus obtained during a period of 6 days under three different conditions: FL, HL, and HL + 1 V. The growth rate reflected in the HL profile is below that indicated by the FL profile. When 1 V is applied to the algal growth mixture under HL, the growth profile shows an upward deviation with an increased slope, indicating a faster rate of growth under the influence of the voltage. The algae concentration reaches the FL concentration at 120 h and 144 h. Figure 6b shows the effect of applying 0.15 V to a growth mixture under FL. The algal concentration shows an upward deviation from the normal FL concentration after the 24th hour. The voltage causes the microalga to enhance its growth as reflected in the increasing slope of the growth profile. At the 100th hour, the concentration is well above that of the normal FL concentration.

Figure 6

Figure 6. S. dimorphus growth profiles. (a) Effect of applying 1 V on HL growth. (b) Effect of applying 0.15 V on FL growth. Results in (a) and (b) were obtained with two separate growth mixtures. The volume of the growth mixture was 200 mL. Carbon-wire electrodes were used.

We have performed LC–MS/MS on the lipids produced by S. dimorphus in order to show that the electrostatically enhanced algal growth also enhanced the production of lipids. Three classes of lipids, namely, phospholipids, glycolipids, and glycerolipids, are used by industry to produce biodiesel using the transesterification process. The most useful lipid is glycerolipid because it is the most abundant in green microalgae. (19)
The three types of lipids collected in the S. dimorphus produced from the three growth processes shown in Figure 6 are shown in Figure 7. The S. dimorphus growth profile of the lipids is similar to that shown in Figure 6a. The conditions used to produce the lipids are HL, HL + 1 V applied, and FL. The contents of phospholipid, glycolipid, glycerolipid, and the total lipid, which is the sum of the three lipids, are shown in Figure 7 a–d, respectively. Figure 7 shows that the applied voltage generally enhances the lipid content under HL during the 144 hour growth period. The HL lipid contents of S. dimorphus under the electrostatic effect shift toward the FL content. In the case of glycerolipids, the HL content under 1 V becomes greater than the FL content during the entire growth period.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Lipid contents of S. dimorphus. (a) Phospholipid, (b) glycolipid, (c) glycerolipid, and (d) total lipid. Lipid contents were measured under the HL, HL with 1 V, and FL conditions during a six-day growth period. S. dimorphus growth profiles of the results are similar to those shown in Figure 6a. The content of each lipid from the collected S. dimorphus was plotted. Lipid weights were measured relative to internal standards.

Glycerolipds are divided into three classes: monoacylglycerols (MAG), diacylglycerols (DAG), and triacylglycerols (TAG). We have identified DAG and TAG in our samples. It should be noted that the concentration of MAG in microalgae is very low. Figure 8 shows the voltage-dependent contents of DAG and TAG from the glycerolipid content of S. dimorphus in Figure 7c. Growth patterns of DAG and TAG are consistent with that of glycerolipids shown in Figure 7c.

Figure 8

Figure 8. Contents of (a) DAG and (b) TAG produced by applying 1 V to the S. dimorphus growth mixture as in Figure 7.


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The study on the enhanced algal growth described here is phenomenological in nature. Although the exact mechanism of the observed electrostatic effect has not been elucidated yet, we discuss this effect from different perspectives in order to provide clues for future studies. The results presented in Figures 36 show the general features of the electrostatic effect on the growth of Spirulina and S. dimorphus: (1) increasing the electrostatic polarization causes faster growth, and (2) too much polarization due to higher voltages or larger algae-electrode contact area decreases growth.

Electron Transfer

The observed electrostatic effect on algal growth can be attributed to increased rate of photosynthesis in the microalgae. The different metabolic pathways in algal cells all involve redox reactions catalyzed by enzymes. We propose that the voltage polarizes ionic charges in algal cells to induce localized electric fields, which lower the tunnel barrier experienced by transferring electrons. Photosynthesis has a light-dependent part and a respiration part, both of which include electron transfer processes . (5) This effect may speed up cellular electron transfer even in the lag phase to enhance metabolic rates to rapidly energize algal cells. We propose that the polarization created by the applied voltage in the algal cells between the electrodes speeds up the electron transfer processes, leading to enhanced growth rates.

Enhanced Photosynthesis

Figures 36 show that, when HL or FL was used to perform photosynthesis of Spirulina, the growth rate could be increased above the normal growth rate in the presence of the electrostatic effect. Although HL, the deficient light intensity, reduced the growth rate below that of FL, the electrostatic polarization might have enhanced electron transport activities in the light-dependent part of photosynthesis, counterbalancing the tendency to slow down the growth. At the same time, the electron transport activities in the light-independent part of photosynthesis were also enhanced, leading to even more enhanced algal growth that have reached or surpassed the FL algae concentration, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
Interestingly, there are anomalies in the light-dependent growth of algae. Photoinhibition is the reduction of the photosynthesis rate of a plant or algae because of an increase in light intensity, which causes damage to PSII. (20) Also, it was found that, for certain algae, increasing light intensity, although enhances the growth of algae, reduces the lipid content. (21) These algae devote more synthesized energy to their reproduction at the expense of producing less lipids. Therefore, lower light intensities favor the accumulation of lipids in these algae. In these cases, the electrostatic effect demonstrated here could be used to maintain algae growth in the case of photoinhibition or enhance lipid production when the synthesized energy is used for algae reproduction.


Figures 3 and 5 show a seemingly detrimental effect of the applied voltage on algal growth. Initially, when the applied voltage is increased from 0.5 to 1 V, the growth profile shows a progressive increase above the HL reference. Above 1 V, the growth profile shows a decrease with increasing voltage. This observation suggests that the electrostatic effect produced by higher voltages reduces the algal concentration in the mixture. Figure 9 provides a visual explanation of this effect. Figure 9a shows the initial growth mixture of Spirulina with a greenish color, reflecting the high algal concentration of 2 g/L. After applying 15 V for 24 h, the mixture became almost clear, as shown in Figure 9b with a concentration 0.04 g/L. Figure 9c shows that Spirulina was adsorbed on the carbon cloth and wire electrodes, which explains the apparent decrease in the algal concentration in the mixture. The majority of the flocculated algae were found on the carbon cloth electrode, which was connected to the positive terminal of the dc power supply. The green color of the flocculated algae suggested that they were alive. This effect explains the decrease of algal concentration in the growth mixture when the voltage is high enough to bring about significant adsorption of microalgae on electrodes. This effect also suggests a convenient method to harvest algae from solutions.

Figure 9

Figure 9. Voltage-induced algal flocculation on electrodes. (a) Initial Spirulina growth mixture at 2 g/L. (b) Algal mixture after applying 15 V for 24 h. The concentration of the mixture was 0.04 g/L. (c) Spirulina adsorbed on the carbon cloth and wire electrodes. Similar adsorption also occurs on the pair of wire electrodes.

The effect of increasing the electrode area while keeping voltage unchanged, as described in Figure 4, is also related to the voltage-induced flocculation. As the electrode area is increased from 8 cm2 through 16 to 32 cm2, the growth also increases at progressive higher rates. When the electrode area is increased to 40 cm2, the growth rate drops significantly. This observation suggests that although increasing electrode area allowed more alga cells to be subjected to the electrostatic effect, the voltage also induced flocculation. When the area was increased to 40 cm2, flocculation made more microalga cells adsorb on the electrodes than reproduced in the mixture. The observed flocculation implies that the concentration of the algae either at the FL or the HL level could be increased well above the FL level by increasing the applied voltage in the absence of the flocculation effect.
The cause of flocculation is not clear. Microalgae in cultural media exist in a suspension form due to the negative charges on their cell surface. A simple and efficient method to harvest microalgae is to introduce cationic flocculants to the algae suspension. (22) Microalgae cells, under the electrostatic effect of the flocculant, migrate to the flocculant to form flocs. The flocculation observed in our work could be caused by voltage-induced polarization of the algae suspension causing cells to migrate to the carbon cloth, where they flocculate.

Lipid Production

Figures 7 and 8 show the contents of different lipids produced by applying 1 V to a S. dimorphus growth mixture. The lipids produced under the HL + 1 V condition are greater than that due to HL only, and, in some cases, the lipid due to HL + 1 V is even higher that that due to FL only. This scenario is consistent with that shown in Figure 7a, which shows the algal concentrations due to the HL + 1 V, HL, and FL conditions. However, the actual amount of the lipids due to HL + 1 V should be higher than that shown in Figures 7 and 8. This is because certain amounts of S. dimorphus became adsorbed on the electrodes and was not included in the lipid extraction process.


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In this work, we show that the application of dc voltages to the growth mixtures of Sprulina and S. dimorphus exposed to different light intensities increases the growth rates of the microalgae above those under the condition of natural photosynthesis alone. Because electrical currents are not induced in the growth system, the observed effect on the microalgae is electrostatic in nature. Our results indicate that the enhanced growth is dependent on the magnitude of the electrostatic effect. Increasing the voltage or the contact area between the growth mixture and the electrodes increases the growth rate. However, the growth rates of the algae in the growth mixture starts to decrease with further increased voltages. We show the occurrence of flocculation of the algae on the electrodes caused by the voltage. With higher voltages, the flocculation appears to be significant and depletes the algal content in the mixture, resulting in the observed decrease in growth rates. The lipid contents in S. dimorphus produced by HL + voltage also follow similar patterns as in algal growth in that they are always greater than the HL contents and, in some cases, greater than the FL contents. The results presented here indicate that, even with deficient light intensity, the electrostatic method is able to increase the overall production of the microalgae consistently beyond the level caused by natural photosynthesis with the normal light intensity (FL without voltage) in the absence of flocculation. A possible mechanism of the electrostatic effect could be that the dc voltage induces polarization in algae cells to accelerate electron transport processes of photosynthesis. The electrostatic method presented here could also work on other microorganisms.

Author Information

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  • Corresponding Author
    • Siu-Tung Yau - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United StatesApplied Bioengineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United StatesOrcid Email: [email protected]
  • Authors
    • Xuyang Shi - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United StatesOrcid
    • Anup Sam Mathew - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    • Yan Xu - Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
    • Gang Xu - Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States
  • Author Contributions

    X.S. and A.S.M. contributed equally to this work.

  • Notes
    The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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We thank Dr. Joanne M. Belovich for providing S. dimorphous. Drs. Xiang Zhou, Ruhan Wei and Aimin Zhou have helped us with LC–MS/MS. Their efforts are deeply appreciated. This work was supported by Cleveland State University.


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    Raines, C. A. Increasing Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation in C3 Plants to Improve Crop Yield: Current and Future Strategies. Plant Physiol. 2011, 155, 3642,  DOI: 10.1104/pp.110.168559
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    Elvidge, C. D. Spectral Identification of Lighting Type and Character. Sensors 2010, 10, 39613988,  DOI: 10.3390/s100403961
  14. 14
    Šoštarič, M. Growth, lipid extraction and thermal degradation of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Nat. Biotechnol. 2012, 29, 325331,  DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2011.12.002
  15. 15
    Folch, J.; Lees, M.; Sloane Stanley, G. H. A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipides from animal tissues. J. Biol. Chem. 1957, 226, 497509,  DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9258(18)64849-5
  16. 16
    Sorokin, C.; Krauss, R. W. The effects of light intensity on the growth rates of green algae. Plant Physiol. 1958, 33, 109113,  DOI: 10.1104/pp.33.2.109
  17. 17
    Vonshak, A., Ed.; Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): Physiology, Cell-biology and Biotechnology; Taylor & Francis: London, 1997.
  18. 18
    Gour, R. S. Characterization and Screening of Native Scenedesmus sp. Isolates Suitable for Biofuel Feedstock. PLoS One 2016, 11, e0155321  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155321
  19. 19
    Degraeve-Guilbault, C. Glycerolipid Characterization and Nutrient Deprivation-Associated Changes in the Green PicoalgaOstreococcus tauri. Plant Physiol. 2017, 173, 20602080,  DOI: 10.1104/pp.16.01467
  20. 20
    Long, S. P.; Humphries, S.; Falkowski, P. G. Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in nature. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 1994, 45, 633662,  DOI: 10.1146/annurev.pp.45.060194.003221
  21. 21
    Cheirsilp, B.; Torpee, S. Enhanced growth and lipid production of microalgae under mixotrophic culture condition: Effect of light intensity, glucose concentration and fed-batch cultivation. Bioresour. Technol. 2012, 110, 510516,  DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.125
  22. 22
    Pugazhendhi, A. A review on chemical mechanism of microalgae flocculation via polymers. Biotechnol. Rep. 2018, 20, e00302  DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2018.e00302

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Cite this: ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 35, 11459–11465
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Published August 22, 2022

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  • Abstract

    Figure 1

    Figure 1. Electrostatic growth reactor used to perform the enhanced growth of microalgae.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. FL growth profile (FL concentration) of Spirulina and changes in chlorophyll and pH. Volume of the algal growth mixture was 200 mL. Growth took place under the FL condition.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. Voltage-dependent Spirulina growth profiles. Profiles were obtained with four pairs of wire-wound glass-rod electrodes (32 cm2). Each pair of electrodes had an area of 8 cm2 exposed to the growth mixture. Mixture volume was 200 mL. The initial concentration was 0.18 g/L.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. Electrode area dependence of Spirulina growth. Increasing the microalga-electrode contact area from 8 to 32 cm2 while keeping the voltage at 1 V results in progressively increased algal growth from the HL profile toward the FL profile. The growth mixture volume was 200 mL. The initial concentration was 0.20 g/L.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. Dependence of Spirulina growth on voltage with the initial concentration of 0.105 g/mL. Four pairs of electrodes (32 cm2) were used in 200 mL of the growth mixture.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6. S. dimorphus growth profiles. (a) Effect of applying 1 V on HL growth. (b) Effect of applying 0.15 V on FL growth. Results in (a) and (b) were obtained with two separate growth mixtures. The volume of the growth mixture was 200 mL. Carbon-wire electrodes were used.

    Figure 7

    Figure 7. Lipid contents of S. dimorphus. (a) Phospholipid, (b) glycolipid, (c) glycerolipid, and (d) total lipid. Lipid contents were measured under the HL, HL with 1 V, and FL conditions during a six-day growth period. S. dimorphus growth profiles of the results are similar to those shown in Figure 6a. The content of each lipid from the collected S. dimorphus was plotted. Lipid weights were measured relative to internal standards.

    Figure 8

    Figure 8. Contents of (a) DAG and (b) TAG produced by applying 1 V to the S. dimorphus growth mixture as in Figure 7.

    Figure 9

    Figure 9. Voltage-induced algal flocculation on electrodes. (a) Initial Spirulina growth mixture at 2 g/L. (b) Algal mixture after applying 15 V for 24 h. The concentration of the mixture was 0.04 g/L. (c) Spirulina adsorbed on the carbon cloth and wire electrodes. Similar adsorption also occurs on the pair of wire electrodes.

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