A Counter-Current Parallel-Plate Membrane Denuder for the Non-Specific Removal of Trace GasesClick to copy article linkArticle link copied!
In this paper we present a counter-current parallel-plate membrane diffusion denuder for the non-specific removal of trace gases from an air flow. In this design, gaseous pollutants are removed by diffusing from a sample channel to two purge channels by crossing microporous membranes. In the laboratory, at a sample flow rate of 5 L/min and purge flow rates of 5 L/min each, gas removal efficiencies ranged from 84% for CO to 72% for SF6. Removal efficiencies increased with lower sample flow rate, a higher sample to purge flow rate ratio, a longer channel length, and using molecules with higher diffusion coefficient. Removal efficiencies were, however, not affected by the sample channel height. In addition, gas penetration was exponentially associated with the product of channel length, diffusion coefficient, and the inverse of sample flow rate. Particle losses were significant (10−25% losses) only for particles smaller than 50 nm. In a field evaluation, the denuder's performance was tested with an aerosol produced in a photochemical chamber. The denuder's performance was similar to that observed in the laboratory and was stable over time. Finally, the denuder was tested with a semivolatile organic aerosol. Particle mass losses due to volatilization were about 30%.
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