Modulating Liposome Surface Charge for Maximized ATP Regeneration in Synthetic NanovesiclesClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
- Sabina DeutschmannSabina DeutschmannDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandGraduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Sabina Deutschmann
- Stefan Theodore TäuberStefan Theodore TäuberDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Stefan Theodore Täuber
- Lukas RimleLukas RimleDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandGraduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Lukas Rimle
- Olivier BinerOlivier BinerDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandGraduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Olivier Biner
- Martin SchoriMartin SchoriDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Martin Schori
- Ana-Marija StanicAna-Marija StanicDepartment of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Ana-Marija Stanic
- Christoph von Ballmoos*Christoph von Ballmoos*Email: [email protected]Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Bern, Freiestrasse 3, Bern 3012, SwitzerlandMore by Christoph von Ballmoos
In vitro reconstructed minimal respiratory chains are powerful tools to investigate molecular interactions between the different enzyme components and how they are influenced by their environment. One such system is the coreconstitution of the terminal cytochrome bo3 oxidase and the ATP synthase from Escherichia coli into liposomes, where the ATP synthase activity is driven through a proton motive force (pmf) created by the bo3 oxidase. The proton pumping activity of the bo3 oxidase is initiated using the artificial electron mediator short-chain ubiquinone and electron source DTT. Here, we extend this system and use either complex II or NDH-2 and succinate or NADH, respectively, as electron entry points employing the natural long-chain ubiquinone Q8 or Q10. By testing different lipid compositions, we identify that negatively charged lipids are a prerequisite to allow effective NDH-2 activity. Simultaneously, negatively charged lipids decrease the overall pmf formation and ATP synthesis rates. We find that orientation of the bo3 oxidase in liposomal membranes is governed by electrostatic interactions between enzyme and membrane surface, where positively charged lipids yield the desired bo3 oxidase orientation but hinder reduction of the quinone pool by NDH-2. To overcome this conundrum, we exploit ionizable lipids, which are either neutral or positively charged depending on the pH value. We first coreconstituted bo3 oxidase and ATP synthase into temporarily positively charged liposomes, followed by fusion with negatively charged empty liposomes at low pH. An increase of the pH to physiological values renders these proteoliposomes overall negatively charged, making them compatible with quinone reduction via NDH-2. Using this strategy, we not only succeeded in orienting the bo3 oxidase essentially unidirectionally into liposomes but also found up to 3-fold increased ATP synthesis rates through the usage of natural, long-chain quinones in combination with the substrate NADH compared to the synthetic electron donor/mediator pair.
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Results and Discussion
Three-Component Artificial E. Coli Respiratory Chain
Figure 1
Figure 1. (A) Bottom-up approaches of artificial respiratory chains usingE. coli enzymes. For approach I, FRD, bo3 oxidase, and ATP synthase are coreconstituted into liposomes containing electron mediator ubiquinone Q8. The addition of succinate leads to Q8 reduction by FRD, followed by the reoxidation of Q8H2 and simultaneous proton translocation through bo3 oxidase. The so-generated pmf is used by F1FO-ATP synthase to produce ATP, which in turn is detected via luminescence. In an alternative approach II, Q8 is reduced upon NADH addition by the peripheral membrane protein NDH-2, which can be added to proteoliposomes during measurements. (B) Approach I (black trace)–ATP synthesis was initiated by adding 1 mM succinate and inhibited by 400 μM of FRD inhibitor malonate. Approach II (red trace)-to start ATP synthesis, 300–500 nM NDH-2 and 200 μM NADH were added, and ATP production was monitored. The reaction was stopped by bo3 oxidase inhibitor KCN. (C) Coupled ATP synthesis rate initiated either by NDH-2/NADH or Q1/DTT in DOPC liposomes containing varying amounts of DOPG. For Q1/DTT-induced ATP synthesis, 20 μM Q1 and 4 mM DTT were used to start the reaction, while NDH-2/NADH-induced ATP synthesis was measured, as described in (B). Rates were normalized to 100% DOPC (Q1/DTT induced).
NDH-2 Requires Negatively Charged Lipids for Optimal Activity
Figure 2
Figure 2. (A) Homology model of E. coli peripheral membrane protein NDH-2 (PDB access: 6BDO, from C. thermarum). Amino acids in the N-terminal domain are colored green. The C-terminus is depicted in blue, while the FAD cofactor is highlighted in orange. Interaction of the C-terminal helices to the negatively charged membrane (gray) is indicated. (B) NADH/quinone oxidoreductase activity measurement of NDH-2. Absorption of NADH is monitored at 340 nm. After reaching a baseline of buffer (20 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 200 mM NaCl, 20 mM KCl) containing 100 μM NADH, 1 mg/mL liposomes, and 100 μM Q2, NADH oxidation is initiated by the addition of 5-10 nM NDH-2. (C) Lipid-dependent NDH-2 activity. NADH oxidation activity of NDH-2 was measured in the presence or absence (buffer) of different liposomes (1 mg/mL), as described for (B). To adjust for different specific activities of protein preparations, measurements from different NDH-2 batches have been normalized to activity with ECPE (100%). CL: cardiolipin and ECPE: E. coli polar extract.
Negatively Charged Lipids Favor Undesirable bo3 Oxidase Orientation
Figure 3
Figure 3. (A) Structure of bo3 oxidase (PDB access: 6WTI). Single-cysteine mutants used for orientation determination are depicted in spheres. Cysteines were located at the cytoplasmic side (ID578C or IIIA21C). (B) TCEP-based orientation determination of bo3 oxidase. Site-specifically DY647P1-labeled bo3 oxidase mutants are reconstituted in liposomes. To determine the orientation, fluorescence was monitored, and fluorophores located on the outside of liposomes are quenched in a first step by 14 mM TCEP. Full quench was achieved in a second step after adding 0.05% Triton X-100. To calculate the orientation, the first quench was set in relation to the full quench. Liposomes were composed of either only PC or 6:4 PC/PG. (C) bo3 oxidase orientation in different liposomes. Different liposomes (10 mg/mL) were partially solubilized by 0.4% sodium cholate, and bo3 oxidase was added. After detergent removal by gel filtration, liposomes were pelleted by ultracentrifugation, and orientation was determined via the TCEP-based assay. Liposomes were composed of either 100% PC, or of 60% PC and either 40% PG, 40% PS, or 40% TAP. (D,E) Orientation of bo3 oxidase after reconstitution in the presence or absence of salt. DY647P1-labeled bo3 oxidase-IIIA21C was reconstituted in absence or in the presence of 100 mM/300 mM NaCl either in pure PC liposomes (PC) or in 4:6 PG/PC (PG). Orientation was determined via TCEP-based assay and depicted in bar plots either as a fraction of inside-out orientation (D) or normalized to the orientation in the absence of salt (E). (F) Surface charge distribution of bo3 oxidase with side view (left) and top and bottom view (right), respectively. Positively charged and negatively charged areas are colored in blue and red, respectively (drawn with PyMOL with PDB access 6WTI). (G) Orientation of bo3 oxidase after coreconstitution with ATP synthase into liposomes containing TAP lipids. (H) Relative ATP synthesis rates of proteoliposomes of (G) energized with DTT/Q1.
Ionizable Lipids Allow Temporal Modulation of Liposomal Surface Charge
Figure 4
Figure 4. (A) Strategy to use the ionizable DODAP lipid to temporarily provide a positively charged membrane which becomes negatively charged upon liposome fusion and pH adjustment. Initially neutrally charged liposomes become temporarily positive when applying acidic pH, under which condition also coreconstitution (ATP synthase and bo3 oxidase) is performed. Subsequent lipid mixing with negatively charged liposomes (e.g., 100% PG, brown) and physiological pH renders the liposome membrane overall negative, thus allowing NDH-2 to interact. Headgroups of TAP and ionizable DAP lipids are depicted. (B) Zeta potential measurements of differently charged liposomes. (C) Comparison of ATP synthesis rates between permanently (DOTAP) and transiently (DODAP) positively charged liposomes at different pH values. ATP production was chemically initiated with Q1 and DTT. (D) Normalized ATP synthesis efficiency induced chemically (Q1/DTT) in uncharged (gray), negatively charged (red), permanently positively charged (light blue), or ionizable liposomes (PC/DAP, different reconstitution pH, blue-gray mesh). (E) Normalized ATP synthesis induced by NDH-2/NADH (except first column) using DOPC/DODAP liposomes fused with different negatively charged liposomes (see text for details).
Concluding Remarks
Materials and Methods
Expression and Purification of bo3 Oxidase Wildtype and Mutants
Expression and Purification of ATP Synthase in Buffer S
Purification of ATP Synthase in LMNG
Expression and Purification of NDH-2
Expression and Purification of Fumarate Reductase
Site-Specific Labeling with DY647P1-Maleimide
Liposome Preparation
Reconstitution/Co-Reconstitution of Membrane Proteins
Coupled ATP Synthesis Activity Measurements
NADH Oxidation Measurements with NDH-2
Orientation Determination
Zeta Potential Measurement
Charge-Mediated Fusion with Proteoliposomes
Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Results showing titrations of synthetic respiratory chain components; labeling specificity; impact of coreconstitution on enzyme orientation; influence of positively charged lipids on coupled ATP synthesis; ATP synthesis with varying amounts of bo3 oxidase while having constant ATP synthase; stability measurements; and comparison of Q8 and Q10 as an electron mediator in the presented system (PDF)
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Most electronic Supporting Information files are available without a subscription to ACS Web Editions. Such files may be downloaded by article for research use (if there is a public use license linked to the relevant article, that license may permit other uses). Permission may be obtained from ACS for other uses through requests via the RightsLink permission system:
We thank Dr. Lici A. Schurig-Briccio and Prof. Robert Gennis (University of Illinois, USA) for the kind gift of the NDH-2 plasmid pETNDH-2_N5. We thank Dr. Aymar Ganguin for initial experiments with DODAP liposomes and the group of Prof. Paola Luciani (University of Bern) for help with zeta-potential measurements. Sandra Schär is acknowledged for technical help. We are grateful to Dr. Roman Mahler, Leticia Herran Villalain, and Yannick Bärtschi for purification of bo3 oxidase. Work in the lab of C.v.B. is supported by Uni Bern Forschungsstiftung and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant no. 176154).
This article references 53 other publications.
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- 16Smondyrev, A. M.; Voth, G. A. Molecular dynamics simulation of proton transport near the surface of a phospholipid membrane. Biophys. J. 2002, 82 (3), 1460– 1468, DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(02)75500-8Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Cherepanov, D. A.; Feniouk, B. A.; Junge, W.; Mulkidjanian, A. Y. Low dielectric permittivity of water at the membrane interface: Effect on the energy coupling mechanism in biological membranes. Biophys. J. 2003, 85 (2), 1307– 1316, DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74565-2Google Scholar17 dielectric permittivity of water at the membrane interface: Effect on the energy coupling mechanism in biological membranesCherepanov, Dmitry A.; Feniouk, Boris A.; Junge, Wolfgang; Mulkidjanian, Armen Y.Biophysical Journal (2003), 85 (2), 1307-1316CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Biophysical Society)Protonmotive force (the transmembrane difference in electrochem. potential of protons, ΔμH+) drives ATP synthesis in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. It has remained unsettled whether the entropic (chem.) component of ΔμH+ relates to the difference in the proton activity between two bulk water phases (ΔpHB) or between two membrane surfaces (ΔpHS). To scrutinize whether ΔpHS can deviate from ΔpHB, we modeled the behavior of protons at the membrane/water interface. We made use of the surprisingly low dielec. permittivity of interfacial water as detd. by O.Teschke, G. Ceotto, and E. F. de Souza (O. Teschke, G. Ceotto, and E. F. de Sousa, 2001, Phys. Rev. E. 64:011605). Electrostatic calcns. revealed a potential barrier in the water phase some 0.5-1 nm away from the membrane surface. The barrier was higher for monovalent anions moving toward the surface (0.2-0.3 eV) than for monovalent cations (0.1-0.15 eV). By solving the Smoluchowski equation for protons spreading away from proton "pumps" at the surface, we found that the barrier could cause an elevation of the proton concn. at the interface. Taking typical values for the d. of proton pumps and for their turnover rate, we calcd. that a potential barrier of 0.12 eV yielded a steady-state pHS of ∼6.0; the value of pHS was independent of pH in the bulk water phase under neutral and alk. conditions. These results provide a rationale to solve the long-lasting problem of the seemingly insufficient protonmotive force in mesophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria.
- 18Tunuguntla, R.; Bangar, M.; Kim, K.; Stroeve, P.; Ajo-Franklin, C. M.; Noy, A. Lipid bilayer composition can influence the orientation of proteorhodopsin in artificial membranes. Biophys. J. 2013, 105 (6), 1388– 1396, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.07.043Google Scholar18 Bilayer Composition Can Influence the Orientation of Proteorhodopsin in Artificial MembranesTunuguntla, Ramya; Bangar, Mangesh; Kim, Kyunghoon; Stroeve, Pieter; Ajo-Franklin, Caroline M.; Noy, AleksandrBiophysical Journal (2013), 105 (6), 1388-1396CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Cell Press)Artificial membrane systems allow researchers to study the structure and function of membrane proteins in a matrix that approximates their natural environment and to integrate these proteins in ex vivo devices such as electronic biosensors, thin-film protein arrays, or biofuel cells. Given that most membrane proteins have vectorial functions, both functional studies and applications require effective control over protein orientation within a lipid bilayer. In this work, we explored the role of the bilayer surface charge in detg. transmembrane protein orientation and functionality during formation of proteoliposomes. We reconstituted a model vectorial ion pump, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes of opposite charges and varying charge densities and detd. the resultant protein orientation. Antibody-binding assay and proteolysis of proteoliposomes showed phys. evidence of preferential orientation, and functional assays verified the vectorial nature of ion transport in this system. Our results indicate that the manipulation of lipid compn. can indeed control orientation of an asym. charged membrane protein, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes.
- 19Vitrac, H.; Bogdanov, M.; Dowhan, W. In vitro reconstitution of lipid-dependent dual topology and postassembly topological switching of a membrane protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2013, 110 (23), 9338– 9343, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1304375110Google Scholar19 vitro reconstitution of lipid-dependent dual topology and postassembly topological switching of a membrane proteinVitrac, Heidi; Bogdanov, Mikhail; Dowhan, WilliamProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013), 110 (23), 9338-9343, S9338/1-S9338/9CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Phospholipids could exert their effect on membrane protein topol. either directly by interacting with topogenic signals of newly inserted proteins or indirectly by influencing the protein assembly machinery. In vivo lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli displays a mixt. of topol. conformations ranging from complete inversion of the N-terminal helical bundle to mixed topol. and then to completely native topol. as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is increased from 0% to 70% of membrane phospholipids. These topol. conformers are interconvertible by postassembly synthesis or diln. of PE in vivo. To investigate whether coexistence of multiple topol. conformers is dependent solely on the membrane lipid compn., we detd. the topol. organization of LacY in an in vitro proteoliposome system in which lipid compn. can be systematically controlled before (liposomes) and after (fliposomes) reconstitution using a lipid exchange technique. Purified LacY reconstituted into preformed liposomes of increasing PE content displayed inverted topol. at low PE and then a mixt. of inverted and proper topologies with the latter increasing with increasing PE until all LacY adopted its native topol. Interconversion between topol. conformers of LacY was obsd. in a PE dose-dependent manner by either increasing or decreasing PE levels in proteoliposomes postreconstitution of LacY, clearly demonstrating that membrane protein topol. can be changed simply by changing membrane lipid compn. independent of other cellular factors. The results provide a thermodn.-based lipid-dependent model for shifting the equil. between different conformational states of a membrane protein.
- 20Amati, A. M.; Graf, S.; Deutschmann, S.; Dolder, N.; von Ballmoos, C. Current problems and future avenues in proteoliposome research. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 2020, 48 (4), 1473– 1492, DOI: 10.1042/BST20190966Google Scholar20 problems and future avenues in proteoliposome researchAmati, Andrea Marco; Graf, Simone; Deutschmann, Sabina; Dolder, Nicolas; von Ballmoos, ChristophBiochemical Society Transactions (2020), 48 (4), 1473-1492CODEN: BCSTB5; ISSN:0300-5127. (Portland Press Ltd.)A review. Membrane proteins (MPs) are the gatekeepers between different biol. compartments sepd. by lipid bilayers. Being receptors, channels, transporters, or primary pumps, they fulfill a wide variety of cellular functions and their importance is reflected in the increasing no. of drugs that target MPs. Functional studies of MPs within a native cellular context, however, is difficult due to the innate complexity of the densely packed membranes. Over the past decades, detergent-based extn. and purifn. of MPs and their reconstitution into lipid mimetic systems has been a very powerful tool to simplify the exptl. system. In this review, we focus on proteoliposomes that have become an indispensable exptl. system for enzymes with a vectorial function, including many of the here described energy transducing MPs. We first address long standing questions on the difficulty of successful reconstitution and controlled orientation of MPs into liposomes. A special emphasis is given on coreconstitution of several MPs into the same bilayer. Second, we discuss recent progress in the development of fluorescent dyes that offer sensitive detection with high temporal resoln. Finally, we briefly cover the use of giant unilamellar vesicles for the investigation of complex enzymic cascades, a very promising exptl. tool considering our increasing knowledge of the interplay of different cellular components.
- 21Deutschmann, S.; Rimle, L.; von Ballmoos, C. Rapid Estimation of Membrane Protein Orientation in Liposomes. ChemBioChem 2021, 23, 202100543, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202100543Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Has, C.; Sunthar, P. A comprehensive review on recent preparation techniques of liposomes. J. Liposome Res. 2020, 30 (4), 336, DOI: 10.1080/08982104.2019.1668010Google Scholar22 comprehensive review on recent preparation techniques of liposomesHas, C.; Sunthar, P.Journal of Liposome Research (2020), 30 (4), 336-365CODEN: JLREE7; ISSN:0898-2104. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review Liposomes (or lipid vesicles) are a versatile platform as carriers for the delivery of the drugs and other macromols. into human and animal bodies. Though the method of using liposomes has been known since 1960s, and major developments and commercialization of liposomal formulations took place in the late nineties (or early part of this century), newer methods of liposome synthesis and drug encapsulation continue to be an active area of research. With the developments in related fields, such as electrohydrodynamics and microfluidics, and a growing understanding of the mechanisms of lipid assembly from colloidal and intermol. forces, liposome prepn. techniques have been enriched and more predictable than before. This has led to better methods that can also scale at an industrial prodn. level. In this review, we present several novel methods that were introduced over the last decade and compare their advantages over conventional methods. Researchers beginning to explore liposomal formulations will find this resource useful to give an overall direction for an appropriate choice of method. Where possible, we have also provided the known mechanisms behind the prepn. methods.
- 23Rigaud, J. L.; Pitard, B.; Levy, D. Reconstitution of membrane proteins into liposomes: application to energy-transducing membrane proteins. BBA - Bioenerg. 1995, 1231 (3), 223– 246, DOI: 10.1016/0005-2728(95)00091-VGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Nordlund, G.; Brzezinski, P.; Von Ballmoos, C. SNARE-fusion mediated insertion of membrane proteins into native and artificial membranes. Nat. Commun. 2014, 5 (1), 4303– 4308, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5303Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 25Björklöf, K.; Zickermann, V.; Finel, M. Purification of the 45 kDa, membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli (NDH-2) and analysis of its interaction with ubiquinone analogues. FEBS Lett. 2000, 467 (1), 105– 110, DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(00)01130-3Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Léger, C.; Heffron, K.; Pershad, H. R.; Maklashina, E.; Luna-Chavez, C.; Cecchini, G.; Ackrell, B. A. C.; Armstrong, F. A. Enzyme electrokinetics: Energetics of succinate oxidation by fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase. Biochemistry 2001, 40 (37), 11234– 11245, DOI: 10.1021/bi010889bGoogle Scholar26 electrokinetics: Energetics of succinate oxidation by fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenaseLeger, Christophe; Heffron, Kerensa; Pershad, Harsh R.; Maklashina, Elena; Luna-Chavez, Cesar; Cecchini, Gary; Ackrell, Brian A. C.; Armstrong, Fraser A.Biochemistry (2001), 40 (37), 11234-11245CODEN: BICHAW; ISSN:0006-2960. (American Chemical Society)Protein film voltammetry is used to probe the energetics of electron transfer and substrate binding at the active site of a respiratory flavoenzyme--the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase (FrdAB). The activity as a function of the electrochem. driving force is revealed in catalytic voltammograms, the shapes of which are interpreted using a Michaelis-Menten model that incorporates the potential dimension. Voltammetric expts. carried out at room temp. under turnover conditions reveal the redn. potentials of the FAD, the stability of the semiquinone, relevant protonation states, and pH-dependent succinate-enzyme binding consts. for all three redox states of the FAD. Fast-scan expts. in the presence of substrate confirm the value of the two-electron redn. potential of the FAD and show that product release is not rate limiting. The sequence of binding and protonation events over the whole catalytic cycle is deduced. Importantly, comparisons are made with the electrocatalytic properties of SDH, the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain of mitochondrial complex II.
- 27Schmid, R.; Gerloff, D. L. Functional properties of the alternative NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from E. coli through comparative 3-D modelling. FEBS Lett. 2004, 578 (1–2), 163– 168, DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2004.10.093Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Heikal, A.; Nakatani, Y.; Dunn, E.; Weimar, M. R.; Day, C. L.; Baker, E. N.; Lott, J. S.; Sazanov, L. A.; Cook, G. M. Structure of the bacterial type II NADH dehydrogenase: A monotopic membrane protein with an essential role in energy generation. Mol. Microbiol. 2014, 91 (5), 950– 964, DOI: 10.1111/mmi.12507Google Scholar28 of the bacterial type II NADH dehydrogenase: a monotopic membrane protein with an essential role in energy generationHeikal, Adam; Nakatani, Yoshio; Dunn, Elyse; Weimar, Marion R.; Day, Catherine L.; Baker, Edward N.; Lott, J. Shaun; Sazanov, Leonid A.; Cook, Gregory M.Molecular Microbiology (2014), 91 (5), 950-964CODEN: MOMIEE; ISSN:0950-382X. (Wiley-Blackwell)Non-proton pumping type II NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-2) plays a central role in the respiratory metab. of bacteria, and in the mitochondria of fungi, plants and protists. The lack of NDH-2 in mammalian mitochondria and its essentiality in important bacterial pathogens suggests these enzymes may represent a potential new drug target to combat microbial pathogens. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a bacterial NDH-2 enzyme at 2.5 Å resoln. from Caldalkalibacillus thermarum. The NDH-2 structure reveals a homodimeric organization that has a unique dimer interface. NDH-2 is localized to the cytoplasmic membrane by two sepd. C-terminal membrane-anchoring regions that are essential for membrane localization and FAD binding, but not NDH-2 dimerization. Comparison of bacterial NDH-2 with the yeast NADH dehydrogenase (Ndi1) structure revealed non-overlapping binding sites for quinone and NADH in the bacterial enzyme. The bacterial NDH-2 structure establishes a framework for the structure-based design of small-mol. inhibitors.
- 29Blaza, J. N.; Bridges, H. R.; Aragão, D.; Dunn, E. A.; Heikal, A.; Cook, G. M. The mechanism of catalysis by type-II NADH:quinone oxidoreductases. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 1– 11Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Wiedenmann, A.; Dimroth, P.; von Ballmoos, C. Δψ and ΔpH are equivalent driving forces for proton transport through isolated F0 complexes of ATP synthases. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2008, 1777 (10), 1301– 1310, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2008.06.008Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Toth, A.; Meyrat, A.; Stoldt, S.; Santiago, R.; Wenzel, D.; Jakobs, S.; von Ballmoos, C.; Ott, M. Kinetic coupling of the respiratory chain with ATP synthase, but not proton gradients, drives ATP production in cristae membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2020, 117 (5), 2412– 2421, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917968117Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Berg, J.; Block, S.; Höök, F.; Brzezinski, P. Single Proteoliposomes with E. coli Quinol Oxidase: Proton Pumping without Transmembrane Leaks. Isr. J. Chem. 2017, 57 (5), 437– 445, DOI: 10.1002/ijch.201600138Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 33Amati, A. M.; Moning, S. U.; Javor, S.; Schär, S.; Deutschmann, S.; Reymond, J. L.; von Ballmoos, C. Overcoming Protein Orientation Mismatch Enables Efficient Nanoscale Light-Driven ATP Production. ACS Synth. Biol. 2024, 13 (4), 1355– 1364, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.4c00058Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Ishmukhametov, R. R.; Russell, A. N.; Berry, R. M. A modular platform for one-step assembly of multi-component membrane systems by fusion of charged proteoliposomes. Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, 13025– 13110, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13025Google Scholar34 modular platform for one-step assembly of multi-component membrane systems by fusion of charged proteoliposomesIshmukhametov, Robert R.; Russell, Aidan N.; Berry, Richard M.Nature Communications (2016), 7 (), 13025CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Publishing Group)An important goal in synthetic biol. is the assembly of biomimetic cell-like structures, which combine multiple biol. components in synthetic lipid vesicles. A key limiting assembly step is the incorporation of membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer of the vesicles. Here we present a simple method for delivery of membrane proteins into a lipid bilayer within 5 min. Fusogenic proteoliposomes, contg. charged lipids and membrane proteins, fuse with oppositely charged bilayers, with no requirement for detergent or fusion-promoting proteins, and deliver large, fragile membrane protein complexes into the target bilayers. We demonstrate the feasibility of our method by assembling a minimal electron transport chain capable of ATP (ATP) synthesis, combining Escherichia coli F1Fo ATP-synthase and the primary proton pump bo3-oxidase, into synthetic lipid vesicles with sizes ranging from 100 nm to ∼10μm. This provides a platform for the combination of multiple sets of membrane protein complexes into cell-like artificial structures.
- 35Ritzmann, N.; Thoma, J.; Hirschi, S.; Kalbermatter, D.; Fotiadis, D.; Müller, D. J. Fusion Domains Guide the Oriented Insertion of Light-Driven Proton Pumps into Liposomes. Biophys. J. 2017, 113 (6), 1181– 1186, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.06.022Google Scholar35 domains guide the oriented insertion of light-driven proton pumps into liposomesRitzmann, Noah; Thoma, Johannes; Hirschi, Stephan; Kalbermatter, David; Fotiadis, Dimitrios; Muller, Daniel J.Biophysical Journal (2017), 113 (6), 1181-1186CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Cell Press)One major objective of synthetic biol. is the bottom-up assembly of minimalistic nanocells consisting of lipid or polymer vesicles as architectural scaffolds and of membrane and sol. proteins as functional elements. However, there is no reliable method to orient membrane proteins reconstituted into vesicles. Here, we introduce a simple approach to orient the insertion of the light-driven proton pump proteorhodopsin (PR) into liposomes. To this end, we engineered red or green fluorescent proteins to the N- or C-terminus of PR, resp. The fluorescent proteins optically identified the PR constructs and guided the insertion of PR into liposomes with the unoccupied terminal end facing inward. Using the PR constructs, we generated proton gradients across the vesicle membrane along predefined directions such as are required to power (bio)chem. processes in nanocells. This approach may be adapted to direct the insertion of other membrane proteins into vesicles.
- 36Biner, O.; Schick, T.; Ganguin, A. A.; Von Ballmoos, C. Towards a synthetic mitochondrion. Chimia (Aarau). 2018, 72 (5), 291– 296, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2018.291Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Bailey, A. L.; Cullis, P. R. Modulation of Membrane Fusion by Asymmetric Transbilayer Distributions of Amino Lipids. Biochemistry 1994, 33 (42), 12573– 12580, DOI: 10.1021/bi00208a007Google Scholar37 of Membrane Fusion by Asymmetric Transbilayer Distributions of Amino LipidsBailey, Austin L.; Cullis, Pieter R.Biochemistry (1994), 33 (42), 12573-80CODEN: BICHAW; ISSN:0006-2960.The fusion of model lipid bilayers contg. synthetic amino lipids and the regulation of this fusion by inducing transbilayer asymmetry of these amino lipids via imposed pH gradients are demonstrated. Liposomes of 100 nm diam. consisting of 5 mol % 1,2-dioleoyl-3-(N,N-dimethylamino)propane (AL1) in a mixt. of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC), dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine(DOPE), and cholesterol in a ratio of 35:20:45 do not fuse at pH 4.0. Fusion also is not obsd. upon increasing the external pH of these vesicles to 7.5, which results in the rapid transport of AL1 to the inner monolayer, as measured by a fluorescent probe sensitive to surface charge. However, dissipation of the imposed pH gradient leads to redistribution of AL1 to the outer monolayer at pH 7.5 and causes liposomal fusion, as detected by fluorescent lipid-mixing assay and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The effect of varying the hydrocarbon structure of AL1 on the rate of fusion is demonstrated with five synthetic analogs, AL2-AL6. Higher rates of fusion occur with lipids contg. longer unsatd. acyl chains and with lower values of pKa for the membrane-bound amino lipids. Fusion is also assocd. with destabilization of the bilayer at pH 7.5, as indicated by the formation of the hexagonal HII phase.
- 38Galkin, M. A.; Russell, A. N.; Vik, S. B.; Berry, R. M.; Ishmukhametov, R. R. Detergent-free ultrafast reconstitution of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers using fusogenic complementary-charged proteoliposomes. J. Vis Exp 2018, 2018 (134), 1– 13, DOI: 10.3791/56909Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 39Fischer, S.; Etzold, C.; Turina, P.; Deckers-Hebestreit, G.; Altendorf, K.; Gräber, P. ATP Synthesis Catalyzed by the ATP Synthase of Escherichia coli Reconstituted into Liposomes. Eur. J. Biochem. 1994, 225 (1), 167– 172, DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1994.00167.xGoogle ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 40Paradies, G.; Paradies, V.; De Benedictis, V.; Ruggiero, F. M.; Petrosillo, G. Functional role of cardiolipin in mitochondrial bioenergetics. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2014, 1837 (4), 408– 417, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2013.10.006Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 41Duzgunes, N.; Goldstein, J. A.; Friend, D. S.; Felgner, P. L. Fusion of Liposomes Containing a Novel Cationic Lipid, N-[2,3-(Dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium: Induction by Multivalent Anions and Asymmetric Fusion with Acidic Phospholipid Vesicles. Biochemistry 1989, 28 (23), 9179– 9184, DOI: 10.1021/bi00449a033Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Bailoni, E.; Poolman, B. ATP Recycling Fuels Sustainable Glycerol 3-Phosphate Formation in Synthetic Cells Fed by Dynamic Dialysis. ACS Synth. Biol. 2022, 11 (7), 2348– 2360, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c00075Google Scholar42 Recycling Fuels Sustainable Glycerol 3-Phosphate Formation in Synthetic Cells Fed by Dynamic DialysisBailoni, Eleonora; Poolman, BertACS Synthetic Biology (2022), 11 (7), 2348-2360CODEN: ASBCD6; ISSN:2161-5063. (American Chemical Society)The bottom-up construction of an autonomously growing, self-reproducing cell represents a great challenge for synthetic biol. Synthetic cellular systems are envisioned as out-of-equil. enzymic networks encompassed by a selectively open phospholipid bilayer allowing for protein-mediated communication; internal metabolite recycling is another key aspect of a sustainable metab. Importantly, gaining tight control over the external medium is essential to avoid thermodn. equil. due to nutrient depletion or waste buildup in a closed compartment (e.g., a test tube). Implementing a sustainable strategy for phospholipid biosynthesis is key to expanding the cellular boundaries. However, phospholipid biosynthesis is currently limited by substrate availability, e.g., of glycerol 3-phosphate, the essential core of phospholipid headgroups. Here, we reconstitute an enzymic network for sustainable glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis inside large unilamellar vesicles. We exploit the Escherichia coli glycerol kinase GlpK to synthesize glycerol 3-phosphate from externally supplied glycerol. We fuel phospholipid headgroup formation by sustainable L-arginine breakdown. In addn., we design and characterize a dynamic dialysis setup optimized for synthetic cells, which is used to control the external medium compn. and to achieve sustainable glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis.
- 43Abramson, J.; Riistama, S.; Larsson, G.; Jasaitis, A.; Svensson-ek, M.; Laakkonen, L. The structure of the ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli and its ubiquinone binding site. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2000, 7 (10), 910– 917, DOI: 10.1038/82824Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 44Gao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Hakke, S.; Mohren, R.; Sijbers, L. J. P. M.; Peters, P. J.; Ravelli, R. B. Cryo-EM structure of cytochrome bo3 quinol oxidase assembled in peptidiscs reveals an “open” conformation for potential ubiquinone-8 release. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2024, 1865 (3), 149045, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2024.149045Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 45Li, J.; Han, L.; Vallese, F.; Ding, Z.; Choi, S. K.; Hong, S.; Luo, Y.; Liu, B.; Chan, C. K.; Tajkhorshid, E. Cryo-EM structures of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo 3 reveal bound phospholipids and ubiquinone-8 in a dynamic substrate binding site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2021, 118 (34), e2106750118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2106750118Google Scholar45 structures of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo3 reveal bound phospholipids and ubiquinone-8 in a dynamic substrate binding siteLi, Jiao; Han, Long; Vallese, Francesca; Ding, Ziqiao; Choi, Sylvia K.; Hong, Sangjin; Luo, Yanmei; Liu, Bin; Chan, Chun Kit; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Zhu, Jiapeng; Clarke, Oliver; Zhang, Kai; Gennis, RobertProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2021), 118 (34), e2106750118CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Two independent structures of the proton-pumping, respiratory cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase (cyt bo3) have been detd. by cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) in styrene-maleic acid (SMA) copolymer nanodiscs and in membrane scaffold protein (MSP) nanodiscs to 2.55- and 2.19-Å resoln., resp. The structures include the metal redox centers (heme b, heme o3, and CuB), the redox-active cross-linked histidine-tyrosine cofactor, and the internal water mols. in the proton-conducting D channel. Each structure also contains one equiv. of ubiquinone-8 (UQ8) in the substrate binding site as well as several phospholipid mols. The isoprene side chain of UQ8 is clamped within a hydrophobic groove in subunit I by transmembrane helix TM0, which is only present in quinol oxidases and not in the closely related cytochrome c oxidases. Both structures show carbonyl O1 of the UQ8 headgroup hydrogen bonded to D75I and R71I. In both structures, residue H98I occupies two conformations. In conformation 1, H98I forms a hydrogen bond with carbonyl O4 of the UQ8 headgroup, but in conformation 2, the imidazole side chain of H98I has flipped to form a hydrogen bond with E14I at the N-terminal end of TM0. We propose that H98I dynamics facilitate proton transfer from ubiquinol to the periplasmic aq. phase during oxidn. of the substrate. Computational studies show that TM0 creates a channel, allowing access of water to the ubiquinol headgroup and to H98I.
- 46von Heijne, G. Control of topology and mode ofassembly of a polytopicmembrane protein bypositively charged residues. Nature 1989, 341 (6241), 456– 458, DOI: 10.1038/341456a0Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 47von Heijne, G.; Gavel, Y. Topogenic signals in integral membrane proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 1988, 174 (4), 671– 678, DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1988.tb14150.xGoogle Scholar47 signals in integral membrane proteinsVon Heijne, Gunnar; Gavel, YlvaEuropean Journal of Biochemistry (1988), 174 (4), 671-8CODEN: EJBCAI; ISSN:0014-2956.Integral membrane proteins are characterized by long apolar segments that cross the lipid bilayer. Polar domains flanking these apolar segments have a more balanced amino acid compn., typical for sol. proteins. It is shown that the apolar segments from 3 different kinds of membrane-assembly signals do not differ significantly in amino acid content, but that the inside/outside location of the polar domains correlates strongly with their content of arginyl and lysyl residues, not only for bacterial inner-membrane proteins, but also for eukaryotic proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, the plasma membrane, the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. A pos.-inside rule thus seems to apply universally to all integral membrane proteins, with apolar regions targeting for membrane integration and charged residues providing the topol. information.
- 48Von Heijne, G. Membrane-protein topology. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 2006, 7 (12), 909– 918, DOI: 10.1038/nrm2063Google Scholar48 topologyvon Heijne, GunnarNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2006), 7 (12), 909-918CODEN: NRMCBP; ISSN:1471-0072. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. In the world of membrane proteins, topol. defines an important halfway house between the amino-acid sequence and the fully folded three-dimensional structure. Although the concept of membrane-protein topol. dates back at least 30 years, recent advances in the field of translocon-mediated membrane-protein assembly, proteome-wide studies of membrane-protein topol. and an exponentially growing no. of high-resoln. membrane-protein structures have given us a deeper understanding of how topol. is detd. and of how it evolves.
- 49Veit, S.; Paweletz, L. C.; Bohr, S. S. R.; Menon, A. K.; Hatzakis, N. S.; Pomorski, T. G. Single Vesicle Fluorescence-Bleaching Assay for Multi-Parameter Analysis of Proteoliposomes by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (26), 29659– 29667, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c07454Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 50Rumbley, J. N.; Nickels, E. F.; Gennis, R. B. One-step purification of histidine-tagged cytochrome bo3 from Escherichia coli and demonstration that associated quinone is not required for the structural integrity of the oxidase. Biochim Biophys Acta - Protein Struct Mol. Enzymol. 1997, 1340 (1), 131– 142, DOI: 10.1016/s0167-4838(97)00036-8Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 51Yap, L. L.; Samoilova, R. I.; Gennis, R. B.; Dikanov, S. A. Characterization of mutants that change the hydrogen bonding of the semiquinone radical at the QH site of the cytochrome bo3 from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282 (12), 8777– 8785, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m611595200Google ScholarThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 52Warren, G. B.; Toon, P. A.; Birdsall, N. J. M.; Lee, A. G.; Metcalfe, J. C. Reconstitution of a calcium pump using defined membrane components. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1974, 71 (3), 622– 626, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.71.3.622Google Scholar52 of a calcium pump using defined membrane componentsWarren, G. B.; Toon, Penelope A.; Birdsall, N. J. M.; Lee, A. G.; Metcalfe, J. C.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1974), 71 (3), 622-6CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424.A (Mg2+ + Ca2+ [7440-70-2])-dependent ATPase [9000-83-3] was purified using a single-step centrifugation procedure. The prepn. was >95% pure by wt. and contained only 25-30% of the lipid assocd. with the enzyme in native sarcoplasmic reticulum. The purified enzyme was unable to accumulate Ca2+. Using a sedimentation-substitution technique, >98% of the lipid assocd. with the purified enzyme would be replaced by dioleoyl lecithin [68737-67-7] without grossly affecting the ATPase activity of the enzyme. The Ca2+ pump could be restored to this dioleoyl lecithin-substituted enzyme by addn. of excess sarcoplasmic reticulum lipids in the presence of cholate. Removal of the cholate by dialysis generated a system which accumulated Ca2+ at a rate and to a level comparable to native sarcoplasmic reticulum. Significant reconstitution of the Ca2+ pump was also achieved using excess dioleoyl lecithin, but since the full expression of the capacity to accumulate Ca2+ required the presence of oxalate, these vesicles would appear to be more leaky than those reconstituted with an excess of sarcoplasmic reticulum lipids. Of ∼90 lipid mols. which are assocd. with 1 mol. of ATPase in native sarcoplasmic reticulum, an av. of <1 lipid mol. remained in these reconstituted systems. Thus, a fully functional Ca2+ pump contg. essentially a single protein and exogenous lipid has been achieved.
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Figure 1
Figure 1. (A) Bottom-up approaches of artificial respiratory chains usingE. coli enzymes. For approach I, FRD, bo3 oxidase, and ATP synthase are coreconstituted into liposomes containing electron mediator ubiquinone Q8. The addition of succinate leads to Q8 reduction by FRD, followed by the reoxidation of Q8H2 and simultaneous proton translocation through bo3 oxidase. The so-generated pmf is used by F1FO-ATP synthase to produce ATP, which in turn is detected via luminescence. In an alternative approach II, Q8 is reduced upon NADH addition by the peripheral membrane protein NDH-2, which can be added to proteoliposomes during measurements. (B) Approach I (black trace)–ATP synthesis was initiated by adding 1 mM succinate and inhibited by 400 μM of FRD inhibitor malonate. Approach II (red trace)-to start ATP synthesis, 300–500 nM NDH-2 and 200 μM NADH were added, and ATP production was monitored. The reaction was stopped by bo3 oxidase inhibitor KCN. (C) Coupled ATP synthesis rate initiated either by NDH-2/NADH or Q1/DTT in DOPC liposomes containing varying amounts of DOPG. For Q1/DTT-induced ATP synthesis, 20 μM Q1 and 4 mM DTT were used to start the reaction, while NDH-2/NADH-induced ATP synthesis was measured, as described in (B). Rates were normalized to 100% DOPC (Q1/DTT induced).
Figure 2
Figure 2. (A) Homology model of E. coli peripheral membrane protein NDH-2 (PDB access: 6BDO, from C. thermarum). Amino acids in the N-terminal domain are colored green. The C-terminus is depicted in blue, while the FAD cofactor is highlighted in orange. Interaction of the C-terminal helices to the negatively charged membrane (gray) is indicated. (B) NADH/quinone oxidoreductase activity measurement of NDH-2. Absorption of NADH is monitored at 340 nm. After reaching a baseline of buffer (20 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 200 mM NaCl, 20 mM KCl) containing 100 μM NADH, 1 mg/mL liposomes, and 100 μM Q2, NADH oxidation is initiated by the addition of 5-10 nM NDH-2. (C) Lipid-dependent NDH-2 activity. NADH oxidation activity of NDH-2 was measured in the presence or absence (buffer) of different liposomes (1 mg/mL), as described for (B). To adjust for different specific activities of protein preparations, measurements from different NDH-2 batches have been normalized to activity with ECPE (100%). CL: cardiolipin and ECPE: E. coli polar extract.
Figure 3
Figure 3. (A) Structure of bo3 oxidase (PDB access: 6WTI). Single-cysteine mutants used for orientation determination are depicted in spheres. Cysteines were located at the cytoplasmic side (ID578C or IIIA21C). (B) TCEP-based orientation determination of bo3 oxidase. Site-specifically DY647P1-labeled bo3 oxidase mutants are reconstituted in liposomes. To determine the orientation, fluorescence was monitored, and fluorophores located on the outside of liposomes are quenched in a first step by 14 mM TCEP. Full quench was achieved in a second step after adding 0.05% Triton X-100. To calculate the orientation, the first quench was set in relation to the full quench. Liposomes were composed of either only PC or 6:4 PC/PG. (C) bo3 oxidase orientation in different liposomes. Different liposomes (10 mg/mL) were partially solubilized by 0.4% sodium cholate, and bo3 oxidase was added. After detergent removal by gel filtration, liposomes were pelleted by ultracentrifugation, and orientation was determined via the TCEP-based assay. Liposomes were composed of either 100% PC, or of 60% PC and either 40% PG, 40% PS, or 40% TAP. (D,E) Orientation of bo3 oxidase after reconstitution in the presence or absence of salt. DY647P1-labeled bo3 oxidase-IIIA21C was reconstituted in absence or in the presence of 100 mM/300 mM NaCl either in pure PC liposomes (PC) or in 4:6 PG/PC (PG). Orientation was determined via TCEP-based assay and depicted in bar plots either as a fraction of inside-out orientation (D) or normalized to the orientation in the absence of salt (E). (F) Surface charge distribution of bo3 oxidase with side view (left) and top and bottom view (right), respectively. Positively charged and negatively charged areas are colored in blue and red, respectively (drawn with PyMOL with PDB access 6WTI). (G) Orientation of bo3 oxidase after coreconstitution with ATP synthase into liposomes containing TAP lipids. (H) Relative ATP synthesis rates of proteoliposomes of (G) energized with DTT/Q1.
Figure 4
Figure 4. (A) Strategy to use the ionizable DODAP lipid to temporarily provide a positively charged membrane which becomes negatively charged upon liposome fusion and pH adjustment. Initially neutrally charged liposomes become temporarily positive when applying acidic pH, under which condition also coreconstitution (ATP synthase and bo3 oxidase) is performed. Subsequent lipid mixing with negatively charged liposomes (e.g., 100% PG, brown) and physiological pH renders the liposome membrane overall negative, thus allowing NDH-2 to interact. Headgroups of TAP and ionizable DAP lipids are depicted. (B) Zeta potential measurements of differently charged liposomes. (C) Comparison of ATP synthesis rates between permanently (DOTAP) and transiently (DODAP) positively charged liposomes at different pH values. ATP production was chemically initiated with Q1 and DTT. (D) Normalized ATP synthesis efficiency induced chemically (Q1/DTT) in uncharged (gray), negatively charged (red), permanently positively charged (light blue), or ionizable liposomes (PC/DAP, different reconstitution pH, blue-gray mesh). (E) Normalized ATP synthesis induced by NDH-2/NADH (except first column) using DOPC/DODAP liposomes fused with different negatively charged liposomes (see text for details).
This article references 53 other publications.
- 1Otrin, L.; Kleineberg, C.; Caire da Silva, L.; Landfester, K.; Ivanov, I.; Wang, M.; Bednarz, C.; Sundmacher, K.; Vidaković-Koch, T. Artificial Organelles for Energy Regeneration. Adv. Biosyst 2019, 3 (6), 1– 12, DOI: 10.1002/adbi.201800323There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 2Von Ballmoos, C.; Biner, O.; Nilsson, T.; Brzezinski, P. Mimicking respiratory phosphorylation using purified enzymes. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2016, 1857 (4), 321, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.12.007There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 3Biner, O.; Fedor, J. G.; Yin, Z.; Hirst, J. Bottom-Up Construction of a Minimal System for Cellular Respiration and Energy Regeneration. ACS Synth. Biol. 2020, 9 (6), 1450– 1459, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.0c001103 Construction of a Minimal System for Cellular Respiration and Energy RegenerationBiner, Olivier; Fedor, Justin G.; Yin, Zhan; Hirst, JudyACS Synthetic Biology (2020), 9 (6), 1450-1459CODEN: ASBCD6; ISSN:2161-5063. (American Chemical Society)ATP, the cellular energy currency, is essential for life. The ability to provide a const. supply of ATP is therefore crucial for the construction of artificial cells in synthetic biol. Here, the authors describe the bottom-up assembly and characterization of a minimal respiratory system that uses NADH as a fuel to produce ATP from ADP and inorg. phosphate, and is thus capable of sustaining both upstream metabolic processes that rely on NAD+, and downstream energy-demanding processes that are powered by ATP hydrolysis. A detergent-mediated approach was used to coreconstitute respiratory mitochondrial complex I and an F-type ATP synthase into nanosized liposomes. Addn. of the alternative oxidase to the resulting proteoliposomes produced a minimal artificial "organelle" that reproduces the energy-converting catalytic reactions of the mitochondrial respiratory chain: NADH oxidn., ubiquinone cycling, oxygen redn., proton pumping, and ATP synthesis. As a proof-of-principle, the authors demonstrate that the nanovesicles are capable of using an NAD+-linked substrate to drive cell-free protein expression. The nanovesicles are both efficient and durable and may be applied to sustain artificial cells in future work.
- 4Pols, T.; Sikkema, H. R.; Gaastra, B. F.; Frallicciardi, J.; Śmigiel, W. M.; Singh, S.; Poolman, B. A synthetic metabolic network for physicochemical homeostasis. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10 (1), 4239, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12287-24 synthetic metabolic network for physicochemical homeostasisPols Tjeerd; Sikkema Hendrik R; Gaastra Bauke F; Frallicciardi Jacopo; Smigiel Wojciech M; Singh Shubham; Poolman BertNature communications (2019), 10 (1), 4239 ISSN:.One of the grand challenges in chemistry is the construction of functional out-of-equilibrium networks, which are typical of living cells. Building such a system from molecular components requires control over the formation and degradation of the interacting chemicals and homeostasis of the internal physical-chemical conditions. The provision and consumption of ATP lies at the heart of this challenge. Here we report the in vitro construction of a pathway in vesicles for sustained ATP production that is maintained away from equilibrium by control of energy dissipation. We maintain a constant level of ATP with varying load on the system. The pathway enables us to control the transmembrane fluxes of osmolytes and to demonstrate basic physicochemical homeostasis. Our work demonstrates metabolic energy conservation and cell volume regulatory mechanisms in a cell-like system at a level of complexity minimally needed for life.
- 5Sikkema, H. R.; Gaastra, B. F.; Pols, T.; Poolman, B. Cell Fuelling and Metabolic Energy Conservation in Synthetic Cells. ChemBioChem 2019, 20 (20), 2581, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.2019003985 Fuelling and Metabolic Energy Conservation in Synthetic CellsSikkema, Hendrik R.; Gaastra, Bauke F.; Pols, Tjeerd; Poolman, BertChemBioChem (2019), 20 (20), 2581-2592CODEN: CBCHFX; ISSN:1439-4227. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA)A review. We are aiming for a blue print for synthesizing (moderately complex) subcellular systems from mol. components and ultimately for constructing life. However, without comprehensive instructions and design principles, we rely on simple reaction routes to operate the essential functions of life. The first forms of synthetic life will not make every building block for polymers de novo according to complex pathways, rather they will be fed with amino acids, fatty acids and nucleotides. Controlled energy supply is crucial for any synthetic cell, no matter how complex. Herein, we describe the simplest pathways for the efficient generation of ATP and electrochem. ion gradients. We have estd. the demand for ATP by polymer synthesis and maintenance processes in small cell-like systems, and we describe circuits to control the need for ATP. We also present fluorescence-based sensors for pH, ionic strength, excluded vol., ATP/ADP, and viscosity, which allow the major physicochem. conditions inside cells to be monitored and tuned.
- 6Nilsson, T.; Lundin, C. R.; Nordlund, G.; Ädelroth, P.; Von Ballmoos, C.; Brzezinski, P. Lipid-mediated Protein-protein Interactions Modulate Respiration-driven ATP Synthesis. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6 (1), 24113– 24211, DOI: 10.1038/srep24113There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 7Biner, O.; Schick, T.; Müller, Y.; von Ballmoos, C. Delivery of membrane proteins into small and giant unilamellar vesicles by charge-mediated fusion. FEBS Lett. 2016, 590, 2051– 2062, DOI: 10.1002/1873-3468.122337 of membrane proteins into small and giant unilamellar vesicles by charge-mediated fusionBiner, Olivier; Schick, Thomas; Mueller, Yannic; von Ballmoos, ChristophFEBS Letters (2016), 590 (14), 2051-2062CODEN: FEBLAL; ISSN:0014-5793. (Wiley-Blackwell)One of the current challenges in synthetic biol. is the prodn. of stable membrane mimetic systems and the insertion of components in these systems. Here, we employ fusion of oppositely charged liposomes to deliver sep. reconstituted membrane proteins into a common lipid bilayer. After a systematic evaluation of different lipid compns. by lipid mixing and size distribution anal., suitable conditions were further investigated for proteoliposome fusion. With this technique, we functionally coreconstituted bo3 oxidase and ATP synthase from Escherichia coli into unilamellar liposomes ranging from 100 nm to 50 μm in size. The presented method is a simple and versatile tool for oriented membrane protein reconstitution to produce biomimetic systems with increased complexity.
- 8Ädelroth, P.; Brzezinski, P. Surface-mediated proton-transfer reactions in membrane-bound proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2004, 1655 (1–3), 102– 115, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2003.10.018There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 9Mulkidjanian, A. Y.; Cherepanov, D. A.; Heberle, J.; Junge, W. Proton transfer dynamics at membrane/water interface and mechanism of biological energy conversion. Biochemistry 2005, 70 (2), 251– 256, DOI: 10.1007/s10541-005-0108-1There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 10Sandén, T.; Salomonsson, L.; Brzezinski, P.; Widengren, J. Surface-coupled proton exchange of a membrane-bound proton acceptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010, 107 (9), 4129– 4134, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.090867110710 proton exchange of a membrane-bound proton acceptorSanden, Tor; Salomonsson, Lina; Brzezinski, Peter; Widengren, JerkerProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2010), 107 (9), 4129-4134, S4129/1-S4129/2CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Proton-transfer reactions across and at the surface of biol. membranes are central for maintaining the transmembrane proton electrochem. gradients involved in cellular energy conversion. In this study, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was used to measure the local protonation and deprotonation rates of single pH-sensitive fluorophores conjugated to liposome membranes, and the dependence of these rates on lipid compn. and ion concn. Measurements of proton exchange rates over a wide proton concn. range, using two different pH-sensitive fluorophores with different pKas, revealed two distinct proton exchange regimes. At high pH (> 8), proton assocn. increases rapidly with increasing proton concns., presumably because the whole membrane acts as a proton-collecting antenna for the fluorophore. In contrast, at low pH (< 7), the increase in the proton assocn. rate is slower and comparable to that of direct protonation of the fluorophore from the bulk soln. In the latter case, the proton exchange rates of the two fluorophores are indistinguishable, indicating that their protonation rates are detd. by the local membrane environment. Measurements on membranes of different surface charge and at different ion concns. made it possible to det. surface potentials, as well as the distance between the surface and the fluorophore. The results from this study define the conditions under which biol. membranes can act as proton-collecting antennae and provide fundamental information on the relation between the membrane surface charge d. and the local proton exchange kinetics.
- 11Serowy, S.; Saparov, S. M.; Antonenko, Y. N.; Kozlovsky, W.; Hagen, V.; Pohl, P. Structural proton diffusion along lipid bilayers. Biophys. J. 2003, 84 (2), 1031– 1037, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-3495(03)74919-4There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 12Agmon, N.; Bakker, H. J.; Campen, R. K.; Henchman, R. H.; Pohl, P.; Roke, S.; Thämer, M.; Hassanali, A. Protons and Hydroxide Ions in Aqueous Systems. Chem. Rev. 2016, 116 (13), 7642– 7672, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b0073612 and Hydroxide Ions in Aqueous SystemsAgmon, Noam; Bakker, Huib J.; Campen, R. Kramer; Henchman, Richard H.; Pohl, Peter; Roke, Sylvie; Thamer, Martin; Hassanali, AliChemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) (2016), 116 (13), 7642-7672CODEN: CHREAY; ISSN:0009-2665. (American Chemical Society)Understanding the structure and dynamics of water's constituent ions, proton and hydroxide, has been a subject of numerous exptl. and theor. studies over the last century. Besides their obvious importance in acid-base chem., these ions play an important role in numerous applications ranging from enzyme catalysis to environmental chem. Despite a long history of research, many fundamental issues regarding their properties continue to be an active area of research. Here, we provide a review of the exptl. and theor. advances made in the last several decades in understanding the structure, dynamics, and transport of the proton and hydroxide ions in different aq. environments, ranging from water clusters to the bulk liq. and its interfaces with hydrophobic surfaces. The propensity of these ions to accumulate at hydrophobic surfaces has been a subject of intense debate, and we highlight the open issues and challenges in this area. Biol. applications reviewed include proton transport along the hydration layer of various membranes and through channel proteins, problems that are at the core of cellular bioenergetics.
- 13Medvedev, E. S.; Stuchebrukhov, A. A. Mechanism of long-range proton translocation along biological membranes. FEBS Lett. 2013, 587 (4), 345– 349, DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2012.12.01013 of long-range proton translocation along biological membranesMedvedev, Emile S.; Stuchebrukhov, Alexei A.FEBS Letters (2013), 587 (4), 345-349CODEN: FEBLAL; ISSN:0014-5793. (Elsevier B.V.)Recent expts. suggest that protons can travel along biol. membranes up to tens of micrometers, but the mechanism of transport is unknown. To explain such a long-range proton translocation we describe a model that takes into account the coupled bulk diffusion that accompanies the migration of protons on the surface. We show that protons diffusing at or near the surface before equilibrating with the bulk desorb and re-adsorb at the surface thousands of times, giving rise to a power-law desorption kinetics. As a result, the decay of the surface protons occurs very slowly, allowing for establishing local gradient and local exchange, as was envisioned in the early local models of biol. energy transduction.
- 14Mulkidjanian, A. Y.; Heberle, J.; Cherepanov, D. A. Protons @ interfaces: Implications for biological energy conversion. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2006, 1757 (8), 913– 930, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2006.02.01514 @ interfaces: Implications for biological energy conversionMulkidjanian, Armen Y.; Heberle, Joachim; Cherepanov, Dmitry A.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Bioenergetics (2006), 1757 (8), 913-930CODEN: BBBEB4; ISSN:0005-2728. (Elsevier B.V.)A review. The authors' focus is on the anisotropy of proton transfer at the surface of biol. membranes. The authors consider (1) the data from "pulsed" expts., where light-triggered enzymes capture or eject protons at the membrane surface; (2) the electrostatic properties of water at charged interfaces; and (3) the specific structural attributes of proton-translocating enzymes. The pulsed expts. revealed that proton exchange between the membrane surface and the bulk aq. phase takes as much as ∼1 ms, but could be accelerated by added mobile pH-buffers. Since the accelerating capacity of the latter decreases with an increase in their elec. charge, it has been concluded that the membrane surface is sepd. from the bulk aq. phase by a barrier of electrostatic nature. The barrier could arise owing to the water polarization at the neg. charged membrane surface. The barrier height depends linearly on the charge of penetrating ions; for protons, it has been estd. as ∼0.12 eV. While the proton exchange between the surface and the bulk aq. phase is retarded by the interfacial barrier, the proton diffusion along the membrane, between neighboring enzymes, takes only microseconds. The proton spreading over the membrane is facilitated by the H-bonded networks at the surface. The membrane-buried layers of these networks can eventually serve as a storage/buffer for protons (proton sponges). As the proton equilibration between the surface and the bulk aq. phase is slower than the lateral proton diffusion between the "sources" and "sinks", the proton activity at the membrane surface, as sensed by the energy-transducing enzymes at steady state, might deviate from that measured in the adjoining water phase. This trait should increase the driving force for ATP synthesis, esp. in the case of alkalophilic bacteria.
- 15Springer, A.; Hagen, V.; Cherepanov, D. A.; Antonenko, Y. N.; Pohl, P. Protons migrate along interfacial water without significant contributions from jumps between ionizable groups on the membrane surface. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011, 108 (35), 14461– 14466, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.110747610815 migrate along interfacial water without significant contributions from jumps between ionizable groups on the membrane surfaceSpringer, Andreas; Hagen, Volker; Cherepanov, Dmitry A.; Antonenko, Yuri N.; Pohl, PeterProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011), 108 (35), 14461-14466, S14461/1-S14461/3CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Proton diffusion along membrane surfaces is thought to be essential for many cellular processes such as energy transduction. Commonly, it is treated as a succession of jumps between membrane-anchored proton-binding sites. The authors' expts. provide evidence for an alternative model. The authors released membrane-bound caged protons by UV flashes and monitored their arrival at distant sites by fluorescence measurements. The kinetics of arrival were probed as a function of distance for different membranes and for different water isotopes. It was found that proton diffusion along the membrane was fast even in the absence of ionizable groups in the membrane, and it decreased strongly in D2O as compared to H2O. It was concluded that the fast proton transport along the membrane was dominated by diffusion via interfacial water, and not via ionizable lipid moieties.
- 16Smondyrev, A. M.; Voth, G. A. Molecular dynamics simulation of proton transport near the surface of a phospholipid membrane. Biophys. J. 2002, 82 (3), 1460– 1468, DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(02)75500-8There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 17Cherepanov, D. A.; Feniouk, B. A.; Junge, W.; Mulkidjanian, A. Y. Low dielectric permittivity of water at the membrane interface: Effect on the energy coupling mechanism in biological membranes. Biophys. J. 2003, 85 (2), 1307– 1316, DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74565-217 dielectric permittivity of water at the membrane interface: Effect on the energy coupling mechanism in biological membranesCherepanov, Dmitry A.; Feniouk, Boris A.; Junge, Wolfgang; Mulkidjanian, Armen Y.Biophysical Journal (2003), 85 (2), 1307-1316CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Biophysical Society)Protonmotive force (the transmembrane difference in electrochem. potential of protons, ΔμH+) drives ATP synthesis in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. It has remained unsettled whether the entropic (chem.) component of ΔμH+ relates to the difference in the proton activity between two bulk water phases (ΔpHB) or between two membrane surfaces (ΔpHS). To scrutinize whether ΔpHS can deviate from ΔpHB, we modeled the behavior of protons at the membrane/water interface. We made use of the surprisingly low dielec. permittivity of interfacial water as detd. by O.Teschke, G. Ceotto, and E. F. de Souza (O. Teschke, G. Ceotto, and E. F. de Sousa, 2001, Phys. Rev. E. 64:011605). Electrostatic calcns. revealed a potential barrier in the water phase some 0.5-1 nm away from the membrane surface. The barrier was higher for monovalent anions moving toward the surface (0.2-0.3 eV) than for monovalent cations (0.1-0.15 eV). By solving the Smoluchowski equation for protons spreading away from proton "pumps" at the surface, we found that the barrier could cause an elevation of the proton concn. at the interface. Taking typical values for the d. of proton pumps and for their turnover rate, we calcd. that a potential barrier of 0.12 eV yielded a steady-state pHS of ∼6.0; the value of pHS was independent of pH in the bulk water phase under neutral and alk. conditions. These results provide a rationale to solve the long-lasting problem of the seemingly insufficient protonmotive force in mesophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria.
- 18Tunuguntla, R.; Bangar, M.; Kim, K.; Stroeve, P.; Ajo-Franklin, C. M.; Noy, A. Lipid bilayer composition can influence the orientation of proteorhodopsin in artificial membranes. Biophys. J. 2013, 105 (6), 1388– 1396, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.07.04318 Bilayer Composition Can Influence the Orientation of Proteorhodopsin in Artificial MembranesTunuguntla, Ramya; Bangar, Mangesh; Kim, Kyunghoon; Stroeve, Pieter; Ajo-Franklin, Caroline M.; Noy, AleksandrBiophysical Journal (2013), 105 (6), 1388-1396CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Cell Press)Artificial membrane systems allow researchers to study the structure and function of membrane proteins in a matrix that approximates their natural environment and to integrate these proteins in ex vivo devices such as electronic biosensors, thin-film protein arrays, or biofuel cells. Given that most membrane proteins have vectorial functions, both functional studies and applications require effective control over protein orientation within a lipid bilayer. In this work, we explored the role of the bilayer surface charge in detg. transmembrane protein orientation and functionality during formation of proteoliposomes. We reconstituted a model vectorial ion pump, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes of opposite charges and varying charge densities and detd. the resultant protein orientation. Antibody-binding assay and proteolysis of proteoliposomes showed phys. evidence of preferential orientation, and functional assays verified the vectorial nature of ion transport in this system. Our results indicate that the manipulation of lipid compn. can indeed control orientation of an asym. charged membrane protein, proteorhodopsin, in liposomes.
- 19Vitrac, H.; Bogdanov, M.; Dowhan, W. In vitro reconstitution of lipid-dependent dual topology and postassembly topological switching of a membrane protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2013, 110 (23), 9338– 9343, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.130437511019 vitro reconstitution of lipid-dependent dual topology and postassembly topological switching of a membrane proteinVitrac, Heidi; Bogdanov, Mikhail; Dowhan, WilliamProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013), 110 (23), 9338-9343, S9338/1-S9338/9CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Phospholipids could exert their effect on membrane protein topol. either directly by interacting with topogenic signals of newly inserted proteins or indirectly by influencing the protein assembly machinery. In vivo lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli displays a mixt. of topol. conformations ranging from complete inversion of the N-terminal helical bundle to mixed topol. and then to completely native topol. as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is increased from 0% to 70% of membrane phospholipids. These topol. conformers are interconvertible by postassembly synthesis or diln. of PE in vivo. To investigate whether coexistence of multiple topol. conformers is dependent solely on the membrane lipid compn., we detd. the topol. organization of LacY in an in vitro proteoliposome system in which lipid compn. can be systematically controlled before (liposomes) and after (fliposomes) reconstitution using a lipid exchange technique. Purified LacY reconstituted into preformed liposomes of increasing PE content displayed inverted topol. at low PE and then a mixt. of inverted and proper topologies with the latter increasing with increasing PE until all LacY adopted its native topol. Interconversion between topol. conformers of LacY was obsd. in a PE dose-dependent manner by either increasing or decreasing PE levels in proteoliposomes postreconstitution of LacY, clearly demonstrating that membrane protein topol. can be changed simply by changing membrane lipid compn. independent of other cellular factors. The results provide a thermodn.-based lipid-dependent model for shifting the equil. between different conformational states of a membrane protein.
- 20Amati, A. M.; Graf, S.; Deutschmann, S.; Dolder, N.; von Ballmoos, C. Current problems and future avenues in proteoliposome research. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 2020, 48 (4), 1473– 1492, DOI: 10.1042/BST2019096620 problems and future avenues in proteoliposome researchAmati, Andrea Marco; Graf, Simone; Deutschmann, Sabina; Dolder, Nicolas; von Ballmoos, ChristophBiochemical Society Transactions (2020), 48 (4), 1473-1492CODEN: BCSTB5; ISSN:0300-5127. (Portland Press Ltd.)A review. Membrane proteins (MPs) are the gatekeepers between different biol. compartments sepd. by lipid bilayers. Being receptors, channels, transporters, or primary pumps, they fulfill a wide variety of cellular functions and their importance is reflected in the increasing no. of drugs that target MPs. Functional studies of MPs within a native cellular context, however, is difficult due to the innate complexity of the densely packed membranes. Over the past decades, detergent-based extn. and purifn. of MPs and their reconstitution into lipid mimetic systems has been a very powerful tool to simplify the exptl. system. In this review, we focus on proteoliposomes that have become an indispensable exptl. system for enzymes with a vectorial function, including many of the here described energy transducing MPs. We first address long standing questions on the difficulty of successful reconstitution and controlled orientation of MPs into liposomes. A special emphasis is given on coreconstitution of several MPs into the same bilayer. Second, we discuss recent progress in the development of fluorescent dyes that offer sensitive detection with high temporal resoln. Finally, we briefly cover the use of giant unilamellar vesicles for the investigation of complex enzymic cascades, a very promising exptl. tool considering our increasing knowledge of the interplay of different cellular components.
- 21Deutschmann, S.; Rimle, L.; von Ballmoos, C. Rapid Estimation of Membrane Protein Orientation in Liposomes. ChemBioChem 2021, 23, 202100543, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202100543There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 22Has, C.; Sunthar, P. A comprehensive review on recent preparation techniques of liposomes. J. Liposome Res. 2020, 30 (4), 336, DOI: 10.1080/08982104.2019.166801022 comprehensive review on recent preparation techniques of liposomesHas, C.; Sunthar, P.Journal of Liposome Research (2020), 30 (4), 336-365CODEN: JLREE7; ISSN:0898-2104. (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)A review Liposomes (or lipid vesicles) are a versatile platform as carriers for the delivery of the drugs and other macromols. into human and animal bodies. Though the method of using liposomes has been known since 1960s, and major developments and commercialization of liposomal formulations took place in the late nineties (or early part of this century), newer methods of liposome synthesis and drug encapsulation continue to be an active area of research. With the developments in related fields, such as electrohydrodynamics and microfluidics, and a growing understanding of the mechanisms of lipid assembly from colloidal and intermol. forces, liposome prepn. techniques have been enriched and more predictable than before. This has led to better methods that can also scale at an industrial prodn. level. In this review, we present several novel methods that were introduced over the last decade and compare their advantages over conventional methods. Researchers beginning to explore liposomal formulations will find this resource useful to give an overall direction for an appropriate choice of method. Where possible, we have also provided the known mechanisms behind the prepn. methods.
- 23Rigaud, J. L.; Pitard, B.; Levy, D. Reconstitution of membrane proteins into liposomes: application to energy-transducing membrane proteins. BBA - Bioenerg. 1995, 1231 (3), 223– 246, DOI: 10.1016/0005-2728(95)00091-VThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 24Nordlund, G.; Brzezinski, P.; Von Ballmoos, C. SNARE-fusion mediated insertion of membrane proteins into native and artificial membranes. Nat. Commun. 2014, 5 (1), 4303– 4308, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5303There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 25Björklöf, K.; Zickermann, V.; Finel, M. Purification of the 45 kDa, membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli (NDH-2) and analysis of its interaction with ubiquinone analogues. FEBS Lett. 2000, 467 (1), 105– 110, DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(00)01130-3There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 26Léger, C.; Heffron, K.; Pershad, H. R.; Maklashina, E.; Luna-Chavez, C.; Cecchini, G.; Ackrell, B. A. C.; Armstrong, F. A. Enzyme electrokinetics: Energetics of succinate oxidation by fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase. Biochemistry 2001, 40 (37), 11234– 11245, DOI: 10.1021/bi010889b26 electrokinetics: Energetics of succinate oxidation by fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenaseLeger, Christophe; Heffron, Kerensa; Pershad, Harsh R.; Maklashina, Elena; Luna-Chavez, Cesar; Cecchini, Gary; Ackrell, Brian A. C.; Armstrong, Fraser A.Biochemistry (2001), 40 (37), 11234-11245CODEN: BICHAW; ISSN:0006-2960. (American Chemical Society)Protein film voltammetry is used to probe the energetics of electron transfer and substrate binding at the active site of a respiratory flavoenzyme--the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase (FrdAB). The activity as a function of the electrochem. driving force is revealed in catalytic voltammograms, the shapes of which are interpreted using a Michaelis-Menten model that incorporates the potential dimension. Voltammetric expts. carried out at room temp. under turnover conditions reveal the redn. potentials of the FAD, the stability of the semiquinone, relevant protonation states, and pH-dependent succinate-enzyme binding consts. for all three redox states of the FAD. Fast-scan expts. in the presence of substrate confirm the value of the two-electron redn. potential of the FAD and show that product release is not rate limiting. The sequence of binding and protonation events over the whole catalytic cycle is deduced. Importantly, comparisons are made with the electrocatalytic properties of SDH, the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain of mitochondrial complex II.
- 27Schmid, R.; Gerloff, D. L. Functional properties of the alternative NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from E. coli through comparative 3-D modelling. FEBS Lett. 2004, 578 (1–2), 163– 168, DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2004.10.093There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 28Heikal, A.; Nakatani, Y.; Dunn, E.; Weimar, M. R.; Day, C. L.; Baker, E. N.; Lott, J. S.; Sazanov, L. A.; Cook, G. M. Structure of the bacterial type II NADH dehydrogenase: A monotopic membrane protein with an essential role in energy generation. Mol. Microbiol. 2014, 91 (5), 950– 964, DOI: 10.1111/mmi.1250728 of the bacterial type II NADH dehydrogenase: a monotopic membrane protein with an essential role in energy generationHeikal, Adam; Nakatani, Yoshio; Dunn, Elyse; Weimar, Marion R.; Day, Catherine L.; Baker, Edward N.; Lott, J. Shaun; Sazanov, Leonid A.; Cook, Gregory M.Molecular Microbiology (2014), 91 (5), 950-964CODEN: MOMIEE; ISSN:0950-382X. (Wiley-Blackwell)Non-proton pumping type II NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-2) plays a central role in the respiratory metab. of bacteria, and in the mitochondria of fungi, plants and protists. The lack of NDH-2 in mammalian mitochondria and its essentiality in important bacterial pathogens suggests these enzymes may represent a potential new drug target to combat microbial pathogens. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a bacterial NDH-2 enzyme at 2.5 Å resoln. from Caldalkalibacillus thermarum. The NDH-2 structure reveals a homodimeric organization that has a unique dimer interface. NDH-2 is localized to the cytoplasmic membrane by two sepd. C-terminal membrane-anchoring regions that are essential for membrane localization and FAD binding, but not NDH-2 dimerization. Comparison of bacterial NDH-2 with the yeast NADH dehydrogenase (Ndi1) structure revealed non-overlapping binding sites for quinone and NADH in the bacterial enzyme. The bacterial NDH-2 structure establishes a framework for the structure-based design of small-mol. inhibitors.
- 29Blaza, J. N.; Bridges, H. R.; Aragão, D.; Dunn, E. A.; Heikal, A.; Cook, G. M. The mechanism of catalysis by type-II NADH:quinone oxidoreductases. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 1– 11There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 30Wiedenmann, A.; Dimroth, P.; von Ballmoos, C. Δψ and ΔpH are equivalent driving forces for proton transport through isolated F0 complexes of ATP synthases. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2008, 1777 (10), 1301– 1310, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2008.06.008There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 31Toth, A.; Meyrat, A.; Stoldt, S.; Santiago, R.; Wenzel, D.; Jakobs, S.; von Ballmoos, C.; Ott, M. Kinetic coupling of the respiratory chain with ATP synthase, but not proton gradients, drives ATP production in cristae membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2020, 117 (5), 2412– 2421, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917968117There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 32Berg, J.; Block, S.; Höök, F.; Brzezinski, P. Single Proteoliposomes with E. coli Quinol Oxidase: Proton Pumping without Transmembrane Leaks. Isr. J. Chem. 2017, 57 (5), 437– 445, DOI: 10.1002/ijch.201600138There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 33Amati, A. M.; Moning, S. U.; Javor, S.; Schär, S.; Deutschmann, S.; Reymond, J. L.; von Ballmoos, C. Overcoming Protein Orientation Mismatch Enables Efficient Nanoscale Light-Driven ATP Production. ACS Synth. Biol. 2024, 13 (4), 1355– 1364, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.4c00058There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 34Ishmukhametov, R. R.; Russell, A. N.; Berry, R. M. A modular platform for one-step assembly of multi-component membrane systems by fusion of charged proteoliposomes. Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, 13025– 13110, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1302534 modular platform for one-step assembly of multi-component membrane systems by fusion of charged proteoliposomesIshmukhametov, Robert R.; Russell, Aidan N.; Berry, Richard M.Nature Communications (2016), 7 (), 13025CODEN: NCAOBW; ISSN:2041-1723. (Nature Publishing Group)An important goal in synthetic biol. is the assembly of biomimetic cell-like structures, which combine multiple biol. components in synthetic lipid vesicles. A key limiting assembly step is the incorporation of membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer of the vesicles. Here we present a simple method for delivery of membrane proteins into a lipid bilayer within 5 min. Fusogenic proteoliposomes, contg. charged lipids and membrane proteins, fuse with oppositely charged bilayers, with no requirement for detergent or fusion-promoting proteins, and deliver large, fragile membrane protein complexes into the target bilayers. We demonstrate the feasibility of our method by assembling a minimal electron transport chain capable of ATP (ATP) synthesis, combining Escherichia coli F1Fo ATP-synthase and the primary proton pump bo3-oxidase, into synthetic lipid vesicles with sizes ranging from 100 nm to ∼10μm. This provides a platform for the combination of multiple sets of membrane protein complexes into cell-like artificial structures.
- 35Ritzmann, N.; Thoma, J.; Hirschi, S.; Kalbermatter, D.; Fotiadis, D.; Müller, D. J. Fusion Domains Guide the Oriented Insertion of Light-Driven Proton Pumps into Liposomes. Biophys. J. 2017, 113 (6), 1181– 1186, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.06.02235 domains guide the oriented insertion of light-driven proton pumps into liposomesRitzmann, Noah; Thoma, Johannes; Hirschi, Stephan; Kalbermatter, David; Fotiadis, Dimitrios; Muller, Daniel J.Biophysical Journal (2017), 113 (6), 1181-1186CODEN: BIOJAU; ISSN:0006-3495. (Cell Press)One major objective of synthetic biol. is the bottom-up assembly of minimalistic nanocells consisting of lipid or polymer vesicles as architectural scaffolds and of membrane and sol. proteins as functional elements. However, there is no reliable method to orient membrane proteins reconstituted into vesicles. Here, we introduce a simple approach to orient the insertion of the light-driven proton pump proteorhodopsin (PR) into liposomes. To this end, we engineered red or green fluorescent proteins to the N- or C-terminus of PR, resp. The fluorescent proteins optically identified the PR constructs and guided the insertion of PR into liposomes with the unoccupied terminal end facing inward. Using the PR constructs, we generated proton gradients across the vesicle membrane along predefined directions such as are required to power (bio)chem. processes in nanocells. This approach may be adapted to direct the insertion of other membrane proteins into vesicles.
- 36Biner, O.; Schick, T.; Ganguin, A. A.; Von Ballmoos, C. Towards a synthetic mitochondrion. Chimia (Aarau). 2018, 72 (5), 291– 296, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2018.291There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 37Bailey, A. L.; Cullis, P. R. Modulation of Membrane Fusion by Asymmetric Transbilayer Distributions of Amino Lipids. Biochemistry 1994, 33 (42), 12573– 12580, DOI: 10.1021/bi00208a00737 of Membrane Fusion by Asymmetric Transbilayer Distributions of Amino LipidsBailey, Austin L.; Cullis, Pieter R.Biochemistry (1994), 33 (42), 12573-80CODEN: BICHAW; ISSN:0006-2960.The fusion of model lipid bilayers contg. synthetic amino lipids and the regulation of this fusion by inducing transbilayer asymmetry of these amino lipids via imposed pH gradients are demonstrated. Liposomes of 100 nm diam. consisting of 5 mol % 1,2-dioleoyl-3-(N,N-dimethylamino)propane (AL1) in a mixt. of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC), dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine(DOPE), and cholesterol in a ratio of 35:20:45 do not fuse at pH 4.0. Fusion also is not obsd. upon increasing the external pH of these vesicles to 7.5, which results in the rapid transport of AL1 to the inner monolayer, as measured by a fluorescent probe sensitive to surface charge. However, dissipation of the imposed pH gradient leads to redistribution of AL1 to the outer monolayer at pH 7.5 and causes liposomal fusion, as detected by fluorescent lipid-mixing assay and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The effect of varying the hydrocarbon structure of AL1 on the rate of fusion is demonstrated with five synthetic analogs, AL2-AL6. Higher rates of fusion occur with lipids contg. longer unsatd. acyl chains and with lower values of pKa for the membrane-bound amino lipids. Fusion is also assocd. with destabilization of the bilayer at pH 7.5, as indicated by the formation of the hexagonal HII phase.
- 38Galkin, M. A.; Russell, A. N.; Vik, S. B.; Berry, R. M.; Ishmukhametov, R. R. Detergent-free ultrafast reconstitution of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers using fusogenic complementary-charged proteoliposomes. J. Vis Exp 2018, 2018 (134), 1– 13, DOI: 10.3791/56909There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 39Fischer, S.; Etzold, C.; Turina, P.; Deckers-Hebestreit, G.; Altendorf, K.; Gräber, P. ATP Synthesis Catalyzed by the ATP Synthase of Escherichia coli Reconstituted into Liposomes. Eur. J. Biochem. 1994, 225 (1), 167– 172, DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1994.00167.xThere is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 40Paradies, G.; Paradies, V.; De Benedictis, V.; Ruggiero, F. M.; Petrosillo, G. Functional role of cardiolipin in mitochondrial bioenergetics. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2014, 1837 (4), 408– 417, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2013.10.006There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 41Duzgunes, N.; Goldstein, J. A.; Friend, D. S.; Felgner, P. L. Fusion of Liposomes Containing a Novel Cationic Lipid, N-[2,3-(Dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium: Induction by Multivalent Anions and Asymmetric Fusion with Acidic Phospholipid Vesicles. Biochemistry 1989, 28 (23), 9179– 9184, DOI: 10.1021/bi00449a033There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 42Bailoni, E.; Poolman, B. ATP Recycling Fuels Sustainable Glycerol 3-Phosphate Formation in Synthetic Cells Fed by Dynamic Dialysis. ACS Synth. Biol. 2022, 11 (7), 2348– 2360, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.2c0007542 Recycling Fuels Sustainable Glycerol 3-Phosphate Formation in Synthetic Cells Fed by Dynamic DialysisBailoni, Eleonora; Poolman, BertACS Synthetic Biology (2022), 11 (7), 2348-2360CODEN: ASBCD6; ISSN:2161-5063. (American Chemical Society)The bottom-up construction of an autonomously growing, self-reproducing cell represents a great challenge for synthetic biol. Synthetic cellular systems are envisioned as out-of-equil. enzymic networks encompassed by a selectively open phospholipid bilayer allowing for protein-mediated communication; internal metabolite recycling is another key aspect of a sustainable metab. Importantly, gaining tight control over the external medium is essential to avoid thermodn. equil. due to nutrient depletion or waste buildup in a closed compartment (e.g., a test tube). Implementing a sustainable strategy for phospholipid biosynthesis is key to expanding the cellular boundaries. However, phospholipid biosynthesis is currently limited by substrate availability, e.g., of glycerol 3-phosphate, the essential core of phospholipid headgroups. Here, we reconstitute an enzymic network for sustainable glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis inside large unilamellar vesicles. We exploit the Escherichia coli glycerol kinase GlpK to synthesize glycerol 3-phosphate from externally supplied glycerol. We fuel phospholipid headgroup formation by sustainable L-arginine breakdown. In addn., we design and characterize a dynamic dialysis setup optimized for synthetic cells, which is used to control the external medium compn. and to achieve sustainable glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis.
- 43Abramson, J.; Riistama, S.; Larsson, G.; Jasaitis, A.; Svensson-ek, M.; Laakkonen, L. The structure of the ubiquinol oxidase from Escherichia coli and its ubiquinone binding site. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2000, 7 (10), 910– 917, DOI: 10.1038/82824There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 44Gao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Hakke, S.; Mohren, R.; Sijbers, L. J. P. M.; Peters, P. J.; Ravelli, R. B. Cryo-EM structure of cytochrome bo3 quinol oxidase assembled in peptidiscs reveals an “open” conformation for potential ubiquinone-8 release. Biochim Biophys Acta - Bioenerg 2024, 1865 (3), 149045, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2024.149045There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 45Li, J.; Han, L.; Vallese, F.; Ding, Z.; Choi, S. K.; Hong, S.; Luo, Y.; Liu, B.; Chan, C. K.; Tajkhorshid, E. Cryo-EM structures of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo 3 reveal bound phospholipids and ubiquinone-8 in a dynamic substrate binding site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2021, 118 (34), e2106750118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.210675011845 structures of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo3 reveal bound phospholipids and ubiquinone-8 in a dynamic substrate binding siteLi, Jiao; Han, Long; Vallese, Francesca; Ding, Ziqiao; Choi, Sylvia K.; Hong, Sangjin; Luo, Yanmei; Liu, Bin; Chan, Chun Kit; Tajkhorshid, Emad; Zhu, Jiapeng; Clarke, Oliver; Zhang, Kai; Gennis, RobertProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2021), 118 (34), e2106750118CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424. (National Academy of Sciences)Two independent structures of the proton-pumping, respiratory cytochrome bo3 ubiquinol oxidase (cyt bo3) have been detd. by cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) in styrene-maleic acid (SMA) copolymer nanodiscs and in membrane scaffold protein (MSP) nanodiscs to 2.55- and 2.19-Å resoln., resp. The structures include the metal redox centers (heme b, heme o3, and CuB), the redox-active cross-linked histidine-tyrosine cofactor, and the internal water mols. in the proton-conducting D channel. Each structure also contains one equiv. of ubiquinone-8 (UQ8) in the substrate binding site as well as several phospholipid mols. The isoprene side chain of UQ8 is clamped within a hydrophobic groove in subunit I by transmembrane helix TM0, which is only present in quinol oxidases and not in the closely related cytochrome c oxidases. Both structures show carbonyl O1 of the UQ8 headgroup hydrogen bonded to D75I and R71I. In both structures, residue H98I occupies two conformations. In conformation 1, H98I forms a hydrogen bond with carbonyl O4 of the UQ8 headgroup, but in conformation 2, the imidazole side chain of H98I has flipped to form a hydrogen bond with E14I at the N-terminal end of TM0. We propose that H98I dynamics facilitate proton transfer from ubiquinol to the periplasmic aq. phase during oxidn. of the substrate. Computational studies show that TM0 creates a channel, allowing access of water to the ubiquinol headgroup and to H98I.
- 46von Heijne, G. Control of topology and mode ofassembly of a polytopicmembrane protein bypositively charged residues. Nature 1989, 341 (6241), 456– 458, DOI: 10.1038/341456a0There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 47von Heijne, G.; Gavel, Y. Topogenic signals in integral membrane proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 1988, 174 (4), 671– 678, DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1988.tb14150.x47 signals in integral membrane proteinsVon Heijne, Gunnar; Gavel, YlvaEuropean Journal of Biochemistry (1988), 174 (4), 671-8CODEN: EJBCAI; ISSN:0014-2956.Integral membrane proteins are characterized by long apolar segments that cross the lipid bilayer. Polar domains flanking these apolar segments have a more balanced amino acid compn., typical for sol. proteins. It is shown that the apolar segments from 3 different kinds of membrane-assembly signals do not differ significantly in amino acid content, but that the inside/outside location of the polar domains correlates strongly with their content of arginyl and lysyl residues, not only for bacterial inner-membrane proteins, but also for eukaryotic proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, the plasma membrane, the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. A pos.-inside rule thus seems to apply universally to all integral membrane proteins, with apolar regions targeting for membrane integration and charged residues providing the topol. information.
- 48Von Heijne, G. Membrane-protein topology. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 2006, 7 (12), 909– 918, DOI: 10.1038/nrm206348 topologyvon Heijne, GunnarNature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2006), 7 (12), 909-918CODEN: NRMCBP; ISSN:1471-0072. (Nature Publishing Group)A review. In the world of membrane proteins, topol. defines an important halfway house between the amino-acid sequence and the fully folded three-dimensional structure. Although the concept of membrane-protein topol. dates back at least 30 years, recent advances in the field of translocon-mediated membrane-protein assembly, proteome-wide studies of membrane-protein topol. and an exponentially growing no. of high-resoln. membrane-protein structures have given us a deeper understanding of how topol. is detd. and of how it evolves.
- 49Veit, S.; Paweletz, L. C.; Bohr, S. S. R.; Menon, A. K.; Hatzakis, N. S.; Pomorski, T. G. Single Vesicle Fluorescence-Bleaching Assay for Multi-Parameter Analysis of Proteoliposomes by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (26), 29659– 29667, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c07454There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 50Rumbley, J. N.; Nickels, E. F.; Gennis, R. B. One-step purification of histidine-tagged cytochrome bo3 from Escherichia coli and demonstration that associated quinone is not required for the structural integrity of the oxidase. Biochim Biophys Acta - Protein Struct Mol. Enzymol. 1997, 1340 (1), 131– 142, DOI: 10.1016/s0167-4838(97)00036-8There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 51Yap, L. L.; Samoilova, R. I.; Gennis, R. B.; Dikanov, S. A. Characterization of mutants that change the hydrogen bonding of the semiquinone radical at the QH site of the cytochrome bo3 from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282 (12), 8777– 8785, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m611595200There is no corresponding record for this reference.
- 52Warren, G. B.; Toon, P. A.; Birdsall, N. J. M.; Lee, A. G.; Metcalfe, J. C. Reconstitution of a calcium pump using defined membrane components. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1974, 71 (3), 622– 626, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.71.3.62252 of a calcium pump using defined membrane componentsWarren, G. B.; Toon, Penelope A.; Birdsall, N. J. M.; Lee, A. G.; Metcalfe, J. C.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1974), 71 (3), 622-6CODEN: PNASA6; ISSN:0027-8424.A (Mg2+ + Ca2+ [7440-70-2])-dependent ATPase [9000-83-3] was purified using a single-step centrifugation procedure. The prepn. was >95% pure by wt. and contained only 25-30% of the lipid assocd. with the enzyme in native sarcoplasmic reticulum. The purified enzyme was unable to accumulate Ca2+. Using a sedimentation-substitution technique, >98% of the lipid assocd. with the purified enzyme would be replaced by dioleoyl lecithin [68737-67-7] without grossly affecting the ATPase activity of the enzyme. The Ca2+ pump could be restored to this dioleoyl lecithin-substituted enzyme by addn. of excess sarcoplasmic reticulum lipids in the presence of cholate. Removal of the cholate by dialysis generated a system which accumulated Ca2+ at a rate and to a level comparable to native sarcoplasmic reticulum. Significant reconstitution of the Ca2+ pump was also achieved using excess dioleoyl lecithin, but since the full expression of the capacity to accumulate Ca2+ required the presence of oxalate, these vesicles would appear to be more leaky than those reconstituted with an excess of sarcoplasmic reticulum lipids. Of ∼90 lipid mols. which are assocd. with 1 mol. of ATPase in native sarcoplasmic reticulum, an av. of <1 lipid mol. remained in these reconstituted systems. Thus, a fully functional Ca2+ pump contg. essentially a single protein and exogenous lipid has been achieved.
- 53Nanda, J. S., Lorsch, J. R. Labeling of a Protein with Fluorophores Using Maleimide Derivitization. 1st ed. Vol. 536, Labeling of a Protein with Fluorophores Using Maleimide Derivitization. Elsevier Inc.; 2014. 79– 86 p, DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-420070-8.00007-6 ,There is no corresponding record for this reference.
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Results showing titrations of synthetic respiratory chain components; labeling specificity; impact of coreconstitution on enzyme orientation; influence of positively charged lipids on coupled ATP synthesis; ATP synthesis with varying amounts of bo3 oxidase while having constant ATP synthase; stability measurements; and comparison of Q8 and Q10 as an electron mediator in the presented system (PDF)
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