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Approximate single-valued representations of multivalued potential energy surfaces
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    Approximate single-valued representations of multivalued potential energy surfaces
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    The Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88, 21, 4887–4891
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    Published October 1, 1984

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    This article is cited by 109 publications.

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    57. Tak-San Ho, Timothy Hollebeek, Herschel Rabitz, Sheng Der Chao, Rex T. Skodje, Alexander S. Zyubin, Alexander M. Mebel. A globally smooth ab initio potential surface of the 1 A′ state for the reaction S(1D)+H2. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2002, 116 (10) , 4124-4134.
    58. B. Bussery-Honvault, P. Honvault, J.-M. Launay. A study of the C(1D)+H2→CH+H reaction: Global potential energy surface and quantum dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 115 (23) , 10701-10708.
    59. K. Efstathiou, G. Contopoulos. Orbits in the H2O molecule. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 2001, 11 (2) , 327-334.
    60. F. J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, J. F. Castillo, B. Martı́nez-Haya, Marcelo P. de Miranda. The stereodynamics of the O(1D)+HD reaction on the ground 1 1A′ and excited 1 1A″ potential energy surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 114 (19) , 8328-8338.
    61. Alexander S. Zyubin, Alexander M. Mebel, Sheng Der Chao, Rex T. Skodje. Reaction dynamics of S(1D)+H2/D2 on a new ab initio potential surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 114 (1) , 320-330.
    62. Kirk A Peterson. An accurate global ab initio potential energy surface for the X 1A′ electronic state of HOBr. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2000, 113 (11) , 4598-4612.
    63. George C. Schatz. Fitting Potential Energy Surfaces. 2000, 15-32.
    64. Susan Troutman Lee, James M. Farrar. Vibrational state-resolved study of the O−+H2 reaction: Isotope effects on the product energy partitioning. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1999, 111 (16) , 7348-7358.
    65. Kirk A. Peterson, Sergei Skokov, Joel M. Bowman. A theoretical study of the vibrational energy spectrum of the HOCl/HClO system on an accurate ab initio potential energy surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1999, 111 (16) , 7446-7456.
    66. P. Jimeno, M. D. Gray, G. G. Balint-Kurti. Ab initio potential energy surface for the ground (2A′) state of H+SiO and rotationally inelastic collision cross sections for circumstellar H+SiO collisions. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1999, 111 (11) , 4966-4975.
    67. Karen Drukker, George C. Schatz. Quantum scattering study of electronic Coriolis and nonadiabatic coupling effects in O(1D)+H2→OH+H. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1999, 111 (6) , 2451-2463.
    68. Philip J. Kuntz. Diatomics-in-molecules applied to solid hydrogen doped with. Chemical Physics 1999, 240 (1-2) , 19-38.
    69. A. J. C. Varandas, A. I. Voronin, P. J. S. B. Caridade. Energy switching approach to potential surfaces. III. Three-valued function for the water molecule. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1998, 108 (18) , 7623-7630.
    70. M. Alagia, N. Balucani, L. Cartechini, P. Casavecchia, E. H. van Kleef, G. G. Volpi, P. J. Kuntz, J. J. Sloan. Crossed molecular beams and quasiclassical trajectory studies of the reaction O(1D)+H2(D2). The Journal of Chemical Physics 1998, 108 (16) , 6698-6708.
    71. A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, M. Brouard, V.J. Herrero, J.P. Simons. Classical reaction probabilities, cross sections and rate constants for the O(1D) + H2 → OH + H reaction. Chemical Physics Letters 1997, 278 (4-6) , 313-324.
    72. Yen-Tsung Hsu, Jeng-Han Wang, Kopin Liu. Reaction dynamics of O(1D)+H2, D2, and HD: Direct evidence for the elusive abstraction pathway and the estimation of its branching. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 107 (7) , 2351-2356.
    73. George C. Schatz, Anastasios Papaioannou, Lisa A. Pederson, Lawrence B. Harding, Timothy Hollebeek, Tak-San Ho, Herschel Rabitz. A global A-state potential surface for H2O: Influence of excited states on the O(1D)+H2 reaction. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 107 (7) , 2340-2350.
    74. A. J. C. Varandas. Energy switching approach to potential surfaces. II. Two-valued function for the water molecule. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 107 (3) , 867-878.
    75. Timothy Hollebeek, Tak-San Ho, Herschel Rabitz. A fast algorithm for evaluating multidimensional potential energy surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 106 (17) , 7223-7227.
    76. Tak-San Ho, Timothy Hollebeek, Herschel Rabitz, Lawrence B. Harding, George C. Schatz. A global H2O potential energy surface for the reaction O(1 D )+H2→OH+H. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1996, 105 (23) , 10472-10486.
    77. B. Nizamov, D. W. Setser, H. Wang, G. H. Peslherbe, W. L. Hase. Quasiclassical trajectory calculations for the OH( X  2Π) and OD( X  2Π)+HBr reactions: Energy partitioning and rate constants. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1996, 105 (22) , 9897-9911.
    78. A. J. C. Varandas. Energy switching approach to potential surfaces: An accurate single-valued function for the water molecule. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1996, 105 (9) , 3524-3531.
    79. A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, J.P. Simons. Product state-resolved stereodynamics: quasiclassical study of the reaction () + (ν′, j′) +. Chemical Physics Letters 1996, 256 (6) , 561-568.
    80. Kumi Yunoki, Atsumu Tezaki, Keiichi Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Matsui. Insertion vs. Abstraction in the Reactions of NH(a1Δ, v = 0, 1) with H2 and D2. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 1996, 69 (5) , 1195-1199.
    81. Gunnar Nyman. Quantum scattering calculations on the NH3+OH→NH2+H2O reaction. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1996, 104 (16) , 6154-6167.
    82. Ranajit K. Talukdar, A.R. Ravishankara. Rate coefficients for O(1D) + H2, D2, HD reactions and H atom yield in O(1D) + HD reaction. Chemical Physics Letters 1996, 253 (1-2) , 177-183.
    83. G. Nyman. Effects of OH Rotation on the CH4 + OH → CH3 + H2O Reaction. 1996, 223-230.
    84. Tong Peng, Dong H. Zhang, John Z.H. Zhang, Reinhard Schinke. Reaction of () + → + . A three-dimensional quantum dynamics study. Chemical Physics Letters 1996, 248 (1-2) , 37-42.
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    The Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Cite this: J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88, 21, 4887–4891
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    Published October 1, 1984

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