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Information for Authors



ACS Publications uses CrossCheck's iThenticate software to detect instances of similarity in submitted manuscripts. Your manuscript may be screened for similarity to published material. Learn more.

Authors are encouraged to use the Environmental Science & Technology Document Templates below for preparing manuscripts for submission as well as for preparing final, accepted manuscripts.

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a graphic to be published on the Table of Contents. See the Author Guidelines section on Table of Contents Graphics for more information

The accuracy and correct formatting of the References are the responsibility of the author(s). Refer to the Literature Citation Sample [PDF] and The ACS Style Guide for the correct format.

Please read about Suggesting Reviewers before proceeding to the submission site.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the appropriate Submission Checklist before beginning a manuscript submission to ensure they have assembled all of the items needed for a successful submission to Environmental Science & Technology.

See also How to Submit a Manuscript for complete information on acceptable software, preparing and submitting manuscripts using TeX/LaTeX, correct preparation of graphics, etc.

Manuscript Transfer Service

Sometimes an ACS journal editor finds that a submitted manuscript is more suitable for a different ACS journal. The Manuscript Transfer Service allows the author(s) to transfer the manuscript and submission details to another ACS journal without restarting the entire submission process. See complete description.

Document Templates

While authors are encouraged to use a template, it is not mandatory. The template facilitates the peer review process by allowing authors to place artwork and tables close to the point where they are discussed within the text.

This template is not specific for all ACS journals. Please read and conform to the Author Guidelines for the specific journal.

Use U.S. Letter (8 1/2" by 11") paper size setting in the word processing program as the original document page size for preparation of all manuscripts. Do not use A4 or other size paper settings.

Styles for TeX/LaTeX

Special instructions and the achemso style package are available for authors Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts Using TeX/LaTeX.


Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows | README file [PDF]


Microsoft Word 2011 for Macintosh


A known issue with old versions of Internet Explorer causes problems when downloading Word 2010 templates. Upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 or the most recent version of FireFox or Google Chrome is recommended.